On the ttrcnl/-fourth of February, eigh- j teen hundred thirty-two, '.ibe, and he herehy is, authorized, without regard to existing rules and requtretrienUF, to re* cepre such evidence as is on die, and any. farther proof* which maybe offerfediendh>? to establish the validity of' tbn claims of Massachusetts opoo/the United States, or any part thereof for.seeiees, disbursements. aad . expenditures during the late, war" tfith (Jrc^t Briiatrt; end in all cases .where such endeact shall in hi* judgment prove the truth of the items Of* claim, or any.pan thereof, to act on. the same In like manner, as if the - proof consisted of such vouchers and eridej?ed-a? if fieqtrired ' - 1 -t ?tnndfiiiMr'i' DJT CXtSUOg ruics ^ ?tbe sDovaitce' of sjicbc&nnr: And . ibit ; to thceeutaraetrtof^afhwof OtlwStntea , upon the UnHcii Statv< ill llfafcj ]>ur9f(Q<$ntSi ?ml xpfcn'ISiurw. during^ the late irar with Great Britain, thai same iiritj \ of evidence; roochjw^and^ooA -ahafrR received as is herein provided for 'in reftK lion to the claim gf Masaa*Kraett#, the ? validity of which shaU be; in like manner * -determined and acted upon bj\Lhe Sccktory of War. i- Amotio; MtVMiT. 1S30. - V .ni ii 'W -ViuW lokiti. ; . v. . - ' ' ' ' I I 1,1 !? ?f" FYem IbcCoiambos Seftliaci. - ~~~ . OCR INDIAN Owing to the ?xtrem^cxejtenifem which; prevails >t present 1q our city, frdm the bold, reckless* and jneccUfM murder* and horning* of *be hostile CrtAs.'Bo W going on in our irarandU^Yhnciiy, we arc cmns jelled to cxcludfemcclrintoleeting; matter far the present Fofaomc *Utn*?. we cooJd scarce bring* ooneives <0 fccKerc ? J-V-J-i n1J IUI (HCW UCiHUCU ncaiVHB WUUIH ???V the bbldness and omc. to gltiKiheir tb> cieoi and ondy?ng hostility upon yQ* Un.offending inhabitants. ' Northal vb placed any confidence in lhe.prk \spoa them as too weak to go to War* md loo1 dispirited to maiotaio each open aod dar-. 104 hostility. - But .from wjwt baa trab*> ptreil in a,few day* bark, We find tflal out J calcuUiioa wa* cnruneoot."r iiAtt.dV' viotft. lhai thry frri thrmtejrc* neither so hppcitM of er in in at saccc*??nor era. they xii*jpo?e4 to bcliereabai reidtiaUTf justice , will til] wltlr reiigeaacc dp*n their header It> jUm Adw-reduced lo t ccruinfyv that th??? foed dctcnftiOAtion wto carry aa tn it^iscfifinaatAl^t^n^AOVoply throughoui the oriole lately acquired porchoW; half to iriot the war iatD rnur ove^ttor with a tUriuy and epEwfr-wtitcti tf'todeerf * stariliug. Not conical with shooting anddriving oet from ardtrnd (hew the oofdr* j finatc citiets, ami pUtMeetag una at i nearly ever* thing tW Spoil* m"wI nalj content with rroairag -ni jftuTemeol by , the vhiteai aadprerentifce ifceooeedr cf>U li rtuioa of the** rich mid i?rliU| h?li? andppproprinitof 4* th?*?8ee* (hi jm* rMei^ob the HkT ftjbtr ?i Asnf Rit> * yoogg gentleman, the wk oi Col. Z Wttbarna ^ Columbia couoiy, and ; R. Gaoiny, E?1 and the si luntion of Mid* j In. U. ftorn, who. ivuaaul has boon bad- j Iy wounded. Such savage and outrageous, tfMfcfocteanna* be * ten J>p finfgitm j ?crugeaocc aboof.. be their war cry, andj vengeance die only nspiawou. The state of public feeling here, the constant expectation of a vfnwtar attach, together with the want of concert end organization, j the necessary patching and guarding 4h? city, by day add by night# while many of our "people-arc worn down and sick, formi a scene any thing but pleasant. 