' '" ' , I " VOLUME I. CAMDEN, SO. CA., FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1862. . NUMBER 33 file fflmim fonfelreratr IB PUBLISHED EVERY FR1DAT BY f J. T. HBH8HMAXf AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAS, 4 PAYABLE IB VARIABLY HALBrYEARLY IB ADVANCE. Terms !fbr Advertising: Tor one Square?fourteen lines or less?ONE DOLLAR for the first, and FIFTY 0ENT8 for each subeoquent insertion. Obituary Notices, exceeding One Square, charged tor at advertising rates. v Transient Advertisements and Job Wonc MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. No deduction made, except to our regular advertising patrons. ADVERTISING TERMS PER ANNUM. One Square, 3 months,' $5 ? "6 " . . - 8 ? " " 12 " ,12 Two Squares, 3 months, 8 " . * G " 13 " ? 12 " 18 Three Squares 3 mos., 12 ? " 6 " 18 " " 12 " ..... 26 Four Squares 3 mos., 16 " ? 6 " 24 *? " 12 ?r 30 CP" Eight dollars per annum tor every additional square. Business, and Professional Cards Eight Dollars All 1 tl l ' *' ' auvciiiiwiiiHMMi lor -yss wiiui mree monies Cash. If the number of insertions is not specified in writing advertisements, will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. Announcing Candidates, three months, Five Dollars over that time, the usual rates will bo charged. No advertisement, however small, will be considered loss than a square; and transient rates charged on all for a less time than three montlis. TO TRAVELLERS. :o: OP THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. NORTHERS ROUTESTATIONS. DAY *I?HT TRAINS. TRAINS. Leave Charleston 1.00 am 8.15 p m Arrive at Kingsville, the Junction of the Wilmington Jk Manchester R. E.. 2.45 pm 3,15 a m Arriveat Columbia....... 4 00 p m 6.0C a m Arrive at Camden 4.40 p m O Leave Camden 5.20 am Leave Columbia... 6.15am 5.30 pm Leave Kingsville, the Juno . tion of the Wilmington A Manchester Railroad.. 6.45 a ra 3.25 p. m Arrive at Charleston 3.00 p m 2.30 a. m. WESTERN ROUTE. day night stations. trains. trains Leave Charleston. 7.00 a m 6.30 p m Arrive at Augusta 2.46 p ri |4.30 pen Leave Augusta i 6.00 am | 7.30 p m Arrive at Cnarleston 1 8.30 pm t 4.30 a m fhrough travel between augusta and kin8gville stations. ni0ht trains. trains. Leave Augusta 8.00 a m 7.30 p m a ?. >/. ? vin/moilu Q A K n% 9 ik on. MlllfO IVIU^OTtlAV* f J* Ul |W?4U ? Ul o Leave Kingsville I 6.45 am i 8.26 pm | Arrive at Augsta I 1.15 p mf 11.15 pm MID-DAY TRAIN BETWEEN CAMDEN AND KINGSVILLE, MOVDAT, WKDNB8DAT, and Saturday. DOWN. I UP. LeaveCamden, 11.40a. m. | Leave Kinggville,8.5 a.m. Leave Boykin'a, 12rt2p.m LeaveClarkaon'a 8.20 " Leave Olaremoul 1.248 u Leave Mancheeter JunoLeave Middleion 1.10 " tion 8.38 a. m. Leave Manchester June- Leave'Middle ton 8.43 , tion 1.18, p. m. Leave Olaremont 9.08 " Leave Clarkaon'a 1.38 " Leave Boykin's 9.48 4< Arrive at Kingsville 1.60, Arrive at Camden, 10.20 Nov, 8?tf H. T. PKAKE, Gen'l Sup't. * Oats and Caw Peas For balk for cash, at the old corner.' November 1 E. W. BONNEY. * Guano 'PWO TONS PERUVIAN GUANO. ALSO A X small lot of Patagonian Guano, for sale by February 28 E. W BONNEY. Seed Oats. SEED OA.T8 FOR SALE AT THE "000*ner," by E. W. BONN BY. February 28 *' ' '* ' b , ; , B > ErtHARLCSTO.^, JIJ1VE 9,186i.? THE UNDERSIGNED would call the special attention of Planters, and others interested, in this state, to the following REGULATIONS, > just received from tho Treasury Department* He has also been instructed to obtain from subscribers the ARMY SUPPLIES,' in kind (such as RICE, CORN, Ac., &c.) which they pledged to the Produce Loan Bureau, for which payment will be made in Confederate Eight not* nnnf unwno ?* e?Li- oi?i_ ^/vi wiM i/v/ai Ul ll (HIOKCIHUIO OlUUKt * I. S. K. BENNETT, General Agent for the State of So. Ca. REGULATIONS A8 TO THE PURCHASE OF PRODUCE UNDER THE UACT TO AUTHORIZE THE EXCHANGE OF BONDS FOR ARTICLES IN KIND, AND THE SHIPMENT, 8ALE, OR HYPOTHECATION OF SUCH ARTICLE8," APPROVED APRIL 21, 1802. The several Produce Loan Agents appointed in each State shall accept Cotton in kind, which has been or shall be subscribed, in exchange for Eight per cent, Bonds of tho Confederate States, under the following regulations: I. Each Agent shall, by public advertisement, call for offers to be made, setting forth the quantity, price and quality of tho Cotton, and the place at which the same is deposited; and upon receiving the oilers, he shall cause the Cotton offered to bo examined, and the price ascertained and reported upon, by an experienced Cotton Broker, and, upon being satisfied that the purchase would be desirable, and the place of deposit is safe, he may conclude the purchase to the extent prescribed to him by the Secretary of the Treasury. When bids are equal, prefference shall bo given to subscriptions heretofore made to the Produce Loan. II. No purchase shall be made of Cotton j ? - t .i ? ucpunitcu uii a plantation, unless inc seller snail engage, in writing, to take due care the Cotton while on his plantation, and to deliver tho same, at bis own expense, at the usual place of shipment or railroad delivery, whenever demanded by the Secretary of the Treasury or his Agents, or his or their assigns; nor shall any such purchase be made of less than twenty bales on one plantation. Wherever purchases of less