THE TRI-WEEKLY HFrRALD. N NE'WBERIY, S. CJ' TRWSDAY- MOEM, WTc23i f8 Turu T Quarterter Xrmy of anessee, has his office under the Martin House. iieut. E. R. Klngsmore. 'e ,eatkf tat; this- gentleman recently takert l the enemy, is among the number recently re ered fti ipatrck., We regret to learn, Mr. OXLADE, A detailed soldier, died at krs. Oscar Johnson's ob M31onday tight, Pneumonia, Mr. OxLAMwas a 'Chirles ~nian. Mar.Gen. Young has been assigried to the command of the Yepartmen oPS., C., Georgia atA Florida. FIS head quarters for the present will be at Auguasta. We had another beavy fall' of rain lat Tues day-. The weather is now bright and beai'tiful. We hope. that thei beating,,washing, gully-tear ing rains are hll over, and that. April Phowers and gedid, skies, will soon bring verdure to the telds.andjy to the hearts of men. Rumors. We hare gathered a few of the incidents relat Ing to Gen. IimptcAs fight wi Kilparick. It appeIrs that Kilpatrick was surpi-aed early in the mornng-and eseiped- in his ibrt and drawers through theconfusion among the prisoti-, !rs-1-00 of whm were captured together with the four indred of our men that were in Their hnds. TIV female that accompanied him was 6also take. Mr. MMOB, The-energetie prdprietor of the Confederate0 WAtst, arrivid in tron on'Tde_4i*ghtF with hi. interesting.ftpy.ih -. to 'o frieid,Mr. linerBirto%. ho broitght up. We, the *1i%' r.And up tu the destruction *f.Cohiida, pub i!her e1 that Ucellent religiousjorryl, syrn pattie,with its readers i,its logs, and bope that i. may spou a7ain be. published. Mr. M. i! on lda..way to L-irens, aud thinks to be ,able again 7oj.iete baptist.t L.ooklug rv." G&d9rieta of late ~prexent quite an anitnite-i ,apperanoe. In fact Newberry bas waked upana fouid h-erself fanous, at 'lagt. We -almnot ima tine o.rselves at or aiout theat of war, so nu tarouas are the mili-tar, gentry, of all ranks and Irales, from,reneral down to te mud-hesmeaed privte; ad quitc imagine oursefres btleagured in the"sardity d -provisons "ind woo. With thaese.*eelitions4; the' people are looking'sp, and iwitli4geeedncessity of controlling the appe t'te gmny pierhaps cont'aneto look up till the 1resage .rpe, then we'll look 'doWa and, go to pickfig. di'ers is scarcely aiything to be hadJf could be ha'd'for a song. Though the currey 3I aCparentgy valuelesa, every body' is anxious to haves lA gger pile than his neighb'or. What do they-want with it? t What are.shey'going to do - ith it ?, Will somebody answer ? * .LateS$.frem ChSple u. We learn -thma alomittee coerosed of Ex. Cor. Aiken, Dr.' Mackey and Geo. W Williams, ' as recently appointted to di"tribute supplies to the peoiple. All real estate riot represented is to be sold for nio as and at th,- expiration of that time finally dispose'd of. The depredautions an thiq surrounding counitry are feai ful. Several hear't-ren3ding acceunts of. rape, have reached us, ~tby contrabandsi in federal uniform. The 6itizens have all been disarmed. Dialovakty among the helots is the role. The rWAs I).as extensive as previously reported. Q~uite.a nttnger of contrabands have been killed. Several citizens have 'been umrdeied'in the sur rounding co'usiy.. The faarnia and -plantations have been st14ppein of evei'ything. arming uten s~Is, stock, etc. Quite a numbe1 omulatto, "la d0s ?" waited upon Col. Bennett, of,the ~2lst South Carolina (conitraband) Regiment, and pr seaited him with a U. S. Flag. Hle made them a franV peech. Expressed his opinion that they weilea