I .. sheets* rod and bolts* 7rofl 1' per hundred wrfght. The motion was supporte vine of N. Y. Hoot uixtCon without a division. j Mr. Smith* then move# duty on lump 'and loaf sup pound? believing that il the article noWtatfebMBI torieap on iflpgfl Mr. Stum wt| w *u? per b, ) prolecUon laiHifaclure MKSS aking. and which it was by taninfe the com* then moved *ed duty of 4 cents, with fun of Wing the blank Tm M entered into this debate, Sffble to give. Mr. gMfeg'd Messrs, Mil to strike out; Several gent iemi hose remark* we four cent* was m em reetfndt Bra lank with three ayes 64, noes ^ w J-. rmie pt Mmsissip ?wu^ltution and state icted into the union, passed, bjr yeas and Pfn.". . t0 S3 e otWMfl Kiried'Mro V*p4riment?J ine.'? oMnitnal 'e?et?rW >?? ettf and instruction .ipedmble audience. pist* J?ell knoWty fellow laborer * ;s on nvilmal < ? ?? > ' lUfll merous GaNani, and lor h? octricftyr, and on the possible the er may be ascertained br of any one doctrine \\h country, as thefts s most lata) plague, jt succeed in se 0 the gratitude of the re discovery to thptt.' ""38* " Vol*| 1 V* V. Gazette. iVKlV Ok linerototfv ed well nlso to the manufacturers ; and to save VUtui CiQjD rum it vva? u^ccixScii jr ioaetp-.otupt. .ly. r his is the moment, *ai(?. Mr. H.? the*i physician is not wanted afie| the patient is - dead ; and if the manufactures are suffered now to go down, it will be impossible hereaf ter to resuscitate them.v H, 1 r i,-* n ' / , ( r:i,i 'i ? 1 BY LORD B V RON . WHEN cold ness* taps this suffering clay, Ah, whither strays the immortal mind I It cannot die, it cannot *tay, $ ' But tmift its datken'd dust behind* Then, uqembodiejd, doth it trace * pJMPS|ii|M?nly Wf1 - J Or fill at once the realm* ef space, V A thing of eyes, that all survey ? J?tf r- ^ . A, thought unseen, but seeing all, yj All* #11 in tarth, or skit* display 'd, pyBhall it s\ir?|f^ shall It recal ; Each fainter tra0e that memory holds r So darkly of departed year* In one broad glance the soul beholds, ?; And all, thai was, at o*ce appears. Before Creation peopled earth, Its eye shall roll through chaos backFl And Where the furthest heaven had binh, 7 The spirit trace ft* rising track* 0 And where the future fibers or make*, Its glance dilate o'er art to be. While sun is quench 'd or tyMetts breaks, Fi*'d in its own eternity# '* ^ > Above or Love, Hope, Hate, or Fi It lives all passionless and pure t ; An age lhall fleet like earthly year ; ?' 'Its years as moments shall endure. A Way, away, without a wing, O'er all, through all, its thought shall fljr ; A nameless avid eternal things Forgetting y? hat it was' to die. Ait ant, March ?f>f G id eon ?? ttrngfTy K?tj. late Po^t-?nabter General, and who now resides at Canandai* iMia, is appointed a Judge of the court of tforamon pleas of Ontario county# Camlicn <5ajctte. J HUKSDAY, April 11, 1816. Terms ol advertising in this Gazktti. Advertisements not exceeding eight lines will be printed for MFTT cknts, for (he first pub - li cat ion and half that ft' tee for, every subsequent , inse lion. J a rgt r advertisements tMH ba charge dstH proportion. *# ? A liberal discount will be made on the bill * of those who arc constant or consult ible c usi om eft fa i hi* tine*.* J Conformably to ike plan. , suggested Ian writ, for the purpose qf atcertaimug'the dtgree of suphort' that would be yielded by the Citizens . of Camden, tothis printing establishment , the I first numbei^Gf this Gazette was left Jit every , I house in town :xif any omissions wcjc made they ? arose from a limited knewtedge of the place , and were ttnTntenthnah On ajjfibcarjott, for the purpose of receiving a subset prion or taking back the first number 4 it :1s very satisfactory to be able to state that in but one instance , it ts be lieved* was there .a- refusal to countenance and | support the instituting To haroelheitr rrwtitmm [for the e 9tabli$ktfient of a public Journal met with such a degree qf liberality, is highly gra ? tifying to the Proprietors , and they most cordi ally Jenifer their grateful acknowledgement, to Lj Ar patron* Qf the Camden Gazette , and assure [tJlbfi that every reasonable exertion will be made to render it worthy qf their support . this applieatiouhas not been as exterisive as was intended ; sofHC Benrletnen residing at a distance from BrQa$ street haw* not been waited on, and some other* were abt?nt. Receipt * will be tended them as opportumty offers . Jn the mean time Gentlemen ure^nvtted to caH and signify their intentions. * ? - ' One cipy tf eadh number trill be forwarded to -TBChJ>ost Master within that district if coun ~,try which is etmverdent to Camden, and they a e particularly requested to make it public , that the Prices Current and^ advr rtifements of?l am den may be seen by all tountry Merchants and Gentlethenof, business : and all Post Masters are also requested to act as agents for receiving sub script