Indian Aflhirs. CoLL'aBBD?, JulyS. Return of Gen. Scott and Staf, iritk the Army under Gat. San ford and Brig. Gen. Lance, tcith their respective Staffs. Oit Thursday evening last. Maj. Gen. Scott of the U. S. Army and Staff, returned to our city. On the next day, Major Gen. Sanford and Staff, and a part of the gallant army of Georgia came in, all in cxcelleut health and cheerful spirits, and t.f tin, fitv.? cncampcu in uic ncimi/ *# - ? Brig. Ucn. Loire and Staff came up scveral days ago, in consequence of the serious indisposition of Gen. L. Since which, we arc happy to state, his health, although yet far from being established, is much better at this lime. Ever since General . Scott and the army crossed llio river at floanukc, they have been actively employed in scouring the swamps of the Hatchachubbce, Cowaggee, and Uchee . creeks, searching for the enemy, but without success. The Indians had cleared i out to parts unknown, or surrendered in j tiinc to save their bacon. They have played the game up to the handle?took care to do all the harm thev could, before the white people could march against tbein witli an organized force. As soon as this was effected, and the force got in their neighborhood, lo! they give up. and are taken into camp, fed well, and j hauled off to Arkansas, laughing in their sleercs, all the time, at the success of their trick. This is but the realization of what wc at the start predicted; it turns out true to the letter. Tts true, and pit/ 'tit, 'tis tree. The army trill be disbanded and paid off st this place, as soon as the rolls can be made out. (at least all that can be pared.) They will return to their homes, with the praise of their commanders, and the thanks and well wishes of our whole community. With promptness and ala* crily, the volunteers came to the rescue? we say let a similar promptness and despatch be u*cc &> miles long, and varying from one to four in vidih At 12 o'clock, M. the 1st lust. I learned that the Indians were cn? camped within tour miles of this place, but; was enabled to reach them short of sixteen: miles inarch. On yesterday, about 10 o'clock, A. M., I ! made an attack upon the enemy, succeeded I in driving them from their camp, with the loss of nine that were left dead, and from the signs of blood, 1 ?U| j-o-c 20 or GO killed and wounded Tb6 Indians fled jm-ci^iuiely in every direction, bat i was una bled to pursue them in consequence of the denscness of the bushes through which they retreated, the exhaustion of our men, and the state of our wounded, having seven of them, and two 1 (ear, mortally. I think there is no doubt that | the Indians are still in the swamp, and from : the most intelligent persons here, I am indu(ced to believe they design remaining. We need one hundred ttienuty tuaiaus, cgumiur ded by Paddy Carr, to pursue tbe Indians and ferret ihem our, and shall be gratified to receive them as early as practicable. In consequence of tbe incessant rains we have had, and having fought in water, we need 3000 cartridges. Iu the meantime, I may take tbe liberty of saying, that the expedition! will be brought lo a close, and as soon as it | is, a full report will be made as early as practicable. Signed THOMAS BEALL, Cot Com. 1st Brig. Mounted Volunteers. To Ma/ Gen. Winficld ScoU.?Cel. Sat. Head-Quarters Army of toc South, > Fort Mitchell, July 2d, 1630. f Sir. I am directed by Maj. Gen. Scott to inform you, that Maj. Gen. Jesaup will, under bis direction, establish, in a few days, two (military posts on the post route between Columbus and Tuskcgee: Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, THOS. J LEE, Lieut. 