Abbeville press. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1860-1869, September 24, 1869, Image 3

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L . . -i_ 1 . * . . The Cotton Crop, Again. Through tlio courtcsy of the proprietors of tho Now York Commercial f and Financial Chronicle, wo received last evening advance sheets of the is- ( suo of that journal for Saturday, Sep- , tornbor 18, containing its annual stato- ] ment of the cotton crop. The Chron- ] icle, wo aro satisfied, has now more extended and complete facilities for i gathering prompt and accurate coni'> morcial statistics than aro enjoyed by any paper in Amcriea; and as its ? tables aro invariably prepared with .great fairness tiud eare, wo aro inelin- 3 cd in this instanco to place more eon- 1; fideneo in its figures than in than in : its figures than in those of any other 1 authority. 33elow wo givo tho main J of Chronicle's statement, which, it . will be seen, differs in several important particulars from tho estimates < that have already given : # RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDINfi Sept. 1,18G9. Sept. 1,18G8. New Orleans 794,205 584,140 Alabama 230,021 300,193 Sourh Carolina...199,072 240,431 Georgia 357,253 495,959 Texas 147,817 114,GOG Florida 13,392 3S.593 North Carolina.. 35.908 38,593 Virginia 100,971 106,587 Now York 104,5b'4 104,973 Boston 35,033 34,S62 Philadelphia.... 20,114 24,221 Baltimore 19,4G7 20,010 Portland, Me... 1,991 2,304 Total 2,120,*128 2,240,2S2 Tennessee, &c., direct to manufacturers 258,011 271,711 Manufactured South, not included in tlio above 00,000 82,000 Total crop for year 2,439,039 2,593,933 Overland direct. This statement, doubtless, is not without its dcfects; but it probablepresents as fair and full summing up of the cotton movement for the past twelve months as we aro like'y to get.! The Chroniclo states in reference to the stocks held by Northern spinners, that although some of the largest cornnrntiA^Q linlfl cornn onrl ni?rfif j ..V-VVO supply, the body of the spinners arc are lightly stocked. It estimates the actual consumption of the mills fur the past commercial year at about ii(J3,000 bales, against 972,000 bales consumed in 1SG7-G8.? Charleston JVetcs. London, September 22.?Tho Paris correspondent of the London Times the diplomatic experience of Al Sickles is limited, and probably insufficient to enable him to rightly estimate the vr.lueand ciFectof his words. Doubtless, he is much surprised at the excitement they have created, and it will be difficult for his Government to approve the. The Times saj*s the Spanish, have found tbcir.advantagc in a bold display of courage. Sickles is manifestly alarmed at tho result of his proceedings, and lias requested further inKt.rn^tinnfL "Pcsndiiifr n. i*cn!v\ lie dti Hired to withdraw his note. The people and Government of Spain have resolved not to part with Cuba without a struggle. ?100,000 in gold have been drawn from the Bank of England for New ^ork. The prospects of the India cotton fN'op are good. Paris, September 22.?La Pa trie ims Paraguayan advices, admitting a reverso, but maintaining that Lopez \vas able and dctcritftned to continue the wav. Havana, September 22.?The directors of the Aloq.'zo Bank offer the Government their profits while the rebellion lasts. They have already p$i? $30,000, A Wuono Impression Corrkcted ?Many SrROns believe tliore is no value in bDying that does not come from "the North.