The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, January 23, 1836, Image 2

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nn 1 ?S3 qAaraasr Jcrr.srAi, i Mrf SxTwrJo^ MiriLng bg KOBERT M'KMCHT, nnuathtf tit (,** or tax uiua SUBSCRIPTION 9 Thaw duRar* year in advaiMs, V (bar dsllara MtltoSQdef the JHC. AD V ERT1S EMEST8 1 naif toil at seventy fit# rente the square tut the Ant, and half that amount ?>r sseb ontinuanee?? Tito number of losertisoa to be raarkx-d on the margin or t?ey will be sonlioucd and charged actor dhgly. Those inserted eemi-rnootblv 70 eeou nod monthly $1 equxre far each insertion. 0<4?nun:aeSaae by suil to be post paid or xenial t? aiod i Frwm tk4 RUAmoitJ Eafiurrr. j THE FRENCH QUESTION. The Baltimore Patriot, suit-*, that Mr*, Bnr.oa did uol reach Washington before; ilotiJuy g. The .National intelligences of Monday, says; "it due* i?ol appear to u* likriy that 1h? President will proptxe, at this mo laent, any direct action by Congress in reference to the question between us and France, ils tn&y perhaps recommend ( orreiurthar attention to the national defences, which, without reference to the pending controversy with France, would, 'n nii? ?? %inwin ha advisable.'* i ? "i ?' , Thetaioc paper on ThumJaj frorni? g ?ivm ''The expected "Spvcial Mt?*jgu" from the Executive cn ih? auljrct of our Relation* with France vru? not iranfuitu-d to Congre** v caterday. Il i? nuwrald, ( on what authority **e know no:, that i; will nut ba trunami.lcd until Monday, a?Lrt The preti U teeming with many vague' and idle rumor* upon thie ruhject?arrib-! Were from Washington dcaraut upon qu.iri tiinh ,,f I h ?? <?,!. 1 a eminent? and of a- hiatus in the Cabinet,' of which they can know nothing. Uuij xht Vfhig* can no! even agree among them* cites about Uh ir o?n jitory. The Wellington Correspondent ??f the Baltimore iVatriot say* on the !Q:b, that (Jrnt ra! Jackaoo and ifr. fursytk arc f.?r tear like, uraiwo"?The Alexandria Gal. tic of the 13th reports thai "Mr Woodbury audi Mr. Kendall, it it Wid% urge v ar measures ?JJr Forsyth. Mr. C?*s and Mr. Dicker- j on, it it tuui, a re autre incited to peace "--7*ovr, Mr Forsylh cannot be both ways un this tnlgcct.?The foci is, ?c su?prct, tl?cj I'resiucut will notacad in a War Mrasagc' **?and thai the r.*nsl he tna r do. u ill be to Tccoionicu4 immediate and exlcnairc preparations? not for the purp><ar i f irritating Franc*, aid widening the breach, hut ciafcncc.?bn? To Tinaltirig~ "pi e pa raVioT^, end ere we not bound to imitate her example! Mr Benton In hit Speech on his own resolution of Monday Jast. aara, "lie had fell it hi* duty to briog to the notice of the benste, the approach of the French squdruo of obaertaiion, and to ah< w that it catue becaesw "America knd no force ea wit# mi Lrin r otmn**ri L. i it'* It it n a m y ? T4 ? ? -* aubudiary argument. and a fair illustration of tha dangers, and humiliations of a defend* Icaa position. ll should alimuialr csto instant and rigorous anion;- in the roncanirtUnn af ail uur money, and ol our hands, to lbs sacred task of national defence. JT'?r ktmtelf he did nnt betiere there would be war, bceerntt he knree (ha. th* re ought not to bt war, but tKat beii* / woulu kace no eJjiciupoM kit coiuUct. lie w ml Jor nations*! defence, beranac that polir\ arns right in itself, without regard in and circumstances. H* ?rcnt f c it because it was the response, and the only fc?n<'{iaa ?*h>th American honor c.?u|ii 1 fire io tha n?U of Admiral M?ckau.