-^ =8= F ' . 1 s~- 'r? r? Tn? lostsister?Influbncbof christian civim7atiom upon tub social affections. The following interesting narrative was orwniiuic itcd t? tho Philadelphia North ? Ainericnti. Valley af Wyoming ? After trio bul.lo tit)1! ina^>uv:ie. described in my las', most of die Kellers U"'l, 11.c here uod there a straggler returned from the mountain of wildorne*-, unJ in ti c course of thru? or lour months, cabins were g .nig up over the ashes ol their former liomes, n.u.l tpiitu a lilile neighborhood w.s collect- I ed. II it the Indians kept prowling nroirid j 0 i the mountains, now descending here and now there, kilhug this Ihuvly, scalping tli.i t'ior, h ' daughter ahout nine years of t?ge, a son j aged thirteen, ^mother daughter aged five. ! ; i I a li ,iu lu?y aged two an I a half. A young in.in, and a boy by the nanv of Ki'ig-sb y \v?*re present grinding a knife. ? The lirsi thing iln: InJi ins did w \? 'o shoo: | dowti the v.# nig man mid sc dp li'ni with t a knife w eh he i.a i in his hand. 'i'ue i. if* v?*sir ?' I < v'm* tiw !. lit.* litifi* liitt; I it'i i \ e.-ir-s 11?I a it >U old, mi i r-*i:? on! ol sin* bnolt j door to {? ; to .in: iort. Tim Indians ch'iscd > lief j'Mt tNn'O^ii :o ^ ?y ||- | II i^iit, l I'l ll.iv- I inn a l.o.?n> ! ns* s!m l.i i and clung o i and bf.ud n.-r u' ibby 1 bi'otbur. I'll > ' !(it'll u? >.< ; io .'v.oos1 v boy ?ni I you ?. j iTl. .mm. I'M d b t toun. in d J ; { Finn-iv-. I livo, .mi! [jr-pjc-! to II it Iti d ' C \ oSrV?c.:;i. I at dm euro1s. u p.-alius "t :!m rn i b'r, tlmy set bun j down nt.ii 'ft !i:r i. Iba-ir u.-.pt.v.-s wi.-ro ! f'mu y:.".oii! Ivu^sloy it!i'I i!r: !i ilo o r!.? | 1 be i:?o '! i *? b< ar: s vt!!? J iuiu t *i ?'.!,, tin 1 for \r;irs sh<: coni ! (Jos rib.; '!i;? i * '.'ly w..11:'11 tears. S!.c nw r.n in.I i:. i fln'oA' !km i*' ! ! ovfi !. * i!ijiiM't, an i u? , l? r b.i:r ' I ov. r !mi I . s will ono build | she tirnslm < t! a-*J , \vb I : 111 tears fV.*I! ! t:oiii bur J NiOu icJ eye. o:> I s;ri iciim,; ?>ut her .i ' < i !i rn I t i v.ir.'n b'T ui.ith' , she ' ? ? lie 1 f .r ?"t" a 1 t'.i 1 ..b ii) Uiii.. ; ! into tbo hushes. ill di'cvn the last s en i ol'imb; lb i Hi- i r..~", I'.ablv, ' v.is can.'" ! by ibr m.i ii> r to the y*r.ivo.? j About a iiioi lb ttUi i di < Jim.' cu'ii.- ; ! and with tlv; ni l j a a fol crti'-lli -s, <11ur?J r? * t tbo aged gr.ni If.i hoi ; a;:J :i L..II ' hi tbo Im ol t .< lamn I) >y. Tin* I.o car- ' ii d in ii s io-n v sixty years, to the , grave. i re ln?: ?*1111.! was bom a fo a i mouths alter tb ? tn e -.'i s. W id wrm ; ?tie oui.vrsn ion-y what vv-ro th-li >; ' * u I j tbo fears ii. nvciui" ibe late ol I. ib* Fran- ! res, I wiil not attempt to describe. Probably I the chdJfn -a?v t!i. t ail a IN r III"-, the ri ] nt tlir stricken ninliicr Was a;:, ? "> t I..tic *>;? * ? llOMi f it'' was s . uiruiI .mi, an J | \v!l'< ;o J c . ?' ? enu'd tievi r see lectin. As die toys grew up an I I. came urn. j i^i- v v\n'f: v i\ ?t;. ."C Oils to MlO'v ,i"" III*; t?t tti ir I. j I'.cr ha in <1 s r. 'I'm y , ?\ rot ! '(? s, iln'v s'"'t inquires, tn 'v tn^d* i tount.ys t'.riuga ail (Twc*' aii'i in tin* Canadns, it p. r ul\cn'tire they iirgh: barn j any thing rrspvc utg her fate. Four i t' !"ii'.,v long ioarne; a ?v? rc iiiitvl iu vain. \ j n ii't.cc deep as the deepest forest thiouyh j winch they wandered, hung over ii< r Mini that sixty years. M v reader Will now pnas ovi r 5S y".?rs , t ?"o r*? the time oft Ins captivity, and supposbimst-If far in the w ilJnritess, .it .be f..i h r. ( ' s! part of I*1 mm. A very res ie "a! Ie I ts!? -i11 of ll fi Ihfted States is Ii ivrl .iii 'here, nt ?l weaiy an ! h"!ate !, ui h a hp-i j hort-e, l.o s'ups at an In-lini Wigwam f?r ' the night. II' ran speak the Indian Ian- ; fiua"'"- ''' e '*m 'y are l icit for Indians, have liorses^und skins in ahninl nice. In J the course ol the c:\enng, In1 i n no: that | the hair o! the woman is |tg it, and her skin, under In r dress, is al*o white. Tins led to ? conversation. .She to d into she was a white chil l, but had been earn- J aw iy when a very small i?ir!. Sue could only r' liiemher that Ii r name w?t> Selocutn, that she lived in a h tie house j on the banks of the Susquehanna, and how j many th> re wtr?