I u-i?umuir .luwfimwMLJ! The State of Sou^h Carolina. gheesvitlx corftirr?1 ilia c.w< Of I>baU . j, OKOROG W. JORDAN, Aduiiulalrator, vi. MARTHA PUR^K tl al. .. . IT appearing fn tny tliat the heirs of A (inline Purle, deceased, whose nantfl nrs unknown, tftrthrPorU end her liUitbind, Berry'rurI?iX'IcU'8i U ifndtTsd iier husband, Thomas Burnett, Aune Do vis and her hu?bsnd, J*nenc?r Pavis, and the heirs of Eflfibcth 'PuVjkelt, trhoee name* *r? iirtlrnnufn n r.?Oa'nl. In lhl* o.ioe. fe? si le witbodV the INbffe of U>U Stat?: Tfc 1%: O der. d. UMt they da appear *n p*rcou, ?r by attorney, at * Court of Probate, to be hidden on the 8Ih daft oj March next, lo show cause, if any they can, why a final settlement of tha Estates of M1CAJAI1 JORDAN, deoeated, and MARY JORDAN, deceased, should not bq had and a decree given thereon, and to show cause, (i any they can. why tha proceeds bf the Sale of 'he Real Estate of Mary Joriaav deceased,; should not be paid over to the Administrator to pay her debts; on foiling to attend, your consents will be entered of reeord. 8. J, DpUTHIT. r. J. G. C. Jan. 2flh, 1870. 37 6 DR. *HALLKNaERCCK'9 " 1 Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Slope tlio Clitlln. This Modicine has been Ijpforo the rub* lio fiftcon years, and is still aUc id of nil | other know* rcrrfedlea.' tit doc.t but pur>;c, doea not sicken *io stomach, is perfectly safe in any do. o and under all circumstances, and is the only Mediem* that will ; CURB IMMEDIATELY nnd permanently every f>rm of kWcr A A - 1 ?.V i L : - I..1 A_. 1 nnu a^'uij, ut'cauiu ib u |a;i iwi? abiidole to ItlaUrlu. eoid i?y *11 Druggist*. Feb 2 . 37 1y /rrnjrww^V/^fH^ A CiGT TUE BE?7, - . WEBSTER'S UNA8Rf!flEir DICTIONARY. 10,000 Words nunutons. ^fy testimonial to its erudition, the accuracy of its definition?, and to the vast etymological re> search by which it haa bean enriched through th labors recently tostowed npon if, ran hardly be of much Walt*, sit stained n* tho-booV. is in world-wide reputation, by ao general an approbation ; but X have no hesitation in thus O pressing my sense of its merits."?lion. John It Moth y, the hiietoriali, a ml now A mei ieoH Minister nt the Court if Hi. June*, 1S6S. "In its genoral accuracy, completeness and practical utility, tbo work is one which none to'o run rend or write can henceforward Afford to di?i>(u*e with."?Atlantic Monthly, 'I Young man. if you already have a Iliblo, buy Webster's Unabridged Dictisnnry next." T Chr. Sun. Those three books are the saia total of greal Hhrarir* : the Pihlc, Shake fie arc, and Webtter'e Jtoyal Quarto.?Chicago Bernini/ Journal. This work, well used in n family, #tul be of mo'o advartige to the trieiubtrs there / f (ISA hundred? of dollar? laid up in money. [Alliance Monitor'. Tho most useful and remarkable compendia am of -m, tan knowledge in our language.-^- H'. S. Clark, President Mutt. Agricultural College. Webster's National Piatorial Dictionary 1040 Pages OetaYo. tiuu Engravings. JPricefB. Tlio work U re ?Uj i/r,lhly. PublUbcd bv O. A C. MEURIAM, Springfield, Mill. Feb 2 37 tf s&zziJYpr osr. : GREAT BARGAINS 1 OUR T K It M OM MPAKtiEasHIP hnving nenrly expited, andboing Jciirouii of winding up ogr , , ^ ^ , BirSIITESS, AVe will now roll our KTOCK ON NA1M) Remarkable Low Prices r o it cas ii. CALL AND SEE STEN HOUSE MEUttY. Fair view, 8. C. - , y Jan 29 2 (m 1fmtiLIZMS7 buuib.*u for i>toh?d o? to lb? GtkeM Agent*. "' B. 8. RIIKTT & BON, , - OUriMtn, >. 