s* ? V. ^ * FARM, ttAKDEJtf AND HOUSEHOLD. Keep'nf PoultryAfter the fowls are domiciled comes the new and what ought to work of caring fQt^u^nr^unless a person take* * Treasure in making his stookxjo^Tortable, attending to all their wants, ho should not keep them. If they are confined to the house and run, they must be supplied with every requisite inside the inclosure. , A box of broken oyster shells must be always accessible. * I have often noticed fowls, when conhned during the fore part of the day and let out toward evening, run first for the broken shelts lyiDg on the road and afterward for gret n ana oilier dainties. A box of fine gravel to each ran is required as well as oyster shells. It helps to grind np tiie shell for lime to make egg shell, besides helping to digest its food. No fowl remains long in health without it, as its digestion woald not be in its natural working order. Another thing, the dust box must be always at hand and dry, as parasites will always overrun any house and fowls that are not thoroughly cleansed. Many a fancier calms his conscience on this matter by not making a good use of their eyes, there being a greater number of these pests than most people have any idea of, and a wide field awaits the pa tient observer to disoover and bring them oat. The several varieties differ very much in habit and appearance. Some live on the feathers, others on the body, others on chick's heads, while some keep in the perches, Dests and woodwork of the house. When oonfined, their food must be more varied than that of fowls running it large. Ground beef scraps are very good, they contain many small patches of bone. They will keep through the hottest weather, if they are kept dry. ' Poultry are very fond of this kind ot food, and I prefer it to pork scraj*. When this is not furnished, give them some gronnd bone at times, or, what is better, hang up a small hopper on the wail, a little distance from the tioor, that they may take what they like. Always keep on hand sulphur, disin * ' - ? ?- Ze l- ?.wi leccauc powuer or caruoiara ui jmir, ?uu bucIi things as will be used at any time, so that when occasion requites, or you have a little time to spare, you may not have to wait for them. Most fowls know enough to go in themselves; but there is, and always will be, of fowls (as of other two legged creatures), soma so simple as not to know how to take care of themselves ? Rural iV<^ Yorker, Medical Note*. "V - N Inflamed Gums.?A drop or two of oamjphareted spirit rubbed i n the gums wjJTallay inflammation. Haib Falling Off.?The following wall tried recipe is highly recommended: Glycerine and tincture of capsicum each two ounoes, oil of bergamot one drachm ; mixture and perfume to suit. This is to be the only dressing for the hair. Wash the hair occasionally with soft water and fine soap. A Good Dentifrice.?Dissolve two ounces of borax in three pints of boiling water ; before quite cold, add one tablespoonfnl of tincture of myrrh, and one tablespoonful of spirits of camphor. Bjttle the mixture for use. Add one winegl&ssful of the solution to half a pint of water and use it daily. It prcssrves and beautifies the teeth, and arrests decay. Chilblains.?These painful inflammatory swellings generally attack the toes, heels and fingers, and are attended with an intolerable degree of itching. In oornmon cases, the following treatment should be pursued : As soon as any part becomes affected, rub it with spirits of rosemary, or aromatic camphorated oream ; afterward apply pieces of soft linen, moistened with camphorated spirits, soap liniment, camphor liniment, etc. When the swellings break or ulcerate, apply poultioes And emollient ointment for a few days. Equal quantities of sweet oil, lime water, and proor spirits form an excellent application xoi chilblains. SmmIm of Been. An enemy of bees is thus described by Prof. 0. V. Riley: The large two winged flies which you have observed only wit-h^ the last two years and which have the pernicious habit of killing bees, belong to an order of Diptera or two winged flies, properly known as robber flies, or Asilus flies. They may be readily re. cognized by the stout throax, narrow, strongly nerved wings, bristly haired face and legs, and more especially by the long, slender abdomen tapering posterity to more or les3 of a point. There are several species, all of which are, in the perfect state, fierce cannibals. Among these the Nebraska bee killer? which derives its popular name from the State in which it was first captured? oocurs ve^y generally over the United States, proving in many localities very destructive to th honey bee. This fly is about one and a half inches in length, of a yellowish brown or yellowish gray color, with the head, thorax and legs k clothed with bristly hairs. It preys almost exclusively upon the honey bee, lK>uncing upon the latter in the air with lightning-like rapidity, and, alighting with its prize upon a leaf or upon lhe gfc>uadr pierces, the throax with its strong proboscis and prooeeds to suok out the vital juices. H odd la Winter. In order to keep hens laying through the winter they urn ;t be furnished with a h u>\: and a warm diet Many flocks of hens cocsame, during the winter, most oi the profits of the summer, as they eat and make no return of eggs. They are not to blamo for this. If we wioh our hens to lay in winter, they must hrvo nitiog*noue food, such as t ggs are mu le of. They pick this up in tbe*sumru in .he form of worms and ius*v s, bid in v inter grasshoppers and aug-cworms