' 01 THE WpOU " ?T]uu to 9*te* ?? *itm Old Werld *ad the i _ -New. % , *& _iy* ' The loft ovei a livery stable In Saoraineuto, Cel., wu fitted up as a variety theater, with gallery and stage, and was called Moore's opera boose. The opening night ooonrring on Satur day, tho place was crowded with people. Shortly after the performance began an ominens creaking was heard, and almost instantly afterward the floor sank in the middle, carrying down the gallery and stage and precipitating the entire andienoo into a confused, shrieking mate of humanity. The flro dej^rtmont was quickly on hand and aided in getting the badly scared people from tho ruins, when It was ascertained that seven were killed and folly one hundred wounded, some mort..! y. Borglars gagged end bound tho watchman at Catskill station, N. Y., blow open the safe, and escaped with the contents A Beater telegram from Oaloatta states that later accounts say that 120,000 perform perished during the oyoloue which passed through astern Bengal on the thirty-first of Octobor. The government is taking active steps for the relief of the distroseod population of the district. Tho London Times' correspondent puts the number at 215,000, based on official returns from the various police sections Judge Humphreys, in the case of Admiral Porter and others of the NorUi Atlantic squadron against the rams Texas, Dean fort and ten other Confederate vessels, Undo that for want of proof the captors are entitled to bnt one-half of the proceeds of the pnzee, and that the valuo of the Texas was 155,520 and the Beaufort 912,000 It is annouued that tho Rothschilds have promised to lit Russia have the amount of money she requires Wm. McKee'a pardon from prison, whero bo was confined for fraud in the whisky ring, followed shortly after Avery's The vote of Virginia?all the oounties being beard from?gives Tilden 189 512 and Hayes 95,208 | TUden's majority, 44 244. Two of the Congressional dietriota will be oontested The Vermont House, by a vote of 129 to 19, passed a b'll to All the vacancy in the electoral college caused by tho ineligibility of Mr. Sollaoe. The Democrats are contesting the matter, declaring that Amos Aldrieh, a Democratic) elector, was elected The result of the canvassing of the votea in 8onth Carolina gives the Haves * electors the vote by mijorities ranging from 230 to 1,133. The smallest vote for Republican electors was 91 136, and the highest vote for Democratic electors was 90,906. They report that the Rcpnbiio.m secretary of State is elected bp 227 majority; Republican attoniuygeueral by seven votes; Democratic oomptrclergeneral, 7.256 msjortiy ; Democratic superin* tendent of education by 442 majority, and two Republican members of general board by 161 and 20S majority, respectively. The British gunboat Lap Wing was Ice: in the greet cyclone which swept over India. All the offioers and crow were saved. ...James W. Lick, nephew of James L ck, the California philanthropist, has filed a petition oppoeing the appointment of John H. Lick, the natural son of the deceased, as administrator, and asking that he be granted lotters of adminis nation ... .The immon&a loss of life in India was caused by a tidal wave which swept over ' he la! ft nan and adjacent country In many plaoes to depth of twenty foot, carrying off the bootee, inhabitants and cattle, as well cs at provisions, bo that the sorvivora are in darger of famino. The large number of dead bodue lying about have oommeuoed to putrefy, and oholera in expeoted to pet in in oousequonce. The government in rendering all aid possible. By the burning of a building in Last Cambridge, Mass., ooonpied as a furniture manufactory by John Ciark and a cheese factory by Page &, Qjre, a loss of $100,000 was entailed The captair ai.d officers of the bark Daring, from Liverpool, were arrested at Newburyport, Mass., for cruelty to their beamnn. One man jumped overboard on the i ass?ge to escapo brutal treatment, and *-ss drowned The assessors' valuation of t eal and personal property in the State of 31 .c-aobueetts for the year 1876 shows a net Ics-s of $71,299-19*2 since last year, the lose In Bc*Mn being $14 965,685.... Receivers have b. on appointed for the Ohio and Mississippi r. ilroad, and pat under $200 000 bonds, 'l ae bonded indebtedness of the road amount* to $13,000,000, and. the floating iodebtedn se $1,000,000 Tilden'b majority iu Alabama is 34.383. Numerous disasters occurred to shipping during tho recent storms on tbe coast line. Although a number of vessels were lost, no lives were sacrificed Americans ean hereafter register trade marks in Great Britain on the