r ,.? / a * C*?':h ft&jk ?-. VOL. I.--NO. 1, " . BEAUFORT, a C^WEMBEE 25. ^00 PEK A^M. = = T' ' . *A ' A Persian Lore Song. Ah! Bad aro they who know not lord, Ifcit, far from passion's tears and smilsn -TWft down a raoonloBa sea, beyond The eilvory coaBts of fairy iaies. And sadder they whoso longing lips Rise empty air, and never touch , The dear warm month of thoee they love-* / 5 Waiting, wasting, a offering much. / But clear as amber, line las mask, Is lifo to those who, pilgrim wise, J Move hand in hand from dawn to dork, E&oh morning nearer Paradise.. . J ; olx, npt for them ahaU angels pray t y stand In everlasting lighty They walk in Allah's Bmile by d^. And nestle in his heart by j/ght. THE mut; n. Bailer iur ? < ?= *hi?x l?ow !" >h re!o# " ! v. with ?ai! set, t- ruing .eotmC^r ut caused a stir at 1 ? "o ^ut not onfy the 'i Lue watch below up. t" . -ant morning duti of \ decks was suspended for ehii;, to gaze ifjpon tliet un.a:de of a whale-boat ^one in, coming to boari us uri g like the veritible i t ine, of equatorial nltow .i. i more than a com do i when first discovered, v u tiy under the combin?d ui -ud oars. uThe cap tail'? ..cope was brought to bear, anctyjt1 y was soon ascertained that she bad. Pt least & full crew. We baoked the main* i topsail, and hove to, waiting impifciently to know more, and making vanoub sli re wd-guesses and speculations at to her history and oharacter. ' ^They've lowered for whale^and got tot from their ship," snggeetecF cm^ r "Likely enough," returned an-i other. " The captain makes out eight men lu tier,ccUtnKdBi'oomitis itOra aft. Here was a new phase of the matter, and our theory was blown to the four winds. Nobody would lower in pursuit of whalee with any mora than six in a boat. " Castaways, of courso," was now the unanimous opinion. "Ship foundered or burnt at sea and some of her boats lost with her." "Rut were not Venfc Inner in nna penee, for the strangers brought their Xrail craft alongside as rapidly as oars and canvas oonld do it and leaped on deck, in a few minutes we were in possession of the whole story?a parody on the old one of Bligh and Fletcher Christian. The boat contained Captain Watson, his mato and six others, from the bark Newcastle, of Sydney, who had been Bet adrift the day before by mutineers. The second mate, named McGregor, was at the head of the conspiracy, whioli had been most artfully planned and carried into exeoutioB, while he hud charge of the deck. It was supposed that McGregor, the new commander, intended to carry the bark down among the Marshall Islands and there destroy her, taking, up his residence among the savages. Thero were still twenty men on board ; but how many of them were actively engaged in the plot, or how many were merely cowed into submission to the new authority, was more than the captain oonld tell. " And how far do you suppose your ship to be from ua now ?" asked Gaptain dent. I have steered west-northwest, by < ipass, as nsar as Iconld," said Gap< Watson ; *' and have run, I should . \ ye, about eighty miles. The Newwhen I lost sieht of her. was hv I id on thb northweBt taok, under .ail. She ought to bear nearly du> st from us." below, and let's layoff your com V - the chart. I don't know as 1 oau ddw *binf foryou, even if I should fall in TSv. 'our ship, but it might be . Pome sat r\ ion to see her." The two c.i>v mob went into the cabin, *y< nu Ho.'ii the oftrer Was passed along to -rftttU sail oil a wind. Nothing was .nd the first gray a.g showed up the bark ' onoo by Captain WatrV&A i their own vessel? ' course. 1 near ns if >0 ' % * ... ik: V V, '' * ' 1 V. " yp- v ' -J&^ ^ 1 S?*es*i tei?