* now humiliating 1 However, tins inipvfReion U being gradually corseted. It is now admit ted that no remedial Agent has ever been discovered, North or South, lhat posscroes, in b< eminent a degree, the power of eradicating from the system all foul distemper, as Dr Tutt'a Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight. Tlx ecret is. it assist* nature to do this through jt ovrd channels. It is composed of vegctabli substances alone, every one of which grows 01 Southern soiL It j? tjie Blood Purser of th/ Tins valuable preparation far sale by Partei 4 Thomson aod \V. T. Penney. B?pt. 8, 1869?I9-2L Markets. Abbeville, S, C., September 24.Cotton lowor?middlings to-day wi; />Ammon/l 9.91 VVUiUtMUVt WAJ J ? Columbia, S, C., September 22.Cotton sales to-day 110 bales?mit dlings 24. New York, September 22.?Nooi Cotto# Jieavy at 28|. Gold 37}. 7 P. M.-rCotton#opened heavy an declining, but closcd firmer ao 28: Gold groatly excited by war-like ri mors. Baltimore, Soptember 22.?Cotto nominal at 28. Wheat, dull and lowc r-prime red 1.55.Corn dull, at 1.25 1-30. Cincinnati, September 22.?Cor dull jifld supply large, at 98 a 1.00 pBA&XiZSToif, September 22.?Co to* active qut easier, with salCB of 7C bales?middlings 26 ; receipts 1,45! LifB^Bpgb September 22?3 P. A Cfllton firmer, but not higher?U] lands 12} a 12f ; Orleans 12f a 12}. b $frv*n(fe|H>$C#ikton irregular ? u] ' latadsl*}; C^rj^an* 12) a \1\ ; ?al< >,000 bake. t CONST GNEES. Tl?o following named porsons havo freight in tlio Depot at Abbevillo : McDonald, Norwood & Co, L C Slinkseales, It J Smith, J Jvurtz, Enright & Smith, II W Dawson, White l3ro, J Robertson, Weslfield & DuPro, [joo A Wilson. EXPRESS?K P Widciuan, D T iVilson, John Aldous. D. II. SONDLEY, Agont. Capt. Wright, of Conwayboro, and) Ir. John W. Ford, of Gcorga, died i ust wcclc. NOTICE TO PATRDNS. [Expect to bo absent fron the District uutil the oleetia, 27 th )ctober. WAI. C. WAliDLA\V, 1>. ). S. Sept. 24?5t WM. M. LAWTDN^ Cotton Facto: , AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHARLESTON, S. I. BQi,, Liberal advances made oiconsitrnmcnts, and on produce shippd to Liverpool, &c. Sept. 24, 18G9, 22?3m. TROWBRME & 10, "Will make Liberal Cash Advnces on consignments of Cotton to Messrs. Maguire, Cothran & Co., N. Y. Messrs. Hbugh. Clendening& Co., Baltimore, Md. Messrs. Frost & Adger. Ch.rleston, S. C. Sept. 24, 1S00, 24?tf Stolen FROM! tlie subscribe' at Abbcvile Court House, ci Wednesday the 22d inst., a BAY 1IORSE, suj posed to be 15 liana high, tlire 3'ears old, paces (never rots) one hinl foot white, in very good ordci When taken he had o a Kentuek;! curb bit on riding Brdle, ordinary saddle?tree broke in ronl?on th*i troo behind a ])iece of tie leather ha; been bitten oil" by unothr horse. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension of tho hief and l'or the recovery of L'ic hove. Addi*ef>s me at Abbeville C. II., S. JOHN DAVIS. Sept. 24, 1809, 22?tf ? R. C. SHARP & CO, COTTON FACTQBS?, AND General Commission Merchant! BR 0 JPAr' S WIIA RF, Charleston, S. C. Sepf. 17,1S09, 21?3m JUST RECEIVED BY WHITE BROTHERS, 3 Bales Borneo BasGrinsr. (Very wide and heavy,) 3,000 Lbs. Arrow Ties, 1 Tierce Carolina Rice. Sept. 10, 18G9, 20, If foiTbale. ffiESB RED MOf USEE "A T Parker & Thomson's Sept 17, 1SG9, 21'?tf BARLEY! BARLEY! 100 BUSHELS fWiMI ; FOE SALE BY : Miller & Robertson. 3 Aug. 27, 1869, 18?tf Bagging and Arrow Ties, a In store and for sale by TROWBRIDGE & CO . Sept. 3, 18C9, 19, tf NEW CHOP RICE ^ Just received and for sule by _ McPONALD, NORWOOD & ( U August 26, 1869, tf Orders received for .GIN BAND . By TROWBRIDGE & CO Sopt. 3, 1869,19, tf JUGS AND JARS. n A LL persons desiring to purch >r a choice lot of carthonwi a consisting of Jugs and Jars will ply to GEO. B. SONDLEY, n * At the Depo J fcept. 