do not abound, and the hens must have pork or beef scraps, liver, or somo oheap meat diet, as the raw material from which to m&nu fxctnre eggs. If to this be added.some warm mu h and potatoes, and a few fresh cabbage leaves out up fine, the hens wih lay with gratitude, and cackle with thanksgiving. Some fine bone Ineal added to corn meal will make ? liiu h that will tickle the palate of hens, redden th?ir combs, and make then: sing for joy. Ills Conscience. In one of the largest and most thriv ing towns of Ohio a well known hofce keeper and politician was appointed col lector of internal revenue. Ono morn iog he found on his desk a letter ad dre-vied to him officially, without post mark, containing a five-hundred-dollai greenback, to which was pinugd a small piece of paper with ''Conscience _ money " written thereon. Quietly foldjfenfiv - iog op the greenback and pitting it in SUMMARY OF N1SWS. llrm ! Interest from *-^C?r?ad? ^ The New baB decided <* ^^^J-^ro?lbhoul(l be taxed on its actual, s< tSot its par value The Britieh steamer Wl City of Manchester, from Liverpool for Cal- if cutt* wsl lost on the voyage. All hands, ex- lC cept the captain and steward, are supposed to w be lost The Cuban patriots olaim to have ji een successful in a battle with the Spaniards 0] near Puerto Principe, to which place the royal c, troops were foroed to retire T?ie principal tfc creditors of ex-Gov. Shepherd, of Washington, p have signed an extension of their claims for five years. The property, which is plaoed at rj considerable beyond tbe liabilities, has been placed in the hands of trustees While the steamer Montezuma, mnuir.g between ^ Havana and Porto Rico, and touching at various posts, was at Puerto Plata a>>ont eleven passengers eoibaikod, who, when the steamer was on the high 6oas, killed the captaio, first ^ mate, first engineer and the supercargo, and ^ took possession of the steamer. They then oj landed the rest of the passengers at Romero Key, Cuba, and pat out to sea again. It is eJ supposed these so-ojiltd passengers were y Cubans A report from Sheboygan, Ikich., states that the tug J. W. Bennett went ashore uear St. Helena island, in the straits of Macki- . a i.aw. The next morning five of her crew were -motLered and scalded to death in a room g over the boiler by steam which escaped from ^ nu safety valve The bill to accord women a the same privileges as men was defeated in the Vermont House by a vote of 111 to forty.-ix The animal report of the commis- N sioner of agriculture of the United States * hj.ows that there were distributed during the past year 1.520,000 packages of vegetable and field seeds and textiles, inoluding nearly 900,I 0C0 of vegetable, 372,000 of flower, 66,000 of wheat, 61,000 of tobacco and 863 of cotton. Spain is to abolish universal suffrage.. .Tb6 ? | lost vessel City of Manchester had been al- a j tered from a steamer to a sailing vessel t Thirty-two men probably went down with her. a An tuiirable settlement is probable be- e tween John H. Liok and the trustees of tbe j Lick fund in San Francisco The number ? of c&"b admiesions to the Centennial from c May 10 to November 10 were 8,004,271; free r admissions, 1,906,693 ; total, 9,910,966. Total j cash receipts, ?3,813,724. The free admis- ^ sions represented exhibitors, attendants, em- t ployees, etc Mrs. Emma Wiletts, of Law- i rence, L. I, was burned to death in con- j sequence of using keroseno oil to light her } fire. Her daughter, in attempting to assist < her mother, was * o badly burned that her life is deepaired of As a Sayville fishing , smack was passing through Jones1 in'st, L. I, ( it struck ou tbe bar, broke in two aud the } three icmates wore thrown into the watertwo of them being drowDed The business portion of tho town of Magnolia, N. O., has ' been destroyed by fire. Nineteen buildings, 1 i iucl^chng the railroad depot, telegraph and , express offices, with their contents, were burned. The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin New York State gives ' I'll Jen 31,536 majority, as announced by the ] au.horities The Ohio vote for Presidential ei ctors is canvassed and shows a majority for 1 Hayes and Wheeler of 7,516. There were 1 3 057 votos oast in the State for Peter Cooper ' for President, 1,636 for Greece Ciay 8mith, tho 1 Prohibitionist candidate, and 6evei:ty-eix votes ' for tbe Anti-secret Society ticket. The aggre- ' gate vote in the Presidential ehction is 658,- J 649. which is an increase of 27,060 over the ^ aggregate vote for State offioers in October 1 lost, and over the vote for governor last year 1 of 65,966 The increase over the vote for 1 President in 1872, whioh is tho heaviest ever 1 cast in Ohio prior to last year, is 129,213. Two of the miscreants who attempted to 1 steal the remains of ex-President Linooln from the tomb have been arrested in Chicago The hotel structure known'as the Gangers' ] encampment, at Elm station, in the vicinity of tbe Exhibition buildings, Philadelphia, was j b.-.rned to thetground, involving a loss of $80,- ' 000; insuranoe, $50,000 The totals of the rrcdpts from the Centennial Exhibition from ail sources, from May 10 to November 10, were as follows : Free admission fees, $3,813,724.49; from concessions, $299,000; from percentages and royalties. $205,010.75. Total, $4,308,735 24 Owing to a misplaced switch on the Boston and Maine railroad at Billardvale, Mass., a train of fifty cars and two locomotives was thrown into collision with another train, killing an engineer and fireman and fatally wounding two other train bands. Both locomotives and fifteen cars were wrecked.... A young girl employed by Henry Astor, of the ; famous wealthy family, residing at Rhinebeck, i N. Y., has recovered $20,900 for maltreatment | A motion for a new trial was denied A * * ?