ing ?o aojr other wnvtlmn as * pirn- > ileal reeort of outlaw*, or a qmnp of savages, I UypbMntmg ou emigrant trains or caravans I ami the front}c?. settlement* of civHuetl. ? Ntnfes- | ? Seasonable notice yyi* given to tlic people < \? urej?oitniii?iiiii.s uovcrumem rfjjjpfrcap them to repim* the injuries tyey had douc to i? our cithsep*, and to make* rtinitiible apoJojev ' tor theiriiustiH of our Minister, and that a j *liijw>l \rar would be despatched ihilhor tri a commander of llm naw, in charge of. tiie sloop-of wur ^d'yiihe," '?n* ordered to re- [ peat tin* demands, and to insist upon ? wan- 1 ]d'uMM*e therewhdi. Finding that neither the ' |M>puW*\ nor th?mc assuming to luive authority ??vor them, manifested liny disjwadtwm, to make tl?e rpijuired repartition, or even to offer excuse for their conduct, lie warned tliem, by a public prvailaiontiim* that if they did not give satisfaction, within a time *]>ecifled, he nun Id bombard the town. Mv thin procedure ho afforded thcin opiWjrtunitv to pro? I t .? x - .1 . . I e . rt? ? ? viue tor meir personal miciv. jio these also who desired tfl avoid loss of property in the ' punishment about to be inflicted on the of-, ' fending town, lie furnished the means of ro- I moving their effects by the boats of his own j I shin, and of a tltenmer wliicb he procured . * andl, tendcre$^to tliein for thnt purpose. At i t length, perceiving, no disposition on tho I part of the town to comply with his re^nisi- i lions, he appealed to the commander of her ? Hritnnnic Majesiv'ft schooner "IJormudn," ' w ho seen to have intercourse, and apparently .' ntuclt Influence, with tho lenders nmong t them, to interpose and jtersuado them' to take ' * some course cjilctfhited to savo tho necessity t of restyling to Uie extreme measure indicated ? in his prtxilamation ; but tbnt office^ instead 1 of acceding to tho request, did nothing more ' than to protest against tho contemplated :' liombnrdmenU No steps of ?uy sdrt were < taken by the people to give tha satisfaction r?-.1 < I hired. No individunKif any there were, who!1 regftiflfocl themselves as not responsible for' , the misconduct of the conimuuity adopted 1 any means to separate themselves from the 1 ] fate of the cniiltv. Tho several rbsrgc- OR ' which the fTemands for redress were founded * had been publicly known to all for some 1 time, and were again annonnced to tliclia. i * 'lliey did not deny any of there charge*; they : oftctcd no explanation?nothing in extemm-, tion of their conduct; hut contumaciously . refused to hold any intercourse with the com-' mander of the "Cyane/' Hy tlie obstinate silence they seemed rather desirous to pro-1 volte chastisement than to escape it. There ! is ample reason to believe that this conduct j of wanton defiance, on their jutrt is iinputa- j bin cheifly to. the delusive idea that the American (lovemment would be deterred from j lilinisbihtf thrill fhti,mrh f..ur of /liunl/i,.!.... i - -- n ; v? j n formidable foreign Popcr, which llioy proto think looked w ith complacency up-1 mi their aggressive and insulting deportment' t toward* the tJtiitci) States. The "Cyane" 11 nt length tired upon the town, lWore much j f injury h'nd boon done, the tire was twice! fl susjiended, in order to afford opportunity for! t an arrangement, but this was declined. Most C of the building** of the i?lnee, of little value <1 pncrnllr, were, in the pcqucl, destroyed, but, e owing to the considerate precautious taken t1 by our naval commander, there was no de- t struetiou of life, | t When the "Cyane" was