' To a Littlo Huswife. O littlo IluBwit.) clean and spruce Thy use one lienrt di vines; A rosy apple, full of juice, And polished?till it Hhitiea! A tiJy, tripping, tender thing, A foe to Ur.y litters, A household angel, tidying Till all around thee glitters t To see theo in thy loveliness, 80 prudish and so chaste; No epcck upon Iho cotton diets Girdled around thy waist; Tlie nnklo peeping white as snow Thy tucked up kirtle under; Whi'o shining dishes, row on row Ikbind theo, stftro and wonder ! While round thy duof the millions cull While (he great markets fill, Though public sorrow strike ua all, Singing, thou workest etill; Yoa, all thy care and all thy lot Is ever, sweet and willing, To keep one little household spot As clean as n new shilling! Tho crimson kitchen firelight dips Thy checks until the}' glow ; Tho whito flour makes I by finger t ips Like rosebuds dropt iu snow. When all thy little gentle heart Flutters iu exultation To compass, in an applo tart Thy noblest aspiratio*-" O Huswife, mnv "J niocli;3t worth Koop ovo',rac from wronb': Blest l>' "uo ^10U90 ft,u^ 'o'11 t'ie ll0arl'' ai?ou blc.tscal all ?lay lonj; I And uii'lilly, may thy plocp be seua'? Tho curtains close, like aroun J The liusht lienrt of tl*> hly' A V the l'car Itonnd. VAN DYCF# MADONNA;. OR THE SLEEPWALKER. a psychological 6toiiy. Tn ono of tho splendidly decorated saloons of .St. James was assembled n group of 3*oung and lovely girls, whoso delicato fingers were busily employed in different kinds of ornamental needle-work which, und?.r their .-killful arrangement, formed bonnets wliicb rivall-jd nature in tiio brilliancy of their, colors and accuracy oi shades. The}' vcro llic Queen'* maid3 of honor, and between their g:>y chattering aud busy fingers employed tho timo while wailing for her r sing. The only grave person in the assembly was tho Dowager Duchess d'AMjy, tho chief of tho ladies of honor. Among the blooming group, tho youngest was remarkable lor the simplicity of dress and thequiot modesty of her whole appearance. Her aliire was a dross of black velvet, closed to tho throat, but of wliieh tho skirt, open in front,, disclosed an under-dress of white 6atin ; tho eIccvcs came just below tho elbow, and cnnuettifclilv * 1 J disclosed an arm and hand of tbc most dazzling whltonoss. A plaited tucker cncirclod licr graceful neck, on "which hung a chain, to which was attached a largo cross, and lu.^li'iant hair, simply parted on the forehead, confined behind by a laco scarf, comploted hor costumo. This was tho daugJitor of one of the most illustrious families of Scotland: her futhor, Lord Ruthvon, united to a princely fortune a pedigreo of which ho "Was more proud than of his wealth. TitlPr hio rlnniflifn* l.n.l J , - V.UUQ11UV1, 1I1IU nttiLUJ iiryived at tho linglish Court, on her appointment to a post in tho Qucon's household-?thoro to compieto the edu^ cation which had been carefull}' guided by her fatihoi*. Retii*ed and simple in lxcr tastes, her mind instinctively sought tho sublime in tho works of nature and art. Sho excelled in painting, and her genius had created a world of her own, in tho daily contemplations of the production ~* At. - 1 a" * vt. triio pest raasier.3, which adorned tjie galleries of her father. Paul Vcronoso, Guido, Kubens were" of tho number of her friends, and she vowed