:f JJ'K.IIi-UTi ''tttiu: fr iir the Utr?of .'fc C kbeJ~ "tT ^ T " " 1 - " S _ ' - | - Wi? II. * ;. Vm'tUKX, AAHCH 59. ISfo. - Jig j-'~ i *33 * Pui'itkil fUurtt / 'Jtr'A:arby ? K J3KST Tl'X-.IGiST, rtftuiatRor rnr ?.%?* or tu* cmos 8U ASCRIPTIONS T-iree <1 i!lvi a /ear in adraace, or four dollar* at u?e eoJ of lUe mr. AOVEtlTISBM HNTS i'inrM>< I ho mitsr# fnr Ibc Gn(, and hUf tbU a n >t?nl f?#r each c?iaOiiu*ure-? TU* nt? uier of ?i*rt:ihji to be marked on lhns bj uutil to be jkwI paid of icrnxia aotroSru to. * . *' ??.2s?23?ra or iul 1'A?OaS JOURNAL rg^ijs *tiU?s*nbrrf hiit*fti? purrhiuMnl liu* I i iaoE^ -!.luocbioeiat. :ntcaJ.< to cominut* iia nublira lion. There has not, perhaps, been a prri??: of mx muttih*, in the h?it in utv-fi*c Tears, thai Camden ha* been n ilimbl a liciir*pi?irr, and it tv-mlU be a rile *i? | pose llut'tuoy rrffl not * nppurl one nvtc? atdanuef of woicti the subscriber uiii nm j be guilt} uat:l he has conclusive evidence! of -the f?cL if ihc.-c.i>c any of our citix* *, c thcr id the to urn or H?etrher<-, msu i??ci no i<> :ere#t in the continuance if the J ?ra\A*, | * ;i?d who are not already subscribers, they \ w have an opportunity of manifesting that: -interest by leco ning so n.?tv. The pub- i ' ai.i uf rc-cmn.ncnrcnt on or urlore the U: Saturday in February nest, * preriou* ;o which time, the Propiii l?r would be (ilrticJ i?t h*rc us u#a:?v an p??? j riblc of the n .utcs f (hone who feel sunt* , ncM intcretil t;i the chancier no I |>r s'&* jurily of Caio leo, to inluct* litem to aid in the permanent esl-ibltshuicitt of a ncrrg * p*j*er in the town. The Prop. jcI ?r ha* engaged the terrier* of Mr. Jons C. \Y?.st, in the Editorial d-partun-. .I?eooar*i?t*?ui>'. toe political chararte.- tuiTT timjerg.s no change.? H will t*i?i >n?4h* d?ctnm-?of hi Kcpuh-j liran Party?;iic r?j;!?U of Use Slates am! the integrity of the Union. It tn.iy he J urnper to add, a* personalities and scurri!-; lisV into become *0 c.'nunn.i a wrajv-ns u-iil? 11-? ft. ir.HSfir'f t.r >im tk-,1 ikit tut f'T ! ..... .... -I-,- i- " r r will fupport ru? political parly which reqairez ?ur.h aid f ?r it* ?ucce*r. rhc ,?*p?*r will c.mhin, a# Ur s?5h limil* will permit,,the curt^nt new# ??f tlw day, d.?tne*iic particularly, at?d fcrcign! wnetj ?f special iulrrt-i Strut attention will t>c ptid to the Price] Current; and ?-tkIy remark* atndcduriug tho *civ)m hi rd.iltMM ct*. at the end of ?u ! tuOttt-a*, or ? I at tin: coucluiou of the year, j gjgjjggggwssH?1 jy?1 as ?a* ~ ciacVuVa. " THE BOARD OF TK\DM OF .HE CliY uF NE.V YORK, u pec.r u> ?hr tuUoirtn/ ir.unf ! ? chain* >i iIk* timi _ , v. ho trade with^liu^frr* are as? ire th ou the Dtjjht of the Idih of \ .oi u?ipre. ? iu.o.? <>i our ?c? h-twe^u W til and i>rua?i em!* ict ig the *uirc* ?! i.any wealthy and en rrpranwg j.crn?;ue. I>??i an ?p;*re?H?M**>u should prevail tint this kr?* oij) under o<>r inert lunii ui.mMc lu tb ' ti-u.il i;u in gning llic a.