ordered to ('en- t trnl Aincirea, it with contidently hop-1 n od and expected that ho occasion would arise t for "a resort to violence and destruction of fi property and loss of life." Instructions to ; a that effect were given to her commander ;] h and no extreme act would have been requi-, f site had not the peoplo themselves, by their t! extraordinary conduct in the affair, frustrated ? nil 1110 posmoio mud measures for obtaining & satisfaction. A withdrawal from the place,' * the object of his visit entirely defeated, would,' ? under the circumstances in whidi the coin- i <1 iimnder of tho Cyano found himself, have*1 t< Ikvui alsudute abandonment of all claim of I1 our citizens for indemnification, and submia- H i-ive m ,, uminated w ithout any act of public force ; ;w but Uio arrogant contumacy of the offenders1 ? rendered it imjKwtHilJe to avoid tho nlternative, either to break up their establishment, ^ or to leave them impressed w ith the idea that they might persevere with impunity in a carper of iiisoicuco and plunder. j 1'his transaction linn ixwn ilm >nftLw? ...V ? ? r?>iiiplniitt oil llio purl of mono foreign pow- j prs, iuw lx*>n characterized with morn of (1 harshness than of justice. If comparisons 1' witc t<* bn It -srs. !? diffi- jj rult to present repeated instances in the hi/ ' [ory vf states, standing in the very front of " modern civilization, where communities, far ; v I?*mh offending and more defenceless than " iirej-town, have been eh Mat hied witJi much greater severity, and where not cities only ' Mvp been laid in ruins, but human life has; " rcn^cklcssly sacfttived, niul tlm blood of' r' I lie innocent made prufusly %> mingle with The 4RP^h)edition, despatched about w two yan sfnee for the purpose r>f rstahli*ci the pnHe ntmumted lo fifty-one Mlilfop < -thousand two |)Utidrcd ay# jflBfri"-* dollars. I fitting: Kio winio period, (tie payment* made Wtvdebt, iucludinjptuter-, yr w?h1^yi^|5SA?nonntc a Treasury. Although, in: he opinion of tlto inx-rolnrv of the Ttifwiry, i lie receipts of tlte current fiscal year are not t ikelv to eijtinl in amount those of tire last, will undoubtedly exceed tlie amotint i PRfemJi(iuM by at least fifteen n?ij(j?uu? of loflars.' 1 shall, therefore, continue tftjlirect ' hat the surplus revenue he applied# so fur ?s it enn be judiciously and economically lone, U> the reduction t?f the public debt, tbe 1 uui/uut of w hiclt, at the cuitmiciicetiietit of llo last Ht-eal yertr, \vu? sixty-aeron hiiilion I hrco hundred* and forty tlKHisand si* hnn-i Ired tutd twenty-eight dollars; of which j .here htul l>ecti paid on the twentieth dnvM 4 November, 1854, tlto sum of (woty4*o trillion three hundred ami sixty-five thou >aud one bundled and sovcuty-twro dollar*; caving a balance of outstanding public debt >f only forty -four million nine hundred ami >eveiity-firo thousand four hundred nnd fif y six dollars, redeemable nt d i tier e fit }?*riods ' v it bin fourteen years, ^ere are hlso rem-' units of otlier governments stock*, most of j vhich are already.'due, and 'On which the ntereat haa ceased. but -which hnv* not yet j >eeu presented for payment, amounting to wo hundred and therty-three thousand one lundred and seventy-nine dollars. This statement exhibit* the fact, that the annual ticoine of the government greatly -exceeds j he amount of its public debt, w hit h latter ! -etnaius unpaid, only beo?uso the timo of! lavmcnt lias got yet matured, and it cannot j >e discharged at once, except at the opfion 4 tho public crcd'tor*, who prefer to retain ! he securities of the United States; and the I >thor fact, not less striking, than the a. fir a:' ovemie from all sources exceeds, by many : niltions of dollars, tho amount needed for a \ irudent and economical adinini*trati?