i i n ? ? i ii ? ?? J i . '*? f*r. ' 4-' . ' "? ?*?' .? ? c> Volume I!.} - -?> ?' v ?N *\ - .'*} f. Camden, (s.co Saturday,/ an UARrio.iii^ ,' j * . ^B?5| bi- t- -f , !j . X ' ? v' &&S0 ' "< ? SfefH - . A '/>?("- 1 I ':V V it.* a< .w^^. PRINTED BY " ' : CXORGE 4 For the Pivopr i it0rs. X*r firite to Mvtriber* i* g3 fier annum tklkmtm V fKmtgr ; mnd In all ctue* wAe*et ?U Uhe tlttivvifd at rxfienat ^ , yj? flwHMrr, the frrjc* ^jO #* S3 30 ^ ytmr, #?#r fio id *ix Months after *uLcr bin* '1~^Lrnr cnmt^rr'xrr^ ' } j Afifioirited at t$tt clo*e the last nestion^ j uTp enquire if it be eJ rpedten* to altitr I & itmir ; and tf ?J- hcjtrtfr**, what altenrtkat wtrt retjuir ??*" beg ifufe to REPORT? . THAT tlkrv wAjtf prevented, by cir ftom assembling dtiting the jpcccto of tftc legfeiature, aiui have there - j :f >rc riot tMtt to khft subject, that protract ed consideration Wf&eh A 'Importance would seem to reotife*. The r^ult Iiow evef, of such enqUirit* as the committcc >^4' J* |rr'#|rttTr tfrt coin- I ynepccmet* o/ Ue prcaetrt they I no* %**!***? c^aqbnftf jlWihy ? legislature t#d^iW^ whether furthers ;crtal fcbde of the MtttAdatidMi to hftto Wn much desire cdand lunjjr expected; as yet, legislative caution hat ndt yielded to efcctiftive im jfoittmhjrgjg* Caution, A ? ^eUcved, M? bocn W. effect, tioc of any supposed perfection in our criminal 1**; but of doubts i? to the policy of adopting the particular alterations recommended. That some al terations were, required, haa never been denied", that tome alterations are now ne cesaary, the returns of convictions prove. ^ **FT **""*?* f^uem^ cbminitted> which our penal code ^waa intended to sup* - (K and wMcty It is Relieved, can be ' Suppressed, or very mueh lessen* d. For these evils, two remedies have been 12 suggested. VThe adoption of the penitcntfr syatefnV or only sole Ater our present ''laws* astolncTtfaSe or dinmrfah the quan tum of punishment now apportioned. F?aeh of toHtot remedies has its advocates; - both b&'&ti opinion ofiyour committee are . <*ntitJ*8?fo consideration, The penltcnti* ffPIWP H Is a pt?* admit**? ionoOMP ? - ^ e apportion ?d* could the same pi * ilty pnryjsn t overy crime, there should 1m nut otic penalty. Toftopr>rtUmthe punJabmewa with any degree ot precision to lir* crime, Would I appear to involve the following difficulties t In the firs* .|?)a<;o? sansibir^ Of tfla ' citmipd o4gbt to fee ncrtaiafd ; for the < same punishment would affect T?ry. diffef eittly persoqt of di^crcot of *etei-?< . bUil? ; to one, that jromehraent mi^ht tie torture, which U> another* wouid ije little more than unpleasant* ' 1 JWljr* The- effect nf each crime oHnec| - tiy ought to be ascertained, thi w it L; *|?p*ehc tided inn oaly be sppim*ite4io|B' Trty ttoott Degree. To kill A, who is. a TOtuoirt, intelligent, end eetrre rtnern than to kill AS, who in e worilUeM v?grwHi;i onthe life of the firet* lb* ? 