THE CAMDEN JOFRNAL. ggggggg ' " ' I " Vty^XI. , . ', " - : . x-^ ^ AVMAY- ; J . . ^ -K !C? 1 its 11 PlbHt'iti 6&ry $4t vj%y M irnirig htf RO&?$? TiiAfiHT, -HJSijfu** or rtfs nwwr thk daicm . .{ , . i- ? ?~ .h-.TT. '-=--? . ?aufr vSCR!i>TIONS _ rJ Three d^Urt a v-ear iw alvane^or fbnr doMar*. At tiwroai of fhe v**nr* * - s . ' -"f j ADVERTISEMENTS loserte J ?t.r**enty 5re cent* the ?qtpre fcr the firat, and half that a"Q'>ant f>)r rash cnstrrtCiTjrv*? ?'.AM vf 1r>m-fir>n? to !ia .marked ma the 1. U'* uawtfv? , - _ nwgia or they vfi\\ be coalinuod and charged ac- j coidia gly. Those inserted #omi-monthly 75 ceo la ' and awttitily^I a.*qd"ir?? for c^ch insettiryn. Cam-nuntcatiofte by mail to be past paid orscmain untended to.Taiioriag EstablislrmeiiC THE subscriber grateful fur the libpra? share o( pUrutiagc received since hi* commencement in il?e fall, hope* bycdjac application and a readiness to please ail who may c?H to merit a coutinuauce of the same. His work will be exesttfrd will* neatness and despatch, and in the most fashionable manner; his prices will be moderate for cash or punctual cusio- j mcr*. Wanted o?c or two bovn fronrM t*? 16] years of age, apprentice* to the husi-j ness. J. L. BRASIXGTON. March 26?9 ? - 50 5AKiO?.?. XLarjng bcc*natuliort?cd lusell and teach the Tailors M VSTKR PKICE; being the cdmplete guide for Instruction I in the whole art of mm curing-and r?i:i:ip | according to the *v;mc?y of fi>hit>n an'J form with Pistes Ulu?trxl?re of the r-anvc, by Scott & Pcrkms.'rcporicrs <>ffa>bi>?fn? and teachers ?f cutting garment* at .\? vv York. The abof* svstciu can be had w'f.h all 'he necessary articles belonging' thereto if application be made to t'ir suhsu-riber. j. L. a NOTICE. Those la lebted to M't'axktil & Howcr,on note or account, for I"J11 A ?ud \> are requested to make parmeoCj a* u ia desirable - 14 dose the books of that concern. P. M'CASKILL. April 9 -!!-tf S UtfTEil IIJTHL. T.IE SubscrilK-r inf?rrxns bis frtends: and the public,-that he Jw? taken the t H iusc formerly occupied by J. Goodman ' and .more recently by J; J. Kxtnn a* ?> ( Hole] in the Town of Cain<)ch, atfi ncsrj the Court House, where he i? prcperc?l 10 receive company, and After* himself thai those who fav-rhim with their company will be satisfied with their accommodations. A. K. RUFP1N. Mar 23 ?20:>lf. (Bf AUTHORITY*] LAW Ot THt SjUtTEO STATE* PA*M:D AT THE TWCXTF FOCRTit CONOUL55 nIT session. fP('BLtf, No. 20.] AN ACT profjiiint* forth- wUrir? of rrr tain officers therein turned, and lor other purposes. Re it enacted by the Srnnfe find flmse of Representatives, **f th* (Jf! March, eighteen hundred arid thirt vlire. j one at a salary of eleven hundred and tii-i ly dollars and the other at ? sslarv <-f one j thonsartd dollars. T-iat the assistant messenger in said; Department he all tared illc sum of s.x hundred and fifty dollars. That the assistant messenger in tit** i First Comptroller's office beallowtd thannual c ?-np nsation of five hundred d??i-; lars. CV. . 