TAILORING. THE Subscriber rcspcc fully informs Ins friends and the pablic that he lias resuiced the business of his pro. feasioo in Gamdeo, and will ^rork low for cash or town acceptance. A good Journeyman Tailor will meet with con? rant deployment, and good wages. CHARLES A. M DONALD. Jane 25- 22 d Thn Indinn's PilliaCCtl. A ?&V ^ ? t FOR the can? of Rheumatism Scrofula or King s Eril, Goot, Sciatica, or Hip-Goat. Incapient Cancers. Salt Rhcutn, Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases, particularly Ulcers and painful afflictions of the bones. Ulcerated Throat and Nostrils; Ulcers o! every description, Ferer stres s and Internal Abscesses; Fistula*, Pil- s. Scaldhead, Scnr?sy, Biles, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Eye reaipelas, Bloears, and every variety of contagrous Affection, Chronic Catarrh, Headacbo, proceeding flam an acrid humor, Pain in !ik? Stomach and Dyspepsia, proceeding from vitiation; Affections of the Liver, Chronic lnfiamation of the Kidneys, and gcnsral debility, caused by a torpid action of the vessels of the skin It is singularly efficacious by renovating those constitutions which hare been btoken down by injudicious treatment, or juvenile irregularities. In general terms, it is recommended to all those diseases which arises from itnurriin the blood, vitiation of the humors, of what ever name or ktud. Some of the abore complaints mar require some trifling asistant applications, which the circumstances of the case will dictate; but tor a general remedy or PurifiaUor, is rtmrrt the cause, i uc Isbias's Pasacsa will generally be f>und sufficient To the Public, Bow true it is, that modern Physicians?in tbSr ambition to excel in their profession; to explore the vast fields of sience by the aid of Chimistry, *% ? tummm Mmartial in aknrl (a fir. lire at perfection in the practice by means of a*t niooe,?overlook and neglect, as beneath their notice the rich and boonteoos stores of medicine, which the almighty has caused to spring out of Ibc earth in crrry dime And how much more trnc it is, that while the American Physician looks to foreign son nines for many of his roost common and accessary articles perpetually changing as they are the dictates of fashion ct foifv he is sai rounded in his own country with an endless profusion. The rfiieiettty and urtrr of njffttMe remedies ore: mineral, may be eatitnalrd by contrasting the ancient practice with the modern ; or, to bring it more immediate!/ ondrr ocr own objuration, the Indian practice with that of the whites. Who, in America, bas oot known or heard of repeated instances wherein some dec rep id, unjKutrruling k?maJs Indian br means of her simple remedies alone, has eSectrd the most rapid and astonishing cores, slier the whole Materia Medic* of the common practice, directed in the most skiifat manner has failed.' And who has not been surprised at beholding the comparative case and facility with which the Indian frees himself of any disease, and at the almost total absence of chronic disease ?3Mag them. Who has ever heard of an Indian with a constitution broken and ruined br illlooohmossl J A sa*t sM? w sAsmsVi oeisl Cftataff fl ki* HlM?u % CSMWw S*l j II vn,n ? W??? % W? w?r "*f rj exemption of the strafe from mod of the ills which the fleth of cirilurd man it bt?r t?, ischirfi* owing to lb# rocec genial and sofa remedies which be employ*. This astonishing diffrrrncr insurers*, U i fur exempiibtstfoa of the infinite upmofit; of lb? simple tad safe neou of cure h*ch God fct* created for the benefit of his cbildirn, oner tbon which the pride tad the art of tain hire u> Ulttfc. From a long reudenre among a portion of the abcr*ginal inhabitants of Ibis country, and an *nu* note acquaintance with the methods of caret of wane of their most successful practionrrs, the pro* pricloc of the u Tub Isdiak's I'iikli," scauirrd a knowledge of oomc of thrir most powerful and