thorn otornal gratitude, for tbo light their talents had shed on her eolituue. Tho habits and manners of Lucy contrasted strongly with those of her companions, who had boon habituated to moro iudepondonco and liberty. Gentle ami timid to excoss, sho scarcely Attempted to answer tho sportivo and often misohcivous sallies of her companions. Tho largo clock in the paloon .chimed tho hour cl'icn; all eyes vcro directed to it, and sovcral voices exclaimed, "He's very lolo I" just as a domestic announced tho painter, Yan Dyclc. Tho announcement caused a general agitation among * ;*.i smiling gro::p. Each ono ^changed hor position oo her velvet ceat, rearranged her.dresa, and, comPr"1!'S k?r countenance, sought to gi7o additional grace to lieu aspect, Tho vonng pupil of Rnbor.8, albeit ivceustomnd. to tho sight of beauty, could not r.uppross a ciurmur of admiration at finding himself in tho , jnidet of this brilliant circle. Tho old Duchess, supposing tho L young painter's ombarrassmont to bo caused by hor own imposing appearance. to encntirflfm V?J m nrl^f/-nco'l , . 0- ? I him in these words: "I am told that lv you have talent, young man." V "Thoso -who havo so informod yon ft do me too mnoh honor, madam ; ft: donbtless they jadgo mo by my fnterii tions, Jt>ut I have, as yet, produced at . nothing worthy of attention." . There was as much confldqnce sad noble Drid? in &e r?niv t\t f>iA ?~nc ' uwi 1 MB , *r be?n arrogance and I now blushed with pleasure at the reply of Van Pyclc. As her Pol't eyes rested approvingly on his face, be understood her feelings, and thanked her, by a look, for her generous sym pathy. "Well, wo shall see. Iler Majesty wishes to renew the ornamonts of her ehapel, so you will bo fully employed. A residence will ho assigned you in yonder monastery. There you will copy undisturbed. In summer, also, you shall havo a fit residence, beside* Q TlAtt UlAlt Pimm f MM?l? 1 J/VII.7IVII J1 VIII VIV \ VI ll|||VIIV( 1111.1, A think, is paying an artist pretty well." "Art can not bo paid fpr, my lady I, Duchess, and if 1 possessed tlio talents to which I aspire, tho favor which you boast could not purchu^p them." "This is all very will iVJJ1 ai? proud and wo are nob' > lt ,c%01* 'theless, those bona- aro ^'"ditional ?you will be "oscn Paiutor to the Queen if v 1 BUC(;Cod ,n U?" prize "llle'1 'd offered for the most p4, .ect head of the Madonna." "Ah, madam, if tho pati\>nago of Her Majesty itf offered mo only on Uicro conditions, L fear 1 rdiall no( obtain it." "And why not?" "liceause 1 shall not gain tho prize," replied he, with an expression of s;.d 1103s, whiidi was inaljtnlly reflected on the face ol' laicy. ' Why d?? you refuse this honor--do you fear tu Jail ' V/? ni>wl'MO Iklll llAtf* c.l.oll I I.-V.v X-; li.tUlllil , ?/V4? At\.l PlilVU I I ror.cnt, as she should ho rnji relented. | '.ho mother ol'11?^ Saviour? Where shall I iin?l :i mo'li'i?" A:? ho ]>roi)ouiircil ti.iw "rt ord.-!, lii;. eyo;j rested on the ;;n<.-olie face of Lu<'3*. ' 1 have hitherlo .solicitI in vain the combination of mildness, .sweetness, and cT?i?dor which .dtould { har:u.-U,ri::e the Virgin." Tim /?l' f#nr?!nj ?. 1.5/-.1. Ill - ' ,,,v" """ "I" Lou Uic handsome o?.i?itonaiK-o of Van J>yok olivitod (ho aJ'.isration of all observer.