^ picent room whence lie soon it movi-J lo hij 9 * House and th is fir is doing well, and every confidence is entertained of its complete success. Baltimore American. Happing the crops i t North Alabama, th'j Dooatur Register mys th it the yield will exceed ait average crop. M my of tlio planters are picking from crt to fifteen h ire drud pound* to the ncro. The staple is very fins, and wo have nover known n more favorable season tor pa dog it in goo I order ?and it w to bo hoped t iat it will com* tnnnd a fair price. Tlte com crops nro urusu dly fina it is delivered in the crib at 81 23 per barrel. New Oulkanm, Nov. 12. Flour.?The market for tits article romains withont change The sules ere very light at 80/K> a 6.87$. Lirg" quantities tire offuied at 85,50, nltnough holders are not luknt lo sell. Tlio annrotsUs news irom the Ohio River has a tendency to keep the market firm, its low stage prevents the stock of Flour from accumulating to any amount it may reasonably tie anticipot'-d, from a knowludgd of former times, that the Ohio will close botwer*? the 10'h and 20 h of the succeeding month. Kven if thei? should boa rise previous so tlint time, not mora than onc.hulf the product of that per. tion of tho country can bo received before tho spring navigation opens. The receipts from bt. Louis will not rnnch exceed the city consump iou. - Nr.w.YottK, Nov. 13.?Monty Market ? .Nicies.---Two days luter int< lligenue was received the mom ng from Hnglnnd. The arrival was quite unexpected, and hus an'i. cipatoJ several vessels on their way. All were looking out for the British Queen, now twelve days out. I Tho news is not of any striking interest. y Tito wheat market continwtd the same, and tho weather was fa vorabtc. Toe money market in London had undergone no ohvtge. Flour was beginumg arrive freely from America. This int'iliganco, sucl) as it. is if considered favorable in WmII S reet. J The Drji^.u.?We loiru that thedrounght winch has so long prevailed throghout the Southern and Houthwi rern country, continues to be most distressingly felt. A gentlemen, who travelled from Mo. bile to Charleston, s ates that the watering of his horsoon the way, cost him 8vJ3. Wo | aro informed that tho w ii?t of water is s?:v rota felt on our state road to Columbia, while the old Orang?*burgh road is still well watered. Char. Cour. The Raleigh Register says, 44 A painful rjrnor has been in circulutioJ here f.?r several days tlio amount of which is, that Hon. K Iward Stanly and William L. Kennedy, ISsq. of Beaufort, have gone to Virginia, to settle an affair of honor?Mr. K. being the chulienger. Ju-it as our pa per goes to press, a report is in circulation, whether true or fals i we know not, that the parte** were arrested on thn'r way to the battle ground, and bound over." fLT Mr. Stanley's father killed a man in a duel, and he had a bro'her killed in the same way?and by his intimMe fr'w.nd too, h inse.f | ? now a conspicuous citizen in IMorth Carolina. Virginia.* The Rchtnnnd Whig gives a complete classifies ion of tin* member* of the Virginia Legislature, and sums up that. Joint veto last yi nr. Whigs Cons. A lin'n. In S-nnie 9 3 20 In liuuso 72 11 51 81 14 71 Tlu* Year. Whigs Cons. Adm'n. In Senate 10 3 19 In House 68 8 58. 