IV holt sale Cottonr Sea Island - ? Upland, ' - Rice, prime new * t f lour, Superfine - . " y Fine country ~ - Corn, - - - ? - -- Tobacco, prime in leal : m manufactured W-hiSkeJ, - - - - BuUer^^f - - - Bacon, - - - - Lard, V - ' - - - / ^Tallow, . - - - A Bees Wax, - - Hemp, - - - - . Homespun, Cotton - iN ARTICLES. Coffee, prime ? old i olasses, ? PRICE CURRENT IS 'ayettevflle $ this CH irr ange me nts will be u?n of die prices at %* It will be observed that the .above jecially as it relates to Columbia and 'ing to a deficiency of correspondence : ?s possible to obtain regularlyweeklyl* tich shall be fairly stated. - KDNAPAn^^.' '' "'j 'rtter from * gentleman juat re (and v?ha touched at $*? -? JHeituUy ) jljQhi* Jather in Edinburgh *mmm ' 'l-*] Bombay we ha^ heard very lit t\ recentevent* which have oc *urope. We were acquaint* dwith Buonaparte *4 escape from Elba, and his at taching to hi* carise the army of France. *)tr our arrival at the Cape, we TEceiveda very. indifiiact: account of the battle ol Wa- . terloo, and hsConsaqaences ; uTaUditton To^ which it was Repotted, th^t h?U Buonaparte^ ad endeavored to escapa to America #H$dk r d promised \hf\ protection and had been ?u ujd by an English s|*p. All this of mr. gave us ^reat joy ;\?ut our warmest I ^ could never ^Save anticipated -our seaktig ' i St. Helena ; this howe^r we did," El ^ATing, t) mi Island f*S.Verc metL^^.aw * win. firrt contmuni -atsjifto tta . intelligence, arid was aa*wered by\?? with 3 heartfelt thetra. I oVeourw expected to . see Capt. Fvaser ; hut, linking over a recent 1 Mavy List Y'as ,my disappoint-,] PtW h5s L- course all very anaious fcHate a^peep at tffr . Great JWbolco*. He reside* about two miUs Sh. the counti y, in a s?4ll cottag?,w?th a mar quee adjoining beloafeing to Mr. BalcolmV,a J navy agent ; Mr. JJfo country house n in (he tame mclosure aljoft an hundred yards dis rjjiigfiliw ^"thstowir family wi "the Mud which he viattaw My. D. ha* two amart yonng dau(jft?t?Bt? who talk the l'rench lan. ' writing the history of his life, and , ?vei/ng is devoted to walking in the gar. I d?M w'th the Generals, ami his society at Mr. "Jjcyim's. The only chance strangers havq. f fonversing wTtl^wSiSts t>y getting an in t induct ion to Mr, B; and stepping in as if by f Wattce in the evtn?*g. Our captain and aeV ' <:vA of our passengers, by this means, have had Ion r conversations with him; he talks upon ctfery ^jject butt hoae relating to pott* tie*, which he seems very desirous to ?vtrid. Tie behav?d with great politeness to the Indies, who have been echoing his praise* %the Rood fortune to arrive as he was taking his afternoon's walk in the rapden. We (for I had a companion) tied our' hoi to a tree, and slipt behind a bush, a little way from thfe walk where he was to pass; he passed several times within a rod of us: we had a mo*l distinct friew of hwrfT; lH vas accompanied by two of his Generals, ^Monthelons and Gorgons, who remained un covert da From what I could hear (for though lond he taiks very thickly) the late> events were thejAject of their conversation. l)a voust's t)i?es I could learn, was mentioned with no high aucomiums. He was dressed in a plain hlue coat, buttoned high his breMta leaving the belly exposed, which por tubt r^i^ a ^Wt dear^ fo^VhUe waTstcsaV; nankeen breeches and military boots ; he had a large star on his left breast. He is a rttkl cPe*i*fed m m, wtH rnwdr, rather corpulent w i'.Ji a sin^u'ar though agree ^hle countenance, ligh-' biua ayes, which apyeared tn me the most striktm^ feiUuVe in his euuntenanc*, !x??n^ so expressive and intelligent; there was nythinp: at *\\ n.dirativtj of the great taints he pt?ng suffer under the floull?ns.M ^ From tie Bob tort Daily Advertiser. r ?