i ??mmmm???' JIKAUFOItT, S C. NOT.U 1874. Capt. Davis, who ha* the contract for rebuilding the flalt .Water bridge, has his material all Jn tl^ ground and will soon put the bridge in condition for use. Dr. Wilder planted one and a quarter i aero of cotton in a lot formerly used as a garden, he l*s already picked from the patch l,8h) pounds of seed cotton and it i will ycild still more. A colored man camo to griof near Salt "Watf* bridge last Saturday. He was driviug a bull in his cart when the animal; concluded to lay down, the driver at once begah belaboring the beast with a thick board to make him get np bot in vain. The tide arose aud covered that bull and made beef out of him and the owner refuses to be comforted. ? ; I Machine Snop.?As will be 6cen by his Advertisement in another column Mr. J. A. "Whitman has opened a Machine sIiod in Beaufort. Thfa long needed establishment will bo e? great convenience to our ginners nnd n?.'H >rs as | j tlwy can have their repairing done at home, saving delay and expense of freight. Mr. Whitman is a master of hfc trade and will give satisfaction to his patrons The Arsenal hall was temporarily converted into a Skating Rink filled last ? Friday evening to witness a tournament for a prize to be presented^ to the most popular lady skater. The amusement was indulged in by lerTne of -onr heavy business men to whom it was frequently a descent from grave to s pay from lively 'to st vorc. No harm was v_^*~Tlohc, although Miss Eliza Harms having received a majority of votes was pronounced the most popular skater, was presented with a pair of priza skates. Mr Lockwood made the presentation in a neat and appropriate speech. ?? Tn? Naw Whauf.?Tlio Port Royal ^Railroad Company is about extending .a ..l # ^a. ra ?. tr? 1 mi _ ine wnan at rori |nuyai, which win oe good news to the lumber men on the line *?f the road. The company advertise for proposal/! for building an addition to the wharf, one thousand feet in length and seventy-fire wide, to extend out in the river so as to give twinty two feet of water at low tide at the wharf. I This in addition to what they already hare shouM give ample accommodations ? ^ to all the vessels likely to nrrive this ^ winter, and allow them to unload without laying in the stream several days waiting for the steamers to get out of, / the way. Thonksglvlna Hop. The Hop to-night is expected to be * quite a gay affair. The committee havo made quite extensive arrangements and art) doing all in their powor to make it a success. No money will be taken at tho door. Invitations must be procured from *the Floor Committoe. . 1 Suicide.?Two weeks ago last Sunday a cobued man named Andrew Garret, Hiving on James Gregorie's plantation on the main land, committed suicide by ulmnlinrr Vitrrvo^lf in tlm lnffr. wif.h ? shot gun. For tome time previous ho hud threatened to take his lite and had tried to fiersuadc his daughter to kill him. He had an idea that I e was l>eni chrd . ofhjs^dyath told his wife - " ehs would see liim agni'i fiut tit?* An inquest was held by Ti^sl t-w*'icc "Win. Gregory, the hir^r^mnc'd a verdict in iccornniuw! with the facts narrated Jwore. Ths Charleston H"siot in its weekly report of shipmenta of cotton says: ..We have added to receipts at Charleston, 83,853, bal*& upland cotton received at . Port Royal and added to exports from the same 8385 bates upland cotton expor!? tod coastwise from Port Royal." VYe consider this aa imposition on the rising city, but tut nobody else hao evrr taken' the trouble to publish the exports from Port Royal the JVwa is excusable. IT ere after wo shall try an?l give a correct raport in our columns. Pabdonhd.