78 11 75 The Conservatives still hold the balance of power an In the towns above mentioned ; in con. tnvjuencu, many ofthe ciizons hud fl d into the country. Emigrants wire pouring into Texas in large numbers. A rivals at Gal. vcston, frotn New Yorlt, rectntly had brought up wards of one hundred families of G rman settlers, who intend to locate in a colony some who re in tlm upper country. A still larger emigration is expected from England the ensuing w inter and spring. A new town has recently been laid out on /iransas Duy, railed 1'hit' More Patriot Trouble*. It is said tKal the Patriots on both k '!? ) lines are u^ft'n preparing for winter operations. Wo sincerely hope it is not s<> ; but from th* fact that the Secretary ol W.tr t;;ts ordrwl Gen. Scott to tit ike the tour o! the frontier, we four there is too much truth in the rumor. Korli' stcr Dem. r An extr ict of h letter Hntcil Milcdgf'villo, Nov. 0 says :?*4 Ha re is a strong feed in ? ngatnt tlio Banks here. Tim ro i From tho Boston Transcript. Singular Accident and Miraculuu* Eteo/w.?One of the most singular accidents, uco .mp mied by n most miraculous escape, lllut we have ever !i occasion to record, occurred yesterday in Portland Pluce. Mr, Hollaifd, a resident there, on returning Iioiom from li s morning's work to dinner, took into Ins arms Ins liUto child?a girl abou: two >ears old?aud^was walking with it pi ijtu'ly about tho houf", when, finding tho scuttle in tho attic opeo, h'- ascended tho Mtuirs o look out. While he was standing oil the steps, a favorio kitten of the chil i's mn by tnom, and passed on to the roof. ' The ctiild exhibiting a wish to catch the kitton, tho father, thoughtlessly placed her (the child) on tho nlge pole of ilto house, (u brick house, three stories high,) while ho went on tho roof to catch young pussy. H? hud left the child but a mom- n , when it lost its balance, robed over, and sliding from the roof, was precipitated on to the pavement below ( To the utmost astouisnment of tiie s|H'Ctutor* vl Uiis awful scene, the child was taken up, not only alive but without the C. _C.. r :? ? hi m ixiiiUt or nny Higns oi internal liurl or harm. H> r U was slightly bruised, but th|i morning aim was as cheerful, and, .ipparbntljr, in aa gOod health as ever, par. ticul.irly nt breakfast time, when she laid to' | us if nothing had hnnponed. FARMERS' &AZBTTG. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 22, 1839. Wo undo rstaflf that Mr. Mills the State Engine ir, lately msda a# examinati >n of the I'ee Dee (rota this place doiiro u far aa the contrart of Messrs. Gregg and Marsha 1 for clear, ing it out, und?r the appropriation of 1837, extended; sad finding the work faithfully executed according to contract, received it. At the worst shoals, these near the mouth of Thompson's Creek, *?m learn that the water is now at least six inches deeper than at toon of the other* lower iW*. Fhii all wo have been able to leartwhdd lUS'a no doubt that tha work has been faithfully done, and, unlike too much of the works paid for from the pub ic treasury, at a moderate price. " Aa much has been accomplished aa could be,' with the amount appropriated. But the amount w as much less than the fair proportion of the Pee I Deo country from the appropriations made for work* of internal improv raent in the s'ate. II *d it been larger, however.it is not improhablo that Icsa work would have been done, and Ices benefit been derived in proportion to the amount expended. The Tee Dee country hae Just claims for further appropriations from the legislature, which we hope it will press at a future and not distant lay ; and which, if 'airly presented at a proper time, will doubtless* be candid'y considered. The state election in New York hss resulted in fovor of the Whigs, but by a few thou, sand votea lies thai last year. The change whk moft y in the city. The majority on join ballot of the two house* is put down a 1*2 to 20. Mr. Tallmadge will therefore be rc-electea te the U. 8. Senate. MasaacuusBTTa.?Tli* atate election took place in th s stale la?t week ; full returns have not