* in her lather's family, an ! j the order of their noes! !?tr the name of, tho town she could not remember, 'hi reaching his home, the ogent mentioned the story to his mo h"r. Shu nrg-al him ! to write and pnit the account. Accord.ng. . ly lie writ o i", and sent it to Luncasti r of litis Stat*', requesting that it III gal be pah- , listed. I! V Kill I'. to 11 li _ I'luitcJ* r, it lay in ili office tw<> y-'trji betm.- , i -a* |nin't?il. I* u list sitniinnr it w.isj f.abV !. In a lew days it fell into tin* I binds ol Mr. S bn'oni, n| \\ .11; .sbine, I wlio whs 11 * li tli* l vi) an 1 a halt vai old boy, when I'rnrirt.s wa* talon. In it low j days h" was otl to sin k li s s .si r, taking j with linn his olilcvt si>ier, (die i iv vv! <> '( nidt'd i) ii it li> escap**,) ml uri irij? to a brolt. i or who now liv*? s i i Ohio, and wla> I b Iicvh was Imrn afior tlio c:mti\i y, to meet bint and go with hint. Tin? two brother* and n!st< r are now on their way to set k liule 1*\hi < * jjsi i *iy yar.1 after ln? rapr?ty. At r travelling noire than 300 inlm- t ro *?j i tlio wilderness ilu y ronrhrd bo ImJi mi eouir?\ the lioino of tbc Miami Indian. N life rule* from the nearest whit", tlo-y find tan Int!<* wigwam. "I shall know my sister,''s ml the civilized sinter, "b'.oausn fclio Umt tii i nail ol her firs' ting r. You hrotln-r ham red it off in the blarksiii th sho,? waen she was lour year om. i Mey go into the c .b'n | nr.d find an Indian woman having (In* I ap[>e.aranc? of seventy-five. She is piinte I ; end jewelled oll't and dressed liku nn Indian , in all rc*p?e|*. Nothing hut her Imir and i covered skin cou!d indicate h?T origin? Tney get nn interpreter und begin to converse. She telle them where she was horn, her name, 6cc., wi|li the order of her f.it'?? cr's family. "How came your nail pone 1" S kid lho old? ?t Mister. "My older brother pounded it off m hen 1 was a little chill in the shop !" In n word, they w? re satisfied that thin was Frances, thi ir! eig lost cis'cr' They asked her what her Christian name wns f Sue could not rememhnr. Whs it b\oncen ? Shu smiled nnd tiuid "yes."? it u i\4 the first time she heard it pronounced li>r BO years ! Here, then, they .were me ? two hroiherti mi I two sisters ! Tlioy woic i all satisfied that they were brothois and s.?i. rs. But wluir n contrast ! The brothcr.s win walking the cabin unable to speak; the oldest sisior was weeping, but the poor Indian sister sat motionless and passionl ss, as iiihuierciit as a spectator. There was no throbbing iu? fine cords in her bosom to bo touched. \V m il Mi*. Si'loi'unt was giving n?o this ! h s orv. I sa d to him?"But could she not speltk Iviglish /" "Not a woid " "Dal ; she know hei ag" ?" "No?had no idea ofiv' 1 lint was sbo entirely ignorant V' "Sir, sh-i Jin a descend in: of the Puritans! > I5.i- whit a picture for u painter would i he inside of that cabin have afforded.? Here w< re tin? ch Klrc'i of civili/.ition. re. spec"able, t? ni|>*Tate, int liig.nt, nnd we il hy? able to overcome mountains io re j fov r their sister. Tii'-rc was tiie eh'ld of lite 'on-st, not ahle to t- ll 'he day of tho j week, whose views and fsdm s w re all j confined to that euhin. Iler wind" li s orv j in gh? be o! f iti a word, She lived with J the Delaware# who Rtiirind her oil*, ill g own up, and then married a D I 'Ware. i lie either died or run avrav, and sin* -hen i marrhsl a M inn Indian, a r lnef as I beheve. | See has two daugh oik, both of w om are J married, and who liv in all the glory of m ; lad am eahin, d %-r-skih clothes, and row- | s!;ui li'Mil dresses. No one of 'he I iih ly j ean speak a word of Kuglish. Th-y have !, uses in abundance, and when the Indian ! x si i watted to accompany her new relieves, she vvlepped o il and bridled her horse, I tiul * lie* i, a lit Turk, mounted astride und j was At night she cnu:d threw a blue v> t nroti.i'J her. down upon the (1 ior, an 1 at . i,arc l< I lie htollier < and k ?' r tri?-;? ln*r Hi I.'' ? T.i.-> * ouM tin sjii nit Iter ng in to tiio Innksol t io ?Sii"Ht lie IK run liv.no ' I'los account. Ii;?s ilv anil im|i"rf?:eily given i ini i from ilir i ps of Mr. Jviocum, tho j l-rollier, and il e Munr wlm was two and a ; liali'ye is old when lilllo Frances w >s ear- | red i? w o \. I believe thai I luve nl red no b ng, H'Oiig'i I ii vn mini ei| enc ag 1 in make lb? g???i j nit ul'uu liner- sling > 11 um-'. Cm.