THE T16-WEEK LY nERALiD $15 Dollars for 3 Ifnthsol Devoted to the Disseminat OB of General Information. [Sigle Copies $1 00 $V5OLUars fo 3nSDAtYh APRIL VC)LIMIE I. N1EWB3ERRY,S C.. TUEDY API E5 85-NME 6 THE TRI-WEEKLY, HERALD IS PUBLISED AT NEWBERRY C. U Eyery Tuasday, Thursiay and Satnrday, By Thos. F. & 3. H. Greneker Terrs-$15 for three months, in adviance. Ad rertisemneats inserted at the ra:e of '5.for first lnsertior, of twelve lines or less, and f4 for suo sequent insertion. C0tt0Ii. It is a singular anomaly of th war that cot ton has proved at once our best and worst friend. Its absence from the markets of tic world has stirred the great heart of manufac tures and commerce-has stimulated exertions -in all countries to pro.!uce a suiiable euiva lent, but without reward-has caused starva tipn, suffering, and death, aini iim brief, proven, as has been so ofte asserted, that our cotton is king- Scant a our supply through the blockade hae been, it has bi-ought to us the material for clothing our soldiers, for sto-kmg our machine shop,, filiing our la)orator,s,. building ou- Fioridas and Alabams, anId re lieving our most grievous ncez-sitines. It has drawn to us the attentiAn of the commercial world, to whotm we were before appal i a terra incogtita, and, in -.omnbinztion other aids, has wrought for us a nixture Ot moral and sellsh sy%latly tht uy here ter play its, part in Our independence. -o this exter.t O-ur 1:ivg has not been1 unwort.v ,f his throne. 3lt wihen we see bale r.fter bale going into the hasof the ent'y. ta -an his mills or be.sold for tw,) inwred (Ldo; lars in gold, and be placedo lii creit Ab m -then we are tol(d that his failing credit i- sos tained only by these spaSmo:c recuprsICnk thr(oug. (ar Southern speeilic; when we are nsured th'c,b e the fil of 'Savrnlah the Yankee bubb!e was ready for the bursting. and that the twenty-five tIou)no b;ues of cotton -there c %npire.i er e utieint to ke it i:tact nother yCr ;wh we ren:ember that il-ti panic af Ie jt was no -- but Southern cotton. 1i', s e he coutry r r1om bani2k uptar, :~' the No h i r avor ing to m:*e it do , the arme in ) e say thit comt.i en h i e t rom mon du tv. E'V2V;ry 'auW: uu i 1 o41nter )i e wh%!,Il reaches thL No-th, bi- f tion, Cee or tobaWco, th r aronnaiu r 0 c.T These..are conicalents of goi tle world over nn ex-c;ptli:n its piIch-beek\ m~Iauo:ttore, M 'M I the on!v eqILh ch e Wh'01 Cn'. 1.e. Lient'i the en l a or .; to obt:i n the n - ' e swalrms of spcCulators wn the heel oL_ every Urmyv-the beic'volent shij.-loads oi L.o.t0n1 crackers, and .wraitable Christianu gertuemeni in imacunte oinck, whoi) pra you out f purg.torv with one hand antd pic your pcket viih the otler. Viewed in qh: i* ht-1a'd t 1. not a nove! -0ne-it is a 0onder~ th::t the SUbCj2ct ha~s been dig:-;led w "ie.h a tieSntme wothy cf a nei:t.. Aier t e fal o' Sv, , a more strmnuous po icy was adoipte by t-! Govern ment, it is tru- ; but unesz the ers a!;d OrS Of the staple : themt ler _, h::nd, and deterine that the South .a;l " lo:-aer e:tibte to pa theC expenses to time a ' epe.ntin of the mnortifyi*1g caIptme at S-lannalfh, win a il brunikt r re.snits to o!2rselVes and(~ v ll consejn.:es to t er enemy. Let. orng ra fr-n:ot aganL - us.-Ches~tcr CarouCI . Ns\ r~' .mTAe.-It oes n o good. Sonme sins have a secinlf: comp'enlsa:on or :apology, a present gratitication of some sort; but ange~--r has none. A mnan,leels nou better ior it. It.1 really a tormenat; and u~ hen the storm of pas sion~has cleared awaym, it leaves hin to se that hs has been a foo!; and he has made him * selt a fooi in the eyes of others, too.V Who thinke. well of an ill-na tured man, who has- -t o be approach-e' in the most ga arded anid cau tious war ? W ho e ishes him f>r a neighbor, or a partei in busieS.s? He keeps all about 1,dm in the same state of mind as if they were living next to a hornet's nest or a rabid ami mal. And as to prosnemity in busnoess, one gets along no Letter for getting- a".try. \\Xnat if busines~s isperplexing, and everyuning 'goes by contrarnes,' will a lit of