11 becomes the duty of the people of the Slate to turn out and help as, and that too. to sufficient force to do somclbhjg, before the already, excited Chcrukcca in our own border*, Pitching the umtc of blood, shall rise ami brio# ruin and death to such of oar people as Jive among them, h ie highly important, it U highly impel jous on us to march into the enemies country, and strike-no effectual bio* at once, for uothmgelM can nmv save us from a genera) snd protracted warfare, ft ia generally believad that "the Creeks have been stimulated to tbeif present posture towards oa by xlic ncwaof the protracted ~ (he nsriiai W*f ?{Rlfl? ura OVUIHd'Kai ? f puccca of their engsffmthtl' with our troops. If w? arr thi*. sod bet partial in success cgamtt the Crrcks, will not-the Cherokee* be>Tikcwis*atunttlale * We her# see and feel the necessity of acute and laborious camp duty. We need the experience of discipline. Our officers bete, with a promptness lhat reDec te great credit upon them, determined to go into regular camp, to torn out ail our affective citizen*? without the least exception of persona. Regular guard* should be mounted beyond the Use of camps. More cannon and ammunition #bouid be aebt for??>biock foouies prepar ed for the reception of our women audi children, in case of en attack, end the Governor should be requested u> send' out, ' as carljr as possible, such roJuflte'er companies m can be hail, |o the various positions on onrosteqded frontier Mne for V-e believe no escape J* to be expected from the rifle, the tomahajrhaml scalping knife' of these- TUtWets savages, bot what 'vre may expect to hnd by bold, and vigorous w?*t- : v - ' ,r. * l 1 ^ - *?? ??-?' ? '. -*> j * ARRIVAL OF TUK ARMS aNI) Ml. .. . wiSbNaoy ^r Ait .. This morning (Wedoexls/) arc had ifwaf-1 rieal of tfu* 300 tfrod of arms,' ammunition and one six pounder, asm on tb us by oar p*. tnouc acd iodepeod?nl^3or?rjvor. The wagon? were escorted by a very gallant looking aoluQtearcof&panjr df tipipi, from Taifottub, < rTumbtriagebwct abety men. -Tho mas were TWikeig frtff gfett composing. (hH>doaf Briga&er tfen: Lo?>rr, vrh<> *cu in command of tins diristoa in xfro-atK tence < of. lh| ^tin^D. -tt'Doogafeb - On Joeaday-ksL Aaj^ Qoward; commanding ilm Goorgj* Bau*)ioo ?t Fori recei-J . ted by order* from- ibc ExeCaitVf; an - add*-. nooal force of- touooied njeft from Vpaoa ?* - -. ^ ? -j, -~'i coo my? - j. ? - j Tberd bis armed, hi thd coowc of kda) -or so, coofeiderablc iotce from Harris couory iy iheor&rof Gen Low^nd me are look-* <0^ foe-t Bsfbilkjd of Light- Inlaturj'troa lalbot'aooMjr, is t^e hwiebf ilfu wttk.' 1 a Howard, {wto seems ifr have ihej opoBdendeof tITai ma able and gaHam oft-ra^with*-pkri of hie 'Obttahaiid 6dm For* [ Twiggs,tbe Upacm ttbop, Cotaftbus Quants, c osoogep fifaes, and* number of/dtfcer coci||bm? ORxMMyeer 1 the Cfeeiubooetee thtt atfamgVIVeditoadaj)~torpul' * ??p ^6 thtf b0ratag4r Mr. pUorttioq ' ti Ufa JoiiidbBio^Toej^ they jrenihh ' edia did cBepmgoNbe tunc' day, without teeing abf of the Indiana ^Tbd&dkyM srei ?ud im.rdettng aodifciralng.f This' mooaipfj ( Wedoeediay) ?o;dttiKgro tertian V *ilb his j lent, ioc propinj w- uiu nor/ w m?" >? i of oar [>1 *c<^ wfciicruftag *4ktte.w?j bt}ond| (2ir^,|rM o|^' *WIH> dedib tf^tpa, oFsis of eigbt' ioduo>; tiwdMbe fiw?l?OftJUldafo?rUi nut-" The! *U$e whitft Jeft tt^igxamf1wf,of w&scJi Wlttro 1?> account, vsa *? 4idUd?t& ft patents With A> tad Vvtidtft b* ilin nnifniin i iiuinwWwwi iWhriraai ?nif raakiog CbcK Cscspc. liploifaisiicBCki^ovi of lihrljB, hare ^Jrired oofeljiiv loop. .Tbu, dgetH binv Hr. * ptrtrof ineodij lad??i?