THE CAMDEN JOI KV1L I | II ' ' ' . * " ' . ' ' ? r BY KOBKHY WKSl63Tt PuHUhrr'of Ihr !.sm of Hi fnitc?; 'lati ? bf JOH5 C. WIST. vol.. XI. ll > M l < .t /l,l . I, PEBltCIKt IS, I8S6. Mi'." * " ' < - ^ ' . - " 1 i ft =? ? ???? I ?sa tujiBsat [ PmUitktd u V^Jffary's, have jest crritcd. lu > llorscfcfifteo for Fon King left here on Friday P%ith provisions for that place?thcr ail feespeel to be cut to pieces before tliry ? reach that post. Aa express u bo left bi-tiiiM lul NtvKi f.iP Port Pino m %r IW?? WI t ?RI II ^ o?? rw|?j#w JVM If t!. have been killed on reaching lite other t:: side. of tin* river. We chat) march id a i - He# day? m ettstkjipiiie Indians at* milt-j froo^tlus place, *r;>o hare tn their posr session thtMtfiuYjf stores taken from the B. ii, hich w^halj attempt to ? ?*ch C$51c< disuni. Aii J eye determined to fight thcir,?ray through, ft An Indian trasscen this morning ataux 4tt | rods from our Caatp, and 4?ihc men p'havc gone in pursuit of iiiui. i** P. S. Mr. Forrest, rprttiter* front the I; GonstHaUoiialts office, ha* just been shot I through the ibwt, aud one uthrr ? as slight* i jy wounded (accideuUy.) Thirty rolunI iccrs hare this moment arrived in Camp I from Savannah. >. *' Ficolata, January 30. j -co. I - M We arrived here lid* omitting about Inbreak *a?t lime, and I will wrileyou a fevr c.;'tinea to inform you of our aafe arrival. Ix Alt arc in Ivlrnbly good health, and, f I believe* in good spiritsalso. It is though: we shall t .kc up the lioc of march in Ira daj? or two for Camp King. Nothing I- he* occurred in Florida, since \vt left P Augutfa, thai has come to my knowledge, I that la at tli worthy of mentioning. \V?l Mt J&rJfaryG early on Friday morning, j; - retched J?ck*crtvHIesatDC d?* at 4, P. M., 12^|d^ere no -were . saluted by the citizen*, |.rjWp *hni hy the Itcr^nue Cutler JetTerson. .viallow lying in Iron: of that town, order* from Gen. Clinch. I PeifS umfshc has paid a riait to IV. lata, p fetfl nit'l wrb no Indian*. Tbc schooner 1 George & Marv, arrived at Jacksonville p oo Wediitiiday, laden with a mt quanti^ tjr of provisions, acne on by Gen. Hamilion, chairman of a committee of the paK triotic citizens of Charleston, fur the rep litf of tbc people Florida. Meeting* I hate been held in aereral place* and reI notations paased, expressive of their gra[; titude for tbe kindness of tbc people of |^Charleston, Sa ran nab and Augu?ui. ; 441 hare nothing new to tell y ou of. and ? sothiug but the knowlc g?* of ? our amirt\y to bear of our safe arrival, induces iuc to writ*- rou at thia time?and it u ili oro ,bably be the oulv opportunity for a \v< t k s to come/' " Picolata, Jfinuar) 29. l&W. We rrived ti.ia morning at Ulia-Furl. est) although it U not an extra atroiip pleee for European warfare, y el tl.PV Pay ilia good agaiital the Indian*. We timi on our arrival that Gen. < iiurh is ?Ull at JFori Kbg, a r?tnfortetnent hariug rmrio bed htnu and aiaolreah volunteer* arming Hjjpfrotn several quarter*. We vlial! reinaio Vat ihta place fot several day* at lea*i, to prepare oursrltri for a march to (Jen I. Clinch; and also to wait for other ex pecH it I iiir\a? VI ^ ii ?ir ui'pu pwmii v?? f'ii i r (9iii it ^resperubK farce a* will drire the Inthan* frvii! this quarter. We mpposr them fron, three to four miles from UJ, that i* a small number, aeting a> scouts. Our Young Men bear their privation* lemarkably well considering lhay have been used, to good living and comfortable quarters. Their spirits are good, and I think the corps is composed of men that will fight should occasion require. Out Caput*, is in fine spirits, and full rf confidence. Our officers the same.'' t (jiali ant AJ'aif ~ On In- 12th irifi. i ol Parish .a the bead ol two hundred Voluu*. leers from this district, comjM?!?cd f#?f the Companies of Captains, AIed unit the udvaucrd guard under; C'pt- Bellamy, who hud been allowed by the' enemy to pass tiieir main body. Col. Parish immediately hastened forward lo Ins support, when suddenly he was attacked on both /?