Bacon SiJ > ACON SI DKS. FOR S A LK BW J|j Novembers 4 GAYIF& YOUNG. Duffields Hams. I70R SALE BY ujYSK R SALK BV _J November 8 4 HAYK& YOUNG. Fresh Cramers. Crackers, fresh fro^he bakery, by Novembers 4 (f,ylk & young. Candi?. Assorted candies, aii kinds. November 8 4 8?YLE<1": YOUNG. Cigatfs 1> est BRANDS, FOli SAlSOV > November 8 4 WAYLE & YOUNG-. gugat. ROWN. CLARIFIED AfJCRUSllED, BY 3 Novembers -I *-AY LE & YOUNG. cofzai 1?ORSALE LOU*. ]3Y \ Novembers ! |AYLE&YOUNG. Mixed Pckle. IN STORE AND F< >R SALLOW. RY November S ! f AY LE ?fc YOUNG. o ^ ""iTS t ? "ta f ^ 1?0Il SALE T1IK "OL COHXKK." BY Novombor 8 F E. V. LOXNKY. Bed Blankets md ([wits, A few fink led bankets and marseilles quilts, aft -'01-1 Corner." by November 8 L 1?. W. BONNE Y. Crockery hardware. A FINE ASSORTMKN'KUnoarKRY.lI Attn( V WARE and IIOUsJjLD ARTICLES, on hand, and tor sale at the u?Conmr." bv November 8 f E. W. JJONNKY. India Bubbei&in Bands, (CUTTING KNIVES, CUV SI'.ELLElts AND J l'LOl"< HIS, for sale ate ''DM Corner," by November 1 r E. V. lJONNEY. Winter Cdctljk and HatsA LOT OF Pill ME 11 NT KII CLOTHING ? also IIATS, in a greitariety ' I' styles, for sale Ity f E. V,'. lioNNEY. November 1 JLD1. IOjLv \j) ; .'Ci ; .)wv)t A FEW THOUSAND # liXil JJ A N11 BRICKS. ' ^ 1 . .n. ?Mt.' .VII V/JT l.'O ? U. Q. st'lisim I.' M I.IIUJL. JU' for sale at lit. ' ' )ld Corneror cash < aly. Novonibet i E. AY. 150XNEY. Carpets, .tags, &cCARPETS, RUGS A Eplt CLOTHS OX SALE attiic "Old Corner,'yl November l E.W. 13NNEY. To lie. 1 LIKELY HOUSE ROY A1TLY TO November 8 2 E. A. YOUNG. Election Mies. An election will'tf.rv:lpoxtukspay t!ic nth of December next, lor a Keeper of the Poor House. , Applicants will hand in weir p.-, o lis. sealed, to the Secretary. The'"<-.nrri oner;\; i iveoi on that day at 11 o'clock, at ?i.c Ck'-ti"ier t' ota of Mr. ii. AY. Bouncy. AY. I!UUI! XSON. Novembers J Soc'ty. C. 1*. Ker. Pist. RoekSaltA LOT OF TillS JifeLE FOR PALE LOW for Cash, at ir WM. McKAIXS. 'November J t' l::.o Attentionfjat Ho- 2All persons i.ifc to do 2: ?.v Militia duty in this 3 are rou: nt tlio Market, in Cannlip Satimh 11 o'clock, lbr Drill aful.Ir.etion. * A M KKNN": V. November 8 > C.< <. ,-etb CasJMtore17^LOU 11, RICE, Si:t?RO. VXD CRUSHKD; . Teas, Cocoa, SpenmWax. ('and Ls ; *200 lbs Allspice, tVppcBer, Cinnamon, NutmegsTobacco, Nails, Shot. SWal. Soda; Common Shoes and Dr?is; a !' v. good pieces Tin and Tub ware, Coum .U r Via^rar-?i-slr t; Choice Peach 1 'reserve Ar do. and fresh I'caches; Pickles, Pepper Sauce, ft<> {vpp.-r ; ad Mustard; Fresh Soda Crackers aiifliv. h?ilr 'leaso call. November 1 S A. T. LATTA. Administers ?ale I">Y V KUMISS I OX O'M. m. IJI'I.U'CK, Ordi) narv for Kcrshavalt, I will oil'> r lor s.ile, at public outcry, at thoj;jieo of T. J. Clyburn, deceased, on the l'.Mh ay vend.or, t ie !oUu\viu;^ 1 property, to-wit TwoiJ Negivs, s. ven head ot Mules, one llorse. lour is, Corn, Fodder, Oats, llay, Shucks. Cniilo. ttllacksiuith Tools, Cooper's Tools, Turpontinolrs in tho woods. Also, Turpentine in boxosKhold nn(i Kite'nen Karniiytiro, Ac. Tonus inadeii on day of sale. S- S fc'KX, Adm'r. Kst. of November') <. T. J.CiA'DITKN I H'CUBRY & HA SUCCESSORS TO THE I n i i ?i-i n _ n ti soum-iiast uorL3r 01 n CAMDEN, SOU1 SSL JE1 33 LE?" CO]?TSTAJN ' A FILL SU CLOTHING, m T>ootsrunl Slioes, CVockoiy \V Iron. Nails. C1 November 1 HI! 17 ITU i! b h a ii a 33" ^.17 in& iftif CORNER BROAD AND CAMDEN *LF I.T'Wvn'T 'ST-Txr w &&&& &% 'rsuE-: scu;:?J?:2i: 2sc::c. as a vi^n ac( HUTUAL LIFE TSSi <>i" n.u.Kinn, xoiitu > AOUlUMili lli'IulL COMPANY, OF COLUMB FOR CAM DFX AND VICINITY, is prepare HTSTJRAXTCE, dm llie moT reasonable 1 at moderate rates. WILl November- 1 North C _A_lal >ariici "7T-" " -ytr^ "TT TI T? ?i W. L. DuPASS. WJI. B,. !