-.ur .nee ih.ii the JW;?-rc.ii?in^ k uom* Mort'i i?r of tinning titer Cttjr. ciitafi Jetii tlnttlwy -.nil liud ill.- in r?c:ire ?>f I.aw aii'i Kqi'ily i;i S >mlcr Di-urirt; M;. ( ca i I" #r??i?"?w!leil in Sii?nurv?li.-% m.?i Mr. M'Wilitc i.i C imdt'i). W. M !l f.fF.. J. J.OUUeBY . Feb. G \? :3a..lacK, i.i ihr ktttin^fi* \v?H j be taken, il'iiiimeiiiaU* :fr.imrntt loi wprrior y?/i/.'/y, denorttng I he aitmiion of ; fn mho* a* well upr*c ilionrmnf Vrdi%*iuo. I Dee 12- W'M UEYXOLUS ~1>1VTTY.~ niitT I Unadulterated 13lark Lead j I 13 V. M, Rt.YLi>3. ! Kca! ilo, 2. AHr^ficu! !"^5L7*.#V will ]'ira>!t! on Saturday, *0 l? JL iufi, a: HloVltffk before tin* Cuuri ; i?ou*c iu Camden. Each man u ?t!i a iaus* i ? * kci mgjou orurr. a ?? six u>;a;?k rarirutjjes A. JOiK\*ON, ; !*t Lieut. Commanding. March l2-7-2u I*. S. A? a fflurn of the number of , men and ufli'tn, l???r".her with iht* pnbli" , arm*. i* t?? hr rtindr ?? > thai ! \\ ?it i<* ho- J pc?l thai DiHinc trill appear ??n parade' ; without all ihc ncrc#irary accoutrements j j f??r frtiro I?ea?c or IntrrUiiniLHiW. -' ?fe?i3 ' i flUE S?h?rrihrr inform* h:* f: tends ami the puh'it* i?rn?Tailt. th;ii he ha* inked the liotiH' l??Vm? rlv ah a? a tlouo* of l!nterl ii?n:irnt !a:i?! i? |?rrpir?*?! lu aeemmnodate t?ll who ! j,iiy fa*t ! manner. I Hi* table will be at all times fornfehod ! with the i est the tip country iismkri ean ; :tflTonl. Ilia bar with the choicest Hi|U?r*. hi* *1 bin with lf'?? tnWl wiu?V* one j~ovision, attended by ftiihlu! ?-:! r?, cut I from hi* c.?n*tant attention. an ! en ?.nit? 1 ting r\* i inn* loplrase, he 'u ;t* to j: rrtl ? share of pull.c patronage. A. I). JOHNSON, fnncastcr M..rr!, It??17-'3ui Tor Cha*!e*tnn Mercury, Columbia T* Iti-copc. t'hi r ivc thixr'te. and Chai3 mm ?f %ti!' the af>ore four and jl uir accounts to this office f r p'vmrtii j~* ('OilN~ J "1*7" \NTf.o. 2.000 biiii.i l. Corn ' w ? for which ca?h will be paid, or 'gout!* at c;??h j?r r<* if wanted. | j;i4t'Tll ti. MARK. ! j Marrl. ia?7-tf. Hlark JSilks uid Ciiall\s. * A good DMuiimrnl Itf frmli lilurk ?i!k.s Al no liluk nii I !*!.?? ? ruiorcd J ? t J* For talr b\ CXRPENTER A: RONNF.V. Mar**!-. Vi -7 j IV S Hi.i l llHract Mi'Hnjju'ill.*.. Kxtr al Itwctiu, < xi?:ts. J >1.(?, xirnci Buiirrinii,S)r??|? Liurtiari, R'ii]*?f'? Mjju-miii A|?? fitful, Biliii f Columbia, llmiit-r1* .'oru I'U'.cr, II ? Fill-, Imp rial il iii !>)? , Btr trhiiijg t?j<|iii.lt i. I'cJiJhTi: tut do. Rhubarb d virr.l llrndZ''.", and a of Sur^ic il Instruments. just ricviud a. d for sal bjr YOt" (J &, y. KA.N. March 12, 1930 Cunlcc iojiarv mid Cordials: m A larjrr imjiply nf Hi'- .*b??r< just roct r rd and lor sah by \Y. J. bitiilALU. .March iii. rhe Common. Pleas, tSfh *l*orrtHJcr, l$23y M tnrnA A. More, * *J Adinr'x. of A. Smith. ^ vs. I [ WIU.IAM IIenrv. , William IlRvnr. *ha 7 17 U in ttie j iii of L) sfIii?j:o.i Deiiicf, l>) virtu!