suiperior race. In the croning they were eeceived at his priate quarters en, which occa * sios they presented~ Abe Lincoln with a fan made of swan feathers- 'The U. S. Charleston 'Courier, is poticing'thisllag and fa presentation, said that they were tendered by "de loyial Ladies of I oicd Coroiaa. The f~ribunze says Andy JQhnson was demented by liquor when sworn into dofie, and .made ? harangues; . and that he has becomie a drunkar3 anid if he~ does niot refbrm he canant remain Vice-President of the Uited States. Colonel Tbomse W. Linham, one of the most bon.orable indtanyiiht citizens of Edgefield died ' on the 2 th of Febra ry. As aieitions and y earA tuay improeiddA. egn de.9%and~:-tan y ipereS A 'The oIowin'g ente ot fiuone- of qr. Wegster's pe-echs Sthe Benata I '834. !ontamS graphic do. sr&p.on of tdep'eciated currencyl' the veryfaa lf all oth&rs, who has zhdee est interest in a sound edrrency, and Iho satfers inost by nschievbaslegislation in moncy inatters,is the-'fan erho earns his daily bread by his daily tdil. A depreciated- cur rency, sudden changes-V -prices, paper money ifilirg between morning and noon, and failing h4ll lower b6feen hoon and riight-these things constitute the very barvest-time of speculators' and oC the irhole race of those who are at once idle and crafty; and of that o ther racE, too, the 'Catalines of all times, -narked, so as to be, known forever by one stroke'of fhe historian's pen, ri'. n greedy of other men's property and, prodigal of their Own Capitaliits, too, may outlive such times. They May either prey on the- earnings ofA a Jor, by their cent. per cent, or they may board. But the laboring man- what can he .ioard? Preying on nohody, he becoipes the prey of all. 'lHs property iF! in his hanas. His reliance, his fund, his productive freehold. his all,'is his labor.' Whether he vor'_-on his own stirlcapitol, or on an,tlier's, his living is still earned by his industry; and wheq 'the money of the country becomes depreciated and debased, whether it be adnIterated coin,' or paper without credit, that indwtry is robbed of its reward. He then labors for a countri whose law's cheat hi% cut of his bread. TI would say to every owner if every quaft-r section of land ii the West-T would say to Cery mani the El, t, who Nlows his own plough -And to every mechanie, vti'.nn -and laborer, and every citizei, i!. the dountry-I wdld say to e4;'r man, every where, who I wia;hes, hy honest means, to. gain an honeyt living, "beware of wolves in. sheep's Oothing.'l Whoever atten.As, unde: whstever popular cry, to shake tie. staCility of 'the' public cur rency, bring on distress in moiey. matters. ami drive the country into paper money, stabs your interest, and your happiness. to the heart. "The herd of hnngq wolves, who live on oqier mn's earnin*, will r'ejoice in snch a stite of thin-.s. A system u hich ab'sorhs into their porkets the fruits of other .ne.'s industry, isthe very system for them. A Govarnmciit that pirnlices or'io.nteiances ineertaint fl!.-tuations, viol4pt'riings and lin-S i n iccl, and, fipally, paper inoney is a Gbvernmei;t exactly :fter't-heir own be: Hence, these r:,en are abways for change. They will nev' Iet well e1ou;rh alone. cohdition of puilic affairs in which. property i safe, -industry certain of its reward,-a-nd everv man secure in his own hard earned gliis, is no -parnize f)r thenr. Gi;e them u4 the reyer.e of thi state of things. bring or thiehange and hange %fter ag& let. it not be knnwn,to-day what'will bathe vatoe of property to-morro~; let no man 0hle to sav whether the 4uonfyjin his pockets at.night will he menei6 o.wodhess rags in te norning;. an4 depre.s fnbor till double work h.Al 'eari b ait half a hivi:ig-gire them this state o90things, aint yogi give them th'e consumtuation of Lleir earthly bliss." Grs-.ot. foLtr..