-*. ' lint 1 I'liMihl iinnj-.ints* th.?t Ihoiv would bo no difficulty it: obtaining models for p-.iinti r>,." ''The models which can I .> ??l?t :i?s*o*l for hire are undoubtedly beautiful., i have sought in vain for the di^-.ity and purity, which T have i.r\orsoen united bul in a nobly lady, who woujd disdain to Rit to a poor artist. ' Tho animated and anient glanco of Van i>yck much embarrassed Lucy; it told iu r he bad at last found th< object his fancy had depicted. Tlio "Duchess, however,_ had observed it, .and asked: "Who is this noble lady ?" "The Virgin herself, Madam!"? Bowing profoundly, and giving a parting glance at Lucy, he added : "If I gain the prize, j-ou shall see me again, madam ; if not, I leave England." ILo took immediate possession of his apartments, -where he could, at the Bame time, .paint his Madonna, and copy tho frescoes for the chapel. With his mind full of tho celestial faco ho had just seen, he seized his ?1 -...1 1 - ? fjbuvin, uuu enut'ivvurcu lu trace lier lineaments. But tho extreme sensibility, so usefuHo art when time has calmed it, was now bis chief obstacle, lie felt too, deeply to succeed in expressing tho idea which filled his soul. Tho day passed in fruitless attempt, and the night surprised him, dissatisfied and desponding. In llie meantime Lucy had suffered severely for tho preference shown lieri by Van Dyek. Tfcc envy and jealousyof her companions found vent in impertinent sarcasms; so that, on separating for the night, her mind was] filled with his idea, and aflor her nightly prayer, his name was the last on her lips. It was midniglft, tho heavens shone with a thousand sparkling stars, and a soft light spread itself on the old abbey, which stood solitary and alone among its ruins, A window of tho pulaco "opened, and a shadow passed slowly along tho balcony and grand staircasc, crossed along tho court, and reached the monastery. It would be difficult to say how this figure'had left tho pajaco and pono r.? - i l;lllbViU DU JiW" , UUIt MI1U inUfjL nave uocn well acquainted with all the turnings, for, in a short time, she Grossed the lonj^ avenues, and, arriving at one of the galleries of tho chapel, sho found herself in tho painter's work-room, and, parsing lightly on, seated herself, without looking around her, immediately in froyt of his easel. Oh, surprise! oh, joy! this being, I so calm,, so beautiful, is Lucy! Tho j desponding artist who had been uua^ .bio to retracp her foaturps on his canvas, now beheld a ltviijg^iiodcl before bis oyes. . What could hayo induced her to come ? What idea coQld havo given her -tho con rage and resolution? lie thrpw himself on his knees before her, but -Lucy, motioning him to rise, pointed to hia pencil. Heir look penetrated hiio with ? flame iso pure, that ho forgot the- fcality of his vision ; his astonishment- *eemed to him a want of faitb.: Ti&nspdrtcd by his imagination to an ethereiifi sphere, he A -1 i*-- ?" * oovuicu uuuvd liiu uuno, anG in tiio midst of the sublime ooncorta of ant gel herbeheld Mary, environed by clryiae ray a, lie_ vroa i#> linger the powerless artist, wjho. had just thrown fctfcfe Mi tys niMMttOfl^ pepcil; the J artist had pepU?* Jfe* Mate ih^ttfj^terloue ' strength, he Mixed'] Mb palette: - < His 1 ctfofs gave tho form, 'knd hii ij.otjI t ho .