yet reached us, but from those received, it appears that if Moston, the administration candidate for Governor has not been elected over Governor Everett, he has com very near it. From all wo ran fearti however the election seemed to turn upon other questions than national politic*. Gov. Everett \va9 open y committed in favor of the "fifteen gallon law" or the law which prohibits the sale of anient spirits in less quantities than lH gallons. All topers and a large proportion of temperate drinkers too, of course, opposed his election; and this question produced mors excitement in many if not most parts of the state than any other. Gov. Everett was also obnoxious to the abolitionists who are numerous in the state ; and the most of them are said to have voted for Morton. These men, however, being once associated with the Administration party in a warm contest may possibly continue to act with thorn in future elections. Abbot Lawrence is elected to Congre-t from the , Boston district in the place of Mr. Fletcher resigned, and Mr. Bake.*, to supply a vacancy in another district, caused by the death of Mr. Alvord. The two members elect are Whigs, as were also their predecessors. Mi**it?ipp* Election.?The State Election took place in Mississippi early in the present month. Wo have seen accounts from only eight counties ; in these the Whigs have Inst 7 members and gained 2, compared with the last election ; making a clear loss of ft. At this ra e the Administration party are likely to hive the majority in the State. It will be seen >y a Nemi-olfiaal article eo- > pied into a preeedirg column, from the Army and Navy Chronicle, that the Government have determined, for the present at least, ts discontinue oflensivn operations against the Scin notes, and to act merely on the defensive. This puts an end to the story that blood houndj had been ordered to hunt them. A late political meeting in Cabarrus county, N. C. Rksolybd that they wou d not support Henry Clay for the Presidency because they consider hun a "valetudinarian in bis construe* tions of the constitution" &c. So at least nvs the renort of their Drocccdintrs Dublidht d Ill tho Salisbury Carolinian. A Mr. Atkinson, of ColumbuH, New Jersey, fated at a recent mooting of the Philadelphia county S.ik Society that he had discovered a niul'iod of preserving mulberry leave* through the winter perfectly fresh and iu a atato to feed *d!( worms, ai tr.if), ng expense. 11* had fed a million of worms tho present year, w?i at the time (Oct. 34th.) feeding half a m.i ion of worm*, and expected to continue the operation throt.gh tho winter. a I A bill was Introduced iuto llio Sfltiwi Georgia to repeal the free banking la# pW eed l*?t seesiion, and after an animated debefc of two days war loot by a vote of 39 to 48. A Mr. Springer ha* in rodueel into tlM Georgia Senate a bill to exempt all whiM persona except lawyers and doctors from pol tax. The fellow ought to be defrauded if ml hi-* property, if be haa any and confined ia life by some curable disease. Thf Dengue prevails in the Pariah of lber? ville, La. A public mating in New Orleans lately passed a resolution 10 invito G?w. Jackson to attend tne celebration of the Eighth of January anniversary m that city. A Whig Convention assembled in Raleigh N. C. on the 12>h. inat and made the following nomination* : John M. More bead of Gai'ford for Governor of the state, Henry Clay tor President, N. P. Talliuadge of N. York tee Vice President of the U. States. An MAssociation for the promotion of the cul'ure of Silk in the United States" baa reh cently been formed in Philadelphia, of which Mr. Biddle, laic Presidont of the U. S. Bank is