THE SOURS A L: CAMDEN, JULY 23, FOK CONGRESS. COL. JOHN P. RICHARDSON. FOIt THE STATE SENATE. COL. JOHN CHESNUT. O" We are aolholixed to state thai the following gentlemen have consented to be candidates for the House of Representatives at the "nscingclcclion: LAWRENCE L. WU1TAKER, JOHN D. MURRAY, M. M. LEVY. LEWIS J. PATTERSON, U*Our readers will End, in another column of to-day's paper, an act passed at the lost sew ion of Congress, granting halt pa. to the widows or orphans of officers or soldiers, who imy hare died in the service of their country, since April -10,1?19. INDIAN AFFAIRS. The Creek War is considered at an end, and the citizens of ihe Indian country are returning to their homes. From the force now marching an coun-. ter-majcliing, in all directions throngb the Indian country, little or no danger is ap,rchcndrd from " the few straggling hostiles who yet remain The stage now passes through the direct route, along which large bodies of troops arc posted, affording per fire t security to travellers. Gen. Call is expected at Micaonpy on th<* first August with the Florida Militia and 1000 men from Tennessee to march smmcdialely on the In. dints. TUE WEATHER. We do not recollect ever to have experienced so great a change in the atmosphere as occurred on Saturday kst, which continued for several days.? It became so very cool, that a change f clothing was rendered necessary for both bed and body. The amount of appropriation* made at the last Congress have been computed at near thirty-five millions of dollars, of which the erry large sum ol thirteen and a half milium has been appropriated for Indian affairs. The only individual who escaped the massacre of Dana's command b at present in the City of Xck York. A subscription ;aprr has been opened for hb benefit- Lieut Gi'iort, l". S A has ruga god X" see properly appropriated whatever amount may be received. It is confident!} as? ?tcd thai Col. Fannin b still Irving and a prbiaer in Mexico. The first number of " The JrtruJi /mltlh*ntcrr,'' Edited by the Rrr. Joitrn S. C Fair, has been issued from the New Ynrk press. We have not yej had the plrasore of seeing it and therefore can say nothing of its merits?those who hare, speak of it as highly interesting. The men of Sctrscc in Paris are in raptures w ith a discovery which has been communicated to Lhr Society for the Advancement of Physical Science. Its moving power is a g Jvcn c tnscUme, the action of which b equal to that of tram, without it* danger. it b said to be unequalled in power. fa v nv\ itis indeed gratifytog to all who feel, and parlicaiarlj tltoir who hire ?u interest in tl** comtDUnilr, to witacts the progress ot improvement* now making in several parts of the Uto l!ou?r? hare been rilling orcr oor streets. and property changing htods at an advance of fifty per cent, within a few months, which baa bc? n the mean* of calling oar attrition to this subject, which we Hitter ourKim will be read with interest by thofe who bare always favored oa with their custom. Several of oar merchants have already left f>ir New York and other* are expected to start ia a few days, wbrrr they intend remaining until the clcze of the sum met for the parpoee of having a fair opportunity of making the best selections, and si such price* aa will be'ter enable them to accommodate tWu castoan-rs. We do therelore earnestly solicit our cotton growing friends to gire us on early call aud look and judge for themselves, as we feel usurrd that* better market will not be found the ensuing season ia any portion of lite interior Our nwr chants will not only be well furnished with >n extensive assortment of gocds, but a ill aUo have cmvtmnlly on band a full supply of the " nerdl'il < The irregularity of receiving remittances heretofont has fretjoently been the means of a depression is Urn pries of coUos, hat which will now be ob? via ted bj the establishment of the Bank of Camden, the stock of which is now srliing at an advance of tweoty-iwo dollars per share. TEXAS. Tbe