-1 ? Of T Ania . Tmn MnnntA.il! I uruikuii ran uu tiiu uu Aivuioj aavm .? and Southern railroad ditched an extra passenger train near Malvern. Taere were no deaths, bat tweatyreight of tho passengers were more or less injured The New York ; canal commissioners have determined to cloje 1 the canals on the first of December Daring the prevalence of the West India hurricano, the island of Porto Rico suffered heavily in its ooffee and rioe crops. Forty-five vessels were either totally wrecked or badly damaged ! around the island?three of the lost ships beI ing American George F. Parker, a commiel sion merchant of New York city, has been ! arrested for defrauding numerous oity aud country consignors. The Caloutta correspondent of the London Time* states that estimates, based on offioial returns from the various police sections, give j the total loss of life as 215,000 in three districts < during the oyclone of October 81, and it is probable that even this estimate is too BmalL | ......The Rothschilds have undertaken to negotiate a Russian war loan; the czar has also announced a popular war loan for $73,000,000....Oschwold and Ryan, the murderers of Policeman Brock, of Newark, N. J., were sentenced to death Tho Russian police claim to have discovered an insurrectionary : plot among the Poles, and numerous arrests have been made As a party of Germans ; from Cincinnati were on their way to a wedding a few miles from town, an immense wagon 1 containing thirty-six persons was driven off j tho side of a bridge in the darkness, and fell a distance of twenty-five feet; three persons were fatally injured, and ten others more or \ | less seriously hurt A variety theater in Sacramento, Cal., was fitted up in thejoft of a . I sUble, and on the opening night was attended -1 by fuily one thousand people. Shoitly after ! the ourtain went up the flooring gave way, i ] precipitating the entire audience, with the I i stage and gallery, to the floor below, When i I the great excitement was over, and the people i : rescued from tho debris, it was aeceri tamed that seven had been killed outright, and at least a hundred moro or less severely injured?one of the Peake family of Stfiss bellnngers being among the number The result of the canvassing of the votes in ' South Carolina gives the Hayes electors the I vote by majorities ranging from 230 to 1,133. ' Tho smallest vote for Republican olectors was 91.136, and the higher vote for Democratic electors was 90,906. They report that the Re| publican secretary of 8tate is elected by 227 I majority; Republican attorney-general by seven votes ; Democratic comptroller-general, ! 7,656 majority ; Democratic superintendent of e ucatioo by 442 majority, and two Republican II members of general board by 161 and 208 mapijfirifc/. rtapeotively .. .Balaooea m the Uaited j . T A Good Example. Says the Baltimore American: Lmong the andience at the opera house me evening was a gentleman conlected with tho reportorial staff of one >f the daily papers of the city. Accomjanying him was a beautiful and inter sting looking young lady. At the close >f the first act he intimated to his fair companion that he desired to go out to see a friend," and hoped she would >xcuse him for a moment. The lady, in i tone smacking somewhat of indigna;ion, quickly replied: "If you go, >ir, I'll excuse you forever." This lomowhat startling announcement from me's intended convinced the gentleman ;bat his friend, which was in the shape "W/Vr"- - ~II?rtjSgury : Currency, $11,662,484 ; coin, ^8^631,832. ... The New York Tribune has e following: Mr. Blaine says very emphati- ^ ,lly that he cou)d not be president of the c mate f he wonld, and that he certainly r Dold not, under the present circumstances, c he could. It id uotios&bie that Mr. Blaine ^ igards the present political crisis as in ev< ry t ay a serious business The great ship ( lannol from Amsterdam to the North sea is c )en, and the American schooner Edith, of ' entreville, Mass., was the first vessel to piss ( irough The official vote cf Maryland is : 1 i Id en, 91,780; Hayes, 71,981. Tilden's ma- * irity, 19,799. Democrats were elected to * ougress in all of the tix districts of the f ; The majority in Alabama for Tdden and ( judricks electors is 34,383 The assessors' \ iluatiou of property in Massachusetts is $71,- ? 19,192 iees this year than last, the shrinkage < i Breton alone amonnting to $41,965,685 l no Englisl* gunboat Lap Wiog was lost i ear iiofoo, China, in the great gale. All the lives a board were saved Qen. Sherman, in ipl&ining why troops are sent to Washington, ( ivs: " Wo must protect tho public property, , ,.a know, and we must gaard the arsenals, I articularly the arsenals, whatever the event- 1 al settlement of the election may be." It is Iso said that fears are entertained that an tempt would be made to rob the United ] tates treasury if the city wa* left unguarded | y troops. The treasury contains at all times i bout one hundred millions of dollars in go>d, ilver, currency and bonds During the oyage of the bark Daring, from Liverpool to lewburyport, Mass., one teaman sp uug overoard and was drowned, to avoid ill treatment t the hands of the officers. On the arrival in ort the officers wero held for cruelty on the igh seas