|~'/rhat mast be McGregor's oV ject. JPhere's isn't much tobacco o board' and bat little powder. He wan to bny more. Captain Bent, let's yc an/ I have another talk by ourselves 1it added, seeming to have oonoeivc ^ome now idea. < Their conference was short; bu judging from the expression on the faoes, when thtoy came on deck an took the mates into thair confereno it seemed to have been productive < something of importance. The bark boat^in which the wanderers had bee picked up, was plaoed overhead on ti skids, as if she 'had been one at 91 own, and a sail thrown over her tin he might mot Joe recognized. The Cre wore inst roofed to keep themselves on of sight while -the two vessels we communicating. " What back is that ?" asked Ca] tain $en, innocently, after he bad giv< his own name. " The Nevoutla. of Ri?ln?T." " Who com maud 8 her I" " Watson," was the reply. " One of oar men had bus leg brok< yesterday," hailed oar oaptain, " and wonld like to get the service of yoi Bargeon." " Certainly. Ill ooma aboard, ai Ving the doctor with me. I wish to s yon to trade with you." And with farewell wave of a trumpet, as tl vessel passed oat of hearicg, 1 luffed to under our lee, and then lo1 ered his boat. Now the doctor of the Newcastle w at that moment in onr own cabin, 1 ] having been sent adrift in the boat wii the oaptain ; but McGregor wonld, : coarse, bring some one to persona the oharaoter. This would take sev< men from her orew ; and it was all certain that he wonld man his bo with his choice spirits, for if he broug! any doubtful or lukewarm ones, tin might prattle. We had our instruction and within five minutes after the sev< men Btepped on our deck, they had t been deooyed below and quietly s Wired. The boat was veered astern by tl warp, and the main topsail filled on wind, just as if we had made MArang ments for a day's " gam," according the frequent usages of whale-ships < cruising ground. Of oofHrse pur pai ner followed our lead, keepiqg*ebmpai with us all day, without the least sn picion. The remainder of our plan regain possession of the ship could on ^ McGregor*1 and ^'his'* associates crime were ironed and placed in ti rhn for safe-keeping. After dark hove to and set a light in the riggin which was at onoo answered by anoth from the Newcastle, as she closed wii us and lay under onr lee. Away went a boat from us in ohar( of our mate, with a picked crew ; whi a short distance astern of her followc another, with Captain Watson and h whole party. Toe ruffian who was charge of the bark, calling himsc mate of ber, was amused by the fir comers with a story that his captain hi I made a bargain for a quantity of gu I powder and tobacco, and that our ma I t.J I L ^ iiuu uetui Hum ior lav money in pa menl. Suspecting nothing, he invifc his visitor below, to drink and enj< himself awhile. Onr men manag< adroitly to engage the attention of tho on deck, and the seeond boat wi silently alongside in the .darkness, b (ore her approaoh had been observe by them. | The alarm was given by the ci "Boat ahoy 1" but too late. As si touched the side, her crew sprang upl assist onrs, forming a superior fore with all the advantages of surprise McGregor's lieutenant was knooke I down, by par mate in the oabin ; tl few men who really had any heart i the mutiny were quiokly disposed ol and in lessthan two minutes from tt time the bd^t was hailed, the quarte deck of th4 Newoastle was in posse sion of her, former officers. McGregorknd the other principals i the revolt, still ironed, were carried 1 Sydney for ttial. As our season wi up, we kepi oompany with Captai Watson, ana made our port ther where we were liberally rewarded 1 the owners of Uie recaptured vessel f< our share in the business. A Lady's Chnntos of Being: Marrie The statistician, and likewise tl average woman all the way from fiftet yeara of age to the point when birtl day anniversaries cease to be a time < cheer and gpatnUtion, may take i least a passing interest in u table r cently printed in England, to show tl relations between matrimony and ag Every woman has 4>me chance of beir married : it may be one chanoe to fill against it, or it mai be ten to one th she will marry. B|t whatever that i representing her entire ohauoe at 01 hundred, her particular chance at ce tain defined points a! her progress ; j tiiiJIi is found to be,in the followir ra'ios. ? When betwven fifteen ar itWHuty years she has fourteen and , ' uli per ennt. of her wkole probabilitj whan bet'. ten twenty and twenty-fl' bits fi/ Hro per cent.; betwe? ly-f>e n thirty, eighteen p r mi yeara she has lo ru m. ilf per cent, of h bui unt. hirty-flve she hi \ od h? ? i^nt. Betwet una fa. Tig three ai per ^ tnd for ea< 1 e - < i.