favorable remedies. From these br scire led such ** were most efficaciona and appropriate. and after various experiments to test their principles and trcngtb he has combined them in the form bets presented, as the moos perfect and beneficial for Cx purpose for which it is rrcommcudrd 1 be proprietor offers this preparation to the pub*: lie, wita the consctousnrai that be is placing with* in its reach, a remedy capable of relieving uiuijr oJusaflicted follow beings, who are suffering nnf tier the various chronic and obstinate complaintCt> which it is applicable. To such il will prove os tacueniaM* mac. u ine moans, ana 10 mu/ au aslheen/ysv-UAScf relieving their suffering* and, itKonnf Itwm oocr more tonctltb and happioen, This is not offered u a comrono remedy, that may mchuceWr^ulli raod with many others now u m, but as one which to capable of raring life in ntojr exirenf cm*, when all the usual remedies fail. TbosUbasdomt repeatedly, and litis ts the imputation it haa obtained wherever it has been introdoord It is ootj about three year* since this preparaflon was first prrwratrd to the public: but ;n thai short -?p?ce of Umc. some hundred* of person* might be found, who would solrtanty declare that their be lie red that their live* wers *&rrd by it, and in most eases alter they had tried many per-' haps all the common remedies in vain. Wtwrvrrr If is known it is rapidly coming into use, and this afford* the most substantial ami convincing proof , uf its merits. I TW value of the Panacea, is most conspicoous hi those lotur These it completely remotes and in aJi cases 1 cntifely eradicates the disease and the elJVcts o tarrcary miotaies the constitution, and leave the patient sound and well In Kbcumxliaaik and in ulcerated sore throat, its happy effects arc not less apparent, giving almost immediate relief. Taken in proper donee, Tut Istitas's l'incu operates as an alternative, and detergent; a disrpiiotrlie, diareUc and laxative; an snlipasuiodic and anodyne, and in proper cases, as a stomachic and emmcnagoguc. Generally expressed, it increases all lite secretions and exertions, gives tone to the stomach, and excites action in the glands in U particular manner. From three principles its operation may be understood. 'This medicine ha* been found highly uarful in jpany wnbi'uous diseases not here specified, and it Itt* bs*n used with wonderful soccers u a Spring nod Fall vmijltr, by those trbo are subject to com-, plaints of tji* cheat, and whose constitutions re*' ?piirr new rigor. Such persons will do well to ttw two or three bottles in small doaos Wherever tuUtt iriak is considered necessary, the 1'anacea,! taken in a aanall dose, will answer all iu purposes, j in Much less time, at less expense, and in a far j uiore agreeable manner, than the common diet drink. The following certificates, onto! hundreds airailw wfaitb Biirht be procured, are given to show the effect of T?i? l*i>a as ? Pasacka. in t:ie tan- ] oe* complaints therein mentioned; and also to ex- j hibit in the most satisfactory manner its superior!-1 over the syrups in common use CASES OF RHEUMATISM. Cn.tai.KSTos, Nov. 15, ]?3l. Daring the Taat winter and spring, I was afflic-! tad with* aeteie and dirtrepsinjf Rheumatism ! occasioned by exposure in bad wratlier. i now take great pleasme in slating. that six bottles ot the Indians Panacea, restored rue to perfect health, ami 1 confidently recommend it to all sioif'arly idftlr'sd. JOH* PKROrSOV. h'r?F *t ; cham-wto*, March 2?, 1832. t rut seized aboat three yean aincc with a dis! trussing Rhea malum caused by taking a aercrc cold while under the influence of mercury, and which ha* disabled mc from liusinew nearly ever since. Daring this period I have been a patient in the Marine Hospital in this City, upwards of four month* nearly, and the same length of tune in the Baltimore Hospital, and tru-d almost errry remedy, ?th little benefit On Use JUUi cf February a>d at thai time scarcely able to move about upon crutches, 1 commenced the use of The Indians Panacea. In one month 1 found myself entirely cored from the pain, and am now luppy to state that 1 leel my self perfectly well. WM. TUCKER, 13 MarLrtrt. j CURE FDR SCROFULOUS ULCERS. nkw york, Sept 10L lt?H). This may certify, that in the fall of lt??