_ . t. I.. .L . I .1 i _ ? L nanus oy inn enemy piaceu ui nniDu^i.? The V lunteers made an unsncce?iul attempt to charge on horseback.?They wero the dismounted and lormed it admirable order. Tiiey then charged upon the? enemy in a manner worthy of veterans. In the inean lime, Ctipi. Bellamy having routed rhe sitae- i king par y d to him, fell buck upon i the maiu body The enemy wan soou forced to l kc shelter in a thicket. By this time, night was coming on. it was not thought prudeut to rullowjfhem, where the localities?! the place slid th darkness w\?uld have given them great advantage*. Our uicn rested off their amis in the open pine wood.-, prepared to renew the anion at daylight; but during the t _i . .? _ cp i t? Digm, ine sat ages cnecicn a retreat. i ntir lav. mttst have been considerable, as six dead bodies Mere counted in one part of the field ol butle. Two days after, Col. Parish marched for Port King, and arrived in safety. He iben proceeded to Powell's town and desiroyeid it The Volunteers ihctn returned jo For? Drane, where they arc now encamped. [ From the Charleston Mercury. From Si. kvgmtint.?The Steamer EliK the sense that the measure of their gratitude far exceeds < ur poor desert*. "The detachment, as regards health, is ItiehJv favored; only a few complain of light foldi." 1'itract of a Utttr rttiivtd it (Mi City, dated 'St. A? M stlnt, Feb, 2, 'Since in) l.ipt, nothing hae occurred here which in in tin- Ira*! degree ttofthy of romiuunirating. Verier Jay, C?puiu M< rcJnnl ol the I uilcd Slate* ?nn\, arrived here in command ul hu? Company, and ha# nupcrMnIcd CapL Porter in command of iht troop* now hnr. Thin hs? of course added to the accuriiy of the inhabitants, and I bcliric thai the force now here linn aiuloM quitted the ;?pj?rc hrnMon# of the j tuple in litis ticinuy. e haie orra- ionully noiiic flying report# of the Indian* hovering between this und Picidala, but their habitual caution keep* them ?.ff from a poet m? well d< fended n* this, nnd if they were mail enough to make an attack, it wuulJ di?pen>e w ills the force iicw coltertinir from alt uuarJer*. o for inuM certainly we should give ?uclt a good account of these lrutihlt**i t e r?*rr 11 cd iht m? *t marknl pm the (alUld** r F"?.r!l*n The Mtchlit* district In a few ?J:.yv will Inie >.i\ liio dr? d n ?ti under arms engaged i*t trie Seminole w?r. A number fully equal to one (turd ol the' ffcc.ivc men in it. j Major \v?'Jfwrd left this place ot Tuct-; day J ot with a guard to meet and protect? the arm* no* on their way fr?>m Augusta. | \Vc assure our friends in Columbus andj Augusta. that Tall thassec has not been j I burnt and plundered a? reported to them, . arid no apprehension exists ol Mich a ca-; , laruny. | Our Navy stationed in the Gulf of Mexico, has acted in the proem crisis ol our affairs with a promptitude worthy of all praise I The frigate Constellation and Sloops-of-War | Yandalia and St. l/tuis, besides smaller resI scl? of war, are already at the scene of acinn. Cnpf. Hooker nn the lower Suwslmp, a lew days since, finding the opposite bank in ' * i? ? iiit r 4- _ $ (gj^c.tsjon 01 awmi >hi innian?, ero-scti o?eri ?iih nine ir.on to attack then'. As lie landed, two of hia mm *orc shot down?one irjthninc bp.!j? tbevtl rr v iib live ^'ith h" remanmiug men, he t*d?J!y charg- d on the piwiuj.?VV hiii* wtu* engaged, his boat got a drill, and l*e was left with no alternative but ttctory or dacth After a close and deathly oiliest ol some minutes, tbe savages were routed with severe loss, < >l l!