f ! !t*. .(IJtKi.T MCi;'V. ? |,w * JCdM** fay JOriTt C. HEar.^ p V?l,. \j. ^ "T.I 'll)?i:ti, !jQUH^.iK?tl.VI, MY t i. 8>?G. ft?16. | pn~n\ *+ $ m?3 " >* J^**^7 A*. >? V ?.?' V V w ? < ti ?2* -m /' < 'i 11 I / V:' :-' 11 if i rift?' bj R^BE.IT WX?ttI2r. rem.i+.fr. : a> i::r f. v.r? or tj:t csio f 1 ""si? ";s" R!PTiV"i's " " I ' Tiw d >lltrs .a v?r in aivina?, or four do'Jar* ti tije cad of In * rp-tr. j A !>VK;tTJ3SM ?>'T3. j { ImrrtcJ it arreatr tire crn'.e the xqtnrc for the | 5"\an-j halt that vnaant f>r each ctn;ir.uinee'??< | Tae n:t aber of tflterlion; to ho ituritc:! ??:i the] Inafjiaortlcr will h? Continued oaJ cbnr*i?d nc-; s.>rj.i *'/. Tit we iiUertod To cent# aaJ:Jo*tTi7$l fer #seo i.a?*rfton. J CV? n uicaiioatbymitllob* part ^tsiUor :ee:ajn (intended to. | i [BY 1UTHORITY.1 I L.\w or t::i: rvirrn sr\7n?< ri-^r.n at ti1k twenty rfu'jxtii coxcrkss riRT er?uo\. [Prm-i**, No- 17 ] AN ACT ci;-u*i..ji fiinhi r appropriation (or oppressing I.nlian hoMiiiiics ii? FI??rM?. K'zJr-d I,f S-r-t> nn I Iffig* rf !lrprr**n!ntic j of ih* La-tcA SWr/'e/./flMfirt ia ? ? Tint the ?n.n <>l vac itiillma of Jjilajn b,\J a:i.l the stmic is lirjchy appropriated. in* addition to for.Ttcr appropri.ui ?u5, l'??r *up-j Indian hosiiiijie* in Florida. aiolS lit it the *aip" ihal! he expended in thrjj nu-tner already prori led for l?y I?w. 6 w J.VMFS K. I'OJ.K. ? ! Speaker of the llou-^ of Iv(prcM'utattrcs?2 M. VAN UURKN. i I Vice President of the L nitcd State* and I President of the Senate g A rr nxivtp, Aprils. | and.:i:.v ncK>o.\\ I - fPrnuc. No. IH| fi IAN \CF to aiilh -rise the C'?:i?trnrlio:> ofl a nil-road through iJjc land* :?f the Unite ! States in Springfield, ,\J>i?*actitt?eitc* I; lit ti rntrud l>rj (Jut Strait nnd It.itui vfJlryrtsraUiXizes of ihf V* Ird of .Ju% -rice tu Ctm+rtrt ntpuMsJ, Tiut Ik Wnrtrm ttvl-ro}'! ror^raii-Mi be, and ihry ar?? Ihcrrbv. authorized !? eotMlrtirl a rttil-rnnd on land* brlonpinj; to the United Slate*, in Springfield. Man?arhu*ctt?. and tike for the* security and ar*commodaiiun of said rai'-road. or (be accommodation of the tnurificcs thereof, a strip of land through or orer tnc mid land B| Ul IIP c;i:icu n??i rirrrtiiin; ri^i>i?| 8 f?n:l in viiltb: Prorsdd, That in* iorn-I 8 lion of mid rail-ro.1 I. tliro.i^h *a?d Jan 1 oil H t ir United St* r*. alia 11 !?< submitted |o,fl Eg 4mi ifpjjrdrctl by the Htxrctaiy War. priB r !:i the e instruction thereof; And prodMl Htd a.';/?, That trlnuictvr mid \r.t of land R aiiili cease to ba impr for the purpose I of a nil-road. or. .* accom (>{ the b'Jsines* hrrcot. thr.t tnc natiie shall roicrt t ? t. : LnitP'1 Si *t ;.pr ire! vit : April J '? 9 ? ijoojvs. "t A MO.Mi i.tc Nftr Works recently rc-r Xm rrived at the Camden Book Wtorc.l I arc uiu lojlow MJ. g Ailv?niurc? in a Kiilc Urigadc. Scdg-3 uick's ttcotiomy, IJriiiadi Pulpit, Hi?tory| ofi'iy'ti Ml!*. i'jxor >> I n,)fcsiinns uf A:ne? rlca. Life of La fay e lU', Female SiuJeut,^ 19 i'iic Ureal Teacher, IhnU Ecclcfiiis'.i f q cal History of Virj'.ir.'u. Jjij F??r iSuvcl lttailcrs, arc Mahtnound.*' IKiru/i (Biilivcr'i) la?f) MaryaU'* Siorir>9 of the Son, (siSbrrt ( ueniey, Onlmr.n One in a Thouan.l, Jamrft' Int. Toe's Karlv Called, &c. laic*, The Connie#:*,5 vV-c. i t!o?. 6 Sulxcripiion !.? ;?'*? for ih" fnilnui"gj periodical \rorki?American Quarterly^ iCovictv, Circ-.i.aiing Library,? | America i Journal ?<{ Srintiro (l:y Sillij mart.) !*adics ii?? ?k. L.tteis ! Amcrirnn Journal of the Medical Science*, The A ncriMn Cyclopedia v>i* I'.aciica! Medicine anil Surgery. | 1 l#awr. Medical. Tncolo^iral, Classical,' I alixc.'llancoUA arid School ii >oks? A??n,^f Stationary, to be hafi at ihc c. I as*- .