-^-W illiam Johnson, con vie tod of manslaughter b -f'TO Judge J. J. f Maher.attheFcbusry term.JSTtf, >? this County, and scr.tencrd to Imprisonment-in i tke Penitentiary, knd a pardon granted t, him bj the Governor en] Friday. ??i '> The Bills of theplarttrs Loan & Saving Bank at Angusta, which are so readily taken at our store* hero a^d on the nelph l?orhood,arc redeemable for Greenbacks ?r rxchargu at the office eou:.t<'rt? of Mews. Win. 8. Haiti \ Jb Son, Bankers, Vhkr!e?hn, and W allarij, Commings, Co-? BanV?ri>, Savannah. The anegt of John D.' Lee, in Utah lias revived V-e ' "Mountain Meadow mas acre" of 1?*\, This unparalleled wretch was the leaders^ that maasacre. He i*i ?nd was a Vtirtnon leader, and it is V ought Prirgharvi You^jr w*a corcemod i i ?|?e d?*ed. AV-ut o? sewd ?n. were dr'Heaifeish^mTflil be t' " Mormon-*, wbo botcher*5*\t?vn? in co'd blond; bee adding tt"nv ? beyond rama Pai? now in ; vl a *"**' MTv? 'fltoritpn nunhdmur-t, for this ??n?v.u:il .1 crime ; and Mormon ^ lata, !ction and trial of our fire department last spring a large quantit y I of the hose wns found to be so rotten as i to be unserviceable. Wc think we know I the cause. After the fire Inst Sunday we i saw ono of the companies petting away their hose wet and dirty just as it mmc from the Ore. Such carelessness as this ia what causes the rotting and decay that ao soon renders it unfit for use. An in- . clined platform should be erected by the own authorities, in some suitable place t to be used for spreading and drying hose and then the companies should not b f allowed to leave any hoso after its use until after thoroughly'drying and clean- ^ ing it. Hose are an expensive item and a little attention in this direction may save tlic town many dollars. , We learn that the New York IToan Co. are to have fh?e hundred feet of the rubber hose and work in connection with * the Washington No. 2. This will provide the steamer with a thousand feet of hose a at all times. TTic market Veil is entirely too small ^ ilor a fire alArni and our town authorities 9hould make somo hotter arrangement, t The members of the Fire Depnrtment should remember that it is easy for them to aid very much in spreading the alarm a by crying out while running to ti?o en gine house. Several parties Hving on j Ray street did not hear any alarm Sun day and knew nothing of "the fire until after it was all over. *I)oa't forget to * holler f 11 The town council arc making arrange- 8 mcnts to build an engine house on Bay street for the new steamer. They should t either build or rent at once as it is im- I possible to keep the engine in order where she now stands. a MARINE NEWS. 3 Arrival, Foreign. a Nov. 18.?Br. Bark Hidalgo, Ttohcrtsi master, from VeraCruz, to load phobi phatoa at Bull river. nr. oar* tv mienaven lass, ivmgnt, ? most r, from St. Thomas, to load phos- t i phates at Bull river. j Arrlvul. CoiMtwlse. Nov. 18,?S. S. Vickuhurg, Rudolph, master, from New York, to T. P. Branch, & Co. i Nov. 23,-6. S. ZoFac, Ghapin, marter, from New York, to T. P. Branch, & Co. Cleared, For?lg?. Nov. 1G,?British Brigantine Moma, -Beven, master, for Plymouth, Eng., with phosphates from Coosa w Mining Co. 20th,?British Bark Braail,Pront, mas ^er, for London, with phosphates trom Cooaaw Mining Co. I 24th,?British Bark Wayfarer, Th?rb;r master, with cotton for Liverpool. 20th,?Sclir. Ann Dole, Bunce, master, Matansaa, T. P. Branch & Co, cargo by Mauldin, Owens & Co. Hailed, CoMtwhn, N? v. 17^?3.8. Calvert, Foley master, for Baltimore, T. P. Branch & Co. Nov. 18,?8. S. Mediator, Martin ma site , for New York, T. P. Branch ?fc Co. 1 Nov. 18,?Sclir. Lena R. Storer, Seavey, mus e.-, or notion, I. B.Brsnch & Co., Blair, tSmith & Co., Geo. Wattrhouse, and Conint & Emm ?ns. , Nov. 11),?Srlir. Hcttio L. Fa ljr, Smith ' New Yi rk, T. P. Branch & |Co., curgo by Mauldin, owen & Co. Nov. 20,?SjIit. Lena R. Siorer, Soavey, 1 master, Bruaswiek Ua., T. p. Branch & Co. Nov. 24,?SMir. S. 9. Buk\nore, with carjto of lumber from the mi J of D. C. Wilson & Co. Export*. Fordlifn. Nov. 10,?British Bri^antin^ Morna, f'*r Plymouth, 443 tons phosphate rock, ' valued at $2,400. Nov. 20,?British Bark Bra7.il, for Lond -n, 761 tons phosphate rock, valued at $-1,200. Nov. 24,?British Bark Wayfarar, for I f.;*"?rpnol, 1,922 bales cotton, valued at $125,000. Nov. 18,?lT. fl. flchr. Ann Pole, for Matanzns, 8,700 cress ties, valued at $1,700. r*port?, Coiotwlw Nov 17.?By H. S. Calvert.' for Bsltimo'v, hales of cotton aim 25 barrels of j oran*;2e?. N?;v. 18.?S. B. Mclintor. for New TorV, ( b JXC> trr. 4bl?'a. bot'.los, 25 Imr. j r.