same terms as nat ves l'he State debt of Massachusetts is given as (83,566,461, being a decrease of (330,000 during the year.... The czar of Russia, in an interview with the ambassador from England, stated most posiively that he bad no design of permanently ooenpying Const an tinop e ; and that his warlike efforts were solely for the protection of Christians from Turkish barbarism The famous shorthorn bull Nineteenth Duke ofAJrdrie, valued at (20,000, died iu Illinois Letters from Wen-tchou, a marine eity in the province of Che-Kiang, China, state that the native Christians there are suffering from much persecution. .. .Torpedoes are reported to have been plaoed in Buasian ports on tho Black sea The official vote of Ohio gives the total number of ballots oast ss 658,649, of whioh Hayes received 880,698 ; Hideo, 323.162; uooper, 8,007, and Mattering, 1,712, Hayes plurality ia 7 51?, and his msjority, 2,747 Tha official vote of Pennsylvania ia as follows : Hayes, 881,148; Tilden, 868.204; Cooper, 7.204; Smith (Prohibitionist), 1,818; and a local I loft ah eighty-three Official returns from an bat foorteen small plantations in Maine, whioh oast less than three hundred votes in 1872, gives Hayes 66,180 votes; Tilden, 49,110, and scattering, 400, soaking Hayes' majority, 18,721 Hew Jersey's official vote gives Tilden 116,968 ballots and Hayss 108,620 ; Titdap's majority being 12,488?Eleven persons were drowned by tho wreck of the Belgian steamer Delloye Matthisn In the Baltic ess. The offlcialvote of Mew York city is as follows: Tilden, 112.680; Hayes, 68,468. For governor, Bobinson, Dam., 110,648; Korgin Bep., 69,806. Ely, Dam., for mayor, received 111,880 to Dix, Bep., 67,811. The official vote of Kansas, except two Qwa Bounties, give Hayss 77.610 votes and Tilden 67,471, Hayss' msjority being 40,089 The official vote of Oonneotiont shows s total ^ of 122,120, of which Tilden received 61,934; Hayes, 60,084; Cooper, 774, and scattering, 878 Wisconsin's official returns give Hayes a majority of 6,161 Governmental matters Lin Maaloo bare taaumvd a somewhat oomph i.i 11? ??n??? i n?~n oated stato. Lordo do Tejado l it Juat teen re-elected preaident and la reoeiving congratulatory dispatches from all partaof the country. Meanwhile, ex-Chief-Justioo IglaeUe bu proclaimed himself provi-ional president nod formed hia government at Leon, in tbeaiute of Guanajuato. wbcie bo is sustained by the governor and legislature. The precession wbioh eaoortod IgUaias to Loon attacked American missionaries with the ory of " death to Protestaute." The missionaries barricaded i their doora urtil rescued by the police. Government troops are already marobing against the town of Leon, and oonaequently Igleeiaa 1 will soon be foroed to dissolve hia government. Gen. Diaz, the ohief of the original insurgents, is still holdiug Oaxaoa The now captain-general of Cuba la causing the arreet of all suspected persons in the Spanish towns, and has ordered a largo number to be shot. Spain declares that on tho capture of the Cubans who took poeaessiou of the steamer Moctczuma, they will be summarily shot A "rowing association for New England Col- t legs*" has been formed by the students of Dart- i mouth, Brown and Trinity. They deoided ou a 1 iour-oared race to be palled at New Loudon. 1 A lots of 40,000 was occasioned by the 1 burning of Payne's graiiaelcvator in New York ' city A Joint resolution has been passod by tho Vermont Legislature instrucling its Con- 1 greesional delegation to use its influenoo for 1 specie resumption by January, 1879 Miss Emma Jared, residing near Koytesville, Mo., rejected the marriago proposal of Josoph B. , Brown on command of her parents, whereupon the young man shot her dead... .Japan's , official army consists of 83,000 men The , American bug Francos Lewey was run down and sunk in Chinese waters by tho British i steamer Leonore. Six of the crew and passengers wero drowned.... .The Younger brothers, who made the uneuooeesful attempt at bank robbery in Nortbfield, Minn., for v hioh they were hnntod down by tho entire population for ' days, have been sentenced to imprisonment at 1 hard labor for life The latest reports give 1 the following ae the status of the newly elected Congress of the United States : Democrats, 1 153; Bepublicane, 140. Democratic majority, thirteen. The preseut Congress etands: Democrats, 183 ; Republicans, 110. Contested ( I seats and members to be elected may change tho figures of the next Congress, but not materially. , The snltan has decreed the absolute abcli- j tion of the slave trade throughout the Ottoman empire Fears of war are increasing