-. i 1111? u:r\r.Kr.No: iu.rwr.i N an ikkkligiou * AM) A l:tt.!?il'?rs I-I.ti I; is a s id thing, 10 m--- nil old nian, I ir s a viiiner ; ?on-', vv u Ins. a I his I f , !i m en, a' a s !.t? . j sliu lino up is hear: ag ii.is' h qui -t in. ro it's of grace ;?-one, who lias, all bis I fe, been !i rdening Ins heart ; mil Measuring l.i Ii.it.s If wo and wr.iili,?to v:*- Midi an one si .1.1!. n li s honourable gp y ii nr.., mi lOii'in I and a! >te' ; a t .nig. 01 wbi.-ii gen d a of heaven now n- vei- I : bis ; wine's t'.e fr ?' nnd gl.? I striv tigs of ilia Spi.. noil n \er vise and qn.eUen. It mi -u>i linno, [,j s.;:- j'lf'b a 1 one, \v..i nig fo ii s s '! !.:s.e ; no: I ke tin: ulnr k of ?-orti i , :'s 1 p. n ss, lea: a \\it!i? r? , >? -M-j- i \>ijj"11v ?>ki man, com t:iUied unihs ran |?ly no more in ilioir wound t!u>;.s, tin ir t??il, tlinii liurrv, licit l? isiivss ; ul.en In* is p ist all ;l?f us1 * ol earth. mi l litis no! in ado himsell (it for any i | or or better. Ami ( ilns is sa ! to behold, whn? is it to let ! \\ iiat shall in* tin? thoughts ol tin* sn.lu! and 'I?* worldly ol I man, us, d y ??ll? r 'ay, I O'ti alter hour, brmgs lian m an r to l .? s ,11 inmiso a;?;>o n i d for all living ? W Ii. s i ol soot o ii s ivi ari- il sp i ?'s, wii.it s r? tig. I 11 loin to b'ar the Ii rblem ss ol tin ?i. |:i.' , :n^> ol infirmity, til'* I the Lord Uod speaking to I im. lie liiiih kiiom n hi |> irt only y ct ; as yet he ii.dh s< en only 11 through u glusa darkly." And he d .sires the day, when lie shall know is he is known, and slinll si c face to l.ico. lie stand* at the grave and gate of ileatli, with that (ear indeed, which man's lidien mo lure must ever feel, at (lie thought of (lint fell struggle ; but ho knows that the gate of ; death is to him the gale to life, the gate to 1 knowledge, and the gate to rest. Hsnd du n in, * i would nut live olway for the corruptible hody wngheth down the nvnd, und Ue ps it from the lull vision of that glory wIticli shall bo fioin the full enjoyment of| that rest which remained) for the peoplo ol (Jo J. Aii'iso ho pass s |Ir? short limo ??l i Ins soj >ur into In-ru hi calm :io|>?' ; and possenses his soul in patience. Tlia Sivioiirj Alio Imtii cheered a d comforted bun 'or so mi.my years, Icuves huu not, neither Ibrsnk-s linn, in the day ol Ins d<-cltn<*, and the hour ; ol his dentil; but leads him, hy quiet and j easy steps, in Hie sense ol (.iod's condornt" . presence, to Ins end. Once a^uiii. when lie depots, lie desir s to p rtako of that 1 uia|| communion of Ins S ivinur's body and blood ; which liiil!i linen his best cnuilort, and best s rniigth. below ; and here indeed, : be Ivils (Jod iliniiifes.ui^ Himself to Ins soul; ronewtno a'l Ins prota ses, now near si baud to bo fulfill-d ; s reu^tueii nj? lilin ! againM (lie bound >1 -mil ; and lrl iI V j sllvaliou 1 In,if no evil now, till'TlloU lit ( ?i:li me ! mv u?d mid i riv stati' di-v emit. [ ioit me."?/iff. ll'i-li Jiinic.1 11 ore, 'ilie forci: ok truth. A nfoaini was one: ash?d in company wnit led bun to embrace tue '.rut is ol the liosp I, which Ibriiie-ly be was Known o h.iv in >?|eet 11 and Oespise-I lie &a> I, "My c.ui an I ? o.iv rs.on .o CJu J my 551. vonr, wire produced by very sitijjular i iii 'iiis; a |<"isui pot into my hand* I I'anie's A ei; of Re iSO'l " I re,ill it Willi I a' en i'j.i, ail I wis inui'li sjitn'k will tie s lone and i : uis n joe-ema inn he in ado j ?>! in iii\ pass ?s m 1 |i< liilili'. I cmili si j lo mi)' ih iiiic, t iiaij m voi read llm iliblo I ( in) !? i ; l?il (mm w ti.it i fun inii1 r to | iin v<* li' ni t it ' *.i i.cli, .*? i I .icc let.tally o.i | tor it cris- i|i>. | coald nut imis 1:1 Jo iii\ -a si'!l t at I ..in lojort wasijm'e ex ??:! or i ii.it I lie l>r< c a us < 1111! < * sii .ilisur i ns tio 1 r. j r si-n i'.l it. I resolved, (tier-lore, iliul I , Wi.ul I ri a I die iJmlo rnniiUrly 'nou^ii, nun | co n|i:?r.? lie ( is-. 14 s wii'Mi I ' .? ! iliu.e s ?, that I mi ? ,t o va? in L!.li e t .ir 111 i\ . 1 iic. i nor 11 i.-lv si t no, s !l o tue task, .1 ri us 1 ! iolwnnvl, 1 .ins *>iiu.k u 11' 1 tin majesty tv.iii* 1 sji '!>ii, t..e .1 a ti!we>s o! in" tin li> | o in. I ?. ..1 1 _ ? icii1 e w. ; its il a : 'I _.11, M tiic 1 lili'l? <> ! i\ I'll ei er\ 1 (rinc, Ml ll.lt I finis- ' ll 111 \ I' ?:tlil V 11 l ll li; ' lnili*Mt s .unI >r m i II| 'ir ir 11' ..iii IS .1. J - j sj-, mi I niv ii it was j -ir - 1 .in '1 x\ itii a j s '.1 -o il 1 !? j, 1. 