to twenty years, provided to Company ahull, within throo year?, comploto u single track to Columbia; and, also, that tho State aliah issue bonds to the amount of Ivr sock, say #600000, payable in twenty'spear?, nttd [ place said bonds nt thu disjKioul of the Cooipany, which tlie Company appear disposed to uccept in lieu of the cash instalments to tlie same amount, which the State can bo called on to pay within three years. Should these propositions meet a favor, nbie issue it is confilcnily believed that . fheir encouraging nnd cheering influence on the minds of the Stockholders, will lie audi, as to induce them, at any and every sacrifice, to pay up four instalment? next year. On the other hand, should the application fail, why ih'-n, as far ns I con judgn from tho -'signs of the times," there will he tond failure and tihundoncmcnt of tho | whole project?u result us humiliating nu 1 mortifying, as the inception, was dazzling and magnificiait. A inountuin labor vvi.lw out oven producing a mouse ! TUK BANK QUESTION. Fromtho Correspondence of the Charleston Mercury. Columbia, Dec. 9. 1339. The Senate is still occupied in discussing the Bank report of the Special Committee. Mr. Bennett spoke yesterday in defence of the views set foith in the report nod resolulions, and expressed a wish tlmt the whole matter may Ik) laid on (lie table. Sa?*h a "report h? thought calculated to do infinite mischief to the Bank, which had amply susiatneu iisen anuusi me commercial embarrassments of the country, do insisted that the Committee had trnnsccndcd the duties which they were charged with. Mr. B. in his remarks hod disclaimed nil intention of imputing improper motives to the lute President of thu Bunk in the purchase of a new banking house. Mr. R*>ett in his reply, said he had nothing to do with the intentions of gentlemen, i o too then-port us he found it, and if he understood l?ngliidi words nothing could be clearer than that an imputation was cast upon thn late President of the bunk. Tho idea of requiring the bank of the State to iegu!ate the currency of tho State ho regarded as visionary and im. practicable, contending as it would have to do with all the monicd corporations in the State, whoso combined capital was equal to ten millions. Mr. Rhett spoke nbotn an hour, and made one of It is best ef /oris. The report and resolutions will not, it is thought receive tho approltu ion of ihe j .Senate, and will ho very strongly opposed in thu House. Mr. Huger spoke also, and condemned the report for its attack on Judgo Colcock, although ho could not believe the Committeo had any auch intention. This mai tor has occupied the Senate almost exclusively to other business. Dec. 10.?Mr. Benn?it in the Sonnte today, moved that the R-port and Resolutions of thu Special Coimniitce to examine the Bank, he referral back to the Committee with leave to amend toe R -pur, which proposition was concurred in hy the House.? This is considered a back out regularly. Norfolk DEC. 4. Somnambulism and Narrow Escape !? A gentleman lodging at the Exchange Hotel, ia the 3rd story, rose* from his bed on Thursday night, while in a profound sleep, raised the snsli of die window, and throw himself out. He encountered ? Call of twenty three feet, and was pitched head foremost upon a flight of steps below. The noise of the fall uwakened some of the servants who went to his assistance an I found him insensible; bnt on conveying him to his room, he soon recoveied, and appeared to have received no other injury but the loss of a small lock of his hair