0., .Un 2? M 8m ^.JUU?i-1 L- XJLLIL VAMEN, I COTTON WJLH8H01 COMMISSION H \ 'Ji:'. fl >1 wN^j^r I'M 155 and 157 B< -A. XT <^'TT D ffWi * Jrtiwfj 20 SO * WE M. BI] VESTAL 018, F01 PUT I FIVE AND tBN 6 " ' :> f.0fc fam %% mtfefe ? SAFETY Qt Burrs lonqer thah ordinary SAFE. Rend what ProfoMor SBEPAR "LABORA a- ?* ' . Wm. )/. Mrd ?fr Ou.fliJTi****tent by you, and doterminod the ' Are point,' t ii)Bau>n)ni>le, to bo abora 130 degree* Fabrenhi degree* Fahrenheit. A* the 'Are point' of th paired eUndard, the Oil i* to be regarded a* Ma inuufjr. Vory rc*pectfn11y, WM. M. BIRD 8c CO., 1 AND DEA STRICTLY PURE < NO. 203 EAST BAY, AND FOR .4 * ' ' ? Harrison 8c Marshall} 1 January 12 School Notice. MIPS DvCIlOISEUL hM oponcd hor School for Primary and Academic Scholars, at her residence opposite to Dr. James Harrison. English and French arc taught, and no paina will bo sparod to givo thorough instruction. For terms of tnltion apply to the uudorsigaed. . . E. PaCHOISEUL. Jan 26 36 2 - < ' r ' ' , .T ir Wanted, ARI.AOKSMITIl who can do Good Work on Fanning Tools, Ironing Wagons and Buggies, for which I will pay good wages, or give an interest in tlie Shop. A pp'y to the subscriber at Huntersville, 17 miles South-eaet of Greanville C. If. W. B. J0NE9. J B 26 26 ' . .) . / a OR. H. K. RflTliRIMiG, AO. 2 RUTHERFORD STREET, GREENVILLE, 8. C. f~\R. RUTLEDGE baring remoncd to I ' Greenville, proposing to mako it his home, offers his professional services to tho citizens of the place and neighborhood, lie may bo found for the present, at his residence on Rutherford Street. Ja 24 36-3* CSnrdrit and Field Seeds. TN addition to Greenville Produclion, W. JL II WATSON is in receipt of n most extensive variety of Northern and Euro pean SEEDS. Pains hare been taken to insure wie purest aim nneat ciawcs, and lo add lo our gar.lent many vegetables ndapted (o our climate, that combines with rx. Irrme enrliness. delicacy of taste or flavor The hardier classes of vegetable* lo he r?ia?-d for a future winter store, have re* reived an equal regard. Especial attention is invited to his exhibition of English Peas and Cabbage Seeds, which fully include all the rarest clars<*?early or late. North or Soiilh. ' AC1I bid seed* are thrown away. On hand, lied Clov?r, Orchard and Rlne Crass. S|?t ingTurnlpe, stock feeding Beets, Carrots njid Parsnips, K*.rly Corn, Ac. G*r.lm, G*rpent?ts\. Wagon Makers', Mill wrlghtv, and Blacksmith TOOLS and matc* ri >1 always on hand. Prices on the at>ove mco di g to quality, or on an average lower thno forincrlr. Jifn '26 ' 36 3 WILLIAM A. HUDSON, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Magistrate \\J ILL give prompt attsntinn to business v V in his ear*. 1-ay off and divide lands in his lots of proper shape fronting rood*, avenues, At , to the advantage ol both the parly buying and eelling, prove and stamp papers, arrange Dowers, qualify Commissioner* and Appraisers of Estates, a't reasonable rates, make contracts, deliver Plate, Ac , on sales dny of each month at Greenville 0. II. On Saturday of each week may he found at home to attend the dutieeof Magistrate, arraaga with the uelgh borhood huslusss connected with the Mill, Cotton gin, Ao. # _ ' ~ County Map*. With consideral le trouble and expense^ has una a nuatocr imogrnpnea in Claw 1 orR, ml offer a llioni at a |>rico that nil who want can ol.tnifi them. Pur ant* In th? eity ol Ureeuville. Jan 20 *0 ? G0?E^mLE7sCH()0L8: Rev. T. J. KARI.E w|Q open at Qowenayjlle, 8, ?tc aad cheap Hv ing; and every advantage la here afford* thoae wiahing to educate their children in go* country #choolr. Oowenavitle, 8. C? Jan. lat, 1870.