> j ^ By an arrival af thiis port from M \r+ seilleti Paris papers#*o the 5th ult. W< v* cnntnm ty* nnltr^ xJL the prohibition of' English papers and p4i n phlets, but all contain fxtrjwus front Lon*< >\\ papers. ~They assert tfiat perfect t rancjuili y prevails at Lyjfis, a Serjeant and five nit n only having beel arrested. The proprietors of the Bank of Hambiu^ i i iiuw ? r^?^? "i their behalf By the Senate with France. ? public lands iransfc-rrrd toahem h?_that ^ vention, as an indemnity for ttui bptcie tak from the Hank by the French in 13 is, w produce only 35 per cenC ol thejimount tak< aWayt and for which indemnity ought to *jn / " & ^pTf?pctttdh:tM -? gttgdv**ai tineas^ J oes\ prevails in Prussia. * ji^The Prince Royal of Bavaria has proceeded tb Milan to settle with the Emperor the m^- i understandings relative to the exchange of 1 territory (between Austria and Bavaria. | There is a serious mi^lderstanding be^ tween the Senate and citwten* of Frankfort. :: The Emperor of Austria ha* appointed p Archduke John, who h*t been recently on a tour to England, Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy and V enlcey Cambaceres, 'Me rii n de Douay , the painter David, and the regicides The b^udeau and ;? Esvignaeare at Brussels^ and Geo. Vj ? Ti _ T 1 m m m w w Ml*' me at Ghent. Fouche ha* not left Diet On the 6ih of January, died at Warsaw, M* FrancU JnfeilLlntfEbJiJM oT \$S years* A Sir Robert WlWn, Bruce and Hutchinson "have not Ik en admkted to bail, as whs in the English papers. Their appltcat be released on bail his bten refuted. ? ??? pnbHc reading roomi^ Par?H*feclosftf, snd , not to be opened until a new permission from 1 the^ prefect of police* Cfcrnot had arrived at j Warsaw, on his way to Ht. Petersburg* Princess of Wales has arrived at On finishing her vis'ti^p Greece she v... ^ ceed to Constantinople. > Fouche is going lo Prague, where The-* baudean is already. Vnndaipm* is coming to America. * < - - - - ??* V "New.Yoriu Marci 30. I y *ljTEf*T *H0AT .? v^ j JBy the British Packet Osboro. which arri ved at this porf yesterday* with theLFebruary mail, thr Editors of the Mercantile Adverti ser received1 a file of the I/)hdon Morning ChronieU to the 10th ulu inclusive, from L which the following extracts are iratle?$ r IiOsdom, Febnisry 0. $ Several q-testfofcs were ask*d yMhErday tilL both houses of Parliament, 1 resjseting the treaties and conventions, ?nd the Wgo6ialioris8 the House of Lord* the Marquis wf Lans down enquired With regard lo the eommwlii eatfens that had paesw between the Allien powers subsequent to tj|>e treat JkjaC the of March, signed at Vienna, and previous to the late military occupation of Paris, laiivc to the establishment of a pv?rnmtnt in France, in the event of success in their aims* The Kail of Liverpool u \>on this point could not state the nature of the com i frnttvi^auoos that passed, whilst he positively asserted there \va$ no engage men*. ei^jtred jnto "for imposing ^Government- t!pr>n the IVtncU people, hAfcirniUcd that the u.Kfef?V standing waft, that*4p$ most Christian 'Majes ty should be restored to his throne. .Upon | moot her point, as to Che communications had with the provisional government, his Lord ship state^, that no nev;oci&tion was entered iri|o with that cjovernmeiif, and as the Mar tjfcasTjf Lansdov\ n observed, that it was mat ter of fa)toriety, that ?.Hfc Provisional Govern* ment ottered to negoctate. it ivas to be under stood tha^ such matter Was met t>y a refusal, to whicl\JLorci Liverpool aesented. His Ro\n al Highness the Duke of Sussex also asked a question respeevfrg live holy leagtie.