4f may materially ;? the deetb ' of thebu miy be eo far beneficial, a* to disencumber society of a ?tvo?ie4 Nol*i .giver however# has ever viiUuftd , criminatc be tw ten thc*e case*. I'jHriliim . ty dangerous would H be it* discriminate, ' una yet without such dtscri*??nario|i, what pretension can thetebfc I* proportion ; , DitfWrull ii tj it to nicciuio with , an f precision, the sc n sibihty of the c t i- | mm*] and the tflect if Ibi *d beet* perpetrated. . \ ^ i Wnli ftcfte obset vatfont) your cWn mil- | tee' will )>rottxd to the consideration of ti?e | ptniieirtis?y syatctn* -vu . ' J * 1 he reluctance with which this subject Ityt ?Iwjjjri been considered by Ik lature* when pressed upon tMr attention by executive leeommendations, Was the eflfcct, H ft believed (at b*fbr#C mated) of great doubts us to the practical effect* of ? theory, wbtdl though brilliant had iw>t been lull y tried, and upon which the grow ing txpenelK-e of other tUtua, "would to no protected length of tlmfc, sfcfda Hdil which wo^kl ri>?*?pAte all doubt* am) jnth cute ? decision in every respect fcUfcfrxc- , *wt& W is to ?**ll(per tehee of tho*e stfctea where (lie penitentiary system has > been longeei tried, that yodr committee How propose to look Mr itiat light which ?hall confirm or dissipate those doubts , Which Imve hitherto existed on this sub ject.ki ' ' " { * .'7*'v;v ^ ' 4 ' ? j V In Pennsylvania, Whc?*s4W first AnU rican penitentiary homo waa erected,' i< appeals from a recent publication entitled, A statistical view of ope rati on sot the peilal code of ttbniy WaidV\that itf ! operation had " been extremely brnefici* at for the first tvro years after it* establish L ment ; that of two btindrid persona who hatUeew paidoned, only fUti bad return* ed?^ At that period it appears further, that " the notnbi* of convict ? wa* so small ' In proportion to the building, that the a partments Hi the prison and ihe prison rard afforded cesivenieln and ample room Ibr the separation and 4tnpioym?tft of Ihe convicts. " . .. ? y.." ? The grand Jewry of 'Philadelphia, tn a recent presentment aay, 44 that While they notice with pleasuie, the high degree ol "order and cleanliness, they are compelled* jty aaenae Of duty to present aaan evil of ^ebfcShW table magnitude, the present very crowded state or the penitentiary t the mvmbar 4 prisoner** of ail classes, dim tinoes to increase, so that from to to 40 arc lodged tit rooms I ? fact square i! so many are U^sctottded together* that the, institute already begins to hsinmt thfc thar*ct*??f European * . t untie being who oommHi a 4rst offence and ktn-wtf noi?e of the arte of itiethudiXcd vitl4iny? can scstveljf avoid the comamini tioh Which lexdi to ex i feme depravity/* It appear further, f?om the 'tarn* pob tfcation* ?MI? at of 4Sl convicts riow in tne peniu mUry of* PcHn?y tva&la, 1 6 1 have Iftpn cftidinctl tli^re befo**-** Tlic c^mi^iasfbhcm appointed to *xs mine lulo ? tie *tuie of ihe Mew- York |?ri | M?r*? in Vfceir repoiX observe, It- ha* fc>r * aomfe^fefte puss, not only fs'rted of efl*c ? ing liie object chiefly ih Hfctfy bur t>*s *ib KtHnj^l fli. l*+*we$ 10 a series of di*bpvfe Thit in# tbRctber lb? prisoner*; and it J' ; f - + ? >+-V ?"?" - tea oi H eppeer*, *itt1i? , ? 1*f1r ???** p^pW>no*tho%e*l [ h** 'bwfr *ohith*iieJ lor five ? *M : free*, hedheUt eo*fi.>ed ^OTdWe. 1 * f*to?u their report complain * ihM the n so crowded, *s to dgfctf'tfee bbj which the* Jiisbtufkm W*s ejected* ? *.^7 Stan, further, " that the only ?c\v*mai?;t-fc which the eomtnonwefltli . rnr* from the ei^bli?htn?nu fct-- ; l?t; The ttrbtectioo ?aiMe& itk boi * tnUn?