THE CMOGM JOUM IL. g-^g--.-seeggggag-ggB-' , i 11 1 -gsBggggggni?aagg=g^?5BaaBgBBgBg""? Y i TtT 'tOBERT ?*KV16 ?T* ?C tfcWUw^rf ?m l*?tii H*lr? . 4 i " W?tt*4 ty JCMg C. WMT. 'ii. ? in ~ ???w??^AiegeegM^asBggMgBegaMeaae^eMMPg^MwppiMwiMMBMMMgggeegjwMWP^'ifci i V ' VOi..Xi. . ... . C11BBI, jKliril-CABUUH, AfglluB, IflU. :.WIS. ^?? ?== i T T 'TM I 1 lit ?33 3A^S3^T J0TTX1!TL, [\ PtV.uiii tnry 9t>W?y Virvx^ty H ROBERT H>K\GHT, * rviuiNU or rue uw? or the wim rc _ Ui 8U 3SCRIPTiON8 w TiirM dillm i rear in airancc, or foot dollar* (it aA the end of the /ear. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at wreotjr five eeot? the squsrw lor the first, and halt that amount for each contra nance-? The number of insertion# to be marked on the margin or the/ will be continued and charged accenting)/. Those inserted aemi-monthly 75 gents br and oonthl/ $1 a squire for each insertion. Com-nnnicatioQS by mail to be post psid or remain on te nded to. ~ PUBLIC NOTICE. B v.W OP cahdex, s. c. ? .L e ? nf rortnani c> mc prvimum ?? ?u ?., ihc lut Legislature, incorporating THEBI1K OF CAWDBN, S 0 f Books for receiving subscriptions, for the capital stock of said bank, (two hundred thousand dollars in four thousand shares of $50 each,) will be opened on the first Monday to May next, and the day ^ following, at the undermentioned places, ? from 10 o'clock, A. M until 2 o'clock, * P. M. each day. under the direction of * the Commissioners hereafter nsmt-d, viz: ^ At Camden, Christopher Matheson, W. Or E. Johnson, and John J. Blair. La At Sumterville, William Havncsworth, f" P. I. Moses, and John B Miller. Wl At Lancastrrvillc, J II Wither$ponn,!Sc< sear. M. Clinton, and Benjamin Massey.^Co At Cheraw, James Wright, Alexander 5* Muirhead. and 0 rid S. Hardee. y* At Winnsborough. Robert Calhcart, l*j David Aiken, and Hugh Berkley. La At Charleston. John R ibinson, M. Co* hen. and John Fraser. " At Colombia, Richard (VNeale, B. L. Rr M'Liughlin. and David EwarL Wl At Marion Court House. Thomas f" Evans, Robert Harllee, and John H. Cher* ry* _ _ ^ * Pri At Partington won u mir, c it. at. w Irer, George W. Oarfia, ud Hamuei if* Wilkin*. ?3 At Chester Court Route, Samuel H*. Um AHley, Greeobury Culrio, and John Si*- Ma Kee. g? At Union Court llonse, John J, Pratt q Col. Win. K. Cluwney, an I John Roger* On Twenty per cent on each aliare eubteri* ^ bed will be required to be paid at the *jb< time of snbscribtn*. in bills of the specie ^ peeing Banks of this Sute. wi The undersigned Commissioners at Cam- Lm den, bare construed that portion of the pre- ^ vit, of the 1st section of the act, which says "that no subscription shall be allowed on either day *ppmn.od for opening the Bunks 1 for a greater uumtor af shares than two < hundred," not to pr ?hibit individual* fiooi subscribing lor two hundred shares each g day. on* C. MATHrSON. ) Commissioners wU W E. JOHNSON, > at ~ JOHN J BLAIR, ) Camden. Marct. 