all over the frontier of Cape Colony, Africa. ] Native affairs on both sides of tho Biitisb bor- j | ders are very unsatisfactory and aro becoming nuvioda i rum Ban to Domingo say i the situation there wan improving. The only port oontlnoing in arms against tho govern- l ment of Qonzales was tho southern part of < Azua. Large numbers of troopB were sent 1 I thither, and it was probable they would Boon reduoo it to obedience The figures reported by the South Carolina board of canvaesere, under the order of the supreme oourt of ' the State, give the Kayos ticket 91,870 and ' the Tilden 90,906, Hayes' majority being 9G4. \ The official returns from New Hampshire give Hayed 41,622 votes; Tilden, 38,449, sud ' scattering, seventy-four. Hayes' majority over Tilden, 3,073 The offioial returns from | Minnesota show the majority for Hayes to be , 21,008. rlhs three Republican representatives , to Congress being elected by the following i majorities: Huunell, 8,916; Strait, 4,730; i Stewart, 2 040 Okas. Lemons, a recluse I residing in a tent in New Brunswick, N. J., set 1 fire to his bedding while smoking (being uuder tbe influence of liquor) and was burned to 1 a crisp Oni. Crook's command reached j Fort Bono in capital condition, notwlihsLuud- ' ing tho severity of the weather. New Indian allies having joined the command, makes nearly four hundred Indians in all, aud brings the entire force to nearly 2,900 men Two dangorous counterfeiters were arrested in Indiana and a large amount of good imitations found in their possession Iowa gives Hsyes 171,327 and Tilden 112,099. Hayes' majority, 59;:!28 Eighteen colored men, who were engaged in an attack on a oonstable and posso at Stafford's cross roads, S. C., have . oeeu arretted The regular army coLUins i 25,321 men, according to the report of General ' Sherman, just published Wm. M. Tweed, j captured in Spain and delivered to the Umtod States government, arrived in New York by the United States steamer Franklin and was { turned over to the sheriff, aud again confined , in Lndiow street jail, from which he escaped t some mouths ago. Twoed comes back a do- 1 orlpit old man, broken in body and in spidt. j A relative who visited him in jail opon liia , arrival eaid : "He is crushed and brokon. He has lost his old buoyancy and defiant spirit. ( In faot, he is suffering from plonrisy now aud ; is actually ilL He seemed wearied and only < ! anxious to know about his old acquaintances. 1 | He seemed desolate and desirous of oompan- j i ionship more than anything else. He is a < I mere wreck of his former self. Hie vest is a ' third too large for him, and bis features are ( shrunken and pinohed. He has suffered intensely.' It is believed that the old man will . be kept in Lndiow street jail daring hie natural : life. j Gen. Sherman, in bis report to the seoret&ry ' of war, says : The military academy under i Gen. Sohofield's administration will take rank < among the first ednoational establishments of 1 the world. The aggregate force of the United States army now oonsiats of 25,831 men, all of i whom are as aetively employed as though war 1 existed. He reviews the reports made by the officers in oommand of the Indian expeditious, and thinks the Indian winter campaign ef Gen. : Crook will be sneosssfoL He oonoludes as follows: Gen. Sheridan, in bis last dispatch on , the subject', used the following language, < which I heartily indorse: "If snoewsfnl. which I do oot doubt, the Sicrax war and all other Indian ware in the country, of any magnitude, will be over forever." The oomplete arrangement!) made for hemming in and capturing the remainder of the hoa lie Blcux during the winter must reeult in comparative or oomplete suooeea. Meantime no ohange can be attempted this year at the ageuoiee ; but I trait that next year all of the Sioux nation will be oompolled to remove to the Missouri river near Fort Hand all, where they oan be guarded and'ftd at half the preeent coot, and where, if there is any ohance of civilizing them, the op portunlty for so doing will be far better than in their present scattered agencies. Wamhwo.?The following notice appeared on the west end of a country ' meeting house: " Anybody sticking bills against tills church will be prose- , outed according to law or any other nuisance." kiw. j Chief Jnstlce Taney. An old colored servant of the late Obief Jnntice Robert B. Taney haa written an enthn&iartie letter in praise of his dead master, which letter in published in the Burlington Hawkcye. He says : When I wat a lad, sav from twelve to aeveuteeu years of ago, the fourth of July being then, as now, a national holiday