* Jan 13 , 34 Sm , ' r? I um W 5 5" II p: m & m] j'ACTORS, ' . 1 _ ' W m AND MERCHANTS, t * eynolds Street, S im ^ RD & CO.'S i mraiNAtm I 71* IN ' GALLON PACKAQES, H,Y US*. ' ' I ftHiitsiMt ,-v rARNTEBD!! OIL, AND ABOVE ALL, IS FKRFCTLY * D ?*T?: TORY OF THE MBD1CAL COLLEGE,) i Queen-Street, Charleston, 6. C. J -I bars examiner! the xntnpio of VesUI Oil a . the temperature at which the ell becomes . tit. The United State* standard reqalrea lie is Oil- is 20 degroes Fahrenheit atore the reTo, and thus supplies a groat want of the ComCHARLES U. SHERARD, Jr., M. D." SOLE PROPRIETORS, LKR8 IN OILS AND PAINTS, CHARLESTON, S. C., 1 SALE BY I Agents, Greenville, S. 0. I,34 T ' 8m 1jj I ' -* ?: , r . AT THE' LAD'IES' STORE HAS just been opened another Large and , ' Beautiful Steek of ?HSU GOOii, To whioti the attention of the Ladlee' are invited. Prices as Low as can t>e offered anywhere. W. H. 1IOVKY. 1 JHlCj V Jul NT HAS jnst in, a Large addition ot Fine and . Beautiful Shawls?Single and- Double, Laities' Arabs, Cloaks, Ao., in great variety? all of which are offered at very lew prices. Will rccoiro in a day or two, a lot el FURS, toys, & | AX? SOLICITORS IV EQUITY. ; \ T^HE fTNDBR?IOKT>IIAVIim FOAMED t A * oopartnarabip In tbo practice of Law in Qreonrflla and tna aarrntmding Coantiea of Andcraon, Oeonoti, Pickana, Hpartanburg and i Laarana, wHI giro prompt attention to all banned animated to thorn. pm- Offlm at UraenrHlo. " ?. p. Towata. ' otm t>. kaht. Not 10 25 tf ' THOS. C. HABKLEY, i COMMISSION MERCHANT, - IT new York. I fVUOTATIONS and Information prompt" W ,ljf givon ab.Mil ALL KINDS of mars ctiindlao. . Jan 12 tf I r?> . ... ? : / g? HENBlf'S r IHIfflRilt BMiffi. | BLooii (jtafe^wsEPf J? nrsapAtllla netted .with olhw valuable 11" "mI o*?? | ro? tn? coaa or 3 , a * t i , ; I til Scrofoia and Consumption. <" H?i? rented/ la enmpertndrd etrpreaaly for r. arising apdf?]t*najng the V'?0'> of all |b rmiliee, going at one? to the fountain?ad of dueaae. It ahra Tumors, Consumption. Syphilis. A ikin Eruptions. Salt Rheum, Boils, to Rheumatism, Waste of Vitality, 10 Scrofula. ro We all know that the prowtUewoW ilaelion indulged in daring the kite war kred tli? most vil|ilhbue 4MM, Ylecin*. jg ion nns was taken Trot* thsarme of many j Wrn'ri full of setofulnud sored ' 9 = >nd both W? > ira ipost wofully diaiared from ibis cause. in ind knew not, natfl a few months ago, tha *1 Irtgi* of it. * Henry's Constitution Renovator " T lelieves tlia En Mr a System of Pains and whoa, eniiaans tha abulia, and sands new >lood, Bounding Through Kvary Vein. It bpsrtta . '/' m Sparkling Brightness to the -Eye, w A Roiy Glow to the Cheekx , c A Ruby Tinge to the:Lip?x h A Clearness to the Head, . Brightness to the Complexion, Bouyaney to the Spirite. And Happiness on all Sides. for ail affections o( tha kidneye it la nnenr- ] passed. ; !'?< pie knee been rescued, an it ware, , fry.Ti the aery jaws of ^eat^, by timely use of this great remedy. * , EXTRACTO FROM VAUIOJJS LETTERS. * M Doctor, 1 w4s vaccinated is the bsspi- ;3 tal. Before Iky. \ hsf ng disease. ; Until I had a bottle o| ifiu^' Constitution 1 Renovator,' sent ma by llr. Roper, pi Oa- 1 lumbia, Mo., I aufferad tortu rs with run ning enrea. Bine? I ut. Enclosed, find fit a dollars for six bottles^twa families here 4 want to try it," ^ ^ - ^ - i wu Ttrjfliowi irouo?fu wun pypnui* Your remedy eeeroa to bo curing me fm*L Send four bottle* P?r Ex pre*." 