_ J . i wive iricnuiy Indians arriveo jcsteruaj j from T. mpa. They will act as gu dea to the j expedition which will march in a few davs; fioui hi* place. They &tate that the-Joss ??f! the >emu:oJcs at the. battle of the WiibU-j cootiu.c, wosonc hundred and lour killed. A . otig w bom w.iS Os"eol.t or Powel; who titer iiy, received two * out ids, and died twoj days after tilt action. 1 he reporied death of Poo el n? not generally credited by our citizens. Prum the JSatian J Intclhgrnsfr. We hare heretofore had occasion to refer la the Neu York Times, as a journal posses tug the c nfidence ot the (joTeruuten<( and as ha* ng ;!ie id vantage ot access to source* ot tulormaiioi. not open to ail, eren of the irieuds ol the .dtnitiistraitou. Still under that impression, **e read with the grea test picture tin? follownig uu:c lit ?bat paper of Tuesday last, affording, as i( dots, tu a shape as good as official, the most acceptable inoraintion: t From ibr ??r York Time* of Fcbuirj.2. i The M?iiuti<*n accrptrd.?A well luf rmcd correspondent wrncs as follows from Washington: , " The coramunicaMon from England is a Letter from the King of England lo the President, off-ring Mediation. It has Kk ten accepted by the ^.ominirfratioti, and a letter to '.he King will be wri.ien by the President, in which it will be stated thai be did not design to menace nor insult France nor her King?and this will be douc in language stronger c?cn hat) that used in the Annual Message; but* bejOud that dis-itowal untiling." The terms of the proffered mediation ntcra of course such as it became this country to accept, and the-intelligence is therefore - ' : (w. K.?J ik-? ido^i jjraihj> ii i-uiiiui i/u uuuuilv ?iH> the imerrcn'.ion will be weeesful, and peace will * prrserted. -The OV^ramcnt express, which reached liere before ibe sailing of the packets jeai.crdar. is supposed to bare brought the letters of acceptance. . ~ t? ? ~i,V . jcA$t>\s, FEBUUABY 13, ISM. KEll^^VOLCNTij Its" | T.'ir DidSriet of KcnsOaw. has nobly responded to the call ?f her country. In pursuance of order* from the Exreutire! ?>l the Stale, am! to which we alluded to last week, Cut. 1-.ih.snvt s lugmunt paraded in Camden dn Monday l?st, for the' * ? purpose of famishing one company of mounted men, by drat:, if a sufficient num- j bcr of Volunteer-? did wot offer, f >r the Florida campaign. After the line was formed, Brigadier Gen Cant nv rrtd the, order of the Executive, to the Keg.merit, Sod made a few hiict, patriotic remarks Col. Cm.sncr a..d Major M'Wiluk then | addressed titeio in r. most feeling and eloquent manner, explaining the nature of die service in which they would be engaged, and the savage diameter of the foe they would have to eneountrr. 5 he Flag was then placed a ft w peer* :n ff.nt o! the liur, ami an invitation ^ivrn to ihtoc who w re willing to ??1T?t thfir arr-i rice* in their r juijtry in brhull of their suffering irljtuv citizens >{ Florida, to mivanr. md f!rc"*s 1.) tl r Flag. The Invitation m a* n'afrlv Ultrri'il It? fore llir teiiult Ihgim'it, null ll??* exrrj tiun of about tn?'n!\, we do tut believe thrtr Wi rr more. w.i* in th? line Uitii Ih? FlatTo nnr una' tjiiJtnt' J with i! e rharnclrr of Kcrthcirt 4 "erne like this might appear !*utprifting; but when the patriot character <1 h< r m-n# is taken rui.Mdaratiun, surprise would reasr. A jlroft for men t?rt)w It is stiul-inapiritig to live in the midst of audi jirojiir, and we glory to-day, in being a citizen of Kctshow District. After the line hid been formed on thr Flng\?y the Volunteers, Col. CunsNn in ( formed them that only a single company Was wanted, am! requested ll alt hose who, on reflection, thought they could with most convenience leave home vrould march to the front, and on this occasion a much larger number than va* wanted, promptly responded *c the call. The rcquiiitc number was llien