11.? \ . r ! ..... i [in mu mi I[U'II''IH hi r.crtv1* aTi:i mr.v senders r??r the ulliro ??l the (.'oinmtshnicr of Pension*, in a lduion to those an'h < j riz?-n of the moffscnger in ridirc <>f the I'ommf>*ioner of Inban A Hairs, he seven hundred dollar?. ihai the Commissioners of the Nary "* ? .* ?r r - - _* . JJoird t>? -a?tbr?ii^?vJ n trtfeploy ?hr?* in addition tu tho?A avt horded j>y ia?r,*at the aqjh QC ipu- wuucired.*h4iati? - *. . Thiamin: Sur?cy4?.* Oeofral of Ohiot4d~ diaiic, and ^Lfbi^n, be sothqfTr.ed tt>* employ Uvo decks ti^r -6?m> ncK t*xece?Knjr twt nyrrlbrcc'hundred do)|&rs, 4n That (he ^orreyor .General-of Arkansas fee allowed the ?u?n of Mttoihoowinil^ - \ i ?? _n ?_ i y* ! l cigli* auminx. cottars,vHorcio*a jure jn i his o(?c?* - \ r." *-' v-.-" , That, the .Surveyor -of L?m?ii?nd be allowed-lite sufn of^weDty-fivc huiidrcd del- < fare for clerk hire io-his office. - : * .Thai lite Surveyor.General ; sipni bt allowed jhe sum-ttt- five- thousand , dirtfnrs Tor eicrk birfr iia Jhs dffice. - * .' Tfrai the Hurse> err GCncraVof AhibiTrfcr be aK?>wotl the ^tita of *rwo thousand (foi? lai> Uireicrk 1iccc in ti* office. \ " ThaenHc Scrroy?M-Xj*-hcral of K/nri4a> * Unallowed iher-ftluii^ tJjrrts.\hou$;rad fiv'c"hun^rcd dollar.* for clerfca io his ofljco - m ml -1 . _ - # ' -> ? 1 . fill i ine- aecKftjaiy' 01 "ai\oci*iiu net s? hereby awiiiOritc^ i'o crnpiby> fu+ *he _ discharge ofdir^arvuiv Julie*. i parljflcui, ifoc fTilluwidg cierlwmad ^>nw?- 1 Sjjagcrt; one clerk ar*tx4c*h jhun-tecd. kanf| one chirC: #( luarU^ti J^jtotfrcU-p dollars; to be cmplnv^Jlo itu?rbU94ifCe*~?^ < reservaii ?DI amJ-^r3F,Ob|irj3f^- Li&uaxtfra'. 2 U( <: PruvuM^ Thai thjk fetid~cforks *hajl 001 be-etnr&ir'tM^a- ipV(??r rtap than i four y^arp. ThrejrVJcrk* klV^rTPfliwrHJn.t?Rlcr. iroKP rtiov<4^d ry be ; couuoucd during ?hc }?WM?:nt^erft; 1 < Six clerks and one mcMcn;i XolJcrw>l* one i clerk ai sixteen hundred dollars one ?L-rk a I tu elre - hntidjvd driliarfu four clerk* atri our thousand dollsrt each. and one rtt6? ntftrr tH firo hyodrtuL/M'ar?,/nne clock, fur the <>r?Hnaucr 0?5cr, "at Iwelrc hundred dollars, and four clcVt* at one Jjt/u* sand dollar* each. Oat* clerk for;lhe Adjutaty G -eralVOdiee, ?? t tJVr hundred miliars. ami nhr? ?-_cicrk* nt' unc ihou?ami dollars each. Otfl! rl? rk ru flic Eogtuccr Office at Iwrire hundred dollar*. auu one clerk at one thousand dollars-. 0;?c clerk to the Coatmwha^, GcwolV .itlino-^ one tliuuftnd d tllac* S(x clerk* vftc messenger in ike E migrating India n Bureau attached to the Sub-dsWrtcr Department, whose compensation shall lie as fol- J Ions: onr clerk at -ittrcn liuudrcd dollaril, one clerk a! fourteen huudred doilar?, ?uc clerk a: twelve hundred dollar*. three ? - -1 - ? I I. ! L cJriKS at Oiu inf Hrpr(trn \at\r** of (Mr I 'trltii Vrtf'j of .imrruit in ('jngrt*s &:irtn*'sd. That the tallowing ?uiiu ho ajipropria led f ?r the naval service for the year one thousand right hundred and thirty-six, ill addition to the unexpended balances uf fnrnit r appropriation*, v r/: i'or pay of comm.