- of a Writ of capias ad satisftniend.nn wlicrcni M ?rtha A Mojo, Admr'x of A Smith, is Piiinti!!, 011H the said \\?i!i:.m licurv has filed Itiv petition and -chwhije n I ".? - ^ - I*- ? ?.l* *a 9? #*?# V lt?t iiij uilivJ r/r liitr purjn^( ?/v !* [fa of no act paused in the rear of our Lord otic thou&md se?cn hundred and filfj-ni??e, Icoinuv nly called ' The fn?id*et?i IklitorN j Act." The ?a?d Manha A. Move, Administratrix of A. Smith. end s!l o;her cretlitors of the id Win. Henrj. arc hciehy I summoned or her prrfoaillji r.r by their AiI tohun to ho and s:?j>ear?rt the Court of 0?m[ HH*n Pleas, t bo holdeti si DrirJin*.on Court I House, foi Darlinjou District, ??- t!:C fcttrtL i Monday in March next, at ivli eh linte the said William Hrftrr *n?l u.-'sr .<.id Court-for hts discharge according to the protisioiis of i he act a(Urv?iiJ. J.\0. C. BltrCE, c. c. r. Ci rnn's Owctr, i Darlington C, M. [ Pr. fee ISih >ftv. 183a S W\ h V. . ~ SLM n;K DiSTrtHT. /* F< br.iar) 1S36. j John M'DonaW," nn. wife, r?. T:.", W'fflbaa.' I MLI( j a* '.I r* Dura.it j A'lh'rs. j * j Josi jih Htiranl I m! Cht. Uurctilj IT 15 orilcrw! that al! peraenf having riHTi. Lucy rd. J ? A Mm ixsrd, \ Hy *ir:ut* of a decree of the Court of Equity beabove ca*., ? will o5*.r f??r at Lancaster Court r t??un*f ? ( i n* I*. Aio-i- j d.t; iu March tirst, thr lotln.i;..; use j? I nd, the prupeny of the I ;! : W a;u-r / ?ro., 'I'ltc drscfipicm in ii r Lj!j i?. I '! **> "Our tract of tend l.tuj; iu !. tie;Dot., on the Catau ha river, t?c?r L nnTsfurd. conuiniii'j S>'l acie*. ii.c'ndtn* a Llaiid in the ?? r, dinting ifir-.-e ?i#ree, more or leib; tin-, tract b Umjii.icu ur9 terry. AJw? another tract containing thru* hnnart*"* mop-or I mhi tk ?u th* Dim net of L'o??t ?**! r, u\ otii oi?? mile from the irsci Ism named, i>outt?)t?d \V. In Fumbi1* land, l?v Crav furrl cud F'r-'rr, t)j?i bt IV.ui 1 (.rddc.o JauJ;, and N. by Masset &. Hurl*, laud*. 'I ho above hriix will be wild on a ctcilii of one, iwo and thrro year* loms tin* d?r cif S-iU*. Purchaser.* 10 give bond, mortgage noil |?*r?oii tl security, and also lo pay tor Co?uui??KH?en? piper*. J If. NWTUEPSPOOX. CotnmV fc>j?n'? I*. 0. p..K V w V C? ? Cj C a rj .11,. ?:ih?cni*r h4? now rtiwi-d a Irrah J nod general worimcir of Lnck ctuiijiriv^ crt-rv iit"*cri;?? In ill uf i.mlirn mill lientliMticit, ami 1 lnl|K:clfully invited to call and rX'tuiillo fur tiiciiineitcn. A I.SO? On Jiaml t\ grnrral a<:urtmcnt of ?l?m SXTJS HATS, Whicit wtii be sold on the ino*u reasonable terms. | W. B. DANIELS. L* I w .+ rturwry */.?oil. I FOR SALE. I^KillTEEN or Tunny NKCKOFS. _J among olioiu i.? a prime Carpenter I lie larger portion ?fr f? Hove nml wetirl:c?, u usually prime and likely. If not ('is posed of nt |?rivfile ?nle, llicv will b? odd nt Putdir Auction on ti e first M? t< tny in Mmcli. Apply to Thomas Baker or the subscriber. HA ML'El. FUHM AN Ftbrnarv Id- Mt The Erfgt'hill icn Jeiny, THE I'bbhc arc re?j>cctfutly informed tHa, the duties of this ,institution are. again remimed by Mr. W, Richardson. The coitr** of fi'idies. vt HI bo suited .