~K>?croci after $* nltf bags?00 their rcfwnf U?y rdporterf ?ftw pttm Ijriqg doid fltti tte Otigb^ tfjo jwfws, Ax, scattered ih4 Stage burnt, and horac* tilled The ffta&ofcrs wbofcttihe rkthbaoT M. blood jwtod*, Mill lie mibenod la iho woods -7? ifodaciBof . Aoettaeftibere coonty, WjMifim a?^CH of tfao aetUcra seam 10 be vom nd more horrid than ?*?ikU mutinied, hero return, dj ihek, dreigoi)^ Vj I e*<* itoir horse* behind,; ? ? *A..? ?*u4 Airlii (hum ill tfaoir OStt ! U WW, -w . , way. Wo iuvo authentic news of (ho enure j boftliSkj of lho Nanoo, with tiw ox vpcaoofj tew *>.toa, the tfowou, ttaeutws, owl ?mc; of tin town oeW 'Geo. IVouJard'a, ate aatdj Krbe lric?dJy?butbufoor ut reliance can; be put in Ibetr fneudsbtp; Ola Ncba .ilico,. the bead man of he nation,, haa at icugili declared 10 favor ? f tlw itotidu*, aud old | Vknx Manilla tie* seat us Word thai i*c know a: I our force, A#d would buru tbe bridgt?mat' if bo ooufd oot Lake t dtamboa, tie would de rastate the country towards t'lm merj-? Thuinfomouon we derive from our Indian vriao cauie in la 10 I Am utfiti, (Wetfhe*. Ida}.) Erery coufidanc* ?ra? beretof./ro leh ! in the friendship of those two Chiefs?-ha uJ i? uowr ai an end, and our watchful Gorernur sltoufd no longer ro?t a moment mtbout or tiering oat all the volunteer ooamant** at | hand, thai can be spared, and seud us iq a hurrj, biorv arms, ammunition, and especialIj tours canuao - fur thejr are the mm *A (ei- j lows to (hake the I ndians how I. -We tmpe) and trust be hill do ao, or give ?o,?.e of our < occurs iiote, djscrvuonarj power to call out the iniiiiiatritboui a dr-ft? such a number at letsl as could be well spared lir- tn thediffcrv jeni couuuusrn our Divmno. tins Indiana ) hare complete posaoMton of Roanoke?bare t made a fort of the wan?-fiou*e and cotton bales, and what ts worse, have beaten off nro compauica of whiles in two several onjjogcnat r?<>. The whole country Bi.tt of Jtoanoke hai been abandoned, and the honse* in t(uanj places, have becu burnt by the Ini duns. Surely there never was such a paulc, { tbe whites teem to think of riotbing but gut, ting *we.fayaftct: **lTi?otfc? CtiuiMham.Cocxux. } Order i?.ij?Mi 8cotL?*Wv bavc brcn put UT pdasctfnoA, perih? achoonerAmha, Cap*, ftorton, arriredOo S?nday ak fernt?6? frorp St. A^nalhie, of aaOrtlet of GM.tS*oU, dated feV thai-place on die' 17tfvlcst. W?k#i?( la-jteceeirf Ia1(i9> diqttiofta of t'teLeteoof -mutual diaeoAfeot^j cxUiing betvreen the Oeomfu^lin f?o;i pie offfjorida. The X^pjerml-compliin* bitterly oflhe conduct-of the. ff)uridian?, i that wllhinx'fcvrdsys, the in-j twfaiDa^t but ire ^adikinr into t neigh-H borhood ia. the..heart of to?L the comnrifricn of 4 murder hy-thenv had penhe inhabaiants to flight and giUog -otherInstances Of wild. fear; excited. bv eafcfta *aua% jodej|tt*M*, both in Eastern add. Middle- Florida- "ft is evident*'' aaya the tfrder. *lbat no General* even With. the extensive means, can,, core* a tfiaeaae in the public mind, ao general and so degrading* whhuOi some Tittle effort, on the para, of lbs people thecnteJves.? Thus the planters, in* the recent case, wWpYiilbliniM, e&ajvi jrhJioui lcnoit* ing whether they rah froin yqua?va.ar Warriors* -mtghl-iral to hare ascertained that fact., If they had turned upon the enemy, tlngr nrooHl bare found toe case within the 6aiy ponpui oljiij wrev-'ur wui * s?v lute masters, ami haJf axnUny osctsccts, Thi* was tiic cimplo and uituly cour^r. That adopted *??lo fly, W- spread the pstucsod to .throw execration ;up,n tf>e jjelicn) vho baa ibf okAirtuiM to eAmman d a bkadfal 04 brave u-oops In thr midst of aueb a population." The Gene* rat insist* that the regular f?