with the stin attached. To give an idea of die force with r which he fell, the >lep which he first struct (of plant inch 11-1 inch thick) was split en tirely across and separated. Yet we gar* him the next morning walking about us fresh us if nodiing had happened. Tfirhmnttit A 'Pk. Il_ _rl*. I -V* A iau 11UUV Ul Ul IU pates passed to-day by a vote of eighty odd to forty odd, on ayes atlJ not**, tho bill for tlio temporary relief of she Ranks. The Bahk9 are authorized to discount till the 1st of March, 1840, and the suspension is legalized till thai period. Lunatic Asylam.?Wr tliia reason if you will refer to your file#, you will find that most of the leading Demo* Lrratio Journals have, lor the past a x mouths brought forward the claims of Mr. Pickens, in a very strong light, and it seemed to be genorql understanding umong tlso mass ofthmfieprcecotutitrcs, that ho should be chosen. Some misundr) .\ would not suit," and hence the choice of( *' Gen. Jones. Tim sore fo< lings thus erna- ^ ted will have to be healed in some nv?nn*r, p HQ tllP Sltlfo R liflilo' r*???n owi*?a??a s!.???? 1 I - . .. w?.?iv via v.?jr|T art \iinii)r|VI!S 4\ fron from committal, savo on ihe single qiKnlion of th?? Sub-Treasury. One thing is eertntn, if Mr. Dawson, of Geo. is run as j, llio Whig candidate, h- bound \ to vole for a companion in principles. Tho Speakership, however, is but n pro. y ludeto grenter matters,as tho field for Mr. i\ Van Burcn's succession is now open in the S Democratic ranks, nnd hence tho wishes of ^ n certain Senator to prevent the election of a j State Rights' Speaker. From the signs of >| the times, you will obsorvo that the Demo. p c.ratio party has threo divisions?the hnrd P currency men, who we suppose, loan to. * words. Mr. Benton, theStuto Rights' party, J, who clinjr to Mr. Calhoun, .and tho softer ( thinking Democrats, who avoid both ex- s trcincs ; in the selection of Mr. Forsyth, on I P you tnny easily mark tho movements of ' each though on general subjects, they will j all pull together?at present, however, we \ havc? no time to speculate on this subject. L The present Vies President will doub les-* ^ be dropped by 4tis party nt the next election, ,j as ?vo have hoard of no National Convention, and bis name has not been brought forwurd in uny Sac Legislature. I; is expec eil, since tin* nont nation of Mr. Polk. ^ for ilia? office by the Tennessee Legislature. ? that Messrs King, of Alabama, and For? f syth, of Georgia, will rcce-ve a nomination from their res pec ive States?vi-wirg enc- ? in his separate capacity and qualifications, \ the gentleman from Georgia is likely to be | the man Mais kops vlrrons. f< We shall hnve snrn" bard words during c the session, about Florida, as Mr. Benton yesterday gavo notice in iho Senate, that ^ he would, as enrly ns possible, introduce a .? bill for the armed occupation and s>'ii|cint nl of such part of the country as is now in- l' fested by the Indians. '' If I thought the debates of the Moose were J; of any interest a'presen1, I w ould readily tl furnish you a synopsis,, but they an* of such ' a sameness of character, and all oftliem so far front the end in view, ?hat they are as j disagreeable to hear as to resil. e The whole of litis morning has beer, con- I sumnJ in debating a ques'ton, concerning * the decision of lite Chair, made yesterday. 