-We .give belo* the elo. ing remarkts of'this d'stinguish'ed Georg' an in a speech iade by him on the 16th ultiio, at Ma eon, Ge'orgi: - A went to the grav'eya'd'of Atlanta and stood there amotnthe city of the dgad. There were h undreds-perhaps thtousan ds--of que gaiai;ns soldiers ateeping q-dtelly their last sleep,wlA had givcp. their lives a holiy sacrifice, for *oar h'yly cause. And I thug'it of.reconstruationi ! and it ,'eemied as though'avoice rose from. graves of thte gallant dead, saying, "NEVER l TOUCH IT -.T ! And I called upon God to witness that' I had sworn [ rever woul.!: and so help m~e God, I nevrer will! Enthusiatstic and prolonged,eheer ing.) Lif'e is but a span. Popersyv is het a fleet -ing sho'.v, Put me ina the grave, &v! ne'dr put.o* me lhe-garmenat of a Sabn'iissionist ! (Cheers.) A30-THrDu Oanr0on oFGas ,NuMros.-We confess.tchat, as friends o9tthe Federai cause, wve shohld be glad to see both the resolution in re g'ard to Lee, and th t in regard to Joaite~n, di - regarded by the Exeurtive po'wer of the Confed eracy. Next to Lee;.he is es'eemed, and nob doubt justly, the uleatest Genegal in the Confed eracy. He is prudenit, brade, capable of cpmpre herssive and far 'reaching .plans.-aWith. such a force at his command as he,bad when .he wes superse'ded, he migi L give 'us great trouble. Stil1 if he had been or- shall- be t'eppointed, we maya reasonably cherish a st6 tr1.ha h' rd so a'dr sattredinhis absence can never lb 'he presentad'&e condition orthe Confed.rney he-' come formuid'able again.-Loisille Jo6"aaf: RicnMxon, 3 ah 11.-The billiputting negroes in the armiy, as passed by the Senatue, is precisely the san:e as the bill passed hy .the- House, whih. the excep:ion of the folowing provis~o to thle 4th1 I ection, which was concurred in by the [louse: Provided, That no a r thian twenty-fi've per cent. of the nale slaves between the ages of 18 ind 45, in any State, shall be called for under the,provisions of this act:. REcIPE FOR GOOD.. BLIJe.-TabeS half,a. ~of syrup ; half a -pint of vinegar ; one table. spoonful of 61il (any kind) and the 'whites of; Itwo egg; amix vrell-togethcd and' thicken with soot or lamp black. The stpdlous perusaloi the Bible will take ~bettr itzens, bettrfathers'an'd better The post office at n'uit Hill, F igereld Dirint' S. C. has been discontinued. n h snat1 bor is maid to b)i rain1 anis h 5OOD H0SiER &'.10-.ER, Wnws to0Tkre'from the-Viiir. N 4e ' your free riegroes waite4. Apy at this office'-. -- Marclf* i tf Headquarters -ENROLLING OFF0E, EWBERRYr 4Aac., 210, 18G5. T he attantion of sold:ers returning' hotne 1 on frlough"n Ne.wbprir-.DIstrict, Is again called to the requirementi of paragraph II Gen eralOr%ers No. 141, A. & L G, 0.Ueries f 1863. II. The order*referred to reqgres thatsbldiers reLurning4home on furlough. or on reaching places at 'w.hielf they will stay during furloub, will immediately report to the nesrest Enrollfu-g Offieer,.who wili keep a. register of their names, descriptive list, place where stationd, by whom the furlough wasgranted and the time at which it er-ires 'II. When a soldier oh furlough is,at the expi ratin of the same, unable to travel to the