on which none but slaves were compelled by law to work, I was regularly called, year by year, into his office on the third, and the following arrangement proposed and agreed to, viz. : That if I wonld stay at home with him on the fourth, I should take my holiday on tho fifth, have 82 extra money, and the nco of the pony all day. Sometimes young blood demurred, and then he wonld patiently explain tome that his only object was to guard mo from temptation and evil influence. '* To prevent," he wonld kindly add, "yonr coming in contact with acquaintances yon wonld not associate with on other occasions, and with whom yon might be carried by eioitement into dissipation and crime." "On tho fourth," he oontinned, " the drunkard, the blasphemer, and the Sabbath breaker will be out in foroo ; wonld you mingle with these I" Touug as I was, I ?w the force of this wise counsel, and obeyed. On the fifth, mounted on my sleek roan pacer, with eight bright new quarter dollars jingling in my pocket, I was off and away, and had only to report at night that everything was in good 3hape. It is said that one or two of the sliief justice's daughters yet reside in Washington, that one of them had a po ittm 1,. U.. "rr..:i_.i u.-i? i uv.vu >u mn UJUIIICU ouues treasury. Trying His Libcralitj. While a well known citizen of Dotroit was crossing the street he was approachad by an old man whose shabby clothes showed that he was a mendicant, and when the citizen had halted the old man inquired : , " Will you please give me ten cents?" ' No, sir," was the prompt reply, " Won't you give a starving man anough to buy a loaf of bread!" "No,, sir 1" "That's all right?that's enough," said the old man. " I am worth half a million dollars and want to will it to some liberal hearted man. Your looks pleased me and I gavo you a test. Hnd you given me even a nickel I should have put a fortune into your hands tomorrow. Good day, sir!" The stranger walked away, leaving the citizen dumbfounded. Ho may not be worth a cent; he may bo rich. The citizen thinks one way and then the other, and rather wishes he had been cLarital le. Standard Remedies. It is a faot well known to all our readers that a few proprietory medicines have achieved n reputation as standard remodies, and occupy a place in every well rogulated household, almost as iniversfllly ns the Bible and the family ilm&nac. Foremost among these is the Ueroliant's Gargling Oil, manufactured by the well known company of that aamo at Lockport, N. Y.?a sovereign remedy for man and Lx'nst, anO. one which has wrought hundreds of v-11 ittested cures. Wo need hardly r-ay here what the patrons of the Blade fully understand?that we do not make a prnotice of praising indiscriminately the numerous compounds offered to the public, but since we believe the " Garg i:n~ r?;i ?? l? _ ??n_ ? - iiuk uu wun u uuuiuujr UUinpOUUOCU iod efficacious remedy, we do not h sitnte to say as much.?Toledo (Ohio) Blade. * Centennial Notes. . artificial limbs tlr judges of artificial limbs and aurgh-al nstrum<,nts gavo the boio award to the < xiibiior, C. Frank Palmer. L.L. D., of Pniialelpliia, declaring that "the complete enema* if his invention for tli# relief of one of the lire-t forms of human misfortnne places the mthor in tho front rank of theinventcrs a id nechanics cf the age." All the artificial .?,ga l.therto made seem worthless in companion vith Dr. Palmer's. No one with a muttlaiod eg. who sees It, wonld be without it. TBEF. AND POST DIOOEB. Among the novelties iu labor-saving machinery in Agricultural Hall was the Eur< ka free and Poat Digger. It works admirabh in ill soils, prairie, stony, eai dy clay or q'i -Island, where the angnr cannot be worked, without clogging, knee work or backac ;e. ient 'o any address, freight Iree, on reoeipl of J5, by the Eureka Digger Co., 84 William itroec, New York. flows. E. O. & B. R vi. > Us. of Brockton, Mass., exhibited tt-eir P ii. <*< King Clang and 8u ky Plows, with beaiiis winging from a common senter. Theyjavoid all aide draft and insnro a itraight furrow?an entire new devioe and a {rest improvement on all other plows. They Also make wheal cultivators, the Turtle pulverizing harrow, the Victor horse hoe, hand wheel hoes, aDd the Eagle seed drill, the best aver iuvente 1. cideb marino. At the Centennial trial of cider machinery in Agricultural Hall. October 'ACth, the Boomer A Bo-chert Press Co.. of Syracuse, N. Y., roude L16?