11 I ' 1.. 11 \ :r ! 1 tiuloi . 1 I r .viiif-i li in e ortli to ake !;? Hieri-ii 1 iViii-J !..i my n(|i ir% at, | 0 ^ ,t fa, 11S j 1 j linl 1 11 r ii 1 ii* S >(i I>i < i 1 !. 1 no a'l.i t i N n iiie :-r,a 71 u o .2.77 vt n j AMI ? s? :u\\v i;-t. Tin.- K-n'.or o t'ic Chora.'. li ' !i i-> ??? - 1 I .-.nun .1, .it su.i n .?iu>h i.i 111r,r |fee ' A^'iiu'ui-iil Soe.e'y, til-' \u'.e mom -p???. ' 1. til I ill"'. loAf.ll 111 ll*-.*, Ili.lt uiattl'l > |nT> j l-.iii.ii7 >i t-v ..i y to il> Hi'i-rni Is. About nut" ! t I'itl.lll.?. Ill- ill1*!1 -Imt a I. 1 I ' .. . I O, Cllpil >* i ( i K.vri. ivr > .Mi b.-aui'S .iiitl a lew n.ln r pmiln.ii paper- ' MU !t a- < iv in'i-i igen' ciii/en might li> riMil. A large |iui.n>r! nr. 1.1 wii.it .-h ?'l ir u:.ii< r the Agricultural ho ld must, ol course, t.?* re- , lected. llul iIn' numerous Agricultural periodicals iiow published in tli.s country atibrd abundant ami excellent materials for selection; 1 and, after a .-hoit t me, the report-, ami other papers ot tell l'oc J >e Agncuhnr il ei- 'v *\ ill ?i{ llioinnrlvcri I'liti lit* III V??nw Itlti ,?%.* . | body of origin il ni.i'U r, a I of it ..<1. pi- il partumuli, to tii - paitofihe omit ry. \n-l it j if li"pi i, aim, 11, it .tuning the iininei oi:.*? inIndigent ami ent'-ipi si..g pl.m'e s i t the surrounding districts an I ciuinlii s some niav he t'ouml vviin vvi.l, cccoton i! j, i..I.e t .e in ul e ol i oatriOu'.i.ig to he i o! iim.s t.| the papci tin res.1.1 ol tlieir c.ipi in nce. Among i lie mi joc's ulivh will t ng'{.' 'he : lei,,or p ,i :< n i.i.i the ( ul*lire ! Fill; sh i.i not > he t?v? ilooked. Ample n.- iiii'ta :.s will In g-v. fi, ot their j im; , , m i, for (ir'iva'ug lh?* ihi u.< tik ! h /..> r.i.i! in Ming h lr. 1 m , j,' r v? . . -pMiise : ,t t'.iiiso< ! mi p\ rty in pjt.t is hut r . .. contain an nii,kii:;.u sum. 11!V pelltiCa' li.'i'iilgi'lICO, til. !, I CC JHOll.diy, ' a hie p. ( lies ami well writhn issavH (vvlini | 11let w :h) (mli tie cutv.'iijj the pi inci| !* s and ine.ui -i.,;. j r.ie.;. It is htinivi.il that ?. in if 11 r .i ,\? r, no! pp.ice devn'eil to politic 11 i iihj 'ii, i ,i - w .tv m ?y he m i<1 nore pr-itii i- i t,:, tn tlu l'iriuei el ili'iii'St,, h i,nt.> w Iin w i-n- . < :i ill I ( .If I till *tl Willi 11 11 lie llaic of till* Mill . a.i ' 111 , til I s-?el l^.i il, from wo-, k to .?i.ek, aii.l year to \i sr. hi h ono-sid' d f Mcuni.ms and j Ik* tin io i;jo n? snail not be '(KOiijuiil with at.in ling a?li rli-outMils will or to rally to' li 1* u o|? \v tli tint' torif mural and ri'liO|o;:. cast, ami ,f ul. .- Conduct!, it. other , ri")> a to |irojit r la oily ni.-t; u lioi and l..mik ' d.-cspliii". (i tiio Micro so to tin* siiV,-ii^ion ]i?t upon ' isstl li;J till- 1*1 I {> (.MIS Mol . .,c Mlllicicm to j w irr.int tli o\|i loo, iit vv type wi i be pro- l ctnod, lor'iiui h, 1- r tin* body of tlio pip r ; J tli it is for tiio part now nruiM .I iii. ii^o ic'ei j . ami a' tin- co.n.nciii iii< nt ot ti.oni .\l vulufiie tiio Idli* of till1 IJIIT a ib lie c|i mjoil to I'.muri' ($itzi.::c ivui Chciaw AJ-crttser. [ I or Trims s r first paj??*. Soj-ti m!?' r. I "til'.). << V I I II > I II. . B^l!< i\l the subscribers pVinl.itori in Welsh ! U Ncfk, Marlborough Ihstnc on WoilncieI day night tMst N.iv. I^^9, ? <'li'sin! -orn l inuro '' j lliulc, 'J Villi IH oil!, loltTillilo Wltllgl oW I). Mil ill j l logs?-h is been wagoned some : in other flesh hi.n ks ricolli ! ; i! a! present Alii '.isoti ible e*. i list's vv.II ln> |> iill lor lii'i appr. I' mion and do. | livery, Any information m.iy b directed lo , HcilllcttbVlDc. W.M. CROSSLAXD. November 27th. 1*39. 3 if New Goods 'C1III' piibfiilwr is i.giin opening a slock of JL goods in Chora*', w.'II adapted to I lie sea eon, which ho is pr. p.ir< d lo pell ,tt prices very much roiliieed, oithor l.y \\ holcpile oi retail, lie | bought a Inge propoition of his (lood* at tho } New Yo k pack ige s..les in September Inst, and ' thinks lie can sell litem us low as they cm b?v bought in any of the. Southern towns. D. R. McARN. Novrmbv 55(1, 1H39. tf Administrator's Notice. rflTl'lE Cro titora of Hiram Tryon documd JL requested to call ami receive on their debts 2"? per cent. The next and I-nut dividend, will, it is hoped, he made m a few month*. Suinu of tint debts are not yet collected nod a little property in unsold. ALEX. lillAIIAM, ^J'r. On-raw. K< h I'd. Ir.