>n of Government. The estimates presented, to Congress from he ditfurent Executiro Departments, at the ast scssirihs, amouiitod to thirtyheight million our hundred nnd six thousand five hundred itid eighty-one dollars; and the appropriaions made, to llio sitin of fifty eight million >ne hundrod and sixteen thousand nine hunIred and fifty-eight dollars. Of this excess if appropriations over estimates, however, noro than twenty millions was applicable o extraordinary objects, having iio reference ; 0 the usual annual expenditures. Among 1 - . iivbu uojrcw, wiu oniuraccu ten millions to neettlie third article of thotreaty between he United States and Mexico; so that, in not, for objects of ordinary expenditure, the | ppropriation woro limited to considerably ess than forty millions of dollars I tbore- j ore; renew my reeoromemlation for a redueion of the duties on imports. The report < t the Secretary of the Treasury present* a cries of tables, showing tlx) operation of the ( evenuo system for several tuceessivc years, ml as the general principle.of reduction of iiities with a view to revenue ami not prcfoetion nmy now be regarded as the settled oliey of the cOftntrv, 1 frtM \biit little dif- < eultv will lie cnconntered in settling the etails of n measure to that effect. ' T i T1IH ARMT. i| The hill of tho last session, providing for 1 n increase of the pay of the rank and tile, f the army litis had Iteuelkial result*, not nly in facilitating .enlistments, but in ob- J ions improvement in the class of men w ho liter the service. I regret that eorresjkuidig consideration# was not bcrtowferl on the tticera, w lie, in view of their character nud | srvices, and the expenses to which tliey lire J coeasarily subject, receive at present wliat ; i, in my judgement, inadequate comj>ema- 1 on. ' I Tho val nable sen ice# constantly rendered y tlic Army, and it* inestimable importance s the nucleus around which tho volunteer ' were oflhe nation can prantlv gather in ' he hour of danger, sufficiently attest the wis- ( out of maintaining a military peace estalr- , shnio;,t; but the theoif *4 ? system and ? !tc w ise practice under it, require that Any < rojmsed augmentation, in time of peaon, l>e ! nlv commemorate with our extended limits \ ne comparatively ligfil. With the increase of the numerical force < f the Urtqy sltopfci, I think, bo combined < srtAiu measures 6f reform in its organic ar- 1 khgement nnd ndminUtrafiou. The present rgaiiizalinn is tlie result cf partial legisla- , ou often directed to special object* and invests ; and the laws regulating rank nnd ( wnutand, having been Mklpttd niafty yoars ( go from the British code, -ire not always ' that the syit?in ?hoSlH?ek &?f!*?dh? a ttrkms !wj?f. Thie* *1 other insects. attracted by tile wtnell of juice, enter into the flower, where they are caught by ,|^e adbosive matter. Tlir fiowor tiiot) doses ami remains-dint till all the prisoners are bruised ami transformed ipto cuyte. The indigo??tihlo ns n -kin resembling leave*, white, and soft flesh, aud instead of a bony skeleton, a cartilaginous frame filled with ydlow matter. The natives consider K del icon* food. iff ..