Hos- - pit-A Examining Board, Ie will be 6rdered betbre the toard of Examinei's for. Conscripts, which Board if they think p&4ker will recommend an' extension o( fdrlcugh r;ovt o exceed thirty days. .V. In cases where, from slicku9ss or wounds, a soldier is uiatle to appear bethre the BoarA Of Examiners for conscripts,he will send up to the Enrolling Officei with furlough, a crtiticate 6f his attending phdician, giving f full statement' of his case, which ce.rti&eaTe,.if appro.ved, wiLl be referred to the Board for its action. V: A sri;tt m ulianice with 'he above requIe ments- will be proipy - enforced. F. N. WALKER, Marc -21 6 C3 pt. & E. O. N. D. .-HM SAW TILES . FEW DOZEN very flue HASA.SW FILES. Just received and for sale by Marh 21 if S. H LO.VELACE. I-eadquarters, 'AmiEs OF 'rHE CONFEDERATE STATES, Februaryjl th,' 1865. General Orderg No. 2., In entering npon, the campaign about- to, )pen,the General-in-Chief feels assured that the oldiers who have so long and sut the.di!rade and escape the punishmer;t Af their criwes. By autborityof the Presi'dent, of the Cok-; rederate States a_ pardon isannounced to such lesertera~ and men imoproperly absent, as shall etirn to te commands toma hich. they belong wilthin t.he sibortest piossible time, nmt:eXeed 'g twenty'days from. the. publientioti 6f this >rder',,pt the iMadquarters of the department n which they thay be. - - Those who. rnay h pre'rented by' interrhp. tionof communication, may report within t,he time speci'ied to%tie. pearest eni-ojling officer >'other ofticci- on sluty, to be forwar:dl as 4>)On as'practicable, and:. on presenting,A ertificate from' such officer showi ng,compli mece with this requirienent, will -receive il6 aidon )hereby offered. Those who have deseg-ted to the service of the enemy, or who bare deserted after baving yeen once panioned for the same offen*ce,'and. hose who shir desert, or absent the~mselves witout authority, after the .p.ublication of ls order, are excluded from its benefits. ~Nor doesb the offer.of -pardon -ex.tend to other >ffences than desertion and absence without >ermissionl. . -- By the same authority,' it is also-Adeclaee ano general amnesty will again be grant ~d, and those w'ho refuse to a cept the pardon ~ow off-red, o.r who shall here'ateg desert.or b4nt themselkes without leave, shall suffer oche punishm~ nt as the Co.urts chay imnpose, md no application. for clemency will be enter Taking new resobrtion,from the fate which~ >ur enemies intend for us, let every man de rote al[:his,enerties4to the c'omnmon-dfence. Our resouirces, wisely and vig'orously em-1 ployed, are ample, and wi~ a brave army,j nstainmed by a determined and united people~, 'uccess, with God's assistance,. cann~ot be oubtful.. Tlhe advauitages of'Uhe enem.y will have but' ittle value iY' we do not rermnit them to ibu pair our resdluti4. Let us, thn oppose con stancy to ad'versit y, fortitude to sulifering, and surage to dangeri with the firnm assuraoed. that Hse whio gav'e freedom to or fathem 's 'will. bless the effdrt.s of their chijldren to preserve R E LEE, Ghheral. (UARDIANS, TRUSTRES; COMITTEES andI RECEIVERA, are- req~uire i td iilke their A NNT1AL RETURNS to jhi6 Oice, by the 1st of March ne'xt ..SILAS JOuNsTO: C. E. N. t). Com.ffiee, Nfewberry d)iet J. 1Bth/1863~. Jan. 2 , imo TO.BONDED MEN ANP OSE WHO HAVE NOt PAID-THEIR TITHE RACON. ITA]kThis occ'gsiou to no *o* not'to tA IoverNourt Bacon to aby personntl he CAlectors, or this Office, or bonded CoM V, ii., the ied. - The receiptA of any, ho men iii the &e are 'Worthless. - W.W WALKER A . !ewherry, S. C., March r1, 1865. STiPES, STRIPE A * *t *i.light' po 6s,N,ABURG.8, forT#n and S u imt use -B. 