urleeted bjr lot. The Company jras immediately organize*!., and directed to be ready to take up tlx line of march on Thursday morning. At the appointed time tTicy appeared on the] ground "equipped for the war/'v To the patriot it was a noble sight, affording the1 praudest and most conclusive evidence that our country will never be wanting in! the essentials for protecting her rights, j -her interest* or her honor. This detachment, goes charged with the honor of Kershaw, and we-feci, assured thai iu their hands it will remain uiuar-, nishrd, and if occasion shall offer, we hare no doubt but their deeds will further attest ihci valor and their patriotism. The company arc all well mounted ?pa* > equipped, and left this town, on Thursday last iu hue spirits. They were escoricd to the Titer by a numerous body of citizens, tnd were also cheered and animated, L- .1.. ?:t? . i v.-. uj> niv siiiwia ui a iat?c iiuuiuci ui iuc softer sex. We subjoin a list, as perfect as it was in our power lo make it, of this patriotic corps. Before doing so however, we must mention one fact. Capt. B. Boykin, who had been elected first Lieut, was la ken sick with the measles on Wednesday evening. In ihemorning when the troops were formed, Capt. Thomas La no, the fatber-in-Jaw of Capt. Buykin, was found in the ranks lo supply his pjacc. Such prompt devotion to the call of his country, deserves honoraMe notice. The company unanimously and by acclamation, elected him tolhe first Lieutenancy. There has occurred in the course of the mounting and equipping this gallant band, some instances of individual liberality, generosity and devotion, u hich deserves' i. i... r i.i n... IU UV KtUiUVU 1U Jturil U| g?#IU. VUl whole community however, seemed to emulate each other, io their exertions to prc~*rr :Iio Ywluu Leer* iTor the service in which ihoy vrcre about to engage. The followingi* a list of the officer* and men,' as they left Camden. If there should be any error we shall be happy to correct itCol. Jobs Chesnut, Captain. Capt. Ttios. Lano, 1st Lieutenant. Col. John J. Mickle, 2d " Lewis J. Patterson. Lnsign. James S. Stewart, 1st Sergeant, John D. Murray, 2d " T. L. Dixon, 3d " Bts. Ga?s, -lib " J. S Nettles, 1st Corporal. D. Kirkland.2d * J. W, Aktiii R. 3J ' J. B. Mjcklc, 4th '* W'h. Kes.nedy, Ckrk. Jnt?. A. Boykin, Joseph G. Bruce Wm Rankin. John Bmrrn, Jame* Raskin, Jas. M. C"kcr, Tho* Crrighlon. W R Caloe, 0 J 1-hifJcrs, E W Ori^hian, Roderick C inn'ron, J B CbiMrrs, Win Dunlap, J C] D by. R W D'-niiP. Ja* P Dickius ?v, \\ in Dixon, Kindion Exum, l>?ae Gay. W Gainer. S Uuon, U Gilbert, 8 Gibnon. M Giles. G Gerald, T M Gankins, Nat (iitv, Dfl'ahwt, B Hailc. Jr. B Jonen, Win Kitklanrl, firymi King. Duncan Laiiij, Jno M'(\?y, A (? Mitrt>hall, 0 Mahafly, J K M'Kain, ?? Ciantn i, Allrn MVaakill, Jna ^f'Corklr, R. Mostly, M M'Dojiatil, Allen Moore, F Maihrson, R P?*uigrm, M Xatniin, H Arrant*. Win Rossrr, S A R Shannon, J Smyrlc. J M Sjwars, Joseph Smith. Sartil Shirer Jr, J Ti-r.n;jvsofi, Loilovvirk, T K Shannon, W |) Walkin* !l I, Whit.-Iter, T Whitac.rr, II Whitaker, Jamr* W ood?. / \ (:I * IL,- nf unvr to inrow ourselves ?jgain on the indulgence o! our patrons. Wr hnvn used every exertion, und hnrr not yet been able to procure ? journeyman, und it is utterly impossible for us to proreed rr?utnrly with the publication until we ran pet one. We shall continue our exertions, and indulge the hope that we : shall soon he successful. In the mean-! I'.iine, when our paper fails to come to , linnd, our readers w ill be enabled to charge j it to the proper account. Knowing the anxiety of large number of our subscribers, to learn the progress of nfiiiirs in Florida, and bring unabh to publish an entire sheet this week, w< hare, recollecting the old adage that ' half a loaf, is belter iban no bread," deter* 9 mined on i*suing a h#)f sheet, most otwhich is devoted to this sahject. ihe'proper head, the latest and mooiim-i 5 ^ ? -X w.. -t -i* Sr^ti-jZ *. 