~u?' .?i- .u < Bk dtaciumixatswrth Braise.?Among tho smaller duties of life, I, hardly know any ono more important than that of not |>raising where praise is not duo. Imputation is oue of the prizes for which men contend { it is, as Mr. Burke calls it, 'tho cheap defence and ornament of nntions, and the nurse of manly exertions it produces mote labor and more ; talent than tw ice the health of a country j could ever rear up. It is the coin of genius; j and it is the iui]>erious duty of every man to , lawtow it with the mostscruptilous'justico and 1 the wisest economy.?Sidney Smith. IJowr to bk an Kahi.t Bird.?Jump out of IhsI the moment yoti hear the knock n't the door.; lite man who hesitates when cnlh'di* Inst. 'Hie mind should be made up ; !t) * tlltlltlfn fjir rtrtrU# MOMSM ?A ? . U ? ? ? < ?< f ???? V.II W lining v/lic 1/1 VIICHK* subject that admit* of no taming orer/ , Punch. < !**. I L'J> I 1 .1 i - II-. ! . U-USB. Crrcmvillc Prices Current. COKHKCTKU WKEKi.%' KOK TIIB .BBTUKJ'KIgK, BY JOHN W. URAOYt MERCHANT. ^ GRHKNViu.r, December 7, 1854. BAGGING, Gunny. per yard, 10 a 1 ft Dundee, 1.1 a 10 BACON.. .Hums per Ib^ 10 o 12$ Shoulder*, - 8 a 10 Side*, 10 a 12$ ' 1 log round, 10 ULTrKU .. .CitwiM, per IK none. Country, i>er lb. 15 COFFKK...Rio, j?er lb. . 14 Java, per lb. 18 a 20 I lOMKSTlCK, Shirting, per yd. 6$ a 10 Shooting, per yd. 10 a 13 < Hamburg*, pervd. 11 a 12$ FLOUR..?Country,perbbl. *7 a *7$ Country, ]>er Rack, f 1 a %3$ CHAIN... ,.<>?rn, per bushel, .60 a 05 Wheat, per bushel, $1 a %1$ IKON Sweden, |ht 11?. 0$ a 7 Kugltsb. j?er lb. 5 a 3$ LARD......per lb. 11 a 12 >LASSES. Cuba, per gal. 43 a 37$ N 0., per. gal, 40 SYRUP....*4 44 jwr gal.* 50 a 62$ OILS J Jmip, per gal. *1$ a $2$ Train, iter gal. 87$ a $l| Linseed, _ tl$ RICK. per lb. 7 a 8$ I ItOPK per lb. 12$ a 20 SUGARS. ..N. Orienns, per ll>. 7 a 9 Porto Rico, per lb. 9 a 10 |K*r lb. 12$ Crushed, pet III, 12$ Refined, per lb. 10 a 12$ SALT por bushel, $1 Salt, per svk, a none. SOAP - (\ilimt.i I.iiIA II. Irtl ? ^ *" , |M.iu. i ? i o Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT I?er lb. 12^ Shot, per bug, $2 J a $2$ !?l ? ,10.14. V 'T * rpiIE nutlet-signed having made SntVKYfNCJ ] X both a study and practice, ,and having not- ' *1 for several year* n* Deputy County Surveyor J 111 Virginia mid North Carolina, h? fools hituself' ronipctent to perforin any business in thnt line, j ml would most resj?e?tuiUy offer his services to I his friends nnd the |tiiblie generally, sml solicit ' their |*trnnst?. Any business intrusted to liim will meet with prompt attention. 0. T. MASON. HKFKKKXCK.?C. J. Ki.mnn, Esq., J. Gii.hkatii, Dr. M. It. K.tauc. Col. H^IIokk. Greenville, Dec., 8. < #0 tf STRAYED or STOLEN from mv place on Mon day nitfht, list of Xoveinlter, a voting bay IIORShC with a ring around his left, fore leg cans- i d by a rope; has a small star in his fare. Any infonnation will lie tliankfully received, and anv | nerson taking him up shall he'liberallv rewarded. T?AVW W. flODOEH. ; Merrittsville, S. C., Nov. 24, 20 I rpiiK creditors of the late JOHN IT. JOICE, j JL K*q., are hereby notified that, by order of J ihe Court of Chancery, tbey are ronnirsd to ren- ! Jer. on Mtk, their demand* on the Estate of the [1 :si.J deceased, >.. the Commissio*?r of the Court of Cbnneery for Greenville Dis.riet, on or before iho first di?y of January next, 11 order that the same may be settled by the revolver of the said Estate, and! reported to ths ourt by the Commissioner. > Jfc #. A. TlXl^ES, C. r. O. D II., Xor. 22, ISM. ?-4 jPCM A.Wa TAKEN up Wv the sutacrilief on 2Cth day of Oetobev.'lSM, a light bay mare tolw a your* old lust wring. Kaid Mule kit a black atrine mrroar it* Jmiiltlervmarked main, tail thim and bolted. rh? owner ia rtqawtrd to cotna and prove pmiv | irty, pay ckargea and take it away. Haid Mule an ho /mind at my real da nee 10 mile* north of )reenvi)l? C. II., ow the Mage road to AahavMio *. C. JNO. R GOODWIN, IL O. Ik Nov. n. .

