Krra ving thus briefly touched at the causes of our present embarrasmont,s let us now look to the remedy. This is plain and palpable. The triumph of Whig principles, and tlie administration of the Government by honest and capable men, can alone give us relief. This is a truth we would impress upon the honest men of all parties. The people know that if John Tyler had not proved a traitor to his political friends, we should now have had an old fashioned U. S. Bank in full operation; Commerce, Agriculture, and Manufactures, would have once more flourish^ ed; and in conseouence. the neoulo would ^Sfiavc compelled the General Government come forward in support of the credit gg|||^Lthe States. 11 is treachery has almost' |^^^*?onsigncd us to the slaugh of Loco fo j it remains for the peopts to whether they will extricate themselves anuTriT* Country from the deep disgrace into which we have fallen, or whether the curses and abominations of a hard rnonicd Government and a pauper , population, are to be entailed upon U9 forever by the triumph of our political opponents in 1844. CHERAW GAZETTE. Cheraw, Tussday, February 14, 1843. j ?? The Editor is absent on professional business when the paper goes to press, owing to which some inacuracics may be overlooked. WANTED) At this office, as apprentices, two active lads of good character, from 14 to 16 years of age, and able to read. A shock of an earthquake was felt, one day last p week, in Columbia, Charleston, Wilmington and ^Raleigh. The Farmers' Register.?We have received the January number of this periodical, which is the first under the management of the new Editor, Mr. Pleasants ; and our readers will consider it no small praise to say that it well sustains the character of the work whilst in the hands of the former Editor. The Table of Contents, which is excluded j ^his week, for want of room, shall appear in our flftcxt. The present number is the commencement of a new series; the time is therefore suitable for new subscribers to commence taking the work.? The general agent, Mr. Pleasants Stabler, is now in this state, and expects to visit the Pee Dee country in the course of the spring. In the mean time Postmasters any where would forward names and money without expense, which they are anthorised by the Post Office laws to do. The Magnolia.?The February No. o" this periodical has come to hand, and is one of the best winch has been issued. We shall copy the table of contents next week. European Agricultural Tour and Survey. V . We invite attention to the article on the first pase under the above title. Mr. Colman's re ports of his Agricultural Snrvey of Massachusetts are among the most valuable papers on tiie subject of agriculture ever given to the public in this coun^ Jet. That his reports from Europe will i calculable value to the country can b<^ fioted by no one who has read his Massach^^s reports and j who knows any thing of E#J Buch lias been the influence of the Tem. | peranic Reform upon public opinion, that at the J.nuary mectiitg of the Commissioners of Roads, the time when it was usual for retailers to apply for a renewal of their licenses, (here teas not a single application. Such a thing has probably not occurred in any district in the state before, ?'in much difficulty round the body, resting on the Q| skin of the Monkey which passes underneath. ti This caricature of nature is rendered more ab- w surd when we take into consideration that we fa have here the whole of the chest of a Monkey and h; the slun of the whole chest, abdomen and tail of p, a Fish, giving to the animal two chests and two p, abdomens. bi Regarding as we do the exhibition of such a w deformity, an injury to natural science?as calculatcd to perpetuate on the minds of the igiiorant tr an absurd fable, and to extort mo.icy from the pi?Uc under false pretences, we feci it our duty to expose this vile deception, and to denounce the a man who exhibits it as an impostcr. d JOHN BACHMAN, D. D. io J. EDWARDS HOLBROOK, M. D. oj Professor of Anatomy in the Medical College ^ of the State of So. Car. 0< ?.. ULDUIMiS, Al. D. Professor of Surgery in the Medical College r, of the State ?f So. Car. a{ LEWIS R. GJ BBS, M. D. fr Professor of Mathematics and Chemistry, ^ Charleston College." Quere :?Is there no way by which im^jsters C( like those who practise this trick upon a too crcd. ^ ulous public can be suitably punished? Lawyers, aI we believe, have a way of