15, 1869, It ^ A full ap9ortpjc?t of a t>bafcdie8. wines, whisk j- jl> HALT liquors. . Always pp sad for ?a1? by E>- J. KNOX & Co., ^ ^ ^ Wanted. : loo ?-rt^s k July ?, " * I - WANTED. mALLOW AND BEESWAX, for X. which tho highest prico will be paid by TROWBllIDGE & CO. Sept. 3, 1S69, 19, tf S. A. BRAZEALE, TAILOEi ABBEVILLE C. II., S. C., WOULD respectfully inform llie public, lhat lie is ntfent for the sole of the I EMPIHB*|EWING &MC11INK, which is con.ttneted o* a new principle, pouensing ninny I new and valuable iinproverannts. It sows heavier ond thicker good?, than ftny other machine as well as tho inost delicate, thin, and soft fabrics. For further information call at his Tailoring establishment, at John White's Old Storo. 1 Sept. 10, 18C9. 20?3m. " WARDLAW & 6AREW, FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Broad and State Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sell Cotton, Kicc, and other Produce. W. A. WAUDI.AW. JNO. EDW. CARKW. Sept. 3,18G9, 19, 7t Cotton Ties. jn?EAPDS PATENT LOCK TIES. tinsnrM ?> parsed by any Tie yet manufactured. For neatnees. strength and durabiliiy tliis Tic lias no equal. Having sold tlicra f.>r tlie pn&t , three years we feel that wo can cordially ro onunaiid them to nil Planters te tlio article < they want. For sale bv Geo. I. Williams & Co., Factors,!! Aug. 20, 1869,17, sin. Charleston, S. C ( JUST RECEIVED, i TOOTn BRUSHES, ( Hair Brushes, t Cutiibs, j l'lain and l'nney Soaps, Handkerchief Extractr, Lily White and othertcilet articles, 1 I White Lead and other Taints, f ' Hosfetter's Bitters, m t Plantation Biiters, c Ind a large n sortment of f'osli Drugs and ' jhdieiucs, at ' Parker & Thomson's j jSept 17, 18(i9, 21?tf sb t WIMJB TO TAX-PAYERS. I AUDITORS OFFICE, 1 1)ue West, Co., | \ \ September 11th, 18U9 J t A LL FERSOXS who have bought 1 or sold lands. Lots or Houses, 1 in Abbeville Count}-, during the year. s "from the 1st September, 13oS, to lsti1 ' September 1SG9, are required to re- ; port'the fact lo this oflice on or before ' lie liVt day of October next, so that ^ .he ta^cs on such lands for the year 11 18C9 mny be charged to the proper artios. Otherwise tliey will bo cn-|l cred Up against tho same parlies as ( | list ylar. 1 \ A. C. HAWTHORN, ( / \ County Auditor. f Sopt.pih, 18G9, 21?2t. ? s^KEBjPORTER & OG. 'roceis anfl Dealers in Fridoce. O 2*7 BROAD STREET, c AUGUSTA, GA. ; rI"i dT D osiablislied House of BAKER & JL.'OVVL.* LT), being dissolved. th? under siijJhkatru boia,.HiemmiK'o. ? uciAnatne and etyiV of BAKLR, PORTI'.Ii ^Tor the transaction? ?f a GEJERAL GRQry and COMMISbJON BUSINESS, *'*>tore No. 207 Broad Strett wlmo wo ahull*. great pleasure in sceisg o'U* many f.n^rTnd friends, and offering tlicifl a ?el*ction ft our large stock of (JrooerifS, Biggiii~ K?P??, Salt, Bacon and Provisions. AnA?ii us to assure thorn that our former flijon for having tho finest quality of good! mbnll ever endeavor to maintain \ CHARLES BAKER, \ JOUK C. PORTER. I LEWIS F. GOOD11IC1I, p. Aupsjpa.. Sept. 17 1800, 21?2m. rib. Partnership! 5 cmok factors I AtD E ? rfiltmleiA** lt/r^w-1.- ? x_ n wwMtuujiuii' iiiCl 1/1IHH tbi I p J S'O^LL & ROLAND, f. TnE.XI)*c;iGNEli liaviuR associated r ?Wll in the COMMISSION BUSI- 0 NESS ui>r tAume andityle of STOVALL it ^ m ROWLA.'), vj give per&nul attention to the J-7 sale of cton A other produce, and would * respectful aolM Planterdand Merchants'bu- ' siiiets. I f Older*, r ilpGIKO, 710PE, TIES and t I FAMIL\...;pi?km prortylly attended to. j J Cnsh ad^Stg otonRitrniiii'ita Office, o*ior ikaou and Keynolds streets oppoeiUi Pllail Warehouse. f ; HA. fcfTOVATX, 1 0|A8.vA ROWLAND, | l'imty Flening <b