I rT^awam? in | na*a titgyiPMca the law might be rcpci^d or modified pro; pectivbly. That is '.he bounty might L lessened or be discontimed altogether, if tl: tate so choose, on all c&coone produced froi capital henceforth embirked in the silk cu ttgrc, whether by those riready engaged in or by others. And in tfis way, although ill state might subject itsif to the charge of vai cillation in its policy, it rould still fulfil its le gal obligations, and at piffling expense. The Governor is rathtr late in discussin the policy ofofiering bounties to encourag the production of silk ; tte proper time for tl < was before the law offering a bounty was pas sed. He is also in error in regard to the rn.u ket for cocoons in this country. If he ha made the proper enquires he might hav learnt that there is,'" in different place a ready cash market for all the cocoons pre duced; and if he had iiade himself acquainte ~I*h ? - - ? t. ntntA lk* O 1 ! ^ O t rtr. WiUI liUIIIUtT dJiU Siaivui uk a.in kh-iuulb i the country, he would have seen that, howcvc much raw s;lk Georgia may proJuce, ther will be no need of sending it to Europe to b manufactured, for years to come at least, an probably not beforethequantity produced sha nearly or quite equal that consumed in th ? country. A resolution introduced in:o tiie Senate t Tennessee requiring the banks of that stat to resumed specie payments, was rejected b a vote of 14 to 9, Mr. Pickens of tills state is ncmed as ih probable candida'e of tli?* Van Buren part t'or speaker ol the House of Represents i\e.< Mr. Bt II of Tennessee, formerly speakc will probably be the candidate of the Whi Pnrl7Nir-v York Election.?The state elec lion in New York which took place la> week resulted in favor of the Adininistra lion party in the ci y by a mijori y of nea TQnn. In o'h-r mru of the stato. so f.r a m ^ heard from, the W.'iigs have so large a ma ' jor.ly as to render it probable?the Whi presses say certain?tlia% on joint bai.'oi they will have a majority. Hon. \V. W. Porter, member of Congr^s from Pennsylvania, died on the dOJi of Octo ber. Virginia and .Maryland bank bills are now a discount in New York, of from 10 to Id 1percent North Carolina and Georgia bills li and South Caro'jaa bills from Id 1-2 t<^5. A Dr. Madden, an Englishman who spot some time ?n liavamuh, has come to th; country as a witness ;n behalf of the capture Africans, now in Connecticut. A legacy by the late Wm. Young Burch c Philadelphia, in favor of tIie.Penncylvania In stitution for the instruction of the Blind amount * toil^2,000. Rohan Potatoes Again.?From a corn inuaication in the Hartford Congregationalis we learn that I). W. Grant of Bioomficl (Conn.) planted 13 1-2 bushels of the Roba Potatoes last spring from which lie dog 11 Thp lapiTiisl fnhor w^itrliPrl A t'i I ' " "" ""6'""b"' " " ' " oz. A. R. Palmer planted one potatoe weigh ing less than 8 oz. from which he obtajne ttoreihana bushel; Grandi9on Barber fron 13 !b. planted gathered 1130 lb. Ilector flub planted dug 2 1.2 bush one pe< k planted gathBed 33 bushels. l ^ AfousTA.?The Board of Health of Angus k ta, it their official report of Nov. 8th. an H(^*?