-fO. 13 If Notice. WII.I. he sold on the 3rd Monday in Novcinher next at lien neltuvi lie, within tli" nmi il hours tho tract or p'anlutioti of land of the l ite Churle- Iri.y situated in Marion din tilCt. containing ultoul ?i.xt' cll hundred cc f,on the fol'owing conditions: Tiie purchas. mom v to bo piid in three equal annu il inst ilm ulls with int'T st from the day of Rain.? (hind and |a rsoiijl security and a mortg igo of the premises. 'I'o h land is ordered for sale by llio f ourt of I*'1 ity Kiiilier pailicnlire will be giv.n on till) day d sale. C;KO.\V DAKCAN, Coiiuii'r. in Equity. Oct. 27l!i, I i>3'J. 52 21 For Sale. j!J" AIU?K M ips of Mississippi and Alabama, mL-J shewing the i'tiblicand Indian Lands. In. di -.ii II starvations, Luid Disliiots, Townships I vVe. engioved from thy lioverninents surveys ami plats in tho t?< twral Land Oflioo, W ash. iiiRlon t'dy, by E (StlMim, drauglsiiniu in the (.h ooral Lmd Oilier. K. 1". vlor. book ndlvr. Wellington Citjr. lw?? just p 'lisbod (itinJ fcocurod tlin copy rigid ?ccorduig to law) tha altovo M ips win h will be found infinitely moot cornpb le and a ecu r air than any hot- oforo p.iMinhC'l. Tin y urn publis oil o'i iinp.ir ito aim Is, each containing nearly six s'piiro I 'ot, ami will be found csp-ciaTy useful mil v.ilu.i'ilo to Mioho iut-rented in tlio lands of dllior Stat<> ,is I liny sno.v evrv item of inform.?. tton wlii'-li is in pies . ion of tin; I,-ml Otlicc relative to walei wnir* ?.*, tow nidiip Inn *. Indian Ian I .in 1 II s irv itioiis-, I .n I Distiies, A*, anil \\ till lo fitind p . f fly accurate an ! j.r i <; in ! Iiosu points. 'I hey c in bo m-ut by in ul lo .my part of lite (.'oiled Slate*, sul-j' et to single kitepontage. I'KK'U two do'l.irs, 01 til fee copied ul i-11111-r will be sent by maii for 5 Ivr ' . y r .in in in copy ot e?u b nap, it til y Will ! s.md a. cy:>v ul t r -|K r containing it, lo the advertiser. N jvmij.T 2. li-CJ. Kor Salt?, 10.000 Mur.is Mufiicau/is Trees, 251.01)0 ' Cuttings. Also, 5 11),nuo sii.k \vi >um Li;t;s. T id ..Iiovd I r . s iiid I'.lttuigs are \>-rv fine, j nd warr iil'-e to be tlie genuine % I < ?it t . if 1 i.ti'' 'xi I.Is ; Mi ne ol til" trees .re hi veil feet high i tite ?-u:ii..gs 1 i fio:n Iters ol oue. t wo am! threi irs old, \\ II rip-o e.l woo-l, one bud to .'leli cutting. 'I ue 1 fos r- ?if the kind winch prou'lon wlule ..nd y.'.iovv cocoons?Mindly ai.ili ? a ul .1 put ot litem raise.1 li0:11 tlie scion.I crop ibis yi ;r. Or ' . I ?r anv of tl. .that .?. u.l.krxs d to i..<, a ill n* , Me 11;.illy tti if' d to >i.(l t. 1 . .ue ur ' r 11 .-In 1 _, r ie,i..il; i.?.i first. .? just ' 'i 1 !. I' is ,! -sir.i'i' I !.at ipp'i 1 Km ue in ?|e I) foic 'li liisi of Voy. -ii .-i n -xi. as .'oil t'u.t time 1 v. 1 I - oiuii.i li- profiting ! V I'.OUII i.i.i ;! f.l.l.g I'm le-xt \ c\s er i;i. I *S . I. s n. ..1 l!, ... r. .1 . ' I - unit* .itimi in i?lc I ? mi th" i ' i JOi" of ill" >,.lt Cloture, Wit! '? iun;.i|.l iy .!< i-.'ici!. IIIMJH Ci: Wti. <* !< t ifi-MC II. A'IC. no. 11-3'). l? if i,xeina!c lit titution. r umi: fir-t session of ill" I'o.'knieh nil IV I ML in I" I i lit r.i-> i, for loo oiisumj; year, | will ( mi i| 11 o i * oil t sfLOiol lilt "1 > II J .ill - j ii irv in xt. o.ii- ! r> will !> i<: o;i?niiMi.ii"ii l.y ftin pmieiji.l ol'llni lint'r ntion I*' r^oim ivlin h'inIi |ii ii'it iiH luiir ! iiul lint ion I r young | .ii. h arc r n. No\? ..;! ; .. IM'.O 'J fi! i / oti<'<\ TT P:;r- !I o. I.i! ir i. ami (V C.lV-.! ?." ? V jjt in toil?, .not tor silc, w.ioirs.t." it rt< . l.i.i l.y j I) MU.IOV. Vov Sit ! M-.Tt " It' AiiW i Means lV 1 Mind.til j M I > I, A s s i: s. j3 I1II!>>. X txv Orleans & Trillin t'l j M o! .Mi.-* of very Mip* : *? ip ' v in ' st?. .nnl for sale ly I). MAl.l.nV. | Souili Carolina. MttrHor tugh District. Iti.iiii M Itinicl, John l". .M. I>oui 1 .ifj'liCCht.l, VS. M try Wilk son, O'nvli >li Kills, \N il< y Miris, Khz ili'ill K iris, John Kills, Wil'inn K.rls, ti 'iiiT.' K.rls. A'lfr.'W Kirls. ami N-.tiry .Me D.ni.'l gnir.Iiin of Fianc s Me Dim. I. ,M,?ry Ann M. D.mi.'l., In M< Daniel ami William Me Dnni'l Illinois. Drfrminul ?'