'H. LOVELACK". March 21 tf - taeof South Carolina 'A 9# ~8 EE.CUTIYE IEPART SPARTA.RU, rei 5, # VEYERkAL 1ORVFRS. - T THE 11UT11 of the State et hien eg i* of Isan~d 17, who ha'.e reported for dut.', and tho who pave not reporLed, thuie now a sent by furlugll r with leave, those6 lrh6A ia bot be'en able td'Join their 26manm , others of this ageg who froif .ny causq - Aive are atset from duty, Will seenble at Sp&tan. burg, as.soon Altor notice of this odi practicmble. 1-. Wben as.eenbled,bere tAey wibee0jaU a Camp or In!true&ioq,aid.prepared for.$ r.n! vice as the defence ofhe State regaigs. III. As'soon-as it canbeione, the $ti da dets, attached. to -the Ctadej at Charlestott sad Ar4enal at Co)umbia, will'ced in 4rge - Vf this Camp of lustraction; and the i -,ef o Xademiet wit be extended over'an e b'race ohis portion of the Militia. IV. TIe offiter. oF .ne,e J9stittionas *ill -l charg.Ld with th1e*duty of.givii.g to -thiese .. N not ouly the inilitai'trinini .whib tmill6 'i them to b>e efficien. in the -fieli but. e4ur-y tional ad,antage;a a .n be iflrded and which the qualities.1 the'ctien *ili be dev oped. ' V. The Quartermastcr Gener wj[ mike vision farthe 'acconoation o' these t and the Coniiivary Gerwral will "mk.Al o arrangements for their subsistence. V. Theervce foi which these toops p - ten~ ; the defenVe of -the State; al b~' d 'hat none ai i hes tator;deIlyin . j themreivVs.r 6r that serrice. The pres.V* *ddjare 1fthe 'ointh ot the Statw, theit im is tvtib disadVa ntages vand t e. ef and intene ti nto d good to hiAn, whne.they At & higStat; e:r~e'.4'laxred .0 be . the pu es whlii) shafl ar tmate all under whoseer ss youthas.are placed. >*' - ,fTl The Chairman, and Viitrsof$h as Milbt ty eademiesart' itcd n asi 4 grganisadei of th1ese troops. IH Eittil b;herwise or e th te'rs of. this comparid wi't -be M - .3 S1the Governet. -iJ~2i {0fficiat ;) '. '0. A. A. A. GeneraL Tbe State I South UareH a - By J. Z 1etereon Eq. Ortnat S' EREA$, Frances Breonai. qple1o 94 e for- Ledters of AdrdiuitraIt 'on a ad' sintgulaf' the goods and ihat'tis,' rigi - and crediti df Dr. JohnX. Brermas),ate ofth'e die rit.aforesaid lleeeased:' These are' tberefoi-e to cite saa admonish al and .singular, the kindred. anid caeitors of -~ . said deceased; to be 'aid 'appear before me, our'next Ordinity .Court for the sai4D-istjict to be holden .at New be:;y Cour House, on ti ' 8rd dj.-' of April next', to .shew catse, f any., wTiy thE said Adzninistra'iou should mth. ~ianted. -.Cive tinddr iy hand this 2Cth' day ofMa~c~ - in tit-.. ypar of ou/'Lord one. thous#nd.~g hrenr'ed and sigtv-fi've. Mari hti 2 'JYl 1' T?ETE~RSON, o.K.D. A CHANCE FORI4REFUGERS. SWill sell T1WO FIoC.SES AN NDLOTSn tLthe Vil lage 'a Newaberry, on raoa terrnsi Posses,ion gitel i:'nediatelv. March 1st,_1865. W. HI MEB IS T EREBY gimi that at' the e xpid~tion. af three monthe frUmr this dune, applkation.witch be -made for se 64ieste of' certikate- for fear py.r cent. Re gisteted Bond gf-the Confede iate St;ates of A tiurleq, issued to uae. by Sila Johnistone, C. S. Depdsitaty, at bdWhrry, S 0C .la1h, 18&4, fa THREW hias been lst. , HAEjscpenead my'4 $hop Nt een' I. ant now pjreaed to' upr ~IS'T'Ls,.LocKS.*rd KXWS. Msg SCI3NORI ta-d RAZ')RS post, order.. plJ of E?LU.MJ-fINGrk dune anS4. W'ork dooV wijh dispatch, lby Mach18- Of a l j3