^nouifcc that they consider dangers from sick ncss in thHwirii uL^an end, and add: 4Ou absent fellow citizi.s are now confidently in vitcd to return to their hom<>s." i . ^ Missouri and Iowa item to be getting warn about their boundary dispute. It is reporc. r * that the SherritF of Clarko coun'y ins beti arrested by a military force under the author; ties of Iowa for attempting to collect taxes fu Missouri in tlii disputed terrrory. Great ex citement is the result. Messengers are run niinr to and fro. orders are issued to tniliti O - commanders to hold th -mselves and "com m niands*' in roadinef, shot guns are bra-diet powder horjis and slmt pouches are filled, moth ers and wife? are frightened and their hus bands andboys mire so. A very little BjHrl kindles a rery great (ire in any part of tin great country. An Agrieul uia! S ?< i *ty has b* ?n org i nir.ed in Columbia, of which Col. Wad Hampton is President. The following poi j hive been rppointed to reprcsei tldind District in the approaching Agr .!!irtil Convention : \V. Hampton. B. 1' or, F (I. Elmore, J. Gregg, Job j Frist, Mij. Fenhy, J. If. Ad ims, J. ( - Singleton, ft. H. Goodwyn, It. Ilenn r r K.W.Gbbes. Tbe legislature o' fVnness 'c have pasi ^ <-d rtiulu'iions nominating Martin Van Bi ; reo j\>e '.lie Pre si lenry and James K. Poll i pjDf Governor of tiiat stuto for the Vri?.* Y resile ncy. j#7 W^MINUTO.W AND It ALE I Oil R.UL UoAI com piny which is constructing tli V foad,4?nut to Raleigh but to tbc I'etcrsbur | road?field its fourth annual moving oil the? fin / / Mond^- in the piesent rnonMi. We copy tli J I following from the account of the meeting i ' jt J \\he Wilmington Advertiser, jf ) J "In t|eafternoon Gen. Ja:nr s 0\vn w?l k/ ? ife rertjfr, ai President of ih<; G<>. As v\ fcf- -;y /crcflot present, we cannot r; > v give u J - > /, , ipalysfc? of i' to our re id rs; but wc i -ar V tJms inspired the desj oii'lin^ Ktrcng'heii' u*ftangtuno anticipa'ions of the disirus'in AW Aid implanted confidence v/Vr'* none h?tl / ' W-lc citsicd. it *.. :T ir i - maiUBi'jaa - JtsK?TI t. I~tx s- The President stated llu?t under all the >e disadvantages under which the company laie hourcd, in consequence of the necessity of m k''cp:ng up an expensive stage line. The nett prt.fi s for the 1 & five months upon the rail load and stage line, i. e. from the depot a: Wilmington, to the depot at Wcldon, were 830,000. From this, however, s* 8 20.000 arc deducted, as lost by the steamhoat lino ; which leaves a ch ar profit ot 866 000 upon the entire line for 5 months. ? We lie.ird t; significantly remarked by one ;c of ihe owners, that this was li:0 most satis. 0 factory circumstance connected with he s- j work, which had fnll-n under Irs knnwh d.-e r. since Maj. Gwynn> fluttering hypothesis of j 35 per Cf nt. e As 28 or 30 miles of the road r.re still ? unfinished, no dividend is, of course, detg * I clared, the net receipts b"iug applied to " | complete the work. TlfS", however, will | leave J1 ficir of about S 30,000, to that end, n { which it will be necessary to obtain?and T | tor this purpose.* 0 j ^ j Notwithstanding the many disadvantages ^ J of the route, the stock will undoubtedly prove U j productive after the road shall be finished, unless, or until Raleieh shall be connected with 0 Columbia by railroad. Our readers are aware that companies have been chartered by itne L' j be taken and the work be accomplished (and it will certainly be done some tune il not now; then the danger of sickness in passing through e the low country in the summer season, and >' the dangers of a sea voyage from Charleston !* I to Wilmington will certainly divert the travel r j not only from the south*cBt but even from g | Charleston itself to the interior route. The ci izens of S . Louis la!