Rowland. t ( I Augufcta, Go. . S?pt. 17 G9E1?St. nb. ( PROBiijVDSE'S SALE. In the Prytl Court, Anderson County. \ JO. Harrison Lo>Am'r, vs.lfr. T. Long, et. ' itiou for Ml Land. < K [ \ \ 1 BY virtue \n order ti me directed < ' from ^y. Huroplfeys, Judge of 1 S Probate for /oygon couYv, I ?x* ' pose to sole .6 a1eday inUctober next, * i# at Anderson O, th? follolog property, ? I nold *s tfee BjEitate (^Augustus T. I 1 Loug, decease^!; 1 I ONE 1&T OF LlND, ' ase || | ? aro, Containing l8&re9) mo4 or les9, on ( ap- waters of LittlWjro??tee cr*. adjoining lands of Andnj^fid^ John ftLio, ?)* A? ' k. 0. Ct>ok and 1 I Twutt.?0?di( of twive months, i ? witn interest Rot-.. * giving boqd l&J1 furou*!er' JES meot8Ttbe K^Zl ~~ "Is?*"* ^id"? ?! feM|foGDKti9^i < UNIVERSITY OF GEImm. II The GOili session of the univerSITY, open<iil on tlio 1st of Septembor. Its present organization em? i braces tho following departments : i i. Ancient Languages. ' IT. Modern Languages. ] III. Belles Lett res. t IV. Metaphysics and Ethics. < V. Mathematics. i VI. Choinistry. Goocjr^p'oy, vtc. i VII. Natural Philosphy. t VIII. Engineering. 1 IX. Law. t Snide ut over 10 years of age, aro per- ( milted lo elect any department for which C they be prepared. Tuition, full term % 40 00 Hoard, per nionlli 20 00 For catalogues or other iiifornialio i ad- . dross, F. A. L1PSCOMBE, . Alliens, Ga. Secretary. Sept 18, 18C9?21 ? 3t Tie Sials of Sootl Carolina. - To the Managers of Elections for the Couh ly of Abbeville: WHER TJAS, GEORG E I> US JBNBERUY E-q, who at thu General Elec- _ .ion held in April, 18G9, was chosen a j member of tlie House of Representatives :'or tho Eleclinn District of Ahbevillo, lo . ervo for two Tears,litis sinco said election leceased, And, whereas, tho Constitution ?f tho Stnto of South Carolina directs ;hat in 6uch a case a Writ of Election 3 ihall ho issued by tho Speaker of the House of Representatives, lor tho purpose >f filling the vacancy thus occasioned, fur .lie remainder of the term for which ti e Member so decease'" vas elected to serve: j Now, therefore, _ ,u and each of you are lereby required, after duo advertisement, j md with strict regard to all the provisions f )i iuc i^onsutution and Law3 of tho sa:d . State, touching your duty in such case, to iohl an election for a Member of the ^ House of Representntive?, for the Elecion District nfcreaaid, to serve for tho.iinainder if the term for whi? h tho said jieorge Dusenborry waa fleeted: tlio ['oils to bo opened at the various places of flection in said District, on WEDNESDAY the twenty-seventh day of October, | yy tho various sets of Managers for those i I daces respectively; said Managers to; 1 :ount the votes publicly immediately after 1 lie final closing of the polls at the Pre :incls w here the voles have been taken ; nake out a certificate of the result, to be j igned by the Managers, or a majority of bein, and taken to the Court House ofjr; Yonevu.e uountv, < r place now fixed by j iiw lor counting (lie votes, 011 TIIURS- ' DAY the twenty-eighth day of said 11011th, by 0110 or more of tho said Manajera; and the Manager?, or a majority of j hem, who may assemble, shall proceed to ixamiue the aforesaid statement, and de :lare tlie result of the Eb-clion. This Writ,together with your return of I10 Election to be held under it, have be- * ore Ilouie of Representatives at its uext npetinrr after the Klectiun. WITNESS, the Honorable FRANK- ' UN J. MOSES, Jr., Esquire. Speaker of the House 0/ Representatives, at Columbia, this eleventh day of 1 September in the year of cur Lord one J thousand eight hundred and sixtu-uine. FRANKLIN J. MOSES, J