>?;!?ASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND 3 A i C I T O ii X 2$ ?; Q '4 ^ '"v '/, CAM DION, S. C., AY ill oraelico in Kershaw and tho surrounding Pis tricts. Novoinber 1 -A_SKl'IL M. (5 A VI. 10 A (JO., by Note or Account, will take notice that Ilicir notes and accounts have been placed in the hands of \V. L. Pi.Pass. Ks-j., for collection. Those who wish to srvo themselves of paying costs, can do so by calling on Mr Di:P.\ss and settling. JOSJSril M OAYLK, A CO. November 1 1MERUGH, A rum TT? 1 M~ A "1T"T\ TTT4 / V/"V "IT /YITj \VM. J\ J\lSJ3XT XZANZ} I'I'IV OF TS & GAPS, arc, I I olio w Ware, Tin Wave, | voecvies, &e. TKIt MS CASBI. mw li Ui uJ y ii a / t:3l: ac;c;a<;v or the JEAHCE CGMPA2JY, ::ai:olina, and tiik iii siiiira xufliiii-i JII SVJIJ rA, SOUTH ('AUOLTNA, 1 to receive applications for policies of LIFE onus. The Lives on SLAY KS insured L.IAM L. DePASS, Agent arolina AluLual Life Insurance Company. fall?winter^ Z1VV1TE TB3E ATTTEiVrertX i v ?>!'ear friends ami the public ircncrallv to our stock of sriuxa AM) sum mi-: 11 GOODS, Which is com pic to in all its various branches. A xi) will ju: sold t Oil CASII oxly. Mo(T It UY .v i! AMMF.ltShOl'tlir. Xovember 1 Fall Goods. ~~ rpn i*: sur.scitir.kit has on hand ok his ft last I'all purchases: Super J>!aek l'.ouinazines. .">-1 Itlark all \v< o! PeLnio. " u ' <' .Mnneiv ami Merino. " ' 44 Plain and 1 'rillctl Alapaeeas. ' -1-1 " K.njrlish ( rape. Colored Knelish Merino. ' P inled He banes. Domestic, Wclei and Saxonv Klannel. Merino \ < t< lb: ci. idrcn. M - : li> s. boys?\ men ' Drawers, for J.adies ; ad Moi. ' 1 li iiii Itl'i 'S. (i?r 1 iiiii.j Jaconets. (Chocks, Swiss Parlalon Muslins. White PriUiantes ami 1 >iniil\* KinhrohlorioH. lup ines ami lnsortiii};s, Laces. Liuei; Camlu ie UawlIs reiii. Is. Plain, Hemstitch and Kinhrohlercl. A ;;ootl slock of Kliglish Cotton I lose an 1 Half Hose, with a lair stock of other jcoods snitaMe for families' Fall use. AV. 1). Me 1>0WALL. Vovomlx r I 9 IX) TRAVELLERS. 1 OF .THE I SOTJTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. I | ifrlMHIiaiwHr II llrilWNHtfcufcr I TTgfaP&MIff r Ml I northern route. day nioht i sstaiio. s. trains. trains. i Leave Charleston I 7.00 a in G.30 p in I Arrivo at Kingsvillc, the I Junction ofthe Wilming- I 2,45 pm 3,15 n m fl Arrivo at Columbia 4.30 p in 5.2C am I Arrive at Camden 4.40 pm I Lea vo Camden 5.2 Oam R Leave Columbia 4.50 a tn 1.40 p m I Leave Knigsville, the June tion ol tho Wilmington 9 A Manchester Railroad.. C.45 a m 3.25 p. ni I Arrive at Charleston I ::.()<) p in 1l.JO a. in. | western route. DAY I NIGHT ^TIO^ TUA,^L_LLn^l_ Leavo Charleston j 5.15 a in j2.30 p m Arrive at Auguutu I 1.15 p m 111.15 p ni Leave Augusta ! S.00 a m | 1.30 p m Arrive nl Charleston ' 3.30 pm i 4.30 a in niuouoii travel iietween augusta and kinsgvillk ?? day night ' 0 trains. trains. Leave Augusta 8.00 a in 1.30 p in Arrive al Kingsvillc..... 