* ly collected - into one pile all the gambler's tables which it ;hey cokM find in the city and set fee to i- them. All friends c?f good (rdr more than three weeks, and am now en in lied ill the arrangement and collection of (acts, calculated to show that it was imported in'o our city, from ih" W? si in ii s, and should I be able to estubs lish my po-i :on, I think it Will prove of imj was" nnportaiice to this common ty, by | enabling us to rut off one so iree at least of j disease by es:uSlij>hing an efficient quaran111 in-." d ! j Formerly it was a general belief that Ycl^ j low Fever is an infectious disease. This beg lief has for many years been loosing ground among physicians, who unquestionably are the j inor-t competent judges in the case. The doctrine of its infectiousness has however alwavs.had ..hie advocates in the profession.? qi estion is one to he determ'ned only by , facts and these are abundant to prove that the * disease is not infectious to the 6ame degree with small pox, measles and some other dis cases always infectious, and originating, in - our day, only from infection. Still it may - prove infectious under some circumstances, r j and this is all that is now con ended for by - ' any om gh'-cnrd advocate of infection. j At ?ho late fill meeting of the Pee Dee Agricultural Society, we understand a qucs d tion arose Whether if among the animals entered 11 f>r any prmium there thonld be none which should be deemed worthy of a premiums any r ; premium should s'ill be awarded ? The socie'y - we understand decided the question in the " affirmative onthegrounl that the published n i resolutions off ring premiums made no cxecp. t on but off red pr- m urns to the ' est a; imals !? whether good or bad. Tain s'-ems to us to be i? j carrying the principle of s rict construction to i- i an extreme. It h, we believe the general k practice of Agricultural Soc.ities when no ani. s ' mal is exhibited for a premium deemed worthy of one to award none. We have, at least, s en* repeated instances elated among the * published proceedings of societies where this course was pursued. Such a case just now r" occurring to u,?, in the proceedings of the 11 Winthrep (Me ) Agricultural Society, pubhshed in the .Maine Fanner, we copy it. ji j % 1 uTiio premium ofT-red for the s"eond best " I 11 1 oar I aisod in tic county, your committee s. did not award to an;, on-'; becaus", alt ou^'ii se.word annuals wi-re oflered ff dis. - , pos.ne of tin.' M.ir;!aod State Bonds gwei l- [ to that Company in payment of its s'oct It; making siu li nn arrangement in Londo O o as, under ihe peculiar circumstances of lh money market there, is considered qui o sal isfactory, and the effect of which will bo f< enable the Company to continue the pros'J crution of its work westward w th vigor. * c Extract, of a Letter dated Nevvnansvtlle, Oct. 2G. On Monnay, 121 st inst. while th.c st'?nr boat R. FC. Call was descending tho Su wanneo River, she ran foul of a Ic !ge o rocks, and stove a hole in li- r hot'om. Sh shor Iv after fil ed and is a total loss. Sir w is luden with Government s ores whirl were a!) take from h-r by means of a Ha thai she had in tow. An instance ofextraordinary speedon tin Great W s ? rn railway is recorded. Tin story goes that on- of tho drivers nnxiou to pu to tin: test c?Tiain stat? m *nts on t i suijec: of atmospheric resistance, ohainu permission of the engineer in chief to rui nn engine and t- rd i* at the highest pos ibl< sp-'Pil ihr the whole 1 ongth of the line nri engagement b ing entered into, that ii