<> 1 he* present requirement* of th?? Sooth < Carolina Cohere. ' Clm;uoiw?\ fjVb tllAlil* Ciirpentci1 Sc Uto iney, HAVE on band a lew dozen fine Baltimore and Grecian - Stand ('hairs. A L SO?CWwtti Wituhor and large Hocking dtfti s, Wliirh they offer low to dose a consignment. | February 27?5tf. DP.. E. PSiTC'S I Alt i lriUAJL ml* r LIS. ! TilE So !>? the natural nipple.?-The artificial nipple is recommended by the highest or'iical authorities on the sabj cu in this cuttnlrv Dr. i)rtrce* of Pltila I'r-tphia, and Dr. *>; trail of; Washington Ciijf, *V the ctTtifirnifs annexed ui'l attest ; to wl icli the medical faculty of this ptecc. five their entire concurrence, Living witnessed its successful application. Dr. liljnh fvitt, &CXtJ f'tu 3 A* I It a matter of much poblij| importance, to poft?c*? * mIra?nn in bcii.g able to-n\, thai the shield 5011 offer f.r the { rcrehring and corr of U4? malv!y, i < cut adapted lo (he purpose than any I bate hert?ifr re seen.* In two or three inManrrm I hare hm.trit i hem to bebs'eda*r.'uvti satisfaction has hern expressed, am, hare 00 l.esi'ati 11 to Indictc. it will gene-r.iliv sucrcd. ! nm so well persuaded ef thi-c. at this thai, I cannot lurbia, t.? ex pres.* a uislt. that our City, through the r.trio 'S Apothecaries, may be supplied with thctn. 1 am, vniin, Aife. M P. DnWEE*, M. D. P!;ilai!clpl.iw, Ja?i. IJStfo, 1S34. Washington Cify, February 4th, 1934. | Ilariiiz ci?ia:Rf ibviuctl'y superior to a y thins nrtrti* , ) cars rereived. It in in jjnud repair, attd liai>| every nrrcnsarv convenience appended. *?;r!? ai extensive brirl, Kitchens, with jLrgc and ciueinodtous Stables, Home, jyarf*, with ?*t-.'ry *?thrr convenience that )ran hotiivtirctl in rncli nti cvtabiivhiurP-. {The Furniture wilt be Icaacd with the pr?> j niini'K. F-r limber particular* eiwjuiie. in ; rr?oit, or b\ letter (p. *t p.. id) to MARY M'A DAMS. March 5.?(V-3t Tnr Columbia Tcleaeope ant! Charles n Patriot trill please insert the shore Ht irp, and atM.il ilicir bill to thi* office for payment. rillllufirin heretofore existing under the jL name of Ba^nxsa A2TD SAZBlOm? I.iis b? i n <1 invoked. Thnvubncribcr trittcotitiiiue at the old viand, the tmsincssoi BOOK BISDIXO. Ac. and Indies to merit the public patronage. 1. F BRLMER. r.a. r 1 IU II? .. ill U ' WT. li. MASh|!Y,of Latiranlrr, wil ac* ts a'jcnt f?A T A&E W LEAP-YEARB?r4 ffaa tf&arf 7>?fc Reader, duhjoo ever in joor bojrlA (k? f in bnllunej t6? &aatU<^.jtHwpu.. DfcVtfe Ifaior*, did joo ew w bile m ths h c)0n rta:e of cxis.^oce, tin-d wiih i Ti :t* work thf ?orkJ luro?* it . -wJ?> ti ?wo -ffektttxngl o#fc* inr o.Xif'w lot pntff Iziak WaitMiU tar**tfr?*t?Uk*jt fcrau > drivers, (:.lts Sat our omulbd? afel . divt.K oi;??