0 and in disputing n pari of the Journal which 0 states that Mr. Diotngoole,of Va., 'old tie- < Speaker be would let every man within It J bar vote, *? unless o'herwigc directed." Those three words eallod up some ten or a (l doz -n members, ouch one having und r \ ol 1 u .. J rr . oiiiuu mi 111 ? uiiiltviii sense, unci most ot t tin- gentlemen professing to Know more of tho proceedings o( iho Ch ?ir ?nd Toller r than iheie persons did themselves! Most glorious confusion prevails as usua1; members are walking, talking and smoking all aiound the seats, hats on, and no * onl r call salutes the ear to quell llie buzzing thus aused . f CllEttAW Pit ICE CU IIKEW'I'. Friday. Ik cem er 20. ART1CLK8. FKH | $ 01 j $ o. lb 8 a 11 1-9 aeon Ham-, lb 10 a 14 I boulders, lb 7 I -3 a 8 ] ides, lb 8 a i latter. Goshen, prime, lb 25 a I kicks, Charleston, 1st quality 10 a 13 do. Northern 8 a 10 Wee, Inferior to fair, lb 9 1.2 a, II oik! foir to primo, lb II 1-2 u 13 'lioico green Cuoa lb 12$ to 12$ orto Rico, lb 11 1.3 a 13 1.3 lio, lb 11 1 2 a 13 1.2 'ottoii, Up ord. & inf.' lb 8 a 64 lidilling ?o middling fair lb 9 a 94 air to fully fuir lb 9f a 10$ rood Fair lb 10$ a hoi.?o lb 10$ a 11 nb, Herrings, now, bhl 4 a 4 51 lackcrcl, No. 1, bbl 13 00 a 14 00 1 do. N *. 3. bbl 11 0 ) a 12 00 ' do. No. 3. bbl 7 00 a 7 50 I 'lour. Bait. II. S. sup, bbl a hiludolphia and Virginia, bbl a lanal, bbl a 'orn, buali 65 a 70 j ron, Tig, 100 lb 1 00 wotrdoM. assorted 100 lb 5 00 a j Lussia, bar. 100 lb 5 25 a I lo'.uasoa, Cuba gal 35 a 28 lew Orleans, bbl 37 a 38 ugar House, gal a Ills, Sperm, winter etr'd gnl 1 30 a 135 rummer strained, gal. 90 a 95 ules. [ ON Writ3 of Fieri Facais. wi'l be sold lieforo ^ the Court House Door on tlie first Monday I ml day following, within the legal hours the allow ing properly vis v 9 09 Aor.-a of laud more or less whereon the i 1 rfendunt -rosid 's lying on both sides of (bo | 1 oad leading from Chestti field Court House to ' 1 j inc.ibte.rvillo and-adjoining tho lands of Win. < llikoneyat the several suits of John Maie-ey ar the usa of the E*i itu of John .Mueat-y Do- f o isod and 1'ulithu II dliinan vs Ev.iu Threat, i 10u() Acres of land inoro or less whereon the f elcndunt resides at tho several soils of A. Blue, ( Vi linn Martin, and John N. Williams vs. Kan j Id M .Donald. ( li Lots in Powo Town, together with the imroveuicnts ihereou known and distinguished! ii the pi.>n ofsaid Trfivn by lots N?s. 7 I and 75 i seventy four and seventy five} containing I " ;et front on Powe Street, by fei t deep at | no suit ot John N. Willi iniM vs. Alexander Gra- ' am Ailmr. ol" fl. Tryon. 54^ Acr s of land more or loss on tho south', id i of tiig Westfi. Id* Creek whereon tho defen. f nit r< sides adjoining the lands of Vlrs. (luisou, I c tunnel While, Juntos Everett and Wi liaui J t '.gn-'s, at tho happy 0 receive the calls ol" ary who may wish tho icrviocs of u Dentist. I#adies who prefer being vnitcd on at their rosidcnco can bo accommoJa. led. Doccinbor 90, 1839. C?tf Kownnd's Tonic Mixture. THE Agency for this valuable medicines is at tho Uookstoro" of Mr. 1'rinco whero t may at any timo be hud by tho singlo bottlo or iy tho dozen. J. A. INGLIS Agt. Cheraw April 839 New Goods rlf E sulmcribcr is again opening a stock of goods in Choraw, well adapted to the sea ion, which ho is pr-pared to sell at prices very uuch reduced, either by wholesale or retail. He maght a In go proportion of his Goods at the Mom York package sales in September laBt, with 1 view of wholesaling and is confident he can iell tlioui as low as they can be bought in any >f tho Southern towns. D. B. McARN. November 22d, 1639. 