< life?iii a few ininuWs he created tho ' most beautiful and most pure of Virgins. When the young girl huw that allcr tracing her features ho was occupied in imparting to hid pieluro tho soul which animated him, she rose silently, and with a culm and assured step left, the monastery by tho same road she had come. Van. Dyck, with wondering eyes , and oppressed breathing, made o 1 tho slightest effort to detain Ijp^ Iris eyes, she was no lony^*xxov^> and in her departim>-">rt*/'loui5'1'' 'l0 saw tho Madonp^^^u, n'n^ \? ^ not wish lo deprive of his senses tlio poor artist to whom you have condescended to appear this night. Tell me if you are tlio Virgin, or a mortal!" It was a part of tho duly of iho Oo wager iMiohcssto open the billets addressed to the young ladies confided lo her charge. What was her astonishment on vending this epistle! Horror!" cried ?he, "a child of high fa mil} I!: i * - in violate her duly, ii: seeking a paiuler at midnkdd." She rung, and sent for the guilty one: but her rngo redoubled when JjUc\. with her etir luiiKiiy gentdene^s, icr?! all knowledge of the cause ol* her reproaches. The L>uehess, who expect id lo witness in her great confusion ??r a eandi 1 avowal, would listen l<> nothing. 'rLo alarm was given in the palace, timl it w:ii decided that Imcy. disgrace ! shoul 1 be .sent home o her father. Ifer prayers vcvo of no avail; a -.initio idght ol' respite was a'.oiu aecord<.? her, and she was commanded to sleep in the apartment of the iMifhfiss to avoid further Beandal. At midnight, Lucy rose as before. The Duchess was roused from her unquiet sleep, and called all the ladies lo witness the confirmation of her suspicions. With lighted flambeaux, the Duchess, attended by a numerous suite, followed Lu'-y, who traversed again the groat hall, tlio long passages, and arrived at tho door of the monastery. Iler eulpabilitj' could no longer be doubled, bul they followed her even to the painting room, where she was already seated before the easel. The noise around her, and the brilliancy of the lights, awoke her in afTrigh'. ic'h? wua a sleep-walker, a somnambulist! Thus unconsciously had she served as model to an artist who full}' repaid in love what she had given him in renown. Ho obtained tho prize, and was loaded at tho court with honors and riches. Not long afterward, there was eel obraled at St. Paul's the union of Van Dyek and Lucy tho daughter of the noble Count Huthven de Ciorry. Our Fighting Editor. A fighting editor being a ncce^savy cvilin every well conducted news paper oflicc, wc- entered into au agreement with a gentleman from Arkansas, some time since, who offered to conduct the sanguinary department of this paper at live dollar a difficulty, and now have tlie pleasure of announcing that he is ready for business. All aggrieved parties who desire a settlement with us are notified to nnnlv tr* liim - ? -4-rv 4,ltl" Besides the important duties we luivo called him to perform lie desires it to bo jnado known that he is prepared to go iuto the wholesale business?there being many newspapers unprovided with a Bloody Editor?but he cannot undertake 'less than ten little difficulties at a I time. It must not be thought that our accomplished associato is a mild mannered, conciliatory gentleman. That would be fatal to his reputation, and would destroy his usefulness in this establishment, besides being one of the most tocmoudons falsehoods ever