_ ' ' SUPPLEMENT-TO TEE PORT ROYAL <^1?S STANDARD AND (jOMMERClAL ! , , _ , ~ BEAUFORT SOUTH CAROLINA1, AUGUST 20, 1874. .. ,, Ml [ ???? ' , 1 1 TMI PORT &OYAL STANDARD and COMMERCIAL J. d. tMompsoh, Mhime mmd liarfiiiM lUiuger. BMofort, B. d., Augsrft SO, 1874. * &. 1 ..t_ ? U I . . T . ' 9^ The following speeches by the |j well known and esteemed public men, Senator Patterson and General Worthincton were delivered last evening after going to press. By working all night we have the pleasure of presenting them to our leaden early this morning in a supplement. They are the finest speeches of the opened campaign.--Ed. ! SENATOR PATTERSON, IT BBACFOBT. i spbsche8 of j. j. patterson and okn1? worthington. Ltfst evening (Thursday) a meeting was organised on Bay street, Beaufort, and notwithstanding the short notice given to the phblic, on Aooount of the unexpected visit of Senator Patterson, Gen'l Tfbrthington and Cdl C. C. Puffer, who atrived in town the day previous, there was quite a numerous attendance, and although the meeting lasted several hours the utmost order and good feeling pre* vailed, the meeting showing their appreciation of the remarks that fell from the Hps of the honorable gentlemen, by repeatedly breaking into encouraging cheers, and laughter at the inimitable Stories With whioh Gen. Worthington illustrates the points in his address. Below we present in substanoe their remarks. Gen. Smalls was elected chairman. A. G. Thomas acting as secretary. J. J. Patterson was first introduced and said thstitwu the first time he had the pleasure of visiting Beaufort and meeting with the republicans of this county. He had long aigo heard of Beaufort and her sterling republicans. He was surprised at the number he met there, for mom ^hat he had Beard in Washington Be did ifcfc flpifk he could get a corporals ?wri,$tt&6fewhat he t^n saw, h* fluwldjodge thatthey if/tended to remain ? qUA did not believe in what k ^ssfifiagaiistthe party. They knew ptittksa iha a trade, and it was easy ifi EtsOfa complaints and talk about mis* \ aft those out of power afr V h?d oo ynonslhiUtv 4fed wtedd therefore say ana charge just tihtft they pleaded. Ai though he did ilijptebd to'dwell at length on national t&CSfo$ yetthere were some points which the people* tit Iteaufort direct^ ^WomIm of trarhportstioo wah eweofAtt^ The government proposed fabuOd a double teeel: raftfol^ from the nsboippi to' the ccfe^v anil he knew mby #buld like to haVe it end in Beaufort, ife it would build up a city of two hundred ? thousand inhabitants, and they had as good rfohatetoe to get it as any place, as Afeyhad the deepest water tnd engineers Me already at work. There was the currency question, the defintfibn of which he had heard waste n&ke money plentifully. . Their carife the important one of drfl rights, OH which question an attempt had been mhde to make them' believe J -? hius! a.^ owe ma men oaa mitii uu 91c pai 1 vu die members of congress. It was a bill that wotild give to fhe colored man the right to travel ' all oVer the United 8tates. and enjoy the same * privilege with any' man who paid the Same money. At present a colored man Could not ricleto Washington and enjoy the same rights that he did although he ihay pay a similar amount of money. This is a free country and the declaration of independence since the war is of effect; tj ware all free and equal and ought to equally protected by the laws, and Confess assert the fight to pass such laws, and to this end" the civil rights bill was introduoed by the lamented 8dinner. It stood number one on the calander,Frelinghqysen of New Jersey bringing it dj>.' The charge has been made that the' republicans did not do right by the bill but he would tell them that the only rea on^FroThot pass, was bceaugcTthe derate ^ould not let it It passed the SenatO atfter being before that body a week. It Tf&s decided to set the bill out, fhaf. is t'n ttsiir. n/)f. tn adioum Until it passed. Every democrat who had three Words he could speak, did so against it and it was passed by a strict party vote. Those men'who said they were better friends to the colored man than the republicans when the chance came for voting to give them their rights, voted against them. This was a portion of history, and' would stand for ever, as a lasting disgrace against those Who say they were better friends of theirii than the White republicans of the north. The speaker then' assured the meeting Ihat as the bill would be taken' up immediately on the re-assembling of congress it would pass by a large majority. Proceeding he called attention to the fact" that the democrats had opposed every amendment to the constitution, and' yet he could not quarrel with them if their Honesty thought it was light; but they wtaild not stand up and honestly admit that they voted against it, sneaked round and pretended they were for them all the time. They voted against the common school clause because I tboy said it would break np tbe" school system. Georgia >od Virgina said if it pds&ed they would make no appropriations for its support, but if they refused to educate their people, they would have to bear the responsibility, and no people could be happy, virtuous or prosperous, irithout education, but such a step oould never be taken in South Carolina. (Cheers.) Now about state politics; it was said that the republicans were responsible for the condition of affairs, but let them go into a little history which was at all A**-?? mii/1 A o?