-. respective ! ~'f, oi< "iprhv and on on* - t'tes six! ti. ct o r * or on oi hoi- cooler tigur ' \ j '.f ,iyfi h o.'S t thfc v ag>. ( L ? | gw 'Ti: i < tr r?n?rM to the oh an gr?, |o "i f aid laviotl ii 1 n'r. - ? ? v ! i upparci.l ill oiiK-ti,, l J- HAY-FEVER AND ITS CURE. 1 n \ Paper Read by JDr. Beard before the >U Public Health Association of Phtladelphla. Dr. Beard redd a paper before the c American Public Health Association of r Philadelphia, on the subject of " Hay- i Fever and its Cure." The doctor be- c ld gan his investigation jPbn this subjeot j. e> by preparing a " circular Of inquiry," g which he sent all over the oountry?to ^ 8 persons suffering from the disease, to ^ lu physicians, to scientific persons, oad in j. * fact to all who could aid him in his re- c ** searches upon this subject. From the a at information thHs obtained he arrtoed g w at the conclusions embodied in his , flt paper, of which the following ia a re synopsis: . .? Hay fever is a complex and not a sim-' *j] pie disease, as has been generally un- t 311 derstood. The first element ?f the disease is a nervo-bilious temperament, or, at least, a temperament In whioli c the nervous element predominates. Hav-fever natients are the oIhkh of n&. H* tionta subject "to other nervous lis* eases. The second factor in this diBar ease is heat following cold. The heat . of hot climates does not seem to aot as y a cause, but the heat of temperate a ee climates following the cold weather. a The disease is found only in that belt e s? where there are extremes of temperaa? ture. Third?"Various exoiting causes, j w~ over twenty or more in "number, snob as perfume of flowers, dust, in-door and . 48 out-door, fresh hay, old hay, bright | if? sunlight, gaslight, close oonfined air, E smoke, cinders, hulking of oorn, Roman ^ wormwood, sneeze-weed, over-exertion, te etc. In order to get up a case of hay- < m fever two of these three factors, oer- , 8? tainly the first two, are necessary. The ** exoiting causes are named tinder the third head, and have beenr regarded as the d^jpose, hence the name hay-fever, , lB> peach cold, rose-cold, etc. One might as well call a sick-headaohe a sausage- * 111 headauh?, because it may be at times 1 ?" caused by eating sausages. The majority of the patients afflicted with hay- , fever who are reported to me are of i a American birth. Dr. Jaoobi, of New ( York, whose experience and praotice y *? among the better class of Germans are ] veryGarge, tells me that he has never rt" known a case of hay-fever among Ger- ( ay mans in this country. I suspect that , l8" among foreign population not born in this country hay-fever is oompara- j tively rare; just as among the same f** ulakJua mwwuus disease of ml kinds are ,in comparatively rare. ^ ue After a person has once been atwe tacked he seems to be for all hie life E ?? liable to be again attacked. Now and t ?* then one may go over a year without b" tho disease, but this is rare. Some- i times tho disease increases in severity t ?? with years, and sometimes diminishes. |? A majority of my patients have tried e . the local application of the solution of t ,18 qninine, as recommended by Helmholtz, 113 and they report that it is little or no good. Among the regions which hay- ^ fever patients visit with benefit, I may ld mention the White Mountains and the ocean everywhere, at least in oold te dimes ; for those who take sea voyages y~ almost never suffer while at sea, but may be attacked as soon as they land. 3y A trip to Earope, the Adirondack 3U region and the island of Maokinaw are 8? very highly recommended by some. Rs Dr. Dennison, of Denver, Colorado, ?" sends me a pamphlet which reports that seme cases of hay-fever have been cured by a residence in that locality. 