lit** event of any disastrous ctyisequ mces ensuing to the adventurer, provisio.i*shoul< b" made for his widow and children and that a time being chosen, when lh? line was quite clear Irom all traffic the diS taneo of twentv-ei^h: miles was gone ovr at the rate of more than one hundred mi'e an hour.?Bait. Pat. From the CentrevlPe {Ml.) Sentinel q, Nov. 1. Rwtand R'u v>dshed.?A riot occurrci on Saturday ni dii lust b -tween several c ti zens of this coun'y and several individual: belonging to the r:rcus and menagerie o M ssrs. Rivmnnd Ogdep, Warning, flab ti -y, Win l;s & Co. then ex sibiilng in tiii: town. B right Cone.- pi ion. ? A ii ??i v** of Ir-1 ire l? "'v ??lt. <1 ?t liiMiffic*'ot*n Natch" z E Ij'mi and w'sMiijf '<> have un advorna'.neut ::> sorted, inquired for 'lie 'erms. Pie w.n t?. lomed that t! e charge w is a dollar pe square for tho first insertion, and a half ; dollar for t!ie second. And I don't wan your fi st insertions at all. I'd like the cotid sure, s ,'d lie. R I. S ar. From the Correspondent of the .V V. Courier The Napoleon Family in France.? Tne attention of tho pol.ee, is, in an e*i> cia manner, directed o die detection ofcorrcs pondenre hot ween Pr nei; Lotus Napoleon who is iu England, and I.is partizuris, her but nothing lias been discovered recently A proof that the ex.led family is rrgade as dangerous oerured here the other day Mr. (??r Pricic**) Lucein Mont?an Ameri can cciz n, as you know?su Idonlv, am without notice, pr<-seiVod himself 10 you Ambassador, General Cass, \v!io asked hin if he hid a passport? " Yes, to fl svr wl)< r<* I Ian I d. 1 ihepce came to Pari without the formality ui iiavi g it 4V!*e b; the authontes." General Cass,-aware o the awkwardness of the transaction inn nod lately saw Marshal Soult on the subject After some n' gociation, it was settled tha Mora proceed to Italy on his private affair ?-witch was indeed Ids object in coininj hither. Ho reached Florence, but rcceiv t d a notification that he must go Lucca where Ins relations are, w.'tii whom hi^lAisi ness lay. < ? I itiere he is. His brother, M. (or Princ 31:is. lies w i re he r ma In, Sutherland, tint,k Canadan p nriot,"" wiiol.ves to lig ?t 1110 h- r day.' I 1 in* Presid- nt's hous" there is a row c plain p tinw*\pine tables, used by Gon<*r>. Washington, as wo understand, when h was 1\ f lent, an l on which his enter hin meats w<-re spread ! Tn?*y in a contra' with the r?reeoiis furni'uie wh eh now do j curat-s lie; President's Mansion show ih i progr ss o'* hxury in our country. A in-n in Cmeiunati lor some d.-n" pa! (.....n t llinriiwr 11 11 ler f l:r? 11 11! 111' 111 11 i 11 IlilS l#U> II I . that lie i? ;i tiiuliican'istree, well sidebr.mc! c(J, in a flourishing condition, Tli ii' wsp >por cred.t system cense I i Mi tsissippi on the fns: of the preset.t moot! by agreement among nil of the printers ( the State. No name is now added to tt? list of 11io papers there, unless a year's ud vonco is forwntJe I. An Irisiman named Michael U'alsl aged ;)">years, was knocked down by t|j locomotive attached ,o a train of oars goin :o Harlem, when near Gist street. an J wa instuitly kiiicd by tno whole train passin 1 ovr his head. A be >uti!ii! monornent to Spnrzhcim.i M >unt Auburn cem't ry, has been er -etc by I e 11). ral.ty of William S ugis, E-q. 0C7" Specie, for ih ' purposes of clnngi i s selling at un advance of twelve per eei in Ohio!! Mr. Audubon, is occupied in netting ot a second e l tion of bis " Uirds of V u t in. t \ new set of engravings is t i ". B Iden Walker, have lost (without insurance) , their enlhe stables, carriages, and sixteen r; horses, I) sides o hMr valuable property, e O.i Sunday uftemoon, a man about 40 s years of age, name unknown, was killed on i* the G> rman'oii Bail R >ad by lito Incnmo.. d live pas^.ng over him. lie was in advance ti of the train, and in attempting to escape, foil on tiie roil ti.rough intoxication. ', Retf. Mr. Washburn, ofSufli-M, Conn. . 