--Abevr all, he weu( for it because ii Mar the way, and U??r only way, of letting Fra nee knou (hat aha had committed 0 iiiitlakc in tending this tfeM upon ui. ? |'i conclusion, he wuuM call for tha yra? and nava, and reniar k that our rule* Mould hare lo be g?rm under the g?na ??f France and under the eye? ? f r.urope." For our own p rt*, ?c re|*!tt thit wo do n'X Uru-te there Mill i.? u?r?lf anj thing could bring a on. n would U* such factious E<*.)i*t* as thofc in i!:e N Intelligence? and such iu*dcap Oritur?, as Mr, I a!bmji.*s tiuUil, mg lr*en<hi ui in* Mouse of K? pretentative*, aa Messrs. ilsmmoo i and W. ddj ' I Tt.a A I*-..- ....... S iW/Hij w.u, | um /iur snau |?upi< n iiiniir, who like the Ian individual, could rise ui tanjilicc in ?h< House. and like the course which the (#h?l>e ascribe to him) who couin designate x'. c conduct of Mr. Rites as little Ltttrr thai thr.t of a horu j'chp cAeoting a g iittniiaii, and wiio uiatuinrvd that we hud Ixm ii in etcry <hin;j the a*gr$<tnry\ arid I* is tit- v . Id natttum dtod to A rr o**t umr vl <?t.H. r, if *kf had n*i trnt afirti J>Tr, st ?.ins t i.? s? 6c ureri) hlmdcdhjr Ins fictnus .... i.i.. . ' ........ ? I... ,|..? ct ii Mil ?wi* uj'j' fnm i~ imt tu the rights' of his own country, and to 11??cbmciir ul Mr. Kites. He cannot reflect the MiitinMD'i of t!ie great IhvIj of the peie pie, and he represent! only the infuriated wishes of :!*e nn^t desp-rate Nullifiers. Yet a?*iu?t aorh E-*iyi-<tB and ??ich Orator*, we trust the pr ?*? and rights of the counuj unr jet he pruned We hive seen a letter from n member of the C abinet, written on the l3tii, (TuctHay Inst.) which Kile* thai tliey care i.oi for the bjusiermgs of the French Press??ntJ that the rtate of things it n >t considered as stop my! We confess wi k ye for Ike ktt\% ytt *? s-LftU b< yrryart* fwr lAf WOt. OOL. HIGH ARB M . We lake great pleafure in laying the following Extract btfore the public. It is impossible to do no, u ithout expressing the feeling* which this manlv and liberal conduct on his pan in so strongly calculated to produce in the hoioui of trcry man of sensibility. We honor the public fervirs of Richard .M. Jchtmo, ? we honor ihe motives. ?t hich have protupled hiiu m adJris* the following Letter . ?although we ure induced by public con' * -T _ MiirriUIWH In support aiifii.t'r ran nimr j l*? * lit** Vice Presidency. The >s.nt- lc< I| ingt which pioiepted us in May last to dr rline thut | orlioti of the iw.uinattiMi ? ! the Bailiuioi e Convention u hi* li rvp ctj the Vice President, will rnrry ????r upport to another individual?but nothing shall prevent u* from d injj full justjre t?? the public services. the chivalrous sj irtt, the generous character. uf Kirhari .M. Johu?ou. \N v venture to ??av, that every one who attended the Cunvenli n uf M??utiay night wa* a. filiated h\ the san.e kind feelings lowants bin:?nor iltd they hesitate to express tluir regret, that they lelt themselves bound to pass over his prclen aiuus, aul support Juiigp >tnufi. ?c trust our |'oltiiro 1 friends elsen here \? id exhibit ihr ramr liberal ?j irit w hirli breathes in Cel. Johnson's Letter?the same tolerant sj>i it uhirh animates ihr cit:2"i:s of Viryinia? ami tint the friends of Col. Johnson uill not st.fllrr themselves to brhtira w d into ant unkind expressions by the preference ? ( Judge Mmith. Col. Johnson has himself set them a noble example of forbearance and magnanimity. 