i Cljc Camden Confederate. VOLUME L CAMDEN, SO. C A, F R1 DAY, J AN U A11Y 31,1802 NUMBER 14. 1jc (tambfit (?oufclicri?tc IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY J. T. ELERSHMAN, AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, PAYABLE INVARIABLY HALF-YEARLY IN ADVANCE. Terms for Advertising: For one Square?fourteen linos or less?ON K DOLLAR for the first, and FIFTY CKNTS for each sub. ,sequent insertion. *9 Obituary Notices, exceeding one Square, charged tor at advertising rates. Transient Advertisements and Job "\Vor?< MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. No deduction made, except to our regular advertising patrons. ADVERTISING TERMS TEll ANNUM. Ono Square, 3 months, $5 " 44 0 " 8 " "12 " 12 Two Squares, 3 months, 8 " " G " 13 " "12 " - - - 18 Thrco Squares 3 mos., 12 " " G " " " 12 " - - 25 Four Squares 3 inos., 1G " " G " 21 " " 12 " 80 ItW Eight dollars per annum lor every additional square. Business, and Professional Cards Eight Dollars ft-vear. All flilvi>rti?ommilc T.?v L.od tl.iv.A ........i. . Cash. ]ftlio number of insertions is not specified in writing aff vtisements, will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. Announcing Candidates, three months. Five Dollars over that time, the usual rates will be charged. No advertisement, however small, will he considered loss than a square; and transient rates charged on all for a less time than three months. TO TRAVEL I^EK 8. :o; OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. o NORTHERN ROUTE. DAY NIGHT TRAINS. TRAINS. Leave Charleston I 7.00 a in 8.15 p m Arrive at Kingsville, the Junction ofthe Wilmington A Manchester R. R.. 2,45 pm 3,15 a m Arrive at Columbia 4 00 pm 5.0C a m Arrive at Camden 4.40 p m j o Leave Camden 5.20 am Leave Columbia 6.15 a m 5.30 p m Leavo Kingsville, the Junction of the Wilmington A Manchester Railroad.. C.45 a m 3.25 p. m Arrive at Charleston 3.00 p m _?.:?*> a. m. WE8TEKN ROUTE. STATIONS. I}AY ~ NIO!!T ~ STATIONS. TRAINS. TRAINS Leave Charleston..........1 7.00 a in 0.30 p in Arrive at Augusta J 2.45pm |4.30 pin Leave Augusta ! 8.00 a m | 7.30 p in Arrive at Cnarleston 1 3.30 pm i 4.80 a in THROUGH TRAVEL BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND KINSGVII.LK DAY NIGHT TRAINS. TRAINS. Leave Augusta 8.00 a m 7.30 p in Arrive at Kingsville 2,45 p in 3.15 a m Leave Kingsville I 6.45 am i 8.25 pm Arrive at Aucsta I 1 15 n ml 11 IS nm o r ? r M4 MID-DAY TRAIN BETWEEN CAMDEN AND KINGSVILLE, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. ! down. j up. LeaveCamdcn, 11.40a. m. | LeaveKingsvillo, 8.5 a.m. J Leave Boykin's, 12.12p.iH Leave Clarkson's 8.20 ' Leave Clarernout 1.248 * Lenvo Manchester JuneLeave Middleton 1.10 " tion 8.38 a. in. Leave Manchester June- Leave Middleton 8.43 tion 1.18, p.m. - Leave Claremont 0.08 " Leavo Clarkson's 1.38 " Leave Boykin's 9.48 " Arrive at Kingsvillo 1.60, Arrivo at Camden, 10.20 Nov. 8?tf H. T. PEAKE, Gen'J Sup't. Oats and Cow Peas li^K fUItUASll, ATT1IK OJ,D CORNER.' X/ November 1 E. W. BONNKY. Notice. I HAVE TIITS DAY, OCTOBER 24, SOLD OUT j my entire stock of Goods, "Wares and Merchandise, in the town of Camden, to J. M. Springer, Esq., who will continue the business at the same stand 1 have occupied heretofore in the said town. All persons who arc in anywise indebted to me, will please mnko payment of the samo to said J. M. Springer, at an early day; and all who have cflaims against mo will present them to him for settlement. December 13 R. SPRINGER. 1 STATU or SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNCIL CIIAMBKR, Jan. in, 1802. I At a meeting of tiik governor i ami Council, held this day, the following j rules were adopted and ordered to he published: ] Utiles made ond established hi/ the Governor and Council f<>r the mauat/emeut of the J)epartmcnt of the HI ill tart/ of the State. Rule I. It shall he the duty of the Chief of the Military Department to examine into the military condition of South Carolina, which includes the returns and picscnt condition of the troops In service, and the militia not in service, together with the number, amount and condition ofarms. ordnance, ammunition,c lothing and supplies, and to report the srtine to the Governor and Council. Rule 2. Itshali he the dutv of the Chief of i said J >opnrtmont to keep in propper form and report regular and exact returns of the mi I it a- ! i v force of the State in Confederate service and < in the militia of the State, and of all military ' stores arms, c<]uipments and supplies in the ! magazines and other places in the State, and to order, receive and take them, and all arms, ammunition and equipments from ofiieers and other persons in whose possession they may he, which belong to the State and arc not used in actual service, and to direct them to such places as he may deem proper. liule 3. The Chief of said Department shall form estimates for all such stores, arms, ammunition, equipments, clothes and supplies as may he requisite for the military service of this State and the contingencies of the Confederate demand, and providing adequate magazines for the same, where such do not exist, and report the same to the Ciovernorand Council that due provision may be made therefor. 