pys-.ian nnke the wJmas morec propitio)us, the grou.nd more pro ~doctive, the mark ets more favorable ? Will :t bad temper draw customers, pay nrotes, and make creditors better natured y An angry man adds notning to the welfare of societj. Since, then. angeris uselesa,gneedless, disgraceful, writhout the last apology, an~d found only ':m the bosom of fools,' wby :Thould it be indulged iat :.11~ There has been a snow storm in the Soeth of: -ance, suchi as bas not been known before in .: ~..o: a - &eve!re wer otbY An ArRansas wartli Resentmmnt-Givinm5 a Fellow the Sack. A green, awk ard girl, the d.auhtcr of wealthy parents in~ Arkansas, .brng coMe to -.--, Massachusetts, t> be educated, a young dentist, nnmedcI Brown, conceived a notion that his shoitest roaI to fortune would be to mar rv her. But then she was the laugning stock ef the seminary, because she was so anunt, masculine, anid ungente~I in he:- dress, -und lrown felt that it woulI require all his n,rve to Etand the ridicule of scveral of the 3 oun, nun"ils with whoin he had flirted until he was satisfied that they had no money or_ epecta tion of arv. However, he cm.nsoled'himself with the re flection that lie should speedily obtain influence enough over her to enable h-im to becorne, im m measure, her advi.,r in the manner of cos te, manner,ietc. iie fOremost though .ts to amnend her long, lank fOrm, b: the -:id of clinIoliine, whic: she had never worn. and hi fPttery i:ad 110 sooner secured lim a conf6den ti-l !"ace in Ler good graces, hcfre he ventir ed to make her a preent of a patent skirt or sack, together with a hinlt to fix up p-rettV handsomely~for a bail, to which he had invited her. The r-ht arrivcd, thc pairty were assemb led %nd the Aikansa, dlonei made her grand etitree from tie hdie'dressing-romn, aiid th1e titter and laoughtcr from the School-girls I d -:ihr belles. Tie i cap-sack was5 shloermgIy out of sha-o, pr-ecting in Fnit ' e th spout ing horn ov N1hant ; hut at was to the ex n e it m ade of s11me. hNt mIeong ous b!e 'hose.the uition of whLich 0 1ere somewhat au" by, the yellow rosettes of her white satin slippers trl sze) enas inl- *er d(!icate ftet. To complete Brwn' horror, her.x hld anId fre k e, face %e .Z, I. ' t p:.fs ;Sion of green and yellow bror nos.f re ini.anded to do ex ceentiOnl:l be:mat, n rs .huider tha 'i. cy, the. d pointed dentist N ent thrinuh the t dnice v.Ifh ir, taki;g litclu or na p', to concl his di go'ist, and ten hun iCd a to tae ist roomi to eseipe the corhts 'nd sdre.stic ridicule of his Old fnaies. The rn.nrtu oar r, was e1-r it, was tven v 'Ae: hn in fu n1ed oi i .sed her to v i l tne .ack," i. e., dis mizss hiin nt ce. 'd be d dotte eI don't do i 'c th1C i'u" cro.L," he replied in a boilig pas 5-.:d making for the. dress ing-roo, and W Cd 1 ed by a v bevy of Iau- nr jiris, soon0 en:ergSd agiin 0ih the hoop- .ack i. her hand, and threw it at Brown' 1 *,, vou nen, -no'.i for nothiilg shke 0ot ol d sa T S AC voor 01,1 ,Ak and war it voni,and eff I k h ) yo 1peakng to e a:n, 1 : ye n ithin an ich 0' yer i ; vC 'd t bliee it." Re(rs : f ughlter f: we: 1t8 spi-ited con duct, a toothlod w:.- ia to mae his es cne. The nest .iay be 'ft the vilage. and has not returtned to it. TnE Arkans g cimie a pt, and il e-a very re:ct: . Appearance m somety A new Lb,sador, L-r S. w.ose tact wa hi-ly yul:.n of, :irrived at tu .,art of Lo;is ,i . T h e . in g , w iN -L n o t e s t ry ivited hi to a shXt' pairte. At the ma mIei of stairting to d:ive to the wood, the .;Ii ian btie, ye him! 4he.p:ecedence, et inob the carriamrg .Mons ir l'm b:.woe:."Lord S. hi not w-dt to be t ud .id: ituempiti/ to ;eeli::ue soa ret an' '1r, heC tb,I0 a c ; 3.OuC thus tre.aLug tie royais ma itti10 as an order w hich lhe tuas not permiit ted even to discuss. The King, wiho- wasi the soi test maun of is day, perfictlyiiP' aprcintedI the nw1.vC, and reamaked wi:! a smlih.e "Deci dei . Lord S, i..; a well b:e miuan."' It is~ often, therefore, the truest politeness s i;nply to do what you areo recsted to do. JEdge Wiiley~~as he waseallel, was once presiding