1 has raised from a a ngle squush s 'ed, over i i, 000 pounds of squ ishes. One of the 1 I squashes W"igh"d 123 pounds, anotii, er 120 another 110, another 101. ano. ; ther 94. and small ones to make up mo e . than 6*t0 pounds?from a single se al. , Tlie S ate d *bt of M issachu^et s s n* arly ' s five million of dollars. The g "ut. r pari rif If li.?i>n rr.ei o/I litr flip lufin ill#* Stat" to t o \Vost'Tii Rail Road. f Th.? wool raised in Verrnon. this voar is | vvor li t'lT' C m llions of dollars, estimating : 1 ii at aTi average priro of o() cents a pound* The-Peoria (III no:s) ile?i?tcrstatos that toe s keeper of a drinking >hop in that to vn has f lately been fined on tlir *e c inrges ; 1st. for . ret tiling spirituous liquors without license, s 810; 21, for keeping Ins s: op open on di Stbb.rli, 8o0 ; 21, lijr keeping a disorder, y hous- S'V). Tne R 'gister ndJs,'* this j 1 :$ as it s o-j'd le." J I , \ ??".v Fr? neh p iper has he??n comwn- j ' - ce.J uj t;j. cj v of N< w York < a.hd L'Ind - j' - """Hi1 Ii is (luiihsiiiui tw Ce aA.'ek. I r Mr. Rrenholt, th?* mister liuiMer, enjra'j || ;i d on the second Picsbyterian churai at | St. Louis, | iflv foil Iro.n about mdwavofM - the ru e! t, to ill" so..If filing, on tfie top of (( Hie wal', without sustaining serious injury, j | A recent fun in Natch z burnt die resid , I mre of the (Ion. Rob rt. J. VVa'k^r, c it * J( j didate for tho United S ates Senate ; an J a I j lire in Vicksburg has burn the res d ajeeof i, his opponeiu, the Hon. Sargeant S. Pren- < '* lis. 1 Handsome Specu'a'ion.?A gentlemen in j Fauquier county, Virg nia, lately sold Muih.-rry trees o tho amount of S10,001), die produce of half an acre of ground* j R deigh S'ar. Nov. 6. Tiie Mew York Star says tiie tim ?s en. 1 coung -counterfeiters. One of the banku I. ( of that city recently took a handful of don!), loons which were afterwards discovered to ho spurious. * ... A $?-4" Spark Destroy rs?The great de \ ' sidzfttitM in travelling by stcim, is probably f; ob ained. A Frenchmen has invented a ' * plan, which effects a rotary motion in thn I furnace, where the sparks and smoke re * vulve continually til! they are consumed, I ' and never pass off. Tbc Critish brig of war S -rpenf, Com- J * mamicd by Captain Core, arrived at New j * York on Sunday from Port Roy at, Jrmnic-? i 1 and H ivcnno, Sir Lionel Smith, tiie Iiteh very unpopular (iovoruorjii on board of her. Sf?e \va? to sail on Monday again for Bermuda. 1 A vein of black lead, it is said has been \ > # , discovered on the farm of a Mr. White. ] *? ;?11, in Cos'iU-.Mon county, Ohio, which' r on examination, proves to lie of an excellent J quail'V. 1 From a fable exhibiting the relafivo vn. ; Ln of the real an 1 personal estate in the! city and county of New York, as nss-ssed,!' ^ in 1838 and 1839, ii appears that the ass< ss- jJ men' of the present year amounts to ?(),- ii ' 019.796 dollars 43 cents ; exceeding th'*t ?