1 he W bigs uo.ihl be gliJ enough In blow tins diU. rcncc into a (l^nr <>f di-sentum. Diviiiun is their polirt ? Distrd in our ranks ;? the vety !e?ij;r. t r\ bate in tietv. Ant schism in the Kepubiican party must br injurious tj them? beneficial to the enemy. { The Whirligig Whig, who tea* the first i to cr.ticise lite imminati n ol Col. John* ^ ?i>n, the la?: Spring?u lm would natej berti the lir?l In abase him, if he had b?? n ' . I supported by the CoureirJon of Viigiuia, ai.U ujil be ?uiung the lirsJ to satirize him,; if he al.oulil nurcrrtl l?? the Chair of the J Senate, has been fit l? change its key?1 aitd Jo rail him "the brat of the bunch.*' The Col. mii?l be suflirirtuly arqiuit lr?! with the Whig, to ho uulilTereut mike to its praise* or its ecitMjrcs. Anolhri Whig Pies- vthc Petersburg Inli lligcnrcr of tr?t?r.ia) it.ortiin g,) nsk*. 'What uill "the Tcruinsrh kill, r," the nominee ?>f the Ilnltimnrr Conrrtiiion. "that august assembly," that was callW f..r l)<? t * nr. at anil IU. (it) r til 111 t'Urf'l Sr ?1J l"v I I , ' rrcuiU'i!t;?g ail t'i??ciibi?nii in t/ii* Krpnbi iiron jmrtv, and finrnii g any ?) In in their rank*;" what nil) lit a n! Au Inn,.:? i ?ay ti> thij iinlignity, il.i* c?#ni? ti.piii.iii* 1 durerard of In* loyal pretentions!'*? ' \\ hat do?? Col. J. ?.iv * /.?i him fur ! hi marif; And II I the Intiu.r nl li.c liilrllii" 1 ' liic )r>Moi>>us qurailon he ha a put?ami i abandon all Iio|m*? <>f " atssmnom it* ihr i ! Krpubli.Mii parly," and ol any sjsht in I l';rir r?i.k*!*' ' Lit tad of a Utit r to a gtnllrman in (fits I C'/y. Jr m I vl. Jin hard JJ. JuKtmn, ] d<iL d I liwv?i or ItrrnoitTATiTM, N^b Jin Ii3ci " I am irifonncil thai il?r D.-ti.or rntir Ilri pubiiCitd Convention til Ku lmiom!. mi line J lo iiotninalc. fur the olErr of Yirr I'lmt* J drul, a iii?iin^tMi?!irii ri.izr'i . I* Alabama. Mr. Sfj.? .!?. rath r than i?)?ilf. i ?i?i itdi?ti'irily utalcrM o i, tiu.t to far Jroin my making any complaint*. or f?.!:ig thai 1 h-ui a ri^bl or go > 1 < autr c n?? j lain. ii.i innn hoM* uioir ft n*r? <li\ man i <i<<( tiir ri|jh? of Un* |x to m..k< tlx ricr'.ioti of tiller in whom ill \ have tlw inoal ronlulv n?*?v; am! Ii.-iu in fi..iiorril or fjotlrrri! I might ha%c c?hi*j.!i rnl mtM.I. by the ?oic ?'( my luti*i* S'utr. V r^i ?t.t. I fcrl murli l.igln-r gratification in u y \ clution, uiil*> ? I {tail b< ? n tli r i;i.) <>< (1 choice of n majority of my K I it. \\ ri.u> it r . I I'rcl it my duty in ^t?i- yuu 11, i? % i r y lia?tV ut.d CMi?ic# but Kiirtrr uf.d Ca.din. eKorcaaion of I??y, iti the bu>tU* ui li e bu?ifli-?? ul die liouec/' lb The Palifnorr Patriot >.it? nnc tiny. **lit?* i n>?futu re ami officer* ul die 11 irmlmr^ I uit; trillion arc lor die pail "linl.Irnbvrjjrfi?,'?? at ?i it is iberctofr mmiii-mIiui douhtlol, whether * ( oiiti'iitmti, t-o t..njetltutrdf * ill !* nl?b? In arotrtph.di tnuth i .anion ami harmony* > I ?r n- iln- U . If p irst I ta concern d." l ot, i'rc-t<?! clia ????* .! i be I ? - A , .. Jl .1 ... - t ? Ti... i n> Ai y * h? ?i ? ? p I l?*nl*rg . ig!.ih of J.n.inry ou?? niion, at itn | fitting on the, arftpiul inc 4 h M reti Electoral 'i ickri, wnli.ut uli. ration."? I hus, //./rmiiny .miiI Uiii'tii ire i. M??re<j-.iuJ the Wlua? arc dijtud iu i\nu?)lv aina. lb Mf. Ritrtenn no w\i\ r?c .pc the arrows ,of thr Wings. One ol lliem aj.vri*, lii n he h"? compromised ihn clniin* ol our nn-rcli inis for icet than a third ? mi.?iIi?t Win.; (nr. 1 V\ nti(\y Thompson) allirins, wi ll dt'crrn r md truth, that he Imp platril tin* ! ol a h ?rn* jo. k?*? iij ??u tim F rench? l ?g ihein, *rc i.ipiMS'-. and dri*in:? a hard burjfJin nub ihp'M. Pray. jfnik'iii' u, i? : in some M -ry among )ourM-l? ?