1 tnlo 4. The Chief of said Department shall give directions necessary to carry into operation all resolutions and directions of the (Jovernor and Council by orders through the Adjutant and Inspector Ccneral's Department, for raising, arming, and equipping troops for the service of the State, and ofthu Confederate States, under the authority of the Slate, and lor the organizing, providing and inspecting the same; and to direct the arangement, distribution, transportation and operation of such troops (till mustered into confederate service), as may be brought into the service of the State under and sunjoet to tint orders of the Covcrnor and Connril to provide lor the transportation, safe-keeping und distribution of supplies necessary for the troops called into the service ?>f the State, or which the contin<;ene\ of the Confederate service may appear to require. iiule .*?. The Chief of the said department is vested with all such powers as are necessary for the full performance of the duties aliove specified, or which may hereafter he imposed, i * .1.: ... 1 i ' i aim in iin? uiiu no may supervise, (.ureel aiiil t*ive all proper orders to tlie (.'oinmissary, Ordnance, Duartonnasterand Medical Departments ol the military organization of the State, and to command all officers and employees in the military service of the State, and to depute to them such matter at such times as he may see proper. He is vested with further power to remove all persons employed 111 any of the Departments aforesaid and to appoint others; in their stead, and shall he responsible for their conduct in olliee ; hut all such orders?removals and appointments?shail he done by orders through the Adjutant and Inspector-Denoral's Department, and shall ho reported to thf^ ( invprnnr ;in,l (\iimeil >t ? >' s. ?? Iiiv.il i.vau JIIV* II** thereafter, and l>o subject to the control of the same. All the vacancies in the military service of the State heretofore vested by law in the (Jovernor, shall be vested in the Chief of the Military .Department, subject to the previous decision of the. (.Jovernor and Council. Rule C. The Chief of the Military Department shall keep a book or books, to which all orders or directions made or given by him shall be transcribed, and the same shall be submitted to the (Jovernor and Council at each successive meeting, and to enable him to discharge such duties asare imposed, lie is authorized to employ one or more clerks upon such ! compensation as may be lixed l>y the (Jovenior and Council. ]>y order of the (Jcvornor and Council. F. J. .MOJSES, Jr. jSou'tv. January 24 2 * GEN. M CLELLAN S PLAN OF THE WAR?ITS IMME- | | DIATE SUCCESS CERTAIN. The New York Times contains a letter from j Washington, dated the 12th inst., written by a ( person who speaks from the highest possible authoiitv. rolatinnr to fill! nlnns off-Inn \l/.f1l/.l_ Ian, from which we make the following extract : Your suggestions to attack Manassas, even at the risk of defeat, on the ground that we ; had better be beaten, than rot to pieces, is not like your usual good sense. Any military man would tell you that to hurl our forces against those strong entrenchments would be sheer madness. Jhit (Jen. McClellan has them caught in their own trap. They arc like a fox in a burrow with one hole, where they must soon be forced out, and then (Jen. Me-i 1 dollan will tall upon them like a thunderbolt. The public will not then complain of his want ! of energy. 1 tell you it will be so fearful as to have wailing and mourning from every South- ! ern household. Knowing what 1 do, and have ' but thus barely hinted at as the grand plan of the canpaign, I repeat, the rebels are doomed, and secession will never again raise its hydra i head in the land. The folds of the giant con-1 i ctrictor are now tightening around ih and the dawn is about breaking, lioforc the ! present month has gone these things will sure-) ly come to pass : (Jen. Ilalledljfwith the great llotilla, and an army of one hundred thousand strong, will sweep like an avalaneh down the Mississippi, where they will be joined hv (Jen* 1 hitler in New Orleans and'mobile. (Jon. Knell with nearly or (piitc the same force, will march into Tennessee, capture Nashville, and co-operatc w ith the Vnion forces in a manner and direction it. would not be politic now to point out. Generals Koseneranz ;iud Kelly will advance from Western Virginia, and do their share, in harmony with the general plan. General:* ?