The gieater number of the ieople who expired in the Indian cyclone reided on the large islands Hattiah, Sundeep ud Dakhiu Shahabtzpore, which, with the jj¢ mainland, was swept by a tidal wave ! wouty feet high. Houses, stock, and all port- j ,ble articles were swept into the sea. The i urvivors mostly saved themselves by climbing nto the tall palm and cocoannt trees; but a* .11 supplies are gone, numbers will starve to ' leath unless the government finds means to j elieve them The bodies of the drowned have j )6gun to pntrefy, a*, d cholera is feared.. ... fhe rcpoit that Bismarck's physicians fear a i lofteniug of his brain is announced to bo a 'abrication A five-story brick building in East Cambridge, Mass., oocupied as a furniture md cheese factory, was destroyed by fire. Loss, $100,000 Geo. Shrewsbury (colored), .liief of the Charleston (S. C.) detective force, >rae fatally shot by a white man in a quarrel rver a woman Joseph Edwards, aged rinoty years, cut his throat near Saco, Me. Am ric&ns oau heroaftc-r r gister trade ararLs in Great B. itaiu on the same terms as | aativee Namorous disasters occurred to I shipping duriDg the recent storms on the coast ' line. Although a number of vessels were lost, J jo lives were sacrificed .... . li e State debt | >f Massachusetts is given as $33,556,164, be-1 trig a decrease of $330,000 during the year.... The czar of Russia, ia an interview with the ambassador from England, stated most positively that he had no deaigb of p. rmanently occupying Constantinople ; and that his wartike effort* were eolely for the protection of Jnristians from Turkish barbarism The Famous shorthorn bull Nineteenth Duke of Mrdrie, valued at $20,000, died in Illinois Letters from Wen-tchou, a marine city in the province of Che-Kiang, China, state that the rative Christiana there are suffering from much persecution Torpedoes are reported :o have boon placed in Russian ports on the Black sea Ihe official vote of Ohio gives ihe total number of ballots cast as 653,649, of whioh Hayes received 330,698 ; Tildeu, 323,182; . q n*7 anftftftrinfif. 1.712. H&VOS L/VA/^Oi | Ujvu i ) ??0, ? v plurality is 7,516, and his majority, 2,747 The official vote of PouDsyivania is as follows: Hayes, 884,148; Tilden, 866,204; Cooper, 7,204; Smith (Prohibitionist), 1,818; and a local ticket, 83 Official returns from ail but fourteen small plantations in Maine, which cast less than three hundred votes in 1872, give Haves 66,133 votes ; Tilden, 49,110, and scattering, 480, making Hayes' majority 16,721. New Jersey's official vote gives Tilden 115,958 ballots and Hayes 103,520; Tiiden's majority being 12,438 Eleven persons were drowned by tho wreck of the Belgian steamer Pellove Matihieu iu the Baltic sea Tho official vote of New York city is as follows: Tilden, 112.530; Hayes, 58,466 For governor, RobinsoD, D6m., 110,643; Morgan, Kep., 59,605. Ely, Dem., for mayor, reoeived 111,880 to Dix, Kep., 57,811. Troops in Cuba. Cuba, the gem of the Antillas, is a deadly place for the Spanish troops. The following is the report of the number of troops that have been sent to the island: Troops on the island iu October, 1868.. 15,000 Landed between October, 186 i, and Octoler, 1869 5.750 Landed between October, 1869. and February, 1870 15,436 Landed between October, 1870, and June, 1871 . 17,252 Landed between Ootober, 1871, and May, 1872 17,815 Landed between October, 18 i2, and June, 1873 9,343 Landed between October, 1873. and June, 1874 6 584 Landed between September, 1874, and August, 1875 16,775 Landed between September, 1875, and March, 1876 7 21.637 Landed between March, 1876, to date.. 17,000 Total 142,597 It is known that the number of troops now on the island for active duty is small in comparison with these figures. He Knew Him. " How are you, Mr. Milkman ?" familiarly remarked a man to another whom he met in the street. "Look here, stranger," asked the party addressed, "how do you know I'm a milkman ?" "Easy enough"?was the candid reply?"don't I live in sight of the town pump ?" The old milkman grew '"chalky white" with indignation for a minute, and then thoughtfully passed on. Merchant's (largling Oil. This standard liniment has been before the people for over forty years, it having been first manufactured in 1833, and it is 6afe to assert that no preparation in the market has so fuliy stood the test of time, and been received with such universal favor as the Gargling Oil. It is found in nearly every household in this country, and is also sold extensively in Europe. From a very small beginning the Gargling Oil Company has been obliged to steadily increase its facilities for manufacturing, and now employs an army of men, and occupies magnificent buildings of its TLT.,,.1, 4.V.O onnyvsfl nf the COH1 U Will UiUUll V/A VUV ouwvw vr pauy is due to the careful and efficient management of Mr. John Hodge, who for some time has held the responsible }X>sition of secretary, and who is also the proprietor of the Hodge Opera House, one of the finest buildings in Lockport, N. Y? The Gargling Oil is for sale at all the drug stores.?Quincj/ (Ml.) Whig* >f a whisky straight, would Have to wait intil the play was over and the lady iscorted home. For the balance of the sveniDg the young man endeavored to remove the bad impression he had made. Pimples on the faoe, rough skin, shapped hands, saltrheum and all cutaneous i flection a cured, the skin made soft and jmooth, by the use of Juniper Tab 8oap. That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, ie the only kind