*u?and d ? not ' pi so* Mr. H. upon Ooth huntsoi the dilemma. lb HIGH AM) MiGHTY. "Little what ir teha'.t coming." Yc"trr?!av morning, while ?i*.ti? ? in our elbow rhair. rotii'oriing a paragraph to I supply thr deficiency rnu^eti b\ ilie delay j of the mailt, we heard an alarm at the doer tf etr aanetasry, iw which our faith lUiArvUn; ?AF:or*W *i& nis mu I promptness. The coor opened, and \vc found nurself in the prestnee of thr representative of the delegated wisdom of thr Slate. The deputy sergeantat-arrns ??f* tin* House <>f Representatives of I*. nnsylvnnia drew from his bosom a document, and reod to us in a proper tone ami omplmsU, a subj ccrta "duct* trcum from a committee, uhr.rof is ehainuati THvDEIS STtVKN'. K-vJ.. r?l!iujr Upon lis to appear before the sai l 1 itu '? ti i on the t!?ir ( .Monday in January inst. N<?w, thoti^fi tin* roiomitl' e ha*, in our opinion, l.o o.orr right to compt I ti? to ?jn t.. Ha;, idiiirt'. t! H.I lhe\ have !? send I!S to St. * * * r - * * . !N i? r\<t. it li .*!11 *# u r..r<* ntteni!niit i'ii our pvmmi, hi|| |.?rm;t, v. c h V. ?* 11 rrrtaiulv accept 11j? iot ration. 1 here mav be flomr who will nsU. with rrf<r*ncr to tl.c proceeding. " rby, what evil I all) lie ?iHie"- to wh rh we reply. then- is im( til* ;1 l>i us 1I1C el.urinous ensue id biing n frceina?on"-~U. S. (iaZ-lte. There J# to Ik* a rnn*?* nic proce**ion from tin-* city to Harris!.urj; mi Monday next. b\' order of tilt* roiiiudttce appoilited l?y the House of Hi presrutntivrs, to investigate tiie evils <>| masonry. am! <loiih',li-v? "tremendous ilevelnp. merits" w ill be made. Our rotruijmrnr v of the United States fr0Zi- I* is one ?*f the ruc iiionec! to a seal upon Tliadeu- Sirven*>* gridiron, but lip appears t be in a :r.nrvrlnu< ?<>oil bum ir n the >ul j rt. and 11 t to runlPinpljtr I i? -1//T? tiu^s with t: urlrtrrror. lie l as. h u ? \ ?t, plrnu o! Company of all pjrt.r*. Wolfnr*. Mm o r. mr^cr?. Uhs;:*. R.?i k ami A ?tj-Uiiik, Y.ui II rr:i imph, White i:??*r?. Harrison rum, n:nl W?-#lrr inn, ji* i;ahr ?< > ;i l?v tin* T. II. Frrciiian. J. M. lira !, It K. Mo??r<\ S M. Sliunrt. W. Schrrinrr. William Slow.,rt. S 11. ]V;Kin*, W. Strtrns R. Nrx*rnruli. Ju?iah Riii'iinH, T Kit era. S. Ra<l^rr. Michael I. (?. M. Ualla*. K Chandler, Julin M. Scott, Ja?. I'.?^r. J M. Rr mnn, Chat. SldUt, ami Dr. J. MrHenry. Ni.i bring a brother of the myotic jtic our?e|rr*. it is ini(??.??iMr f..r t?* to in.a-j i.-. _ .. ;11 i? ' ** ""* ",v " ami therefore holil oi:r-t lvi ? to br a?luumhi'tl?not uiih ilu* Miiokr. as ?? liiiir tuv.i b\ the st'tuii* ??.>mr invrrtiyi.iioii?, but with ?.?nu-tfii;ig morr substantia!?' 1'citnM Iranian. IXECTION OF SKNAToK IN ILLlJ Nois. On ilic 29?h ot I) turr of ltiiiioi? unit into thr t-ltrii>>n I a Senator t*? till llif Vijr.tnr\ i?cr.?sit?c?l bv ' tin* tten'li of ibr ii -u. l.U.o K. 'I In n ivcre (our ca ?<!i*l-?t . alt inrtllj t?* I the A<!n.uiislra'.;on. ami 1 <.<r t!:r Iix?i;iir?< r * nomination*. On ibi* lU'.b trial. uni rot Ci> n. \N ilboiri 1.. 1). Kuinj;, ? I \ antjniia. \\ as rlrcit ?l. He km tu ii tuiaJnr r* - - ? R??. IV Jftllilll! IIMI ? VM? lb Till: CAMUL.N, JA.M'AK> lajii. Pw'BliIsH t?f\??> i. u . iU_). i :.e iuMV(itKi ?.?? iiv .. c ;l.r i uf lite Lillbi* Jvl h.?Al. ai?U l-i l.iv l.l.Xil.avi Ltiutdi, aiiu w.c luiiveuiiiiijj cvuu;.jr u> iu|>puii but. .a iii'il.uj* l- tvu'iitui iiUvii iuetr i? but, iu?; ue ?? awa.r o., a l-iw;j ,a ti?c Lit Uw .4.' 'r a* l.uibi ii, w ii ?i'li ?i??a Iwl 4?Uiit </'?( * Ut.l 'ml It' a. I J a'""-*1 t . a. rr < u< , tun a^-wiv.u^ itm. i u<- U> a an ?.' ?* lv ' ' iJ 4 iwlil ' ?a? i l? luui.tKr i? I'M* vi '.!?% U...11 *?.0 iii - ul UV . jM.jflu, i.n.l a.iu iCm III I ?ri(i pal - 1 ivailU i, ll |i(vu| WrT.I i t ?