7 Dike other nervons diseases, it is J? powerfully under the influence of the mind. The striking periodicity of tha ?? disease ooming on as it does, in a cer^ tain case, at precisely the same day or - ncur, is probably the result iu part of , . expectation of the patient that "it will , .. come then. The plan of treatment that ' I would suggest for hay-fever is as fol- . lows : First, to prevent the disease. r" As early as Maroh or April the patient 1 should begin to take a course of nerve 4 . tonic treatment. I would recommend 1 it to be arsenio, phosphorus in itsvari- ? ous forms, cod liver oil, iodoform and . eleotricity, especially the methods of , lu general galvanization and general faridization. When the disease appears . l7 the great dependence must be on local 5r treatment, combined with general tonic , treatment. Mr. friend, Dr. W. F. , Hutchinson, of Providence, had a case this year, which he broke up by central l'? galvanization. I relieved decidedly one ie case and somewhat relieved another m by flocal galvanization externally. The remedies should be used thoroughly. The great trouble with those wb*> galvanize themselves is that they do not e_ completely and thoroughly bring the jq remedies to act upon all the sinnous ^ e and tortuous lining membrane of the j ' nasal passages. 6 ~ 1 It Plants. [ s, It is well known that plants sleep at i 10 night; bat their hoars of sleeping aro ? r- a matter of habit, and may be disturbed I in artificially, just as a cock may be woke t ig ap and orow at untimely hours by the < id light of a lantern. De Oandolle sub- c a jeoted a sensitive plant to an exceed- ? r; ingly trying oourse of discipline, by f re completely ohanging its honrs ; ex- i in posing it to a bright light all night, so ^ er as to prevent sleep, and putting it in a 1 at dark room during the day. The plant t er appeared to be muon puzzled and dis- < as turbed at first; it opened and closed its j in leaves irregularly, sometimes nodding < id in spite of the artificial sun that shea c ih its beams at midnight, and sometimes ' ly waking up from foroe of habit, to find s e- the ohamber dark in spite of the time r ir of day.. Such are the trammels of use i a- and wont. Bat, after an obvious strng- I NieNPresident and the Horse Dealer Among the enterprising citizens wh rontHbuted to the St. Louis State fai ras Mr. Dillon, who is a dealer i Gorman horses. Mr. Dillon has re ently imported a number of these ani uals from Europe, and had a " six-in iau3 " nttaohed to a ponderous vehicl >n the fair grounds. Driving aroum he geurse, the horse fancier met oh Jam.Buckmaster, of Illinois, and in luoeti him to accept a seat in the oara 'an.* They drove several times aroum he (stock, and were the observed of al sbservers, but finally Mr. Buckmastei leeing two gentlemen approaching laid : *' There comes the President; nnsfcget out and meet him." President [" exclaimed Dillon that -is just the man I want t iee.^1 wanted to got hold of a ma hatvia a good judge of horseflesh Vhiofc is the President ?" " 'T'ae gentleman in dark clothe larrying the umbrella," replied Sam. "Hallo 1 cried Dillon to th tranger ; " come here ; I want to se rou."? The?gentlemon with the umbrella a] >roached smilingly and shook Dillo >y the hand, supposing that he w? mm A Wnnnaintanrtn m# nt hnr fimna " What do you think ol my team < laid Dillon. "They do very well," said the ma n datfk clothes. " Jtlmp in and let me show you the >aoe. i Bring your friends along, houted Dillon, heartily. " You must excuse tno. I don't wai o be fconspicuous," said the strange " Conspicuous ?" remarked Dilloi Get in here and let me give you ide behind these horses." " No?no," oried he of theumbrelh * I must be going." " Why don't you get in? I won sat yon 1" said the horse fancier. At this the stranger and the frier urne<$ abruptly away, and wore lost i he crowd. " well." exolaimed Dillon to Bucl neater, who stood by dumbfonndei ' Just to think that the president of >ne-borse Missouri fair refused to ri< jehind my team. What a sop he mu " President of the fair !" Buokmast ihouted in amaze ; "don't yeu kne who that was ?" "No," replied Dillon ; " you told n tie wafcthe President." is the President," rejoim Buck master, " but not of the fai Why, surely you knew him ?" "I'll be hanged if I did," Dillc taid. " I was sure he was president < his fair." "Oh, this is too muoh I" oried San ' Why, that was the President of tb United States I" Dillon grew very red in the face, an lowly gasped forth : " Was?thatIrant?" " Certainly, it was Gen. Grant." Dillon caught up his reins, droppe* lis whip and exclaimed, "Oh?" A