THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. Bi ROBERT JTKS1G1?T? uO:J?h*rO U>?L?w??f lli? Vailed 8U(M? Edited by JUHS C? WEST. ~ ?-?egg I MgggB BBSgSgggggSBgaga^?* i I ii mmmmmwfO VOL. XL 4flDfc%, MHJTU-CAKOLl**, flAlf, 7, 1836. tV01^ t?????. TS3 OAKSBST fOTOlT ceirif Si'.arJjy M trnia/ f ROBERT .n'KACiir, ruaustiCK or tul lawj or tut. txio: S UliS CRfPTiO -NS TUroc d >IKrj a year in advance, or four ~ - A I t /*4l u ue euu 01 mi' twi . ADVEllTlSEilEN'TS Inserted at ?srentjr five ccau the fir#?, and halt tint amount fur each con'inu Tbo number of insertions to be market1 inv^in or tltey will be continued and chx cordtogJy. Those inserted acini-monthly ' and -.noatbly $1 a nqa ir: for each inserlior Com-nunicaliona by mail to be pott paid 01 unleaded to. [B Y AUTHORITII law or Tnr. irsirco states tas# THE TWENTY FOURTH COXCKL F1RT SUASION*. [Public, No. 14 ] AN ACT establishing the Ten Government of Wisconsin. RrMtlvcd by ike Static an ! ILnue of Hep lifts of tkt foiled StAta gi*lative power ?h?l3 bo /e*led in ibe G< ?rj>* vcrnor anil a Legislative Assembly. Th ? Legislative Assembly slull consist of Council an J House of Representative! i The Council shall consist of thirtec members, having the qualifications of v< tcrs as hereinaltcr prescribed, whos term of service shall continue four yean ED AT The House of Representatives shall cor 93 siHt of twenty-si* members, possess in the same qualifications as1 prescribed fc the members of the Council, and who* itorial term of service shall continue ttvo yean An apportionment shall be inai'e, as neai rcj**ta- Jv equal as practicable, among the severs \Tjuhf conn^r,< f?r ^,c election of the Counc ic fol- aru' Representative*, giving to each sei tion of the Territory representation i the ratio of its tionulalion. Indians rxccr C?m>>* ? ?1 1 f r 'iscon- let** M nearb* h# n,a>' b?* And tlic sai ; ctsL member* ?f the Council and House c corner shall reside in and be ir c mid- habitants ?f the district for which the in the ,oa^ c'cclc^* Previous to the firi te the c'ccl'on? ;'lC fiovernor of the Tcrritoi iro'i^h cause the census or cnumcro'.ion c mouth the inhabitants ?f the several c> unties i ,rOU2h ^iC Territory lo be taken and made b old heriff* the **td roomies, respeel rest lo ivc,y- ani* rclurn* thereof made by sai direct *hcnflV lo the Governor. The firai elcc thence *hi?li he held 01 such lime and placi Irtnnc1! and be conducted in snclt manner, as ih p jliorcrnnr shall appoini and direct; an mr shall, ai ihc tame lime, declare lb number of members of the Council act I; west* Mouse Rcpresrnloiiues to which eac erriio-!0^ l*,c eountica i* entitled under this an ?n the*?nUf?bcr of persons authorised lo b jinc'elected hiring ihe greatest number n main i *?te* in each of the said counties for lb lo the: Oownril, shall be declared, by the said Gv tile of Trrnor' 1(1 he duly elected to the *i?i 1 river Council; ?ri' the |*rsor? or persons bavin, thwestl1^? greatest number of votos for the hotts r?d on ^cpreatotatires, eqosl to the numb* to tho (? whtch each county may be entitled ahali also be declared, by the Gorernoi limiil* ? j?,_ . ? r? ?. j f?i.. r? of llic ' ciecu a: rrociaea, i ne wotci ajrca. {nor shall order nev election when Uicr after ' t'IV ?ut?c-i1 and 1!<>u*c of lieprc ? and acc??rdmg i population, shal ation* be prescribed by law, a* utll a> the da n ihcio^ '^c a niual commencement of the set to im* **OM l',c **"' l*c^i*la'irp Assembly; bu 'itv of no *CMk*"n* ?">' year, shall exceed th tea to lrrm <"rr,,ty*Iirr days. | See- 5. Jimi is if furtlu/ tAactrd, That ever ten In* frrc white male eitizrn of the Unite other aboto the age of twenty on raise, %carSt ?ho shall hare been an inhabitan lrn| lut no law shall be passed interfering wit ' a ' the primary disposal of the soil; no ta ro for nbali be imposed upon the property ofth by the ; United States; nor shall the lands or oth? l'l,c| properly of non-residents he taxed highf 'j I er-1 thm, tlic lands or other property of res lief of dents. All the laws of