i a uutn onywe legal bully attemupted to mift1idate .ii. Thomsoni having succeeded in "pack:ng a j ur" to suit h:5 is urose turned his attenutoui to the court and rentarked: "If your honor pleasec, here is the law which~governls this case," at the same tiue drim a Tow ie-kife of an unuosua! siz. at layn t It ore him') across anl opien book. "IForewar ned, fore-utrimed,'" sid Judge 'Ni er nd drawing from beneath his hunin'g hi t, not acolt ijut a horse pistoi, lie very cahly re(i(ined: 4 "This 'sir, is the constitution and is para moun'. to) the .law." Mr. Thomson peaceably acquiesced.. A New York paper states that the famous Jenni0s estate, which has b,een in the, Englhish Chiancery Court for many years, has ac mzl.t been turned over to the American claimants-One of wh:n settled in Virgiil:i and the other im New iamphire. The property is ea'mt.e as wort.a Rules for Home EdurAtIon. The fj!Lving are worthy of being printed i n leittrs of ,oid and being placeI in a con SpICUOUS pC.i!1iO in every household: 3. From vour-chi!dren's earliest infancy in cu.lfe the necessity of instant ohedience. 2. Unite firnness with gentleness. Let your children always uuderstand that you mean exactiv what you say. 3.Nver p~romise them anything unless you are sure you can .give them what you 4. IF you tell a child to do anything show hi.m how to do it, and see that it is done. 5. Always punish yAr children for willful ly dlisobeying you, but never punish in anger. 6. Never let then perceive that they can vex you, ur mak2 you lose your self-coimand. If thwy give way to petalance and tem per, wnit tiN tihey are calin, and gently reason W:ILih ther on the impror-iety of their con duct. S. Remember that a little present punish rent, wh-n the occasion arise.-, is n1iUCL1 .nore tffectual than the threatening of a greater nunishment should the fault be renewed. 9. Never give your children anything be. e~tse they crv for it. i' . On nd account allow them to do at one tinie wht you have forbidden, under the like ctCirumstanc, at another. 111.' Tvach them that the only sure and easy wa. to tppe.r good is to be good. 12. Ack%ustt-m- them to inake their little recital.:s the perfect truth. 1. Nu:er allow of talc-bearing. 14. Teach them that selfderil, not self inci.uIgence, is the appointed and sure method Co.r is Dyi-c, Mms-Ts..-A!bbot de SVernot, in his Nistory of the. Rcvolutions -in Prtuga-, ves the foilowing, as an instance (.f mitropidO aid greatnes., ol soul displayed by Muley Moluc in his dying moments. ~ When Dor Sebastian, Kiog of Po'tugal, had invaGdd the territories of Muly Mulue, pero If Moroen, in order to dethrone , is nc-iew, was wea:ig away with List'cr wlich he bilnself knew vwas incra SIlowever, he prepa-,ed fOr the recepion of*:- forn.i-Nabe an eeiny. le was indeed So r.irnt-witn his sickness, that ne diu not e.xmct to live out the whole day, when the hit deciive attl was given; but kinowiing the ti consequenccs that would happen to iis chide and peoile, in case he should die before he pta an end to th-.t war, he com mandc:l hs p:incipal ofliters thir, if he died during the Cngagem.ent, they should conceal his death froifi the army, and ;h-4 they should ride un) to the litter in which his corpse wa.. carried. under pretence of receiving orders fron him as usual. Before the battle begun, hwas carried throLIgh lil the ranks of his army i all open iitter, as they stood drawn up in array,encouraging themn to fight valiant ly i- defence of religion -wA- country. 