r.>.>nvilU m I-anrene II. Leaving JreenrlHe cye^r^rtMW^iy and Friday, returning (f \r? ha^? btM authoriied U^yomrt 'i r*pt. At T ?tf ? ** a eandlM-fe>#r- ^ IT at tkr ant tlmfon. . f^jj||fl0l. 3? ^ l*a , * r * ? "7' K^JiV 1 veiling* j * U Hwtrlbll ;' f J. H. KIl?t*A}. **rt+Tfr ; | Ocwoyin^ A?*. iU, f > > tii' r SOFTS OP tESPKHAIVCt). | fBBC | HvmmX Kt?. 'ft,' H. of T? . k'lil tkrlr.ineotinga in^kW, ?t tli? W-; * vision Uuuiu,(lu Mi'IWv'i Hall) Saturday ?wiling*. C. U. NMJUNKIN, A. K. A ft August tS f ! wflfc. 'JA^W J *X^>I ~ TIE Mvmltfr* of Gnwville fkttwn, X?. 15, arc rcqiifttwl fo m*?t ait tli?lr llall 7V Xiato. Bv ordar of W. H, Paica, W.% P.*. 0?1 t. " 11 If ?nF-c:-r-i~- ? .-li . -u > . -- mm i'. .- wa?-S? FOR THE HOLIDAYS! j ARRIVAL or 000S THIHGS ii'jr S3j3 i^sase' strsiaa ' AND VARIETY DEPOT. ; 111( \ XKW ufet tauWWMfc* .mi in < * | Tv'V rdlttt order. * ' , A Diixw of Wit MR Kauiaa, A , Jl^) I Tub ??f Cnr^nta"' Jibs , A (p?od arlertinn of tho ckoirrat Ewiiim and i Flavoring ExtraoU, ; ] |!ox of Knpvr Hyson T**, linrreli of Stuart'sCrtubed ami rrrr light Brown Sahara, Itarr^li of Frcali N-York St*l* Trwlrri, Kxjioct frcali aixl t-hoica (Jditium to tki aboyr I Article* on CnriitinM wwk. 'i Winter Domestic Goods. ! t lleavr all wool j'J. wide printed Drugget, ' for Carpeting and Crumb ( lot lis. Itrloka ...I l J?I I ;.t-.'t I ti < ^l^UKsubncriborforAwariM nil |>er*on< from JL trndinp for n Note given to M. M. I J one* for *00 00, tinted January 23. 18M. ' Said Noto was given for a Horse, which prov-: ed unaotind a few dnva after the purchase. ; j W. A. AUSTIN. I, Greenville Dint., Nov. 17. 27?fit 1t FRESII AKRIAA ;? AT 1 W. H. HENNON'S. SUGARS?Stnnrt'a Refined, (.'rushed, I?af, ltrfliiod, and Dmifirtl, A line article of Rio Coffin-, Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, l^diatera, Sardinea, aa, Pickle* aad Grande Kruifv SAP.DWAPJ & 0T7TL3XV7, A largo and fine aaanrlmcnt i>* * Hl'lOKS. ! & c$iri??iv, ? DngiuidDye-ltsflk, ficclftirjj, tilqsstotfc, droceirie*, Sec. ; wrrOaiTK th*-'vocnr-.iot.'sr, o.n mai -rfrftfcT. dcaeriptioii of Produce taken in exchange . * ror floods nt the market jirte*. liberal Cash i * alvithtw marie on Cotton an J other pioduce iti i i i n it situ in? ,1' Greenville, June*. I if |f ITATF Or VotTH i AttOLIlA ! 1 OllKKSVtLLE DISTRICT. In Bquity. j Xancy MrK innev ve, AleMMer StcKIimev, TV"il-1 linm MrKioiirv. Daniel McKiiit?ey,.loh? MeKin- I ney, Jose|'li XfvKiiiwy, Anienda Dill and Nnil t II." Dill. Elizabeth Dueaell and Jnmri Russell, j IVmininy McKinney, I-lai iuda M?K inner, liar.rlet A. Calloway, Clarinda C. Calloway And* < James F. Onllowav.?BUI for l'urtition of HnJ ^ Hat ate, Ac. r|^l(K Cotu]4*ijiiiut linviug tiled her Iiill with I .1. tli* Commissioner, and it np|tearin?f to the | j )?tinf?i tloti of tlie Court, that Klt7.itbetll Russell I and Jntnes Ruwll, lirr husband, mi>l? without j [ the limit* of this State: It is ordered, on motion j ' of Ik V. Perrv, Complainant's Solicitor, that the, aid Kliznbotit Russell and Iter husband, James ; j ItiiMil), do answer, (dead or demur to Complain- j int't bill, within three months from this date, or j . the same will be taken pro cotifeuo at to these j ' Defendants. K 8. A. TOWNKR C. H (i I). c Gr??ntilU C. 11., ad November, liM. X 17 *7 Im j KTATK Or