. I? M I iieg to mv s itisf id ion that Olhjnih K.r.s. Khzdiclh K.rls, W ihi uu K.rs lioorg' K ills in I Anilr.-w K ir!? live of the il.f.mkuit*, j r.'aiJ.* iv ill loot this St it. ;?it is therefore order. : mi t!i t tin y ilo appear ami object to the division i or sale of the rc.i' cut ate of ticorgn McDinii'l on | or before tin t)urte>".illi il iy ot' December next i Or tin ir consent to till. K.itiin ?~!ll l? -- " - 1 record. I?. K HTUISliS, Ordinary of Mirlbuio IhMiict. ()rlohet II, If30. 19 St Ft-male Seminary. .Vii I I I Un^iil Sir ft, ( hir/tston South ('arlr r. lit all tin' lv><;!i?li blanches of Mahte l.ilorjturc ; ami !?< r Seminary which i.-r k?e ilt d in ''Hi* of !It. most healthy ami pleasant: dilutions in tlii' oily, .shall he provided with the most uv. I cuiuphsliid noil r. spi ctaldo touchers in the do. I purlmoi t.s of French, Spanish, ami thawing, | i t .1. - . ? -1 - - i uuii^ i,iui s iroui mo country. iither tor j tins, or any other Seminary within the City can > ho .iri'oiniiio'latcd with bo ird wlioro ?hio rs-gird will l>o paid to their morals, whiio under her car-. lmtr.incn ?5 which shall he approp:iatrd to furnishing a ?eli el Jihrary for the oso of Ihe Si-miii u y. O-toller 18. 1839. 11?3 n < 'lieese. }1 ijh Ciskx Cheese. just received and for 1? lortal. hy I). M ALLOY. Novrmher 'JCth, 1H39. 3 at N otice. rwinr. copartnership ol J. Kazarua &. Co. will j JL dissolve on the first ?luy of January next hy it* liimtation. Tin- subscribers intending to make a final clone of their business, desire that all person* having demands up un*t thoin should present them lor payment or settlement. JOS MCA KAZAKHS. A.J. MUSKS. Chornw, 27th Nov. 1839. 3 tf South Carolina. "v?hfir'V^H *\l 1 Docralation in Adtnr. E. R. Molvcr. I Forelfn Richard Ing'r.h.m j Attachment. WI1EKEAS the Plaintiff in the above eta. ted cam; hiui filed Itv* H< crala?i<>ii in my office against the Defendant who is ubaint from und without tho Inniu o the stulo having neither i wife nor attorney known within the bjiiic. It id ordered that tho Defendant do place < Walter and Mary his wife hrirs mid diutri. i hutei-M ol Duncan Campbell dec used, and l)o. i fondants in tho above stub <1 case, are out of, and beyond tin; limits of this state It is, on motion of lliillcu an I Elliott Complainants, Solicitors, Ordered llmt tiny do plead, answer or demur to tho Hill of Complaint in the said Case within three morulas from tho dale hereof, or the said llill will bo taken pro cotifbssoagainst 1 them. EDWARD B WHEELER, Commissioner iti E?piity. <" M-iiia,mmcr* Office, ^ 5V. 1 i' furiiMi Oak arid' tvifekery Wi o'', et 82 51) per cord, C?oh. As P? LACOSTE. Octoner 4, Ijjffit, -17?if Cneraw Bacon. H S A MS, BhoeUeiO, mad Slides. of my own J II curinf, for able. Terms, Cj^'i. A. P LACOSTE. l ictober 4. 1839, 47?tf ytf L *. ?>.? WaSa.alwi * , ' D 1 U I. 1 rustes-srerp<'cil pnrtment, will j In that reipiirod tociit> r the South Carolina Col. j 1 . the cullcmi in the f in- h; el pnrtinent will i lie, to III ,ke thorough Roliol r*. Tin' h> hoi istic ye.ii w >11 comim nee ?m tin- 1st . >i(" t?.-loScr null mil t!i i:,t J.dy : the y< it is giin divided nilo two > ssion* ; the ti i t I. ginI-I <) -till ami 1'iitin I5l!i l\l'tti irv ; the necon . F gins Kitli Ft Uroiry ami curb 1st July. 7i rrns o'~ 'In it urn />rr S> ss/on arc, For Spoiling. Re eling ami Wiitiog Jjli Oi) I Tim uhovc wiili Arithmetic, i. ,g. ah / ... ' Grnnini .r and li' iMjr.iphy \ ' I The ahove, wiih tin 1 I . 1 'gh -r t branches of M ithnualic*, i gic, / 20 00 > Rhotnrie. *.< . J I'ivu iloll.ii 1 e> h v. i'! I*> ad led to l!io uImjVO :<>i Fainting and iu.iM i jj, in .ho Modern Luis'' d' ' A I p \ oi* i t - *ir ' in ad* ii?r ; the pupil will ho r ?j i.; ! to p iv tor what rc-iu ins ol tho vs. I i si .il lit tin ln> or she ntrrs nor will dedac- I tioii or drawbar k he mule for lorn of inn . | J W. CI AKIiMiV, S.Cy \ Tn -. i I*. S Mr. II T. ('iiapmciii h - ; !. i oft < Iti.aiding Homr near t' F mule A . [ my, w .'icrr A oung Lathes in -J o' tin hoard I i Hinder.ite pi ir e. S ;.t. 2-? L-30. 4.1 if I'owuiul's Ionic .^i.xuirt'. j f fj ^ i l L A 'iicy for th." \.ihi.tii|e medicine* td is .it tm " Dunks'. e" <1 M1 I riw hct< it hi \y al tiiy tuiiu oc ii n! by the singe* bottle or v the dozt-u. J. A. IN CMS Agt. ( In law April K'4!l- I or)OK HIN iTiNTTT F n ^ " '* suhiei ilx isli.ivc >! iblished lh.