1 indir- aftewrds the battle to go against hin, I h"o he was very near his last agonies, ho thirz.y himn out of his iitter, and remed hiJ armv arnd led them on to the charge whieb a;lerwgrds ended in a comilete victw:-y o:, te side of the Moors. Ile had no soo.r bou r i. men to the engagement, than fin.d ng himsef utterly spent, he was :ig-n re pacedi i: his litter ; where, laying his 'finger on his~ mouth, to enjoin se'crecy to his oflicers, whostod about hi:n, he died a few moments after in that posture. A gerdtieman walking- -near Oxford, was met by some students of the University, one of v,i bm sidressed him with, Goi .d moring Father Abraham. I am a a t Father At,rahami, said he. Go muorniing Father Isaac, said a second. ! "nm not Father Isaac, was the reply. God morning Father Jacob, said a trd. I am neithjer Abrah2am, Isaac, nor Jacob, bn: :ml o of xish, who went out to seek ni.; I,ather' s a and lo! I bare found them. W oMAN's AFF.c-Tio-'y:e all'ection of a wo mai is deeply'I phautedi in her bo. m', and though it may i tno be conspicu1ous amoid the sunshmne of lie Yet wh1)eni the dark clouds lowe r, a:;d danier o dilnieuty menace's the obijet of her attnch mem is Galde feeling stands forthi revealed, an 'eis a. tone to every' a*on. It is this deep. ednug feeling that uirges her to attempt deeds fromi which the so'fl of man would shrin's It xa been well said maa may indeed write ,on cosacy, but houw truly can woaa act it!" T" Ho-r Brrn I3TIsra:en.-A. poor woman of Doiui, Franec, being ordered by' a physieian to give her child a hot bath, puti a large kettle ot wtron the flre, and putt ng her ch.ild io it b ean to pile on fuel liberally. A neichyor coig in, sllorly afte.rwards, asked in surpris what she was about. And on being told that Ithe doctor had ordered a hot bath, sne rescued the little one from its jnimi'un peril, and . rm.iar am "needed iafoatior" A CRUSADE A(i-!NsT CATHOLICS.-RUSSIS the "iberal and enlightened friend and ally of the United States," having quelled Lhe insur rection in Polund, has !ately turned herttte. tion to the equal!y commendahle work of sul pressing rel!gious ins-it.tons in that unhappy count"V. Our rcadcrs do not need to be re i Anded of the cringing to;(dyism displayed by the -ioya'! public abcut a year ngo,when some Russian naval of5cers were visiting this coun try. Th,y cannot have forgotten the noble yinpathy that surged in every "lovaT breast when the Rnussian Admiral infoimed a body of Loral La guers,that they (his countrvumn also hd a rebellion on their hands. Russia has suppressed the Polish rebellion,and is now en gaged in suppressing-the Catlxulic monasterieS and conrents. The inmates of these institu tions are mainly Poles by birth, and for the heinous crime of srnpthising with, their c.untrmen in their Iite efirt to emancipate themslves fr.-m 6111 Toke of Russian despotism, tho5e good men and~ pure women :have been diiven from tucir cloisters. No'less than one hundred and fifteen religious houges bave been elosed by imperial decree, four of which were convents. The property of these institutions has been conlfscated, and many of the inmates sent out of the coJMntr4. Russia is evidently advancing in civilization.. She has exiled the Circassians from untive country, and now the sacred houses of God's teachers are ciosed by, dece'e of ils imperial ,mjezty, Alex ander 11. She is, indeed. a w'orthy ally of the most enlightened nation on earth. What ()es the Tribune think- of these 5bropean CathAlics sympathiin with the rebellion? SDoes it recom:end the "Iriends of freedom" to follow.the example of their illustrious ally, and make wr upon the Catholics here when the "reW*liion" i. disposed of.-Record. Li.CCL'S OanIEs REGARDik TRAnS. -By order of Lincoln, Svward has issued an order, declaring that al'pershns now or hereafter foand in the Unitetd States, nmho have been engiged in hold ing intercourse or trade with, the insurgents by sea, if citizens of the United States, shall be held prisores of war un-il 'he war closes, subject nevertlielss to prostcntion', trial and conviction for any offence committed by them as iples or otherwise against the laws of war. The order diets that al. nonresidents and foreigners who are or shall be found in ih: United States, who have been engagod in violating the blockade of insurgen,t orts, shall leave wi hin twelve -days f!rom3 the pibliIJ::tion of this order, or from their snhquent arrival in the United StzitN, ifon the A taint:c side, and forty if on the Pacific side of Ihe contitry, .nd shall not return during. the war. Provo!t Imd C;ll : ar.has will arrest and coM it ihto miiitary custody all off-,nders who