^ barrels of cider in nine and three-quarter nonrs, with one press, a' eraging a barrel Of eider from leM than ...J bushels of apple*. Thousand* witnessed the trial, aud expreeeod their satisfaction with the masterly manner in which the work was performed. FAKTA8, OB UFLAKD BICB. O. B. Kress, of Jaoksou, Miob., grower aud nole proprietor, will send, poet paid, to any address. sufficient to produce one bushel for fifty cents, or three package* for 91 00. BIIU8TKB 8 nCPBOVBD BOILSB AND PIFB < OVK11I.NO la bo manifestly enperlor to all others for these purposes, that it took the first premium of the Oeuteuu.al Commission. Those taring boilers, r>r pipe'', or wishing agendas, shonld address John T. Sinister, 68 N. Eighth St, Philada. Chapped hands, face, pimples, ringworm, sAltrbenm, and other oataneona affoc tions oared, and rough akin made soft and smooth, by using Juwipkb Tab Soap. Be oarefnl to get only that made by Oaswell. Hasard <% Co., New York, as there ere many imitation* ! made with common tar, all of whioh are wor>blee*.?Oom. Yolome in Six Lines. Thta very hour, if yoa bare a cough, a eold. or any difficulty in tbe throat or longe, send for Hale'a Honey .of H ore ho and and Tnr. Take it faitbfnlly and yon are aafo. The oure is oertain and swift, tbe prepare'on pleasant. Don't disregard these six Hues. Bold by all drag gists. Pike s Toothache Drops euro in one rjiinute. Winter is now fairly upon us, and the teams are hastening to the la tuber woods in various parts of tbe ooontry. Our advice to every man who goee to the voodr, be be captain, cook. t?am*t>-r, or ?ny t' sr man. is to take aloug . good stock of JoUnsim't Anodyne Ltntmmt and Partem*' Purgative PiUe. Many months of labor (in the aggregate) ccsy be saved by this precaution. Carpets bj the Acre. Over seven acres of carpeta, beeldee an acre of marble tlleing, were ueed Id fitting up tii Grand Central Hotel, Broadway. New York It ie eight alone* hi^h, occupyi ig nearly a whole block ; ie looatod in the heart of the city; ait ita appointment* first-olacs, and, what la the beat of all, the prioea have been reduced to *2.60 and *3 00 per day. Diseased Lungs. From I'. O. Smith, Eeq., of Ithaca, N. Y " Having for the laat fourteen years u *d Wiatar'a Balaam of Wild Oherry in my fam ly ?always with the beetaucoeea, and oonfidei tiy believing that it baa on several oooaai. os saveu my life?I givo u m my opinion lb*: it is tbo best romody in nse for diseases of the throat and inugs. About two years since uy youngest son, then fifteen years of age, look a violent oold, which settled on his lnngs. Ho rapid and severe was the progress of the disease, that wo became very mnob alarmed. \V? commenced giving bim the Balsam, and continned to do so until five bottle- were used, when this dangerous attack was removed Last year he was again seized with aviolt Di congh and cold, and believing bis longs to lx diseased wo appiied to the late Dr. J. E. lia vley, one of our most distinguished physician-, for an examination, the result of which mthat his lungs were pronounced diseased. On learning that we had made nse of the Bals.?ui be ad viced ns to continue to do so, which w. did, and in the coarse of a few days the he tltti of my son was entirely restored. Feeh ir tinder obligations for the benefits derived fr in this great remedy. I oheorfnlly recommend it to all who suffer from diseases of the thr< at and lnngs." Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from aotive p i.< ticc. having had placed in bis hands lij an East India missionary tho formula erf a sin i is vegetable remedy, for the speedy and per: nent cure of consumption, bronchitis, catai: U asthma, and all throat and lung affections, i ' ?o a po-itivu and radical cure for norvous d>.b .ty and sli nervons oomplaints, aftor h*v thoroughly tested its wonderful enra: vt powers in thorn-aids of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffci ug fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a ; HoieDticos desire to relieve human suffer., < he will scad (free of charge) to all who de- r it, this reoipo, wiMi fall d.rections for prtp ing and mccessfnily using. Bent by rev r" mail by addressing, wi'h stamp, namin.r ' tie paper, Dr. W. C. btcveus. 126 Powers' Bl c, IlocheeUr, N. Y. It is becoming all the " go " to olu w " Matchless " plug instead of fine out, as it s made or bolter material and finer and m-- c delicate flavor, so mnoh liked by old chew -. The splendid flavor of this brand la kno !> only to The Pinuesr Tobacco. Company ma ? facturers, 124 Water 8s., N. Y. Every ping s the words " Matchless P. T. Co." thereon. Burnett's Cocoaine. a perfect dror ting for the hair. The Cocoaink holds i a iiqnid form a large proportion of doodori.