President. Mr. Biddlo*s acute and discriminating mind, long since perceived the profit to be dnrivsd from thn silk culture, and has now a field of Miilticau)ia|growing on hi* farm near Philadelphia, from which be intends feeding worms. Robsbta* Silk Manual.?It will be seen bj an advertisement in our columns that thia excellent little work is for sale at the Bookstoro. Of all the manuals to which the present excitement ou the subject of silk has given rise, this is the cheapest and decidedly the best. A person of common discernment and common dexterity, with this manual in bis hand, may raise silk successfully and profitably, without having ever seen a silk worm in the possession of any one else. The Legists* ture of Pennsylvania, a ysar or two since bought a large number of copies to be distributed throughout the s ate. W. D. Jones, U. S. Consul for the cityoj Mexico lately passed on to Washington with de-patches from Mr. ?lli?, Minuter to Mexico. Contents not known. The first Monday in Deceiooer seems 10 be the time looked to for the meeting of the Agricultural Conven'ion in Columbia. A Temper ? this time, the fr ends of tempsfSWI'ttlH bs able to bring so s'rong a moral influence to bear upon that body as to procure some mod* t tic a'ion at least of the laws m relation to intemperance and the sale of ardeet spirits. southern agriculturist. Cnnh nts ol the November nmnte-r of lb** Southern Argiculturist, and Register of Kuril Affair.* * . x< Part. I?Editorialand Original. On ItiernuSeMOf Emigration ; hy Cotton. Tiie us** ol Mori ; by Dr. Jos Johnson. Bt leu Corn ; by C Union. , Silk ; by Dr Con|M*r. Pond ret te or Nitf i Soil, with Rernnrk*. TIh? Tropical Plan' Nursery ; by II 07 P rnne. On thn cul ivalion of the Cuba Tobacco ; by Joseph M. Hernandez. The Convention. Ou improved breed of Sheep ; by Sum. ter. Part II.?Selection*. Comparative value of .Morui Mol jeauli*. Morus Alba, and the Uintoi, Alpine rloro tine and Coineso Seedi ng Mulberry T re-*. S Ik. Worm#fed on wot leaves. Product of Mulberry Leaves. Progress nf S>lk Culture, and new improvements in tb?* middle States. Iinpo?'nnce of proper selections of SilkWorms' Eggs- D defence between Nor;h? ern and Southern Eggs. On tne usual carelessness in saving Silk Worms* Eggs. 'Nio Canion Mulberry. The Dividing Rod. On the Propagation, and Cultivaiion o the Quince Tree. Me'hod of keeping. Sweet Po a toes. Sugg-siioos ft,r the Planter. Oltra Cotton. Difference in Live and Dead Animals, | S.do motion (or rocking) of Railway En^g'n?*s prevented. Rain Water Cisterns. Tne Daguerrotype ft plained. Boun y on rms tig Silk. Pabt. III.?Misscrllaneous Intklli ORNCK. S.Ik in Delaware ; .Native Silk ; R hat Potato; K' cpiiife-Muliicaulis over winter New mode of R using Vegetables : Creep log Whoa: ; Pn puration tor A inlying Soils Tito Iniic or Scan in Sftaop ; Saving Corn Planting (iartlnn S< ?'?U in tin* Fall Singula Sulk oi Oat* ; to Fatten Poultry ; Tro< Corn ; Muk t ; Oiwt*ra.to?i oi indentt>ie ink PI nn and pt'.lty remarks or Old Humphrey on Pus. 8 U in n A 14 V The Boston Transcript fucotiously re marks in an article on Ankiiacturo, that lb s cr? t of tin* recip-i for good buildingsta, ii a * or 1?employ good arc hit'ma, ?nd tliei let them ulooo. [Oilier things 'aosiana Iiousm are often a roil, by ignorant intonn'Mkltere. Tin law peopl know of a business the more apt th*>y arc to mec d lo with it if they think they lure a right la d *] ' 7 *suf ,#f canals and i^rpwfe ttfcarry ?hp. pf?KJuc?j of Uie farnwr Co m^fkH. Hot. Aldm Bradford, of llusfgn, if pre- ? paring for publication a fcrti?#Pf flffctf p i* w?i Gotipouvi* for tfhy jnfiw."' ..