Clean Apron. A lady wanted a truBty little maid I 3ome and help her to take charge of oaby. Nobody oonld recommend on ind she hardly knew where to look f< ;he right kind of a girl. One day si iras passing through a by-lane and sa tlittle girl with a clean apron holding mby in the doorway of a small hous 1 That is the maid for me," said tl ady. She stopped and asked for h nother. "Mother has gone out vork," answered the girl. "Father lead, and now mother has to do ever -hing." " Should you not like to con ind live with me ?" asked the lad I should like to help mother som iow," said the little maid. The lad nore pleased than ever with the tic ooks of the little girl, went to see h< nother after shd oame home, and ti md of it was that the lady took tl naid to live with her, and she foundrhat, indeed, she expeoted to findl>ftf thn Tiuot ? * 1 aj/jiumauuc U1 lit5T perse ihowed the neat and orderly bent i ler mind. She had no careless habit ihe was no friend to dirt; but ever hing she had to do with was folded t ind put away, and kept carefully. T1 ady finds great comfort in her, ai lelps her mother, whose lot is not no io hard as it was. She smiles wht the says, " Sally's recommendatic vas her clean apron and who wi lay that it was not a good one ? A Curious Character. A singular trial has just been coi daded in New Haven, Conn. The su vas brought by a farmer against h lired man, who claimed un offset 1 nore than the amount of the plaintiff ilaim. The plaintiff, some time ag< laving lost his record books, mad rotes of his business transactions o leparate sheets of paper, which he d< )osited as fancy inclined him. Somt i inert they would be placed beneath tb larpei., sometimes behind desks an loors. and wherever their annran? *??? tupposed to be unquestioned. Near] ill these papers the plaintiff brongl nto eonrt to snstain his claim. ~ Thei vera suoh qneer items as tlnsr Tt lired man did something in dppositio o the wish of his employer, the plaintil >r pushed him hard against a door, ii tiring his feelings thereby. For som if these episodes th4 hired man wi iharged forty cents. | For 1>uin liquory " mother charge was enterec tnd for t'uMi ; g down stairs, and ihocktog U*u * *? ?\!>oT a ras a?Ved. V. ; r? jay iq- to sritl ingot h; fjr* eTMin am--nnt T khor ho p'ixio-- V th$ *r f I'OUgbf , Clothing for Cold Weather. 0 The usual dross is snffioient quantity, r and often good in quality, but it is Terr a badly distributed. There is too muon about the trunk, and too little about j. the lower extremities. If one quarter [. of the heavy woolen, overcoat or shawl 0 were taken from the trunk, and wrapd ped about the legs, it would prove a j great gain. When we men ride in the cars, or in the sleighs, where do we suffer ? About the legs and feefcj When J women suffer from the cold, where is 1 it ? About the legs and feet! Tho legs and feet are down near the floor, where the cold ourronts of air j move. The air is so cold near the floor that all prudent mothers say, " Don't . lie there. Peter ; get up, Jerusha Ann ; q play ; play on the Bofa; you will take n your death cold lvin?r tli?r? ?-m *>?? L> floor." And they are quite right. Daring the damp and oold season, ,8 the legs should be enoased in very thick knit woolen drawers, the feet in thick e woolen stockings (which must be ,e changed every day,) and the shoe soles must be as broad aB the feet when fully spread, so that the blood shall have in free passage. If the feet are squeezed l8 in the least, the circulation is oheoked, and coldness is inevitable. This free ) ? circulation cannot be Beoured by a loose upper with a narrow sole. If when the foot stands naked on a sheet of paper it measures three and a half inches, ;r the sole must measure three and a half. ? I will suppose, says Dio Lewis, you ' have done all this faithfally, and yet your feet and legs are oold. Now add r more woolen, or if you are to travel a' much in tho cars, or in a sleigh, pro8 cure a pair of ohamoie-skin or washleather drawers, which I have found to k. be most satisfactory. ' I have known a number of ladies af't dieted with hot and aching head, and other evidence of congestion about the l(j upper