|yirii4A'u, euii |( ?.4.i)i l L?r Ui?. li?c u| ii.uu' .1 ai.U i.i?- Ujtiriil c uuUji , * iii 11 <ul>U ?i? lit l-viniiki iiH- a^i ? lu tub* r ItlV tl< {?-, V ?4ii#u 4.iti tl.t ,wl *4iil ul ll. i,u4u < u. un^i uii'iit iaU i luir ?..t> tilut ll (lullUt LfT, lUU* 1 ui.l '(, <> Ul ?i_' ,1.1' 'If..i Uif ^ ur.ii m fill < x, ?#< U !'> ml, culil ^ till* (lilt1 ?i ClitC u? lur J llkXL. Will U'>H <|| vUi ll. I'll ?iU liiUll, 4..W .I1 Uif ? 1. ..I. , I ^liulnUli ill Uu |>l' ?j? i"! I iu/.. si. Uiti . ii UiU.iiiiijJ * iir* ?, ?jN.i li .f, jj.rr ii* m- . uitIT Irli lli l<'I t-IV 1 Jl.Ui'lll Ml I nil ll it III a grittral %?.?:? lot .U c>-:?U .?i4 <- ia..j : ? caii tItCC ul Wit *; cr?.J 4t.ii lint , .* i. m.'.itl, 41. J in :? ;u:ii, ti**- t f in* n 0 ut-l L;j'. l.? ( a W?na w?.i ??-l li.r **..fWi ! lit-ii i.?:n ,, ji t.l rvi i.r ji 1 a ll.lllM >1 lint In 1 II rl. ..a vU ii;? ji.,i: I.a,! tj i n,, ill ii.hjw 11^ Wir J ji ,.?.?! i?v<lli 1 t>i l.'ir |u'.i"m^i' 1 '..1 ) tliii , a ta a* il? it I .'fill I it I U' ! tvllll ll.l IJ, tl tit I ta in* J-rt Oiiiit tl. Ji.n t . nit 1 in Lttiinlta tlfjtaftiiirnt vtsi be iiixirr til?* nil ni.,'1 lit HI 11 i.f J -ii* l \W?r. ii'iiin i l.iiil'if lu . I'l ,if I".* U. ilia ^ 14..lit 4lt lit I -f lii;^l'i^ t'ir tiitl 1 1, 1 it i <1 (it>l fj? .14 i In jiQIi.K tali J u^i- ol Ji.* f mi.p trin* t ll"in llir Clufli li I nt (. a Ifiiitir Ii 11 : int..ji luWirluiuic?Lul ur Will luj II,i. R' IU.RT M KM(.HT Thr r.l.rj :>i? Imprf lit*" j>rt?j'netrtf of t!ir Jtn ?i?ai . Ik <1 ?j? u ?l it ! r Kiim fx I Km(1X7, w l? *?ili r 1;?ii?^ it* lid ?in^j IX ?, n-? | c< uri in ill r ? ii> .< im ;r "( ijiji'ift k it > li imi !< a* mill it !<"lhr j?i < r, hf ix"v. w .tli -\i( ul Ihik lii -i.J I t mi rt.. U<*ation li' Hi'ii il ii I. mi r X >r r r,' c i: h'iit. . iif^r llx* Iti' fi ) nt niir I < ii !? >.11 i:i v J nut "f it, l"< ?im;*in ai.d iij|*x!, ti.^ undrrUk ii? ul tin* prn 'or | ilr inif, p?rlis;?*. j?)too important an rati* mate on 'lj* ad . anl.-.(j*1 * n| a n? n ?p.ipT fet >b illrnrnt in a community 1 kr <>ur?, but it imp ? ?? bio to direct ii.mceii til Hip opinion tint it *nn,<i bo iiinrr at!vanla^rotit to tiio m?rranti!r portion of the town, to be at the entire rtjx'nic tl tuatatning ? ^'tn th*aitkiv>?, tb?n thct Cornea ?1toaW h character and extent uf her basin*** Kb t known. j I The anbecriber had indulged the Liatsanh a disposition of the establishment mi/ve been 1 made aa would have permitted him |re irom i all connexion with it, bat circomei altogether uninteresting to the | atrona J Juumnlt has made it necrasarv f?i hsui to cfc to dia- ' charge the of EJilor. J In perlurimng lh?-te duties, it bit constant care to cvoid giv ng > CVncrfY one, <n nv parly. Jt would jx-rhap^, cuiio the ad. vantage of the proprietor, in & cAnily like our? thai the paper, ?n far as politic-concerncdi It u!u tr neutral, but jn times present' ivhen questions on various aubj#id of great importance ore (hr subj-cl of d.?>n, such a courae, however deair?b!e, trout diificult, if not impossible t?? pursue. by aujj accustomed to think. and having i.l* rty to sj* ^Consequently it ivlil not he attempted. 'AcR5aL will 1 1" ... .. .^1 _ c. ? ... ?>l character. IMViri ir t IllUIUIttiil >(? 4* IMtVI ? and :n Mipport of the opinion* ty rxprrn or adopt, WiJIb careful a!ua\? in jtf of the language required lo p> prrs* liir*tfii"na. to keep mv eu .il liMjl, " a decent rc*p.j tin* uI>in",n? of oilier* With ii?r hope r.f making t|ndrf?aking of the proprietor *ucr?,<*lul and j'.ablr, the Editor wu-e every rxrrtmn t.? i^iitu! and true" in tin- discharge ot hi?duty. J. C. ^ ESI. Tii? Srtsiooi r? j Fio.