uttered. lie will wait upon anybody who expresses such an opinion., In size ho is a little over seven feet; his age is twenty-five. People pay that liia hair is all colors, but that is a mistake. The fine, flowing, cavalier head of hair which hangs gracefully down to the small of his back does Bometimcs turu red, black. white and even blue, just as his noblo heart happons to bo torn with emotion; bat groen is its natural hue. When powerfully affected?by a press of businosa for instanco?it stand on ' end like "syrup of squills upon the 1 frctfuf, fotarinine. People who want to offer explanations concerning articles in the Telegram bad bottcr not 1 see. him just at tUat timo. Ho is exceedingly reticent abput his ancestors. The funeral of a citizen who asked 1 bim about his grandmother, took j piaco yesterday. tti'I .-) ? {>11-,,: !, ' ' |j ' He was, it is said, born, in tho do- i iightful town lot Butavfllo, CJhawup ' county, Arkansasrin the y>e&r-l 4^rtP01"tnqt duty to giving him Immune, threw a glass of whiskey in lus face, instead of water, at which ho grqw exceedingly indignant.? Clutching the white choked villain bv the throat with 0110 hand, ho seized n hairpin from tho maternal head with tho other, and jabbed his reverence in tho stomach. JLo believes that tho vast concourso of people who attended tho funeral of tho parson turned more to honor his deed ol" valor than to respect tho defunct. Tho child is tho father of tho man; great oaks from littlo acorns grow. For more proverbial philosphy tec Horace (jroeloy's Political Economy. -Mattors were very unsettled in Chawup county when our associate commenced business; hut owing to his untiring efforts ail little difficulties were satisfactorily arranged. Census l>epew couldn't figure tho population less than it is to-day. He proposes to conduct his department, on the Kuropcan p'an. All orders promptly executed. No cards. Gentlemen can examine a | map of Cavalary Cemetery while w aititig for their turn. No charge for the use of weapons. Englishmen, bogus dramatists, cockney punsters and o/n rn f/ont/'crs served first. The fighting editor wi!I not und -ftako to give oxpln nations ai'Ui I he. fir;:', inl rvicv. be th\ will ??oI ! r< !! A ! was ij. \1.1* known to tins. (Miiorj hours {'rum l iirhL to iivo.?.V. i , Tele I grain. ? - t O A fa t. man umU-rloolc iIk; (as>K. ??l leasing an ttoonirh' ptva?-hot\ ,;!>o you lufliovo lit.' b!ory ul' l!;e laUct! cm!IT' ' Vc.-;" sai:uik Abbeville C. 11. Deposits of $1.00 and upv/ards Received. Interest allowed at the. rate of Six Per Cent, per annum, compounded every Six Months. P UTNCIPATj and Interest, or any pari | jl llicrcol, may bo withdrawn at any ! lime?tho Lank reserving the light (though it will be rarely exercised) to demand four teen days' notice if tho amount is undei ?1,000 ; twenly days if over ?1,000 and under 85,000, or thirty davs if over So ,000. OFFICERS. WADE HAMPTON, President. JOHN R PALMER, Vice-President THOMAS E. GREGG, Cathier. D. L. WARD LAW, Assistant Cashier. DIP,ECTOI"iS. WADE HAMPTON, Columbia. WILLIAM MARTIN, Columbia. F. W. McM ASTER, Colun.bia. A. C, HASKELL, Columbia. J. P. THOMAS, Columbia, E. II. 1IEIN1TSH. Columbia. JOHN li. PALMER, Columbia. THOMAS E. GREGG, Columbia. J. ELI GREGG, Mariou. G. T. SCOTT, Newberry. W. G. MAYES, Newberry. U. H. RUTLEDGE, Charleston. DANIEL