latest intelligence we bare received, stales that 7000 Mexicans had taken up the ln-r of march on tbe 130th ultimo, and bad reached Gaodaloupe, which made it necessary for Gen. Rr?a to rrlnat in nmfer to select a more favorable portion to receive tbe enemy. The late of S**ta A*wa is yet uncertain Tlx* Secretary of War in Trxaa recommends fits trial as a firlon for the murder of Fixiiv n detachment, and oa conviction be executed The (crhnj in Mexico sgainst the Trxians is becoming every day wore and more general. The following extract is taken from a Mobile paper under date ot li?tb Jane: "The accounts we receive from Mexiro continue to represent the public leeling against tbe Tex tans to be growing more determined in its hostility The local parties, from whose dissensions a strong diversion eras expected favorable to Texas, unite in professing a determination to reconquer that country. The tale of Santa Anna is deplorrd by his political opponents as a national humiliation, and by his friends with deeper resentment. Hut the declaration^ of independence has dep. ited the Ten an* W ?J j~jij support. I hfit tint deetaratmn in favor of the f fdsmwn, sod igiinit (Ik central aystrm, was in accordance with the views of a large pariy oppoat'd to S*nt? Anna The restoration of Itw r corral syatern will rnbahiy he attempted tinmediately ; but the new position ccrupied hy the Texians bring* upon them rqoally the hoatility of both parties. It seems to us, also, that i!>e contest is looked open among the Mexicans aa a war agamst the North Americans, whotu U?ey hold in general dislike. Intelligent persons, direct from Mexico. tt'H OS th*t. among eren the be*' infonced naltTr-' the opinion is prevalent that it was the force* oi Gen. Gaines that defeated and captured Santa Anna. This affords a key to the temper with ?hicb the su cccss of Tt-xas ts regarded. \Ve do not doubt that strong efforti will be made to Uiroir a very large foice, as soon as possible, upon Texas; and we see less reason than formerly to doubt of toe reality of the d ngci." communication*. ron THE CJKDE* JOCRSAL. Mr. Editor:?I perceive in your last another CoJiundrum from Suuitervillc. The word alluded to is BRANDY. Yours, AC. ORLANDO. ron THE f I BP EM JOC.UUt. Mr. Editor?As Crk have ?? Kdw?r*l. jour aunt df?"? t?ol ?uff?-r (111 dcea kbr *" " Suffer il, res mother, she ffro it." HYMEMAl. MA liJUKI)?On the 7li> mat by tbe Ilcr. Jti Stacy, >lr. Auxtt'* i.riitK MiMUiLi. U< Mis* (UatccA A**, ilau-liter of the late TUotoa* Warera, ali?f this place On the Tib in?t on THornlrcc Creek, Fiirfield l>i?5?ui, by ) MickU-, Kwj Mr Vnu^r Ilti.L of Autsu^'a county, Alabama, to Mr* .Nasi* Haiucik>? fid ?'f ihr late Itrutun Mormon. r+rt t o m m tie 4 ?i i ii i c o r o. tlcrwd and evrrttUa IVuUy?July 9 Cotton, 14 a I? ?0 Corn, '.O i !C Wheat. I ? 1 It? Fl- tir, Camden Mitts, $10, country tt 50 a 9 50 fodder, I 50 Kacon, 14 Whukey, 35 a 40 "proposals II ILL I.c rrccircd until the 1st of f September next. f??r furnishing ma* tcrials and building a Parsonage House, of the following dimensions, nz: one story i hi?h, 2 feet from the ground, 20 by *15 feet M feet pilch, 4 rooms on the ground door, ami 2 in the g?rrct, 4 fire places, 0 doors, Iq windows and shutter*, 2 pinza*, plaster* in?, painting, brick-work, iock?, nails, hinges, &r. dec. included. The whole to be finished in .i plain, but neat and workman like manner. Lrtlerscontaining proposals must be addresser1 fo the Her. C. P. Elliot. Fulton poMofiice, Clarendon. July 23-26-f JXjr-Thr Columbia Telescope and Charleston Courier will plcnse give the above three weekly insertions ami forward their accounts to t' c subscriber for payment. j NEGRO SHOES. ! TI1E Subscriber* u ill furnish to PUn* tor* ant} oilier* NEGRO SHOES of a ?u: pcrior make in any quantity, if order* with the measures arc left at the store ol Mr. C. Malhesrn in Camden, between now arm the first of September, or ?omirr j would be preferred. Specimens fan be seen, ami the p;ire made