VOL IV. yp. 6. POUT 1{Q VIOSDA" JSOVEMBEK 13, 18io. NEW SPRING GOODS. Jas. C. BAILIE & BRO Respectfully ask your atte tiou to the following DESIRABLE GOODS fered by thcw for sale: english and american floor o cloths. 24 feet wide, and of the best quality of Roods mai -factured. Do you want a real good Oil Cloth ? so, come now and get the very best. Oil Cloths < any size and laid promptly. A full line of cht FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, froiu COc. a yard up. Ta cloths all widths and colors. carpets. Crossel*, three-ply and ingrain Carpots of new i aigus. A full stock of low-priced carpets from) 30c yard up. Carpets measured for, made and laid with dispaU LACE CURTAINS. French Tambourd Lace, " Exquisites.* Nottingham Lace, " Beautiful." Tamboured Muslin, durable and cheap, from $3. pair sua upwards. CORNICES AND BANDS. 'sosewood and Gilt, Plain Gilt, Walnut and G Qpruice", wiih or without centres. Curtf in Bands, Pins und Loops. Cornices cut rod made to fit windows and put u WINDOW SHADES. j.000 Window Shades In all the new tints of color Beautiful Gold Baud Shades, (1.60, with all tnn tnings. Beautiful Shades 20c. each. store Window shades any color and any eire. Window Shades squared aud put up promptly. Walnut and painted wood Shades. HUGS AND DOOR MATS. New aud beautiful Bugs. Door Mats, from 50c. up to the best English Cocoi that wear three years. 100 sets Table Mats, assorted. MATTINGS. New Matting, Plain and Fancy, in all the diffcrei widths made. - * .uaiiiugs la:a witn dispatch. WALL PAPERS AND BORDERS. 3,(HI) Rolls Wall Papers and Borders in now pal terns, iu gold, panels, hall, oaks, warbles, chintzc A:., In every variety of colors?beautiful, good cheap. Paper hung if desired. HAIR CLOTHS tn all widths required lor Cpholf Gimpe and Tacks for same. - enng. Button CURTAIN RAMASICS. Plain and Striped . , Upholstering pt> /**fcch Terrys for Curtains a: Gimps, Fri- .poses. Moreen* Taasels, Loops and Buttons. Curts *46(1 Table Damasks. ar.d Lambraquins made snd put up. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. ' "English Embroidered-Cloth and Piano TableCover Embossed Felt Piano and Table Covers. Plain and gold band Flocked Piano Covers German Fringed Table Covers. CRUMB CLOTHS AND DRtGGETS. New patterns in any aize or \vidth wanted. To all of which wo ask your attention. All wot Cone well and in season, by James G. Bailie & Brothers, AUGUSTA, GA apl-17.lv. H. M. Stuart, M. D., Comer of Bay and Eighth Streets, eaufort, S. C. PEVLEB IS DJtUOS AND CHEMICALS, F I MIL Y MEDICINES, F I VPV .1 vn T/tT! VP A I<'/'//?? 6T4 TIOXER V. PERFUMER Y. BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac. Together with many other articles too nummw t'jiiiiutira. All of which will lioeold atthelnv,. jii k t'c.r cash. Physician* prescriptions caret nil ConipooiiJcA, full.11. PIERCE L. WIGGIN, ATTORNEY AND CODNSELOR AT LAW, Solicitor Second Circuit. Beaufort, S. C. Scpt.l-lv. ______________ JERRY SAVAGE & CO., Wheelwrights & Carpenters. farts, Wacom nti r. YEMASSEE Eating Saloon, AT HIE P. R. k S. A. C. R. R. JUNCTION. llie travrlui': j.tiMk-will In vc UimI n;. ,i! vi Ihe arrival of Iiaius. AKo ac<"iiin:v.lal'<>UK f .>r mar 4D<1 'xar-t, n.ar tliu tit-put. 13. T. SELiIaEnS, YEMASSEE, S. C. Nov.'.'1-ly. W. H. CALVERT, w:\cticai. Tin, Sheet-Iron. Copper & Zinc Worker. DEALKK IN Japanned and Stanijed Tin Wan*. Cou-tautly 01 band, Ctwkmc, Parlor aud Uox Stove*. T E II .11 S CASH. Thankful for past favor?, an (Nj l'artI?'i!ar attention given to the sale of and Bi lit of Sea I-iaud and t'plaud Cotton. L advance* made on consignment''. nal atti-ut'on to the rcpalrii , WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Ornam nil jilaiu Kuk>uvMi-lied od the cheat cash jlan, At the Ion of only ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Address, INDEPENDENT, V. o. Box 865. SavannahjJ W. Gr. CAPERS, Upholsterer and Repaire ' (mi Fiuiuture |>tit lii s?od ord?r, Mctnre Frt 1; u.? be worth if she grew up without learning the lesson of self-denial, or tasting I ! the sweetness of giving up her own j ; pleasures for some one else ? Surely , she had too much conscience, Mrs. ; Medford thought, ever really to neglect I ! Freddy ; and, even though she might r' find it wearisome, the silent struggle with herself was sure to do her good, j ' But, on this summer afternoon of which I am telling you, the tempter had | drawn very near to Grauie. She tried I ,u" ; lor n while to resist his beguilemcnts. | Kitty's words roused, for a moment, , her sense of justice. " Mamma is not to blame," she said. , j " She did not make mo undertake see- I ; ing to Freddy. She would