bringing suit for the re- jgj covery of money obtained by false pretences. If fe a few hundred of those who paid their money for gt a sight of this made Mermaid, were to bring suit in this form against the exhibitor, the sum total of rc the costs would amount to a very considerable tl fine. c< Qiicre again :?Could not the venders of quack nostrums be punished by suits in this form, brought by the numerous invalids who have been induced by the false statements of their advertisements, to nurxliaaA llirir stuff ? r "" ' lir The recent instances of swindling practiced by 171 some of the 44 sovereign" States of the Union, in first contracting, and then refusing, or neglecting P' to pay, large debts, and the swindling encouraged c' by the Bankrupt Law of Congress, and practiced a< by thousands upon thousands under that law, fur- W nish an apology if not an excuse for language like a< the following copied from the Montreal Gazette: ,r w 14 Communities may become so corrupt as to render it absolutely necessary for the welfare of ^ mankind that they should be punished with a jstrong arm. A spirit of licentiousness and immo- ^ rality may have so affected a Government as to ^ convert its statesmen into mere sharpers, and the / body of its people into pirates, forgers, swindlers cf and robbers. Such a community and such a w Government do we believe the United i^ates to be at the present moment, and it becomes a very se- ja rious question whether, after the recent examples that have been afforded, Great Britain would not . . W be doing a service to the world and justice to hcr own interests by taking a firm and decided 6tand against the insolent pretensions and most dishonest ct practices of that Republic." * * * * * 44 From a 4 shrewd,' 4 calculating,'4 smart' na- ht tion, they have gradually grown worse and worse T till honesty has become a weakness, and the first M | merchants in the land figure as forgers, felons, and sii [ defaulters. Rome in its worst days never presented m Nso loathsome a spectacle; and we do not hesitate to to state it as our firm opinion that very little is re- ar quired to render the American nation a nation of br outlaws, whose hand is against every one and everv against them, and the American flag a pirat^l flag, supported by plunder an ? - MJK CTPgnf the citv in an ooen carriage drawn bv four splcn. ~ J ~ o ^ lid ai>d richly caparisoned grey horses. Of the iberal and patriotic spirit with which this able, aithful, and long tried servant of his country was vclcorned by all parties, some opinion jnay be ormcd from the following : ADDRESS OF GOV. GAYLE. " Mr. Clay?The citizens of Mobile have asigncd me the grateful and pleasing duty of congratulating you on your arrival in Alabama, and ?f assuring you of the unfeigned satisfaction your risit affords them in bidding you welcome to our hores. I represent the entire body of our citizens, vho disdain, on this occasion, to be recognised ?y any party designations. Our municipal auhoritics, our military companies, our scientific, iterary and professional men, our farmers, mc:hanics and merchants?all, sir, of every trade, :alling and vocation, unite with one voice n the offer of their cordi?f salutations, and in tcnlering to you the hospitalities of this ancient city, rtrrs, sir, is the spontaneous homage which an in. clligent, discerning and virtuous community, arc vcr ready to pay to great talents, to exalted worth, ,nd to eminent public services. " Your connexion with public affairs embraces a eriod of more than thirty years, and when it is retiembcred, that during the time, you have been ailed h> participate in the control and management 01 cYcry department of the public serice, and that you ^ verted a marked and deisive influence upon those grt*^ measures which avc been proposed as proper to fix and i*,'ltle l!1? olicy of the government, it is obvious, that the vents of your life and the history of the republic re so blended, that the pages which record the one lust include the other. During yourlong, arduus, and conspicuous career, it could not be elected, that you would escape thd??c angry party oJlisions which are inseparable from free g'oyernient. Nor could it be supposed, that thft prcjuiccs and passions which these collisions seldom lil to excite, would exempt your conduct from ccasional, unjust and illiberal criticism. But like II bad feelings and passions, their duration has een brief. They have vanished before