RAVENEL, JR., Chcrleston Mechanic?, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Orphans and others tnay hero deposit their savings and draw a liberal rate of interest l.nr.w.n Ul--? l* ' - 1 * ? - - - ' luoicuii. J. luilici?, L lUIUSMUUIil i\J f-'Il ni)U Trustees wishing to draw interest on tbeir funtta until they require them for busiuefa or other purpose?. l'aronts desiring to set "apart small sums for their chilJron, and Married Women and -Minors (whose deposits can only be withdrawn by themselves, or, in caso of death, by their legal representatives,) wishing to lay aside funds for futnro use, are here iifi'ordod nn opportunity of depositing their means where they will rapidly accumulate, and at the same lime, be subject to willuliawal when needeJ. Sept. in, 1SG9, 20?ly STOEPEL, WATCHMAKER, Corner of Broad'und JiieWn Streets, (Unflor filobo Hotel,) rllK greatest enre davnlcd to the lopairs o Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spcc s nod Kye-QIaases sold. Personal attention paid to the rooairioir of Wntchef. Jan 28, 1860. ;08??'rt Charlotte & South Carolina and Columbia & Augusta B, B. Co. BUFBRJNfENDENT8 OFFICE, Coldxjua, April .10, 1889. SOUO NOBfU. Lcav? GraDileville, 3. 0..ftt.V< .9.45 ? ne " Columbia, S. C.? at 2.00 p m Arrive at Charlotte, N. O.,...' .8.15 p m COMIKQ SOUTH. ueave Charlotte. N. 0., 6.46 ? m "ColunjSU, 8. C.,.^ "...,.....12,10 a m irrlrtt at Oraoiteville, &. C.,.V.*V.w 4.10 p to | Through Tickets on spls'Jfof jtl^e principal Mints North and SoiUh. Baggage checked J hrcu'gh. Clo^^oatlnioha WWita. *a<]? ] forth ?n4 8*tAb; Passengers reach AnfosU 1 L45 p. m. CA^EB .BODKNUJUXV , ' Jane 4, 1809. 6~-tf ' BripenBteadeBt. ' \ WANTED. 1,000 YARDS Country W ol Homespun. AT tho Emporium Fashion. roWLKR & McDOMALD. August 1:5, 18G9, 10?tf PETER BRENNER, IMA NO MAKE 11, \ ? A gout for tlie sale of TI10 Cole1\. bruleJ Pianos Manufactured by Ohickering & Sons., Geo. Slock & Co., Wni. Kuiibe & Co., mul others. Also, L'jtrlor and Church Organs, and dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments, Strings, 32'2 Uroa?l Street, opposite Planters Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. May 28, 1800, 5?tf. FREE TICKET To The Show! \I.Tj persons Indebted to tlio subscriber . will "do well" to call ami selllu, or ihey will receive a frso ticket to the show ( which will to opened by tbo"iS?S?juiro" I of the villago. j J. J, CUNNINGHAM. I Apiil P.O, 1S01M, if TISH. S ^1-LS M.ickrre!, 1-'.! Pdls l?!no I'i.ih. O 1--' " '* 1 While ? 1-1 ' ,l 1-2" I'icklc.l !iciriii?, lvils, " ll-xcs sniolco.d ' " Cod, Haliihut, On hrnd and for sale l-v .1. KNOX it L\-.t iWny 7. 1 SOU, 2?tl Saddles, liriulcs, Harness:-, Collars and Sadcilo Bags. JjlOll s.-.lti l.y 1 . * .I. KXO\ vt Co., May 7, 1PG0, 2 ?if Sugar. Coffee, Tea, Lard, Cheese Pepper, Spice, In- * digo. ITOIJ salt! l>y ; J. KNOX .fc Co., May 7, '2? if nnmT TVPACI nirrnt nrmm uUiUI. rMO, MuUiH aiillJJLUUlt. 850 bushels prime white corn. 50 I'lisliflK planting pens. 5000 His piitno clran lib bacon sides. 10 barrels extra Family and slip. Flour. Krri.Ii meal and grits rce'd every week, ust received and for saL- by Me DONA LD NORWOOD & CO. .June '2,"? 1SGJ 9?it CHOCKi:iiV, G IA S S \V A IlL HARDWARE and I'OCKKT ('.UTLKUY* I"^OR sa lo by ^ J. KNOX & Co., May 7, 1SG0, 2?tf OLDBOURBON. WF< have for sale al "Ninety-Six, S. G\, a superior article of pure Hourbon Whiskey, made at Ashland Distillery, Lexington, Kv. j.