LIFE'S DISASTROUS SCENES, TO Ol'Hc.RS DO, CAMDEN Number 58. CAMJ)FN, 8. C. v WHAT YOU WOULD WISH BY OTHERS DONE TO \OU D A R W | N . gazbtteT ? ? , Monday, May 19, 1817. Volume II. 1 i . ? ? zp E* n n 0 ? Xbnn9 1 . ? The firice to Subscribers is ?>3 fier annum , exclusive of postage ; and in all case* where Papers ahull be delivered at%the ejcflcnae oj (he publisher, the firice will be %>3 SO q i year, to be paid six monXha Qjier subscr ibing. :] It is exjiectcd , however , that subscribers li ving at a distance, from the inconvenience of tcjkction, %wilf kuj fn advance. Terms of advertising in this Gaj?ttr. Advertisement a not exceeding eight line % will be printed "for fifty cknts, for the first publication, and holj thoLjixicc fjr event subsequent insertion. Larger advertise ? ments will be charged in fire* portion. A liberal discount will be made on the kills of those wh^ are constant or consider Olj tua'omers in this line . , 14-t If 710 direct i^na (ire given with an ad - vertisementy it will br contirvied till fjr bid. RAGS, RAGS. ( ANTED a lar^e quantity of -Clean * * Cotton and Linen }d Counirv mer t hanta may find to their - advantage o call. LEVY SALLMON. March 27, 1817. 52? tf CAiVlOEN VlOTEL. *1*HE Subscriber informs the Public that he has taken that commodious I louse ftiext door, to Col. ^JixolTs Store, where he , intends tt>keep Entcrtainmen: for (hose per sons who may favor him with thai? com piny. Travellers may depend upon receiving every attention, and themselves and iiorses ?HI be well provided fori* Ills stables are convenient sod well supplied with proven ier kc . BOARDERS Will be accommodated by the year, month, or week on wery liberal tetms. His tabic is ^ell supplied uith the best the market affords, ami no exertion shall be wanting; to render complete vatisfar lion. A. G. MXKNShY. ... January 30. 1817. 44tf FOR SALE . A N unimproved LOT in the Town of Camden, adjoining Mr. Lewis Ciples ; for which good titles will be given. Ap ply to the Hev. Mr. Heid. JOHN V. WALLACE. May *.1817. 67?9 H. AJ ALOW IN respeulully infoitnv * his Friends end the I'nbiic lhat he stiHxontioue? the ' ^f^ee ? ? Saddle, Cap, and Harness making business. Upon h?H own ecttouni, and will be lb*rk ful for,a share of their custom. His work wMl he done in a superior style, and upon the shortest notice. . January 2 J,- 18 \ 7. 4Stf NOT IV E. ALL Persons having demands agains* EDWARD WA TSON, late ni Ker ahaw District, deceased, are requested lo tarnish the subscribers with copies of such demands attested according to law* Those indebted to ?aid deceased arc solicited to make immediate payment to JOSKVH MICRLE, , JoSEril MURPHY, Axtcutor*. April 6? 18 IT. 3-8 * * w ?jfcroyght to the Goal of Kershaw Dis ? 1 tiict, on Saturday the 10th Inst, a jNegro Man who calls himself HANSON Mid says he belongs to Mr M'Gregor of 'Georgia. Hanson is five feet 10 or 11 in ches high, yellowish oomplection, has on a round jacket, mixed with vrool. and Jeans Pantaloons. The owaer is required t* come forward, prove property, pay char ges and take' him away* ALLEN JONLS) Coaler k d. May \2th 1817. WANTED, FORTY CORDS of Red or Spanish Ow-k Bark, to be delivered at li. Car kr's Tan Yard in Carodep , for which the i Cash1 will be paid at the highest prices .going* - Cttmdtmy April 7? 1817. ?< ... .. .1 The Charleston Stage start at 4 o'clock >on Sunday Mornings ; and urnrt on Saturday Moriuu*?>, 1* or passage, apply at the Prin ling ( -ffice. March [, 1817. THE SUBSCRIBHK | J AS just received, on consignment, eight trunks of SHOES, asaorted ? they will be sold very low by the trunk. ?PETER WARREN. Camden, April ?H. 55tf - ? - . |i 2c DOLLARS REWARD. RAN A WAY on the 24th u It. a n*-gro mi?n nailed GEORGE* about 20 yr;?rs of CROCKERY assorted. > <*?ALSO A supply of HARDWARE and CUT LERY. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Camden, Dec. 24, 1816. ^ w. FOR SALh\ THE Subscribers have just received from the Aba rat Manufactory, a quantity of SPU>? YARN, deemed of a superior quality, from No* 4 to 9 be a half, which they are selling very low for cash only* The Planters will evidently find it lo their advantage to purchase sooner than spin; The sobscribers have bVo a parcel of COTTON TWIST, Nos 9, 24 fc 40, that has been proven by using to be far su perior io the cotton balls, 8c much ch caper. TRAPP. PATTERSON,* Co. February 20, 1817. 47tf. N. B. We are daily ejecting a parcel of excellent Cloth made of cotton, from the above manufactory. T. P. k Co. \ ?> * " ' *" ' V *" 111 '* ' ^ A handsome Chaise for 3?le, W1 1 H Leather Top and plated Harness, for particulars enquire of the Printer. April IT, 18 IT. 34tf , - " FOR SALE. ' rpHAT valuable PLANTATION, Mtu ale on Rocky Branch* and bounding on the Waterce River, about se ven vpiles above Camden / containing 1600 acres (mora or less) of prime land) also thirty four likely NEGROES on the premises* together with the FARMING UTENSILS, be longng to the same, a BLACK SMITH'S SHOP and TOOLS, and a new COTTON GIN.' . The sa?d premises t?V sold bf order of the Court of Equity* for terms apply to Si CARTE^V Cotnml?TontT in Equity . :> Camden, March 24, Itl7? - tf HTSON TEA, Of a superior quality, just received and FOR SALR ST < LEE fc DsLEON* April 24, 1917. New Fancy Dry Goods Score. | *1-' rentine for Vrests, Imperial florentine for do, | Extra tine coloured) MatseiJes, ' Do. White Jeans, Best superfine Welch Fianiftls, Linen Bedticking, Blankets, Extra fine twl'd bom? baz<. ties, Untwilled of various I qualities, Blunswic Imperial Cord* Xapolton Cashmera ShawU, Black fit white Lac* Mantles, Oo. da- <. riona fancy do# T*1 Vttaicelona plaid Silk likfs. Flint chop company Bandannas, Gent'* check cravat? First chop Canton Crape, Superfine Linens, Heal bupcrfine Irish cotton shirting, Do* Cotton 8c Linen, L *nor Lawn?% A lar^e asnortmcnt of MUSLINS, CAM URICS t LENOS, of all descriptions. Gcntlenifcns and Ladies Silk Worsted and Cotton Hosiery, Do. do. Dot* Skin and Silk Gloves* Imperial demi furniture Cbint** Furnituic Calicoes. CALICOES and LtiNOQN PRINTS. Ginghams, Checks, I' will*' I India Dimity, Russia Sleeting, Damask Table Cloths and Napuns J3rown Linen, Brown Holland, Treble gilt Coat Buttons, and Rue Shirt Buttons, Ribbons of all descriptions) An assortment ot Sewing Silk, Twisty Thread, T?ps*< kc. Silk Cord, assorted colors, Stripes for Trimming Elegant Bursters Heatth Hugs, Millenery, Jewelry, Indies Cork Sole Iioottees, Do. colortd Morocco Walking Shoes* Do. Scollopp'tl Hoots, Do* Perry's Sanduls, , Do. Full Trimmed Slippers* Do* Best Eag1i ctfully inform, his friends and the public, that be con tinues to keep ENTERTAINMENT' in the same house which he occupied the last year,*(under the firm of Torrance Uf Slaugh ter He take* this opportunity to return his sincere thank*, for the distinguished en couragement which he has met with, since his cofhinencemetit in public business ; and,' to assure his friends, that every ex ertion will be made on his part, to retain their high approbation* His house is im proved and enlarged, his servants more numerous and better drill'd than hereto* fore ; ar 1 all hia arrangements on a more extensive scale* His tablswill be always well supplied with the best viands the coun try can afford, and hit cellar ftell stored with liquors* His stable (ao celebrated for tbesptendcf of the buHd2ng) Is always bountifully stored with provender of every dlscriptfon, and attended by expert and faithful-hostlers. WILLIAM H. SLAUGHTER. January 30. Id 17. 44tf. i . ????' " ? i "T ? " i . - Blank Bills of Sale may hi bad at this QJfirt