the(lorcrnor an he du- Legislative Assembly shall he submietc super- to* and, if disapproved by the Cor slull gross of tho United States, the same aha kegis- be null and of no effect, ike of- 8>rr. 7. .Inn be it fnrthtr rnnttnl, That a [fences township officers and county officers, cj rilory, ccpl judicial officers, justices of the peart st the sheriffs and clerks of the courts, shall t: dcci- elected by the people, in such manner i known may be prorided by tin; Governor or L< ifficcrs gislatire Assembly. The Governor sha Icr the nominate, and, by and with the advit II take and consent of the Legislative Counci exccu- shall appoint, all judicial officers, justiei of the peace, ?-*!:criffV. and all militia of H ? frs, except those of the sla$ ar civil officers, not herein provide* >r Vacancies occurring in the recess c r Council shall be tilled by appoint! I' from the Governor, which shall exji ? the end of the next session of the I }' la tire Assembly; bnt the said Gov may appoint, in the first instance is aforesaid officers, who shall hold it offices until the end of the next sc e of the Legislative Assembly. C Sac. 6. And be it fnrtktr enacted, That no r, bcrof the Legislative Assembly shall d or be appointed to any office cr?*ati s the salary or emoluments of which j- have been increased whilst he was a i (I ber, daring the term for which he n have been elected, and for one year ir tlte expiration of such term; and oc || son holding a commission under the ?. led Stales, or any of its officers, e: e as a militia officer, shall be a tnemb g the said Council, or shall hold any IISA nAPAMtmnitl nf fkn MLI H uuun iiiv viv/v vi uuivii? vi ???v oaiM j s- lory. ?. Sec. 9. jfcuf he it further eneeud, That thi c cial power of the said Terriiory slu a rested in a supicme court, district c< probate courts, and in justices ol n peace. The supreme court shnll ct ). ??f a chief justice and two associate ju v anv two of whom shall be a quorum i. who shall hold a term at the seat ol i. rernmeutof the said Territory, anni jt and they shall hold their offioes d ,r good behavior. The said Territory li> be divided into three judicial law. The jurisdiction of the sc n courts herein provided for, both a >. late and original, and that of the pr d courts, and df the justices of the fi ,f shall be as limited by law: Provided i- ocr, That justices of Ute peaee thai y hare jurisdiction of any matter of [t irorcrsy, when the titie or boundar v land may be in dispute* or where lh< if or sum claimed exceed* fifty dolla D And the as id supreme discrict cour y spectively, shall' possess chancery ai [. as common law jurisdiction. Eoct j trict court shall appoint its clerk* .. shall keep his olfice at the place? ,t the court tnay be held* and the said c e shall also be the registers in chan J and any vacancy in said office or c happening in the vacation oC said c d may be filled by the judge of said dii h which appointment shall continue i the next term of said court. And f. of error* bills of exception* and ap if in chancery causes* shall be allow* c all cases, from the final decisions o said district courts to the supreme < d to the supreme court, under such re g tions as may be prescribed by law, I *. no case removed to tbo supreme c r shall a trial by jnry be allowed in I, c iurL The supreme eoort may ap its own clerk* and every clerk shall >. his olfice at the pleasure of the eon e which he shall have been appointed. writs of error aud appeals from the y decisions of the said supreme eouri u be allowed and taken to the Sap ,i Court of the United State*, in the m. nn., anil lamia* ilia ? IIA* H ?? ????. ??? ?wgU..?w.