\r1 COO llAUT footc LiLUUO UiVli UUOb ^UIUV) auu cvv uvn carry out such a statement, whether the republican party was responsible, and if it v;as proven that such was the case, the party ought to be driven from power. They say that they are taxed too much, that it v?as taxation without representation, that [there was a mis-appropriation of the fands, and that the state was ruined. Now who ruined it? In 1860 South Carolina was as prosperous as any state in the union, but were the white people happy then ? No. When they saw the north was going to elect Lincoln, they said the abolitionists were stealing their slaves, and now they say the carpet-bag[ gers are stealing their money. Was it not the same cry ? In 18G0 they were opposed to abolitionists and now they are opposed to republicans. When you were1 1 slaves did not they know that you were men and had souls ? But were you ever consulted about disolving the union ? No, and was not that taxation without representation? Were you ever consulted about secession or elected delegates to the convention. No, the two hundred and fifty thousand white people were the people, as the Charleston .Netcs and Courier talked about " we the people. " The ordinance of secession was passed, which involved this whole country in a ruinous war. Was it for the interest of the colored man ??No, but for iihe interest of the slave holder, to keep the abolitionist from stealing their slaves. .iVfter the war, was not the state ruined, .ill the property lost, and all involved in one common trouble? Then a kind government stepped in an^said to those people we will take you by the hand, although you have (tost the government three htadred and fifty thousand lives and millions of money, and all we ask in return is that you will deal right and just ti^oojored people. Now let them | inquire into the history of that time and *e if they k ept their word. President Johnson appointed Perry, governor and they had no voice in the matter and the first thing they did was to pass the black code, a code of la& that shohld have damned every one of them; They ap propriated thousands of dollars, for the pay bfjudges for the establishing ofaxmrts to carry out the provisions of thafcode and now if they appropriated any money that democrats did not like, they macfe a great fuss about it While that legislature was in session did they appropriate any money for common sphools, and yet these people claim to be their friends, and had been true to them, but did this history prove it? No,?Did they pass any act for the benefit and elevation of the colored man ? Never one. And thus they proceeded in this shameless career until conegress in the name of common justice stept in and.gave them freedom; the right to vote, hold office and run the government if they had had the power to do so. Did the democrats help to do that?no not one of them voted for it The democrats njn the goverameet for three years after the close of the war, and in 1868 the state 17BS in as bad a condition as it was when they commenced. Instead of legislating for the good of the entire people, they spent their time in making schemes to benefit the few against the many. In 1868 the amount of money turned over to Parker was sixteen dollars and these are the men who talk about their business tact add of capacity for govern^pg. When they were all dead and prosperity read the history of these times they would coincide in this opinion. lihcbiuHhCS republicans were responsible, ia I&6S the state was poor, there were no cro^s because the laborers were afraid rhe^ Would not be paid. The speaker wnJplimented the colored inch on their willingness to labor referring it the largp crops that had been raised sinee .1868, and the building up of the city of Columbia and its general prosperity. Then the condition of the railroads in 1868 and at the present time furnishedthe best evidence of the increasing prosperity of the state. In 1868 the income of the South Carolina read was only $6,000 and now it was $16,000. The Greenville road, had increased from two hundred thousand to six hundred and thirty thousand dollars. The increase of banks in the State since 1868 was also an evidence of increasing prosperity. Columbia had one baok in 1868 with a capital of one hundred j thousand dollars, she has now three with a capital of nearly a million. The objebt of all politics should be the advancement of the material interest of the people in everything necessary to make them prosperous and happy and bethought the facts he had presented made a good showing in j that direction. A man should not be a repuplicaQ hecause his father was, or be' f?ause he could get an office, for the man ' who hadn^ higher notion of his rickt of citizenship was bad indeed, ever one should be the judge of his own political opinions and should be able to give the reason for the faith within him, They should think, read and act for themselves He thought that the principle of the republican party were for the best interests of the people and whenever he found those principles militated against the interest of the people, he would leave it. This State has been prospering from year to year under the republican administration; last year she exported thirty four million dollars worth of her own products which was more Than New York or Pennsylvania did, and yet they were told by their political oppo nents thht the k&te was not prc?pto*mvLast year Charleston, had m ire shipping than she had ever had in fact South Carolina has prospered more than any of the other southern states. There may have been, some errors committed, but the principles of a party, that would result in such prosperity must be wholesome He granted that thero had been errors. Theyjhad bad