4th V. S. To the Post Master at Col ambus, Gilt will bo perceived, by i perusal of (lie above letter of Gen. Scott, that the mail communication between Columbus and ? * r Montgomery, will be rtsesiaDiisnca in a it-.v days.?Wc karn verbally from Ibe Post Master here, that by direction of Geo. Scott tiro am II battalions of regular troops will more this day'from Fort Mitchell, and take position on the post rout. One battalion will establish itself at Caswell's or McCIellan's, fifteen miles this side of Toskegee, and the other at Adams, or Dibit's, twelve miles from Columbus. Alter the posts are established, the troops, or a portion of them, will be kept constantly moving between the poets, in order to nrreat~any straggling Indians who may be found upon, or near the road, and also to inspire confidence as toperfeet safety of passing the road. In addition, Capt. Garronny's company of Mounted Iufantry, left Columbus yesterday morning fer Tuskcgce, by tbo mail route, in order to open the way, as it is somo time since the road has bean passed over, and will return this day. A mail wagon, with a mail, will bo despatched in company with the Mounted Infantry, and the mail will bo continued to bo transported regularly thereafter, although it may not be conveyed oftcncr than triwetkly far the first week or ten days after the line goes into operation, owing to the loss of stock, and the bad condition of the road. Extratt cf a UiUr from, am offserto kit friend im t&u dxi'd * Kobt Craw rout-, I'.-Airl* da Chira, ) "June lllii, HOti 5 Three companies from this place, upon a request, made by Genera! Brooke, have been ordered to proceed forthwith to Fort Winnebago, to strengthen that post. The lodians arc encamped within a few miles of tho fort on pretence of awaiting the payment of their annuities, which takea place on tho 1st of August. From II the information he has been able to obtain, he thinks that they are hostile, and that without a sufficient force to overawe them, we shall hare a oar in this quarter about the 1st of August. To prevent this, ha has called upon con minders of forts tipaji this frontier for troops to garrison CorU Winnebago and Howard, the latter being the place where hostilities will probably commence. A Menominee Indian, how in confinement at fort Howard, is to be tried on the 12th last, for the murder of a Mr. Bennett, the surveyor. There is little doubt of bis execution, and this may bo laid hold of by the Menominee Indiana for the commencement of opera. tiona, when they will be sustained by tbt ir allies the Winnebagoes." St. Louts, June * *. Important Military Arrangement.?From iin authentic source wo icurn thai the President of the Untied States hat requested Governor Dunklin lu accept thu services of one thousand volunteers, for the protection of our Western frontier. This requisition is made in compliance with the recent act of Congress, authorizing the President to accept the services of ten thousaod volunteers, in case of Indian hostilities. General Atkinson, to whom the protection of the Northwestern frontier has been confided, is authorized bv the Secretary of War to call upon the i j Governor for the services of these volunteers. With this auxiliary, and the dis11 position already made of the regular forces 1 * - l.-l: 1 i at the frontier posts. u is uihctvu mm . peace will bo preserved among the tribcr. located on our borders. We may shortly * look out for squalls" on our own fionticr. The same fierce and long-smothered vengeance which the > artful eloquence and daring intrepidity of this Tocumieh of the South (Oseohi) has ? aroused in (be Seminole* and Creeks, also > lurks in (he bosoms of the numerous tribes of Indians by whom we arc surrounded. The very first breeze that waf s the lime .and triumphs of Oscola to the prairies of the West, rosy also Lear upon its bosom the reverberations of a warwhoop that wiil riog in lingering and appalling echoes from the Red rirer to the Wisconsin! The protection afforded as by the Government is by no means ample, and in the event of hostilities being commenced,. we would necessarily have to rely, in a great degree, upon our own tncaus of defence. BoonciUc Iferald, June 10. THE CHEROKKES A Cotncil of this Tribe was be Id *t Coosawattcr Marrsjr Count*, (Ga) on the 15lh alt at which Indians of both the Ridge and Ross or treaty and anti-treaty parties, attended A committee of twelve on the part of the Cherokee* was appointed to meet a committee of the citizens ot that County At this conference the Chrrokccs stated througa their committor, that no hostile moTcmeot. whaterer is contemplated by litem and hope that the dit&culties . which have grown ap between the two parties of i of the Nation, known as the 7Ycaty and Anti-Treaty parties may be settled in s manner satisfactory