\.Mivs K!.Hrhl?s, jn. &, jh;os. May 21, 1 ?if. j:a cox. ("1 li. SIDES, SHOULDERS, CANj VASSE1) 1IAMS, VENISON, &c., J uat tcccivcil by J KNOX k Co., May 7, 1SC9, 2?tf LEATHER. Hemlock utter. OAK TAN FRENCH CAL1< SKINS. HARNESS LINING SKINS, etc., -I n*e city, at ?2.50 for the first day, and 82.00 for eveiv day after the first. PjoIIovo no lyini^ report that my hou# ss closed for fcueh is not the easo. 1). U. CLAYTON", Proprietor. July 2, 18G0, 10, 3m NiCKERSON HOUSE C:OI,I;M33I A. K. a , FIRST CLASS HOTEL. $3.00 TEK DAY. WM. A. WRIGHT IInvin.g a*?ume(l the management of Ihia House, r$?peetully st-licim u of j?ul>l:c patronage. FREE OMNIBUS to un3 from tho llrtt-1. ' ' Nov. 0,1868, 28?3m . DENTISTRY WM. C. WABDLAf, E D, D.D. S. i Oflice or?r Dr. Parker's Drug Stora. Abbeville C. H.. S. C. February 26, i860, 44, tf NOTICE! n t CERTAIN Notea and Aecoonta, belonging to the EaU(? of Df. ^- R Pmaly, dec\? tra id tb# hand? of jlha uodenrigwd for colcction. Partiofl concerned *oulJ do WolltO i??d this notioc, iiv.jH.'ny-oi it-jf V, THOMSON A FAIR. Nor 10, 1MB, 40?1?-: * '.'6-1 I ^ fi I V"T i. ^ . , .? .".iJiW ^ NOTICE. 1) u u a g i s t . COKESBURY, S. C., WOULD in(orm his friends and the public that ho tins just rccoiveU a full assortment of the very best | DRUGS, FAINTS, .OILS, Vni'imOmtf Tlun QfiifFa Qnnmi TUIliiowjo, u)ii uiuuo, wjuu|JO, Extracts, Perfumries, PAPER, ENVELOPES, HAIR DIES AND RESTORATIVES OF T11B ti:sT QUALITYAmi all nvliok-3 usnnlly k'p* l>v Druggists, vrhicls hi; iifTi'r? '>r. l!" !iio?' aU"} It:t v. liol.i ttr.e',v l. iiv: just select*.I Uy F.'U. W. I*. NOK\VO01>,iu I :iJti!>.<>!c iiii-1 Kc\v York. In u-Jiliti".; in k:a ?' ! y eoiuplnto stock of ftiwl I'koniifii!.?, ho k<%? |?3 constantly u s?!-i'Iy c!' the very Scr.t nurJUic* f>f WI1 AND* WHISKEY, Pol tlio sir.k. ninl fnmilv nor? ni'-tuliMl ntu) tcste'l by tlic pliyeii*inns> prr.ernliy. Vliypiriana prescriptions aj.s'.??\vcd upon liim .luting the past year lie Ii<>p?<> by tlio most strict attention, to jimrit :i uf l!jo saint'. promising to kecicMtstaiJly a supply of r.ii articles Uc-cdtd by liit- pi'Mio ti-in.ra!Iy. lieepecifully, J. F. TOWNStND. 12. lSi/J, -I-?if /c tim lie is i>r??ni>?l to b?iil>u;il>lr terou i* :'OW work W.TIM lit el fci' t Wclve lUOllthd / IVbruary 2.*>. ISf.y,-u, tf t ' ij mH A. TALMAlft 1 MAGISTRATE./ ^ .U3BEVILLE C.fI. OFFICE formerly occupied by font soil & Fair, next to "NT. /Let ! ?*<1. r| April23d 1SC9, 52?tf j J J UI um3t SADDLER AND HARNEfMAKER, | saddles/ I Harness and TrilfcaM ALSO, I FUIJjflTl'llE >C'paiipiiyl rccovcovercd. Ca*?Sca|it in Chairs A I! work ft oho fitly, J-on reason! > o term-*. t[Juno JtW, 0, tf. Shoes, Hats, Cap's, Pant , / I bc< Stuff, Osraburgspirtings and lactorirkrn. I I^Oll salo bI J to01 .!_ | JL UA. * 4 co.' Jtt May 7, 1800,1*1 t>,? j|ii KEEP HI W. C. HEW At the Big Si BROAD STREET, At 13 TIIE PLACE TO BUY* CHEAP, PURE AXL BRANDIES, WHISKIES, f Ales, Porters, f 1.1 >V IXJ L^fJK RECTIFYING AND 111 TIIl$j>nly Establishment of that kind, i nulling but l'uro and Unadulterated 1 IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN To wlii^ they would call tlio attention of tli all who pill favor them with their patronage, in tho .7"tli. W. O. H | JI.EWITT'S liLOUIS HOT KIV I Oi Maj20, lSCH, S?Gin "JFUMITUKI Oil CUibcuillc (T i / OVER J. A. TALI* t D. CHALH RAVI** on baud :ire receiving a fi* New Furniture. Jvorytliing pertaining to :m establish n Kuil (in Iian?l t>i supply every demand. To rospcetfuly invil.s our fYirnds ai erfiniine our .Spelt. Kverylbiiig will l-e j J, I). 