-tnn.lt ol frrsfi lltack silks ; A!st? !nrk an I Plain colored For rale !?v * H C'A1\PFNTKFl & FPNNF.Y. jju Mar<*J? l 'i-i | * , * I A THACHEIt WANTED, { THE Teacher in the" Camden Academy^ being about t > rrgign his charge on occuonp offeeble health, a ccntlcman of moraK character and classical attainments is wau-* I' te;J as hi* successor I Thi? i Kiituiion baring been endowed* thy lbr legislature is upder the f??tc ingjj "c?rc and patronage of a large and rcspce-s , table society ami commands the confidence - . . . . , .8 oi inc pumtc i no present incumucni^ &r'alizcsp>r his labor arrive hundred ilol-j !*lars prr annum. Application.* may he made lo the .chairman or cither of the undersigned enmmit;tcc. hythe !Oth Way next. N ?application 'heed be made without ample nnd aatisfact-,/ry reference {a* jrrapahility & mural {atldiV*) n.v on li>f-thc stitnc. ami none ne'e! apply but a classical sehnlat audi pc Tnon-tC/itiLV acquaintcd with the J Greek and Latin Language*, and capablcg '?f instructing in tnc %artous branches of an Enslish education. A BR All A M DeLFON, M. D ? Rev. EDWARD PHILLIP*. = HENRY P. HATFIELD. 5 \YM. REYNOLDS, M. D. = April IIIV-1'2-1 f. p j i'LAH) ."SILKS. | I AN assortment of fashionable plaid silks, lor j>alo bv CARPENTER & BOXNEY. February 27-?oif. soov a sses BSORS. * ff 11IE subscriber has now rcrcired a freah fi and genera? anortmen' of ^die< ami Wcfitlrmcan Bools and J^how, of ihe htosl nnd m!iw?r?able style, which jtrcrc selected with much carc by himself? tthich he belir res trill giro general satisfaction to those ?l>o trill laror him with their [custom. His stick comprises every description of Ladies and Gentlemen, and Children* Boots and Shoes, generally found in n regular shoe -irrc. The La 'ies and Gemlemcn of Camden are respectfully invited to call and examine tor incnnciTcs. ALSO?On ktmd a ffmtrnl assart meat aj rtmi sxlh hats, Which vrill be sold on (ho most reasonable ICfOTS. W. b. DANIELS. Feunnry 27.?oil* i,\ Koirrv. Si;.UI'ck district.} February |K?0. $ John M* Donald, ' ami wife, r*. . The. WillUn:., ; I1ILL 8 and E. Durant E Adtn'r*. g Jo&rnli Durant K and Chs. Dtirani j 11 P i? ordered thai ?* pcut^nc having deJLinamU a*?:ny. lite ctUlc of Joseph Du[rant, dec* i. late sheriTof Sumter District, l>c ami appear before the Commissioner of >j:i?'cr District, on nr before (he 15th (day -f June neat, and establish llic same rgo Stock of Dry CaOOdtt,! i (lllrry, Ac. will therefore be sold at' reduced prices until ?hc first of June, for'* 1 t _ l'. ? I . ????.^ . oasn or on a imuicu crcun. i ur cniiro stock may be purchased on liberal term* by my person who feels desirous of commencing business in this j?( ire.?A I.I, demands due flic concern on the Is! of January last, it ?, ucccstarv should be fettled immediately. E. W. HONNKY. Sumting i'nrtncr. April 30, IK>0.? Il-if 1 i . ii i ?? D'a V* m T o T* ^ Mil * ? Bil. <0. a EE. Is rev in rAMDKX, and will be found rtt II.?st?: until the middle of May j A; nl 433r?l, 1830. 13-r TJiTTW rnrprnliT A ISotinrv, HAVE on band a few dozen tine r Baltimore and Circcinn CSland Ciiair.s. ALSO?Lv '.m in WimAnr and /argt Hocking chat, s. Which j hey ofler low 10 cIuj: n con? gnmcnt. i Fchrmrjr Q7?5tf. j Jf ST HHCUIVKI), I.N I!X('El,LENT OUPKK. From .V. York and Fhiladdphia^ j a i i ll murpl.y oi* ; rr.jso & uaszizxso,. H'rrnrli A: Bit:li*li 4'Iiciuicnl*, Together with a large and various nss rrt mem .if ('tipping mill En anal a Instrument j of s"p'rinr quality, deserving the attention of families as uoi! as practitioners of Medicine, , Dee 15.'