* .; | * A Mirumpa?. TfctNew .mfdfti cord ciim thai ?m of it* Africans of lbs Amiatud hob bwn decovnrvd to bt'thijpi of a M ?homodaii pr>e?i,and is uble 10 feed a pprtioo of an Arabic proper. Stttrv short tiroo ago too American sailors went ashore nt Huvios, baviag about) ibojn the 01 hoary jarkdintvae wpfaty seamen, and wore immediately arroaOtf and enioncad to imprisonment and hard labor 1 far six years. T?ipy are said to be still lit confinement. The law against carrying deadly weapons is very severe in the island of Cuba, and is enforced with great strictness. I v Gov. Jnanison of Vermont, the othsr dsy returned a bill to ilte house granting apef(vtttnl corporation! and also mmMs| 10,000 of the said com pa ay from tax, now and forever. The house sustained him. There is a man living in Huron, Ohio, who baa twenty-four children by one wife, all hale and In-arty, eighteen of wltem ore males, capable of bearing arms. Specie Payments Resumed The U. 8. Bunk Poa notes. made payable In this city, ore now regularly nMie^nxsJ at maturity by the U. S. Book m N'-w York. Jour, of Com. The present number of convict* in tb* Georgia Po< ituniiary la 160. The Auditor General of PieotyWania, in reply to a Ijflter from 'lie Ed or of the tiirriaburg Reporter, ataies that lb) U j S ap * Bank haa furnished no raftort on it* ( jjudi'ion since Nov. 1B36,'though required . lojio so by laar. ' Pork. The Lafayette (Indiana) Fe* Preea ofO t. 10h. says': There are more fat hotra in that occttun of Indiana than have , w-r before been fed in one senaon. Flouu. Six y-six thous md eight hun. drod and ninety six busln la of ?Ih**( and fourteen thousand ?aro hundred and tlnrtyeight b?rrefa\>f flour. a< re cloared from ibe offi e of t'w <*an>il collector at Buffalo, from he 14 U to tly 22J ul:. inclusive. fi >a aia'ed in |!w Cuirtniiute Gazette of < ih" fQili ultimo, 'hit the FrauktUl and La* fay ? Bunks of Cincinnati. ?oul 1 resume J specie p lynv'tita in a few d ivs. Michigan The eloction returns from this atato utdkata the success of tha Whigs. /Statu Debts. The State debt of Tenleaser la only $2.606; that of MasasohudtKta, nearlv 66 'KXt.OOO ; that of Puno?yl~ vyma 6*2J>00.000. .. > Mobil* Novl 11. We have the aat>?fict.un of announcing ^ A- -41? . - s - - war otKuinr i a i?*rs tin* ryrurr act; oi IflMl mifi -lently aevore to dl-pel nil jppwlira ?itxi? of a con ifcuanco of t epidatmc, a'd iitai convq^mly ulwuiiitn are returning upon u* in rrqwds. Titom >a H'-orit Postmaster at George, town, di-dut that place ou h> morning of the LI ib in*?. Macon. Nov. 12. On Friday night, on** of ihu n fro house* belonging to Jo?i*h Di<*i>ion. of this county, caught lire and was onwin il to the ground ; and allocking to rylnie, a valuable negro man, with hie wife and child, p-ruhed in the fl.mv s. Telegraph. Old Puces Returning- the d ijr o?? Journal (l ite* t ot a contract to deliver * 1000 b irr l? of flour at $3.89 1-2 haw been mode hy n miller of that viciniiy. The Middletown (O ) Mad states that n lot <>t corn was sold in Hamil on last week at 25 cents per bushel, and that nnother lot could no. find a purchaser at that price. In the rieh corn district of Miaaouri. 12 1*2 t en a par bushel ta now the s anding price. Cleveland Herald. A l??tter from Commodore Porter announrrt? liltt O'ift? arrivnl in Qmt ann - - ? in mi* * ?t> r? i sates (lift the Archipelago ia still swarm* ing with p rat<'?, on account of which a convoy is required of the light cruis-rs ofEng. hod, France and Austria, to protect the commerce ot their respective fl igs, which, at occasions occur, is willingly extended to one another. Pennsylvania!!. of the two beautiful giraffes, ovvtvd by Messrs. Wilsh dc Co., died lately in f N -wark, N. J. Tiu-ee animals cost about twen v thousand dollars. The Sydney Argus of Nov. 4, says : **A large )K>rtiou of tt>e bunks of Ohio still continun specie payments. A coinmitteo oft ? Vermont House of fl**prcaen stives has reported in favor m ikii g n g?