*rrc in the Trnrilnry is adequate to it* protection, none having been sent nut of the territory, except possibly' three companies Crom Temp* Bay?bfalde* garrison at which place, 2 companies acre directed thence to occupy a post on the Hutrance, Sarr E>stceiihon the government for his rccal. FROM~ST AUGUSTINE. Thesieam packet Dolphin, ('apt. Pennoy: er, arrived J.im evening. Ion St. Augustine on Saturday evening, and Savannah yesterday I mottling, liy her, ?vc have received the St. iAugUtfiiuo J/iraut of Thursday last, and the Sitannili (rtnrgian ol yoMordsy morning r From the hitter, we copy tomo account of further Indian murders, about *0 miles from Jif Svionritlo, E. F Urn. Semt was a passenger in the Dolphin ,5.11.ir a* Sarannnli; which place no was lo hive left yesterday, in ihe steamer George , Walhingum, for Aagustn, nn his way, as was understood, ?o tho Creek nation. Wo learn from Major Lytic urhocatne pas cnger in the Uolpfun, that there was nothing I new at tit. Augustine at the time of her dci parture. Gor. Call has sent an order to Brig (Jen. llernaode7.; to 01U nitoserTico AH) men for the MOfectwo of the ecu airy east af liteStl Johp's riter, . V . ^ v . >% \ SATAHtfAH, Mty {Sjir >' :V Mflqnchohf dratk of a Voluute&.~ Sir. Park his-jo M. Skinaer, of Put gam county, attached toxm* pi the compaBieif, (Capl. | UfriVfilWi^ n^ lTW pAfifiMS liaiiafumi ibw reached thre-cty 9 few days .sijice,^ died at'tfccC^ 'HajeJ on Saiur3ajr ^' oight Irom a fecund accidentttif* htfliotod by another *?tunieer on 'thnrtfiy- eroding ~ iTta*' w6r<\ ; it is said. on Win? y'iicf2fe a ttkiQ^ho?0'\fiiidario/ and ahour pftany ottoi Irom Jacksonville A i letter of tbelfch uf&ftAaf Mwmtqpj aobftrtris the intelligence from ifcowhralNFori^iillilantVthai the fftdieos fcadjtttt^ktflod- near M tc&aopjr r-foutdf. oar people tod wounded two. ; ' *,/ - ; * * - ? - Tfceir.ofrnes MA flpocy A. More atsdR, X. j?tcf, {k3liid). Jobfe 3i'F?dd1cn- {tnuswig add supposed- tol*ppt s*jft,th4t ii'ialiepofled fbtu \b* Creeks* cacr rwiaifcr/O^JQ W^morftT < lx v- .", ?i?. - * '"' -x Indian Murder.-STUe. T*riaha?3ee Fionditm vf UterJT4th tntl. states, tbetrvrhhe .boy t.boar IS ftorj of zgc. whjrc.pl nothing ip th> ficldj w? shot and icafped* by party of ftarcgeft who-irmntdiaiely fled to the ctramps leaving ifyeir tfctim tTclteringin bis blood. :Th? mother of the boy distinctly heard .the *kci ot ber'ebiW, when- the ei.nl fli 02 knife rvas 'oJng its turk of death. dL Bead." was in- pup, strHof the fixe. - The ia?e:pap*r ?)rs that f*Ai|pnum the mo'ofog previous, io solicit aid fioni this state, unfit the general gorerumcnt shall prgamse permanent means of defence. j -The Mobile MsJeantik Ademiser of -the 18th instr domains another version ql the battle, in which Santa Anna was made prisoner, furtmbetnrjT Mr. Joseph Andrews, bl Georgia; jrt>9 was one of the prisoners taken "by the Mcaieans, in ibe detachment commanded by Col. Ward, of ih.it State, and was among those who escaped the g-neial mawMcro of that deuebmetii. and was afterr #et? ijed in ihi?dacitire baulr, fbugh VijrGco. iiutt^too. lib account ot ibis ac, uon corresponds generally with the state menu prettnudy received. S^nta Anna w represented'by him, as apparent It 45 years of rather small statm*, dark complexion, | buck hair. hUck bright cje*, and