- \V3( REYNOLDS. I *. tl ! Tailoring Establishment I THE subscriber grateful for the liberal) shirr ciI purnnage reccircd since his 'commencerami in the faff^ hopes by el jbc : application and a readiness to please all \vho may call tir merit a tontinoancr of >lhc same, flis work aril! be executed jcriilr neatness ond despatch, and in the [most fashionable inanncr^ his prides will be moderate for casii or jponetesi customer*. _ _ v. j Wanted due or two boy* from 14 it 16 :r*f*arK nf ai?p. a* nnnrnnritlR 1a Aa hnti. ncs*. - 1 T J. L. BRASINGTON*. March 26~9 * TO T??JK??-g. ' Ha^vln^^cnagthy^Nto^lUad teach MASTER PEICE, being the complete guide for instruction in the uliotenri af measuring and cutting ;tecording to the raricty of faahion am" [form n*ijf: Phtcs Illustrative of the nmc, [by Scnit &, Perkins, reporter* of fashions :ami teachers of cutting garments at New Y?rk. The nbni c system can be had with ell the necessary articles belonging thereto if application be insdc to thc-subscn* her. J. L. B. \ti k?i?*t * ,? j nWlIVD. Tfnsc indebted to M'EaskiU 6i Rosscr, on note or account, for 1833 '4 and *5 arc re* guested to make pijinrnt, as it is desirable to close the books of that concern. P. M'CASKILL. April 9-11-tf SFJU#U UILL, i SCITU DlSTBICT. > ROBERT J. HARRIET, Esq, Tolled beion m* on ihr first -J" Dpcrtnirr, a small Cray How (Iron Gray) taken op on bis plantation in the vionily of the Bradford Spring*, and detained as an E?txay. So vinhle brand, or piotninent! 'marks by which to distinguish him. Supposed to he foor years old. and appraised at thirty dollar by James W If-lria. J. Dixon, and S. P. Ilatfiela qualified Appraisers. W)l. J REYNOLDS, J.Q. [ December 25 2-T?tf. SUMTEK HOTEL. fllHB Subscriber informs his friends JL and the public, thai he has taken the + a i i ? t I if "Use formerly occupied by J.- uooumtni and more .recently by J. J. Exnm at a (loir! in the Town of Camden, and near thp Court House, where he is prepared to roccire company, and flatters himself thai those who fati.rhim with their company -vill ba trjlisflvd with thrir ncminnindnlions. A. K. RUFFi>:. May 23?20::-tf. NOTICE. THE suliscribcr hogs leave to inform h. triends and customers, that having purch seJ from Mr. A. ('A TONNET, hie entire stock of merchandise on rery libc* rol terms, and added his own to it?he has removed to that well known stand, corner of Broad and Rntlcdge Streets, where, preparatory to his laying in an cntiro new supply he will continue soiling DRY GOODS, FOR CASH,! AT C OST, ( AM) GROCERIES, WlaKS AND I C().\FECnO?NARY, on rrry reasonable? term*. I From his customers, ami those of Mr J ('atoxskt's, he fnlicils a continuance of thc.r libera) patronage, u hich he hopes to merit by cinjc attention to business, and a firm determination, to sell GOOD.5* cheap. W. J. GERALD. April* 0-1 l-tf. notice! I rilllE proprietors of Lanier and Green*#! H K1^.. > ) ?! tliAi* Mrtll r%n.l3 ft t? I ft 9 gn ca itiift ti7 nini mvi ?? ?? j?v liiion to the next Lrgislntnro for a rcchar* lc-r for flie same. May 7 ULOHIC HOTEL. Mwtrn )UrkH??U ami Ue bend* sub?c.tber sincerrlv thanks hi* JL friends and (he public, for the liberal patronage he has received, mid beg# Irate In announce, (hat he ha* considerably enlarged hi* accommodation?, and formed his rstahlishmenl on n plan (hat will cuuirc saMKfnriion. A suite of airy audi1 w ell furnished Sleeping Rooms hare been! lilted up fur lite use of traveller*, whose! i j > ; ! IIA ? * pn I! i- ntiiiliml fit Hi-* I.ardrr will he furnished with (he best the Southern Markets can produce, and served on moderate terms, in the best and most expeditions manner, at nil hours oI the day. The Bar. ns usual, shall continue to maintain its superiority fur choice M ines and Liquors. MATTHEW ML'GGRIDGE. i Mav 7-15.