- ,'* AjBfB, yytSfi .? *v 5* ^Sr* >' >0 J?-++? "ppv*0!* t *^y^BI^^BMBBiWgllE!flii flpowAu-1 viru> or lymph of siiiall)>ox, vhiWuWlnr diungctl4>v (he cow'h system* dirter.H onliMy froiuthe;enf?&>ss i#creaj)tgif that dux-i'ie for n nmiVr of] \eats. It receives another element, (what vrc do not knew,) from the cow's system. i that makes it piytcctivo, nltl^ugh it cannot produce til. siu;tlh>' -X in the persons vaceinthifl ia t<> say, it'cannojC'i laiek-wards* and pro'dwv the appearance of the son-from \vlikh it originated in the human being. If n former vaccinatioVis typt vguiti out, and the system i- still fiufliffiny saturated with the virus, the peek wlwfct cq ; .? from vaccination, with the true lymph; but. it should be tried, three times, "as sometimes. on the third trial, the pock appeal*, and the 1 vaccination, according to l>r. bickoon, ought. to l?c rej>eat"d till the true cow pock appear- J Juice censes, lie saysI "The fact is, every intelligent, rational being, should make hin> ! self acquainted with a .subject so inqs.>rtnnt;' icam to distinguish the vaccine vesicle at a , glance, aud insist ujw>n being repeatedly v accinated, ns long as the result shows any f appearance of the brown circle of (lots, and ! the rose leaf areola ; or if done three times | with good lymph, and jt do not take at all, j he limy raiknmllv conclude the infantile or siibseijuent vaccination to be still protective.} Why do not intelligent teachers provide) themselves with lymph, uydteltrh thi* Kiiowl-' ?dgo, and tisk ]h,m ?nis?ion to vaccinate their! schools f It would l?e worthy a noble call-! I J? l?l .1 ' - ?? ' ' *9T-|i ifc' 1 mg use %ucire.^/rrwi iwrtoitijc. -*??? ? g Eow Cincinnati Became a City. ? In Uio spitlcnientrfi^nvW it^7l>en happens that the im$>t triv,ii <#Nfffi-tanoe produce mujojtant icsplts. Aecowlinir to I Judge litAriSott's ^ Notes yii llh.' North Woa^ tern torrit?>rr;r the tou??tio|Vhcther North : PRnC'''-Voliuli.v, conn,i:>li^nn niintarv station at North l'>cnd, hoc; strongly attached to a " black eyed, ' > lived with hor husband at the llend wl ? he was stationed ; and the husband beo< ing somowliut alarmed at the utteui winch tho commandant paid to his wife, moved to Cincinnati. 1 hiding hi* lady-! li:nl rte.1 the utticer tliourrht North ItoTid tit tor ii commercial town, and uioved \ Ida troops to Cincinnati, and froin that the ^?o;y of the Ueud departed, aiul of Cincinnati itioac. * i\ Judge lJurnctt remarks: (page GO ? . "The incomparable beauty of a Siy* dame producctLn ten year war wj del. minate 1 in thfoWestrueti-?nof : an< irresistible charms of anotlfrf T'liuile tr ferred the obmfwereial Klnp.iyum- of < from the place where it now K If this ti rating Amr.ienn ileleucontainer the Bend the garrison WuuTd have. Ikvii e oil there?population, capital and busi would have l?cvgi centered there, und t would have been the tjuevQ Cjtv of >. Wo*L" >r * r* - - ???? * Jp* Wheat and Wool. * Those t\*> farm tutseau be well gi 'v:t r..!al...!l \\ ami with elowr a to ?>f i'c'in- :.> ( half 41 ]>U>hoi ?>f > lot tJi- ; reinai oJ-s, and do n I wheat, with a renewal < ! gr?