known, as above, j or bv addressing the subscribers at Soriety Hiil, bv that time. WILLIAMS & MUNGER. j Jul? 23-2ft-c l.lit Ill.tMiS F'?r sale at t!us Office. NOTICE. MB. AARON BURR is authorized to act as our agent and all persona indebted to us are requested to make immediate payment to the said agent who is ' fully empowered to settle all our accounts and give receipts for the same. JS. WHITE. Durham, Conn't. July 23-27-c for sale. ! The anbscribcr wishing; to more into the country I will sell his House and Lot A bargain if applied for immediately. GEO. Q. M'liNTDSH. July 23-*JG-i notice. THE subrrriber has just received a supply of ehoicfc Groceries, vs. sugar, molasses, ? ?? ? ? ?rsi n * tOFtfcK? 1 JCi^i BE?T HADARA WIAE, | POiiT do. ; TEXERtrr, do. MARS AILS, DO. PAIL * do. 1 Bbl. Fine Salmon Fish, , Left* itch's best chewing *1 OBACCO, honey due do. J. L J ' The above articles trill be sold low for cosh. J. L. JONES. May 21-17 If. Assistant Qr. Master's Office. CHARLESTON, JUNE 1S.IS3G. TUK Subscriber hereby gi?? notice ofbi* rcadinr??lo adjust and artllc all claim* aeain*t. j the United Stalra, (or expenses incurred, ana supplies furnished on account of the Militia and Vo - - - - > . i lunteert from the btatc 01 r>ouiii i.?toiidi, except i within the neighborhood of Savannah and Augua- i ta) lor the defence of Florida, in conformity to the ! provisions of an Act of Congress; approved Msy} IKJtJ, which ia published for the information ; of lbo~f concerned. JOHN L'ENGLE, Assistant Qr. Master. AX ACT To provide for the payment ol expenses incorred j and supplies furnished on account ol the militia received into the s*mcc of the United States for [ the drfence of Florida. Be it enacted br the tjenate and Ileure of Representatives uf the United States of America in; Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War | he, and he is hereby directed to cause to be paid the expenses that hare been incurred, and the sup. ; plies that hare been furnished, in the States ol j . South Cirohna. Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and ! the Territory of Florida, on account of lb* Militia rccr.vrd into the srrrice of the United States for the defence of Florida. Provided, That the ac. counts for these claims shall be examined and so- j ' dited at the Treasury, as in other ease* Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That the Se- ! crciary of War be authorised to cause the militia < called out to detenu East Florida, by Generals j Clinch and I lernandrz, r by the Gorenior of Mid ' die and West rionda, aodsucb other militia and ralunteers at have been recrired aod muttered into t),? >?niM> ?,f It?r 1'nii.-ii Stales and reeulailv dis- . rJurjped, to be paid So like manner with li>c? vohin? frera and militia ordered into wmw ?wk-r order* from the War Derailment ' ? JAMK9 K KOI-K, Speaker of the Iluiur of ReprrorntatiTca. M. VAN BIT REN, Vice Preiiiirnl of the I'mttd Stale*, and Prrtiden! of the Senate. ApprornJ. Msv 'Mh, KW. A\ DREW JACKSON ; June 'i'-l?,'?im SILKS, .fTeVEir- 1*0 JSC IT COST, Figured and plain colored Silk*, a hand* (tome assortment of the aborr article suitable for spring will be sold nl COST. ASI.O 1 ? ? ? - - ititerii nt iVLTTC 4 A ICW piece* Ui rrib uua;uvriiu, i ' and NEGRO CLOTHS, will be sold nl I cost by li. LEVY. April 2. COMMITTED Jtk rjlo the Jail of Kershaw DisZPfc Irict, a Mulatto girl, who r.*lls her nam* Matilda. She it A5^8 about 22 year* old, ! feet high, *nd say* *he belong* to Richard Ward of Edgefield District. The , owner is requested to come forward, prore 1 his property, pay charge* and lake her | awav. JAMES VICKERS, Jailor, K. D. ! July 9-24-tf. : Clerk Wanted. A young man who has a knowledge oj ' !