1 Ro more rheumeyeia. llireabottle* of I Con*!??utloo Renovator bare made b>? a i Q?W DMb." _ J " IJoolor rnc'oted find #5 Flea?? W>d ? me a euppiy. Two families i??>ra waat to. Irj your Constitu.ieo Renovator.'' >\ ooi i 'm' e We hare aot space foe more of the above ? extract*, but you eon *ek your neighbor I about the remedy. E#ery one ha* *ome- S thing good to my, a* itoure*| Tory time. a For all Dim*** (/the 0 KID.XBT8, 11BTBNUOX OX UK1XE, And tor Female Diseases, Nervous Prootration, Wen knee.*, General Lassitude, and Want of Appetite, It ia unsurpassed. Caution?In ordering oor remedy, at- J way* place the number of our Po#t*Offiee Box on yonr Ml?r*. Thd now law in our " New York Post Office edmpol* this. Address, ./.* * i J DR. M. E. HENRY & CO., i Director General Berlin lloapilai, Pi usees. ' Agency 'rf the Caked fit itf*. Laboratory, 23? Pearl Street, Poet Office , Box 6234. *BW YORK. J tSST" Coi aiitution Renovator ie 41 per , bottle, eix bottle* for . MARSta frond-*!., AtfMla, (*a. marble ydtftrirjhrrs, B5MS easnae, If NBW MUJ4NRRY. 1U Ik T. JEXWWGfl, ^ RBapKcrrri.i.Y IN. for?? bar frWuda ud tha ggBM Mk g?nf>r*lljr, that the at twieWed and AND HANDSOMN -DOT 0? PALL AND ,, *? Which ?h# offers at prio?t low %a4 rMiosaMt. HATS, BONNET', RIBBONS, 40.. , W.?U to ?,M ** ,k. tar Mil. rt tar rM Band. ' Si * ?? Oct 11 >'Aw . *a 'I T SB PR I ! ' i S bm i1? SHHBtaSSSa BMHiNa^oaitiiiia Vic pun u ? nouidMr, u4 tt mUtokon ful rbotk??ttetn. M Jtomooh W aSoctod with !om of appojto d tcknon, bowolt in MMnl eoctlre, torn*Boo titofNthf with It*. The hend li troa * wJj* M*n? Ml) Inmj wnMtion, oonvooiopaniqd with " oenctiU'in ?f hnvI I ? 1 D, P** 'art andoM vmetliiii* U II I II I which o?ibt to iiiri boon _ 1 on*. OiWd oowplninin* | weakuess, Ueuouy, and low spirits. finnw*> ? of the kboTt symptoms attend the ic*N,?nd at other time* very few of them ; it the Liver ! generally the organ moat in IvedU Cure the Lirer with DR. SIMMONS* Liver Regulator. preparation of roota and herb*, warranted > he strletly vegetable, and can do no injury anv one. .. , , . t . It baa been need by hnndreda, and known ? the last M yea re as one of the feost rella0, efficacious and harmless preparations ever Ihred to the suffering. If taken regularly id .persistently, it iesnre to cure. $ * D/spepsn, headache, , nrnni lunn njauodlee, costirettoss/ sick llEhfiLll I UP iieodachc, chronic dlar- . affections of tba adder, Camp dysentery, ntfectlons of the kidts, fever, nervousnesi, ebiHs, diseases of the ] s, ins purity ef tba blaod, melancholy, or fkreeeeea ef spirits, heaStbsrs, csK*. "f p*!?? ] i the bowel*, pain in the heed, fever and < pie, dropsy, holts, pain in back and limbs, ithma, erysipelas, female affections, and Wilms diseases generally. Prepared only by J. X. hau.IT A 00., Dfiggi.li. Macon, Oa. Price 51 : by mall $1.24. The following highly respectable persona ?n fully attest to the vtir'cs of this valuable edioine, and to whom we mosi r?apeetftaUy >frr: Gen. W B Holt, Preeidcnt 8 W R R oropany j Rev. J K Felder, Perry, Qs J TC Ihrktey. gonth Carolina. MP Per sale by all Druggists. Jaaiff 35 $m Executors' Sale. |Sy vlrtae of tbo last will and testament of Q PKTKR 0, CHARLES, decease!, wa ill aall at pabite ont cry, before the Court louse door in Greenville City, on SaUt-Ha* _ V l ? tk. vnicT nw L.AHD, tin AH that Tract of Land situate in Greenville 7?