NOlTirCARoi lTA j 1 G KEEN V1J.LV DISTRICT. j r In Equity. r". j* IV ell born Barton, Kxemtor, Ar? ta Williams Co*.! ? Ki??utor, ove named the ( ftefendants do answer, plead or demur to th# C?m- ? plainant'* hill, within three month* from tha publication of tlii* rule, or that the *aid hill will bs taken pro eonfesso a* to these l>efendent*. J t' (i. A TtlWNLS, C. K. G. D. J >' 17 ' <7 ??". . v ITATK OF HOIJTil CAROLINA. | ? GREENVILLE JUSTHICT. rnw fM)2iCaaim>r :p:c.a.ft9. ' ?hn W. Grady 1 vs. J- Attachment. Vm. St. Butler. J % |r l\7 1IKUKAS, the Plaintiff did an tha 16th day j, r r of October. 1864, file his daelaration c gainst the defendant, who, (as it is said) i? ab- j ent from ami without the limits of the State, j, ind ha* neither wife or attorney now within the iuim upon whom a copy of this declaration 4 night his served. * - f It is therefore ?rdvrod, that the said defendant ( lo appear and plead to the said declaration on j( >r before the nineteenth day of October, which ( rill he in tlte year of our Imnl one thon?and ight hundred and fiftv-flve. otherwise final and j( ihsolute judgement will then l>? given and awar- n led. against him. T>. 1IOKF, C. C. P. I ' Clerk's Office, Greenville IHstrict, I October 17, 18M. - )' 3mly L """ 1IA 1 .TIMOKK~A LA' KKTISIi.M KNT~ ; J LOTTERY & EXCHANGE^ OFFICE, (Under the Eutaw House, No. 8t) BALTIMORE ST. ' & S?., BRfl to call particular attention to the splen-1 " did selection of MAGNIFICENT l.OTTK-1 ' lite* drawing daily. The Capital* in each Lot-1 cry range from the small amount of 9-ft,000, 1 r o the Stupendous Sum of i 1 m n un.' vurvillK 1,1 I*riCC OI fTOTll ^1 lO f2U. j 'hir MicruM in wiling Prises h?* been entirely !>? I ] rood onr expectation*. We have sold end cash-1 d IViws during the Inst veer. Amounting in the J iggregate to over ' f One Million of Dollars! PACKAGE OF TTCKKTS containing nil the j * iiimhern in the Lottery, always on hand, rung- t ng in price frotn $;> &?) to .V??Prises from j ^ $4,000 1c $100,000. t single package can draw the 1 highest Prise* * n U?e lottery. n Order* solicited through the Po.?t-OfRee. li Our Monthly Bulletin containing the Scheme* if all Lotteries on? month in advance of the day if drawing, sent. to all who order it. Free of . 'barge. Thnnkful for pant favor* we respectful- j1 y solicit a eontinnnnee ?f the patronage so lilt- it rally 1>?*towed on n* heretofore. d All Business strictly private and confidential. For Price* either by the Package, Single Ticket* or Share*, be enre to rail on or addrrs* your < F irder* to the Old Kktablbhed lluti>o of ! 8MALLWOOD & CO., !t iVo. 8, Kutaw Jfnunc, ]ialtimort, AfJ. j August 11, IBM. 13 3m 11 Livery Stable, . \ T^IIK subscribers are supplied wtfn a nuinlxvr V * of Ci>MF any part if town or from any port ?d town for 415 rents. Trftvelers will do well to make n fypRCTKlUJ.V infwTrwthooitfrionoofOroon. V villa Ikat he ? prepared to- r??ke Kl' KM PrUK; melt a? Badatoaaa, SiilcKo*i 1 ^ ?a\ ... v?i. ? mm mumuamiur Willi* IUI1K J.1H* , ings and Children'* Seoth Heavy Kvrseva, .leans and Linsrys, lied ami Vipro Blankets, I ' Kxtrn fio?