>, 1 tu soiled ?itiia veiling in my neck and (ace, which afterwards ulcerated ana became large ghastly alters iu u?y neck Alt r trying several Physicians to no advantage, 1 wont to Philadelphia, and placed tnvscli under the care of Drs. Phasic and likacb, when, attar repealed salivation to no effect, I was pronounced totally incurable. Afterwards 1 took twenty bottles of Twain's Panacea and eight bottles of Potter s Catholieon, with no material benefit. He* paring of life, which had now become a barthen to roe, I returned to my parents in New York in Ie23, and gave myself up to a lingering death. Hearing of the great success of Tut Ixdias's Pasacxa, however, in cases similar to my own, 1 waa persuaded to try it, as a last resort. To my great ut prise as we if as satisfaction, I soon found my sell rapidly recovering, and upon taking seven bottles, Lhc ulcers healed and bccarncperfcctly well in the coarse of two months, and have remained so ever since. 1 make this statement and wish it published for the benefit oS those who air suffering nndei similar scrofulous or syphilitic aficcttions, that they may know what baa cured one who has suffered every thing but death, and who considers bis life ??i u- WM HIMIA.V Tbc above Mrdicine but be bad at WILLIAM REYNOLDS DRUG STORE, CAMDEN, S. C. MEDICINES. THE Subscribers have jnst received and arc now opening a fall assortment of Medicines from the North, which can be rccoromcudcd with great confidence, as far as regards their purity and genuineness, having be*;i purchased from one of tbc oldest and roo?t respectable houses in Philadelphia.? Physicians. Planters and others, arc requested 10 cad, previous to laying in their summer supplies, and exatnin c the quality of those now uttered for sale; which we feel confident in warranting and giving satisfaction to purchasers. Among those lately received and now opening, arc the fallowing: Alcohol. Sub. Carb. Sods, Castor Oil, j Rhubarb Root, Fln?? f*Ar? df% I f *a!anr?t RatW (.Tactile t>?p, Lobelia Herb, flura x f do in Ponder. '1 arirr Opium, Slinperj Kim 1'aik, Camphor, do. in Powder, Calomel, tlag. Bole Armenia, Cinnamon, Ground. Muctard, Clorec, Pond. Cinnamon, Orrio Root, Acid Lemon Drop*, Cactor, Florida Water, Chloride of tWa, Kidder* Ind Ink, Make Manna, j Carpenter'* Ssmnaritla (inso Mrrrb, ' " Kat Mocha Pond. Cum Arabic, " Piok Root, Caib Iron, Compd Cub. & Sam* Ralph <}u?n?se, partita, " Mornkta, Tolio Balaam, Accute. do. Kjrovoi, Squill*, Genuine Prara Oil, (not Pnlt. Cubcbf, perfumed,) Tamarind*, N?ple* Soap, Balln'iMtfaoia, Mu?k Soap, Cilrie Acid, Macc. Snuff, Tartaric, do llair Pucdrr. ie. A first variety of artktvo too nunwrtm* to men* two, ia uMitioo to tbo obotr, a foil assortment at vkclt vtll lirtr* be kepi uo hint. TOUSC&MKAIN FRESH GARDEN SEED; i. 8 / itt? ? run SALE BY IV Tin-rtNTON. J??f irkuk rn.it lit Early York CABBAGE Ire do do Dutch do bilj While bead do do Sugar loaf do do lurid do do Savor da j Summer bu?h StyL'Asfl Drum Head do j do crm-k orck do Late UukJj do i Crook neck Cadaw, Green Glared do < Long Green Cucumber, Large Log. Saroj do i Early do Early Load. Caolibowcr, j Prickly Gherkin*, Late do (tor p.calc*,) Wluio Drocoti, j Georgia or Scotch Kale, i Sea Gland Water Melon Colewarl*, (a wipe nor kind) Early Spring TURNIP, j Apple reeded do Rata Uaga.or . Winter CilmeI, Yellow UuMia do | (for prrarrving) Largo Norfolk field do ! I jrge Mu*k Melon Late Plat Dutch do jCantrlopc do Aberdeen or scotch do i Nutmeg do Yellow Malta do : Vegetable Oyater, (choice kind) j Na?turtion, Red and White Onion, ' l^argr llc.i Pepper, While Engluh MofUid, [ Cayenne do blown do ttiiond in?