**ty, adjoining land* of Barksdale Charlea, K, F. BorgiM and atkin, containing Tiro Nandnd A*r**, more or U**, known U U>? David Canto* TrmC gold a* the (iropf'ijr of taM deeaaaed, tor th* pajmoli of Itukii, Ac. Tetms Caah?pnrchaaera to pay fur titles and atnirtp*. JAMK8 L. McCULLOUQH, Executor. MARY A. MOSKLV. Executrix. JAMBS p. MOSKLY. January 14, 1870. 35 8 The State of Senth Carolina. GRBENVILLB COUNTY. By 8. J. DOUTHIT, Koynirt, Jmdgt of Pro bolo of ooid Comply. WHEHEAS. John P. Moon has filed Petition in my OlHce, praying that [altera of Administratis) on all and aingu ar the good* and chattel*, right* and credta of WILLIAM X. MOON, late of the Tounty aforesaid, deceased, should be [ranted to him. Thtte art, therefore, to cite and admonish ill an- lngular the kindred and creditor* if tha ?2id d*c"M?d, to bs and appear in he Court at rebate for aaid Connty. to l a lolden at OraeuTtiJw Court F?mae, on tk* Id day of Vtbmary negt, to show entire, it nj% why the said' Administration should lot ba granted. 8. J. DOUTfTITT, J. P. O. C. Office of Judge of Ptobate, Jan. 20, 1870. Jan 26 36 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OREENYlLLH COUNTY. if 8. J. DOVTHIT, Etqnirv, Jnrffft of Probolt of raid Connty. W1IEREA8, Robert T.angford has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that matters of Adininlstraiinn on all and singular ha good* and chattsi*. rights and credits of liAKY PAGE, lata of the County aforesaid, leceaaed, should be granted to him. TKu? on, therefor*, ta ?!U and admonish ill a id singular tha kindred and creditors of :he said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Probata for said County, ta be bolden ii union vine liouri uouec. oh thaVtk day of February ncjet, to abow cmim, U any, vbjr the aid Adminiatration eboald not be granted. 8. J. I>01TTHIT, J. P. O. C. Office of fa<||? of Probata, Jan. l(ik, 1870. Jan 28 M 2 the State of South Carolina, \> GREENVILLE COUKTV. try S. J. DOUTHIT, Esquire, Judge of Probat* of Mid County. WHEREAS, Joreph A. T alley baa filed a Petition In my Office, praying that Lettnra of Adtnlnictrntlon on aill and eingnlar the good a and ehattala, right* and eredita of KBtBKN TALLEY, lata of tha County aforofcald, docaaacd, ihonld ha granted to htm. Tkete are, tkerefor?, to cite ami admonlah all and alngular tha kindred and eraditora of the said dacaaaed, to be and appear in tha Coort of Probata for aaid County, to be boldan at Oraanrllla Court Honae, on tk* bib day tf February, to ahow eanaa. if any, why tha aaid Adminiatration ebould not ta granted. 8. J. ItOtTTHIT. J. P. O. C. , Office of Judge of Probede, Jan. 2Mb, 1870. ; Jan 28 i* 2 The State of South Carolina. OREKXVILK COUNTY. By 8. J. DOUTHlTf Kfuir*, Judge of Probat* of mid Cvkuty, WHEREAS, Henry Oueat baa filed a Petition in my Office, preying that Lettare of Adminiatration doboni* mom on all and abignlar the goode and ahattela, righta and eredita of JOSEPH McJIJNKIN, lata of tha County afoTe aaid, deocaeed, ahould be'gran tod M him. Tbei* ere, therefore, to cite and admonlah all and aingular tha kind red and eraditora ol tha said daacaaad. to ba and nnnaar In tk? Court of Probata for raid County, to k* hotden | Graenvllla Court UotM, on rhc 8ti dag ?J fabrmarg, to rbow cum. if any, why tbo told A dm I a Iteration tbonld not Wo rfsotod. 