that can be reiiad on, as there i ire many imitations, made from common tar, K-hich are worthless.?Com. The Scotch farmers are being rained by mice. Weasels, hawks and owls aro treated with a respect which astonishes those long persecuted animals. Centennial Awards, [From the New York Tribune, November 18 ] Tho newspapers have been lately teeming with ingeniously worded advertisements regarding the awards. These publications have4 been skillfully prepared, eo as to convey the impression that this or that exhibitor liareally received the highest and heat award. Thus, instead of informing the publio as to the true state of affairs, they have simply oonfustd the reader. Visiters at the Centennial find themselves bewildered by tho adverse claims to distinction which they find p'acarded on < very baud, and they do uot know which nay to turn to discover the it nth. In no department has this system of misrepresentation been carried to so great an extent as that devoted to pianofortes. Thero has been "a war" between piano exhib tors since the Exhibition opened, and a regular skirmish line of placards since the awards were officially announced. They have vied with each other in the use of extravagant language to prove their respective claims to distinction. Trie most iugenious methods havo been devised ; disinterested correspondents, whose sole object was to instruct the ignorant public, havo volunteered thoir services (for a consideration); ex-judges of awards, in the interest of certain piano manufacturers, have made pretended revelations of the secrete of the jury room for the sake of supporting the claims of their particular favorites, and lightning calculators have been appealed to and have found oonvenient mathematical rules by which to establish absolutely the supremacy of their clieuts, on the pretenso of the so much abused maxim lhat figures cannot lie. Ail these efforts, while ridiculous to those acquainted with the i subject, have been attempted to influence tho i uninitiated. In faot, the piano men have left nothing undone to mi-lead the public, and by j tneir efforts havo caused everything relating i to planes to be looked upon with distrust, and have made themselves the laughing stock of the public. By those means injustice is not only done to the public, but to those who are not only entitled to the leading position, but who were awarded it by the judges. Yoni correspondent has taken the trouble to snhmit all the various reports, which are the basis c 1 the awards, to a careful scrutiny and comparison, and the result is that tho pianos of Wm Knabe & Co. are found to head the list. Tbit imiicn fmm the commencement of tho Exhi bition, relied Bolely upon tlia merits of theii instruments to secure them a just award; aurl i-ince th* official announcement, although thoj wc-ie decreed the l.i^hort honors in the Piani department, they have modestly remained it the background. It is fortuuate that the judges, in preparing the Kuabe report, sc framed it as to leave no doubt about their preeminence. They especially commended a)! their four styles of pianos (ocncert grand, parlor grand, square and uprights), and accorded them the praise of nuequaled excellence iu all the details of perfect instruments. Tlx report is plain, straightforward and compre hensive. specifying all the elements of merit which it is possiblo for the best pianoforte tx possess?power, richness, and singing quality of tone, ease aud elasticity of tonoh ; effeo tivonees of action; solidity and originality 01 construction, and excellence of workmanship By comparing it with the other reports in tin same department, even the most skeptical wil acknowledge that no stronger lai gu age conic have been used to express the unammotu approval of the judges. Philadelphia, Nov. 11. 1876. Save Your Hair.?If yon wish to save your Lair and keep it strong and healthy us< Burnett's Cocoaine. A Youth's Publication.?For half i century the Iouth's Companion, of Boston has been published. It was started in 1827 aud is to-day one of the brighte.-t and mrs vigorous papcis with which we are acquainted A few years since it was not consid ered the "correct thing" to chew ping tobacco but it is again coming into great favor, sot gentlemen can be now seen daily with a plnj of the geimine "Matchless" Irand, and it i considered the oboice morsel of the day Evory plug has the words ' Matohlces P. T Co.' printed thereon. J. & P. Coats were awarded a mcda and diploma at the Centonni&l Exposition, ant commended "for ihe superior strength ant excellence of their spool cotton." A Yolnme In Six Lines. I mi.! 1 :# ? i. Ill 13 very UUliI| ll juu uavv n wugu, H ws," foul breath, and all disorders of tb stomach and liver, by the use of " Ching." 1 is tbe Chinese sovereign remedy for tbeso die orders. Bend $ 1 for a box, or a stamp for circular, to post-office box 111. Troy, N. Y. Havo you a severe wrench or sprain Have you rheumatism in any form ? Have yo stiff neck, or buuches caused by rhenmati pains ? If so, Johnson1 s Anodyne Liniment i a apecifio remedy, used internally and extex tail/. We often see a large stock of cattl which do not seem to thrive, and come' on " spring poor," all for want of ccmetliiug t start them in the right direction. Ono dollar1 worth of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Poic dt rs, given to such a stock occasionally durinj tiso winter, would be worth mor? than an oxtr ] half ton of bay. % l .... / A Large Family. H. L. Poweis, of the Grand Central Hotel, ' Broadway, New York, often provides for aboot 1,200 people?more than the entire population of many of the towns in this State. It is a beautiful sight to see them in the gorgeous dining ball, regaling on the choicest the mar- i ktt affords. We were at a loss to aooount for sj j large a patronagestheee dull times. This was fully cxpfained by th^ information that prices had been reduced to $2.50 and $3 per day. _____________i The L-riets. saw ion* fceof Cattle-Prime to Extra Bullocks 08 # C'j\ (Jommon to Good Texana o70?X MUch Cow* 5C 00 00 , Hc'gM?Live 055i.jt OS Dr?M9(*.... C7 uS Oft Sheep 03>< 4 06 '? 