19:;ifc'7t SKI KRiVAItO " H RWAW%Y from the I'lsntttion of ] C >. J. S. Draft. ab 8oitm District } ( ROBERT J. HARRIET, E^, Tolled before fi% icfmbrr Sfi rat N(7tick! Mr. wm cavan, win Kit, mr A-Ha gent.duriog inj abac ace fr.?m the State, by J. J. EXUM. April 9.?11-3? I HJMTER HOTEL. rllE Subscriber inform? his friends " and (he public, thai he ha? taken the [ouse formerly orrupied by J. Goodman id more recently by J. J. Exam a? otel in the Town of Camden* and near _ e Court House* where he is prepared to "J ceiee companv* and flatters himself that ' ose who farorhim with their company ill be satisfied with their arcommodaans. A. It RCFPIN. ? May 23.?20-.>tf. LIN i?N ci A full supply of trUk WAM H9) ALSO?Pine LAWNS and Lioea Cam* ic HANDKFJICHIEPS, for sale by Ml CARPENTER & BONNET, G! a ^ ft a v npnt%. . | " " ! ????????" ^ RESH GARDEN SEEDS, J? ?? wa^a i ??Agaat ?? JJ FOR SALE BT P. TUOR5TOR. S Jmmmg wkidk mtt du foUowif: . rljr York CABBAGE Ice do * 1 lo Daub do j Etrlv Wbil* lmd do Dt lo Sugar loaf do do Cur I'd do lo Savoy do Sauuorrbuoh SQUASH n? IU./ J- ! -A? L -L. J ? ww i iiq crwi ian?? ni te Dutch do Crook orck Culu*, een Qlaird do Long Green Corambrr, Pi m Eog. Sssor do Carlr do rty Load.CauLlJewrr, Prickly Gherkins, ?. (e do (tor pteklee,) Site Brocoli, Georgia or itch Kale, Sea Island Water Melon Sr lewarts, (a tuperior kind) rly Spring TURNIP, Apple seeded do u Bag*, or Winter Citmel, ll?>w Komu do (for preserving) 1 rge Norfolk field do Large Muk Me loo Ci le Flat Dutch do Caaielope do erdeen or Scotch do ! Nutmeg do Ue* \laJta do Vegetable Oyster, (choice kind) Naetnrtioa, i and White Onion, Large Bell Peppcr( ?ile English Mustard, Cayenne do ram do Round smooth Tomatoes || rge Flanders Spina**, Garden Cress, und do Pepaergrass. ekle do Curled Parsley, ~~ sr Zealand do Solid Celery, ng Wkitr Okra, Sage, F1 rly Mood Tomip Beet Red Closer Seed, k> yellow do do WhHr Mamrsrfkt PBA8 J if Mood do Early J one do ,B ogle Wortael or M Charletaa do to it Scarcity* do Sugar do n riling Parsnip, Bishops prolific dwarf do eraser do E?rly Mohawk Beans, Uige Carrot, do China dsraif du _ >g Scarlet RADlbtf, do white Kidney do. >rt top do do do dwarf do I nan do So prior white pole do j| black winter du Vsr?cg*i*d Cranberry do lite Tomip do Luna do rge Cabbage Head Early To* ?rora Corn LETTUCE co Sugar do faoa Btnam do do UoidrQ otoax do (a choice kind,} I AL^O, Pamphlet* on Cfcriftninf, ? Calculated by (he aubaenber, to imvtr lor Cami and the adjacent oooatrr, near the a me lata- _ ?. i I IJ'The above Seed*are warranted. Bboald any JL ' find them otherwise, after a fair trial, other* p0< I be giren in their place. Jlnr. 91. nJ PLAID SILKS. * AN assortment uf fashionable plaid silks, ale by CARPJ NTER 6c BONNEY. ?l? February 27.?&f. r, Y4 BOOT & 0HC3 0T0?.2. III.. subscriber baa now rveeited a fresh L and general aeeorfnen' of Fot idles and (ifallemew Boots ?