*?ivloliiinutod over lire, there will b ill,' of olover soe Mjie ground. X< lHl|j|^ILn ood >^nrto6tiy?_ ^SiiiiWifcj-^r 1 ^O^RVHTg CO lit 11-1 niul 6f -it} -to sftjr something, at least, of thi^fdurse ni.d 1 potior j^icK he^xpoeta punftiu& f$|; f?Vl ^oxeuse^.Uioii, f?r giving a brief exposi- | tic>J? irnd outline of what \vo ow n to bo bur 1 principle*, iiint Joiow to bfc ow object. Ho- I fbfc dohtf&j&'fo would rcumvk that the po- 1 sltiou width we ?xoupv is not one of oitr own I clioico or p?y ferment.,, Our inclination and 1 feelings, if permitted to swnv lis, would even ? now cause us tt> ziluwbiu the allurements t.i\ * an editorial HF?V nrnffm? still for a time un-i| dcr the teachings at others more highly ami ' .dcejxn: skilled in science and litcrntiue tl??n j onyelf "Ktyling^to &cutj| nn editor who was willing to tiiko ujion jmnsclf the task qjf ca- I tering for n thousand tast,c*s, and ready to to- 1 ceivc the -eonteniptitou^ frowns of those i whom he may have, unintentionally, offend- < ;od, whilst informing his duties, .we;have mi- j willingly assumed the helm mid government of the Enta-prisc?holding oiirscjf resj>on- ; sihle and amenable for whatever may be found objectionable in that which wc write , and publish. Upon tho subject of polities it is expected j of us first to Bpeak.^ It is not to be suppos- {' ed that u close observance nl'inoii nnd thing-. ' although a silent bx?ker-on, for the past *i.\ 1 t" State sov- j. eiviguty still stronger from aiieh statesmen j 6s messrs. w.iioix. hkkuixn, llrrnwiv. I'm i.imni; mid ethers, < t' the like .-tanip, ' \v<* arc willing to defend those p: ii;.iji!e> w hicU el. vateil and now .-u.Mnin- the pie-.iil adiniw5tvation of J'resiiKnt I'iiiiu k. It is not our intenth ii. however, to *^ j tious of political warj.tre. Yct,at/^sal1 vho I tbi'c m?m.i?t consent to eouji^" ?urael^ tore ' !" U?wroli^t. ^Vliencvcr./t'rights audi i^n- Munition* aiv ii.vsail^U buidtnatics, thy laud tion ouf^iirtli aXul statey/ndopth?i has ovo love ^ of blood at >^*AUitj?ftb|Tl- Still, t U,|J l>rcJcrJub<>viii?f^i andfttev Inan the field -villi l*??Iilio?l jjtWtc. Instil of troubling ai day j mmk&w fester tfTo inali? iou? canity wbi that r:(p*fos in the bosoniA of infuriated fanai . y^f the North, and the disaffected sections SoWli, we woulffponr the oil of pe; tor- and content mont, endeavoring to prove' tl I the ' the union<>f this Confederacy is stronger th wis-! combined tivngih of both?and to u? severed only w hen the spirit of our fdn-fu \ ers exists no longoift and the letter of I reet- Constitution disregarded jmd broken by iness ( degouorate and disloyal people. ? tMM t; ?>o much ir?r polities. me wains ui reading public we shall endeavor to ant pate?funnelling that which will tend toj : prove the mind and cultivate ihc heart otvl), blending the useAtl with the beautiful t oulo ' good. The claims of common Schools, i andj c*j>cciiilly those of female education will . ccive from us the support which we tali their importance demand*:. The Tmprt ?V{1).' mcnt of Hondo, and er*ty thing calcuhi light to better the conditional' our jbistrict 1 80State we ran assure thcnhuler, will lustre taadvocntod.