*ologtoal survey of toe State? prop ?mg an appropriation of $2000 for that oliject. A letter d.iteil Providence, Nov. 18th, . s iya : "Some thr?*e or four of < ur Banks j have voted to reaunvs if enough will join 1 them to make a majorny of the Banka. and . I rather think they wtllgget a majority, but it iayet uncertain " ; A drayman in Cincinnati had to pay ; $*250 a few days since, f?r oareleasly run. r mng ovltf that Mr. Breatd. the celebrated L rn^mc r and constructor of Than* a Tunla nd, has dacotmd a way of obtaning rath iray sp. ad at tho M ?f 300 miles an hour 1 H e y * if t. i s i - i iw* +**"*"?*1 j 5 ? s Boaowos lb '. HQ ft QH j S* 1 l? ft: Cotton, * II"; Com Mi 9ft a. % ' Flour* Country, mum brl * B.ll f ? Feathers fiu wa^oNs l4/.- M A ft? - ' stsew-N. "ss -HU**, , ? 10 r IS, KM IM ? ? Tt . , H^,F?i ? * ,AS : ** '? ? *' < 1 , * Ui 74 I ISO j Una euk 4 a ? SO isi-. - : J? : .s i~SS? ..? IS :. * : Molaseee 44 a * j #S: 7| 4 ? . ""* !?* lb If? w ft, 'lata baih M y /. " Oil. eimian . (fml " JJ? t i ^ ?^jf.i,' ?*| >,? : Pfin'*, white teed- Jul 3 25 ? 4 53 ' "' ' 8I??. browa lb 4 M Pfk IMUb. * aJ* *? * KM be 4 , * *b?*. beg? 2 94 e , j * lb IS* a 14 lb . 18 a if| , ??U eark 3 3 M ' , . baeb 1 85 a I 40 >u*.I. America* lb 10 .a ?.Kaftiah t 14 a Uenaaa lb 13 a 14 ,?^?w lb a 13 4 lee .imperial lb 1 a I 374 ?* iijrw# lb 1 a 1 IS Tob^o. manof^bu.H) U? - f? ? ?,? * / CHARLESTON, \ J Nor ember IS. 1830. Sr&.'W.'I.-S SeleOb 8 US^e 9 1J| , B itter. Ooehen, prime. lb 9S a Brioka. Charteatoa. let qoelitj Ml * - J 4a. Northern 8 10 ~ * * OeSbe. Interior to f+ir, lb 9 1.3 m 11 v \ '.! jl Good foir to Mine, lb II 14 a 13 Choice men On** lb 13| to 134* Pbrtd Rico, !b H 12 a 13 IJI Ri?s lb 11 1 Oa 1.3^' Cotton, Up erd. 4c i^f. Eb * Mulcting to twddlmr fair lb Feir to flillj feir Vbr~. l?ood Pak lb Cbo??olb - > A* Fw1*. Horriugo, MW, W4 * 4 SO Mackerel No. I, bbl 13 00 a 14 08 do. Ns a. bbl I! 04 a 1* 00 ft 0$ ft Rumu, bar, 100 lb S -85 % Motion. Cuba gal a New Orleans, bit a Sugar Houm, gal a OtU, Spora, winter ati*d Summer atrknied, gel. 30 a 95 * Lnaed, gel 80 a 89 Tenners bbl id a 15 Pork. Mum, bbl tfO 00 a 91 00 Prime. bbl 18 00 a 19 00 Mew, Boaten, bbi a Rice. Inferior to good, 100 IW 0 08 a 0 80 Fair to prime, 0"0U a 0 09 Choice, % Sugar. Muacova to, tb 7 a 10 Porto Rko and St. Crots, lb 74 % 105 Havanna white, lb 11} a 19} do. brown lb 7} a 9 laamaM, lb 4} a 7} Loaf, lb 15 a 17 Lamp, lb 14 a 8aIt, Lir. coarse, enck 4 boob I 42} a 175 riw, Hck 4 bwh a Turks Island, bush 45 a EXCHANGE.?Bills on England. 9 a 10 pan' si. prem. On Franca. ?ra Mate it. 95 ? 5f. % Right chock* on New York ham bssn frisM taken at 9 a 10 per et. TWe Bank rfCtwWm chocks on Near York far Itor com atfftna, at 9 par et. prem.?Iter kills are taken al4| aft pay at. pveu. We quote Specie, 4 a Spar. at. pram. * ' *?an^an?an Ukra Cotton. OME af the acod <* this TklmMa cottan are lall for aula at this uftfoa. 8 tf Female Institution* nsHt a? ?;? -? ?- * *? If h ^ w?wn w W W* ,| JL m.il? Inatitation, ftr Un MMthtf fw, will cownvnct m the eecoud HMntof in January nest. the vilUfo or hy the yiwitjiii ?f Ike i. Pernona wba trWh to ofct&io Ward and Uiitia? far yonng 1 diee ara rrquealad to mb Hrtf i|(M* oa< Ion. No?mbo. 894. WJ*. * nil ? I I? & C in !u>rc, m4^m2k to* A rn to fier -- ; A- K3ySBaA3BBffi^^M^^ ^IJBmb3BBBI^5HI^^^^B! w? I?ill I iMlMMfMirl ylv T 'i^ * toUifeot Mid M?>v ?*| \a uiuu pi^vr sovi^^ipnHRiim^i |fc|cl