-.da. tie laat month ??r two hi* tern the Kim- of a nisaTage warfare The Seoi.nole Indian* have n committing the ni"?t la???-v? i!i-|i;t-d-i:i -a* on Inhabitant*. mufderm^ a5! and ?* !? ?. and ir??vmg property to a vi.' a.ii iiM'. S- vi fjI en_'i<?-iit? lu?ve taken niirc. in winch much b' l-ocu ?iied. A V co.npanjr of roluuU t-r* tnin ranaah, uiuurdi* alrlj . n as- i rlAiniti? LV rj>d stilr of their brethren in inridt. *?rnl t?? :l assistance. and l om Cinrlnion arms, pr<>r<?j Ac burr been prompt It atf. rdrd. Fr-|tl?c well known rha.'ar'.rr ol thru* sav'gc. an<i-ir i:?? dr of war* ia.*r, it is u? be ci peeled lh-t lime w?h rlapw tits*v a.r coinpictri? ?i4rd. Among lite pUnlaliona th?r burnt n;?, !?*>. cr?-p*. Ar c sllicii lurr been destroyed, vMicr llut ? i Col lilts, wl Siu.i.trr District, in i 6u>r. FKRlODR Al Duting tbr temp* rart aitiu<|o{ the JoCMAC, anj h'Dhqui iiI re*.m mi dim lit rial !ab? f?. ?r bast b*-? r rnabjni io ^.is .io^ii'us ?.tii ulikcii tor prrrs i* ion All v l> doing. si.t With V, a.l i? W?* bate be* II UUll. C U'.t M *.*!! than liiri usual.\ ;n i ui Ui>c>, ai.e t Ui-ciu it right and pr*prr tb.Jc ** j>ii ??i->u to tin* t.j> niuiis n|).cltc Lasr Stuiid trial: -() to Utrui W r !? g ?r> h lubrnH i 1 LK.N L!IMlISSE/JGfcR .jj. tin* p_>i!ti ii vfc itii [ ciruit ll* ulnar? cua.-iCxr .? uf numj c.J;. : i I il:it>p, It mil that of iii i otl.i t> tin h v-c air pf ; i ..r^< il U1 |riur, ano ju ( ol tt tUuip lv>", # 1?.<" , li-i? lip our iiir-i ol Coffret U? i lir ituml* r bi l j/r u? u! fot. itly i? ri rill?and all lite a . ?xi^, ricrjit x ?u p \\ hat ri irrTTcraTRr *?Tu>- i.: t..i? putii<>'>n. in ?>ut rtUu> tiosi : tin- c^rtrcl mora!*, i.cU nrafiji til tJ wr.tcfi ?r?-in (omlantii t<? ivr in virw, and nd-aror u> mculc.iU' "la I't Tavon " t? Jiopli.c ar.ti iiiirrr?tiii? ?k?-l* but r.r an- brtl pl< a?rii n .'It :). r.K al < I tlr rautilul Talcum ilirtiOoi "i'rni i.i.ii,' i' : .iial el an v oll.i I" \1? it jn 1'irrilr n <"J (iriiiun ci'rav ?m'r 1J?- i? * urn! ? ! ("tM.iirnlili i. ftf tniJo(iiu'il|, hut ha*, i t.'iil.i, ? tlit '? *' morli til prtiiul ill hi* C<" } * ? ii, J. : .\ j-it u cr arsh. \N thr " i.?M?-rul wrr ha vr W I .Iit.cll Ji!?avii( V ith I>r r l' Ii Itr I* MtJ o ?.nr ciai'.tr v < V\ (J Hi??*. J-"' !l u^ 4 f ii. nun in t'v.- j u; t> '-I" r n,' r.'.K i !no*, a ?:*ii r iu -it ?? ih- cti'Uting y?a than ha'S a cj .j?-n l.? ? I hi* win ha i -.J l" r Jn h.* rwiuir * on liir fhsrartrr I'uK&r, wc rut r*-!t ci-rwa'. am! ajrrr ruth h I ' | 'hit thrrr i? nnthrr ?i n<?r hunt"! in an anv himi. ' n.i.rh !* ?? ,?rh e* Mr S > ? has | i:vt'.? thr tni'ii'h < f thi# riarartrr C'lir hint* Wit) Bit tl* In rjVm! O ,t nasVs \N r in a r tthj li<?*vrwf, tint * * arr ii ri ?t t" ?< ?* r r t n tji !i?t pi i iii'iit* irVn >*? -r fv, !>? ihr e.'.r.' t;;V. tf??- i. rr l? Ill'* M-,?* p'T u j?r {" fU r w ,?ii il c->uiin t'iil i n)i'^i i! Tin: i.\d\ s noj)K. 7 If iit.n t<i el th<? * ' rk ap;* I n< w - u - J . !!} .* * i! iJr? m Jl r n'ann -fTr-rsl i i.'. rij .ma! a'Lrtcn, ami tlic ? !ccli"t? I ii.-.d- v.'ii !??. and ju<Ii*ii.?*nt It i? ruitxlie! I u.'ii a c<.i< ml jilati* of III*' laaliu . i.rH' ?*r4 nt fhr ?*in ol I'.ii > ** . p"r'.ra.t* lii ? T I i.r ai t! J ll'ltlail. , I* yrilirr wit I'ifn 4 uu>? r THE L M)IES CO'.IP X .NION Tin- n i ii M-r t ? ;r.- ! nf tii;a pnhliratio f.-r iVcrn.bir, and vr H rnkdly unprm ! 'Ii .n i * * inff h in if a! r*? rim< n, and litrrary < isr 'rf lt? ruilirl!iib< ?rnl? or<*. an rnjjrn* ' Tst h'u r/.?:h r*r.thtt," ' Tk* Kind a: ik'tr tlu aril !?