men but the republican party was not afraid to whip her own children, and when they found a rascal, they kicked him out Congress never refused to appoint a committee to examine into the failures of any of their own party, but the democrats never did. Congress did not hesitate to take up the Credit Mobilier, and when they found those who were connected with it, they disgraced them. The Sanborn matter, was not so bad after all, and yet when found out it was exposed. They exposed these things within their own ranks and did not ask the democrats to come in and do it for them. They could put their hands on those who had done wrong, and the party had the power to punish them. They had some men who had done wrong. In 1872 a new set of men were placed in office, in consequence of the dissatisfaction of the people, and these men made promises, which, if they have not been kept, .turn them out If Moses has been acting the rascal; put him down. It was tk very unpleasant thing for him to make charges against any man. He liked Moses personally, but as a republican and citizen, he had.4 higher duty to perform than to allow bis personal friendship to warp Tiis judgement The republican party must - ' - * % . a get quit of that man ?Who had disgraced them before the people* of the""ndtfou! They could not afford to disregard the opinion of the people of other states. They were members of a great national republican party. The party that knew freedom, says you must do right and if they had a man who had done Wrong they must put him out. They were the jury and inust inquire into those things, and if the tihargc against the man Moses were true they must away with him. He did not think the republican party could tolerate Moses any longer, and he thought the ptlrty had made up its mind to take up another man. Moses bud been tried and found wanting, and be was the greatest fellow to want I ever saw. (Laughter.) Every man was entitled to his choice ah to who his successor should be. He was a voter and a citiien and he had his choice. They wanted a man who would be honest, trife to the itaterests 01 tne siaie, one w?u would make up' his mind to be faithful and see that Justice was done, that the interests of every man should be protected. They wanted a man they could be proud of and one whom they would not hesitate to say was their governor.. He did not want any of those Israelites who had no guile in them. (Laughter.). His choice was Daniel H. Chamberlain who was a republican by birth, association and education, who when the war broke out, left his law books and went into the army, and afterwards settled in the state. No man could question his republicanism. It was not in his nature to be false?could thfey trust him on the score of modesty ; well the law says be has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty, ahd when a man pays his private debts it was a sign thul^he ^culd beuonest in a poblifc office. The democrats said Chamberlain was a carpet-bagger. Well he thought they had a great amount of irapcrtinance. He did not think the democrat would consult them in their choice and it was none of their business whom they nominated. If they pleased they would nominate' him and they proposed to elect him. Let the democrats nominate a man and if they can elect him let them do it, but they would have the worst fight they ever had.' After a reference to what the Charleston News said about Chamberlain y proceeded to give an account of the visit of the committee sent by the tax payers to the president and the fee 1iugs of President' Grrant towards the republicans of South Carolina assuring them they werfl?of the most friendly character, but he did 'say some things were vfroDg, that looses was a robber, and nittet be' got m <5f. In a conversation he hid lnth him at Longbranch y* htkd said "I will: be as faithful to'the republicans of Soutfc Carolina as to the republicans of Pensylvania but I ask the pfeople to do right. The republican party of South Carolina was as honest as the republican party ot New York or Pennsylvania and only the other day a democratic treasarer in Yir b?????????? ginia for stealing was sent to the lunatic asylum. They put their rascals in jail, whilst the democrats sent theirs to the lunatic aylum, (laughter.) Alter floating 0f the movement in the state for the formation of rifle club which tp him looked suspicious and advising a quiet discharge of their duty, assuring them of the protection of the na- j tional government he said he c\tred Beau fort a gipat deal as their deleg: tion to the legislature which was composed of the best men of the legislature voted for him and he thanked his hearers fo? sending such men, and if he ever did anything to betray : the people or injure their interest, ho only wanted to be told pf it, return to them the commission thy had given him. That was the standard by which he would like to be judged, and by a similar standard he would like to judge Moses. As a senator in congress he would at all times and on every occasion do all that he could fcr the whole body of the people, and on all material questions, he knew no democrats or republicans but would go for Ike interest of the whole people; but on oil political questions they could depfcncLpn one thing ho would vote with republicans as he was one dyed in the wool and on mch questions would vote as they asked lim, and not as the democrats wouldaish him, as he r moiunrAsi lUUUb IWUVUITU iv vMin. vt va lookinto the relief of a down-trodden commiity. In ccming down to Beaufort ai addressing them, he was seeking no polcal favors, but was addressing tlvijVi he S3 w this great republiern?ponfri>vA*i^ he saw an in- j cendir f<*rsc of conduct that threatened ieeurity of all their rights. He was fjfcyiog out tl?e same great work to whjclfte baS consecrated his early years, and fcjfrbieh he propose to devote his dcclinittV years. He could never remain quietiicn he saw the paity in peril that had iomplishod in the past fifteen years morethn any other party had accomplish I. Ten years ago- by an extraordi> naryfletree they were declared to be elattles, ,nd no effort was ifcade by the democrathirty to reverse that decree, that .they nd \heir little one's could be taken 1 and |ld like sheep in the shambles. The sontlrn maul was thoroughly imhied . 