-ls orinJi-s, 1,141 bab-a cotton, and 21' asks clay. ' Whilst the growing prosperity of j Lugusta is intimately connected in the uccessful establishment of the Port toyal Exit their mutual dependencies ihould not be circumscribed by a Felfish >nd narrow policy in the interest of any nonopoly. We regret if such is the case ts there can be no well assured permanincy to tho development of a grand mterprise if individual aggrandizement md not the general welfare is consulted ind subserved. Any coalition will trove disastrous, both to Augusta and o Poft ltoyal if a goncrous ami couitrehcusivc policy is not pursued in the .rusts which the administration of a [tailroad company's atTairs imposes. The Port Koyul Railroad was built tnd constructed by northern capitalists af liberal and enlarged views as one element of a scheme for building up a great JI- -a. i. -1 ? .niuwi/iu uuu,|jiu[t iur uirvct irauu uuu brelga commerce, that could not hs eu.ertaincd by any other port on the south Atlantic coast, the, remunerative return* ;rom the outlay on which wcro cxpeaked o be derived from the mutual boncfits;hat would redound to the prosperity of he interior by^an increase of its commer;ial facilities. Though an individual snterprise its benefits should be made to tocrue to the State and to its incomparable port. Nothing but a small pettifogging policy in itsikmanagement can con travene so desirable a result and its manifest destiny. A wise forecast could make Augusta as she is entitled to be the Ejate city for tho immense western trnde that must flow through her and that looks to Port Royal for its destination. Intimately blended are the interests of the two cities in each others prosperity ind no inividious discriminations should be conceived to militate against the advancement of cither. SHERIFF SALES. Tho sheriff advertises the following laics of property to tako place on the rth Dec. Fwsonal property of Thos. 8. Behn, at ,hc late residence of Mr. Behn. F. Williams, and wife, vs. T. A. Cauley, 84b acres. Allison Winn, vs. A. 31. Ruth, ct. al. 100 acres. Allison Mew, vs. S. R. Mew, 340 acres. Davant and Waplea, vs Win. N. Ilar oy, TOO acres. N. W. Ellis, vs. David Terry, 430 acn-f.. D. F. Moore, Gunrdian, vs. Cauty Creech, Adm'r. 365 acres. Wm. P. Zealcy, vs. E. II. Btrobart, 20 cres in Village of Gillisonville, C. 31. Rivers, Rena Rivers vs. C. M. Terry. First Nat. Bank, of Charleston, vs. W. I. Mauldin, 1,265 acre,a.' E. C. Walls, vs. J. R. C. Jaudon, 550 ores. R. If. Qleaves, vs. S. B. Thompson, Lot I I. Block 58 town of Beaufort. Klrnck, and Wickeuburg, vs. SnnJi W. Cllis, ct. ttl. Undivided half of 3G0 acres, iftlf cash, balar.ee on year. Freed man's Savings Bunk vs. II. B Uiarp, Lot C. Block 71, town of Beaufort. Clemens Clans,"VA Hannah Levin, et a wo houses and lots in the Village of trunson. W. R. Tuten, vs. "W. D Villnrd, 800 crcs. Cclara M. and C. W. Paul, vs. Rebecca feBride, e"t. al. 2400 acres. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE?. "" A LI. rBRSOMS WAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ljl The Estate of D ivid G Jackaon, Into a reellent of Port Roynl Island, arc requested to present hem to th? uiiderglpned. nnd all person!" owlnc ........ _m ... .i-.?