* Heavy Knapped Heal W.U-li Flannels, Widfr and fine Silk ami Wool " " A quantity of ffixxl low prioed Red and White Flannels from 20 cents up. ( X&ADY^AiB(K OLOTHUN^ j Cloths, l^wiDirnn, Tweeds, Jean* and Vistinp iit (treat variety at W. II. llOVLYH 1 Nor. *4. *8 tf J Water Colors, &c. |j HpIlK subscribers hare just opened a large as- ' ? aortment of IVtilcr Colons, in Wm; ranging fruit 10 cents to $9, to which they would ' invite attention. , " A f.RO, \"'j , PA/ST PALlJtTTKR, CAMEL'S 11 AIR [ pesvjia is in a is a; is in a rurukr, j PISA' SA tlCEMfi, CA RM1SE, GA MHOOK, VERMILLION, LEAP PENCILS, dr. \ As our assortment of WaTKn Counts is an axtcm " site otic, we can make it to the advantage of Mer chants nnd others to pnrehaec from tin hy the : * dnsrn liosut or more. * ? ON HAXp n fine stock of Baolis -and ? filnfioncry, at Id>W I'KICKH. , li. K. ELFOKD h. CO. ? Nor. 2i: * 28 S irBSilKIlMlX, j (At the Old Stand of B. Dunham,) 1 HAVING bought front flic Greenville Mann- < r factoring Company their interest in the Mjjnswt TINNING lU.'SINBSS. and also their entire ST(.>CK OF DRY GOOJ13, Agricultural Implement*. ?lc- d-e., on hand, would respectfully inform McVchauts, Farmers, ami the public generally that lie will i curry on the nltove business iu all its" various ; branch***, nnd Iioik-* bv nromot attention nnd j I LOW PRUT* to be liberally patronised. 1 shall keep constantly on hand ail kind* of Vkolodc and Retail. ! Copper A: Mhcct*Iroii Ware, Stove, Stove Pipe," &c. road* to order on short notice. rTIN PLATE AND TINNER'S MATERIALS ! nlwav* on hand nnd for sale 1A)W for CASH. ! I PRINTING, WRITING, LKTTKR * WRAP-j ? PINO PAPER always on hand, in any quantity, I at low price*. Caah paid for PA GR, JIKK8WAX, OI.I> COPPKH A XJ> OLD PK WTKIi. , \ ( taf"COi:NTRY PRODUCE generally taken,, in exchange for GOODS. j j Greenville, November 2*. 28 tf 1 :iw m. i?r w Mac 2 UAVfN(? mild to J. It. SIIK U.MAN our interest in the Tinning Runinc** and Store at . ' this place we would car to all indebted to ns j that v? need the ninnev tliey owe ro\ nnd that | it must he paid by the first of January next, nnd ! somsr.Mf; for our Hookn must be chmod. ORPJIN VILLK MANUFACTURING CO. i lty J. K SnriMix, Ajr't. Nov. 24. 28 tf JtJsT RECEIVED. J 4 l.AROK UYT of the best GUNNY BAG- j 1\. GING and UOPfNO. Also, 1 t N Peruvian And some of Ai>am A. ItaoTr.n's Sii|?erior MACON. For sale Cheap for Cash, l>r * GOWER A DAVUX 4 Nov. 17. 27 ^ 8 \-W-. k "'T m, ier* triMli'r U^^jngitefM ?cllu*y bare bc? n sustained, :ind are imcnnri#vd Mreftcwcd ? ft'orl*. ill -ft few motrth* ho jtihliriiMoii ??f KuU-U'iigl ti of ??nie <4 fho (Ylcbruted MtWvaf Person 211 l._^ A '11... # Af ^ igv? mil iw voniiMciivvo< i nc Riuw* Mg w? n?w iii the hand* <>f an eminent artist, to be ngrarcd. viz., JennyLiiul, Anna ThilhwuJI. vontng, t'atJiHfiur Alboiit, nnd Wa C. O. Hum wick. It /WW shituhi Ulect with < i?vor, although very eX)i>e?*i?e, they trill be allowed l?y other* uf a similar k'^'4dRr]^ lie publishers are determined Wreath nnd Annual shall continue tP^SKrJB* ? test of tholVMor Mngnriue*. The Literary Matter will beucntirely mk final.; from the ablest ami purest writer* jflBflNl he country. F.veiy thing of an imiu<>raS&r rreligious character a ill be carefully eaelHrS* if. We intend to pnnont the pnbfic with a ,*-* Irorlc which ahull Mend entertainment with -5 4 instruction, and not only captivate the lasto, '< , >ut also elevate the tIiotif*ftta and improve he heart?in abort, to make the Wreath ind Annual "si welcome vi-itor in every fartiwr The Literary Department will l?e ably au*aiiMtl. All who are inteicvtcd ill n ptnc Family .iterattire, and are willing to assist in fosteilig the best native talent, are invited to t>?ome subscribers and aid iu its circulation. Kaeli number will contain a fine steel Enfraving, and a Thirty-two Large Octavo 'ages, printed on fine paper. The May lumber will hnve?AA attractive Tille-pftge, naking in all Twenty five Kmbellhhmentw, nd a rolnme of Four Hundred and Thirtjriutr page* ! Notwithstanding the Sucre;v-ed cost of the rork by the advance in the pi ice of paper md printing, we shall continue to furnish th? rork at the following exceeding low price : .