06 (4 06 Cotton?Middling 12 4 12* Flour?Extra Western 5 65 9 6 80 8Ute Extra, S 75 9 7 00 Wheat?Rod Western 1 3j 9 1 80 No. 2 Spring..... 1 80 9 1 30 Rye?State 92 3 98 Barley?State..., 70 9 8) Barley?Malt 9 J 9 1 24 Oats?Mixed Western...., 83*3 41 Corn?Mixed Western..... . (B A 61 Hay, percwt.......... 60 9 90 Straw,percwt.,. 45 (3 75 Hops... .7d'a?3J 9i5 75'? 10 9 . 20 Pork?Me?? 17 0J 917 0j Lard 10*9 It * fish?Mackerel *?'.l, new. 18 00 9 8 00 No. 2, new 8 SO 9 0 CO Dry Cod, per cwt 8 i5 9 6 GO Herring, Scaled, per box..... 2 i 9 22 Petroleum?Crude 16*318* Refined, 20* Wool- California Tleoce 18 9 81 Texas " 13 9 28 Australian " 87 9 45 Bntter?State 20 9 88 Western Dairy 33 9 35 Western Yellow 18* ^0 Western Ordinary 16 9 18 Ohecee?State Factory.............. 08 ? 14 State Skimmed 06 $ 07 Western. (8 9 18* Kgga? Stsle '-9 .* 2) strnuiO, jr.jar ; 5 28 ? 9 75 Wjeat-K?. 7 ?-- i I 38 3 1 S3 J.ro?Mixed ?... e;*8 *3* jfttJ >.. 87 4 a; 7>', .... . ?m*'' 67 3 70 ... ...... ,.... 75 9 80 eyinaoEiriu. Seef Cattle?Excrx 05*9 ;6* 'heep..,., 04*9 05* drohm,xl. 0**9 08* #.ea---ye>?^sy./an!a Extra 6 Ou 4 9 CO 1 olii.L SFeJtw.i8od 1 20 9 1 26 '.ye . -.... ........... 70 9 W " orii? XttiOW..... 62 62 ^ 69 # 60 j ) .U-1. n* 80 9 85 P'l'OiM -.hnda 16*316 Raflnad, 26 WArKBXOWS, Mass. Beef Cattle?Poor to Choico 4 00 9 7 7i Jheep 1 50 9 4 10 LUiio..... j....... . ............. 1 53 fiom i'.Mi'LKs, Blotches, Tan, Fa?* KLE9, Uiid ail other blemishes, oy us 1 use, but acq eases it prevjuteu and the complete ' disinfection oi clothing worn by persons afflicted with contagious maladies is insured by it tfAMiLiEa and Tbav' klkks provided with this admirable l purifier have at hand the main 1 essimntujl or a series or Sulphur s Baths. L?aiidrafi is removed, the Lair retained, and graynees retarded by it Medical men advocate its use 3 Prices, 26 and 60 Cents per Care, a Pee Boa, (8 Caxss,) 60c. and $1.80. NJL There if Monomy is buying thu large cakes. " HHPs Hair and Whisker Dye,* \ Black or Brown, 60 Cents. & ECMHUTOI, Prop'r, 7 Sixth A?, EI t : I flltCTf fl Investigate the merlt< of The IlloaA IT r |V ] \ trated Weekly before determining AUBll " kJ u:>on your work thia fa:l and winter. The combination '0T thia seacon anrpasaee anything , heretofore attempted. Terma aont free. Addreee j CHAS. OLUOAS A CO.. 14 Warren 8t. New York. t DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET. J With Skirt Supporter and i Self-Adjusting Pads. Secures Health and Comtokt of Body with Gbace and Beauty of . Form. Three Garments in one. t\ Approved by all physicians. g?l agents wanted. iKA Samples by mall, In Coutil, $2; tfr*4 Sattean, $1 75. To Agents at y.l 25 cents less. Order size two J I Inches smaller than waist mear jfi sure over the dress. _ Warner Bros. 706 Broadway -H.Y, 'b "The * Saturday Journal' is now lh( { Lending Literary Paper."-Eximii*r. 1 THE NEW YORK SATURDAYJOURNAL A 1IOHIE WEEKLY. I tSf~ A Model of Literary Excellence, Beauty, Useful , new and Entertainment, for Homes, Fhealuec, tti ' i Social Circle and roe General Reader. ' i Choice la Authors. Varied In Mttter, THOROUGH1 | LY GOOD In all Its Features, for Old and Young alike . I Brilliant Serials trom Noted writers; spirited Shor . i Tale#and Sketches; Adventure and Travel; Romance 1 I of History and Biography; Poetrv; Pangmt Essays by - " Toe Parson's Daughter" and Eve Law.eea; the Wit and Humor of the Inimitable Washington Whitohorn ' and Joe Jot, Jr.; Suggestive and Instructive " Answers * to Cores!?ondents;" Topics of the Times etc., etc. p * To f arther Us work of spreading wh*t li best before . its readers and pdrons. there will be presented to ' every subscriber for poort months, tno Exquisite Oleograph Chromo, In twelvo colors, a "LOOK AT ME, MAMMA," n Companion piece to the " Christian Union'* " b?t,ntlful ? Ohromoe?" Fast Asleep " and " Wide Awake." by the _ same artist (Mrs. Anderson), but even more beautiful u and larger than they. As a work of tine art, one ot 0 (he CHOICEST Oil, CBBOMOS ever placed within reach of g toe people! Fonr Month's subscription: ONLY ONK DOLLAR ! " which secures the SATURDAY JOURNAL, post-paid, i for that time, and one oopy, delivered free, of this charming and valnab'fe picture. Subscriptions to begin w~n the GRAND HOLIDAY ? NUMBRU (No. 356), to larne Dec. )8th.In which comt mencee time magnificent serials: "THK KRD n CROSSa llorance of tho Aconrsed Coinan Kiipil? ette Love and Home Novela Perfectly bplen Hi B?ya' a Story, etc., etc i. Send in subscriptions at once. First come first served. ? BEADLK A ADAMS, Publishebs. OS W?Ulam Street, New York, lift a Thing o< Hrxtiiy ltd Imvr n lu? Far* ever CATARRH Sneezing Catarrh, Chronio Catarrh, Ulcerative Catarrh, ce:mncntly cured by SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. Syrror.p's P.-vptcal Crr.i fob Catarrh Is a safe, eerfkin.and permanent care for Catarrh of every form and Is the nio.