to both, asd that p???e and good feeling will be restored.?Georgian, 12fA insL The difficulties which General Scott has had to sustain in his campaign in Florida, may be understood when wc know the opinion expressed of that conn try sixty years since. Bartram,in bb travels, speaking of tbe Scmiuolcs, says, they are not a great nation, but possess a vast territory. "All East Florida, and a greater part of West Florida, which being natural? cot and divided into thousands of inlets, knolls, and eminences, by the innumerable rivers, lakes, swamps, vast savannas, and ponds, from so many secure retreats and j temporary dtvclliug places, that effectually | guard them from any sudden invasions or at lacks irom their enemies; ana naving sucn a swampy, fhammocky country, furnishes such a plenty and variety of supplies lor the nourishment of varieties of animals, that I can venture to assert that no part of the globe so abounds with wild game, or creatures (it Lr the food of man. New York, July 1. The French frigate VArtkemise is now anchored in the North river, having ari rived here a few days since Irom Martinique with despatches from Admiral Mackau, Governor of the French West India islands, for tho French Consul General here. She is commanded by the Cherolicr De La Place, advantageously known by his history of the vorage round the world, made for scientific purposes by the French frigate La Fmoiite. On Sethrday the Mayor of tho city and General Morton dined on bi>ard LAnkr* mise, by invitation from her commander, and were received on board with a salute ; from her guns. Another salute was fired j by the frigate yesterday, when she was j visited by the French Consul General. We regret to find that the defences ot the harbor bare been left so louliy destitute by draughts of men for the Indian war thai there are none left to welcome the Cherailcr Do La Plarc with a salute j on the part of* the United States. It is ' very surprising to us to learn thai there it ! no arrangement made for this purpose al the noil sutioo here. Our citizens genenrally will, we ait conrinced, feel .sincere gratification al ' seeing the (lag of our ancient oily floating (in amity over our waters ami be anxioui < to slum to the distinguished gcntlcmor and gallant officer oho bears the commission of Prance those civilities which are due to his nation and bit personal character.?-Ccar/cr Sf Eoquircr. MEXICO, June G. "The Americans in this city, are abused daily by the public prints, and menarei with the threats of taking their individual I property to pay the expenses of the Tcxai war, alledging that the Americans were the cause of all their disasters. | We arc informed by a geullcman very t recently/ram Jamaica, that the report current in Mainmoras, that two private armed English vessels were fitting nu t at Jamaics ] to assist the Mexicans in subjugating the nr*?i i ?1-. _:.i j * CtWOfi 19 CIIIIICI| UlltlUUk IUUUUOI1UII. . In onr remark*a few days since, alluding to this rumor, we expressed our doubts as ! to it* troth and are bappy tu fiud that wc were correct. No expodtlion whaterer, except what the (Governmentof Mexico may despatch tr 'Texas, is on fool against that republic noi do wo believe that any Foreign Govern j ment will interfere," STOCk-BKOkEKAGE. The subscriber proposes to attend to the sale and purcbaso of all the .Stocks of this place, Camden Cheraw, Charleston ami Hamburg, on the ordinary commissions, j He will keep the public regularly adtised, i through the Colombia papers of the price | of Slocks. Office at the Columbia lusu roucc uiiice. For Male. Commercial Bank Stuck. Broad-River Bridge Stock. Town of Columbia Five |>cr Cents. Wanted Columbia Insurance Stock. Batik of Camden Stock. JOHN GLASS. May 21.?17?lim FOR KALE. AN upright FIAA'O, of the bent English work in good tunc and preservation. Apply at ini* office. July 2?83-d ____ 4 Fifty Dollar Bill, the finder will be li 1 iL bcrally rewarded by leaving it at the | store of , H. LEVY. June 1i-20-tf NOTICE THE subscriber be^s leave to return his grateful thanks to his friends, customers, and the public generally, fur the very liberal en- jj coaragemcnt hitherto afforded him, and soli pi eits a continuance of