1 MARBLE / f.\ FULlisupjily of Italian irarble lc< mlers at asfnv prices as can be bou ght i I J. 1 August fi, 1SG0, 1(5?tf /' THE ABB SEAL, SIGN & PROPRII piIE subscribers would rospectfully inform L skillful workmen, and all I lie necessarry 11 A GES?. BUGGIES AND WAGONS, and 5S. All new work warrentcd for twelve months, GASII, which we make to tlio purchaser's AINTING AND TRIMM rticnhir attention will be given to the Paintin s, and all contracts faithfully carried out. SMITH DEP 0 have in our employ an efficient workiua j have a Patent Tire-Shrinker with 1 accurrncv without cutting, making tiio wi bout damaging the whcol in the least. Per nld do well to remember that one-half the v cutting and shrinking in the usual way. Si jiu nub umuuine is used. constantly VV liUOGIFIS of tlio best material. Also, ilnnt and Drop Black Cofiins. The hearse oitited time, ami personal attention given wh Jay 28, 1800, 5?if Tirno have just;received FAMILY SI ONSIS^ING of EVERY! riKS'X" ULASS Grocery sn'sclcctcdjwit'll care and bou; Wc will not bo undersold, whe ods arc taken into considcratic rnsai 18 59, 50?If mm & PAIRERS OF COTTON GINS, 1 HOUSE CARPENTERS I . . f IE subscribers would inform their friends an prepared, whh competont workmen and an in Gins, Threabera and Fans, andr do all i their long exporience in the various branches oir ability to give satisfaction, and trust to m receiving a suppl/of GIN MATERIAL, and ime. -work will be done on the most rea*o ton*a" ?"a '?rft ? (tRIGHT.:r J - I , . . )., 0. .,? iV. ; [EDGE'S STGItS. r 'TOQ %-r I large and varied stock assortment!? lent of this kind Avill bo constantly^ n! tlio public generally to call andg&f sold LOW FOU CASH. . M CHALMERS & CO. I YARD. | apt constancy on hand to supply all a n tlio State. 3. CHALMERS. i EYILLE " | ROBERTSON, \ 3TORS. Ibo public tliat tlioy are prepared with S nateriuls for tho manufacturing of CAR- Vj| all other work pertaining to their bnsi- || and sold at tho lowest figures possible, interest. 8fr- ^ I KG DEPARTMENT. |. , is and Trimminr* nf ?> ?> o ? v...cSca ?uu l^Ug- -3 ABTMENT. W j n in all tlio brandies of this busincs?. ^ ,-f which we oan shrink tires with per:akest places stronger than before, ami 5 sons who have tires that need shrinking 3 v--. . vheeln are ruined or materially injured S i ' '' itibfactiou is guaranteed in every job ? ; OH HABB, Metallic Cases, Imitation Rosewood, will attend funeruls punctuilly at tli? I . en desired. m A TULIi STOCK OF ' 1; JPPLIES, I 'IIING usually kept in a 1 ^ Store, nil of which have II S;J ?ht for CASH. 11 the QUALITY of our SijP >n, Gtvc us a call.' bx m SMITH, I 'HRESHERS AND FANS, f lND BUILDERS. | d the puhlio generally thdt they ar? abundance of material, to REPAIR work in the line of Carpentering. p}>>= s of tlreir kuainess, they fee} confident I ^ <3 oritthe public patronage., . They are I . are prepared to exeonie aTI. worlc in HBrL-3 nahle terma-CASH ||||^ f RKADY-M^ltflE WAtfltJ* and 1% .? >(? 1 *X> > t By$?||