^s it has been termed, 7*^ treaty between Russia, [^Austria, and /'russia, which we published a? few days yiice, artd Lord LiverpooNdmit* I te&, that a, Ueaty Of-tha* nature was signed 1 a\ Pari 4* - lhia document was likewiseattud ed to ill the House Of Commons, by Mir. Brougham, who justly was qrfcant by it than parent. The learned gei ed fb a still more import _ foffcns a prominent point inthe hiatoryu pi these negociations, namely,-* treaty tj?3 4ween Austria and Prtnv^i?|n%^%it|lL third power (not named) is stated to bd a par ty, the stipulations of wjach arS said to be , intended as guarantees ajj^pst Russia. The existing of sucb a X did not:- .deny. -?It luminous as the papers are lUereagfe arij Swotvi | iut pt tht late*negociations, is Jprwavtl^ -and that quettkm^T r importance remain altogether It is hot a little singular, that I _ _ at Paris, the construction of which mAiifcW 6f high, interest* his beeimUcfcc omitted in the document\ communicated, that it has become necessary , to make a cifie motion for it? production* | The nation is aroused from cjjtjnd of Kingdom to the other, on the rtuject of income Tax. The universal feeling m, flat m attempting to impose it again, Min|i| brgak their solemn promise, and a be trusted, eitfye* MmMS<>u!ii_i] invitation %o enter int?rthr R aud many other Frenchmen, ti]r\hcii* talent i for command, administration, have ri Emperor Alexander to Jiettfe in his en S*$ZP4. M t&i fflFl W ft 1 'W pwv? wni or ? iiiiifl is much occupied wit#, officers who asaistefi ^j, and in whose jwpe* . thrown on the affairs b. A authority tW Uie c< iference some days wk iSouncU, recommends encourage and pV>mo trcotirsr^rith "lit Uhi ted lb the tifce U. fi$t? in f their lit A ? ( ROW i t J!. (AllAiiiiiK^ a. v ^ i'l* * V^~ .? j.uxel, a phi^ jittaii, \> litten, aJl ship It away on th oast ofy shall all ' v , 1 piv tose haiidrfr phial ma) tUethe Rref ^known toaM J patents." This note vri *> toiaTO* past 12 ? Hiis JsJand on of an eatthotfet i*f) JU ?il? ii. thtaikj i^^pi >een las? B?>VDK41'X, I'Vl). ikh, lii'h. It appear ihat a coft&pinicy Ini^-en lot m eH to a cohYidci able cxleut, l)'* ot>jjtcl < yrhiclu it i? impoiksible yet to uUfiklU^_A usual, nu*vl>erfes surmises hate btcn foun cd upon Che subject ; and what we arc in Cormtrd ofc is merely this r that scleral pci Paris, Lyyns. ber raux, ainl MeU* ^some livest Utve bee I lost at the latter place in the attempt to aur prize th? fortress by 4he con?$>i|?t^* ; & ffty part**! am Hfclint machinations English with try. I have it frd m leb rated Lames with the KT ORIGINAL PAGE ( S ) MUTILATED Jvr inU in tl mm.'. ri:t^HP BOUSE OP Jjx> JiARTM ?n Motion of. I he house wt. *ho)e, Mt. Jncksen ? I t* ylace the snrviglng ]* prhon on the n?#jr jx rep- if ted to (ho house ,41, JBlf^htdiy: I J massacre tot* plMeV#f?d the bi mended, wm ordered to .bf engrt ^ ? -L j i. 1 i Wd^tef I ^'frapokjtoi mil clutjr of thifty per fe lr?, and then gradually reducing r J* cent. Mr., W jr offered scvfcra>aH support of his motion, jtloif of Mr* Lowndes, J' present, to wait someii Wl ? } e*ahle;the house td act mo ^ Ward of Mass, itjjovi t ohject of whiefhi Mibstfn 4Ke operation of the dull "led by the bill, HHid this motion to :w it iwh?c\ B' n MB " WVW " liiln which would thejpby the duties met change Wpf >|>ome or ordered, nojice k to enable them to 4yres afleonltngly* ; Mr* Lowndes opposed tfc* thoV?< duty Was necessary at all, to serUn , u fact ores, it was necessai^y to tmr operations without delays and 1 6e gentlemen would find that i would , ensue manufacture from the delay he proposed thaivA [-prevented to i he mercunfiil j ?doption. feLMr. Hkrlbert-waa |d*o hottife/ia tion. It was said that the bill Wtaid India merchant*?*-he wishedtheine^tl possible success an