the light f truth, and given way to those sentiments of jusce and liberality which the American people ill always ultimately entertain towards their uthful public servants. And now, sir, when you ave withdrawn from the perplexities and cares of ublic business, and sought in retirement the rease so congenial to the evening of life, it cannot Jt be gratifying to behold the cheerfulness with hich your countrymen every where, and of ever party, bear witness to your ardent and lofty p'aiotism and to the purity and integrity of your potical life. 44 We of Mobile, in an especial manncr^we you debt of gratitude for your patriotic efforts in inucing the government to wrest from the dominn of the King of Spain this interesting section "the Union. Those who were opposed to this Ql.-were alarmed at, and deprecated the wrath Great Britain, which they supposed would be iused against US uy any unci icicuce wiui tuc icitories of Spain, then her friend and ally. But ?it formed no part of your creed to take counsel am the imaginary fears of the colossal power of te mistress of the seas, you fearlessly and eloquentmaintained our right to the possession of the >untry, and demonstrated the policy and propric' of subjecting it to our laws. Mobib was then 1 obscure village, a mere dependency of a Spanh military post?you now behold it a city of exnsive commerce, and the emporium of one of ic larg*--t uiaidc States in the Union. For this, r, and for all the obrtiugmshed services you have tndered this great country, we teuJer yon our tanks and gratitude, and again I bid you weljme, thrice wclcomo to the State of Alabama." We have not space for the cloqnent reply of Mr. lay. The two mates of the brig Poultney, of Baltimre, attempted about the 25th November, to lurdcr the captain and lake the vessel, which at te time was on a voyage to South America. The an seems to have l?cen badly concerted and worse Th/> Gantain was knocked down late ;?i ? t night, whilftt he was passing up the companion ay, by one of the mates; the other mate iromedi?ly went on de^k to prevent the crew from interfcrig, by tilling them that the captain had a scuffle ith the second mate and would certainly shoot ly of thcra who might enter the cabin. Some 'them, however, did enter and save the captain's fe. One of the mates is said to be from Charlesn, and well educated. These facts arc slated f the captain of a vessel which arrived in Boston um Pernamhuco. The plot seems not to have been immunicatcd to any of the crew. Those who ould have McKcnzie convicted of murder for tecuting Spcnccr and others for plotting a simir cliinc, may derive some comfort from this. If racy on boird American vessels is what they ish, it would seem they arc likely to be gratified. Since the above was put in type we have rc ived the Charleston Courier of the 8th, in which cfind the following paragraphs: "Mutinv.?A letter from Havana says: 'We ivc had a ' Somen Mutiny' ^n a small scale.? lie brig Guam, of Boston. Sal.'.e, master, from [obile for the former port, put in here two ?iays rice, the crew having refused duty and^,0tte4 to urder the Captain and Mate, and fvake the brig ??I he Isle of Pines' of court Three of them c in irons and will be so-r/t home for trial?the % will proceed on her voyage as soon as she ran rocurc men, which at present arc rather scarce.'" ' Missing Vessel.?Schr. Abagail, of Provincciwn, sailed from Turks Island, Sept. 28, deeply iden with salt, for Norfolk, since which nothing as been hcird of her. She also had on board a uantity of specie. Captain Alexander Lossand as master, aged 22 years; Mr. Samuel S. Snow, s?t officer was 25 years old, and has left a wife; ne of her seamen was Manuel Francis, aged 18. 'he above all belonged to Provincetown. She ad two*other seamen, names aDd residences unnown." The decision of the Court of Inquiry m the 'omers case has been published, and fully justifies 'ommandcr McKcnzic, to whom, and bis officers, . awards high praise for their conduct the ocasion. A fr S, . ; - -r- 1 and Composition, Geography History, 8 00 The sainc, with Latin and Greek, 10 00 Plain and Ornamental Needle Work, and Drawing, 10 00 Cheraw, February 13, 1843, 14 tf TEnPERAWCE AMI VERS ARY. THE Washington Temperance Socioty of Cheraw, will celebrate their anaversary on Wednesday, the 22nd of February next, at 7 o'clock, P. M., in the Methodist Episcopal Church. An Oration will be delivered ou occasion, and th^JJeclaration