8. 3. DOUTHIT, J. P. 0. C. Oil'* of Jadga of Probot., 25th Jm 1ST0. job it m i I ?' ' H UiiiUd States Interna' Xrrtnue. Aimrm AaoNM't Own \ lift Dnrt'iot, to Dwtuict, R C, > Greanvill*, 8. d, Dh. <7th ISA*. ) THIS la to fivo notleo that under reeent ordara from the department, that oil that portion of Division No ?, Sd Collection Die. trial of Sooth Carolina, eatbraaiafr all of tho Otoooty of Pkkona, baa boon altaebed to the 7th IMviatoo. I do hereby notify all phl'Wia who hare failed to make their reffoa far tho yeat IMP. to do ao at onoa U tho oadarelgned or awhjeet Ihemoehrea to the full penalty el L 'a?t af ?VI riWK| mil pnBwnm?u? VI &ADKSS' .-DBSB8 o o o x> s. FOR mm ah? ??y>3 CLOTHS. CASS!MERE#, 8AT!SETS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY. JEANS. A wo, PEPPER, SPICE AND GINGER. The beet article of SPANISH-FLOAT INDIGO, sua A n, COFFEE, SA L T, CAS TINGS, AC. ELK KOUSTAIH, H- 0.. CI1EESE. li IW Bl?nlcet*. Ladies'Cloaka and Shawlo, Uaibrellae. 'Hats, Boots and Sho*e la ftc', any !h!n? In the way of FAMILY SUPPLIES. Give OS a call before buying ileawhere. GA1NE8 & BEARDEN. Dm ISr SO tf JUST TO" 1A11. eras & laoYiY HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPEN cd another LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL LOT OP COLORED AND MOURNING With and without the Side Stripe ALSO, A Fretty Assortment of BLACK, WHITE, BLUE BROWN, A SEES ROSES MERINO, Of the very finest qnnlit}', and nt UNUSUALLY PLAID ' FLANNE1 S, ALL "WO >L Di LA INKS, POPLINS AND Del E GES. Tliey arc Offering Great Bargains in Gent's and Ladies' SHAWLS, CLOAKS, SHOES, AND I1ATS. Thetr BtooV of Cloth* and Cassimere* foi ( entlemcn'i Wear, cannot be surpassed in thi* Market in quality, aud is offered very cheap foi CASH. They Veep all Style* and Qualities ot Gent's, Youth's and Children's HATS. Always on hand a Full Stock ol COFFEES^ TEAS, SUGARS, SPICE, MA CCA HO SI, SO PA, PEPPER, a ISO Eli, STAIiCD, CnACK* ERS, PICKLES, OTSTERS, SARDIXES CHEESE, AC., AC. liar* just Oponed another Assortment o those CHEAP wool. ffiJATS, MEN'S BOOTS, AND WOMEN'S SHOES Their Stock of NOTIONS and Fancy Ar tides is Large and Well-Assorted. HARDWARE. Shore!*, Spades, Forks, Axe*. II* mm erf lland-Saw*,' Drawing Kinres, File*, R**pi Awls, Nails, Smoothing-iron*, I'oeket Knivei Ac., Ac. Call and be conrinecd that Bargains can b bad at CLYDE & HOVEY'S Pendleton Street, Near Depot. Dec S 20 tf OF (GREENVILLE. tf AVIKO returned liome after an al JUL- sence of sereral week*, during whit time I bare visited New York, Philadc phia, Baltimore and Charleston, I hara run chased GOODS After the Chrcal Gold Excxtcmen L ON very favorable term, r ALL OF WHICH I WILL DI8P03E | oir AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOf ar~3 jWl. fM V K Ii would take more ?p*? than 1 have my command to enumerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE OK 7tAS TIIOMA8. 81EEN. Whole.ale and Re'^i preheat Oot TO 'A II MRS, WAlTDN'r n? lUutan nuninain Off, AtAbo Street, In tba raar of Mr. lie; Ift'i Store, and neat te Dr. Deao'a i I floe. . The eehaerlber baa meet rod a new and bet llful ataortm?ot ot Pall and Winter Mlllln< alao beantlOil Bridal Bonneta. I>rea* Maki In all Re branahen. Drew Cut and Hatt at the hnrteet notloe. 