- d oocoannt oil, prepared expressly for this purpose. Bad enough to look and feel 1 sd yoursolf; but no exense for having j ir horce look and feel badly, when for a st ill sum you can buy Sheridan's Cavalry Can/tit n Powders, which givon in grain two or t!.> oe times a woek, wdl make him look and ft el well. Tito Rev. Matthew Bonner, M. 1'., late medical missionary to China, is out g thouBar?'1* of dyspepsia, ladies' "morning h. . .tnoss," t . b.-eath. aud a'l disorders of ,e stomach ana liver, by the use of "Ching." It is tho Chiuesa eovereign remedy for those <' torders. Boud il for a box, or a stamp fc. a oiroular, to po.t-offico box 111, Troy. N. Y. Sneezing catarrh, chronic catarrh, ulcerative catarrh, with all their sympatht ic diseases, promptly retiovod aud permanei, ly cared by SAnford's Radical Care for Oatar. u. It instantaneously relieves and always caret. The Market*, saw vo&a. ueetCsttls?Prime to Extra BalloeAt ill e I M Common to tiootl Texana...... 0VJ> . .>? 'Uca Cows 60 a. #76 > Rct??Live......................... Otfc# V 1): eased...... ' H Baser.- ? C4 (4 < * Liur.fc* (5 (ft t H OrUcu?Middling IS & .'J< tlocr?Extra W.-?teri?.. & tf ?t fi P i State Us. a . '73 #71; Whaet??-1 W. its'- ISI ? 1 >1 hr. 3hp-:- ... ... I SO fc. ? 1 B- - Zutr. ? aUtl.MM.. - - 70 0 > SMI'J Mk.t ... . 9> ? 1 .1 V tS'Ji? t I Ocra- .?' - en., .. -i r t fcuiy, per . *: ri Udflatd. -'X WtH>!?CvUotRit Pirc-o.,.,.. 18 ft 31 "rU< " I". & 8 Atint/.lUl. ' ?T | <7 Bo.ir.r? filate U | \ Wwir.?n iftlrr i>u 0 bi Wcttern Voile*..... . . .9 0 * > Western Ordinary it 0 H 0 t ' chiO'iood...... (5 0 I v.atuip (8 0 i d. M WATr.BTOWM, MASS. Beef Cattle?Poor to Choice .400 7 n Sheep 1 SO 0 4 80 J*iul? 1 60 9 4 50 rTlTTt A Q ?The oholoect la the world?Import- re jL Ij XjL 1^, prieM-Urmt Company In Am eric Lstaple arUole? pteseee etcry txxlj ?Trad oontlaaally :ocreatine?Agents wanted everywhere beet Indaoemc its ?don't waste time?eend for Circular to KQBT WKIXB. 43 Veeer BA. H~Y. P. O. Boa 1MST. eU.M.M. PITCH 14 t Anil.y PI1YNICIA 1. JL/ Hn triple Copy, Paper Cover, 1U cyme, llouud In Clotb. with 11 lu.trnltoue, 1 ill Rh(c-?, 36 reate by well. Addrraa to Til iromtwas. New VerU. HUU3ESQH Malta's Jattelle ThentInmlTl' lILf ?Vf "''"'f 3 mom be' amoeeSe ?I meat foe Ua Complete p ar B la 1H sbrata ot aeeoee, elde KllMaaaHH^Vjrn I wines, sad characters, wlih Ink ill | book ol play and tall dlrse|M| . .. . ^Ilfl I tlooa for working. Price, 3Ae. IMr^ WkrlSv. ire R vl'ln. or bonatflalr colored, IHI *riM?lll H AOe. Meat, poe'-f-ee, by tbe Hrrt V4? IR Q H pT'Hsbere. boott A Co., 14H |gH-> VVll 'Big B Pal ton HA, N. T. Mold r all ufry/777!Kj I JV\YoSnHH Bookaellers and Tor Peelers. dlTBlii BlB rtflliTttlil Ktamp or eotn oolieetore. eend ^Ha stump for 10-parte liat. NEW WILLCOX 4k GIBBS AUTOMATIC Leuet Only machhu and\W\ /V ? producing Automatic Tr?'. Fi e additional ingredients keep the organs co !, moist, and in healthful' action. Let no p- judice keep you from trying this great mc'Icine of a famous doctor who has saved thousands of lives by it in hi* large private praclit..% N.B.?The Tar-Balm has no bad taste a smell. prices 50 cents and $1 per rotti fGreat caving to bay lar^e aire/" Pike's Toothache Props" btce iii 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. n. crittenton, prop., n.y. AAA A by one Afvni ? .. . Nfc. articles. Snmi lf. LmWiOJi.tUI.-n ji Potter's American Monthly, rn nnn U^ruBAIU); Best Itmlli Mitutci In nil |l(|l| 'he Country, a' N3 for IbT?. & copter no JU.UUU > v.r for 813: It) copies for $26; 2U co laa for V): rod a copy of Potter'* HI. ! onbaorlnots Kor rlo|>.-?ltn, quarto, S.UOO llloi ;> ' L tto -'..price.Xttn.frivon to tbe prnoD id1 OI7 tbuelnb E-.r ale at alt .*>awa sta la, I (1 I I it lit c-mm a number. Special Tarn to l"l lj? 1. K. Eottkk * (in . t'hlla.. t*a. EUPEON! If you have Rheumatism, Neurala, Headache, a Burn, or a Bruise, proc re a bottle of Eupeon. It will give lnst .at relief as thousands can testify. F >r ale by all Druggists. h. a. uukLB ft Si co , 75 and 77 Randolph Str?--?t, Chicsro. Agents for the Proprietors. $3.00 for $L00. TBCB _LJ_ ! RfflCACO \ EDCEli All the (mi weekly newspapera al >ie aly.e nnd character af TIIK CHICAGO I.KDUKK rknrge 03.OO per year. w?. de TIIK liKROBK coats but Al. Tda Liraits la thn RFST Family Paper In the U i ad Htataa, ably edited. handsomely nrlnted; contal" ay BTorf weak obolca e.>m;i)et*d atoriaa, an Inatallmec* ol an Interaatlnjr Illustrated aerial, and ranaral readio * old and yonnr, for tn? farmer, for tha hooaawtfa > id for all claeaes. Special cam Is'aVanto make III I in anlforruly chaete aod moral. Sand SI, and If, e ,U lor poatace. and yoor addraaa to THE LEDG-ER. IIIIIOAHO, II.I.1NOI _ J. & P. COATS hate been awarded a Medial and Diploma at the CMfennlal Kxpoaltloo and ranaeul. ed by the JuUir. Tor "SUPERIOR STRENGTH ?AND?