of IndepeiTU'- ncel the Washington Temperance Society ... ? read. The inhabitants of the Td^ rounding country arc respcctfciK inV;teJ lo aL tend. GEO. W, Mcr;?Rt Seckktakt. SHER:r|, SALES. * ieri Facias will be sold bctbn j j c H?llsc dcK)r on the first Mondaj and day ol .ONVjng ju March next within th< Vs following property, via : Acres of land more or less whereon thi o?' jndant resides adjoining lands owned b) isaac Timmons, F. Johnson, John Antrey, et al. at the suit of J. H. Ratlitf vs, Stephen Jack son. 400 Acres of land moro or less whereon the defendant resides, bounded north by the state line, south and east by estate of Peter Mays land, at the suit of the Adinr's of Mary Rushing for the Exor's of Potcr May vs. Lewis Meador. ' Terms?Cash?Purchasers to pay ior nccessa J NO. EVANS, Sbff C. D. Shff. Offic?, Feb. 11, 184J. 14?3t ATTENTIoftf * LIGHT IHFAiXTRY. - PARADE in front of P.ck3 ard's Shop, Wednesday K m. in JBglull winter uniform, with 9 rounds Blank Cartridges. Al. \l-. 8?i Kali Cartridges for target Ik|[ I firing. By order, O / I T M.FVTACU *\ o i^| ?/. i J'tviii i uoil| U. O. MB Feb. I4lli, 1813. I m> it - * % # tf - ? * j - 4-J| f ** %,t 2VEW GOdlftt Received thi? day Pcr swamor cw?,? jiuod stock o#8j>?iiig Goods, which will be sold tu very low prices. 6 p, M ALLOY. February 13, 184.1. ^ }{ if , Tifl3CT^i)ftTPftW(uorffr; District of South CarolinaIN BANKRUPTCY. Wli ERE AS, Charles W. Gamer, plant*, of Darlington District, State of $oui h Carolina, hath hied a Petition, praying that ho may be declared a Bankrupt, pursuant to the Act of Congress of the United States, made, and ' now in force concerning Bankrupts, >?d dirt ko may have the benefit of the said Act; this is give notice of tho said Petition, and that a hear* ing thereof trill be had before the Hm, Robert B. Gilchrist, Judge of the said Court, at Coun to be hoiden at the Federal CuMft House, n Charleston, on Monday, the sixth dsjr of Marsh next, at eleven o'clock, A. at whtah pi? r Columbia, lat Feb., 1343. i i Order No. 3._ Peter Or La Toirb, Esq., having betn appointed and commissioned Judge Advocate General, with the rank of Lieutenant Cotonef,. vice Lt. Col. A. Mazycx, resigned, will be respected and obeyed accordingly. By order of the Commander-in ChieL . C. F. HAMPTON, AUJe-Caep., ~ -A * 14 lt , ; ' tHPSTEKFIELD DISTRICT. Robert Rogers, made suit to nuts grant him letters of Adminislration, on the unadministrated part of the Estate of Capt. William Ellcrbc, deceased, (with the Will an> nexed.1 i These ara to cite the kindred and creditors of tho raid decoased, that (ley bo and appear before mo in the Court of Ordinary to bo held at Che*' tcrfield Court Honrs, on Friday tha 2-hh Mist.,- ^ to shew cause why the said administration sheet** not be granted. Give/v, under my hand and seaf this 9ih-dayof February, 1843. T. BRYAN, 0\ C. D. 1 * Feb 14 14 2t TAX NOTICE. "J?" WILL attend aa fid'owa to take Returns' M. and R coive the Taxca for Chcsterfitld Dia j trict. A At Chesterfield C. II. on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, the 6th, 7th, 9th March _ At Mount Crcghan on Frkhrytty At "'"tcney's Old Store on Satcflfoy tho At Michael :!? **? 911 "Monday the IJfcfr, At John Sedgiu-J' on Tuesday the 14th. At Spcera' Mills on \V?iic*tky the l5tb. At John Johnson's on Thursday the 16tha . ra. f\ ft -s- ' .usiecr reit spring* on Friday tfci At Levi Ca sady'a on Saturday the 18th. At Choraw on Wcdabadar and Thursday tho 22nd and 23d. N. &?Ail return* mutt be made '21th day of SSorth^ms the boolr*^S0Kt&l STEPHEN l>\ MILLER* T- C. C. IX. January 31st 184?/. S3??t THE II. S. D ISTRICT COUET^ District of South Carolina* IN BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS, James King. Mcrchs^^H^H Darlington District, South hath filed a Petition, praying I fssi^srTsjted^ui^JiPl^^^ in force, concerning Bankrupts, and thai f have the benefil of I lie said Act ; this is to g re notice ofthi said Petition, and tlisl a Injuring > thereof will bo hud hefcro the Honorable ROIL CRT B. GILCHRIST, Judge of the said Coo*. \ * Court to bo holdsn at the Fetlarnl. 1 House m Vhertesten, i AT THE MEW DREU STOKE, A L tiiERiw, s. c. V rt ADDITION tote rtyli, the un- Vfl drrsigned has received by the recent frfWSU|p|M?