have brought j a nurse, but I begged her to let Mary J - t " < T tlw.wrl.t if mill 111 llfl lllsh ' V ft" * WIWU^M? .V , . I nothing to take care of Fred ; but, oh j dear! it is un awful bore sometimes, , ? when I want to do something else." f Freddy did not know what bore meant ; but he understood clearly ; enough that ho was in Gracie's way, ' and his sensitive little heart ached just r# i as sorely as if it had not been almost a baby's heart. If CJracie had looked at him just then she might have seen ; some great tears on the tips of his long, curling lashes ; but he was a little man in miniature, and he tried very hard to ?a. ; make his voice sound firm and brave. " Teddy been slower than he had to," ; said he, sturdily. " Feddy be steam* engine now. Bo just go on fast, and P, Feddy keep up. Feddy not pull oor d'ess, or hold on to oor hand any more, un* | pnzpr." i " Are yon snre you'll keep up ?" I " Bery stupe;" stoutly spoken. So Gracie eased her mind of its bu-r r< den, and soothed her conscience?for al had not Freddy promised??and hurried on after Kitty, who was in ad- ci vance. Atsd after ber, toiling with mfght and main to keep up, trudged little Fred, 01 rubbiug away with his round chubby H fists the tears that would come, but of r' which, being a boy, he was secretly J? quite ashamed* 1? Presently a great, gorgeous clump of rhododendron, a little in advance of |a them, moved the two girls tq a simulta- j? neous ecstacy. They had never in their 'h lives seen scything so beautiful as this 8' great tropical-looking shrub, rising " high above their heads, and making a glory in the air with its magnificent w pink blossoms. Heedless of Freddy, they sprang forward breathless with 10 eagerness; and he, finding that his short little legs were unequal to his am- jn bition, resigned himself to his position J51 like a philosopher, "Me tau't keep up, no way. Guess me Btay here, and rest Feddy. Gracie it-J chn /irtMA L I hi HUT6 V UUU U1C WUCU OUV VwUiV UHC& here." , H . And bo Gracie sorely tfotild, if llo had kept right there in the path. But presently a yellow butterfly flew by?one, two, three?a cloud of yellow butterflies, all going one way. It was too urnch for Freddy. " They be yeal gold, I guess," he cried, looking after them longingly. , " Me get sotne for mamma?wear in her ? ears?say, ' Thank 00, Feddvl-'" So tlie little short legfl, Set in motion " by the longing to plea60 mamma, started on once more, this time right away from the path, in and out among . the trees ; and the butterflies flitted on ' before, as if blown by a waywurd wind, , here and there, hero and there, but always away from the path. And in half , an hour only the wind, artd the btUter- +* llies, and the Heavenly Father looking down, knew where was Freddy. The girls thought that it was not q more than fifteen minutes when they turned to. look for him j but then the 01 rhododendron blossoms were pink, and the sky was bright, and a bird with a golden throat sang to them ; and all the ' time Freddy was stumbling on right m away from the path. Gracie was the first to think of him. ^ " Why, where is Freddy ? " she asked, with startled face. Oh, he's all right enough ! " Kitty answered, " trudging along on the path like a little snail. We'll go bock for him presently. Just see this kalmia. We must get'a little for your mother." g Gracie yielded,?to yield was the fatal G1 weakness of Ber character. She gath- ^ij ered a splendid bunch of kalmia ; then j0 some cardinal flowers burning at her W( feet attracted her; and then, at last, Bj she turned resolutely : \)( " Now I must find Freddy. Poor ]? little fellow ! I shouldn't wonder if he er ?"" Wa'va lipun nwnv frnm >:i ?UO J ,1J him as much as twenty minutes. w Kitty glanced at the western sky, aud saw the sun hanging low, a great red c; ball on the misty horizon. She made j8 no remonstrance now against looking for Freddy. She was more frightened al herself than she would have cared to own. Back along the.path they flew, Graoie in advance. At last she looked round, her face white with terror. " It was here we left him, Kittyjust by theso blue flags. We started on tli for the rhododendrons, yon know. Oh, j, where is he, where is he ? Freddy! . Freddy ! Fred !" jj, But no little piping treble made an- n, swer. Would that voice ever answer' f0 her again ? And, if it didn't, what was I j,, tho use of living ? And she had thonglit; 'f; bhe was tired of him. ?j The two girls made frantic little j( rnshes from the path in every direction, j1( not going far either way, for on every tr side the woods shut in round them, and n] already the twilight was coming fast, f j, At last Kitty said : st " It is of no use, we arc wasting time. re It is growing tlurK, una our uest way is i jj, to hurry home, aud send some one to f0 look for him who can find him quicker 0i than we can." j,i 44 Well, then, you go, but I must stay pi here and look. I've got to find him, ! yt you know?he is my brother." ' ov " All very well, if you could," Kitty said, dryly. 