2 tf Moms Multic.tulis. IIE subscriber has for sale a larga number of Morns Multicuilis cuttings. In the ]ualitiP8 which give value for planting, vir: nzK and maturity op woon, thoy are believed not to he purp tssod, perhaps not equalled by tnv others fursalc in the United Stales. This is >wing to the great distance allowed in plant* ng ad well as to suitable soil and good cultivation. Owing to the present scarcity of mo. ley, and the conscqent depression in the price tf every thing, they are offered at a very edeced price. Persons wishing 'o purchase >hould apply early ; bccauseall not engaged ire now offered in a distant market, lluniies, if not sold before Spring the price may ,h? n be higher, tainted directions for plant- j ng and cul ivating will be furnished without :liarge to those who purchase. M. MACLEAN. Cle-riiw S. C. Docoinlter 4ih l?39. Sheriff's Sale. BY order of the Court of Ordinary will ho sold at Clmsterfi >hl Court House ou the irst monthly in Jtnuiiry next all the Real Es'ato if Ranald .McDonald drcousal, consisting of two nuts of luii.l, one on Lynches Crc k, cont lining l*J5 acres, one other tr ie on the waters of 131 ick Jrcck containing \29."i acres iimro or loss. Conditions; us much cash as will pay ths ixpenscs of Sale; ono month's credit on thu b ilince, pureh isor giving bon l, with good personal 1 i curitv ami n mortg tge to Ilia Ordiuary if requi. od. Purchaser paying for nccesmry papers. Sheriff's Offic" Chester old C. II. J December 10th, lt*39. s JNO. EVANS, S.C. D. 5 tf 1 i?i5?sn:cxi;s or Titr. &&SL3tE&BBL*? &&&&?&& AND < revolt ? ir * ? ? iklV^lk ?K lJicals now published in this country afford ? ibundant and excellent materials for selection; ind, after a short tone, the reports, and other lapcrs of teh Pee Deo Agricultural Society vill of themselves, form no inconsiderable tody of original matter, all of it adapted paricularly to this part of the country. And it b hoped, also, that among the numerous in. elligent and enterprising plunte s of the surounding districts and counties some may be ound who will, occasional.y, take the trouhie if contributing to the columns of the paper the esultof their experience. Among the su >jects which will engage the editor's attention the culture of silk shall out j le overlooked. Ample ins ructions will be riven, in their proper season, for cultivating ne morus mumcaxius ana malting talk. a Tiie paper w ill espouse the cause of no party a ii politic*, but phall contain kn impartial sum nary of political intelligence, and, ccasionally, ? ible speeches and well written essays (when * net with) fairly discussing the principles and neasurcs of all parties, ft is believed that tj omparativcly small space devoted to political ubjects in this way tuny be mado more profilatie to the Farmer of domestic habits, who wish u to be acquainted with the true Btate of the ' ountry and qualified for a proper and intelli- J ;ent discharge of the duties of citizenship, thai l whole sheet filled, from week to week, and 'ear to year, with one-sided discussions, and tie mere quarrels of editors and politicians,? vhilst, at the same time, it will not be calcuited to estrange neighbor from neighbor, or o mislead into a belief that ono half of the ountry are less patriotic than the o'her, or ess ardently attached to our republican instiutioM. So much of the fourth page as shall not be ccupicd with standing advertisements will I generally be filled up with matter of moral and I eligiouH caul, and articles conducive, in other j cspocts, to proper family instruction and family lisciplino. If the increase to tho subscription list upon reuing this Prospectus shall be sufficient to /arrant the expense, new type will be proured, forthwith, for the body of the paper ; hat is for tne part now printed in large letter; 1 nd at the commencement of tho next volurrvi ' ho title of the paper will be changed to Earners' Gaielle and Chcraw Advertiser. ' For Terms ?.o first pige. September, Wood. j [will furnish Oak and Hickcry Wood, at | 51) per cord, Caah. A. T. LACOSTE. October 4,193!). 