>?,! < tml ran j i.X IIID lliniaiiMiv i bring ? good recommendation, can find a permanent situation and a pood salary by addressing a letter to *// J/." July 2.?23?if. SIJMTER "HOTEL. rilHE Subscriber informs nis friends X and the public, that '?c has taken the House formerly occupied by J. Goodman and more rcrcif/iy by J. J. Exuin as a llotel iu toe'Ton n of Camden, and near he Court House, where he is prepared to cceivc company, and fiatlers himself that loose who favor him with their company will be satisfied with their accommodations. A. R. RL'FFIN. May 23.?20:Mf. NOTICE. DVRrXG the absence of JOIflY C WEST. M?j. A. R- Rnffin is au^ ihorizrd to rnllrrt the debts due the late r i \i Af fn. iinil cm # ??? ?* i"?wu -w? J. DISIIOP. Jtily 9-24~tf j - __ ; I'rt nh (ortlijil*? received JU-tiWfrj md Irnmn SYKUP8, Strop of Hou-h, Crrror de Ro?e, Pink Lemon Bjrrup, do de Citron, K*n(ia, do df Ortngr, Cu-acoa, I'trfail Amour, Oemr de Nojau, lluile dr Venu?, do de Moka, AoiwUf, Formic by Ocl 17 II. LEVY. NOTICE. THE firm heretofore existing under the firm of CARPENTER & BONNEY, in ; consequence of the death of the former, was dissolved on the 1st day of May last. I All demands due by, and to the concern will be attended l-.y the subscriber who having purchased the entire interest of the concern, will continue the business on his own account. The stock on hand will be disposed of at reduced prices through the I summer months for cash, or to those who i are punctual in their payments. Country! merchants will find it fur their interest to call (as his object is cash) and examine hif slock, as he is determined to put goods to them at a shade above cost. E. W. BONNEY. . LOOK AT THIS- I MR WILLIAM CLAIBORNE, about the year 1816 or 1817,removed from ?h?? C.mniv of Amelia, in the State of Vir ginta, and settled in some pirt of North Carolina; since which time, his friends hare not heard from him or been able to ascertain (he place of his residence. A Legacy bequeathed to him by his wife's lather,. Juhn ftagby, will become payable the 1st of January 1S37, and the undersigned Executor of the Estate is anxions thai he should come forward and reccirc it; and that he, in the mean time, do adrise the undersigned of the place of bis residence. If Mr. Claiborne is dead, or has removed from Carolina, his surviring relations or any other person who can give any information concerning him, or his descendants j will confer a ft* or on the undersigned, by communicating such information by letterdirected to him at Kanawha Courthouse, j Virginia. TllOS MATTHEWS, Ex'or \ June 1 _ I fl f-nltnn ! VitlUUCll vy k fiiiau kjvtviv < ty's Academy. AN Assistant is wanted for this institution to teach Penmanship, Arithmetic and the other ordinary branches of an English rd- i ucation. Undoubted testimonials trill be required, both lor Literary and Moral qua-; Iterations. Applicants, stating their terms and naming their references for character, trill aptdv (all postage paid) to MOSES liOLOItOOK, M. D. Principal, c o. a a. Jnly 16?25?if ! A LARGE A excellent assortment of Holt's Patent Trusses, doable and single, made to order ol the j moat iluntUo mairriali, for SouiJirn cw Abo, a new Instrument lately inenled by Or. 11. wbicb is highly approved of by the New York practitioners. It docs away he use of Laced Belts altogether, and ! diminshes very racch the necessity of resorting to Pessaries. Br its application, the wearers are at: once relieved from great inconvenience, and enabled to resume their former activity. Tbc stave Trusses re jtnrt rrertved. srrcfthesubscriber'sown selection, ami will be sold unusually lour. White Lead mid Colours, A LARGE supply of these articles dhecl from Wmttaii.t. A Brothers' manufactory, which, with all other* in the line,suck as Oil, Brushes, Yar nt?nc?, I urjvnuw, cvr ran i* nan en n*r ?ou? c*woAt>l? lrrn>?, ai W.M. ItEYNfLDS'. ALSC>--0.\ //.!