/ and' hboea. ihe latest and moat fashionable tf yle, which re selected with much care by himself? tcb he belteves w?JI fire general aattafae* i lo those who will faror him with their lorn. Hit st *ck cotniiriaea eeery dencrip-' l of Lad??ti and Gentlemen, and htlilrertsj i4a and anoes, generally lounn in i regular e -loft?. The l.i ies ami Gentlemen of indm are respectfully uivitcd to call *ud nniiir for ?hrin*?i?ea. .SO - On hand a grnrrnl tuwriment of TinS 8TLK BATS, htch will be sold on the roust reasonable ^ nts. W. B. DANIELS. 1 February 27.?6?f. ^ l.Y K((l'l I * . " 8IMTI.K DI8TRHT. i Ftbrusry 1836. | the John M'Donald, sur and wife, - of r*. q-.i ritoa. Williams. ntf v I and K. D it rant f BILL* ? Adm'r*. In,i>nh Dnrant mil Chs. Durant j T is ordered that all persons having demands against the estate of Joseph Dull, decM. late sheriff of Sumter District, and appear before the Commissioner of irnter District, on or before the !6th y of June next, and establish the same mt proof. By order of the Court, of JOHN B. MILLER, Com. far Stuniervilie, Feb. 27,1830. 7m3 LIST OF LETTERS, 'twurimtur in the Post. OJUi 0t Cttub, s c. April \st, isata / A?Miry Allen, W ?. Adkin, Dr. tfewt B-^Harwnod A Bell, Dr. W, A BdAa>, f din Brown, George Brown, Jnhn Bnea, I hos. P Billard, J E?John English, 3 Mtm KiI^Edrpoodi ' F-Ket Bias L. Ffasar. ; *" . G - Nathaniel Gar, Mb Rmftns Catkins < iMmd Ooon, Abraham Gatmrtj, B. 1 mid, A G. Gee/ Mm Fanny Gordon. H -Rob ri W. Hare, Jacob ?. Htd*e, . aring Hour, Wilier Hall, A. Hulmao, luba Holland. Leti* Huna. J?Caleb Jones. Miss Frauds L Jnoes. J K?John Kershaw, Miss Martha Ken- k icka, J* G. Kelly, Daaid "KirkJaod. t L?Mrs. Rebecca Lawny, Washington sooard, if. Lyons, Dr.- B. 8 Lncaa, P. J. acids. M?Mrs. Mary McD?w, Peggy Micky, hn Mot Uersbead, John M Ifittf, John Me f. Mgle, Ur Wm. L Heili, Joseph Nor* ?yt D/*Muoc, Mia Mary McCaskUl, J a red , McLaw, Roddick Moseley Daniel Mo* maid, \lteo McCaakill, Alexander Mo* iskeli, Jowpb M. Marshall, Jordon Mo* I miel, M. W. Morphey. N?John Ne?*dhatn, Hiram Nmrfee. , P?Siuart Perry. Joaeph I'arris, J at. Pain, sr Parker, Merit Perrot, Mia Amanda J. . irker. R?Stephen Reeves, Mrs. Am RereL J. r*d. H?Dr. Benjamin Scott, Mia EGsabetb ndair, Mn. Margaret Smith, Richard 8in-too, John Jooes, Sara!. Smith, Hrary E q okes, Wiley V Stuart, Allen Summer! we, t m Man hi Shiver. Mia Flora J* Smith, | trolioe Stuart. \ T? Michael Tbomu. | V?Mrs. Elizabeth Villepigae. - a 0?Rev N. (Jtnphreja. t W?Benjanio F. Watkina,9Dr.8am. B. c ana, W. W. Warren, 3 A. 0. Wake, I ns Rebecca Wekkotr. c P. THORNTON, P. M. t rHE nbiriterHU^ilh Wo. Mol Willio Esq, for collection*, hit aotn , ij accounts Those who are indebted him are requested to come and settle soon as possible. i i. D. LEHIER April 10-10-3 . J Black Silks and Cha! lye. ? A good assortment of fresh Black silks 1 Also Black and Plain eolored OSAALY0. For tale by CARPENTER dt BONNET, March 13.-7 .. \ f The Subscriber c IAS authorised Mr. Wm. E. Hnghson to collect his Notes and Accounts, to aure all omitea tad fiw receipt* (or the ne. Tbnw indebted wroold ?Jo well to 11 on bin and save itenirlw eon. - 0 - WW. APPLEWHITE. 