*i> u}* mime j CO I I; ? P i'i- nut l<* kiul p >\v to hm* ?"l ' ? vdrv> \ \V?- li ji- < u( r * !m *? >i TV1' in <i < ir> 1 , j> ? n? ' ? .*\ i'l.J thrv ?rr tiring ' , *, 'v n .? mi. \i ? up i i rui 1 <? an th >t l I ii? j. ' M'.iJi r var, ? trr *? ??-rh n :k>r r> pn llril 'I li?' ?-|i v UK ikli'r ruainr< d, u nil p?pr'?t'n<fflt.> difrftv thr ijrjHn>< ll><- inintiN war lii- in- ?t important ?jt:c?tion* w hich hare ( ' i n i(, J ,vr t!,r??r in fc! 11. n ! > l!:C nh'>!.l|i e'lrr rt in th* I) "'r:cl <?l C-lii'i b>a, appropriate f?r fviifvmj ami in-rewn^ the > N fin?! orlion ha* he?n had in cither Hotisr &n v ul th we question* The Flrr. Into (row?RD propoaet opruir hwl Jn tferftty ol ffcir Y<*k, tb te*eh iaopritttyW &% i iii . y- r Jiysi Hoca, better known as U20 Eumfclhap ierd, died in November last: Mr. Hoes was a self made man, end one of Scotland* sweetest peels. A convention composed of the Democratic R* publican members of the Legislature ol Virginia and special Del gates, assembled at Richmond on the Ihh instant, and unanimously recommended j-;<: m? tin V.,* Bears, as a proper person for !ha '> Presidency, ojid William Smith, of Alaoatna J.M formerly of tins Sla-e, lor the Vice Presidency. j it wnl be recollected that the.Virginia drlrgi 1 li<>n to the Baltimore Convection, did not conettr I in the nomination of Col. R M Jotjgsoa. The jj * OJd Dominion", cocld not have chosen ior the aa 1 cond f'lB. r of the Republic; a truer or more ci-nais fl tent supporter of the cause of democracy tban^^^jB Jjd^e Smr.i. W'r '1I1 hi in success. M FRANCE- 1 Our relations with turscoun'ry begin to sesame J a more warlike aspect. We have never, since the ^ amendment offered by Geo. V ai.aze, and adopted bv the I ban ler ?<1 Deputite, entertained the ' * * ' . 4 opinion (ha: our ditfico! its ?ere to be ami ably ad- \ justed, lh' ujli we had kuptd ?u?*h niglit be the case. II* pe u said to be composed of dtsrr* and a| cxpictKiion. but ?u's, we c?nfr*s partook 'aryely '3 of the former, and but httie, if any, of the latter* m and we have n >w, not the sliyhtest expectation of "jfl an amicabl-' adjustment. Indeed, as we said *? a""" f.?r..irr occasion. when the probabili'ies of a rupture ^MjM were ml so appirent, we think a war with France :$jjj fiicrriUbiC. 'iiie ciMiae puiaucd by lue frencn * Mio<?uv, tu xiidiDf oat ? Mjuadioa. tn frighten tiuj g~>v?,rua?.-Hi tuto an apaj- ?y <*?* supposed in . Uijnu/ or vbry u*u?l iiavr ?u<ma vu cot -S i In- .ax ion .n-Mi itkriy to pro J ace a pe*C cable let * miiutian ul n:atiii? dilfii:utlie>~ r-.j3 We may expiret in a levt darn, as Air. fi .KTif, /M| oar CL-ir^e de Atfain*s at Pans, hta returned, the 1 pr '.ioscd jtjK-cra. [uc**aje of-^K* President, *brn llif country ?ill be placed in pu**'*?tun of tbe Irui* ?taU: ot between tiie two coaatrierr t!?- liiirjwo| ?ra? in type, Lundoa datrs J > to >Ik 1 -tii and Liver ' ?! t'i tlir l'Jtii Drcriobn 1 * ?? *L ?L.n ViMa.ri# ju No? f hitr licftt rrcrifr-a uj >w. ?w.r Vt*. 'i b- ace?anu troiu Fraarr, by thii t/rirtl ' J pre HiUcriii^fy pacific, &nj n lu br rvlkdon, we "*| inay r*p.*ci curb to a?ija?Lu>-iil -rf our unfiri unite ' jj , diitjcilit'tM. <* will un ?i .ubl d.? ;>p"tnt ^ crrrjr hirer cf (lu country, and hut e?rca?ry's J p--acr. wncrrrlj !???,.? thai we iuay i uc> nnirr ^ ! ruch * <J.?app in' iH-nt, bult #r birr brra #<> fre J 1 que iliy V- ine p>.n". *? ii writ* ?.f ^Cr?c:tmt. and 9 ? now liiScallrt .and obiurjt-* b--f fs? on perceived ? . In ve .tr;*on. liLioa^b r e > phi u? hope iorthe **8 > bo#:, prudruoe tr'uitl JicUir the property of b^iaj | prepared far the w intt. Wr ibe iuo#t m pi hut ii' irt mrifrdbytluia<tiTil. - We Ii nc rrceinH itii* om rur and .he J ,i J - r.itl ?i- to^iiier utth lite r?