parts, who were completely rein lieved by a pair of chamois-ekin drawers and broad-soled shoes. Three ladies in every four suffer from some oonges3 tion in the upper part of tho body. It 8 is felt in a fullness of the head, in sore ](> throat, in palpitation of the heart, torst pid liver, ana in many other ways. It is well known that a hot foot-bath will 6r relieve for the time being any and ? all IW of these difficulties. This bath draws the blood into the legs and feet, reao lieving the congestion above. What j the hot foot-bath does for an hour, the e<3 broad soled shoes with thiok woolen ;r_ stockings, and a pair of flannel drawers, with a pair of wash-leather drawers added, will do rw>rmononH? . ?? ' /u f ? f | UI UUUrHtJ rjf I am speaking of cold weather. No one hesitates to multiply the olothing a> about the trunk. Why hesitate to in,e orease the clothing about the legs ? As a preventive of many common affeod tions about the chest, throat and head, _ including nasal catarrh, I know nothing so effective as the dress of the lower extremities which I am advocating, j The bath is a good thing, exercise is a good thing, friotion is a good thing, but, after all, our main dependence in this climate must ever be, during the cold reason, warm, clothing. Already ?0 we overdo this about our trunks, but a not one person in ten wears clothing e enough about the legB and feet. >r 16 The Exact Truth, w : a Two young masons were building a e. brick wall?the front wall of a high le house. One of them, in placing a er brick, discovered that it was a little to thicker on one side than the other, is "His companion advised him to y- throw it out. " It will make your wall le untrue, Ben," said he. y. "Pooh !" answered Ben, "what dife ference will such a trifle as that make ? fr, xou're too particular." y " My mother," replied his companir ion, "taught me that truth is truth,' le ever so little an untruth is a lie, and a le lie is no trifle." ? "O," said Ben, " that's all very well; ? but I am not lying, and I have no in>n tent ion oi doing so." of "Very true, but you make your wajl s, tell a lie ; and I have somewhere read y- that a lie in one's work, like a lie in his ip character, will show itself sooner or ie later, and bring harm, if not ruin." id " I'll risk it in this case," answered w Ben ; and he worked away, laying more in bricks and carrying the wall up higher, >n till the close of the day, when they .11 quit work and went home. The next morning they went to resume their work, when behold the lie had wrought out the result of all lies 1 The wall getting a little slant from the a- untrue brick, had got more and more it untrue as it got higher, and at last, in is the night, had toppled over, obliging to the masons to do their work over ? again. |>, Just so with ever so little an nntrnth 'e in yonr character; it grows more and n more, if you permit it to remain, till it brings sorrow and ruin. 8- Tell, aot and live the exact truth alia ways. id * English Army.?Last year 743 l7 soldiers were sentenced for desertion it from the British army. Soma of the 'e reasons given for desertion hf men ie are curious. Forty-seven were annoyed '1 by comrades or harshly treated by li non-commissioned offioers and others; 1 i- forty-four married without leave, o* J ie had love affairs ; eighty-seven were led * us astray by drlsk, or dsssrtod from aisg like to the anny ; eighty-one were perI, snaded by comrades or bad oompany t . ?-fw 'on* alleged refusal of absence . | i ? tut ?cnty-ni"** do ?{ < t [ b- ite? ?h- > *< y ' Si r^os i ? ' t?' i? . - ' . ; ? irftt? v; r c ? Vr vr ! ' ( - ;< .. *2 V*1 t ? *vltj ? ^ * WO ^ * 3%^ < , V. Items of interest. At Salisbury, N. H., Master Ouahon, aged fifteen-killed Master Oouoh, aged fifteen, w^fch a club. A society for the introdnotion of tt.n- 4 *' Eeranoe lilsrature in the pablio schools as been formed in Ohioago. The sale of onions has largely in- / creased in Maine, those who iroold L like alcohol if they ooold get it Beings according to one theory, the purchase**. In October the affectionate husband weeps to see his wife skip about thai house flourishing a duster, and to hear j her shriek in