if., Ipeakcr of ibc ilouse of Representatives. L O. Jones, Clerk of (ho llou?o of Representatives. i Sept 17, 1809?21?t?l ^ Tie State of M Carolina. "o the Managers of Elections for the Canity of Abbeville: WHEREAS, RICHARD M. VALENTINE, Esq., who at. llio General Eireion held in April, 19G9, was chosen a JJ nember of the House of Representatives ^ ar the Election District of Abbeville, to erve for two years, Iias 6ince said election esigned, And, whereas, the Constitution . f the State of South Carolina directs 1 hat in such a case a Writ of Election ' hall be issued by the Speaker of tlie louse of Representatives, for the purpose if filling the vacancy thus occasioned, for 1 he remainder of the terra for which the J Member 60 resigned was elected to serve: Now, therefore, you and each of yoo ire hereby required, after duo advertise - uent, and with a strict regard (o all tbo J provisions of '.he Copstilution and Laws of .ho said Stato, touching your duly in such :ase, to hold nn election for a Member of he Qouse of Representatives, for the Eleclion aforesaid, to serve for llio remainder o( " ihe term for which the said Richard M. T Valentine was elected: the Polls to bu opened at the various places of Election in "1 the Raid District, on WEDNESDAY the J Iwenty-soventh day of October, I860, by H iha various set3 of Managers to count the ti rotes publicly immediately after the final dosing of tbo polls at the Precincta where the vo'eB have been taken; make out a sertificate of the result, to be R'gned by the Managers, or a majority of them, and taken to the Court House of Abbeville bounty, or place now fixed by law for :ounting the votes, on TI1URSDAY the twenty-eight day of said month, by one or more of the said Managers; and the Man- 1 igers, or a majority of them, who may aslembie, ollall proceed to examine the aforetaid statement, and declare the result of the Election. xni? Writ, together with your return of Lha Election to be held under it, have before the Uoum of Representative* at it* ( next meeting after the Election. I WISNESS, the Honorable FRANL- l LIN J. MOSES, Jr., Esq., Speaker of the Home of Representative*, at : Columbia, ihi* eleventh day of Siptem* her, in the year of our Lord one thout? rand eight hundred-and tiety-ninr. , FRANKLIN J. MOSES, Jft., * 3peaker of the Hoot? of Representative*. a.O.Jo km,' . Ork af tbe Hoot* of RapraantaUvel Sept 1*,IMP?!21?ld r POL CARD FACTORY. ? o-o T *\ undersigned beg to inform . 10 *->blio ganorally that their machinery To. wC)OL CARDING i> now in 8uecc83f u .fttion d t, would respec fully ^ it ^ Hharo ? patronage The facto,, ^ 8itlllltcd jii little (joncrosteo, in the jorncr of Aiulorson District, one nilo from Craft's Ferry and sew... niles above Lowndesvillc. The ma-' sliinery is entirely now and of the )est quality, with Burr Machino atachcd ; mixes cotton and wool finely. }ur charircs for rsuvliinr will 41 - _ o "... WV> IUI sustomoiy prices. 8. W. 8IIERARD, J. 1L HIED. Sept. 17th, ISC9 24?21. sow is CTcrai AND FOR SALE. EtOCK ISLAND JEANS, " " CASSIMERES, jrraniteville 7-8 SHIRTING, RICHMOND OSNABURGS. Quarlcs, Pcrrin & Co. Sept. 10, 18G9, 20?If T. F. Iir.ODIE. R. n. IIUDGIS'S. H. C. IIl'DGIKS. BRODIE & 00., factors and Commission Mercliaiits, North Atlantic "Wharf, Charleston, S. C. liberal Advances on Consignments in Hand. REFERENCES. ? Andrew Siuonds, Esq., President First National / <! 1?' ?i i-i ' 1 itiiiiv, viiiiilUMUU) O. U. j lUCSSi'S. VU111on, Barkley <fc Co., Charleston, 8. 