-t perfect remedy ever devised. It la tiirely a vegetable distillation, and Is applied locally >y Insufflation, and constitutionally bv Internal adnlnlstratlon. Locally applied relief U inttantansout. it soothes, heals, and cleanses the nssal passages of every feeling of heaviness, obstrnctlon, dalnesa. or dizziness. t'unstLntionally administered It renovates the blood, pu. Ucs It of the acid poison with which It is always charged in Catarrh, stimulates the stomach, liver aiid kidneys, perfects digestion, makes ??* | ldood, and permits the formation of sound, healthy I tl-sue, and finally obtains complete control over the I disease. The remarkable curative powers, when all I other remedies utterly fail, of Saxford's Radical! Cubs, are attested by thousands who gratefully recommend It to fellow-snTerers. No statement Is made regarding it that cannot be substantiated by the mostI reap ctable and reliable references. It is a great andi --j ?r.a n-nrthv ail confidence. Each! ",noa nn.-un.iuc, ?,i.. ? ? ? package contains ft Treatise on Catarrh and Dr. Sam l'-rd's Improved IiiliallngTube, an A full direction* fof its use In all ca^es. ? , , ,! San-ford's Radical Cm* Is sold by all wholetall and retail druggists throughout the united State* 'rice fl. Depot, WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, EVERYBODY CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDS COLLINS' ! VOLTAIC J*LASTERti rpHET contain the grand curative element, &bo tbicitt, combined with the finest compougl of medicinal gums ever united together. It therfore mems Impossible for them to fall in affording pUmpt relief for all pains and aches. " THE BEST"PLASTER." Me**rs. W t ti t de Potter, Gentlemen, ? Pleas* send me six Collins* Voltaic Plasters. Send byleturn mall. 1 think they are the best Plaster Ievefuaed. Please find money Inclosed. HASKELL LH7IS. Milford, Del., July 14,1876. " AN EXCELLENT PLASTER." Meter*. Week* dk Potter, Gentlemen, ? Plefe send me another Collins* Voltaic Plasteb. I Old them to be an excellent Plaster,?the best that I hive ever used. 1 am sorry that the druggists here do jot keep them. F. 11. 8SDER. Broadway, O., J uly, 1876. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Price, 25 rents. Sent by mall, carefully wrfpned, on ecelpt ot' 25 ci-n's for one, S1J25 for six, o/|2.25 for welve, by WEEKS & POTTElt, Proprietor* Boston, !Ia&s. . f Sooj sfAmp for Patne*s Sond-y Frees, JerseaUit) X. J. 1. & P. COATS Have been awarded a Medal nn| l.lDlama it the dthtenilnl Eipe.ltlaa and Commend* *d by the Judges for 'SUPERIOR STRENGTH ?AND? EXCELLENT QUALITY ?OFSPOOL jOTTOI A. T. 008HORN, DirectoMtoneral. j seal. i t* R- HAWLET, ptm? ; Alex. R. Boteleb, Secretary pro tern. New Music Books! A BRILLIAXT LIST. THE ENCORE! To eeata. By L. O. Emerson For Singing Schools Conventions, etc. THE WHIPPOORWILL ! 30 cents. Br w. O. Pxbkirb. Capital ooU'.cl a it Songs for Common Sohx.1*. THE'SHINING RIVE 35 cenrii. By H. S. end W.' . Pritxais. Very beaniful Sabbath School Song Book. i THE SALUTATION! SI.38. By L. O. Emerson. First-class collection for Jholrs, Singing So boo a, etc. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Of ICO Eminent >Iu?lcal Composers. 82.00. t'y L. B. U&bino. Va?y Interestfng. Dictionary of Musical .Terms! 85.CO. Statnxb A Barrett. A maiaiflcut bx>k. Illustrated. Finely bound. J"ust Out! THE WORLD OF SCN3-!! THE VOCAL GEM OF THE SfASOA! Bound Volume of P polar Songs. Ia Baa ds, Xi.50. Cloth,93.?.0. Gilt, ?4.00 I Either book mailed, post-free, for Ret'af Price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. C. H. DI i SON Sr CO , 711 Broadway, Hew York. J. E. DITSON dk CO., Successors to Lee A Waller. Phlln. NEW WIL? A & GIBBS AUTOMATIC t.mention, and\ /'" **w\th?r'*' producing \# 1# Autoj^J most dRl jK Br Tension ana Marvelous stitc. Indicato. Vrade Mark In baas of cmry maculae. ilLLNT SEWING MACHINE bend Postal Card for Illustrated Price lust tic. Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., Cor. Bond St.l 658 Broadwgy, New York. [Established XB*.j J.ESTEY&00. Brattlet>ovo, Vt. CSrSoud for Illustrated Catalogue. ljmt IBB ^H| <, t U I n^SS^BQ r: v* " * I i ^ | THHKK CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND THREE HONORABLE MENTIONS ARK GIVEN TO BOYNTON'S FURNACES (Oast or Pitta Iron). Especially adapted fo baa;la* DWELLINGS. CHUROIEf*. SCHOOLS. ETC. MOST POWERFUL AND DURABLE FURNACE SOLD. OVER 4),000 IN USE BOYNTON'S " 1876'JJiALTLMORB. FIUE. &4UGK vrrr PLACE IRATKR. Extremely powerful io heuin*. Attractive, b.illiaat, darab.V, ecosomicaL BOYNTON'S ''Tllel Opon-flrnte Stave. The moat attractive library *ove tver made. Send for oircalara. Katlmttea yiv?. for beating. Cot. PitDondHnc# solicited. , .5Fteft?B2?A.a ? ~* I ? T t _ 1 K B. PAYS. 8tacp k Standi M'fr, Burlington, Vi. 44 n Par to Agta. Sample free. H. Albart.Boaton.lla. I 120 ? W?k KaJary ruar?Dt?>rd to iral# A tonal*. Bond I gamp for circular*. F. M. BODIb" F. Oinctnnati. 0. I RnBYLABY WANTK IT. Band damp for I i circular. M?a. JKWWIBS. Box 4 803. W Y.TMty. I A DAY to Agenta. Sample free. 32-page Ih Catalogoe. L. PLI TCHTR. 11 Itoy t..R7.". \ lie fnP CR Agent*' Mammoth Catalogue frer. K. \ ftp lor 33 NAHON 1 'in.. Ill v-raao Si.Pi V temwilir But ta tht Worll Mai pa**** &t*. >THIiA"rptlfl^ T- a oc. i?a.9U8a.i%ii*.rt. fLTvrpQ FOLK J* 10.CM) ufaxanwa KHKK. . ATHX? IP J. M. M rNYON A CO.. Phtlada.. Pa YK? A T7NEHH Kelloved-No Medicine. Book Jilt Ar fro*. O. J. WOOD. Madlaon. Ind. tEVOLVERVja^rj^S^^ LI it ? I>ar. Kmuloroam for all. Ohitwro k Noreht pj 1' Oat alogua fra? Fallen k He. .IIP Waara.' -it M.V. $5o to $77 ' 11 IV'^XT A C Famphlata, Mapa and Circular* aant A _llrf Jv XX Jo /ra*. Addrt** W. O. KmoamCBT, Tama In. Agent, 119 8. Fonrth St., gt I onia, Mo. Ul rn ITCn Meii to Mil to Merchants. INI A M I El U S90 a month k trailing exW ww ? ? p?ai?i paid. Own Mfg.Co.,M.Login. Ala. MAPA A Month.?Agonu 33b*... .4J % 4f||l ini articles la tbs ?o-ld. On#lampiafr?