-mM.U. J*, in llie above lino ?>( bo-mess in Oherav tml utit rtheirs o vici j-inils riti/ciiH. li.v/.K.\( i?i nr. a co J I'honw, S. Jan. ?t?. i ll f'. K L\ . .It ?1 i \ i. Ih'C'or of Tr'Wlij ( 'inroh. S:n-itti/ Hi//, 1 Jimltn^h t: 1 h #1 S. ('. S7 S |m par. J lo reec.'V into Lis t..iiu!y as board- : 1 i"C i?ll|"'N? a ''w young g' litlemeii. j ' I*i his Kystetn of insti ict inn am compris <1 be. 1 M'i>* the iiMi '! j.;i [> r.it.'iii lor College, minute ! ' ittmiiion to philology, Ihc canni Sf and com- ! ji.imIiOU til' tile ii .'ill i l.illll |iO try, Klicto. 1C> ami the lirlfrs hrttrr.* eenciully. II* pupil* are liiuituU to twelve. Vae.ilion the same as at Columbia College. ! For Hoard ami Tuition? i'l'ho ae identic year) [ . File, ('null, i, washing il>" inchi ! (, tie* terms are $23.>e.iali pupil. No pupil u ill be received ! , or a shorter pei iod. , Oe.tob r li), lr-39. *19 Gt j The ('hirlcston < "oiirii r and f?o*pt 1 Mos. seiijyer, will please give the above six insertions , and toiward their hills, ? Hooks for ihc season. rg^iu: Christian Kii psike and .Missionary M. Annual Tor lM4t),'.) Engraving*. Tin- Oil), edited hy Miss l^.-slie, for lelO, 9 Fin. J graving*. n ii - ? i ly iiuum), a icni'H o* tun's ny v .marine j Winolnir* The Minister's Family, I?y a Country .Minis. ' tor. Family at tlcathcrdulc or the Influent-. of Chris. tian Principles. I. iters ot Klizi Wilkinson during the invasion ami |>o!is<:.?*ioii of Charleston. edited hy Mrs. , tiilinun. Ac. I-V a.!?. nt tha Bookstore, Cher w ftov. 15, i 1 tf South Carolina. Chesterfield District. Angus McDonald applicant, V3. ( .Mary Norris, Sarah Mcintosh, Daniel Mr ] Kirlinn, and .Margaret his wife, Alexander , McDonald and Daniel McDonald- .1..P.-I. - I I It appearing to my satisfaction that Aldan- 4 dor Mi:Dolald, and Daniel McDonald, reside willimit tlio limits dI the state of South Carolina. It is therefore ordered that tin y be and appear beforo trio in the Cou t of Ordinary to lie held for ChoHtorfiolJ District on Mond.y the 9ih day of Doceinhor next, at Chest- rfi< Id Court House, to show cause why the real KsUto of Kandal Mc Donald deceased, should not be sold or divided, ' or theii coiisunt will Is: entered of Record. TURN Kit BRYAN, O. C, D. Ordinary's Office, Oct. I I IH39. oO Ht Notice. JBNII K undersigned having bought the entire JL stock of goods f*om Messrs. J. & \V. laiak, would take this in-thod ofinfoiming their friends and nujuaiiitanccs that they have taken the house occupied by the Moars I^enks, w here they are offering a well selected assortment of Dry iioods, Hardw are, and CJroCrries, a ! of w hich they are disposed to rell low for cash or on a short time to punctual customers. II. M. At W.U. TOMLINSON. Chertw March tf i Roberts Silk Manual, 171 OK 8ALK t the Book Man. . Chcraw, Noe. 15,1839. I If Seasonable Goods, THE subscriber Im received a large poititn of bis su| ply of fall and Winter Goods, embracing us great a variety a* ie usoaHy finuxl in any store in this place; to which bo respoct. fully solicits the attention of person* wishing to purchase, an thd#*wi!l be offered at prieee aa low as can possibly Co allorded by any one. II. MelNTOSH. November 3d, ld39. N. II.?A large ouppfy of negro cloths, blank, it*, Over Coata and Cloaks, which will be sold very low. Nov Books. W ATELY Received by wjgou the following JLi new works at the Bookstore, viz : In Theology and Religiou* Literature: Hoard man Original Bin, Village Sermons, Junkin on Justification. Good's Better Covenant, McDow. ell's Uil.lt (/lass ."Manual, Signs of tho Tunes by D. Cuylrr, Memoir of Dr. BodeII by l>r. Tyng. llaMuii'k Crook in tho Lot, Dick's Theology, .McKticn on tho Tvi?cs of the Old Testament. Seconal's works, i'hilip'a Guinea complete in two vols. McKic on tho Book of Eethcr, Chris, tini Yuutii'a Book, Hodge's Hiatory of tho Presbyterian Church, Gurnoy'a Biblical Notot in jip of of the Deity of Jcaue Christ. In C-utral Literature ; Covvpcr nnd Thomson I vol. 8 vo llcmim forma 1 vol. 8 vo. Crabbc, IIcbrd Brougham'a sketches of Characters in the reign of George 111. Dr. lluui;ihrnv's Tour, Maps of & Carolina, Do. of Caroiiuus and Georgia. Also the following School Books; Mot ray's Grammar, KirkhamV Do. Engliah Reader, Jones Chemistry, Do. Philosophy, Bourdon's Algebra. &?. dor. Ciicruw Nov. Id, 1819. 