* The minor topics'arc f 1 .Ls , "T'hiineu in our jwofsjuvtus. ^ >'twu; And now, kind render, that voif have ether i fenpd to us bntieiifly for a little .>yliile,' in it us to leave you to bfltcr, and *rn l> profitable reading ; |>rmpW)ir. H Hjn^&jirhl, to ""live lion, .-t; and endear r to tho dRta.* f??ifx*k^.-cfl |||iMl tliojr (loord. /*.* ^ ^ <' ;< \ , ulao?-^H s^i MI' ^ripuoji lisfc . ' sent a groat |HiH^M|flBflBBnu^uWvii>t'. ffi?BBGM9K]n9Muit* -v glvo H|H^?^H|^^BhBhH88^M|?iir tlio pur|X*c of being $U tlic prbttiwr ,<1c-i parttnent of his pnjfciVv Upon our aimal, to.* asked as if we came to South Carolina tor the purpose h to thank him for favors received at his muds, encouraging not only a new but a **?* bogSiitwr. . &.J*' Nothing >veuijj^ht say in praiVc of the nor lift.r < t' the AfountitDtcer, would raise tiin higher in tile estimation of his friends' ?nd jMitrona. May he live long togrnce tbej columns of that old and much respected pater, and it to prosper under Ids control. ' I . ??? -? '-a - * H "the new volunteer corps. ; #Tnn effort which a portion of our citir* us iro makiu? to organize a npw volunteer I, wliipany in our titidrt, m an malertnlnng at', HHH! latulablo ;:n obtained. l.frfc - : \ oinig mau in .i? oiiec enroll hi- name, 'LETTER FROM CALIFORNIA. Hki.ow will be found nit oxtrnot from 1 latter written l?v our lellow-towiisiiian, Jo II. fJoonuvrr, lv-?)? now i:i California, to ! K. 1 >. Loxa, of this place, .to w hom we tinder obligation* for his Jffudness in pern ting us to make the extract, lie say t ( ^ hewas ./Lottjoyuijf good health, ayddo I ! very w ell," when lie wrote. Kir it aut> Kr 'j n am, who left Greenville in his eompa was still with hiin, ei-< ::!111 we know it. is tbo l/e:irt-\vh] mt j ?**?? * -?7-".?.-J.? ^-j? ^ all \\h??m limy know, and w. i.f ao^uain tint tln-y may ictn:a wtf! v Wjy&id for H< j t.i I !)> i: ::11< 1 industry. tllO ' l>JAMO.VD Sfitfjft, I ' il., .fkil ) 0 it * * * "I will ui L j California lift*. *iwM4iio lifr-t, fiing t" (|u ui> oarly in tln> naxftnt^, antl ftnVn break . ! .lone and a to, rodidy |n go to'!'ik by mihU1" tli -ii work Urfd/hhovfiiiif Ji'-t int.* r; sin im- box as iMtfff imnr la-ail until mam, t L? kitoi-k itin tor one hour {jffSUotuty cook < U1(]. nor, oat Jnnl lwfrk, t bed. So ,0"j liavo itrtio dc^Tj'thWi of my oxoi^-dpjjT L~' 1 - wj1, *?!i ^uWRltoi ?v*r jitna HW'UL'y fj' ? - ?1'? V? >vo-f*?u SPJai?^W#??:up about lulr provisions on ,n^" : wvA, i'j^hiuiid:ty i.s tli?\ tl,*iv with mos ulty 1 (\< o|i(it>iis,iui(i they are chti j 17'n-iii^v-rs. It may gtranjflft to vol hon/% nevertheless, it i^ true, tluu Smvli ' fV day t' . Id til, . SAB^plOFM. ITKNUY < '01:11, on ' ' of WillianiNlon 'avidentully shot hilt 1 of "P ^Kurds' ^ out gunning. r,n,.! seems oJ^hf.hftdijeanitMl the ^un uikhi ,u. i? tic liis .\hru the n)]v , U> a^j ?!or Jim arm. \i nret no hope* ffh reto^ry, hutf^we ! 1^? ->" ' ' ! i;' 'i then; .< litfh- }> > ihility ot ist Is- turtle Ci:lK^^vvliK-l? "l* st)^^'!