* WWtfV Add'? JAY BK?>l*Min.D?4Toit.Wfch. 10 Photo's of Actrsasss and Singers, all styias.lO oU. 10 Comic!Photo's, all Fon, ten styles, with reading. 10 eta., poet-paid. Jim HpaTED, Nasaao,Benaa.Co.J.Y. $80 ;.*&sksk.75SS *y"W MogrroxHaaCT'oOri.. Cincinnati. Ohio. + 0% WATl BiM, A Ovma. bsuaatloa. &tMf< ?< WaUtfiamd Outfit fr? to AgonU. Better tbaa <8*%# Gold. AddTMi A. OOUITIH A ? *?.. Ofatc^". Mil IMD ffi^!l?5?,'ftiS2S5 <>aewiw wmpniLL uo., a? ? v illt*i y?ur" ni.;. a^' .IU?t?i??x4fl* .UMW*, i lil^n/ ?l Cruroni, fYt?.r? a .J Cbr-no U?i ?m_ _ y pi?i, * oftii *5. tei.l p itml4 in' Kfte. lKrntr*iCaUlSgusfree. J. IL BL'KfORii 6bO.NS, BOSTON, MASS. r AAIT I Typs and A'arterials lower than svsr. I it I tJ J\. I Hend lOo. lor Illustrated Catalogue tJATioKil, TYPK CO., 46 Bo 3rd St.. Faifcv, Pa. rn ANTED Axeau, botL nm, la amy town and ill ooonty* Business eaay and leepsoUbie. AxOoio IV now, Indispensable, and sells on eight. |1U par TV day grara&teed. Climax awg. Co., oincliinat), U. 011 (\n$1 nnn laraatad in Weiibt. blocks makaa mO^SIOIiII issr&vxzssdst"' Address BAXTKB A OCX, Baukata, 17 Wall St. W. Y. ADENT6.?Twenty 6x11 Mounted Ghromos for Ml. 6 samples, post-psid. dOc. boatobad Chro. moo. all alaoa, at low prices. Catalogue free. Ooxn MCTTAI. CHXOMO Co., 67 Naaean btreat, Wow York. .ftAD i3 ?,c"-x : - ?*?* jtjfJjLarilclcs. naiir., . Address, WfrfSyT i. iL LDL\tilON. 1'hlcagft Vfi Wa will start jou in a business you oaa I* w make 8?H) a weak witbont capital; mm 1 * fiWTV and rospeotable lor cither sex. AQjarrt* S-UIfXtl SCTfLT Co., 361 Bowery, N. Y. BUTTKB and CHJtK.SK Coloring, Kztaraat of Obsess Keonat, nsad by tbe Largest Dairies In k-osope and bend for Price and Circular Free. Sole Agent -or tbe U.S., Mas. B. SMliiL 327 Arab St., Fhiia. .Pa. itled and awardad Highest Centennial Prise MadaL A T) 'p M Ti' "f i" r niM wai.ud title fall and - aiul(ilij,L'Uu n ?r, ( 1 or 2 incacia Co.) to tell ^ a i.?w staple articles of real merit - ?n farmer* in their own counties. Business pleasant, pro* ijaod. Particulars tea, J. Wobtu. StLouj.ilo. 0K.8.8.FIT<;H>8 FAMILY PHYTIC J AN. Sample Copy, Paper Owver. 10 cent*. -iwnnd In Clelb. with lilasttattone, 133 ages, 35 cents by mall. Address tw 714 tread way. New \wrfc. lab hard's Great Book of and Directions to tbe Working ^ Class.* how to start a money ^iPPfPflS making Business, with or wttbMWVl V Ida oat capital. Price. 5u eento. Add's Gibhup A Co.; 218 Clinton St, Detroit. Mich. |1T1 a ^ ?The choicest in tbe world?importers I. HiAlJt prices I eigest Oompany In Amerioa? tapis article?plsases everybody?Trade oonUnnally inrssstni if-ii wanted ererywbete best Inducements -don't waste?. ->e?send for Circular to tUnT WKLXJS, 43 Vsssy St., W. Y. P. O. Boa 13b7. ilVin ji, JBy an artangeirient with jJL?CLZ_jK^T the Publisher wo willMod every reado' this Paper a saranl.' pack?';iof Transltr Piotuixs free, fc. bC.inp for post*-'?. Tipt nr? highly eohirvd, beautt iL and easily tr*n?f?rrpnim.i UaKit Af UCWT VRE> CUT ivp' i .camp. Addrsm " JT Butt*' 0. maer? No ltN it. Bt . o r\ AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY i/ENTEN'L EXHIBITS It eelladaster than any other book. One Agent aoM (4 ooplee In one day. Send for oar extra terma to cent*. Watiowal Fublmhiho Pp., PhUadeh>hla.Pa. S1& SHOT GUN a doable-barret gun, bar or front action lockg, warrant-! rennino twiat barrel*, and a r>-?i ahooter, OK NO sai ' cith Flank. Pouch. and Wan -cutter. fur$l.S. Can be * ;t J.O. D. with privilege to Cx.imin- before paring bill f?< n I tamp for circular to P. POWKuL A: SON. Cincinnati. 11 $10.$25.$50.$100.$200. ALEXANPFR PKOTHINftHADI Or CO., 12 Wall Htreet, New York, Banker* and Broken, nTMt in stooka of a legitimate character. "Hie firm namyen am on a ita patrons thonranda who have become rich h rough FrotblDgbam A Co.'a fortunate investments, Stock* purchased and carried lonar as desired on margin rom three to fire per cent pr"y?nd far f'frcnlnr. m The BMt Trans wltboot e7, yS-Ns Metal Sprtncs ever invented. JP- Vot iiDt ^J No hnmboc claim of a ear* .5^9 tofa radical ante, bnt a mer??tas of a domfortaNr, seonre, and satlsfsetori arA plianoe. 1T> will rake bark and pay fall price for all that do mot mi/. rMoe, single, like cnt, 84; tor both sldas, 8& Sent ?7 mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. N. B.?IV* % TV*## will core store Buptu-es than any o/ (k 4 Boo tea, Mass. $3.00 FOR $1.00. 1 TBS Ansa* ar, 9 dAAiSA I'HIUflUU i hlifa'bti' All Ifcf ureal weekly oewspepers ef ike I Ize urd character of THIS ( IUi'Add ? I I.F.UtiKR rbtrce 83.00 per year, mh'.le IIK liBDflER coela bat 81. . The LbDOBB 1* the BEST Family P.per la the United atee, ably edited, handsomely printed; c- nUinto / rery week choios oosnpleted etor?.-e. an Installment of ,n Interesting Illustrated aerial, and general reading for old and young, for tbe fanner, lor the housewife aad * for all eJasaes. Special care la taken to make It a too* ' aatformly chaste sod moral. Seod 811 and 1cents for poetegs, s d your addreea to THE LEDGER, CHICAGO, llJjyQIN. N Y H U go- 47 WilKN URITINU TO .IDWEBTIsfi R8, ple&ee a?y it.it yaan MM arfrerttea- 1 nwi la Uto P?pw. J I ??? MMraramtefl