former favors. He re* quest to inform tlm public generally, that he JJ has on hand a large assortment of Groceries p consisting of i SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, MOLASSES; And upwards of 5,000 lbs. Kentucky and North Caralina ?; BACON. ALSO ?Hiring bought the entire stock of CORDIALS belonging to Mr. James I). Lcroierc, with hi* apparatus for making the { same intends to pursue the same line of busi- 1 ness as practised by him. lie has also on hand j Old Port Cogniac Brandy Claret ip bottles ) West India Rom, J or on draft. S am aica do. , Pale Sherry Wine Scotch whiskey, ?' Malaga do Old Monoogahela do < Holland Gin. Ail unquestionably of the first quality, all ' of which he will sell as low as the articles can * be afforded at. JAMES M EWCN. < June 11?20?g. NOTICE. j IN order to settle the affairs ofCARPENjTER & EONNKY, it becomes necessary that all debts due them on or before the 1st of January last should be closed forth* with. Those interested, it is presumed, will come forward without further notice and comply with the aboee request. E. W. BONNEY. Jane 4?10?if SCO? & BSCS ST0E2. rilHK subscriber has now received a fresh ] JL and general assortment of ; Ladies and Gentlemen* Boots and show, I - . . t C-L: lI. ...I. 101 me latest anu iwmi losuiuiiauiv mj ic, wuiwu were selected with much care by himself? which he believes will give general satisfaction to those who will favor him with their custom. His stock comprises every description of Ladies and Gentlemen, and Children? Boots and Shoes, generally found in a regular shoe store. The Ladies and Gentlemen of Camd-n arc respectfully invited to call and; examine for themselves. ' A LSO? On hand a general assortment oj T1UB SIZiK HATS, Which will be sold on the most reasonable I terms. W. B. DANIELS. | February 27.?Gtf\New Copartnership. fllllE undersigned having on the 1st in?t i -* associated thcmsclrca in the rucrcanf tile business, under the firm of Shannon, ' M*(?ec 6c Co. respectfully solicit from the ! community and particularly the former llcustomers of Shannon 6c M'Dowall, a 1 coutinuancc of the liberal patronage ex-: 1 tended to that firm, and which it will be their endeavor to merit. Their stock of i dry <;oo?9, ! HARDWARE. i & Groceries, * ! 1 Til i . _?; i is select anti extensive, inu win oc uisposcd of on liberal term*. C. J. SHANNON, II. T M'GEE. W. D. M* DO WALL. I June IS-Sl-it I The business rf the late firm of Shan I non & M'Duwall u ill be settled by the i subscribers. SHANNON. M'GEE ?fc CO. SUMTER HOTELS I ffflllE Subscriber informs his friends ^ X and the public, thai he has taken the House formerly occupied by J. Goodman and more recently by J. J. Exum as a , Hotel in the Town of Camden, and near | he Court House, where he is prepared to , ecrire company, and flatters himself that those who farie ot Laced Bell* altogether, and dinunthe* ?ery imich the necessity of resorting to I 1 Pcnafin. By its application, the wearer* aro at I once rrlirved trvam great ineonvonicncr, and enabled , 10 resume their forntrr actnity. The alote Trusses arc just rccci?rd, are oft he suhwribcr'sou n selection, | aJid will It sold unusually low White Lead and Colours. A LAIttiK supply of tf?c*c articles direct from Wirrur.aii.i. A Brotukr*' inai.ufactory, whirh, with all other* in the line, such a* Oil, Hrushi-n, Var nuhes, TuriTnline, Ac. Ac. can It had on the raos cawtiablo terms, at WM. REYNOLDS'. A LSO? f).\ IfAXP A cuad supply of WINDOW GLASS, "j* OCODLAD, (From London) nv?ii? a* nsul Habit ?!/o/?cr, Respectfully informs the citizen? of Camden, ami the public pcnernllv, that ho intends commencing the above business, and hopes by strict attention to the duties of his profession to merit a shaic of public patronage. July 2?SKI?if Two Houses to Rent* ONE at Kirkwood, 6c one in l.optown. Enquire of A. YOUNG. June ll-20-lf insistent Qr. Master's Office. CHAiil?8TONv JURE 18,1836. rHE Subscriber hereby gives notice of his re&. dines* to adjust end settle ell claims ? United States, tor expenses incurred. and sop* lies famished on eceoant of the Militia end V?? inteers from the State of Sooth Caroline, (except ilhin the neighborhood of Savannah and *pgys-. 