>< ?J, Cny-milk- i i till'' well adiiplod tfr iflfr' ft$in * i"v* ntmM.ninl i,f liir liHiUt as as can bo jo nl'nioliad. kj o?r citizen* loojk wrlfiW,tb? unit tor, ai^tlctorniino, at once, tlid question be fore jptcm.\vJii0}i in jtmlf, wtf-tiilnki concern and (Wolves the ureal interestJ been the bv4nr otiu irs. fc\V V.;^rm!iK? ami iter lul\'ution V>. i asXret n a rljfl^^^H a hnm^tunio f|BN if Dot, in the ciJ^if "HK? blessing, a eui>eiJits ml it is to her. an?tfejr wfc'buiMlvte a it. Ifoweu-r, we dontf ietem'iyieio to! the pleasures ami mh-aiita^vjfjw * J education, or. to on m^erato ail put evils a hml oDe?neither,/If onoe. U> take e> IIN tions to any of \]jh brrtielu '>r- study taught r,r0 Hut our intern wilixjmrtll bV *en. well kyowj t ou?eminarii*ibr y< \vM ladles, t}/y?|HVtrM- ttMin languid^* .are not witlihold front t ll This is wyeiiough. "\Vy >o!jeyo a w. hits en]<:iJt\c>t for acquiring kM<*jjlcih*o lt " high gopa propose <:u*\J We kli.Av w: i a tins . t of tl?o^TiitelItftr?iniiuj of w'omnu \r|t ^rTy^d-r^nc f>uaUtj--s offers Uimi of ; npi nil EngTCdi ed?o tioii ay .>? < 1 faeilitir.- (1fV? >[ by #w? i luutjAnfcr< 'Ximvr Instants lin- j.Apv^ro qtypplicd. tfht tin re is/*?*# ant' \w?tin^?no Jed ( > nml fn^ft xy>.b in coifCTeto, in nil its ?!< aixlvt bfli. v?, jffia conW it is owl ^ ' thynogkvt, iu\ np-.i iiJo. of the ami! eif. of our eotiitry^vho li; \i iu olrtrg rite,J eiliwfttioti of Amightcrm ni y jwWds. a. | Koi-t-.vriox^ierfcll, ia th /oik* |0 fit |*?' 11 CoUe<^if<%ftn ,'"or' tiling which :i imrtnlj j^t tlicif hamU, ftf* modpr*./ i* to givojliwu H* way from thon^-a fin Win a inoafi complete'to the lwei& Tl?v a ? ji% |bb, u,ll.v tw bfdHpch I fo|( ^)f j to the wiilo-worl^?tiawvci }, romel It school M?*rVnnrth many. jhf' tiff* ri?!, will flhil lltt' Kiffcjl'fe .ineji./ gim \ tlid jdniir&nni^t j I Ui?4fe^> <;>r ,uo"' ""J hnpuri ,? 110*. I wwrcj J tmv0 df in jWtiivt ifje-nu... 01 In an A . : gar.cfe ft mpy^u jJk ?n !|n,.WI. .l^;,,vj,I..,',, ** i i p! '? *viti? iiiti ro^"'ti'ii(lt-: lug tlu m PfiNl tHT?u?fem?wfc? niiicii tiiw eitjlCM ? ifrl prqjarcd for tlicin. Mh^Cawikk, ?>h tJU ilK. Ciulrt*. iooUv.1 in u hagfffofo I J-'??'Klimuop: tlio ?rntjtm]e ami r.&ucAv < f?^oiuei^ for.tho hondfc>ho\vn tftei&Jan ki .l utt-ations which wtmll K> ^ivcMHgji lj i> "iiv tovn. Aiuiikt the slmtils <>f the j?<* j. ^tlHTToj[?nircd to the ground* i>repftml I ?ift in tin- renr of onr no.xk'idicf. j Titt V., V'lr <_riv.'ii by 11,. l:i. 1 i. of (IrcJ H?Jath>hitiu: f * v.liitl! ra-civ^j tl irht^t upprdlmtion of otir cUizomil Tl Irxl f'^'e the piazzas?-ri ulo v jr tho scwio still more cliavuiia^ 4y,|tho iftti I1'**' tlieir noinirntinjj by lliiwhi luH wrought bluets fa (Ipat jviiwa then proceeded to j^lic i '' ' i . iv. .liuvu >? AUDY iUt>M*f?ON, Wljrr^tav J)U I*u,> ;l dinner prenghed for tlkmtjU* It itralii; < -u.il kie>us to must pmda S " ?'V iJiiK.w^rwai'.MAi?i IVM.I., ljimii 1:1 /ood <-'?**?& 1)V. our oitizenj^j was yf a crowning ffniuie cf tin ir ont. tOPl*- ,'1B"nnSt IU?V 1 1 I:)1|S>> .It ;:tl iy intur, nhhoti^i it?*? ?-> ? t.mw v*?u liie>upp|, whici soon S^andaU .VJk j (1 wart a ino*twilei?li.l one, and tifctend of fnJ coriipnny bJnjj" roopedns [ (, T -ample nxuiifw* found lot uI14nt.d t!Tfl| ilu ^ if;/ pawdiiaa. phunantly, jiul iiothi'n 7 wurred to mar tie beauty mil liannoi iu/ift; 10 Wfa gentlomiilv propri of tlio M..u>ion House, M?