altogether J a good looking roan Santa Anna is stated j 10 hate assigned as reasons for destroying 'h?i prisoners comjxBtng (tie detachment* of > ol Fannin and ( ol. Ward, that be had nohpru jtlMons suffj< lent Tor ilietti and his own army, t and seeo dly, that he had noi men enough to ; spare to keep ihcm securHy. I Tbo following named perwns under the | command of i oU. Fannin and Ward, made their r*c ipe?Jujrpb Andrews, Dnrid Holt, Lewis Washington, Dickinson, Horace ] Bullock, Samuel Hardcwar, and fr-njam n j Murdecai, all Georgians. l)r. ShankIrford, mif Alabama, had hi* hie sparrd, and is now , ?u attcndame np?m the wounded Mexican*. I lu lira battle between Houston and Santa Anna, t ol. Mir-ibeau Lviuar, of gia, 'greatly di"?;ingui lutl himself for Ins valor jan iiitrcptUttv, - - ?J - - ral Gaines has been furnished lo the colors of the Washington Globe for publication, and is in part confirmatory of the accounts of the victory of the Tvxians i published yesterday. It will be seen that General Games considers the statement | of the victories sufficiently authentic to found the future military operations of the government of the United 8tatcs upon its correctness, and has countermanded his requisitions upon the Governors of the several bordering States for vnlutt.leers lo protect the integrity of our soil. Ilr.ad QrAR*r*?. Wrirn* Drr**t???t Camp Sabine, iiJVAi April, 1KK> Sir:?I have the honor lo slate ihnt reports have ju?t now reached lliis plao\ through varion? channels, which leave n. douht ol ihei; correctness, that on the a Oniric was near twen^Hwrkdmr* in. Texas, b^Weei^t^o Mexicans, trader ilte imtnedi^e; cirtpraand W their President, Saul* Asna, end-the Texians, under. General Hp^fwiv their command et4n-c&c?f'.i|d tlrat H rcsnlted in me eulirn overthrow of iKc ad rapced corps of the Mexican jirrti y, whrchr appears to bare been r^ry far out of supporting distance from the Inrger part or trie -arm)-, most of whiih is said to bare been, upon the Brassoa, near St, Phi I lipped distance $xiy miles. It 3p sut*d that between fire bondred and. s|x hundred of life Mexican troops were killed, and ihe rcsitfuc of ihep&risce, abopt fbe aa/tie number. t.ikrn nnMMfL ifteltiftinar tlu; TrehitkrK himself with hssatoff, and most of his pripcjpal officers, and that he has declared himself j eady and wiHintf iosunUy ^acknowledge the Independence of Texas, Upon this point, bairevrr, E presume flic coQ&mpUwj authorities of Mexico moat be-consulted. ' I bajt* moreover, learned that the CJieroke* and other Indians inTexas, from nut side .of thd national' boundary line, are disposed to return to tKeirvOlagef, platt\ corn, and be peaceable. litis intelligence suggests to me the propriety of desiring the Governors .of the Slates of whom I revested volunteers, k. cl*m<4 in no !?lt*r nf lha fiaWnT tkla ? ?t* W^. ? VI v* Niu month, to suspend- their movement. To UiisI have added, that should the above report be confirmed, as! Hare no doabt they will be in the course of a. few days, I vritt iji that ercpt, order an' officer direct to the States respectively, meet theVn* Impaers, master them- into service, and * theft discharge them. / Your obedient servant, EDM UN L P. GAINES, Major General comrfiandlng. .To ibe SrcaiiTAEi or Wan, Washington City. Fatal Accident.?9fc are tnfonsedhy a friend from LanvVns, that a son of the Sheriff of that District, a boy 0 or 10 years old, lolt his lite a few days since, by eating the poisonous and' fatal Hemlock. The deceased, and