41 I don't see how you'd help mutters, though, by getting lost yourself, and giving the men two to look after instead of one." Gracie had not courage enough to re- d< sist this argument, which, indeed, had A its firm base in a self-evident fact; so la the two girls hurried homeward breath- fe lessly. Once there, Kitty stopped out- tl side to tell the story to her father, fr while Gracie burst into the room where H her mother was. m 44 You may do anything to me, mam- rc ma,?anything. If you should kill me, di I deserve it. And I don't think I should j g care. I'm uot fit to live." j gi 44 Then certainly you are not lit to oi dieand Mrs. Medford laid her hand ; oi on Gracio's throbbing forehead. 44 But > ft what is the matter? Why should I ' si do auyiumg 10 you: iuiu wuuid m | u. Freddy ? ' ! ui " That's what I've done, inanima,? a lost him!" in ' Lost my baby ? Where ?" i h " In the woods, mother, fie stayed ; b behind, when 1 thought he was coming, i ni and got lost." " My baby, my poor little fellow,?all , alone in the lonesome woods, and night. coming on 1" As long as Gracie Medford lives, she ! will never forget her mother's face at a that moment. She had never seen such tl a look before. She began to cry, but g no one noticed her. Heedless of white tl gown, and thin slippers, or head, every j, throb of which had been torture all that tl long afternoon, the mother sprang i ti through the adjoining room, and was ft] out of doors, and on the path towards the woods, liefore Gracie hud drawn a n half-dozen sobbing breaths. jj Mr. Smith saw her, and tried to stop : 8| ; her. j i] " Don't go," he said ; "we have got fi j lanterns, and I am going now with both 1 n I my men." i tl " Thank yon, but I am going too. I o i Do yon think I could sit in doors, with : a ! m.t bnby all alone in those crnel woods ?' o j So they all hurried forward, and ii Gracie came ont of the house, still sob- ii I bing; and she and Kitty clasped sor- v )wful hands, and went on more slowly fter the others. An hour passed before a low, eager -y came from Mrs. M^dford's lips : " 0ohi3 hero, duincs !" So she found him. She had taken ! it one of the lanterns, and her mo-! ler's instinct had led her on to the | ght place at last. Mr. 8mith stepped j i her side. The light from the two uterus tkoue on what looked like the { atue of a little boy. The long,* curled I shea drooped upon his cheeks. His ' ,ce gleamed like marble in the dim j ght; and in one cireless hand was a ' eat bunch of the poisonous berries ie deadly night-shade bears. "See those berries," the mother hispered. " James, ia he dead ?" Mr. Smith bent over the child and oked atnimclosely. " No: there is no stain upon his ce. fie has not tasted them ; and be enthes as quietly as if he was in his ' ;d f*t, boron. ' _ [ Then Mrs. Medford caught up uer J ).y in her arms. She had not dared j ifore lest sbe should clasp despair, er embrace awoke him ; and still, it emed. his thoughts were runniug on ie golden butterflies. " Me tied to get oo some for oor ears, amma, they did shine so brig at; but i ey all ruuned away, and then I mldn't find Gracic." " Weren't yon frightened, darling ?'g' " Not frightened so much as me ingry. Then me find booful berries. ;e ! and before I did eat any, someiir?g laid me down to sleep." It was God's angei, surety, the mo*h-! thought, who had hushed her little i ie to his slumbers;?just in time, st in time ! She drew the purple poison-berries om his fingers. "They would not be good for Fredr," sfie said, coaxingly. " Uncle imes shall curry Freddy home, and ien my boy'll get some nice supper." On the way the little procession met race and Kitty. Little Freddy called it, joyfully : " Me 'iding ! See, Gracie ! Me not can to run away. Me not bad boy. e only t'y to ger gold fly things for amma." It was too much for Gracie. " Little angel 1" she cried, through ?r tears. " Just see how ho takes all ie blame, and tries to excuse himself, ow can I ever, ever say thanks enough God, for not taking him just yet to 5 an angel in heaven !" Mrs. Mcdford had two orthree minds jout what she should say to Grace, er first thought had been to send at ice for Mary, and punish the child by >e humiliation of feeling herself no nger trusted. Then she thought it ould suffice to "improve tho occuou " by a few remarks. But her lust, ?st decision was, that the lesson Grace id been taught would only be weakled by any words of comment. So, i ko a woman wise enough to know [ hen to be silent?and thufc gift is not ; i be reckoned lightly?she left the in-! dent to do its own work. She was eut- j fled with the result. The children had a happy summer; ! id Graeie wns never again led into the j mptation of even a momentary wish > get rid of Freddy. Sharing a Pig. Men of talent often fail from turning if ir talents in a wrong direction. Chief ustioe Chase, for example, would nev have made a successful barber. He yed for a while in his youth with his icle, Bishop Cha?e, who prepared him r college. One morning he told the ldding Salmon to kill and dress a pig. he incipient st tesman was not much ' a butcher, and, when he came to the dieate Dperatiou of scalding the pig, irror! the hair set. But in lna exemity h: bethought himself of his acle's vazor, and, in due coarse of me had the porker shaved from tip of lout to tail-end. The bishop, on his 1 turn, complimented bis nephew on o neatness with which he had per-j rmed his task. When, however, the I d gentleman came to shave himself, 1 s cherished razor was found iu a sucl , At* **?TTi>ct I rrn f inn fnllnwprl illlil I JgUVa iW , >ung Salmon received some very seriis advice. dreadiness. Greediness finds its own punishment, ! id that speedily. The punishment. ies not ulwnj's take the shajie of colic, j t a recent dinner an individual with I rge eyes for fruit and a long reach, li in love with 11 large dish of pears of le Seckel variety. His heart longed j ir them and his hand lunged for them, e grappled tho top one, and the reaining four hundred and twenty-four died all over the table, into the other ishes, on the floor, into tho laps of the nests, and nil because one man was reedy. His punishment eanie from ae little pear about the size of his own rg.in of politeness. This little avenger ill iuto the coflfeo-cnp of the pearlatcher and splashed hot coflee into is eyes, all over his l'aee, shirt bosom lid white vest. The nfl'uir occurred at county fair, and all the afternoon one mil went about the show looking as if e hud fallen upon a thousand squash * -- ? l which only 1,000,000 hud heen used when the place capitulated ; and that when Bazaine said he had no ammunition, the fact was he had no intention of fighting. A oolouy of wasps built their nest a few weeks ago in a church, offensively near the choir. The sexton Ueing appealed to, said, " I'll fix the rascal* I" and proceeded to bnrn the wasps out. The next day while gazing at the ruins of the church, the sexton was heard to remark: " I knew I oould fix i the rascals ; but I'm sorry the church I went along with 'em incidentally." I Ex-Gov. John W. Palmer, of Illinois, j has written a letter to say that in his opinion questions like that of the mode | of observance of the Habbath are beyond the rightfnl domain of legislation, I and that every person should be per1 *41 4 'eanrtQ fn lip. | raittou wimuuii m uiuuibuw j termiue for himself on that, as on all j other days, how he will employ his ; time, only that he shall not in any sense invade the liberties of others. Preserving Milk. A method for preserving milk is thus described: The milk, fresh drawn from the cow, ! is placed in cans or bottles, which are filled as nearly fall of milk as possible, and immediately corked tightly or her! metically sealed. The cuns or bottles are then placed in a bath of water heated to the same temperature as the milk, , in snch a manner as to allow a free cirt eolation of wuter beneath and aronnd, bat not over them. The temperature#f . .. " ? .1 1 L the water nam is men BIUWJV 1BIOCU >v ' lietween 160 degrees aud 170 degrees i Fahrenheit's thermometer. The water i is kept at this temperature for a greater i or less length of time, acoording to the t period daring which it is desired to pre) serve the milk. One hoar will, it is } claimed, preserve the milk fonr or five . weeks. Five hoars heating is enongh I for eight months or a year. The fire is - then withdrawn and the bath allowed to 3 cool slowly, after which the cans and 3 bottles art withdrawn and the operation t is completed. ? An essential of success in this opera3 tion is, that the vessels designed to coni tain the milk should be perfectly clean e and sweet, and that the milk itself e should be perfectly pure and unodnl terated. If the temperature be carried e higher than that named above, the milk s acquires a cooked taste. If the tempere atare be not Raised so high, and maind tamed a suitable length of time, the milk sours.