( 1 ol last vear bv 2 036,289 dollars 43 cents. '. _1 iJ 1 POST A OF. IN PRUSSIA. j 1 Tlie Ivngol P u.ssai ha.s given order that ? * nil periodicals on the subject ol Kvangeiical t 1 M ssions among be I lea'law shall, lor the ! ' tutor' !? ' e\> uijited from I" S ?ge all over he kingdom. In 1^33 :'"s monarch did , " the same for a hook of Hymns. A d s- j t nguislie I 1' stor, u ho publis k d in 1*W7 1 u ilicilU,. unrlvnfi t:i?' S iiicli. ! ?? I I Jtl I l\?? ?*? > ? ' ?ll V/l* * " ' ...v v fic iluin ofiho Sabbath, h is Vso j ist received - HIS Majesty's U1V I Itioi) to pU i'l'sIl .'ill t'lOU" and ?? ?p fs ofa popular work on spirituous < if liquors, to bp dist- V.ited gratis throughou' ' .! t e Pn;s>ian Monarchy. North American. ,. _. X/f H IE D i In Rrnwnsville on thu 30t!i of October last by ! i th ? R v. N. Ware, Mr. W. II. Cannon jr. of Darlington District, to Mia.? Ann M. daughter of Cipt. G-'O Hoilges. :f In Macon County Ala. on the 2nd inst. :1 by the 11-v. 1{. 11. Daniel Dr. Miles Os ' bourne, formerly of Anson Coun'y^N. C. to .M ss Sarah Ann, daughter of the late Jani'-s C. Pegu s ol Ubcsterfi Id S. C. i, rm'TMinn )f .j ^H^^B^^B^^^^^^B ^" ^^^^^^^^^n'orlsFi'ny, at t!i~l 1 Ho.ise of Al-*. Davis, .Mr. David B. iMumienli.il a native of J ulius town, ttuilford (.'nun'v. .\. ("^ ,j .Mr. M. win an intelligent and promising oiing m ui 111 ; in l'irf d villi Ilia rvd.itiv-'s and employers li iv-i unstained .1 loss which cannot bo replaced ' II.j was Engineer oflhu Steamer Swan ant a was attacked vvilli billions fever a few days only ,r previous to his do ilh. A skilful physician was 1 called to him whose attention, witli that of other friends around him, wae unable to ^Lneat , CHEHAW P'lICE ClJiBENT. Friday, Novphi er 15. A;;TICI.E9. pkh | ;$ U. j & (J. Heel in market, ib 0 5 a 0 7 Bacon from wagons, IS 11 a 12 i by retail, lb 14 a 15 Hutu; lb 15 a 05 Beeswax lb 20 . a 23 Bagging yaid 18 a 25 Bah; Ripe lb 10 a'* 12; Co live lb 12 J a 15 Cctto.v, lb 9 a l:? Corn bush 75 a 80 Flour, Country, scarce U1 & 50 a 9 7 Feathers fin wagon.- lb 40 a 50 Fodder. lOOihs 87 J a 1 C'as--, window 8> I0f 5 M't 3 23 a 3-3? , " 10x12, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 fl ies, green :ti 5 a dry lb 10 a I run lOOJbs 5 50 a f> 50 Indigo lb 75 a 2 30 I lime cask 4 a 4 50 Lird lb 12$ a 15 [iCather, sole ; lb 22 a 25 Lead, bur ib 10 a Logwood lb 10 a 15 Molasses * gnl 45 a 50 , N. O. gal 50 a f/2 Nnils, t ut, assorted lb 7$ a 9 , wrought Ib 16 a 18 t ?als bush 50 a Di', curriers gal 73 a 1 ?, lamp g;l 1 25 a ?, linseed gal I Id a 1 25 I'ain s, white leaJ keg 3 25 a 4 52 , an. brown lb 8 a 12 Pork I OOP* 8 a 10 Rico I j-)!hs 5 a 6 >hot, big 2 50 .a , in ICJ a 13 -iugar lb 10 a 12< 5 i!t sack 3 a 3 25 bush 1 25 a 1 51 >tee!, American 1!) 10 a , Knglis'i Hi 11 a , German lb 12 a It f.iiiow lb a 12 < fea .imnerial lb 1 a I ?, f.yyon I!) 1 a 1 25 Fobucco, manufactured lb 10 a 5 J ~C/JA HLES T(jN, November 9, 1830 Ranging, Hemp, 17 a 23 L? ilo iiojte. lb ?5 a 11 12 Bacon Ham-, lb 10 a 15 Should rs, lb 7 1 2 a iJ 3. leu, l'? 8 1-2 a 'J 1.2 U lit ;r. Goshen, prime, !b 25 a Ui'lOrid, Uhirloulon rj'Valiiy 12 1 do. Northern 8 a 10 ['ollVe, Interior to fair, lb 9 1-2 all iiooJ t'oir to prime, lb II 1-2 a 12 Choice groan Cuba lb 12$ to 12$ Porto Rico, !b 11 1-2 a 1: 1.2 liio, lb 11 1 2 i 1.8 Jetton, Up ord. ic inf. lb Middling to middling fa.r ib Fair to fully fair lb boo 1 Fair lb Choice lb Fish, Herring", new, bb! 1 a 1 59 Mackerel, No. I, bbl 13 00 a 11 0') do. No. 2. bbl 11 0) n 12 0) do. N >. 