*?tiiTvtnatow La*"* KlandcraSpinagr, ! Garden Ctr?, Round do j PrpjM-rgraM, Prickly do Curled Pauley, New Zealand do .Solid Celery, Un( Whitr Okra, j Sage, Early blood Tin nip Beet Itrd Clover ^eed, do* yellonr do do While Marrowfat l'KAS Ixmg blood do Early June do Mangle Worttcl or | 41 Cbarlclan do Early Scarcity do Suear do Swelling Paranip, ! IPanopa prolific dwarf do Ouernwy do < h?r ly Mohawk licana, Orange t'arrot, ! do China dwaif do i While Ttaciiwa L?eg Scarlet Had jab, Corn, Scarlet Short top do. Fltat do | Long Halmoud do So ear do I Willi* Tumid da Red Ptinl.nn OniaAl I Red do do Yellow d? do Block Winter do Ba/tjr Cabbage Head Car led I ndive, l^ltuco Long Green Coeambrr, White Carkd do lUrlj do do Ice do UtlttfT or Vegetable llardj Tester do Ojitrr Brum. Ditch do Peppergtaaa, or Corlrd J Magnum K??oum do Cr#ea, i While Muatard Seed Fine Cantrlope Melon Urjr Tomaloea Nutmeg do l^ndon Hag Leek Green Citron dn Smooth Orange do Fine Apple do Itrd Onion Seed, Persian do | White do Sea Gland Watermelon ! Brood l-rafS?gc <*) enne Penper j Sweet Haul Tomatoes Shaped do Thyme Bell do Sweet Maiomm I'arplc Hgg Plant do Lavender Nasturtium Pot Mangold ; True Tart Rhnbarb Calni* 1 Th? aborr ealal??W of aced entnplrtra the ** ' sortinent of arrd for (hi* climate, a general atock of , which will alwajra be kept on band and anld at the' i ua.ial pt'icea. YOUNG A M'KAIN Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership of Shannon and M'Dotrnll wns dissolved by mutual con* ?ent on tho 1st in*l. They tender to the public their grateful thank* for the favors thrv hare received. C. J. SHANNON. W. D. M'DOW ALL. ! June 18-21-tf j Two Houses to Rent* ONE at Kirkwood, Ac. one in Logkotrn. Enquire of A. YOUNG. Jam* 1 l-20-tf 1 - . 4 f!mm~?Pmm^^am4???BSSBSSS35SEfmnn^* Tailoring Establishment THE subscriber grateful for the liberal share of patronage received since his commencement in the fall, hopes by clj&e application and a readinesa to please all who may call to merit a continuance of the same. His work will be executed | with neatness and despatch, and in the most fashionable manner; his prices wilf be moderate for cash or punctual cualoj mers. Wanted one or two boys from 14 t? 16 ; years of age, as apprentices to the business. J. L. BRASINGTON. M 1. CM n mnrtu wo - i TO TAXL02.S. ! Having beenauthoriscd to sell and leach ! the Tailors MASTER PIECE, being the complete guide for instruction1 : in the whole art of measuring and cutting! 1 according to the variety of fashion and; , form with Plates Illustrative of the same,' ' by Scott & Perkins, (successors to A. F.j ' Saguezs.) reporters of fashions and tea-j ; chers of cutting garments at New York j The above system can bo had with all the' necessary articles belonging thereto if, application bo mode to the subscriber. . J. L. B. I Important to Planters. j The subscriccrs are now engaged is the manufactory of NEGRO SHOES. of a quality Jar superior to any that hate been hitherto offered in this market, and as' it is their determination to torn out none but those that will bear inspection, it will be to the interest of planters to ciamioetbe same. - Tbey propose farther to make any number ! of pairs less than 10,000, particularly to mea* > sure, and accordance to the sample now ready, if the same arc left previous to the 1st Ju ly next. j As finished the} will be separately pack-' j cd and marked deliverable on the 1st Oct.? ' In a tcord they shall be satisfactory. J. BISHOP & CO. j Jnne 11-20 (J AKFtiii i Kit S | Flnid Ej tract >mr*apariiia. Extract Bachu, Extract Jalap, Extractt Bo-| Arnat, Syrup Liverwort, Butkr* MagnesUti! leper rent, Balm of Columbia, Hunter's Corn; 'Plaster, lljgean Pills, Imoenal Hair Dye,< Beaching Liquid, to rcmovo iron moulds aad j \ ink spots from linen. Dewing's Cement, for. mending broken glass , china, dee.: Jrwin's I Water Proof Varntsb. ALSO?Sal .Eratus, j Isinglass, Gum Arabic, Gam Scneg-I, Arrow i Root, Citron, Jujube Paste, Tolu Lozenges,! Soda do. Liquorice and Opium do. Pepper-' mint do. Rhubarb do. Metal Bronzes, and a' variety of Surgical Instruments, just received and for sale by , YOUNG &, M'KAIN. March 12, 1836. " NOTICE THE subscriber begs learc to return bis. , grateful thanks to his friends, customers, and ihc public generally, lor the rery liberal encouragement hitherto a Horded him, and soli. cifs a continuance of former favors. Be re-' quest to inform the public generally, thai be, bason band a large assortment of Groceries consist tng of SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, MOLASSES; And opu&rds of 5,000 lbs. Kentucky and North Carolina BACON. ALSO.?Hating bought the entire stock of CORDIALS belonging to Mr. James D. Lemierc, ouh his apparatus for making the same intends to pursue the same line of business as practised by him. He has also on hand Old Port Cogmac Brandy Claret in bottles ) West India Rum, or on draft, (Jamaica do. Pale Sherry Wine Scotch whiskey, Malaga do Old Moooogahela do Jioilaod Gio. All unquestionably or tho first quality, all! 1 of which ho trill sell as low as the articles can I be aOorded at. JAMES M EWEiY i June II?30?g. j NOTICE. IN order to settle the a flairs of CARPENTER A BONNKY, it becomes necessary that all debts due tlictn on or before the i 1st of January last should bo closed forthwith. Those interested, ilia presumed, will come forward without further notice and comply with the aborc request. E. W. BONNEY. June 4-19-tf 3 0 CT & GSC3 BT02R3. f I UIE subscriber has now received a fresh X and general assortment of L?dic? and tacntlemen* Boot*' and .>h? *. | of tho latest and roost fashionable style, which were selected with much care by himself? which he believes will giro general eatisfac* lion to those who will lavor him with their custom. His stock comprises crcry description of Ladies and Gentlemen, and Childrens( Boots and Shoes, generally found in a regular shoe store. The Ladies and Gentlemen of Camd?n arc respectfully invited to call and.1 examine for themselves. ALSO?On hand a general assortment of TTNH SZLH SATS, Which will be sold on the must reasonable terms. W. B. DANIELS. t February 97.?f>?f. ? ' ; ? II9 ^IBJI a? spas ex a a * W* ?v'?S% LIVER COMPLAINTS. D^JgTjRS* VEGETABLE MEDiCI** STOMACHiCJEET BEPATM?*, to* My clym^y,.. ^.aa, rfywrf uroz.fRA/e Wjy* principles, tn umtml|? acknowledged fiPTfore totally eclipsed the pretensions of every other remedy, mod mpncMAl necessity of ererj other, mode cT truaatpL wherever the shore disease are found to exist is well ss in tho enlargement of the SpUtu and in Jirwci/ie# Among the avmploma of Dysprpaia and livercomplaints, are Flatulency, aouroeaa or bmrniafjfe the stomach melancholy imUibiKty, disagreeable taste in the mialh; great irregularity of appetite. which is sometimes voracious, and at' otber times greatly deficient, thirst, fetid heath, weakness of the stomach, acid eructations, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of the bowels, pressure on tho stomach after meals, pain in the head, dizziness or vertigo; coo fusion of mind, attended with loos of memory, a gnawing to the atnraach when empty, dullness, afiecticn of sight and hearing pain and weakness in the back, Jangonr, disturbed sleep, cold feet and bands, 'tremor, uceastness in the throat, chough pain in the aide or breast, &c.' v These mederinea hare been found eo effectual id removing tbe complaints for which they are re com mended, that physicians frequently having exkaosted all their skill, to little or noparpoaCDR PETES ^Aati Billions Pills. a im.k piu* mo cuuivij w vc^vwihv matter, and when taken according to the direction* j which accon pany then, are highly beneficial in the cure and prevention of all Bilious complaints They aot especially capon the