| EXCELLENT QUALITY ?OF? SPOOL COTTON." |.......... A. T. U08H0BH, Director-Gem-1 1. ?-*AL. | j. B. HAWLEY, Pre*. . .......... At.KI. It. UoTKl.ru. HrCTi.tnry ).r.' t. /youth'sx /fioMWLRION\ -c< ^WEEKLY PAPEHTORTSOV ^ ^fami \y/ TUB OOMPANION a.ma to be a favorite la ?->rr kod for inlf by tb? yonae folks, rid road with Interest bytheolcer. Ila parpoaa la to lntaraat while It amuse.; to be jndlelons, praotioaJ, aaoall la, and to hare really permanent worth, while It attra ile or Ufa boor. It t* handsomely lllmtrafad, and baa for ooatriboon some of tha moat a Uaetlra writers In tha cosnt.y. Amoey thaaa ax a: J. T Trowbridge,' Louisa M. Alaolt, Edward Egcleston, J. O Whltriar, Jamas T. Fields, Loniaa O. Monlton, Rebecca H. Davis, 0 A Stephens, Mrs. A. H. Leonowens, Harriet r, Spofford, Edward Everett Hale, Jnlls Ward Howe. It* itxlln* t* kdtptwl to tb* old and jonac; I* ? >rj oompr*ba>a*iT? In It* oluiMltr. It (It** Stoiies of Adventure, letters of Travel, t.-' .itoi ials upon Current Toplos, Historical Ai tides, Biographioal Sketches, Religious Articles, Btoeics of Home and School Life, j ales. Poetry, Selections for Declamation Anecdotes, Pussies. Facts and Incidents. D^ktarlpiU* Prior, ?1 7ft. < vaolmaa ?opl?* iwllrMi Pl*aa* taontiou la ?0?l |>aprr>ft? ratd l.M* *J ftrtlnnnt. PERRY MASON & CO., ' 14 TmivI* Place, - Boston Mass* Son* Hajhp tor Patoa*w Bonday Prana. Jaraay Olty, Jf K. H. PATH. Stomp A Rtmoll MTr. Borllnaton. > . ?? m Put *> A?ta. Hamplo frww- H. Albort. Pn?ton.? PHOTN**?Aet?ww.Me : 8n?H.I SnW-M. IB, .. * Bork lw for 3 c?fi> itwn Ai>am? * On.. bwtrl n,1 I CirnW A Th?oplt?-'?rw?i?T T-nl r, lc " P* 1 fr Jyi ix. T. SwrmyioBT Oln>lir<1, A . St Ton'?. y dlOAO month. Ontflt worth * I fnw to won i (PaH t W HioolrforMTg Qo.. 161 Mloh. Aw.. Ohloaa .. PVO A WookBwUry ffnaraBtoml tn main A famal*. Br' J nto-pp for d^lam. B. M. BOQITF. Olnelnn- *1. "L-rKKY loA'AV W?Nr? IT. Pood Ham f- r clwntar. MmV JFTCNTFB. Boa 48QS. W . Oltv. .OKA OAV h Amntw. Rampto f"-?rv. RJfpa-s ' > Oatalomf. hfjjTOHBK. I I TtowRt.. v.v. ? ofwts DCUOI |fCD^lL.,,"ho,>?'*, 'n'rtT,"* ni.Onf.fr nCVUUwCn WRaTXRRotm Wo**a.nhic??o.i!i. (f> 1 A * I)?f TmnWtw*-^ ' " - _ _ -T- . --- j?- , ^ I 1 f ClaUfomo fr??. K?U*n * f\ j JO NMMn ?t. .N.Y PO*TBAITW, Hr., 4mwi by ro^fn^ry. AFrmtw by Mali r.fr Aggnf wantad. Hwilihooapb Mr* Oak, Phfla., r* JKi; ; ?T7 Kamolae FRF1\ *'"'' P -P / / P. O VTnKFFT Anyn.tK. Valpp. PnYFTrTANN. nri?tiST?. xilr., Wh? rarnlpe nhartared TJn'SJfK* can rddrrr . - ' lnflfw^nf IO J- R YI TTTiK, ^^PH. hi war. Hftl| Ml) ? fonth.?Airents mantod. SC hwi ?p|] 4111 In* artMea In the world. One aamnVr. free Ftjiytpfy ?^rtV?.rAY fiHQNcniM.ivtmi'.Mvii f t*% WATI'IfF". A Pml Rnnaatlen Arm, I. Wnlrh nKrl Outfit frr* to Aomtt. Better th-p ?>T Hold. Addreo? A. COUT.TFB A DO.. nMcr-n. AAA A 1DONTII. hotel and traralln* fin?n?i? QaOfT paid for anleamrn. Nopeddlln*. Addresr v MOFTTOW Maimfo Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio. I 111 M aiTC n *?-" to r?l| to Morcbanta. / fftf Q Rl I RU lifKl a month A trarelV ?* f T a a 1 W peneoe paid. Oem Mfx Oo.. SI.T.ogle. Mo. iSfiaii^ f*TT.?.SI for Pntnplnxtnd Wnnnlna ?; W* I pal I Machinery. Addreaa TOP"ADO * ? f fc*r WTNTIMTT.T. tip.. Ft.w?. N. V. tiltn .AIIF a day anre tnada by AjoiU talllnx oar Ctamroo., Cll 'Kll|e>F?l Craycaa, Fistula and Chroino Carda. lfcil tam- , ' ,K' '"? *-? p!-a. w, rtS Aft. "nt p for Sfto. 11 lull r. %.,... i ii nri nini>' i.^i\s ruisTi.N WA VIPVII onerxottc talesmen : hotel and trarelAXa A CjU ina aiv*iip< paid My Company. A rare obanoa for partpanont employment. Addreaa j I'nlon Indnatrlol Wnrkt,('lnrl>ii*tl.Ol HliV'S Art|?rmVaaMMA?ip A R I>* M Warrantad flea yea a. J PIID OFO. R FuT.T FR Tow??t nHpnt. Fc d III,tlIt Owo't to Dr. Bl?)t ? < for FRF* Pawpbl?t. ** 1J AJ LI RoCTTTBncR. K. Y. ' a aa wartt httrfd athomio J Ml II WO ppMlolty. Tlma abort. V I a# VVI Tarma modormta. 1.000 ttwtimo nlala. Poaorlbo oaao. Dr. F. F. Mimw.QnlnOT. Mlob . A a waak wltbonl capital, aaay WnVW and raaoaotahta for altbor aax. Aonrar ro UJW ?| I Rptft.t Do., gfll Bowary. W. Y. WANTED Awarta, hoth aaxaa.ln oyary town and conntt. Bnatra?a aaay and raepaotable. Artlola naw, fndtapaneabla, and aalla on tlfbt. Aid per day rn a ran toad. Climax Hfx. Oo., rinalnnall. O. KU l l KR and OHFKSK Oolorln*. F.xtraotof Obaaaa Rennet, naod by tba lartMl Dalrlen In Fnmpo and j America. Sand for Prtoe and < 'Ircnlar Free, bole Axeut fr.r tne U.S., Mbb. B SMITH. 