- f I ^ .. ? The Subscriber } I I \S auihorizcd Mr. Wm. L. Hughson J J. m rolleel hi Notes and Account, tj' receive a!! monies and jjivc receipis for the t same. Those iudebicd would i.'o well lo; call on him and save ihemsclvca cn?f. W..I. APPLEWHITE. * March 1ftN 11. persons whose work \vv? in my shop when I left Camden will call "n Mr. Young for the same. W. A. ' * NEW CONCERN. i THE Subscribers, undnr the firm of C.I C. ^Campbell & Co. will continue the busi-j ncss at Bishnpvitie, heretofore conducted/ (toiler the firm of J. M. Niolon &Co1 J. BISHOP, W. H. BOWES, c. c. Campbell. Ma)- 7.-15-d * NOTICE. : THE firm of C. C. Campbell & Co. are authorized to collect the debts doe the late concern of J. M. fuoIon&Co. at Bish-m oprillc. J. BISHOP. I May 7.-13-d 1 GLA88IV>Ali Ac & , SCHOOL- I THE endersigncd criii commence a school!1 of the above description io Camden on the! first Thursday in July next. ft Terras of Tuition per session of five* months. V LASSTCAL, ml! ENGLISH, 91C| Strict attention will be paid to the tnoraw and conduct of their (sumIs at all times?disw cijtlioe will boatric) and prompt, but pareom Parent* aod guardians, who may wish to commit their children or wards to their care, will apply a* early a* practicable, to Jno. A Bingham. J. WITHERSPOON, Sen. JNO. A. BINGHAM. May 7?15?ft The Charleston Observer and Christian Herald will please to insert the above notice for six weeks aod forward their accoonts. TO RENT. TILL the first January next, the resideon of tbo late Ben. Bineham Esq. in Camden For terms applv to JNO. M. DESAUSSCJRE, Agent. May 7? I3-b. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the est Mo of the late Bengamin Bineham Esq jdee'd. are required to present them, legally attested to the Administrator, wttluti the time required bjr law. end those indebted to tbc c*iatr, will pirosc settle the sum as.soog as practicable with JNO. M. DE8AUSSURE, AdmV May 7?15- . I " SALE. BY permission of the Court of Ordinary lor Kcrsbaw District, will be sold on Tuesday, the 34tb day of Ma/Trtst, at' ten o'clock, A jfc" at the late residence in Cabs den of the dee'd, all the household and kitchen Furniture, &o. belonging to (be late Benjamin Binebam Esq including a nnmber of faluable and standard BOOKS, AStM WATCH, Ac, TERMS?At! sums of and under f20 C# n ft MintAfM ihif RRviiinl a t"rndif V? '?>? , IUI ? ! (miM0V>?l ? ?< ? ? ?-w ? fill the first day of January nest, on sealed note*, \nth approred personal security, bearing interest from the dar of sale. JOHN M. DeSAUSSURE, Adm'r. May 7-15-c. TOWN TAXES. OF iboso who hare neglected to pay their Totrn Taxes, immediate payment ts required. J. W, LANG, Record, and Trass. May 7-15-tf. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted fn the Estate of James Cunningham, dee'd. are notified to make payment to the subscribor before the 1st cf Julv next. HUGH CUNNINGHAM, AJwV. May 7-16-h. STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROM the subscriber, on the night o( the 14lh o* April, a Brutm Mare niiLt, about 13 or 13 1-2 hands high, supposed to be eight or nine rears of age, hand* Boincly formed; no oiher marks reeollec ted. Ten doilurs reward will be given L for the delivery of the said Mule at myi rcsidcnrc. 