ions, and forwarding the ammunt for which they shall receive twelve and an half per cent commission . m ^/^Subscription papers fbr this Gazette are left withjir . Djni&l Pot it, and Mr. WtU li am Taylor in SumterviUe , who will receive liulkert/uioibi.j ' Congress have passed a law reflating the mode by which residents on public land may -obtain permission quietly to continue thereon. ILleut. Bridois of the army of 4he U, S. fwas shot and kUled qr the 9 1st 'of Feb. last, ? when in the act of arresting a number of de serters from Fort Montgomery, of) Alabama. Lieut, Git ky, his companion, succeeded III securing the deserters. ?? . ? ? ? ? wmmmmmm ? ^ ? ? r ? ? ? t+t- ? - 'ij [ It is understood that Ruvus King has con sen ted to become a candidate fir the office of Governor of the at ate of ? New-York The present Governor Tom pki it s Jtbol holds a poll. N K.rZ. '\Ti Georgetown , S. C. Msreh 20. Murder .?Early last Week a Mr. Kkrto*, of Pee Dee, who was on his return home from Georgetown, was cruelly murdered by a young man (Jbnes) who he had employed to asist in conveying his produce to marketf The alledged Causes of this transact io%pre many and contradictory. Mr. Kerton was an oldge four or five orderly boys, and will accommodate a fen qu.** people, either Uentlemeti or l>ad?es? lhat have occasion to attend Cotirt the}, ensuing week at Camden. Camden , April 11,1816. FtOM a by the Su^ borough ? a Bank DOLLAR#, whicn was ?? < k be changed. The Vfw tier can hove Si ribing and pro%*D^ a iSL . *r or. two BOYS, /from 10 ro nmfu" q. rr-i(D. aiin.Ci H *4 4 K0 ?PJVf ?rrw^frwsiwii Tir? . Of Olc A|1|M4 ?S?e? for sale. 1 L*_J. Lybn.* Aotll A. I TO JIENT, ' * " J '? THE Subscriber's New House on ^road-street, at the upper end of Cam den-*-corJinuous to it is a wc 11 of txceHem wa- r ter. The front rooiu is suftkitrntly large for a STOKE, for which purpose it was particu-. lariy intended; back room also commodious. ' For carrying on busine** this situation pleasant, bealthy-and eligible. Apply to the at Mr. James Claik*s. S. S. Carpenter. --M tpril lQt 1816. ?; *i-tf _ J30 Dollars He ward ILL be paid for the delivery of a Ne* w ' gro fellow that answer* to the name of BILLY, or BIX K, but gettteraHy goes b j the latter name, a carpenter by trade/ well set, 5 feet f cfr 8 inches high, pretty broad shoulders, tolerable sensible, went off about the middle of Auguit last. The above re ward wj tl be paid on hi* being secured, 4h that he may bt^gou and Fifty Dollars on proof of his betog harbouredby a- white man. * J ohn Adamson. Camden, April 1 1 , 1 8 1 ?? - -?A ? ** ? ? Jvtf .OM Camden on Tuesday the 3d inst. the subscribers small BLACK >RSfc, hit tail docked, main touched, hfe I hind lei't wtrheiitar inthe ucu, aud some I saddle marks on bis back ; whoever wiii de liver the said Horse to me, or give informa tion where I tan get him again shall be re warded. ~ ' Thomas Warren. | -April 11. 18' 6. ;*.? v r*\ terviilty lF0krMl-H> p%y Wm. TJTLORih PATEMT V FaAUIM ; Da. Dyott sStoma^hi?ixir ofH^?'h, ? I Vegetablc^P cjiicWIf mm - gout & -^PatenrStoi ?!?!?_ ? Worm Dtstroy...? ~ Anti Bilious Pills, ^Pat ent Itch Ointment, A Infalljib e Tooth Ache Drops, C ircassian Eye Water, ~r v ^ ltestorative Dentrifice. -4*.v0? Bateman's Drops, Codfrcy> Cordial, BJt ish Oil, Turlington's Balsam of Life* Htear's ^Opodeldoc, ?*?ence of fr Elixir of Paregoric, Laudanum, Spiri|fc,of| ? ~U?r, Spirits of Hftvtsl t^^pUiiR oTNi lutnA, Jahp. Rlicp,^. J^cacufinlm, ;? Mi REGIMENTAL ORDERS'. ^SfiEPaptainssf companies are re-J quested ufltttmmon such of the Officers, imn commissioned HXBcers and Privates' of U t ii'~ l Aspective companies, as were dtlmtjiient m attendance, or deficient in equipment* at the Regimental Muster, at Camden, on Uie 2d. of April, inst, to attend a Cotirt Mnrti*f. to_be hetd at Camden on the Jd. day ot M*f ^ at 10 o'clock A. M. The Captains rfeornurr nies are V^quested to fujjvshCol./M'WiJ ur titlu iht of the said delinquents namtSs. at leaJrihree days before the day appointed for the meeting of the Court Martial. < The Lieutenant Colonel and Major of th#* 'W* --/.M-Wafe, C*A*i> s Huntkr, Adj I Camden, ad. Apr!', 1816 iitant* regimental ' A Court Martial for the trial of all Non-Com mia?Voned ( XBcers and Privates, who | were delinquent in attendance or t q"ipn#*ntv | at the Kegtmetifc) Muster of the 3jth. Repi" mmT of the Militia ?f the stfaYe ftf ftotfTh Car kt ?amden, on the 3d, of April fnst is ed lo convene and be held at CVimdcn.onr e third day of'Alay next, at;d to adjourn ytti flay tflr'day^ until ali the business wbieh raiyW ptpducsd before the said court shall BpSjMfelslt#^ ? y r? the Court shall be composed of the LI pLAia, Pr$*idcttf. in t Jo# a oa English, 1 n,.t - Lieutenant Passom, ' Lieutenant Thomas P. Evaws, Judge Adv* ?W-. ~ ttL A. ? ? m Murder of ^ *Col. A. M 'Willie. CnAUffs Host j. a, Adjutant. ORIGINAL page (S) -MUTJLATED Jf