327 Arch St. Phlla Pa 'nop ana swarded Hl?b?t fVn'ennlal Prtrn Mwhl ffl A T) ^JTTJ'T5 d or thrlr wni waotrd this fall and , AJLXUlu, JjXwU*'"'"- < 1 or" iuracil Co.) to soU * a t~wstaple arlicltso'real merit i !he farmer* :u t'"- r i?v tt coiititic* Husinc** pea.sot, prolUr.xit). Portico.e ; ? free. J. M OR1 It. Bt. Ir.iii*. Mo. nORTHA BX?M^ETB | JjUUlUA PIEDMONT Airline1 o*>Iy Two Ohamre* n? Cisra. Onlok Time. Send for Olron'ar* to " YINGI INO Go iocs! East em Agent, No. ft AM or Homo. New Yore. JHMPIjOYMTlKrT. ANY PERSON of ordinary Intalllnmra ran earn a llrn?f by eanraaalns for The IIInst--ated Weekly. Fxparl- ^ aneafanot n oceans r> ? the only requisite b-ln?,aa In all oooeeafol business. lodoetry and an?rrr. Be"d for oar- / 'Ionlata. I'lina.l lnrn? A- < ??.. I-I Warrf .t)? if r. pimrwjpc ^?c"rT??r Inl Jjii 1U Ir.F1'1 KNIMHT A HNIl;IIT, Wn.M.i'aw. P. C. KiectricUr la Idfe. 3|?SJlOL()^K Paolla Belt, beat In the world Cures Disease when all oilier NL lg*?Mla^ygaa*JhJ remedies fall. Testimonials "'V' e'|rcu'BrB ?pn j'r\r "j.'' ft Bond Street,it"cw\'ork.' J.UfelAaL JBy an arrrngement with W1 m g| IB the Publisher wa will send every roadnr of thla Paper a aamplo package of Tranaltr Pictures free. Send so. stsmn fur portage. They are highly colored, beautiful, anJ easily transferred to any object. Agents wanted. /. U TATTEM A CO., 1S1 William 8t., Now York. 20r/t CllflEO/ar aa fsaenrasia case, B-CtWfDm. J. P. Kitlrr, being sworn, soya: I trad MM ? aa ruiaul m tVfw'i .Stir Tats. U? ImM <0 j?m, M?huiv?lj, U KWrngtlaw. NMrt)(i% g??t, ki4mt Mi Uw liMIMk I IfurwiNDI RU1UMAT1C RSUIDT.UiMy C?HUL?i lim hiU *? ? ma, wvtUnfuA ; N?a? u4 ' .'lira ml bj miL matm. AiiiaM DR. rtTftJB* 1 t* ftMiU V?arU matt. IM*PiCJ*fl? A* ulUUtiUt*. A BOOK for the MILLION^ MEDICAL ADVICE and cnronir iii.i-nocs, Cancer, Catarrh, Rupture. Opium tint,it, fcc., SENT Klll-X on r ceipl ol stamp Address, Ur. Hulls'Dispensary No 12 N What. rlt.Let.f. Ma fl A "IVTI^'CU Ti aitlll- nnrt wcrofwln.? Va/\.1.Y Kj PiXVa l?r. T. 8. ItOBRnTSON, Kupt. of tbo An rrlotto Oano r Institute, ai d dl-oov-ier of tba remedy for th-< ndlca cure of Cancer. Tumors and Kcrufula b? aotln? rn the blood oily. will rand, on receipt o< S2-VOO, a fu 1 comae of medicine* that baa noser tailed In tun curs of Canoer. Tomon or Komfnla. Q4 Trotnoi.t Mrwt, Hriten, Maaa. - ARK TWAIN'S NKW BOOK! fOM SAWYER, la ready tor Agents. l> >u't ?r? he .ltd omd thATi O. HO, FOR IOWA! X Farmer*, rantori and hired man of America! A obolen !rom 1,200.000 acr?? of the best lands fa Iowa on R. R terms, at 8 > and 0H per acre, hood a postal eard for our man and pamph'st. or call on the Iowa R. R. Land Oo., 02 Randolph St., Chicago, or cdar Replda, Iowa. Joan H. OaLhoqit. u"il O'dn'r. ft AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY lenten'l exhibition It sells faster than any other hook. One Agent sold 34 oopUs In one day. Bend for oar extra terms to Agents. NaTTOMal. PtTBLisautn < 'n., Philadelphia, Pa. $10. $25. $50. $100. $200. 4I.KXANIIKR ROTIIINOHAIH Sr ()Os 12 Well Mlreet, >ewY?rlii Bankers and Hroker*. Invest In . locks of a legitimate character. The Arm odmbers among it a pat rt.ua Ihr.nrands who hare IwrA rich throngh Frnthtnsliaru A Oo's fortunate InrMseeta Stocks pnronased and carried long aS desired p margin from three to fl?e p?r cent. IfSrsil for flrrultr. $15 SHOT GUN A doable-barrel gsn. bar cr front action locks, warranted genuine twist baxrala. and a good sliootsr. oh go sals; with Klaak, Pooch, and W ad-cntu>r. for $11. Can ba aeol C. O. D. with rrtvllego to examina before paying bill. Bead itAmn for alrtulotA P. PftUfkl.l. i. Hllv r'i... ... -.t 7. Toon* America Press Co., Cv ? W Uubiuv St., Nsw York, * BlSh, A ctMpeli' eedMSesS*bund S?,r*Gr,'!5? P^etln, pr^.^ KEararawi^^rtA ifliiWr CSicolart fra?. Sptclatn Beak of Typo, Coti,Ao. tencoattj ?TTtT iTTaB?7T~i I TheBest Tra? wiUioo *IW, * s Metal Hprtes* ertr In run ted KfiVotURe1 No hnmbas claim of a ear ^WfUP ' n t?i^vgsJa!0r an to* ?f a aonitortabla, a*. V oar*, and aaUafaotory appU? anoe W* ?W ra. hlo pa*' teinre of Ita htatory, a-and tnitlrilnga 1 wondarfal eafetbtto, enrtoat'lea. meat data.rto. Pre- W f?a? y HlaMrHii d r*or n>jh!y j.ip-.lor, and rerr S Choi p. /? lalffi-e foeaaieMlif. 6,000 At enta wasted. f Hand lor fall paitloulon. Thi# la tbe char co of KgO nam to C?la e?ar?fMJ. Q*t the.onlr ft llnhle nletoiy. HUmBARD BROTHER". Fab-., 133 Ranaom A Street. Philadelphia, Pa , and Sprlnafleid Hot J P ATTTTfkV Benot deeeteadhy prematore bcke. A UAUlAVfl a-inmlng to be " fflola ," ?nd talllnc f what will happen In t.ju.i and "epiemb-r. \ N V W U AO, 4 8 J WRRN WRITING! TO AOYKRTItfKUi pirnae aa7 the t jmu sew the aitreruaa. lu thle paper.