3 bbl 7 03 a 7 5 J Flour, Bait. if. S. sop, bbl a Puil idelpbii and Virginia, bbl a Cau-il, bbl a Corn, bush 70 a 75 Iron, Fig, lttO lb 1 00 Swroodos. assorted 10:) lb j 00 a Russia, bar, IU0 lb 5 25 a .Molasses, Cuba ga! a Now Orleans, bbl a Sugar IIouso, gal a Oils, Sperm, winter strM g.l 1 25 a Summer strained, gv. 1)3 a 35 Linseed, gil 80 u 89 Tanner", bbl 12 a 15 I'ork, Mess, Mil 20 00 a 21 00 I'rime, bbl 18 00 a 10 0J Mom, ttiston, t bl a Uico. Iufcrior to good, 100 lbs 0 00 a 0 0.1 C.iirlo prime, 0 Oua 0 l)J Choice, a ^gir, Mps eova !o, lb 7 a 10^ I'orto ftlco a;jd St. Croix, lb 7^a lOj Havamia white, lb 1a 124 sci-v:.ti.-?:i<. Irtnif Districts. &.C. a'u ivill ba found p?-:accurate and precise ii t!?>>o points. They can be writ by ni.nl to n?r part ot'tlie U-.'itotI States, snhjwt to single letle a ?siige. PRICE two dollars, or three copies o illnr will be sent by mail for 5 ch-liars I liberal discount will boi.t.nlo to travelling eg- nt i>r to any who will buy to sell again. 17* Editors of newspapers any w here, wlv will give t!re above advertisement Oncludirtj this no'ice) o>:e or two insertions, shall receiv by return mail a copy of each map, if they wi! send a copy of the paper containing it, to ill advertiser. November 2, IS3i>. 1 tf Robert's Silk Manual, JIOR SALE t the Bookstoro.. 1 Clieia-.v, Nov. lb, 1839. 1 tf_ Hooks for the season. rjlIlG Christian Keepsake and Mi.-sionar i Annual for 1810, 9 Engravings. The Girt, edited by Miss Leslie, for lb40, 9 Er graving?. Holiday House, a sarios of Tales by Cutharid Sinclair. T!io Minister's Family, hy a Country Mini: ter. Pumiiu rit T1 I.? nr ttio T. fliipnrn rtC Gliri ...v. . ? ? ? lian Principles. Loiters of Eliza Wilkinson during the invrsic and possession of Charleston, edited by Mr Oilman, &c. For mle at tha Bookstore. Cher av Nov. 15, 193:). I tf \ Miasoimblo Goods, / III IE subscriber has received a lirgo portic JB. or* his 6ii| ply of fill and Winter Good embracing as great a viriety as is usually four in any store in ths place; to which he. respcc fully solicits the attention of persons uishioXLj purchnso, as they will bo offered .is can pnsatblv be atlordedJj^flvono. MdNTOSU. 39. <*^\\\ U.?A large su^p'y of negro cloths, blanl eta. Over Coats and Cloaks, which will be so! vcrr !ov^ -f . .. * ... v Hi'' . * J ' New Books. . U" AT ELY Rocci.'ed Ly wagon the following , new works at tl:2 Bookstore, viz : In Theology and Itetighu* Literature: Board. '1 ntan O.igiiiul Siw, Vrticgc Sffir-oce, Jui.kin on Justification. Good1* .Belter Covenant McDotr; el Pa Bible Class Manual, Sign9 of the Times by , . , i L). Cuyler, .Memoir of Dr. Bcdoll by Dr. T/ng, & Boston's Creek in the Lot, Dick's Thcolcgr, iff' i. McEnen on the Types of the Old TfiSiSc^uf, * Scoiigal's tvntks, Philip's Guides two vols. McRie on the Hook of Es|hsrt tiin Youth's Book, Hodge's History of ' Presbyterian Church, Gurney's Biblical in proof of the Deity of Jesus Christ. * In Genera! Ltteiaturc; Cow per an! Thotnfsn 5 1 vol. b v'o li tmus Poems 1 vol. 8 v$. Crabb?, ^ Heber ?ti?l Pollock 1 vol. 8 vo. Mooaft Works, 1 vol. 8 ro. Junta's Lctttr3, BrcrvT U.nivers; 1 Gazt?tUer, Metropolitan Pulpit, bctfg sketches ' of the most c bbralcd living English Preachers of all D . non-tiny lions, Lord D;??