3,45 p in 3.15 u m o Leave Kingsvillc I G.45 a in i 3.25 pm Arrive at Augstu I 1.15 p np 11.15 pm MID-DAY TRAIN BETWEEN CAMDEN AND K1XGSVILLK, Monday, "Wednesday, and Saturday, down. j up. Leave Camden, 10.20a. in. | Leave Kingsvillc, 1.30a. m. Leavo Boykin's, 1.08 p. m LeaveClarkson's 1.46 " Leave Claretnonl 1.45 ' Leavo Manchester JuneLeave Middlcton 2.10 " tion 8.10 a. m. I Leave Manchester June- Leave Middleton 8.20 i;al, o on * .? i t fi\ a. o a r u VIUII [I. ill. c- Vjlill L-I1IUI11 O HO " 1 Lcavo Clark son's 2.43 u Leave Doy kin's 9.20 " Arrive at Kiugsvillc 3.00, Arrive at Camden, 9.50 Nov. 8?tl If. T. PKAKK, Gen'l Sup't. CIRCIJLAR i To flic Soldiers' Aid Societies or S. C. ' I In answer to the numerous enquiries which liavo boon niado by thoUifToront "Aid Societies wliioli liavo ? boon recently formed throughout tlio State, I have t J been iutructcd by his Excellency Gov.- I'ickexs, to give 11 io following information. 1 Depots will be established by the Quartermaster j General, both in Charleston and Columbia, for tho ^ reception of all donations of clothing ; and lie is also ( charged with the duty of forwarding and distributing the same. The "Department" will receive all donations of clothing, say frock coats and pantaloons, of heavy worsted goods, shirts and drawers, of heavy home- * ' spun or flannel, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets, new or second hand, also heavy shoes. ( The ]>lan upon which the State designs supplying <1 lier soldiers with all necessary clothing, is based upon 1 their willingness to surrender to the State the amount' of money appropriated l?v the Confederate Govern* nient for this purpose, say forty-two ($12) per annum, this sum not now being suflicicnt in conscquenco of the greatly advanced cost of material. It is in view of this fact that theso laudabio "Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, arc cordially welcomod as coadjutors in this noblo work, and In proportion to thoir ( voluntary contributions of labor and materials, will tho absoluto cost of clothing for our gallant voluntdlB be reduced. In the event that any of the " Associations" should not feel themselves able to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermaster General is in Articled by hi Excellency the Governor, to ro-imburso such Associaliolic 11 u t hi* it!) inf?f of .? ??.??<% %*r\4 av,?aa/11??/? j V.V...7 t..N/ vv^uv V. ?*> Iiiuvviuuo, *1 UUU nut V. ALCtUIIIJj [ similar materials purchased by tno u Department ami the quantity allowed for each garment shall be the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies arc particularly requested to advise tho Quartermastor General of the quantity of work they can do per week, and the amount of donations they will probably send. To prevent confusion and loss, tho following method for marking package* should be strictly observed. All .Societies near Charleston, should ship to Charleston nlul mark thus: ^ ' met No. 1. TO QI: A11TEIIM A ST 1<1 It GI . y *iarac'cr Trotn Aid Society at (here insert place.1 *1 gratiSociolics near Columbia, should ?-liip No. 1. TO ASSISTANT QV AT earning a wr '"YOU I lured from one (1) upwards, y, does ye ma'am! ' I acd >n i pa in each shipment. All articles shipped at ' . . , November S I fcv potato. Ivazc it snooty _ n j. ??. h<>! iOats 1 l^idlt SAI>Kp9 0f London have invented a-^ovu'iicU they call "Bull Knu." m MS