47? tf T 1TTT rt hMTMI ullfli |*1 i ill im^tt .; JLi showing 11m PuUleaod fedftusland* I*. U dun Roarv?uoM, Uad .Uistryto T<#h|fcfcg | Slc. engrored iron UM CMlhN^ MMil J and plain in the Gtaml Land Ofiee, Wwm. ingtou City, by G. GUbaih, drangtStoMT uffb]^ F. Taylor, book-selier, Washington CHy? to* 5 juat published (and secured the oepy right aococw JJ ding lo law) the abore Mb pa, wbicb will to ^ Tound infinilely more complete and accurate than M any heretofore published. They are ppblinhod on separate sheets, each cunt awing nearly atx square that, and will be found especially isstlWJ i and valuable to those interested in the laods../?f _ either Stato os tliey show every item of informs, tion wbiidi is m ^possession of the Land Oitioe trelative to wotor courses, township lines, Indian land and Reservations, land Districts, die. and wlill bo found perfectly accurate and prcisa in ' Iiom points. *1 bey oan be cent by mail In any part of tbo United States, subject to single letter postage. TRICE two do'tum, ortliroo copies ot either will be sent by mail for 5 dollars A ^ liberal discount will bo made to travelling agents qj or to any who will buy to sell again. ? O" Kditors of nowspapors any where, who will givo tbo abovo advertisement (including this no:ice) one or two insertions, shall receive by roluru mail a copy of each map, if they will end a copy of the paper containing it, to the ea advertiser. _| h'ovcuibor 2, 1839. ^ 1 i tr vr ?_ j. ;l _ , D< Teucher Wanted a, TO take chaigo of tho Ciio Academy, nine miles east of Benncttsvillo, Marlborough _ District S. C. competent to teach tips English r" brandies generally and tho Classics, of which natit>f ictmy evidence must bo furnished; as aiso iliai the applicant sust. tins u good churactor. The Scholastic year is divided into two sessions of ?r 24 ? ks each; tho first commencing tho first wr monduy in J mu-iry, when thoro will be a vacation or ' ol tuo week- Itoforo tho commencoment of the *** H' Cond Session. Communications addr-saed to tho subscriber _! at Clio will have due attention until the 34th of December,when the (-taction will take plane. THUS C. WEATHER BY. Secretary, Clio S. C. November 30.h, 1839. IB 4 3t_ Jj Bonnetts & Hoods. JUST received ana for sale, a new supply ol in Ladies and Misses Hoods, also, Leghorn, coi Striwuud Tuscan Bonnetts, latest pattern. pai D. MALLOY, November 2Cth, 1839 thi 3 3i ^ ??? wil New Stationery. cat a Large supply of Stationery has been late. f 1m. ly received hi the Rook Store including Hi ck. Blue and Red ink. Quills of various quaL iti s, steel p ns, wafers, sealing wax. ink powdur. I black s ind si lies, paints and paint boxes, so p rior gold leaf, Caiucl's hair pencils, Germoiu __ Flute* Ac. I December 4t!i, 1838. .