/gha^i's sketches i of Charades in the reign of George III. Dr. *' flumphrav's Tour, Maps of a?. Car aim a, Do. of Carolinus an:! Georgia. *" Also t!i.i following Sthiol Books; Murray's ^ j Grammar, Knkham'* Do. English Header, Jones , V/UVI i. uiiJeUfHV I li ? i &c. & \ Che raw Nov. 14, It'J?. 1 tf* v Vj Estate Notice. * % A LL prrcons indebted to the Estate of Ann j Burn deceased, hte of Cheats: ficM District, i ari tri quested tu come forward i ?J r.k>ke payment; ! and all who bare claims ag-inst said Estate will ! present I ho same duly authenticateJ as th2 law directs. j. w. max, j li. L. EURN, Executors. 3 Xo7. 15th 1633. 1 tf kale o!" Assigned Estate. i ^ i |T \\ I'.I, se 1 at Public Auction o:r Saturday J3. the 3Jih ir.st. put of the Assigned flstaro of Shidrach .Mitchell deceased, consisting cf one lot where his biickcmith shop formerly stood, ti.g'thnr ivitli all his blacksmith tools, ona gig and harness, and one steel saw cotton Gin, together with cih;r thing* belonging to said Kstute?Tcirr.s cn day of 3aie. j This property is *r?!d ??? rr: :ct hie debts and 1 i..k this meti.o J of informing ell persons indebted to him that n?:i*>s t.Vy settle v.iih zna , t before the s dc, u'.l: that day they will find | their notr? n;iA -jejt. :uiJ in the hands of an ct!i. 1 cor for collection. D S. iIAUM.LT, Assignee. November 13, is39. 1 tf i .mliu , vio iwi.vauu^. | ]fTOR S,!o ;u y or r,:ltu TWO MILLIONS | j*. of Moras M jltic-u is cutting* of rerrjnrkii. j bly tvel gr *ni mi w!l matured .vcod; a largo ' proportion fa n\ reois coo and two years olJ. | Tho tics i r v ry super or, genernlly t'rotrx d t.? ,1! feet high, growing on diy sand) land, iurcvrs I from 1 1<> 6 feet a pint, a:;d standing, generally, i at Iro.w 2 to 5 feet in therc-v. .Mein t'tcjps and ; branches v. ill be ru'J tc-g'titer ; and, rather than refuse a good olVoi*. the r.*?ol3 will also be s worth visiting from u distance by .i p? rann u U1 i.?g to purchase so great a num. ber of trees or r.iitiugs of ptnne quality. 'i lu preyent pi i-> i '2^ cents |?or fool, or 0 cents per T*" bud. A I' ii"-m iMr ib iltirf ii'tluM*." T. . h'1 "i irld'f wv:r. v of the whale & . JEW t^d online:* , ?. . ! rfirs :rr. .--stn!t! is within a few hunoied yards pi i the Chora'.v Lout landing, fu.ta which there-ii i rt-nrrr.V-al t--nnmi > ? m,, y. jtj; (j'rt.-y? Town andflh.nlci.tou. # - - * W./IV* The post 9 go n.'i.-t be paid on all Liters on tlio 1 subject or thev v. ill not attended to. M. MACLEAN. CJier .-.v S. C. Ojuhcr 4th k iSGSPltC'S.'ilS r.r rrrt* . i AND ' j filERAW AM LKTISPB. J The Ktiiior of the (."he u.v Gu? tie has dei. ! termined, ;?i the suggestion of the Pee Deo t j Agueuiiura! Sorreiy, to devote more space s ! tli"ti former'y Agriculture. and matters per* 5 ; tainiet/ -'j ecfally its .:nt, reots. About r.irio !* j color: :'s. r r t v. d a t 'n!f weekly. will bo u ; occ;: -ion w;th this subject, except when :t i shall ho Roccvsary to make room for Uxecutivc i i .Message?, ami a few other political papers ! suck a.: evc-iy intci igeut c'linen ought to ream , I A large pfoiu.tior; of a hat thall appear under :t the Agricultural! : nisi, :f coarse, be ser | Iceted. I??jI the numerous, Agricultural p*ri! 1 oiicals now published in this country aipjid I' j abundant and excellent materials for selection; and, after a thort time, the reports, and other 5 ft papers of the IVe Dee Agricultural Society 1 ; will of themselves, form no inconsiderably 1 | body of origins! matter, a.i of it adapted pur1 I ticulailv to t.'.'s part of the country. And ;i I j is hoped, a!-o, il.nt among the numerous in> I telbgent and < nterpnsing plaute-s of the sur^ rounding districts and counties some may bo g found who will, occasionally, take the trouble i of contributing to the columns of the paper ?b