1 tf Instate Notice. tl.L (Mirsons indebted to the Kstuts of Ann * Bui it deceased, late of Chesterfield District, ure.r.>l Assignee! Instate. BWII Ii ceil at Puhhc Auction on Saturday the 3.Kh m>t. part of the Assigned F.Jluta ol' Shatlr.ich Mitch 1' deceased, consisting ff one lot wh?*ro hi* blacksmith shop formerly stood, t'gether with all his blacksmith tools, one gig and It irn'-ss. and one sloe! saw cotton Gin, tegotlur with other thing* belonging to said Filiate?T? nils on day of aale. This piojs rty n sold to meet )us debts and I t k this lie t 101 of informing nil persons in. ?! (.:.?; to hunt!..I unless they settle with n?e before the silo, alter that day they will find heir notes and accounts in the hands of an of!u ccr lor collection. I>. S. HAlil.I.EK, Assignee. November Id, 1^30. 1 tf Okra C'oltoii. SOMK t?f'!i" st rd ?f t h.s valuaLlc cotton are Uh l>>r j i'.e at this office. J tf 1 urpcntcr's Tools. ? 1? 11< I! h i j iv*;. 'i r h is j ist received a very e*-EL iv a- -or'ment of Carpenter'* Tool*. i o'.g whtcu nr , Double and Single, Cast Hied Do.i. J.eh, S .nothing. Fore, unJ Jointer P.a.ii s, \? rig lis, Heads, Dado's, Hollows and lloiuds. Nosings, Grecian Ovalo's. Qtmk O. G. lie Ung li i'i. S: Je Kahbtt, U lisiug, and Sash Plan-*, Sash Cord, Coves for stops, Table P. mes. Torus li ails and Cornice Planes, Uo. man t), G .,nd Fillets, Filh ttstors. Snipes Hills, Gothic, Ci fling, Flcoring, ntJ Plow Planes, flail'- lo-.s. ll.l. SioiiiH, Key Hole Tenant, and Pain I, Hand, (TqshJ Cut and Frame Saws, % Screw Slide Mortice, and Mai king Gauges, A gum. assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and i ir.mT, tin- .tix! (longes, I'l itr nnJ Iron Squares, Silt> IJ. vils, Sp?ku Sh iv*, f.ocl.*, il.ng.s, Sptia-j, .N nla, Itr.Kta. Ac. ALSO I'oIIInH'C'lu'i, H it).I urul I?ro:ni Axes. Oh... in.I Pennsylvania I'.iltcrns, Hammers, Shingling iii'l Lathing II ilchcls, Ac. The above wen purchase! low and for cash a." the best manufacture , and will fee sold cheap T P. MALLOY. November 221, 1*39. *2tl Dissolution. rjg^in I co.|)urtner."hi|i existing betv.ccn the (i Sobcrdicrs. either the fttiu of I' A. A U. I*. 1)U MAS, at Stony I'omt in .Montgomery county, ivi'l dissolve agrccade to the terms of its own limitation oo the 1st day of December next. Therefore, this is to s y to cor friends and cu?. touu r.i. that tve whl < x .0*0 at Public Auction, nn Friday t!? ? iClli l)cr mlii-r, the Uilaitceof our STOCK <>F tiOODS at that place.?the sale to continue lioiu day today until tho whole is dis posed of. LSHAMA. 1)1'MAR. llURWCLL D: DUMAS. Al.SO. rmilir: co. partnership heretofore existing JL between th? Subscribers, tinder the firm of II. I,. PUMAS, A CO., in Richnioiul county, is nn this day disenlved by mutual con. rent, mid we t '.io the liberty of informing out 11 lends und customers generally, that they have our warmest thanks for their liberal patronage heretofore extended, and further nay that wo have rcducod the price of ourtioods in order to clone bus ,ic?s, and will offer at Public Sale, on tiic 24th Decomber neat, the balance of Stock llieu on hand. Ate. All |>emoii> indebted tocith. >.r concern by account, due up to the let day of January last, a ill call and cloao the same by sash or note previous to the day of sale at Stony Point,' TI1060 failing to comply with tlu? notice, inny expect to find their accounts in the hands of in otticer for rollection, as longer indulgence cannot nor will not be given. ISIIAM A. DUMAS, RUKWELL L. DUMAS. Novoml?cr If, lb39 2-3t In hquity. ^ Therein iJitiriei?South Carolina. Frances lluutcr ^ v vs. 9 I Bill for partition Ac Frances Coopor I et alios. I J IT appearing to my MiUfaction that William Cooper a Defendant in thia cane is absent from and reaidoe without the tii.iiUi ot the State or South Carolina, on motion of J. A. Dargan, it ia ordered 'hat the said William Cooper do appear and plead answer or demur to the said Hill of tire Complement, on or by the firat day of January next, and that in default thoroof the said Rill aa to him he taken pro confoaao. It ia a loo ordered that notice of thia order be puhliahed in tlie Cheraw Gatette twice a month for the space of throe monthg. G. W. DARGAN Comm. in Equity. Sept. 26. i?32. 47 H?mf Jm i M