than one hundred bales are made, the Government Agent is authorized to have them collected and deposited in a warehouse, or upon some plantation where proper provision can bo made for thoir secure custody, and for delivery at the usual place of shipment; and he shall report to the Chief Agent the arrangements thus made, with proper documents for the delivery. III. Before completing the purchase the Government shall see that each bale of Cotton is sumcicntly secured with Kope and Bagging, and is deposited in a warehouse, or if on a plantation, in some enclosed or covered building, secure from fire, to remain under charge of the seller as warehouseman. The purchase shall then be completed by tho delivery of Confederate Bonds or Stock for the place in exchange for the documents transfering the property to the Confederate States, and stipulating as specified in these Regulations; and whereupon the Agent shall place upon each bale a Government mark to identify the same. In all cases he shall take the transfer of title in duplicate to the Chief Produco Loan Agent of the State wherein the CottoD is deposited, and * U ~ l1 rv * ' ' wiv utuoi w mo xicasury x/eparuneni 01 luc Seat of Government. ****** VIII. When the Cotton is deposited at a warehouse, the form of transfer shall be in the usual and customar}- form in private transactions. * * * * * * X. Subscribers to the Produce Loan may, any time, pay the amount or value of their subscriptions in Treasury Notes; instead of delivering tho same in kind, and such payment shall entitle fhem forthwith to receive Bonds or Certificates of Stock in exchange. O. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. Juno 19 2__ Cash StoreNO CREDIT 1U An IHUVI FOR ANYTHING. 8 BARRELS STUART'S A LOVE RING'S Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osnaburgs; 10 gross good Matches, in paper boxes; A dozen bottled Cayenne Pepper; I Choice Rica Superior Hams and Shoulders; 15 sacks super did No. 1 Flour. Laid, Brown Sugar, Spices; . Preserved Peaches and Ginger.Oaod*; Ordea A Biackwell'a EngUsh.Pickle and PiccaliUa, 1 in store and to arrive, and for sale for oash. . J a June 6 A. T. LATTA. Interesting from New Orleans. We are in receipt of the New Orleans Dtlta of Friday week and from it gather some items of news. Very little business is being done in the city, but provisions are gradually arriving, which will relieve the working classes from the danger of want. It has been ordered that religious services be had in the different churches of the city, as in times of profound peace, and no prayer for the destruction of the Union or the success of the rebels wili bo tolerated. The hells which were taken from the churches by the order of Beauregard, were (dripped to New York on Thursday last in the ship North America, by order of General Butler. The Delta wants them united in one casting ^ and placed on the roof of Faneuil Hall. A Yankee named E. W. Fox has arrived from New York to exercise the duties of city postmaster. The Yankee's Loss in the Battle or Seven Pines.?We published yesterday the statement of a negro who had escaped from the Yankees, Sunday night, to the effect that whilst helping them to bury two thousand of their dead, he had heard them ropeatly estimate their loss at between three and four thousand. We liavo since received information confirmatory of the negro's statement The Rev. Mr. Sherrard, the Catholic chaplain of Louisiana Battalion of Zouaves and Chasseurs* who, during and after the battle of Saturday^ traversed the whole field, administering, according to the rules of his church, the last sacrimcnt to the dying, says that the enemy lost in killed ten to ottr one.?Richmond Ex~ aminer. Military Governor of Louisiana.?James Robb, of New Orleans, is named as a proper person to be Military Governor of Louisiana. He is recommended by a number of million aires of New York, among them Qrinnell and Astor. Ilobb is a good name for a Governor of the South under Lincoln. Robbisthe order of the day.?It is enjoined on all who enlist in the crusade?go forth and rop and steal, and, like the locusts of Egypt, leave no green thing behind. Desolate the laud of the ure? bcls." Robb is a famous banker of New Orleans, and made an immense fortune amongst the people it would appear he is now repdy to betray. He is vouched for by that odius sheet the New York Times, and of course must b^a good Union man.?Richmond Dispatch. The Conscript Law.?A good many persons are under the belief that the conscription law relieves from tho service all persons over thirty-five years, who have re-enlisted for the war. In this they Are mistaken. All who have enlisted for the war, whether old or new volunteers, will have to serve, it matters not what their ages may be. But the conscription law does not touch those over thirty-five or under eighteen, who are not now in service. This, as we learn, is the decision of the Secretary of War, and the manifest intention of the law itself.?'Carolinian. \ , : We are requested to state that all resident females, children and servants leaving the city will be furnished with certificates, which will entitle tbem to pass over the railroads in this State at half the usual rate of passage charged ATI fko DU1/I rAO/lo* IITVAn O VM VMW o?iu i v