0.; I. T. I'eako, Esq., General Superinendent S. C. K. Ji.. Charleston, S. C. ;! fessrs. Cower, C'>x, Markley & Co., Ireenville, S. C.; Hon. James Furrow, Ipartanburij, S. C. ; lion. B. F. Crayon. Anderson, S. C. September 3, 1SG0, 10?Gm SOUTH CAROLINA i Bi > rTITC SOU Til CAROLINA LAXI) COMPANY has been organized r>r the purchase and sale of Ileal Esate. All persons having lands for alo or wishing to purchase, will find l> to their interest to apply at the nice of this Company in Greenwood, I. C. All communications" should be ?l/!i?noc/wl 4 s\ v?v?i. vuowi ivy Capt. J. T. PARKS, President. V. K. BLAKE, Sec'y, Grccmvood, S. C., Aug. 27, 18?tf. NEW FLOOR niOTl sale at the Store of L1 McDONALD, NORWOOD & CO. SUGAR, mm AND SICE. BBLS. Extra C. Sugar, 5 bags prime Rio Ooffee, 1 Tierco Prime Rice. TOBACCO. ^ BOXES Prime Chewing Tobacco, y 100 lbs Durham Smoking Tobacco, 50 lbs Oriental Smoking Tobacco. J0TT0N GIN FOR SALE. A FIFTY-SAW Cotton Gin, almost TjL now, for sale cheap. Apply to McDonald, Norwood & Go. July 9, 18G0, 11?If Corn! Corn!! Corn!! t 00 bushels prime white Maryland and J Tennessee Corn, just received. Meal! Meal!! Meal!!! I 00 buslicl prime meal, from one of the [ best mills in the State, just received. Xlour! Good Flour !! ^TEW FLOUR, from the best mill iu the District, always on baud, Bacon and Lard! J? 000 lbs Choice Bacon Si tes, 500 Iba Choice Bucon Hams, ' 500 lbs Choice Laid, to arrive, midonald, norwood & CO. August 5, I860. teeth Extracted Without Pain. [AM nom prepared to administer Nitrous Oxide Gas, a safe anaesthetic, nd remove teeth witbovt pain to the pa ient. Wm, C. Wardlaw. D, D. S. June 8 1869, 8 tf WANTED! ETTHEAT, for which the highest mar-, W ket price paid iu CASH OK BAIt-' :or. trowbridge & co. June 18, 1869, 8?tf ,. To Mill Owners. MILTj STONES, ^BOLTING XDOTH, SMUT MACHINES, all cinds of Mill Findings, for Bale at the owest cosh price by WM. BRENNER, 197 Broad Street, Augtiflta, Ga. v April 2,1869^49-12m rtnirmnnrr ^ ? ? sui 4 aJBt(9 UMXJJ . 1//C.4 JJI4JS8 R&A P S O OK 8 ke. , =iv j A SUPERIOR loljiut r*c?hred by ljL. J. KKOX*<V. .,MV 7,18^ 2,-U. ' V ; '4 immzmmummLmmi* .M JMBJJ wuaw?yw???eg CONGKREE [RON WORKS Oolumljlft, 13. O. HI ALEXANDER, ^XvTmetor. Sole Manufacturer ^ GREAT SOUTHERN CAv? IRON, SELF SKIMMING] EVAPORATORS for South Carolina. One complete Set of Evaporators, $80 Two Furnaces, all Iron, complete, 0S0 Swinging Pipes, &c 15 to 6175. I make superior CANE MILLS and nl Machinery requisite for making Sugar and Syrup. 3 Rollers 14 inches diameter $30 3 " 12 " 41 $70 :i " 10 " " $00 2 " 14 " " $<50 2 " 12 " " $45 2 " 10 " " $35 AT30VE price? complete with frame. Without frame $10 less on each mill.. Also, Pteam Engines, Uoiicrs, Mill Gearing of all kink, Grist and S:iw Mills, Sn.ulters, &i\ Agents, &c., for L. & P. K. Dcderick's ITay ar.d Cotton Presses, which I a'-o manufacture. All ssiaes of Gin Uearmg, cost, liiniiy on band. A 30 liOTRe! Stationary Steam E<.j;ino and Boiler, on hand, for sale cheap, for CAS1I. All work warren ted. TeuuS?Cash on delivery. JOHN ENRIGHT, Ag't, Abbeville C. H. July 16, 18G9, 12?if DUE WEST y^vTTP TV,.,(I. ...;m ? -\rr\vT UUI. JIVUVU JCIII VTIIJ U^CII VII iUV4l- I DAY, tbo 4th October. Faculty Bruno aa for 3*ears past. Tuition per Session $20.00 French " " 5 00 Music, (Piano) 24.00 Boarding iu the College Boarding Uouso kept by Prof. Kennedy, per month 12.00 Fuel and Washing per month 3 00 Boarding in other families at about the same rate. Terms, cash in advance. Necessity compels us to make the small charge for French. Latin is taught without charge. Fcr Catalogue &c., address REV. J. I. BONNER, President. Duo West, S.C., Sept. 10,?