Irrer, when in a torpid condition, carrying off a large quantity cf bile, through the influence of the excetnesti tn? lion, which it suffered to remain in the system, would prcdoce either Janndice, Liver Complaint, Billions Fever Fever and Ague, or some, other grievous bodily affliction, in all cases of torpor of the bowels, they act lib e a. charm. Aa an anti dyspeptic and dinner pill they are is saleable. Many persons who were subject to via lent altacks of atok bcadacbe have been perfectly, oared in a few weeks by their use. Those who an subject to that distressing complaint, sea-sickness by taking a portion or two of them a few days previous lo embarking on board the veine!, will be almost certain to escape it. Females can was them at all periods, without incurri ng atji risk. Persons * going to ?ea or to a southern climate, should by all means take some of these pills with them.; Their virtues will remain unimpaired fer yeatsinrany climate. No family should be without these pills, a portion of them, taken occasionally, would be the means of preventing mneh suffering from sickness It is from neglect otkeeping op s regular peristome action of the stomach and bowels, thus suffering to h* ?*?i mmji ik. LL^I; ? ? vw ?UWU1 MW HMMKMU WMII UPt ?IWNt HWWW lated Hindu, that tno*l dimn ?if afodpwi Dr P. M* confident that eo person woo ?itM these puis a (ait trial, trill em after frel vfllof lo^? without tbeo. They contain no particle of MercoTj, or any ingredient that does not act in harmony with health and oppose disease. Dr. P. wishes it particularly- understood that those oitls possess beneficial qualities irdependent of ibeir purgative effects; they are both tonic and dcubstruent, acting a poo the sceret-oj and exbal* ent foncboos; thus strengthening the pattest, while they remore obstruction* Medicines wl&eh possess no other, excepting cathartic qualities, debilitate the patient, pnd their repeated ess lays that fbondatioa of a long catalogue of Chronic diseases. Dr. P. baring been cd orated under the ana. eminent American and European medical profts or*, and practiced his profrsnoo jean is Urn South where diseases of the most obstinate character ptrratl. considers himself trail qualified fa jadfcon the nature at dim asm incident to warm frepsrrd and told by Joseph Priestly Nm, M U it Jus Imitation Cor the ears of oWiaMi db ?*?, by mean* o! vegetable r*n*dirs, No. VB Liberty street. Sevr York, inventor sad sole pro* j riter Each buz contains 40 pilb. price Sft-reftfe. The shove ealoable Medieines may be otarined at the Dray Store ol YOUNG 4 M KAIN. Camden, May 7, LB36. NOTICE/ The subscriber with a view of elorinf the Books of D. 6l J. Clark; also the Books of J. G. Ciark, respectfully informs those indebted on either of tbe oborc, that the books trill be foond at the store formerly occupied by Mr. Lcmtare, that Mr. A. G. Wiliic is authorised to settle tbe same to mv absence, by note or otherwise, or they or ill be placed in the event of drfauh to comply, in tbe hands of a gentleman of (he bar for collection, as the books most be closed. J 6 CLARK Jane 18?21?tf New Copartnership. THE undersigned baring on (he 1st fast associated themselves in the mercantile business, under the firtn of Shannon, M*(5cc & Co. respectfully solicit from the community and particularly the former customers of Shannon & M'DowtU, a continuance of the liberal patronage extended to that firm, and which U will. be their endearor to merit. Their stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE. & Groceries, i 1?. __J ? :? ..J ?til kit ^Unn. is bcicCI ?n?l Ciidunt, IIIU hiii ?"f" aed of on liberal terra*. C. J. SHANNON, II. T. MT.EE. W. D. M'DOWALL. Juno ltv-21-tf. The business cf the late firm of Shan non & M'Dowall will be settled by the subscribers. .SHANNON. M'GEE & CO. LOST. A Fifty Dollar Bill, tire finder will be li berally rewarded by letting it at the store of H. LEVY. June ll-2(Mf