*stoned, warrant anr .itApro.fcrrfRfcd n ere??ifj,repairs of the tfWrjr yard at Brooklyn, Sl+w Ytfrk efjMylwr1 fhcmsaiid three Aarfdroddpl-" lar*.. " *r -*?* ^^7"-*''./ P-6r ifnprOremcfct and tiecewary repairs imjcnapf jrtrq at rfliuoMjmia, rcrti!$yjrsfrtj, -e^vcj< ibou?iinHcTtn hundred and. lift? (WMm/^V" ' '"r't' . * '^V'Jk - F rtj r eirrtjrtf 30^ n tctiss *yrcpa i rs iT^Kc i&ry jird^at \T<*Tiin?tdQ,v ifalttVsr v^nih uyiafftf-fidollar^ lfoc*i!Ti|?fvr6m?n?l tJiAttVcin%ff repa&f af lltt tuiVv yard a* Glispc^V vjf^ih}^ one ho'ndttd a nil -i\ x fy^fainfcoUaaofi tfollara.; l?.tx\tnprvv imp&'*ri& tn-cPisary repairs 'if the mxvy PcoiAaala, (oryr Dine [hntm?icMofl* HE W; ^ ' F??r tVJurvt aramh tfa^lr appS*i\?Ja?c8" ai' ,nary Vartti ttjt rcntneoTi/'fr recainTOrudrd by Ore )*ecTTl*ty 6/ the IHrjri. ofck, iHiodr^hnd (Hiy thotiiind'ddDart.'''- -*. l_ ? r . ? * *;* *. ~-~*L ' * - 9Br1rCr r4im'inrjjtii?d 1jy-(V???a>f?d??rc Dalios. ttfOflTiv^burr t (rcxf-nrtjd-dojlarir* x 'Jl ; P??r onbnaace '^orf^nnf&anec stefa^ fix? iv>Uiuf ili?i( i? ? of ?*?erjr tlrficriprKizj; Tdi #Jiarfege and dockage, Mprrhge cotb>cart "iart^rt'Ulng expenses ol officers wnd trrinxpbr: laiinuof ccaoii n; house, rent for ptifst>r? srhich tubbed lo yard* and steliurw where [io*houso is provnJetivfor'ftucral expenses-, for p??utrnissi?>na. efrrkTiirp*- offire'retif. itaiionrry- and fuel to navy oxchlSffor ptlrN, and drawing*; f??r thr purchase aint rrpair-of Ixre.rogiitc* artif marhjHcrVjdnd fur xcnni;ii horse*, and for cart#, limbrrubccdj, antf workmen*# tool# of <*ory desrrspthin; (or postage of Icttrra on public service* far pilouge and towing ships of w.?r, for enbin furniture tor vessel# in eoramhrtloa; for taxes and J nineteen thousand two hundred dollars. For pnj of the officers auJ noQ-comfoU* stoned officers, munic tins ond privacy and for subsistence of (he dficers of the marinecorps, one hundred and aitij-thn'C thousand s*Teni)-*cTen dollir* and twrcniy-fivc cents. For provisions for non-com missioned officers, musicians, and privates of said corps, serving on shore, and for aerranla fend wathcrwom n, thirty-three ihnuvmd fife hundred and fr'-renteen dolfani and M-rcnty-tvco centi. For clothing, thirv-mght thousand six hundred and filtybve dollars. " for luel, fourteen ttrumnJ lire hundred ami e.oiuy-nme dollars. For (ho purchase of idle* and ibserrciian of barrack* near the tnvy yard* a C.'li trlosi'?wn, (i n?j>ort. and IViisacola, otio hundred uid tilijr dollar*. For repairs of barrack* near Portsmouth, New IIauipdiifc, and for rep?ir*?l (he other < -i utous eight ilcfiOnJ nine hundred dollar*. ! For iran*;>onau.>n of Olivers, non-coni-1 :nt*?ionrd ofli*er*a mmcnin, and *piirate*, and expenses of recruiting, six tliousnud dollar*. For rnedmncs. hospital *toro?, surgical inr.r-uiont*, and pay ot matron, Inur Ui-^ttaiud * T"~ - it!1 one huqdfoUnd Uuftj-cine^dUars andur&H ijr-gneocfiU. " */* ! m^r arms in tepa^r/dranrfs^fir^ flags, acctiol r^j^tS/swf-ocdntncn *tdre*r- twrd' thousand dollars: -; *M :- -' -v-'?: > | For Mntingc^etpeo^yo^saidcorpi^fjrenteeri thousand nine- fibodtfed *orf jgytnty^ sereo doJlira ^d nu^*?ll?rce'C?nt^ ' V^fc' : ^66r attearages/or d(Hrt/ing4hi^etfrf?