5^3 portent news from that *lion of coup. ' try irill be f?ond. Since the foregoing was in typo, we have dates from Florida, as late as the 7ih instant, they bring hoWc*cr-nolbIn^Qf' importance. FRANCE. We rejoioc, as all our readdnjcost, :t^ r the prospect of an amicable adjustment o% our difficulties with France* ihrough offered, and accepted mediatioirof Entji , marks, off*red the followinff Preamble and Resolutions, which being seconded, * I was submitted by ibe Chair and onanlaious , I ly adopted. | Whereas, Utc Governor of this Suie, " j having rdcrcd from ibis Regiment a deI tachment of sercniy-aix officers and pn- " rates, in be mounted and equipped, *n?| | to march with the utmost expedition*, to [the assistance of our fellow citizens of ! Florida, the Regiment has promptly responded to the call, and organized a . vo| iunieer corps for said duty. And wheat*.I* [ ss. from the short notice ami other miiUMh ^ I it may be J?fii wit to provide the dtfUri*- . [meal with lloises sad equipments fuita- v [hie to the service, and the expedition taay.j j Be delayed: , V v ' | jBc it thenfvre Resulted, Tliat it h-iff ' once both tiic duty and the pride of the ; I . I _ - C V> . m.t.i.l In ilia ("IlliV'lS VI tilt ?*I?M IV?| IV Wkll lUC^iailC* : worthy and patriotic zeal manifested by our youth, by facilitating the equipment -1 ' and expediting the march of the datach- ; ; tneni by all the mcana proper to l?e air most despatch. * > RmAvuU That - be appointed a committee to obtain forthwith, by wib? acription, money, horses, saddles, bri- i dies, blankets and any other article* * which may be necessary and proper lb equip the citizen soldier, or add to his. ' comfort while engaged in this loilsomei and perilous service; and that it be their duty to diatribuia the same agreeably to the recommendation of the officers com* mandiug the detarhn:ent. And, whereat, there may be individual! * in the deiaehmrnt, whose families depend, < I in part, on their efforts for the comforts ^ and Dccmiriri fll lite: FZs it tksm?4nr? Tli m * I be ? committee lo collect, b) subscription, <: 'supplies of provisions of every kindjfsnd ibst ii shall be the duty, of said Commit* . lee to disiribuie the same as iu their opinion the wauls of such families re quire. The following gentlemen being nomi- nated by individuals present, were by unanimous vote of the meeting appointed the committee under the second reselo* lion. Via. Hon James Chesnvt. Thomas Salmond. Joseph Cinmnshak, Bevj min li t a ous|FoTein, Sen. and Liiaklcs J Shannon, Esquires.. And in like manner the following were appoinied the romniitleo under the third Resolution; viz:Messrs J.Shan* s. n, Alexander Johnson, Lawrence \Vuiticco Jnirru \lir*i , A?#??? ? ? M * M'Dov all. Gmroi Stkatforp, Bekja*in M'C'ow Ltwts Peebles, Allen M'Caskill. Lovick Yorno, wfattPatterson, James B Cureton, Jas. Haile* James Bask ins. ben. N* illiam Fletcher and Isaac Knox. The following Resolution wis unanU moufti) adopted. Rtiolvtd, That for the purpose of pro* titling the detachment with the funds DC* rcsnary for its service on'the march* and until it is mustered into the sen ice of the United States, at Puryaburg the place of rendcivous, the committee under the second Resolution, be authorized end rc* quested to raise, by note in the Branch Hank of the State in Camden, any sum uprrmarv fnr lh? ruiri,n*#>* mi?l ikt* bimi. mg hereby pledge their faith for the pay nent of said note. should jhe nine not lie reimbursed by* the Stale .or United States. Brigadier General Cartey being ratted on. and baring state J ihai twenty-stX horaes and Rets of cqtiipRvnta Ttere wtO red,, n -vm further '