2 miles below Manchester, and! all reasonable expenses paid. I W. S. DELSER. I April 30.-14-C. ? A LAKGR& excellent assoitmcotof Hull's Pate'* *1 ruaam^hmMe and single, made to rdcr, oJ th*B I'xnt durable malerials, for Southm uim Also, *1 new Instrument lately incnted by Dr. 11. which Ul highly approved ol by ibe Now Vork prscli doners J ll does away ho use ol Laced Belts altogether, ami t!i i Irishes \ery much the necessity of resorting to lYssatirs. By i:? application, the wearers ara at once ft 'irvrd from great ineontcnimce, and enabled to resume their former activity. The above Trusses are jtwl revetted, arroflhesulwcribcr'aotvnsrlection, and o ill lie sold unusually low. ' White Lend and Colours. A I.ARtiR supply of these articles direct from - ? ? ' r__. ^ TlirjlIl.I. v\u m.fin uiuNumi iwtj, nnuut triih all other# in the line, surf-. a# Oil. Bruabc*, Vir nr?hes, TrrprnUtw, dee. &c. ran br hat! on the mot casoruMe terms, at WM. RRYh'OLl)8'. I ALSO?ny HASP. * A^'aujTly of WINDOW GLASS, | MEDICINE*. I THE Subscribers bate jnsi reccired and E aro nov opening a fall assortfXAi of Mcdt- S cineafrdtn the Norih, which can in recon* M mended wiib great confidence, a* fa? as rc- K garda their parity and; genuineness, .baring K becirporchasod from one of ihe oldest and K most respectable, imttscs in Philadejphia.^K Phnietaua. Planters and rnhmm- ?. ? ? , ? ?, wa. IOfUC3? led to c*U, previous to laying io their manner rapphes, and examine the quality of thpse twwdfl&rvd for tale; which we feel confident in warranting and giving satisfaction u> purchase ra. Among those lately received and now opening, are the following: ? Atcohotj * - 8ok. Csrb. 8ott( CaatorQil, UobubRoot,. Florence, do. CaJui/a Barky Castile Soap, Lobelia Herb, . Borax, . do inPowder. 1'orker Opium, - eiipprrj'Elm ?'ark, * Camphor, do. ta Ponder, ' Calomel, Eng. Bole Armenia, Cinnamon, Grpnnd. Mutant, j Cloves, Poind. Cinnamon, DrnsRoot, Acid Lemon Drops, Castor, Florida Water, Chloride of Soda, Kidderslnd Ink, Flake Manna, Carpenter's Sanaparllla B unm wmn, ? " Est Boebo. Powd. Gum Arabic, *" Pink Root, (kii Iron. Conpd. Cab. ftSma* Sulph Qatniac, parilia, J ? Morphia, Tolio Bjiwa, ^cculr, do. Kreoy>!. Squii)*, Qmue Bean Oil, (not Pair. Cubeb*, perfumed,) Tamarind*, Naples Soap, Bailer'* Magurtia, Mask Soap, Citric Acid, Mace. SnnlT, Tartaric, dc Hair Powder, &c. A great satiety of article* loo numerous to mention, ra addition tol be above, a fall assortment of which will alwar* be lept on band. YOUNG &M*KAIN 81LK.S, fTaTCIf* \*ORt? COST, Figured and plain colored Silks, a hand ome assortment of the shore article suitable for spring trill be sold at COST, isrn A few pieces DUFFIL -BLANKETS. I ?apcn for the delivery of letters and newspa-fl pere, from8to 9 o'clock, and no other tune B during the day. fl P. THORNTON, P. M. May 7. KOTlt'E I THE Subscriber will attend to the! WINDSOR and FANCY CHAIR PAIN? TING business, and bo pes to receive afl portion of the patronage of the cttiaenafl Lz i u i ' ut vrtMMuuu* nr mmyov |O0DQ II MtUril S. &> 4. Shim's Coach makers shop. fl JOEL B. GRIFFIN, g May 7-lfr-c. 'g Fresh Urillals-Jntil rcrehtd H Raspberry and Lemon SYRUPS, S Syrup of Rose*, Creme da Row, I Pink Lrmon Sjrop, do de Citron, 9 Ratafia!, do dr Orange, .m Coracoa, Paifait Amour, H ' Crrme do Noyau, Hoile dr Venus, S do de Mcka, Anisette, For ml* by fl Oct 17. H LEVY. Fresh Confectionary, 9 OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. JUST ?P/?riieB ED jVtD FOR SALE 3 at tiik post office. I Among which may bp found the following: 5 Ki*9ltiflkfl2? wSObi - _ u -:L