two or three other boys. repair*) to the' woods for the purpose* at they said* oT procuring a root called A? gtticcr, bv\ through mistake took th? Hem* lock.. The deceased ate a large portion of it. and then gare lome Co Ms compactions, wjio partook of only a small quantity. He was immediately taken riolentiylUand started hornet bat had not proceeded more than half or three fourths of a before he was compelled to stop. 8c.oe of the other boys went to a house for eiiistaftce; and a physician was called; but soon alter hejirrired, the on fortunate sufferer expired. The distress of the afflicted parents, who did not arrite wttt their little. son had ceased to exist, can be better its.a- *' .gined than described. ' The companions of the decased were very IB from the ef* * ? t _ t tens 01 tnr poison, out oy ninety assistance, ihcy recovered. 80 active and violent was the clfeeU ofttbe deadly herb, thai it was the opinion of Physicians, tbiC no Medical skill could have saved the de? HCMfcJ, unless assistance had been iroroediatcly at han3. Let this distressing occurrence be a warning 10 parents, who suffer their children (as is frequently the esse) to eat 01' wild roots,Iterba and fruits. w mflr fBsnntenwB1** 1,1 ' a-. Washisotok, *0?. Defence of (he fl estm Frontier.~Tho nteresiing communication from the. War D partmcnt. and the debate upon it elicited iu the House of Representatives on Saturday, will arrest the public attention* J'hcre utter was an.instance which so wrongly exhibited the influents of party -chctr.es upon the minds of pnifttJtains* u hile thoroughly pursuaded that >0 earrylti r ut those schemes thev risked the nar amount interest, the safety of tbo conn irv. ft trill be seen, that at the moment that war was marching towards onr frontiers?when the General on oar borders, trhose charge it is to protect oar frontier settlements, had actually called a largo and extraordinary force to the Host, to cuablc him to guard tbem from dangers he cuitftiiJrrcd impending, the idea af preserving a surplus for Mr. Clay*a diatribetion predominated in the mindt of somo over that of prcscrring our frontier settle' mcnts from the danger of savage invasion and servile insurrection. The troops had been called into the service to meet this j exigency, and the only question was as to , nr. titling for their support; and we find i Sir. Mason of Ohio opposing it, uoon tho | score that it was only a pretext to bleed tAc Trtasury, instead of preventing the fron| tier from blccding?Mr. Underwood of Kentucky (like Mr. Calhoun in the ease of the French) opposing it upon the gton*d that the preparation was likely to provoke i tvar, rather than avoid it?Mr Graves of ; Kentucky laboring to postpone action and jbring on the delays, which he considers* i from his former success, the most cflectu al mode of embarrassing, if not of defatfj ing, the majority in the House; and vet j we find all these western gentlemen at last | obliged either to retreat from the Moose, ; or give their vote for what they thus endeavored to thwart and prejudice. Messrs. Underwood and Mason, we understand, left the House just before the vote was taken, one having declared peremptorily that nothinging could induce him to sanction the appropriation. Mr. Graves although present when his name was called postponed his vote, (though lie could not the question,) and after finding that only three names were recorded in the negative, rose, asked to he cailcd, and voted io the afiirmatirc!?Globt, *