*y against nhecritomah dttanfc tb< 2dly. e*min*t of 11 conVicts, whifcb maf I** Supposed tofei* mufcii gain/ 4infcev th?* gftater pert*1* ?L ^aetof ?n#n *heO ter?e, ^ , peine of the community #Uf Bui there appcut V tei these. cc ^ more settled Cor$ prwluc,, , f! It IB thoofM wpwe*fNMT<,U> i"^c *uf 4 ther c^ou Lions fro?e^^ J I tbey ere in tJiepOMeesiwi of, ibe Wgi*h ? Xfrtt, end cen he proceed by all* L . Vkrn mo*t, anemife rxaminatiert bt thes b document*, on the pett of the oembaiUet , has been fiUbmcrf by # thofltff h eontittio 1 that the peniltntiery lystefs M J?T *M* hash*, en yut lriencc paste seti. but of which* Cot torn* line putt, !>n r>4 tin? hab>'?bic world | en I it-Je iiKt that in eucb an event, It t legishtfur* tin* mute w?ll avail iiself < f . lihe elrtttti ^>portunity of adopting, ttfc j aysteni ; bm umil it bat been well tried tft I hat fully answered* your committee em - nm but btlit-ve, it would l>? unwise in tl* legislature tt* attempt it. The experiments already commenced are to nu met oua, and wiii p.obabiv : conducted with nominal ability, as will leave no doubt at to the ie ? atiltt that may be afforded. ; It may, ih-f dee ^ b? iwcettttry to a full and fair a: i peri men I of the system, that fcom? suf'et should ?pt adopt it j lor, to ascertain its t vaH*o* It nw M\ necessary to contrast it wjibothvr syautiu* end t)>ia ( cannot btf r done advantage it *?. the atetes wetc , 19 adopt iU ;j| V It fpajino* be unimportant. ev*J*?n tl pr^moccw^^o co^raM tU^iitji ,??? ??*? tf^noaC, Willi ibe oper?tto?t4..ti0, hoth inclusive, (tof pkn herniary otencteiwef# ij '** average lor escbteatv*>f more tlanlCM^ R Jjj ^TjKe populate oithf^ute i> ISOdyJ (aa appeara by the centos then ?sl;ei>.J VM 602,145* In ty'lfr, tfc/poffcfc?on had in* , ere?*ey to *10,99 1. aft ennu' al inCreattLol shout 2o,ri4, ahd fyttfcmge popiilatWm of 6S3t2t^t for ihe ten ye*r% |>ri fnr lo I8?0. Fo?r;^i|a/jpenwt ?o^rr|m lAou initio, bnl aa the exact inor*i*kt cannot be" aster talotd, it will be condoled at the sarTte, ,the dKTe# eiicc cannAYtfti ^ery Rrtrt* 1 h?s woohI ! For* tKit *er(o4 ifcertfbre, c*nticti?bi I wet* to population *i t?8 to 8W,S43r er Mi vi-.w/x :;?? ?'>/: ; It tomld qfceflt ikis atyttimcnt that Cfimt^ had nol oftty inuttiM tttweriui fy taf tn a greater f alia thaftpoputaaoti; liirtHipfr? ? Bftfltelfc w?frft?n?nli??lnft had to tkw dmt tftt nlkh: btrrfuniHW initdiittH, rttWfcd Un*the ^alc^rr WAalwi* ?r?h* Wfifiel ^iaiS^ tfefcsfofct 6f H^'ctoantpnf ?&<* ~ ? <* ? ? Sft. 11. . ^foMh I for comparer, tfpr)?nerf\Mr, _k. 1%. -Jl' . LAt ? m f '.s! 12??$ 8rMU?oiio?fc?i UvictioKI NP?lf :^4P$ ey?i\ ^ M tg com^ire ;Hhfc ^?mtcntkry ofJPenn^HiWiU whhTRc forfhir pwWIptKl^ oTiMtUti?; Kutto ^TOpuir'H vriih the pii*rd* ft By the returns ot evictions fiut * I *<$ to Wlo, both inc&iftNttMt upffcani thffkt war* in ihu state, US coriticuon* for pen* Fioip i3#fyo 1815, tlit coiivictibns vt&t vtyfih I^?vc? An average ot xi per y*ar. 'J IftfWilaiioft pf thitt hvm Jn t Soo, #?? the ^Utkm Wl^ ?f?,fio, wh,ch *tb?4i i 5wtt?5w4^P^i*iih tv*har>>f .?t?#??m?WI>tt? fWMfwItf^UMhlii wale, WfctCH ? wain cakuU*4 K>^m?a # ?}th y iCwKUfUMHiH^s p$dkli? ??totr*f*. ? ???!?' .%?4 ri.G?<^. qf To aUer affd am. *Mi?W