< i. from iho circuit courts of the (J > States, where the raluo of the proj i. or the smouut in conirorery, to be i mined by the oath or affirmation of i party, tliail exceed one thousand do || And each of the said district courts y narc aud exercise the same jurisdii 1 office for four years, unless sooni d moved by the President, who shall i- cute all process issuing from the said c II when exercising their juridiclion c mil and district courts of the t 'II States, ile shall perform the same d l* be aubjcri to the Mine regulation! >' penalties. and be entitled lo thesamt as the Marshal of the district court < " United States for the northern diali P* ihc Stale of New York; and shall, 1' diticn, be paid the sunt of two hu e dollars, annually, as a compensate ' extra services. cs Stc. 11 Ar>M be U further enacted, Thai 1 li- rcrnor. Secretary, Chief ?f bti'*'* at id all social* Judges. Atjprney, and Marshal,t^ 1 for. shall be nominated, and, by and with the ele >f the advice and consent of the Senate, 'op- pja nents pointed by the President of the Uniicd ma lire at States. The Governor and 8ceretaryf to an<] ?egis- be appointed as aforesaid, shall, before ~re ernor they act, as such respectively take an oath by , tlie or affirmation before some judge or justice a 0 their of the peace in the existing Territory of per isrion Michigan, duly commissioned and qoali- 8 fictl to administer an oath or affirmation, pro* mem- to support the constitution of the Uniicd and I hold States, and for the faithful discbatgeof on t >d or the duties of their respective offices; which belt shall said oaths, when so taken, shall be certi- gan mem- tied by the person before whom the same low shall shall hare been taken, and each certifi- and after cate shall be received and recorded by the shal i per- said Secretary among the Executive pro- of J Uni- ceedings. And afterwards, the Chief Jus- com *cr.pi ucc ana associate juuges, ana an otner que, cr of civil officers in said Territory, before they Iran office act as Mich, shall lake a like oath or affir- and rerri- roatiun before the said Governor or Se* est a cretary, or some judge or justice of the coui i Jadi- Territory who may be duly commissioned Si >11 be aQU( io * Sic. 12. Jt*d U Ufarther emtdoi. Thai tbs in- Ma; :ourt, habitant! of the said Territory shall be thai i said entitled to, end enjoy, ell and singular the point the rights, privileges, tod advantages, thsi hold granted and secured to the people of the put irt by Territory of the United Slates northwest g And of the rirer Ohio, by the articles of the ajj final compact contained in the ordinance for rooj ahall lhe Government of the said Territory, lrei remo I paased on |he thirteenth day of July, one (njl name j thousand seven hundred sod eighty-seven; jn is, as]sod shall be subjeet to all the conditions jril nitwi ] and restrictions and prohibitions in said M r icrty, | articles of compact imposed upon the peo- pn isccr- pie of the said Territory. The said inbarither bitants shall also be eotitled to all the ' liars, rights, privileges, and immunities, hereshall tufurc granted and secured to the Terri- J ction,' lory of Michigan, and to ila inhabitants, utiun ! and the existing leers of the Territory of ested Michigan shall be extended over said Ter- , f the ritory, so far as the same be incompatible " tys of with the provisions of this set, subject, ^ much nevertheless, to be altered, modified, or II be repealed, by the Governor end Legists* . * rising tive Assembly of the sakl Territory of And j Wisconsin; end further, the laws of the p > Anal I llnif*y liic establish the seat of Government for said aaar same Territory, at such place as they may pro f the deem eligible, uhich place, however, cen itory. sh&ll thereafter be subject to be changed mai )r tiie by the said Governor and Legislative As- fou d his xcmbly. And twenty thouiand dollars. tw< :r re- to bo paid out of any money in the Trea- to I fxe- sury, not otherwise appropriated, ishprc- the :ourts by gircti to the said Territory, which act is cir- shall he applied by the Governor and Lc- day Initcd gist&Uvc Assembly to defray the expenses drc utics, of creeling public buildings at the seat of for ? and Government. < ?cli J fees, Brc. 14. And kt it further enacted, That a Dele- autj if the gafo la tbe House of Representatives of in < rici of lhc United Hlalcs, to serve for the term Ru in ad- lwo years, may be elected by the