* 4 b7 ^ U|f| Robert s Silk Mui)uul, ? I NOR SALE t tho Books toro. Prc Cheraw, Nov 15, 1839. _A e( 1 vol. 8 vo Hoin ins Poems 1 vol. 8 vo. Crab bo, llebcr and Pollock I vol. 8 vo. Mooro's Works, p0 Lvol. 8 vo. Juuiu's Letters, IIroo t's Universal ipj, ii izeiieer. Metropolitan Pulpit, being sketches < if the most celebrated living English Preachers jj, fall Denominations, Lord Brougham's sketches ? >f Churacters in tho roign of Georgo 111. Dr. j Humphrey's Tour, Maps of 8. Carolina, Do. of ] L'Urolinas and Georgia. por Also the following School Books; Murray's _K uiraiuniiir. Kirkhain's Do. English Reader, Jones j Chemistry, Do. Philosophy, Bourdon's Algebra. t>0 , fcc. A- aioi Cheraw Nov. 14, 1849. t. 1 If Carpenter's Tools. 'HIDE subscriber has just received a very ex. m_ -E. 'ensive assortment of Carpenter's Tools, m,J( unong which arc. Double and Single, Cast Sloe) ?. Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer ? Pianos, A?tr:ig iIh. Hoatle, Dad<-'s, Holloas and tounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovalo's, QuirkO. G. FW feeding Rui?l?i'. Sido Rabbit, Raising, and Sash JBt 'lanes, Sish Cord, Cuves for ste|is, Table And i\ancn. Torus Bonds and Cornice Planes, Rouati O, G and Fillots, Fillottbtars, Snipes Bills, Chi Sothic, Coiling, Flooring, and Plow Planes, Plane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tenant, n ind Panol, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Saws, Screw Slide Mortice, nnd Marking Guages, Vigors, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and V1 'inner, Chisels nnd Gouges, Plate and Iron -fi. iqmrrs, Side B'vils, Spoku Shaves, Locks, 1 ilingos. Sprigs, Nails, Brads, Ac. sidi ALSO atti Collins' Club, Il.ind and Broad Axes, Ohio P** ind Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shingling un< ind Lathing llulchels, Ac. 1 The abovo wero purchcsod low and for cash ' if tlio best manufacturers, and will bo sold cheap 1 >y *1" D. MALLOY. 11 November 221, 1339. 2if r?r( New Music. i RECENTLY received at the Book Sloro a supply embracing a considorablo variety ^ >f Songs Sacr< d, Sentimental and Humorous; ilso !\l .rehes, Waltzes, Ac. and .Musio [ *pcr? ) n December 4lb, lb39. ? 4 tf J Blncksmith's Tools. . i A good supply of thu above on hand and for. sale cheap by D. MALLOY. December 4th, 1839. 1 It * " Nails. Le Kegs Nails and Brad*. a!ao 4 bags 2 in 1 If V Wrought an I Iforrc Shoe Nails, foj. Bulo by ' D. MALLOY. December 4th, 1839. 4 tf Public Sale. J IllY permission of Turner Bryan Esq. Ordi- wi 00 nury of Chesterfield District there will bo ua miI.1 at tho late robiJaiicj of Ocorgo King deceas. d on tlio 2d of January next all tho porsoual tin property of said deceased s consisting of 27 nc- Pc jroes, eight head of florae*, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, &o Koddor, liousuhold and Kitchon Furniture, Plan, ca' tat ion Tools, Ac. Tonus?All hum* umlrr fi drdUr? -it . iiuntinhovn five dollar*, a noto and good ne'curi- ~ y, with iritorrat from dale on a credit until the irat of January.Ib4I. -m n , ,a ^ , , -?ILt AM KIN?. Admr. 1 9ili Detciiber. Irll. * ' f.t 3 guardian of FlMOCt MtbtninL lllnry in \te Daniel,, Ira Mofttukt (mmI WaiLu? ^ irla, Elizabeth E?url% WHiiam >k!o without (lila iSate J?it la lUsiclba ntdir. that IW do appear and objoct to Uie divmiod a sale of tmm< rotate ofOaom Mo Daniel ok'm % befofo the thirteenth day of December next their consent (o the aauie will bo entered' of \ ord. L. E STUltBS, I . Ordinary rf Marlboro DiaUdnt. October 14, 1899. 1 49 bt ???fa " -. *, ; r eiahi'Mi - r emale Seminary. j. Ill Broad Strel, Charleston South Cvfo ina. tRS. LANGI.EY will matruct yoonjr to. diea in all llie English brandlm of Midi 'M .orAture ; and her Sotninary whidHe leemted a| "no of the mo?t healthy and pleasant situation* the city, ahail be provided with the raoat acnptished and respectable teachers in tho'de. rtmonta of Frenoh, Spaniah, and Drawring. Young Ladies from tlie counUy. either for 1 s. or any other Seminary ?Mun the Cifjr can accommodated with board wbere doe regard II -be paid to their moral*, while Tinder her v. Entrance $5 which shall be apnreoriaied to mailing ft sckct library for the im #f Urn min.iry. Dctober 18. 