aoouuL. wild, ** Kill him 11 There's another moth miller !" A good meal, it is said, .is served in a restaurant in the Rue de Trfnite,' for nine oents. The menu comprises a' plate of meat, a plate of vegetables dessert, and half a bottle of wine. A couple of fellows who were prefoj thoroughly soaked with bad whisky got into the gutter. After floundering for some timejme of them said. "Let's go to anothernonse ; this hotel leaks." An inquiring man thrust his flog-;ru into a horse's month to see ho* i. >ir teeth he had. The horse cloci birmouth to see how many fingers thy* man had. The onriosity of each was fnlly satisfied. Thirty Chinese boys have jnst arrived in Springfield, Mass, to be thenoe sr * to various schools in that State : Connecticut for education. The. brought their wardrobes and trinket* in great bamboo ohests. The lifting power of plants is well illustrated by an oak tree in South Had- 4, ley, Mass. A rook had a seam in ik -X" and a fibrous root from the oak crept into the seam, grew and lifted the rook, weighing over a ton, to a height of one foot. A Western man set fire to the prairie for fan, but after he ran seven miles and olimbed a tree, with his pant": about all burned eff, he oonelnded the sport was a little too violent exev is lo be indulged in oftenar than one > a lifetime. Qood advice. When you use a Dostr.1 card, always write the address then 1 thing. Tons of postal cards witho* any addrese are destroyed in the Dead Letter Office, because people write their message first and then forget to address the card. A bashful young man mortally, offended the bride of his most lntUhato3 friend by stammering, when taken aback by a request for a toast at the wedding supper: " Tom. my f-fr-friend, may you hare a wedding once a yeas as long as you live." A pistol to be used by Marietta Ravel in a play at a Troy theatre was loaded with a decidedly realistio bullet, Hf boy had been rat hunting with theJhfl? arm, and had left in a deadly charge. The discovery was made just in tin**, probably, to save the life of an actor. Nineteen years ago a Tennmee father refnsed to let his yonng daughter go to a oatfdy-pnl), and she disappeared. The other day she rey-uxcd, lifted eleven children out of the t "on, and entered the house and took o things as coolly as if she hadn't \ as gone over a day. \ -l Excellent paper pillows may be made of old letters?the stiffer the paper the better. Newspapers will not do. The paper should be out into strips and rolled ronnd an ivory knitting needle; it is then almost like a spring, and makes a mnoh better cushion than the torn paper, being more elastic. Tee Slave Trade. It is not alone piety which prompts thousands of Mohiammedapz merchants annually to join,the pilgrims marching to Mecoa. The oharm of a profitable > bargain is not nnknown to these apparently righteous wanderers, and they i; co by no means oversorofftlous as to th> manner in which they gain their money. While the more devout shed their tears and say their prayers at the shrine of the Prophet, those who have an eye to business oactnre hIrvph can, in the regions of Afrioa throhgf: which they pass, and sell tnem wit. \n the Dominions of the Saltan of Moi rxioo, who takes one slave in twenty us his tribnte. This trade, which is car ried on within a few leagues of th?. French settlements in Algeria, is said to be by far the most laorativo indulged in by the caravans. Three thousand S slaves are annually brought down from the Soudan, and not even the powdered gold, the inoense, the precious stones, the indigo, or the rhmooeros herns, which the caravans sometimes get is Central Africa, are sought for with hi I the eagerness displayed in slp~e-kimting. 4. A Bich Church. The salaries of twenty-eight p1 a .3 , of the Established Church of Sin ??la ni amount to ?152,900 a year, or injfcr1) eight hnndred thousand dollars , i 'tuto this you must add ?38,000 for un many deans. The annual patronai e at t-'hed lu iuodu iiii?u?j-wb?' " iki'tbu at jE901,165. This patr . v j canons rt idsnt, w .a .i .vu<1 other ole?,f'1 snnggr T'?e of the . ; ! u5v?to K ti?e '. .is* i*{-. 'iff'.' Dhn^vf of E i^iv t a v.., ,v ?| ' ?tf rev . ue, .hJcii .*t Jta v:,