-20?4t WANTED 1,000 lbs Washed Wool I THE highest market price in trade will be given for the above. WTXTrPT' UTinrrTTtiTie II U1JLJU iJXVVF XllUIVJ. July 9, I8G9, 11?tf HARDWARE. English hardware or direct impor Ution : American Hardware of all kinds Wholesale and Retail. Agencies. npUE subscriber is the Agent for (lie sale o JL Waller A. Wood's MOWING and REAPING Maeliines. Oulleit'u Patent Steel CruBh COTTON GINS. Brinloy's Patent Kentucky PLOUGUS, A full supply of ARricollaral Implements always on band, tor sale low, C. GRAVELEY, fill By, South of the Old Post Office charleston. 3. c. lAMfLY SUPPLIES. FRESH SODA BISCUIT, Butter Bi&cuit, and Lemon Crackers. Toilet Soap, and Table Salt, Powder, Drop and Buck Shot. LARD. PACKED by Proctor and GamWe o Ctnciaoatti, in 3, 5, aud 10 lbs package*. 1 Tierce prime leaf lard. Preserved Ginger and Citron. Juat received and for sale by v' McDonaM, Norwood & Co. August 12, 1889, 10?tf , Watct-HHiiM anil Repairii. ! HpHE tfndortlgoed -would inform bis.cnatomr JL# era and.the public, that he hat removed from Hodg*e*"u6pdt t<. AbbavItleWjl H. He will be foand at Dr. PerkM^Drag Star*, and earoMUvaelioiU the patronage of tb? peblio. 9?tiir*oticfn UguarCaUod in ?v?ry faatanee. . BUfRY IK1IAK. Aagoat I, 1M9, J II I II Hawkins Wil 9 Cotton .A. 1 GENERAL COMMIT 105 WEST LOMBARD By$r, Messrs. D. K. Sondlcv & C? authorized agents and will malto Cash REFERENCES: Co!. ]*. I). TOWNS]: Hill, S. C, Major W. B. GULICK, C S. C., Col. WM. JONnSTON, Presid Gion. WADE HAMPTON, Columbia, i ROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Hi T H O 8. ,M*~ receiving supplies of tbo followin Sugar, Cofre*^ Moln38C8. Dacon, Sides, Shuo.lcriJ and Uam*, Lard, best kettle, linkers, Spiders, Ovens nt??. pQ{3 A lar^c lot, of extra Cover?, ' lUoom?, liuukets and Tubs, I Cast and Plow Steel, v Horse and Mule Shoes, llorso Shoe Nails, Iron, all size*, 100 sacks Livomool Rait 25 bbls. Elour, MQwax M Best releclion, from Iho Collins' Axc?, Long 11 audio Shovels, F< Shot Guns, Leather aud Shoe Finding3, V with many other articles uselcs to nicntioi jf&f lVrsons indebted nro required to pi should be added to thoir accounts, WILL be rcaurled to, if settlement is not Fob 10, 1869, 43?tf I1WUI II _l IL-IBJ I I ^ SPUING TRADE. 1869. j 1 ? HAVE opened Uieir stock, and beg . leave to call attention to the beads 3i Derailments. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, A complcre lino. CROCKERY. China, Granite, OC, and Glassware. SADTJQIiERY. . McClellan, English and Spauish Saddles. wmm WM, I In great variety. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Tho largest stock we have ev6r opened ??ats and Caps, All of the novelties of the season. BOOTS & SHOES. To the ladies we can oflor MILES' celebrated Philadelphia work. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. , I The planter, mechanic and housekeeper can be supplied with every article desired. GROCERIES. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Under the charge of Mrs. M. J. LYTHGOE, whose skill, ability and accomplished taste as a Milliner and Dress Maker is too well known for us to mane any comment. MILLER & ROBERTSON SHERIFF'S SAIi3. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, to roe directed, I will sell nt Abbeville C. H., on the first MONDAY in October next, within the legal hours of enle, all the interest whiob William Ricbcy baa in a tract of land, containing thrco bun^ dred and thirty-five acres, moro or less, adjoining lands of Wm. Duhd, J as. Blaine, James Wright and others, ads. Nancy Richey. H. S.'CASGN, Sheriffs Office, ) ' S. A. C. Sept 11, I860. J21^-td Mllimery ! ?m. i jy Ladles wlvhlng to boy a fine Bonnet, a nlc< 4oanet, a fiuhioneble Bonnet, for a littli aouey, will find it at the temple of Fashions, no. 2 granite .... banok, , Or anything in the Millinery line. A large Kx of SUNDOWNS and other hat# have just beet rrceived." Come and get one before they art all gone. ~ 'u; EKOOH N*LS?t June 16 . y ' . 