^rricoMwK'eiyrtwes". of sffieanr of tfta^niry engaged io the sodej^MBe eoa^tadbafc* .fcxeofctl* UnS?t .sttCrMAft' feen hmfcJrcd wrf' iHfcff P*** item# 4h ?M, anr efficient au?l. uaftfeT, and hK Xbvt.-Jtir-t pwetBctfwn 0/dtfrinipdrtd^and &$ )$**< 1 tW M^bi^ ftsfrbc jsvne*hereby *|W. r\?V\r\rr A thereto, tf ncc<*ftty, the Pfrsiitenv ofctftc UomcJ S(a?u, .! '^fithorfe*4 ^tifdfrirO&& ^asjujba v '* * v i* - >-*.r J*-f. ?l'.;,t-<7>.' v>%./ JLSriA ^'jjuppj^h r?fthc 9xmfo1a* tkAfcMrproptl2ft?d "fcr-t)ic ixmp/nn of iHcannvYuHbc fjptr <*?hi .&ui?drr4afld dricfcy^; ^ vFof.thfc ptvVflJfa^WA rtin^bpjEhJflfcf itttf oijjht$*OipUf ihtfnMfiii %ihrftfTxOm}fi^J >B*r^XCrfT: V ' *" V , P'f piyitterrtB-ltfTir^dt >Iotir$i? frdte' .rhargcd jrW tU&sapd dollar*. ' -For aubtMlpdee, csrloisi^ of H^t ldf riccf*. -four hoodroJ aml wmeirfiro' rtKttinaud fwyr hundred dollars. , '.," ' For clothing !ofw affe'ewy Qpd garri???i> t-qoipftgc, fcookifig utensils. bo$^ pita Jiundtarc, hundred and !wo tbousand nine hundred and cqrfity-ttro* dot m + ? .... * . - ** 'if- " lart. ; For the modfcal and hospital dfpirt meat, thirty-duo Ubotwan.l fire hundred d.fibre. - , ' For various expense* in tbo quarter* .Uil.l. . ..|. . .1^. A..I til -s?' iiiuivr 4 upfiXinurjii, iiti iurif iura^ct stra?r. stationary; blanks, and printing; rcparringam! ?d?rgiharrack*, quarto siorehtiaitea, and hospfjaU, at the Various jxwia; erecting temporary; cantbafpouU at such posuis thai) bo occupied dfcring Uir year, including hutt. toy the dragoons, j and ^nn-liotjscs at the Atlanticposts* ai? i drase an the Ciqjf of Mexico, trjth the dei cemwry . tools and materials; providing materials for the authorized furniture of the rooms of nota-coatmis^ionod officers airf soldiers, rent of quarter*, barrack*^ end storehouses, and of grounds for *umtnpr can mam etu< and" encampments, including a farm at Fort Monroe for military practice; postage oir public IrUors and packets; e rpeoscs of courts martial and courtsof inquiry, including the' compensation of judge advocates, members. and tvitarsaes; extra pay tir soldfcra, under dn act of Congress of thcaet ottdof March ightcen hiinJre?l and nineteen; expentyd ofeiprcase* from ihefroiiUerpoati; ofesC4?rtn to' pay niuair r?; -hUft.df laborer*; compenMtlou to extra clcrkVtn t!? officers of the qottrtcrnoaiw and poiV tfhere their duties e4nfetft .be performed^ vrtthtmt mteh aid, and to-ag-oets inehdr^ ?if dtsmariricd works and-in the perforin* are of aiher datim coffin* .tutd other article* necessity at the interment of noncommissioned officers nnd soldicrx; tifd purchase of'horaas.'and rarious other pendhurea necessary In. keep the regiment of dragoon* coapltic, three hundred %apd ihirtyMtro thutmnd dollar*. :r-' ^ * Fur iliotv&oee mjdc to the officers for the iransjKjrtolion of their, baggage irlicn travelling on duty without troops, fifty th >tt?tDg^aa on?f Jjendfd appropriation T&r ;Jrff CouSti^s and premiums, tenthonsa oa^^Tr^frtjrlJtQ d'auil^-fo ur duller* * > ?riisnv ami ^ pajabfo' i^s>ag)?ah?,offic? of the-Tribal AtUiUirviit nil^tidn io-ato' onexperidefftaTaocc^f Iwo^onsip* oafe hwdred ^&t*brty-?i> dollar' and thirty^ne cents, jhrecthotojni iWhuV.