>ne 1 >o!tar a Year, in Advance; Four Copes, one rear. tS,00; Seven Copies. $5,00 ; fen Copies $7,0U ; Fifteen Copies, $10,00. Money may l>c sent by inail, at tlic risk >th in typographical appearance and i tl?? value of its* original content*. The Museum elnitna to stand second to ao lit* rary journal in the lofted State*, I toasting a orpa of (lifted Contributor* whose name* ara n rolled in the list of the most eminent of Anncan Authors, and u hoe* effusions hare long graod the page* of this r*per. This is the Seventh Year of the Museum's erx tenee, and ita prosperity has been on* of eueh sure and ?ul>Mnntinl character, a* to warrant he great and conetaut outlay made by the TYoirietor, in order to aeeure and increase for it * irilliant reputation. The Editorial I>*Mrrtln?Bt i eondueted by owias E. Poecz and j. W, Hamon. TEl'tMS inrnriably in advance; toe copy, one year, *2.00 ; One Volume, f LOO, Four eopiea one yenr, fti.00. tnd all above fotir copies' at the some rata. Single eopica to he had at all the Periodica! stoo*o a the civilized world. *> We will ?end one copy each, of the Museum nd Godey'a Ijtd'ya Booh, for one year, to each uhscriber, for ?4.oO. Also the Mtmensi and tho i. England Cultivator, for one year, for $�, Persons wishing the direction of their paper* hanged should inform ua of ths Poat-Oraoe to rhicn they are now sent, as well as of those t* rbieh they wish them sent. All letter* whatever, respecting the basin*** Management or editorial department,' to b* *dIr eased to OSS IAN E. lKHHJfi No. 12 School-ntroet, lhsten, Mists Drawinp-Koom C'cnipanioa. A Rrnwrd of the beautiful anduufut in A el. 1">h? obje<^ of t)?? paper i* to pr**?Bt, m . tire most elegant and available form, n reekly literary melange of notable event* < f lie day. It* column* are devoted to origiuil tale*, sketches and |>oeni*, by tW dkht amkhican a01 tlOttS. nd the cream of the domestic anil foreign tew*; the whole well spiced with wit aid lUtnor. Knelt paper i* BEAtTlFfUA I I.Lt'RTHATKTt rith numerous accurate engraving*, ly e?wnent artist*, of notable objrets cttrn wt ettuL B all part* of tho world, and of nn-s and Manner, altogether making a paper efttitftty >rginai m its rineipal ships and strainers of the nary #4 Merchant service,-whL ti*e aw) arvinaia mrtraits of every n?>t?'d character in the corkl, hoth male and female, 8ketfbc? of wuuviful scenery t tnkri? from liG-, will a* given, with numerous specimens from the rirdti of the air, and the ti-Ji of lire an*, Jll, s printed on Hihj white paper, with new and Kwutiful type, presenting in its mechanical Execution an elegan-spoctmen of art. Th?* ize of the pnpor is Bitot? hundred and aittly our square inches, giving a go at amount of ending matter mm) illustrations?-a mannoth weekly papor of sixteen octavo pages. Siiich six month will niske a volume of 4141 ?ges. with abont on# thousand splendid en'ratings. jm. r?? *^nVAWAW,Y IN AlifiUfCfc. 1 sutocriber* otic tear f??0 * 4 sntweribers." M 10 #010 M ' SO ?f> One copy of Tttu* or iwr* >nd one copy of Otic a son's lVwom at, when * oken together hv one person, owe renr, for ? 14 00, The al ?>iuvnse-*now ronpisOW may lie obtained at ant of the periodial depots throughout the eownti r, and of ltWAtnMi. at six cents per single eojn , NMifM everr Sattrrda*, hv F. r,lY.*soy. 'or. mf Trtmnnt nnti Rrcmf'W Ron mm