1 March 19 -g J N B. prnuini wh?ft? *ork era* io my " up erbcH 1 left Camden will call on Mr. ung for the ume. W. A. Virginia State Lottery* CLASS No. i. r tb* benefit of Uw Mechanic Benevolent mit< , Norfolk. To ba drawn ct AknatrU, 83d April- f 50.000 DOLLARS, sn.nnn nni.i.ARs. ! IOOOO noixts*, ? FIFTY OF OXB THOVSAXD DOLLARS. D , SCHEME. b 1 pr.t* of 5O,?M0, I ofiJ500, _ 1 ~ of&ljOOO, I of 3.000, n I of 10,000, 1 of 1.610, I ?* of 5.000. 5 of MUX), J I " of 4.000, SO of 1,000, n 1 - of 3,00Q, 100 of M0, 1 " of 9J50, 61 of 950, Ac. '': Tickets $10. riiun in proportion, robe bod of ft* Managers, No. 96; Blood Bt Charleston. 8. C rite drawing of the Lottery win appear to the arJeston paper of the 30th April. , YATE8 dutiea of this instinaiioa are again it*. J* ned by Mr. W, Richardson The oourw b atudif* will be suited o the present re? 41 irements of the South Carolina College. ^ em* so * * ' M i A. ?I UUminuunt, r?b l::4::iuu ?' ITST RECEIVED, b IN BX 'PLLENTOltDRK, rom wV. Fork and Philadelphia^ a run, icrrtT or D?.TJ3S k UZOlOlVtM, rruch & English l lwmiciilR, Together with > Urge and various assort ml of Cupping and Enemata Instrument* ? > tperior futility, deserving the attention ot n uiltea as well as practitioners *d Medicine. M Deo 12- HJf. REYNOLD8. . DAELlffQTOH BI8TRICT. ' : IX THE CCiVRT OF COMMON PLEJSSi Hiui H. Roei,) ' > *v?. > c?e t* JtrtmrkwumL W*. T. Firnu ') *JH7 1EREA8, the plaliMS ffc the above eebe Yf did, 04 the 13U? dev of April, A.D. 188 lie fti? drelarstioo ia tbeoaceof the Clerk of Ot JoaorsM* Cowrtt' tfiiad Mid dfkidnt, who ibaeol ftoca^aod without the liadti of^thie 9Uft Ad be* eeitber wffraor attorney known withfcCtft ue,? whom?. epfff of the Mid deelaratka wH k. rule to plead thereto, with-n ? reer sad s da] eight be served?Itia, thereftve, Ordered, is pw waoee of an aet of the General \MemNy;lnfld aa? made and ptotided, that the aaiddefirndaatd fpnr a*J plead to the aid declamation cm or fa are the SDUdar of July, In Ike year of oar Lot ate UoMad mafct hundred aad tiuity-ei tt oihti rim final and absolute judgment will Urns he swsi led apart him.. rj[ . ^ - . ... J!fO. 9. BRUCE, C C fir. Mice of Common Peea, ) , tJ . o^m Xariloftca, July 89,18& f 'J'*' f ** ^ 11 ee firm S2oE!^Suif under ih . name of - . imacaa a yd t utffimi iu bwn dtaaolred. Tbestibaeribor will cow tnde at the old stand, the business ol BOOK BIYDIYG, Ac. ud hopes to merit Do pobtie patroMfe. if b*?mer. Aj. * - - ? w w?41 DHIIR. > Carpenter & Bopney, HAVE on hand i few^sn 1 Jaltimore and Grecian Staric Chairs, lLSD?ClwiK Wimisar mdlmft MUck . ' - - iag tkmm Wiieh ihey eftr bur to dose ? coosifameal February St?AC _ FOR -SALE. THE PUatatiM hiitf iothe Fori i Grannies Quarter and rial Rook Creeks welre miles above Camden, on tU road I Lancaster. 900 acres open, and i' ' TO RENT BffT Kirkwood Hoose, (with foraltan t wanted) for the ensuing atimroer, ta probably for a longer period* If desired llso four Lota, la fine order for coltfra loo on Campbell 8u Also two or thro nale and frmaJa servants, very trusty. W. ?. JOHNSON. April 9?10?St ^ WANTED. . A light, strong and spacious Btrotteh U my, or in exehaoga for a very soperioi lose carriage. W. E. JOHNSON. April9.