82 /: ' . ?tf puim m WEAT I . rrr^ _mp ? ji?Tn i np.w mm? liamson & Co., Factors sr r> iSlON MERCHANTS. STREET, BALTIMORE. o., Abbeville C. If., S. C., aro our dirty i Advances on all consignmonls to ns. 2ND, President C. & S. J?. 11., Socicty ashicr First National.Bank, Colombia, ont C. C. & A. R. 1J-, Ciiurlotto, N. C., 3. CJ. Sept. 10, 18GU, 20?3m LRDWARE, AND CUTLERY. E AKIN g articles, which aro offered st low prices: I 20 l/bls. Plnnting Potatoes. Table anil Pocket Cutlery, llook and But Hinges, Hand Saws, Drawing Knives, Screws, of all size*, Sillers, Brass Kettles &0? Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Tupoutine and Toilet Soapd, ^*>rch, Soda, Powder, Lead aud shot, C>an?..j (500(]a 0f a|| kinds, Cheese a.-, Mncaaropi, Mackerol, m*-;^ 1_4 anJ i_2 bbls. AM* IIMM lowest to the highff-t price. ork* anfi Spades. Wash Boards and Su;Uv.*t Joil, Trace, Breast Dogs Chains, &c.', 1, all of which?wi!) be sold low for .Cash; *y up. Indulgence will not be granted. Tin thev can only blame, themselves*. Tho law made immediately. J SiiiLc of South Carolina, ABEVILLE COUNTY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. Samuel I. Porter vs. John Y. Porter, Eliz. K. Porter nod others. Petition for Petition of T?enl Etbilo of Eliz. K. Poner, deceased. It appearing tliat Juba Y. Porlar and Jasper N. Porter, defendants in the above ense reside beyond the limits of this State: On motion by McGowan & Parker, Sol., for Pul'r., ordered that said defendants do appear and plead answer or demur to said I Bill within forty days from th? publicntion rvr cama mill Ka v? UIIMIV if Ilk Ub IIIA.CU JL IV* \j\JHJGQ5V .,.-N.. against them. v "WILLIAM HILL, j. Tito., a. c. Sept. 10, 1869, 20?Gt SALE OF um Jmjm XML XU MJT 9 f By Order of the Court of Probate for Abbeville County. T -L WILL sell on Sale Day in October next, Uia Real Estate of Thos. Norwood dec'd., Containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN ACRES, more or lew, on waters of'Salud* River, bounded by lands of James Taylor, B M. Latimer, Mrs. Julia Johnston and otlierH Terms of sale to be cash. H. S. CASON, SborifT Abbeville County. Sept 19 46 St The State of South Carolina, ; Abbeville Ccounty.- ... ,m, I IN THE PROBATE CODRT. : . I P. L. Guillcbcau and M. Lane and wifo, administrators, vs. ; > T* T. rVw-a- > A'* VWA uuu UtllCIO. > Petition praying modification of Decree. '' u' "TTHE Petitioner having filed their petition praying a modification of the Decree of settlement in this ease. ?T 'ti(;u is hereby given to the next of kin and all relr.ted, to show cau so at my office, 'tra FRIDAY the 1st of October next, why the prayer of the petitioners should not be. granted. WM. HILL, Sept 10,18G9, 20?3t P. J. A. C. STAT E OF SOUTH CAROUMA. ' ' ABBEVILLE COTJUTY, U , ' a IH .THE COMMON PLEAS, ? ... Jo*eph Ellis &*\ }Billt.P.rrtlo? Mortrt,-*.. ' M. Harrington, J " f. XT appearing (9 my'satlsfactlon', that Miotia'a Harrington, the defendant reeldtfs. without the limitt olaaid Slate. ' * ^ On motion of Thomson & Fair, Complainant's ^ ' itj Solioitora, ordered, that Bald dafendadti pit ad, ? ftuawor or demur to said hill of Complaint, witli- .; & in forty dayi from tho Jltle of thia order, or & judgmentptoetnfenio WM1 be taken againat " ! him. MATIIKW MeDONALD. ? Clerk'f Offioe, , ' <? C." tV. 3?| September lit, 1869. " - 'Sep. 14tQtL jO t : ? ..v ,t.. I'L-. j|l 1 liiittitt :]Umu|(y!> R h'