25 Am Kov 10 ?fi tl 9 GOOD BARGAINS TO BB HAD IS BLEACHED ?n^ Drown Bbtrtlnga, 8b?at> iDg, Long Cloth* Mid Ttakings, it FOSTER A UUNTBB. BARGAINS . IN M3M6 DRESS OOODS. WE havo marked down Mr DRESS STOCK, conttaliag ?f Poplin*, Plaid*. Changeable*, Solid Delaine*, AlpaccM and Merino. . FOSTER ? UUAIKK. nTTmA-P WOOIEH GQOIS. CONSISTING OF 8ATINBTS, JEANS, Meltons, Doo Skins, Union Casstaoros, IAc., at FOSTER A HUNTER. LASIESMCLOAKS, FINK CLOTII AND BEAVER CLOAKS, AT LOW PRICES, I FOSTER A HUNTER'S. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN Mod's and Boy's Wool, Fur, Felt and Brush HATS. FOSTER & HUNTER. Doc I 28 tf GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. TIIE underBignod have this day formed a copartnership under - the name of JAMES BA1HIITER A SOW, ' For the purpose of carrying on the . ' OF James Bannister, T. J. Bannister. : 'J* Vt . i . THE Mills are now in excellent order, and wo are prepared to 111x11 out a FIRST CLASS PAPER, i Which we will warrant to givo satisfaction. A FULL CUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED. TARN & WRAPPING Can be found at all times at our 1 Agents, Messrs. David & Stkadi.ky's. September 1, 1860. . 16-tf Equality Life Insur&noe Company. | of Virginia. L." r JfltV .v. - ^VV / |MK - v..? j. |H^ngfc. ? Princjul Office, A101a, el a in Street. ifiVJ. ?innd, r?. 1 "fc EASOXS whv everv on. t 1 V tbe Equality I.ife Insuruuoe Company, of Virginia : , 1st. It is more L'horal to Ik Insurers than any other company, and will eventually become Purely Mutual and belong to the insurers. ' 2d. It circulates it* money am on got it* pate ron*, who aro tho io-urcr*. Consequently they are continually gettl >g the benefit of lit* rapid accumulation of thft Company, the money he's I in g invested by tbe Board of Director* amongst I tho insurer*. I 3d. Tho loah* of tnu Company are aa liber_ I al a* other companies who declare dividends at tho epd of the re-coed, third aqd fourth year*, hnt this Company at the end of tbe ftv*t and evory year. DAVID B. (1ARK, President. TWOS. H. WYNNE. Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Oen. JAMES H. L \NR, Actuary, Dr. F. II. WATKIN8? I u Dr. O. II. W. DAVIS, ( AdvUer*. h Judge JOHN A. MERGDJTH# Counsellor, h ninzcTont. >** i. B Winston. Treoci rur and Secretary R. P. A P. R. R t Wm. J.Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale Grocer*: Wa. H. Powers.of Winston A Power*, Wholesale Grocer* t At. hcrt Ordway, Treasurer Bucbin-bam State | Company ; J. F. ?ib*on, S.^rinmr.dent J Adam.' Express Company ; Cbarlas y. Mork rir? Morris A Co. * Sugar Refinery ; G. A. Pc? y pie, Su- intendent Ns.nohc*ter Co'tm Mill* > W John II. tyicr. John -II. A Jobs* Tyler. Jewf eler?; Moses MIU'o .eer, Wholcs&'e Drr flssds > ' Thomas S. Baldwin. Clothier ; John Aft. Goddin, Cashier Planter's Bank? J. R. Dewelt Superintendent Western \Jale* Telegraph J>, Company ; Alex. O. Rqoert*na. Cattle Breber ; George I. Herring, Whofcanle Grce- . * * On? - * ? ?1 urovn, .) *? A Ce p Whnlarale I Groans; A Ytcdakor, DrojcuhA; b. M. Ro#en> | I biniP, of Z>. A M. R?a?nfcaAm, Dry Qooodf, | S^aftUty Ufa liinrtnti Cowpany. I pgr Rxamiot H* P*wpAI*t* I*/pre yon t?ll n.re, Vt I* ' V"Mr Sntei ttt to ilo to. Agent* trai i'd rt oryttkere. D BF.NJ. O. HE1IOT, Oan. Travelling Agent, Charleston, B. C. ftopt 21 18 t( ' W. H. CAMMBR, _ PRACTICAL OUNSMfTH ANO MACHINIST, lI' and Pnraeels RRPAIRKtt with promptneM. "7 Charter reasonable Own Shelter* from tan "K to twelve dollar*. 1 am a)*, prrpared to lotrle" blah Stonell Plate*, for marking .dothlng. 1 SWT- Stand - - At Wcntflftd'r oil *h ?p. ' Jnno 21 5 If