-IO-31. *; V ' . LAW. THE nbaeriben have formed a eonart trthip fir the. practice of Liar and Eqtdf in Sumter District; Mr. Crosby can hi nn*nlt?d in ttumtertille, sad Mr. M*WU< lain Camden* W. M'WrLLfR J. J. CROSBY. Feb. 6?3::3m. Tailoring Establishment THE subscriber grateful for the libera] hare ol patronage received since his ommcncemeiu in the fell, hopes by el J?e ppliestlon and a readiness to please all rho may rail to merit a continuance of fie same. His work arill be executed rith neatness and des^tcfe and in the lost feshintuble manner; hit prices will e moderate for casn or punctual cnato* lers. Wanted one or two boy* from 14 t? 16 ear* of age, as apprentices to the busi* ess. v v .. JT. L. BRAStNGTOlf. March 90-9 - TO TAXLOIlRc Having beeiiauUvrised to sell and teach the Tailors # MASTER PRICE, ring the complete guide for instruction i the whole art of measuring and ruttine eenrding to the variety of fashion anr ?rm with Pliies Illustrative of the same, y 8entt dt Perkins, reporters of fanhi??ns ml teachers wf cutting garments at New rork. The above system can be had with II the necessary articles belonging therei if application be made to the stibscrtcr J. !., R. TO KKiVr. m AT Kirkwaod, a ei.mfortablr ne? IOU8E, containing four ro* Early Caaliftowcr, Long White Oehn, W- -do ; ' Short JST5* Early White fimaB, Earlr June fta, . u farplr do - Early CluriUe do . Early Garden tied par " " Eatfy Sprthg Tarnipe EerijDwirf Mirrowfar Lota flat Datah do Large do ... t Mr do da Biohop'a Dwarf ProfiSc YeBowHafieen do . - do . i WKh vorfbik do Dwarf Green lmrrici i Aberdeen, ce Scotch do KojrdDwuf fh?!icdo.. * r TeOow Bnta Bega do , Early 8p.t*kd Brand ' LargeftaadenSaiA?cb "Mohawk' 6cr , PrU& do ... Dwarf Profit,, white do - flaw Xnmi. . do While Kidney do Lang Blepd Beet, Early Clima do Early Turnip da FSnrtJaa Pole . do TrilovBunr ' do ' CUnMD:P?l(. >" d? EES8 2?E S 9neuia( flflfar Parvaip, Vif*tnio Hommony do " Gnenuty do SUurt> Whh* Toacowr* Loof Scorfet Mi, / ' < :0.- . * : Scarlet Start top do. Flmt do [ Looeflalwood do Soctf do / Wiale Turnip ? do /' Red Planting Otiicva M' . 4b'c -do - Yellow do Block Wiatet do tufy Caldvaff good " Carted Enditt, " ~ Jttttacd lUoc Qieeo Cocmnber, WWfce Cotlod W y 5Sy do do leO . ' . do> ftiKimWi n oirM I Minlai fV^n^a ^ 4 oST wK-M^rrSrrf , flat Cntalopi Mrioc LupTwilw ' Holani 8o LorioBfUf JM. t, Ormutnt do SoaotkOtAp- wr i Pior Aypk do MOdtrM -* . Ptrua do ' Whit* -'^d>; I ?o Island Walrmioo Brand Lctfflofo^ T V* J Qajtaao Ptpptr. gweet Basil ' ., !Sarr#brt s&w. KSJs"" v.* TwTtiiniiait ?Uu>lp ' ttf,ilan?i^i|all OTMI cooflrtM te n*. 1 aartonit oTodllv lUi?Iioifr(a gnml atod cf arlueh wUlalwajrsfee kqpt bd band and sold af lb* ******* ' tousva x iiHAiit: - 'p. - '"c' -* Hi CHANCERY. KERSHaW DISTRICT. Jaoe VKenntt and"} . ? D.rid Aiken. I " Ellnbtih M. RomfI, f Now Owens, dmr'x. f eLol; ' J " Bf vlrtooaf in order of