*r of J i. the I*.ri - J itini iU? ol Uiirfiy. *1 be fnl~ J l, lowiuj( [j.ra^r i.-hs, in ftt?<Kirio wwne ?f the I tm C.uI m j?tp4tr.\ iu the tw-? farmer: J r ** Ii i? IjJjw slut <b*> cirmtiu lic-ninn tnudn^l n f?r i f lrr??i" i if French Gorerumem id* lh a y I I LiuJ tor ibii'jji'd iu olp'^J ic 111:1 th- ill" rtion uf nutth *nd ?uch par lara in iIn: next Mileage i#f the Prvid.'tit.Toe Fri-iiCii G wruin'-ru del no ?iwre than m ike kmrtii ? liidly ih?ctH??o r and ifh* team * *? r' ul liu. in* of June 17, I635,a* tfcll w mM m? ? -C3J ' iluhi-" im^.s.-d o i i In thi-? I nrt and lh? it n ti .rr ui >h- rxpl-tu uinus ?r uch it had a ' :>l ' ??*? :*'r " It !?. I i ft it ihi? co*n*? tu i. afio't in idu >*c I>v ->r.l r ??i t i?: Fr- icn (J n u i|.i<*d '*? ^ii'initau ui??%?T. Fill .** ?" %'cr!j il, 4a llid 'J Ihvii <iiu r<?inii.iiii.*aiI'tii. j i-? " Ol i.u: sunn* kind wi re lliO.-** ullich I mlc 'j ,rr |?! nr ii I' it ?the ^linMrr ?f Forft. i i,'ii >ir?ir? tnd tin* Oiar-jr d'AtTare* of u. ih?* I'mird "i?ic.% The Uo^a n**itis r Iui?<! . , f l?? lln-se c ilifi'ii ln"C? Will l>'* laid ?H? ilie libit** I jl( nt ilii? iii'i < bunt H-r*. Ii it hna !> u imp I * " -- . I J ! ? C'M^U O 411 tlWI?-r?i Miurnx, u >...?4 _ Im-i i 4?t"d U l?* ?t ot a ;uiiif to f titer I I . 'II . '> I f more ^r-ive l!.\ differences !>rl?ncu tlit? two J Cow ll if If*. ' "N trrilidrt*. 'h<? recdl ofitM A iwric<o I'liar^c .1*\lT ir- ro uin?? alter ihe inc&tre* TV 3 1 r>'j) t>\ ihr Pf.-sid. nt list jenr to i'im* ^rrs-. i,ri {'r neb pro,Mpri v, h ? rendered <? >m?* |?ri'<%iustiiit> n-rr?.iry. It w-ii* ihe du- J n" ty .( tli.-Frruch .oiiHTi'iii ni, undrsuch J'"d i irc im-Mances, to U> pr p ;red. nl all ?v?*iiUt, to pm ret I'r?-U 'ti nit* ftj-i. .^uch is the *?m o| ih arma:: cnt? equipping hi our j?uri?? n a nu aim purely <le i\ ?ir.\ TiiereeXl*w 4t InH I n)r moment, no Ictfitiui cauv ol war arr Fr in. r .ill.I I lie L'lilted "M tlrS, and III il'? <*??0 j sli.ili tin- ix'gri"?>i??n couic in ili? fir?i iuMitico Ironi Krauce." ,.f London. Dec, |Q. h a The P.iri.< pijx rs of T?m?hJ.h have .irriv-d. . io .ii .i!?o riiutioJ the C'oiiMHii mud, tin- .MiuiMi'iid e*rn u journal aa*>erlB ih.u H n ia in I lie communion Hill* which panned, nther l rrd. ;,l ^ asliin^toii or nris, between ill r?*pre? t " -I S |2lh> im lit i ivo *>l th< r rciicu auu rtiwiiK,, U r,ing u riiiiH'ii , there was no talk <?l *i tn-imcf-a . cntir?e or w ar .ill the difference, H <ni a, *Jfr] preacui conaisi?1. A* to ilte qncMiuN lu/i right which tlx? two Government* (akeiV.I cmiirarv m nx*?, thai ol 4<ct r miing how fa/ fl tin U'iMpi] -Male* (i<?i rnfi?fiii isol?lij;?d "r'* ji.'Mc cx|>Ihti.iii' !!> ?'ti iln* mi jeci <?f the Pre/.:M l$is, il> n:'+ i, *,;??. ?, Ac |r> i qicMloil i'f 11/ jm "'j J ?lnt nl txvfi.i initio whether i expltnat^- 9 ml I'V r. l>i* ing.-ton. pr vi<)UM<iihea?U| ' 'P ? iiiiii nl the liu if Juno 1 <, wis or w is ihK. *1 i >)'" a n iiir<- to c iiiclt tlie tVeuch lioVt mini rKi'' N ?o,frofii iliis it ap mm hai the q?iesi| ! ? in he r< o|wncd is ; ? wlieth r the i'X|?laif ' " 1 - ? " -- suffict \r. ? ! ,>ir 1.11 lll^?inii m .bui m no' Bui we learn iiou 11 President on? **tm|?j rlccUro id ht-? m*?sajje tint he nek/ ir, led^ed and adhi'ird to the explanation ^ ,r^B , on ' y ^,r- I-iving-ton, this would satisfy cfl French Government. It is on this, wo d< rMAiid, that now r. .-is the liope of aj if ? com moo ai ion by the Cab.nct of the 1 .'fctt ritv.