^K a supply of Drags and Medicines, all of are of the first quality, among which witt-bei^oud t the following, viz: Aq. Fori is muiiaiic, nilrk, -> 4 and acitic acids, Alcohol, Aq. Ammonite, Borax, Blue Vitriol, Barley, Bole Armenwjfttt Prussian Blue, Pig Blue, Burgundy Pitch, lilmfi B Pi.l Mass, Chammotaile Flowers, CantharT^gKgH Cobalt, Colombo Root, Chalk, CamjthMjfl Charcoal. English and American Cloves, Elm Bark, Glue, Gum. Guiac, Gum Kino, Gum Asa?g't'1(fc j?up.Ropd L,quorjM.y t otash. Magnesia, oiiw, Oil. Volatile Oils, O a-.u" O tirisHrnrSI^BWB rd** pr*rtogether with, ^ ffreal variel/of ^r?|H Ac., the v'^ole of which ai? at pondtp.g tho'timcs. m. mac0 Jon'ry. 10,1843. , i n ii ii miii i wBWHBB HEAD QUARM^^KBB Columbia, 20M /tfrj 3 OR&ehs, No. 2. Arthur m. nughrjnshh^^h KERSHAW, j. EDMONDST0N. W. ?)?? . E. M SEA BROOK. do.Camp to tho Con)m9ndP^^HB0^^^^B^HH of Lieut enanuG0faRMfl|^^^R^^^^^HH respected accordingiy^H^^^ff^^l^^^^H The Aids-dc-Carop acceptance forth Head Quarters, ChaVlaj^HHHB^HHQ^^^H by the 7th February By order the. 26, ' THE V. IN tho -I- chant,Darling Bankrupt. FUASu^HB^^^nH Court of Fe(i.:r^^HHHHB not rac&rj?B9|^Hnj^n8BnBH a Bankrupt. c JflKc' fcJUmggBB^^BL ' PEE DEE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. This Socit-lv will hold its Anniversary meeting ' at Cheraw in the Town Hall, on the :&2d Febru 1 ary at 11 o'clock, when the following premium ^ will be awarded : I For the greatest production of Upland I Cotton per acre, on any quantity of land ( not less than one half acre to each effective hand, nor in any case less than five , acres. The land to lie in a body and to be capable of producing without nia. nure not more than 5U0lbe. per acre. A , Silver Cup of the value of $3 Low grounds not more than 800lbs. per acre, a like premium. Upland corn not more than 10 bush, els per acre, a like premium. f Ijow grounds, not more than 30 bushels per aero, a like premium. All to be regulated as ffcc first premium. For the greatest production of Sweet Potatoes on an acre, a Silver cup of the value of For the greatest production of Turnips on an half aero, a Silver cup of the value of?*" 5 The Anniversary Address will be delivered b) General McQueen of Marlboro', the public art invited to attend. The Committee of Arrange mcnts will provide a dinner for the occasion. WM. T. ELLERBE, S&*etary. We are authorised to announce the Hon. Johj Campbell as a candidate to represent the 4th Con grcssional district, composed of Chesterfield Darlington, Marlborough, Marion, Williamsburg rUn,l Hnrro in the next ConfTCSS. Mwiguwnii uitu ? n MARRIED, In Anson county, N. C., on Sunday morning, the 12th inst., by Elder Joel Gulledge, James 1 ?naDS, Esq., to Miss Lively Gaddy. The Prices Current same as las* week. The River is navigable for Steam Boats. ARRIVED^ 11th, Steamer Oscola, with goods for D S I JJarllee, D McNair, Tarrh, Pitman dt Co. P M*lloy, A ? Lacoste, W LJ Ricd, Blue & Moori and J C vVadawe*h of this place, and J B Mc Daniel, S Emanue.', Johrt Withcrspoon, C Cokci &l Brother, J S Gibson, J A Jo.1?/. John -WcCol Inni, M Townscnd, A H Dozier ol iT'C intCT'or. COHTIITTJED, TO the .Tail of Chesterfield District as a run. away, a negro woman who says her name is PRISCILLA. She is slender made, and very black; suppossed to ho about fifty years of age. She says she at one time belonged to Rol>ort Martin, of Charleston, So. Ca., and that ho set her free: she has no papers shewing the fact ? The ownoi is requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges, and takn her away. JOHN BEVILL. Jailor C. D. Feb'y. 7th, 1843. 14 tf hats: hatsi JUST received a few cases very snporior fresh "Nutra," "Brush,H and "Casiincre" Hats. D. MALLOY Fbruary 13, 1818. 14 tf BOOTS A SHOES. ORNTIVMlfMei ?k_. o-ir uuuu, With a general slock of Shoes, just received and for sale by D. MALLOY. February 13, lc43. 14 tf A Few Bbls. fine North Carolina Flour. Also, ^Buckwheat flour on haud and for sale by D. MALLOY. February 13, 1843. 14 tf hardware, D. MALLOY, has just received in a large addition to his former stock'of Hard, wore ; all of which will be sold cheap. February 13, 1S43. 14 tf U?v. E. H. DOWNING and I^.ly pr0pose to open ? school in this town, should sufficient encouragement otter, on Wednesday the 1st of March next, in which will bo taught all the branches usually taught in Academies. The scholastic year of eleven months, will he divided into equal sessions of 5? months each. The following are the terms of Tuition, per quar. ter, payable in advance. For Reading and Spelling, $4 00 The same, with Writing and Arithmetic, 6 00 The same, with En?!isb Grammar