1839. 49?3in Notice. rn C copartnership of J. Lauras ft Qo. will ?|S?I dissolve on the first day of January awt -?. ita limitation. The sobacribans intending to >. ke a final close of tU business. Mitt persons having demands ftfftiost tbaaa oboftld sent them for pay^suta^t^in^.^^ L dutiee ofthiilm^tkw wlUh?^1m**w5 the lat of October netl; Uw Mala htig. . ?t underlha superintendence oi t^T. K. HsR; .?* S i Fonialft under that'of-Mr:' J. Sewers. Tba .j; iraa of instruction in thomslo department, wflt that required to enter tba Sooth Caroline tJfli0 t the eottrao in the female department will -*JV to make thorough scholars. rhe scholastic year will commence on the 1st Or,to!>er and end the 1st July : the year la tin divided into two sesaiona t the first begins October and ends 15th February ; the aeftetf 1 fins 16th February and Onds lst July. Terms of Tu/iton per Session are, r Spelling/Reading and Writing ft 13 00 e above with Arithmetic, Cnghsb ) ic eg Grammar and tiecgraphy | e above, with the Clans ice, higher l '#r <; ' tranchos of M iUreiuaUos, Logie, > . M 90 Rhetoric, Ac. > Five dollars each will be siM^jd to the above Painting and Drawing, or the Mgdarp Lab. <. V^l payments are in advftpoe ; thejmpil will required to pay for what remains OT tlra me* n at the time be or *ho enters, nosftyill ill>i|( 1 or drawback be made-for loss of time. % J. W. BLAKKNEY, Soc'y dtTrcoa. o. air. ft. T. CriMpram tw tabs* thimi rva Boarding House. umt thn-fbansfto , , wbero Young Ludfei? may obtain baud at rt derate prion. Inpt. 2?l. 1839. 45 \t V'$ BiKiK BINDING. T 1 HE subscribers have established Ihemselvnn in the above linn of business in $kem? -4 offer ihcirservicistbtla citisnns. iW/sTgflJ u. BAZfcKCOUW. 4W v iraw. 8. C.. Jan. *6. & -< ~ Tiiti kfciv.TofiiN iWi;. dor qf Trinity Church, Socktf 'Hill, Darlington Di*. sfcKj?f :i his system of instrantio* siw oosnpMjoqly^ itioii ^of G^k ^d. Latin pon^. lttietiitito lis pupilaarnlimitMtftinmsn. . /acation the same as at Coluqnd% College, 1 For Board and Totttoo?(Tho aeados&yebr) 1 o, Candies, washing also inel?M &-- > each pupil. No pupil n Ui he -iWiVcd 49 IT Tito Charleston Courier *nd ftoip?l Jwi?igor, will please give I be above six mssrtibwe ri forward their hftK . - ' 'V* Vv<^%; "BoSka for theseHioS nilE Christian Keonaako and Missionary I. Annual for 1840, ? Kngmiofi. ^ _ _ .? fttm cuiim oy Miw MM*, rot JtJtO, V K*. Sravings. idny Flouae, a aeriua of Tate* by Catharine Sinclair. i $>^5 10 Minister's Family, hy a CoattttF Minis mily at lleathorddo or the IpAmoc* if Chfl*. tian Principle*. ... : a- KftHu '2 -jl iltera of Eliza Wilkineon during tbe latwhn , and poeseesion of Charleston, ewtml hj. 4lf?? Oilman. See. For sale at thu tidMtsiM*. Cher w Nov. 15, 1930. 1 tf Female Institution. % ?{& rllB first session of Um Rockingtan ft- . 1 male Institution, for ft* ensuing yegr. U commence on the eecoad Monday $* Jafe. ry next. n* , I'oardcra will he accommodated hy futailitlju 3 village or by the prineipal of Um rsona who wish to obtuin board and tubmen fee * ung lidiea am mpiestod to maka'A^y ifffo' * November 2!U. IfMft v\??i yrj' n in i>' nfri Chccso. I ft cwk. chaAM, jMi i iiiiriiiitijrlj L^F for s&lu by v, ,*38*1^^:^38 d. haua?, V'.^ber *>?&, 1P30. gj