vondrcd lcrs qualified to elect members of the Lc- er< in for giolativc Assembly, who shall be entitled to Th the same rights and privileges as hare been sid _ I a. i v\ 1 * _ i* .1 a j?c Go- gran led 10 mc ucicgaics irom rs Moines; tshall be sfefred to be heard, tried, prueeeutcd, determined, in the district conrts hereby Wished, which may include thw said Bties tc. 16 be ilfmrtkcrametedjTfal lfleSGSTf cb shall bare been or may be removed i the courts held by the additional jodgo llie Michigan Territory, in tbe counties Srown and Iowa, by appeal or otbciuisc, tbe supreme court fi* tbe Territory of bigan, and which shall be determined! etii on the third day of July next, shall enificd by the clerk of tbe said supieaie rt, and transferred fotbe irtpreae court of 09% - < ? ' termor? 01 ivtseonmi, thereto be preled io to final determination, in the nne tner that they might bate been in the said erne coon of the Territory of Michigan, ic. 17. Ami be it farther maetei, That tfcr scna ire thousand dollars be, and the same b iby, appropriated, out of any money in Treaaoiy not otherwise appropriated, to expended by and under the direction of LcgisUtire Assembly of said Territory, be purchase of a library tor the accomlatioo of said Assembly, sad of the an* ne court hereby established. JAMES K. POLK, Ipcaker of the Ifoese of Representatirca. M. VAN BURBN, e President of the United States and *\ President of tbir Senate. iTPEOved, April 30, ISffff. * ANDREW JfACKSON. [Pc?lic. No. 13. J * ACT'to eerry into effect the treaties (included by the Chickasaw tribe of ndisns on the twentieth October, eighscn hundred and thirlr-four. f jf nwittrf l| rt> fnwfi Aw sri . telgtat 9L*U* 4 tales of lands under the stipnlataonao? ^ treaties with the Chickasaw Indians he twentieth of October, eighteen him* J and thirty-two, and the twesty-fb&rth K, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, i be paid into the Treasury of United States in the Mine manner I moneys received from the sales of die lands are paid into tftd Tressfm igc. % And be UJnrtker%aetei, TtStt " payments ccouired to be made,, and all neys required to be vested by the paid ity, are hereby appropriated in coidoey to it, and shall be draw? from the asury, as .other public moneys are wn therefrom, under such instructions nay from time to time be giren by the isioenL ' ec. S. JbkiUitftrtJur cmvtai, That *11 investats of stock, required by the Mid tree(hall be made under the direction of the sident; and a special account of the ds under the Mid treaty, shall be kept he Treasury, and a statement thereof II be annually laid befote Cougress* t the sum of one hundred and fifty usand dollars, heretofore appropriated, eeably to the Mid treaty, and to aid in fulfilment shall be refunded to the ?asarr, as soon as funds sufficient relor, are received from the tale of the i lands. kpprorcd 20ih April* 1836* [Public. No. 15.} ^ ACT in addition to the Ml of the wenty-fourth of May, one thousand ight hundred and turenty-efght, entitld M An act to authorise the licensing >f vessels to be employed in die maek1 fishery." ( u cmcUd hf the Senmf mmi JhmM if Riprtftxxm ?f tk* Vuittd States of Amerk* w Cmgrew mUtk, Thai vewela duly. lieMutd under the ivisions of4* An act to authorize the lining of vessels to be employed In the ckerel fishery/' passed May Utentyrth, one thousand eight hundred and mty-cigt, shnll not be deemed or takes be liable to the forfeitures imposed by fifth and thirty-second tactions of the of Congress, approved the eighteenth nf Prhrtiatv. ? I - - j 1 ??w nuuouilll acivil IIUIC (1 and ninety-throe, entitled "An net enrolling end licieensing ships or vcsi to be employed in the coasting trade I fisheries, end for regulating the same, consequence of any such vessel, whilst snsed as aforesaid, having been enjed in catching cod, or fish of any otbdescription whatever, Providedkmcaxr, at this act shall not he deemed or con* ercd as authorizing or entitling the ncr or owners of any resscl licensed (lie lnnckcral fishery. \o receive t'i