0 lor the defence of Florida, in conformity to the roviaions of an Act of Congress, approved Mav 3th, 1836, which is published for the infarmetioa. f those concerned. JOUR L'ERGLE, Assistant ^.nnex. AN ACT [*o proTido for the pet men l of expenses inCdrnd and supplies furnished on occocntof the rrilftif receired into the serrice of the United Stales lot the defence ?f Florida. Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse at Rr jresentatircs of toe United 8tales of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War' x?, and he is hereby directed to caoae to be paid he expenses that have been incurred, and thesapu dies that bare been famished, in tbe States of Sooth CaroHni. Georgia, Alabama, Louiwim, mni tbe Territory of Florida, on account of tbe Mifitk receired into tbe serrice of the United States for lhe defence of Florida. Frorided, That the aero ants for these claims shall be examined tad filed at the Treasury, as in other esses. Sec 2. And be it further ensrted, That the 8e:retarj of War be aulhorixed to cause the militia ?ilicd oat to delena- East Florida, by Generals* Clinch and Hernandez, r by the Goremor of Middle and West Florida, and such other militia and volunteers as hare been receired and mustered into Lite serrice of the United States nod regular!y discharged. to be paid in like manner with the rotonleers and militia ordered into eerrice under orders from the War Department JAMES K. KOUC, . Speaker of the Hooas of Representative* M. VAN BUREN, Vice President of the United Stales, and President of the Senate. Approved, May 'Sib, J836. ANDREW JACKSON. J one 25 2??am g^THE undersigned, u MlfypWp^oirnw of public wag* on*' give notice that xtia&Bjf their wagoners are not permitted, in any Instance, to recrire pay for hauling, other* wise than by ticket, that they are allowed no perquisites and person* will be pro* cecdcd against who shallpay for any one article hauled a* over load. To or from the ferry, for a four horse team, the rates for hauling will be 9125 and boat yard 91. The following will be considered as | a load: 10 Bales Cnttos, 3 Hds Molasses or8ugtr, 11 Libia. Floor, * 4 Tierce Bier, 10 " Fish, SJDOOlba. Cofiee, 10 M Liquor, \j 12 Sacks Salt, 10 a Stone Lime, 50 Coil Rope, 35 P's.Cottoa bagging, j 30 Keg* Nails. J. Bisnop A CO. HAYMAN LEVY. JOHN WORKMAN, Br W K HUGHS ON. W. C. WORKMAN, JNO. M. NIOLON, JOSEPH G. CLARK, By BASIL. J. YOUNG. July 2,?23-c SILKS, .frT.VEH* Y'O&K COST, Figured ami plain colored Silks, a hand] some assortment of the above article ecu* table for spring will be sold at COST. ASLO A few pieces OUFFIL BLANKETS, and NEGRO CLOTHS, will be sold at jcost by II. LEVY. Aprils SOUTH CAROLINA SltfflCS DISTRICT. vj r | Ml ERE was committed to the CjrK JL Jail of Sumter District, on JNn the 28th ttlL a likely young negro man, abont & feet six inches high, sZ/C/ possesses an intelligent cons toand manner of speaking, seems to be twenty years of age, says ho was raised by Benjamin Blanehard of Williamsburg District, and passed thro* various hands into those of Benj. Green.'wood, of Baker County, Georgia, from whom he ran awav about two years since. W. E. RICHARDSON, Sheriff 8. D. July 0-24-b COMMITTED ja fTIO the Jail of Kershaw Dis/Jb A triet, a Mulatto girl, who. JfJK calls her name Matilda. She is ; AxS about 22 years old, 4 feet high, and says she belongs to Richard afiwbWirH of Efltrefield District. Thn owner is requested u come forward, prove his property, pny charges and take her avrav. JAMES V1CKER9, Jailor, K. D. July 9-24-tf. j Clerk Wanted. A young man who has a knowledge oj the mercantile business, and can bring a good recommendation, can find a permanent situation and a good salary by addrcaMng a letter to 44H Jf." July 2.?23?tf. WANTED, A good cngliith teacher, for the Free School in Camden, to commence on the 2d Monday in July. Apply to L\ J. SHANNON, Sec'y. tod i res r. Comm'r. free Schools, K. D. June 18. NOTICE. D1IR 1J%'? Ihc absence of JOHNC. WEST, Maj. A. R. Ruffin it authorized to collect the debts due the late firm of J. M. Niolon & Co. J. BISHOP. July 9-24-tf NOTICE. f|1HE proprietors of Lanierjmd Green's rcny? gwe notice u?? ?? |?wlition to the next Legislature for a rechar* tcr for the same. May 7,?hm