>anl:s and Stone will move, in eonjunction w ith the rest from tho Upper 1'otomac. General ihirnsidc will do his appointed work. General Sherman will explain by deeds, not words, his inaction. General McClcllan will force the rats from their holes at Manassas, attack them at throe points at once, and fulfil his modest pledge that the war will be "short, but desperate." The Oai'TTki: ok Ceuer Kk\s.?Of the reported occupation of Coder Keys by the enemy, the Tallahassee JYvwn says: The Coventor received a despatch on Saturday slating that Ceder Keys had been captured and probably burnt by the Federals. The despatch is based upon the statement of passengers on the train running from Coder Keys to l Yrnandina on Friday, who reported some Federal steamers coining up to Coder Keys, ami alter the train left a largo smoke was seen. It is supposed by some that the smoke was oc_ casioncd by the burning of some of our boats tiiat weio loaded with rosin, Arc., and that the people of Ceder Keys tired them to keep them from falling in the hands of the enemy. The report needs confirmation. At the late session of the Mississippi Legislature, a law was passed subjecting any slaveholder to a fine, of not less than ?200 nor more than ?1000, who sutlers his slaves to he quartered at any distance over one mile from the residence of the master; unless an overseer or other able bodied white man shall be kept with them. i McClellax Endorses the Brutal policy ok Jim Lane.?Gen. Lane has, in several interviews with the President, discussed his plans, and in conversation with McClcllan, the Com- ? mander-in-Chicf, thus addressed him : "Suppose you find no Union sentiment whatever where you go ?" "Then", replied Lane, "I will take good care to leave 110 rebel scnteinent behind inc. If Missouri, Arkansas, and xl . -u l* - me inuian country win not cotne peaceably under tlic laws of the Government, mv plan is to make them a wilderness. I will give the traitors twenty four hours to choose between exile and death.?Sir, if I can't do better, I will kill off the white traitors, and give their lands to the loyal black men !" The friends of Lane assert tnat, upon hearing this reply, McClcllan laughed heartily, and said : "You must work out your own plans. Go j-our way and sec to it that no rebel sets his foot in Kansas." T'lJ WTP \ Vll TilU Til fif't mp Tlx-. - Alig JJULUli Rouge (La.) Advocate, says: "A French gentleman, lately arrived from Talis, had a conversation just before he left with Judge Rest, one of the Commissioners of the Confederate States, who informed him that the blockade could not continue much longer. All the continental powers express themselves favorable to our success. A large number of armed vessels of the best and latest construction, would soon enter the service of the Confederate States; their condemnation l>y their previous owners being due to the nceccssily of employing them in opening the way to cotton and tobacco?Col. llarvey Brown. U. S. army, being judge, their iron sides and rifled guns will enable them to open a cotton porter two with great ease, Kentucky.?A late number of the Memphis Appeal contains an encouraging article on the situation in Kentucky. The whole force of the enemy under Gen. Buell, in that department, does not exceed one hundred and ten thousand men. Against this army, says the .\ppiu1y we are enable to state, upon sat" isfactory data, that the Confederate Government can bring a force of between ninety and a hundred thousand men, all of whom arc now mtilnv nrmc in lv'nttUinl-v The enemy's light boat, stationed near the "Middle Ground" in place of Capo Henry Light, went ashore on the J Measure House beach on Friday morning last. Our Pickets nabbed her, of course, securing seven prisoners, with a fine rifled cannon, 400 gallons of oil, about sixty days provisions, and seven muskets. Destruction of St. Louis.?The unholv war which the North is waging against the Soutli has effected St. Louid^tc a stroke of palsy. More than sixty thousand inhabitants have left that city w ithin a year, an immense number of houses and stores arc vacant, and all buisncss, except Government contract is at ' a. a dead stand. Marriage of a Granddaughter of Daniel Boone.?Capt. Elmore Otis, of the U. S. of America, and Miss Boone, daughter of Maj. A. G. Boone, Indian Agent, and granddaughter of "Gen. Boone, backwoodsman of Kentucky," as Byran calls him, were married at Fort Wise, Colorado Territory, recently. Notice. rIMIIS TS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM I trading for a Note eriven to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated tho early part of the present year, and signed by "Sutherland A Lentond and James Dunlap"?tho said noto having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was given fur tho hiro ol Phil and Charles for tho year 18G1. R TV. liONNEY. December 20 Notice. A \ T15 WILL SELL GOODS DURING 1802 FOR t cash onlv. X?> books or inumoRimlnma will Kn will bo kept. No poods will be allowed to leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be filled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended lor one and all ; and wo very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as wo are determined to adhere to it without respect ot persons Dec 30 3m MARONEY, BOSWELL & BRO.