-> ?Kieuoc "???? luuucuiau payment )f the MUUC to R. 0. nOLMKS, NOV.S6-41 Administrator. I ROOMH TO LET. Two desirable rooms over my office. Inquire of W. J. JENKINS M. D. novSb '"-a. FRANKLIN TALBIRfy COLLECTING AGENT. Will attend to rer ting property and Collecting 1 tents on tame on reasonable terms. Beanfort, ?. C.. Jan. 17,1 74. nov25-2?. H. M. STUART, M. D. DrutnrlNt mid Apotltcvaryi BEAUFORT, S. C., DSALSlt w Dill'OS ANn CHEMICALS, PaTBNT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BKUSUES, Ac. V 11 ns Assortment of STATIONERY* Physicians Prescriptions Componudnd with car t largo Assortment of Articles saltablo for ' Holiday Presents. nortott. Z. MCGILL. Livery Stable. Horses and Carriages at all Times > To Let. i Especial attention given to Carrying Passengers / tosndfrom Port Royal. "or?r 'n Re*'' *>f Wnllaee's Mill, BEAUFORT, 8. C. vS5-St. -L'WT?11^. juzr?x*-JEr"im w? 2 TRIPS WEEKLY BETWEEN CHARLESTON ANI> 1IK A.UFOUT. TUK STEAMER M. S. ALLISON, CAPT. P. TCGLIO, llavlng tukca ill t place of tt>? Ptlpt liov.vrlll leave Charlcsiou every Tuesday and Kiiduy tuorniiiK The pat? uuafc of tliipjKCV is rvepoitiuiiy solitttctl. 1 OlULAE N1SUET, A:* si, Charleston, s?. C.. W'.M UAlvitl&ON, AgcM, Beaufort, o. C. is/ -tiooda consigned to the caru of the A^rnt iu Cliailenioa ivdl i*, lonKaLuoeLf toe of c*. uiuii.-moo and storage. U"v2o-'2b. CONAN'rlOaiMONS, AliM Mint' uoeijt.uen to v.'t .a. . .....ICE 4?ln any quantity Custouiersji ay dceirc, from their lee Liouje, . tj K?>vUfXt aj'.ii grinding co.m and uiul, he is prepared to ex- cute all ordirs oft iha shortest possible notice, llic highest p.ioepaid f'? Cotton aid CornCrttton ginaml ou toll, uovSS-aj. DE TBEV1LLE. WALKER!rVIRDlER. PKOCTOKS IN ATP tlRAt.TY ANI> ATTORNEYS AX LAW, BEAVrOHT. 8. O. Walks n . PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL I ; Vlwolutely 8AFEI | Perfectiy OrdorlvMMl Always I'sifoiim. Ii.i.rnraATixo QrAtirnts | Kl'I'ElUOn TO OAS. Burns la any lamp without danger of exploding or taking lire Manufactured expressly to displace ttii'Wse ' of highly volatile and dangerous oils. ITS SAFETY under EVKHY poa Iblc TEST, and [ Its perfect burning i|na)ities ttre pro veil by Its continued use in over 5GG.OCO Families! While no accident, dlrceliy or Indirectly, has ever occui>-ed fro.n burning, atoriug, or haudltug it. The many ImltYioua and counterfeltaofthoAstr.nl 1 OH that htvo been thrown unsucc.'asfully on the market Is further Proof of its Superior Merit. THE AHTBAL | Una now i\ oriel-wide le mfatlon ae the SAFEST I and UEfir. 'I1>e laMlranro Companion and Fire Coinmla/ alonera tkiivobuot this couwrar RRCOMMBMD PSATT'9 ASTRAL OIL A* the Best Baf'gnard when Lamp* are uacd. For Sale In Beaufort at the Store of w. m. rnwcn. i or W-11, , s \ j u H N C 01 I'jTcoopIr1! J Dry GoqIs & Mffllnery. jj|j I Hasj ust roiurned form Cha and select stock of DRY GOODS, . BOOTS, SI 1 ' A r?tl a gcitTSl Assortment erf M ILLINEEY , AND f WHICH Mi OFFERS TO BUTT THE TI. WIL L l~AM Kl FINEGROCERIES, I S| Stores i All of which will be guaranteed of the best quali no?25 -10. I JAS.M.CI t ? AUCTION & COMMISSI | Pension Notary, Nota: | BROKER IN REA The following desiralrie property for sale; MoOftATII IIOUHB, Cost flli t?ItlTCIlAHD'H 1IOUHTJ nndllnir Cost 80(H) | Prloi HUTIjliJIl IIOUHE & Ilalfllloek, C One luindred and twenty thousand HARD G HIGHEST CASH PRICE SEA ISLAND Consignments of Dry Goods, Gro Turned into Cash at short notice. Send in Your < SCHOONER MARGAI Up for Charter at low ri ATTENTI i Every one gin his own COTTON ; sa\ more for his CROP, by pui Easily adjusted for Hcrse I Salesroom at Stevens' Ho Beaufort, South C N. B.?Gins a!! kinds of Cotton. V ' * > v lotj: ' ' ' ii.. ; * ' mi I I II I III! Ill' * ?PER, rleston with a largo ** *. \: rf ^ > . " ' ; , > ' l?,?v " '.A 10ES, NOTIONS, 'After GOODS, JTZ3T& nov2.~- * * VESSEL, Ales, jS Wines, V' Liquors, sr* and Tobacco. Oifc Hardware, Crocker}. n IhiiHH ty, and at the lowest prices for ens'* BEAUFORT, S. C, ilMT - V Jk ION MERCHANT, t ry Puolie, and . L EST ATE-. $ F,o i I'rloe l$800. ItTock, near W*iK*s Pontl 5 9370. . Tost $ l,.!' 0?, ''Mm ie his SEED, and realizes rchasing on of bit Bib 'owerif require! '^am use, Room No. 1 E A. KSKT, Apnt. jk