>/?. . A pujJ aujip!; of WINDOW CLASS, JTocoDUA (From London) Tailor and Habit Maker, RESPECTFULLY informs (he citizen* of Camden, and the public ge| ncrally, that he intends commencing the ahorc business, and hopes by strict attention to the duties of his profession to merit a shaic of public patronage. July 2?23?tf Sporting Intelligence. A Swacplakc open for three years old ! colts and fillies, to be ruu for on the day preceding the regular races over the Camden course, mile heats; entrance $100, forfeit $&), three or more to make a race: closes 20lh of October next. Persons wishing to make entries can do so ^y for, warding their names, color, Bj: i supply he will continue selling dry goods, for cash, AT COST, ! AND GROCERIES. W.nfs CONFECTIONARY, utj very reasonable j terms. From bis customers, and those of Mr. Catonnbt's, lie solicits a continuance of their liberal patronage, which he hopes to : mcr Case i* JltUukmad. WM. Y. Fmtkm. J WHEREAS, the plaintiff in the above action did, on the 13lh day of April, A. D. 1835, file hi* declaration in the office of the Clerk of this Honorable Conrt, against said defendant, sIwm absent from, dad without the limits of, this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, on whom a copy of the said declaration with a rale to plead thereto, within a year sad a day, might be served?It is, therefore, Ordered, in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly, in thai case made and provided, that the said defendant do Appear an-l plead to the said declamation on cr before the 29th day of July, in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-sir, otherwire final and absolute judgment will then be awarded against him. JXO. B. BRUCE, C. C. P. \*? * Hagin's Hotel. I 20 1-2 milts south of Ckmriotu, A Co* tke Camdtn rood. Where the subscriber continues his Honse i of Entertainment, having built a new Asose, I rxpresslv tor me accommodation 01 stranger*. lie hopes to be able to render his guests comfortable and happy, and solicits a continuance of former patronage.?No exertions shall be wanting on the part of the Subscriber. DAVID HAGINS. July 16-2a-cm N. B. Mr. C. Winget, my agent for the house, will be in constant attendance. D. H. Frances Lee. adm'x. T. 8. Lee J In Chancery, r?. J Kershaw, ! Joseph /jt, et at. ) Bill. By viiioe of an order of the Court J Chancery ! in the ibotp cause, I will sell al public auction, at the Brick Yard in Ccindcn, on the first monday in August next, a quantity of brick, burnt and nnburnt, and the wood, Ac. now on hand. I will also sell on the fame day, belorr the court house in Camden, four share* in the Camden ilotel Association Stock. j TCILVS?A credit nntil lat January next on notes with approved personal security. WM. J. GRANT. Commissioner. * I July 16.?Sl-c I ' LANDS? FOR SMXM if |(HK subscriber offers for sale iiis ra| ** luablc plantation, on the vTcst side of | the Watercc river, and on both sides of | Sawney's Creek, about. 10 ciilcs abo*e ! Camden, consisting ef up-vards of 3,0OO zerps of land, J There is ab<;ut acres of open land in ' the tract, ambiTic balance well timbered xritb oak,hickory and pine. In the tract i 'aeroji a large body of the best land, un* cleared. On the premises are all the necessary buildings, and in excellent rei pair for carrying on an extensive plants* . tion, and supplied with the best water.-rO11 Sawney's CrCck, 1 uuning through the land, there arc some valuable mill seats?Any person desirous of purchasing, would do well to examine the premises, as a great bargain may be, and on liberal 0 ? . . nu iwrnni > ?>M terms. alllh 01 aw axis* I Jnne 18-21?tf JI ST RECEIVED, IN EXCELLENT ORDER, From JV. York and Philadelphia, A PULL SUPPLY OP DP.T703 & HSDXOXNSS, French & Engftiah Chemical*, Together with a largo and various assortment of Cupping and Enemala Instruments of superior quality, deserving the attention ol families as troll as practitioners of Medicine Dec 12- If'Jf REYNOLDS. NOTICET MR. GABRIEL S. GERALD triU act as my lan ful agent, during my absence from the state, W. B. DANIELS. June 18--3l-lf NOTICE. ~ IN order to settle the affairs of CARPENTER & BONNEY, it becomes necessary that all debts due them on or before the 1st of January last should be closed forthwith. Those interested,* it is presumed, will come forward without further notice and comply with the above request. E. W. BONNEY. June 4-19-tf