^? > ^ Swcreiary of Warv?nd#c fbr &rmciiara ofJhu^Pfosidunt of tEo ' tJ?iij*dikaie* lo^enootfc, tbetroops Hon F<>? Gtfoon^^orae'?hEnb!e |>onit orrorft*ar%Ww?toJc mct^a-fo^tu beiuriffupon M tfie tosdrcRiG^Udoii, iiithtitMP* oflfcf Unii?dSft(c>^ind for TIjrbrlter ckfaj?e,of tb? Arkatw^trOfiticx*lfc# *?m ftyftfV jh? ?*&>dr dolffcr?; > " -JiW^paJi)WOf iheWMcli^^rioitf ^pbooaip, inU.tJoapiUfc it K?y1Mi idr|Jw l(CTth*syf'6f tU?- ten lifonstidt' . <1 oil AO*-- >.v;^>v'>e, TariflOt military p&lf?tw?ii?b tkex pr?k omrti unrfrcd~aniF (0?lir thiMi^nd firo hundred attd R?edoII?r?- - .'V . r ;. For Ujc porchww x>f *aAnoab*lt twc*lyuioc thousand lour hundred and o}gh)f~ For ctHnpklkjf the Medal heretofore drttreO:&???*rtM*forAteacnl Rfpfeft foce. buatlcttTjJa^r*,- / ' . Ajjpro*?d? ; ' I * 4 J?3 a" .1 ' *;.I r r" - -vJ' ?y *.'! - TR wox.cTioy^N?. Jfc$ RESOLUTION tp*twpendifc* nl??f ?' - parl,oX;tii? - public vUrjdji acquired < by 'J&*> fUbStt-creelc:" - * 0?gm&&S&? acquired fop the jmty fconcMcd wi(fc iKo Chorl* donation. Kxhbh ci^tki oh m^ trwmij-fighjh 4*yof S^ptenibc^d^fcxcoa buQxlrtid ahdlhtfcty*. [?* hw Weft ctfndriiofcally^ 9f btberai#^ [ located by th? idc?tiog 6f ihe Uui- ' j iMtJtateft to pemn? claimingreawiiiio^i under the fourtWdth'tfrtitld of^jkid treaty,; be withheld ifrora pwbTie *?lf noli] Ijte bt? day of December /VoeidA-tfut nothing- herein contained, shall bc-uken * oh (he- part of CbbWtBa to"."e ktrtom^ ihydhh, ltdG; . ^ * " r" f^B9v No. .4ij% k RESOLUTION to change the time of miking-tfootnrWj for the transport*uob \bf tfrMni# ' ^ ; Bmplniriytkt 9t*dt?*3ig ffad tff fbprmMHlire* eftkK*V*s*4 Mau pf Jhrurits fa CWm? mir?rwp w? raraimn uiw/ai w www riid, i/ro?td?dihc mne cin' t><* done it lhe preacmteica et compensation, to extend the tcrm n/ the stinting contracts for the iraosppr tatien of -the trtfcih to the thirtieth day of June lachxlre, jww aw ewding, the thirty-first dsy of December, in eeeli year, in tvhieh aaid - contracts expire, so that the contract .year may, after the $r?td*y-o' January -next; commence on the firft day of July, ioalead1 of the tint day of January. V- . AiTHOvco, 14th May, 1830* ?&rroLCTiojf~-N0. 5 ] (A RE80Urn0Ji to authorixe thrSecre ~4iry t>( War; tp receive -adcMtionafcfi dcncp io sdpport of lf>? claims vf Mi*saHjtractta-aotl other State* ol the^Unlted States. lor disbursements, strides, during Ute la to war. . lutxHtcti, by tke Smote tout noose ty tern wmtti* lirrsaf Ikt t nited States Amertea in. Vtmfren asi -mVed, Thai the Secretary of War, ia prep*. ^ riiig hi* report Jbcrsuant to a resolve ef i!:c House of Representatives, agreed to