/i . Swan WW law in. air iptitltHl to (Id prnLw, llUt] fwiff MUM- tliL-v wia rd^HpttmiiKs of , ,/,r- '.v OIl? V Ttq,t "rt lligllt, ' foi itjwhiji lb. -.1 .! , Tgfc. impact inn Aeiu by UiilM.ii^ws 01 im / f ! The (WtJft pn il.nw, en route for tjlimtbii^ f w?iyS$f J.*,, v, ?'? (ho /ropr/ ;?AjhoM lott^jHA IIomu Hail IMtd/efk inighfiot prove un 5 iflPii/ '"g toi-piaV-C, ^ jWreader* of your ktotti 1>?IJ * "! an ;i > I '^7 l11^th? t(#iiiiM? or jroiut tit v ireitfy foifrh'hj utomjTnamely fh<- JTn"h j fa? rapidly to h.W Itg, r iLF?'Kpr ?l:t,12#ye"v ' ger-cllcifcti fr>hedP* wall flfVxuneil *)fwfuiv\\\c And tdaughffr ( j \ nnir-Mhough in. / uiaf.- census has rcofntt| jMfiJfmtntiiw wijl in, donht o: (? Ie4 ^i^JhtJUijjU' A laiTxitati'm a* JiTi\c*| y2 11 hud in a i It-ul- It is a plmy t.f'Voiitr^ tinift nnemriSw' Jhril-ranU t ?w hi fjM?g r&fth* > ,'!> rfi-.f ,. iif?c , I ji.i -l.lt 'he It -eel, in !| ,1 lie over wfimga imflElieeai^run^e yeoon l/iuof H t,ie H?*hi!eet$pl beauty niit. & '?**, " l Jl.iill"', ;l |li'.)vi?i.v ill ill v H ,"TOJ?u.y to / , .' .i-i.l i 1ftmi <1. !>. ; Mlt'> ?:i* J , ,u;'li,/? Ui;iT?}> liifo, " i? i ) .? in lion- ^(MiiJouiiiaiii. Mus-i< !/* {:* >vjf? named? tho ^ of ImJituy:! tfec vinVity of 1 ?.> '!, UlioJi-? ui^fli^ o jrht*t?, N^-w V*?ik * t\c]y. vvns ftnm ./& the Hul.e ela\p're a/wlled in .1702, aftof-J.ord l>p , osetl, j H ypm0> Afarylund \v:uj toiuned in honor x'" of llen^etwiKHriii, QiiwmHMiurK.) t., in ?T oo- hi* pat'ihwo Lord HaUiiuonYJt'r.o j*h 1UJ1IL i'v of I Virgil. uficr thoj;i?in Queen Af Up. vr,re nnirir^lili- .jtly flmu'Ii, m Ik-hop at Huwjo* : IX. i-nlfunqft] ^ . wt i-alU.l in lo;>2, L \W {.?". i i; n;i - n.i:n .1 ait< .vHriUt ? " V"! it" _ mi i:..., I i! 11??'>&> " . tlHfJ1 J"i'c /". i j.. ' tat? s M \ipi,T( idiom i\ Ki'iitneky, ^ KX?n? IIIinoi;y^4u<1ipi'h Oui<*, .\i LfCiisaa, aiVl {.lisiii, {?i; *1 li. in Iboi: ] -ipal 1 A ^ t-i\,, i oiijrin, I oxcej.titt^"flnvlifli??, Ku^uisk^r?atal their gjBBrnmftni>ifSiiWV?l obAinih- TW IA. m >-v?*r ??f Mv 11; Mi>: tltb - U\'-4iJI||jtev. ? vi\-?. r i'<.mud ]*v < . union *'''' I w,w unmet! tVoiu the BMI li,vv:^ named hfnho tynniards 1,: .1, atdTjvif' :>rl\ day. , linli J . *" . A i d .*^rFraiil, ^mec'auiwnioW other*, atwojjc * 111 \ 'ntt near my olVico, who ullUul \ wavs -rir?5d,trt J*' in a trtferf>)n>pmg>r, and fOkocLhm t a kiin! word iimj rhoeilu! Hinil^fof every A.! I,*. met, Let the .'ay I... . vor go void, . uw:. .-s a lii.ypy sfritta danced ! lih*^?unU iini on iiis rli-crt'ul couiitennhffc. M , ^ inaniiitic, I naked Mm to ler^WVU < tor' lie rej>lftd;r,*1 : !,:,%? fr,'jt i.ac of the liv.it oTviTv^jt; ?*k dwfiii ? Kooii f'lorufto iwj^hjJEi ffl?not ttnd it id ffflMicart^ > tl to any laxly. What influ- I U^iorite, 3Kt, udfe v '-v;au ;,v".r i]? V;ut ?* *w?t mftiu>> ^ * ?? "Mlh| *{ the tomiU** . I !"" IcgenlfV EL> then l* n,H* ? kitvl vr.>rrf ci J tviri t"il^uf th ^hr i ^Z '. ' At r'^Ti ,U :l lie h;?\v*ix 'k*. ' lie waitv!. maiffircd l?i? two 1 1 r'-j I