*r ?ocb ingenmotf . tf ytx^ ar so trry l.r?tiuat<* 48 |o ,diy? oi g? .iu?t ((tea ?Jy can j? fc??v ??f e vict pnwo of the mote' of on .rcbjr udm lie m n< Ifeiwlag pon?-, I tv."? honor )od, my tracer, unit an mtrodpciinu ?o ;bem; aoihat aboald one or ib?*m M " oee iicr fbo.iug *ou may bo at liWty 'o her up. WtMru r*aii u. at the d?ro*d> ?Wi Mir, r tfpokc meiapiiOrtca!;T only; fv thoc^li* itifc* Uomthfi Bridget Bs;i?uroon wefVrv ibe trlmo of jour ete, mm btlk reader. wail bfev*rd with hioks u ros> l? your eifcWi our o>htr berut.? Maa Eroehueiu'ia ASM grtha Slubb , remtude i joo-lKb.r oTt!>u ? dark d< w.iy bfosli on tbc , t-ach, whi: h t> Uv how rirh a aoul of awe* inex Bw*Ik wHbh.VFor my u flu part, I mon coufwa let kin* prr .t r; nee lo 8$ji& EifiHtt* Jiii-W VdetgVBLl Stubfe; cMptviwIjr estho M ilrt ir.i^r mem o; heV njitee m? oe veK ea?ily chilie?l 01 tour* a pri l*df robeiriSui> lit lliia time t?ic dour must ?* <% ii; to *t* Hill tlhw Pwupcy to oMMriBetiidM iti?u ibod ibee ougui^f ?n ? wttb iup k-ur .,f i ? tairierhef re my ?}*?) b?*e been -uccetrtkd by de d*. Pi d uot the te tmerposed in UK teal '61 \tot feelured Vknzi Sm (ft. (I like in diaungito. toy befuc* b? t*dl as b* tbaracreri truui Uw rootwon bun! of mankind,) a??o vB6*? rul ?ua* itm ..routed uares ol pa*>tuu Sufc*I*?J lu a dead culm, and the tnouut-iuous mi ot a get became as flat end a pULa as itcu.alr.i % ?Wrll, fidirsv** fcnYJ Thomas Smith, tl'Pt the usual saloutluns* *uo wh. t f am indebted f?*r the |)ieasarr of this visjif* Miss Miuhbc blushed, and Mte? Unu??? _ . ?- a __ ' ?l inrni irmiuicauinj rw* i>wh iitr cyw.^ and ip|t!M her tiMO&citt ta tbe pruiuhearanc* jusl below theiw. . . . "Ahf sighed Mm. Dorothea Hat* yon forgotten thai ii is Iripjeur * iiK another awn. **You know our privilege/1a iil? a iioiic. "Y??u null be sensible of y our attractions," with i fond loo ctiU in vulgar parlance a sheep's eye, a teiy appropriate term oo the present ochasionl "Y?u wiil f??rgive my appsien; forward* nes*,M with an attempt al a blush, "and attribute it to toe onMnehf -f my hear! towards yoo, roy dear Thomas," with a sigh a blush, and some symptoms of a tear* r-Z' 4 "lira aware, Mr Smith," said Mhs Emiline in heir turn, "thai I am overstep* ping the limita which custom has prescribed to my i%ii bnt I disdain such narrow prejudices. I have long loved yom bopeirsal)', but constantly. White yott bare lavished y?.ur attentions on those who ea* lued ibeiu not. I haiw^boaidca^wn the mo?i trifling wophrficb y?u hate than, ccd lo *n*? and brooded over it seep?y alternate fears and ho|?es; theeesury into which a kind look t f your* ha* often thrown m*; or the bittfrl draj?ondcnc> in to which | have aunk wbfca urtJnly noticed by rnu.? Slav yon nefti feel the agonies which I have sutfetfcd! I SOW bant the bigottrd fetter* of pru ory, and obeying only the dictates of my httrt, I trow my ardent I.re. .ienily, Isdies,'4 laid Mr. Smith, -I alicuid be eery l