,..^r I,, al^ B V . 1 '1 1 I f Vo^Mne li.) ? 1 1 l aim ' ?' ) ? CAMDEN; (S. C.) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1817. * s ?/*"" * v ?,> >*ri paww? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , Clumber %t. POINTED BY" UAJtB t. r. For the PnopJti etors. f vfy> * ?* * f NJy ?j* * *' ' ' . 1 j 7Xr firicc to Subtcriter* ia g3 /Jrr anrtrxnt exclusive of fioMtagt ; mnft in oil eu?e* vthrxc ffyier* ?halt be detivtrtd OL the (jr/un&e q? the ftuNWicr, the /trice mtiW be SO a ye*rt to ke fw id *ix mvntht cfkxrmub sorbin# ' iwiiwi l 1 1 Legislature of S7C, . 's ? ,CoKifttralb*. G*rJm*i > nFPn HT, to tU Hon. tUt Le?Wtttnri thin State. ' < ^v'0%^ **1r> h' l' ***'{%, ' :. * /> To the Honorable YhqmKs Speckc aivd the otfeer Members of tho JKonorubJc House ot Representatives. I *t?he Comptroller-Ciencrali *re4 spectfully submits the following and Reports ; - ifo.} i, Shews the Receipts and Ptyrhents rm the Tftjjjury of the ' tjmrt >ivision, between the lavi J d^ ot-SExhibix from the J-TWtoy.. of ^y Vpptt DivU . sion for the same pci ioci> Jctvtgg a balance ia the Treasury of eighty ihcKityui three - hundred and forty + sine doHarsi fifty ~chre* eentt.' ( &?>i -ir^overs- 'the -monthljpere* ports ot the T rea*tirtr of the Lbw t:c JDiyisioii for the hit fiscal year.; No. 4, Covet* iod. ?-? '? vV-^-''v/ : SBieF,/TF4 , bt ? thu which H appears there ?iH remains .wn of four hun Hundred aptt mnety-aix doilar*? *ix-. ty-aine cenrs. ? No. 6, Is a statement of the Pa per Medium Bonds, by which it ai i there was1* balance due 4?C ?, on the- fttst day of Qctobtr of eighteen thousand, eight 'red ami; twenfy-five pound3, {"^iHings and four pence, c (o ifchty thousand sbk;hundred -iTT* a ^aa ? - - ?i c 'K6. fr, Cover* the Reports i *% 4 r JNo. 15, Is a Report of die exT penditure of the fund appropriated ? forflTransient Poor in Ceorgetown. No. i6^Is A&taremcntof a nuro^ bcr of old . Bonds und Mimoi) the greatest part of tFffe Mortgaged lands might yet be Idftittfd, if the Legislature Wtfuld authorize th$ exj>encc qf employing surveyor! for that purpose. He entertains np doubt .but new gr^^ have been long iincc obtained fl^thoFc lands, and that person* have been in pos* session pf th^m * suffcieoCfoigth of.time tp bar the right qf the su e the,stacutc of limitation will run against the *tate. Should the right o i toe state no* be baried . yui thesf ? lands coi.id be located, a consider* able wtn might fee realized to the i' stare, by a sale theieof. .1 o au ;, tempt a S.ale t>f them before, they are located, would be in vain, as no : pcrsonwotild be disposed to pur chase thefni > The Com ptr oil t r- G t ne ral further reports, that he is unable at the conv menctineht of the session, to fur nish the Legislature with the jto*l exhibit shewirg the Were amojMtirf Taj; paid for property. Tyln^^BR colkmon district, a* he fta\ not re ^eivc3: the returns intended for this department, frbni somfc of the Tax Collectors of the Lower pivision f Six 'packet* are now lying in the ^Post-Officc in this place, addressed /o thj Comptrolier-Aicntrai fropi Charleston^ wHch Ke supposes to cpntain die returns for his ofijee t the pcttagj cf which iraiounts to ;hc sum or one hundred ^ and fifty six dollars., Accompanying those .packets* was iLkucv feomthc |*>st tharleACon, tp the Post Masai in this place, requiring bim *^Fcr\tha-*c packep co go offic^t-wmUthe peat age was paid. 1 his e>trao*#inary c on* duct ol the Poat- Master of Cta*rtes i con, induced the CompteolV:r~G<*i~ cval co believe it was done with a deitgn to embartas him in she dis charge of his official duties. He ' tnwfcfore addressed a letter to the Post-Misrer-Gencral, stating the tirciimitancc, his unwillingness on the part of the state,. to pay this extraordinaiy and unnecessary ex pence, and requesting that the post .,ag< might be rtduccd. To %hlch the Post Jon to which he may belong, tbe individual ret .umrs ahd the duplicate of the genr cralmurn for the Comptroller? Generals offioe, at the time he makes his fettfrment wiih the. and that the Tieikurcr be required to 4flivcr them to the order vibC'tht Ceroptrolicr-Geiieral, which would prevent a timilar o<:cuiTewer in-fif cure* Shoufd every collector be a: liberty to torwaid to the Comp^ troller- General by Mail, his indi vidual returns aiui duplicate of his general return., the pdstage tvoulrf amount to an enormous sum of / ? , ' rf 4. ?*}' )-? * 4 nio:?ey. >* .? The death or the ffeasurfrr pf the lower division, suspended for V while* the c^h transactions of that 4epartment. As soon as ic was practicable, an appointment wis made t>y the governor, of Mr, Lyon Levy, to fid that office, wml the meeting the Legislature. J t appears that ^ the 1 reasurer of the Lower Division had ovtt nro the 1 n a^ury* T^a - * he - hap applied to Robert Suhfej Esquire* Solicitor for that circuit* to file said bill, who states th&jttU : entirely out of his power to attend ! CO t]?e casrj as the Court of Equicy " ; is hoMeft at: Oraogeburgh , ac the - same time, where is he juicier the rie-** ce&siry of attending to citees in which ; he is already engaged T-hcCotup trolfer-General therefore begs leave to submit to the legislature, the ex ^jediency of eitfeerStenngcfe fimes 'of the sittings of the said CdUrti and thereby enable the solicitor to perform tha duty y or -to authorise him to employ some other persott to tiie said bi!L ,x \*c% TttE PBLRSrbjR.\'TX)F THB On Monday last the first sesshm of the 15th Congress convened 'at VV inhingcon, having a largct mini ber of members present than any congress heretofore ort the first day. The Hon. Henry Cl*y, Was elrtrt^ eri Speaker, by a majority which fully spoke the estimation in Which that truly valuable nyut is fifcI3? Yfcsterday ( December #V i I o*c!ock, the Clerk read thfc {?Haw ing message to the House i'ellOto Citizen* qf the &enat(} and of the Home It tjire sensitive* ; At no period of- our political existence h^ wc so-initch cau^ to felicitate oursfclve* at the pro&pef" bus and happy condition of idlir Country. 'The abundant fruits of the earth have filled it wirK""p]tep^ A# fcxftmive and profkablfc cori* tiicice has greatly ' augmented oijr revenue. X he public credit ha* attained an extraordinary ' elevation. Our preparations for d|fc?c&/ irt case of future wars, from whlch^ by the experienceof alt nations, we ougivc not to expect to be ex empts,. arc advancing, jufcttfva rj with the -British government,' 'for the reduction of the nftval forde^ by Great Britain, and the tyliied States, on the lake* Kas been con cluded : by which it is provided, j that neither patty shall keep iflr *er * vice, on Lake Champmnv more than one vt isel ; en Lake Ontario^ more than one j and on fcakc trie, and the upper *k?, more