1 1 with.hesc sentiments ana war was inc result. Hevras one of the last to open up wounfc "hat ought to be healed, but it I was ab hfctorical tact tlat the war was for the djsuninn of the States so that slavery migh be jcrpetuated in the entire southt em stitbs. This was dote by the demot cratid party. Every ond)f the southern states that pissed the ordnance of secession, bad democratic governors, sen: ators and nifembere of coi/ress, He need notteil them of the factsif the war, Of > thclopg years of trouble od conflict the victories and defeats but isad ' only tell . 1_ ' them that the war culminated in tht success of that bright starry emblem ol their nationality and union. The Gen. then proceeded to review the events from 1864 on the appointment of Perry governor by Pi esident Johnson showing how the old slave oligarchy were again in power refusing to ratify the thirteenth amendment declaring the freedom of all men, passing the black code, refusing to ratify the fourteenth amendment, how being thoroughly annimated by the spirit of injus t i c e and inhumanity, they passed the district court bill, discriminating on account of the col or of complexion, and the militia bill. He explained the leading features of the amendments to'the eonstititution, not a single democrat voting for these amendments, and yet they claim to be the best friends of the colored man. Notwithstanding this historical record they still undertake to fool them by telling them they were more their friends than republicans were. It was the great north, east and west that accomplished these great reforms, the south did not, nor could they do it, and the north, east and west will not be robbed of the credit of those great measures. The great cry now was against the civil rights bill, simply because the south was Unfriendly to the colored people. They would not consent that the children of the opposite races should go together td the same school. If they would rather grow up in, ignorance let them stay away. He referred to threats of using physical force, the invasion of the state by Ggorgia, and reminded them that they might receive a hearty welcome. Speaking of the diversion of the money obtained from the property of the Federal government, for school purposes, he said, that their senator would see that it was righted, now it had conic to his knowledge. He encouraged tlicni as to the adjustment of the tax titles, opposition of the tax payers convention to the contrary notwithstanding. Touching on local matters he mid a tribute to the honesty of the Beaitfort delegation led by Gen. Smalls, asserting that they never voted for Moses, at the last nominating convention. The last two years had demonstrated that they must have a change, it was demanded by the party which must be re organized on another basis, and every man who has been weighed inrtho b.t!ant\? and") fuutrf" light tuust bo laid aside. iflioy proposed to take no man to run the government who was not in harmony with the great public sentiment They propose to reduce taxes and repair their ruined credit They proposed to replenish their exhausted exchequer and dignify and elevate the true republican party of tli is State. That was the demand made upon the pePple ot Beaufort and the state by their own in terests and from past experience, by every consideration of party pride and respectability. He knew the people of Beaufort would not be blind to their interests. After referring to the time when he first met Gen. Grant twenty-five years a^o, an unknown ficutcnanf, he spoke of Gen. Smalls', who at that time was considered a chattel worth five hundred dollars by the laws of the state, but alter he ran the Planter into the federal lines, his ?oad was worth four thousand dollars; they.pQvcr recognized that he was worth his weight in gold. He cautioned them against dissensions, urging them to staud firm fcy the party organization as it had stood by them. Speaking of Licut-Gov.GlcavOs, he said, he was one of the faithful piblic servants and deserved to bfe trusted; because he had always proved true, and the entire delegation were worthy, intelligent and honest. It might be that i? ??u ?A i ?1...* :e i,.? IIU SX1UU1U liuru uut ii ia j uiu it would be to advocate the election of none but the nominees of the convention. Chamjber ain was his choice because he was honest, a republican by birth and education. At this stage Robt. BythcWood interrupted the speaker by asking ,4iS Smalls j'our choioo?answer me." to which Worthington replied that if he ansWerid a fool according to his folly, his answer would be short. Thanking the people for their attention he bade them good night The meeting then closed. The Bl-aufort Brass Band was m attendance and headed the procession that conducted the gentlemen to the house of Lieut Gov. Glcavos, whose guests tiicy were. They expressed themselves highly delighted with the sentiment manifested in' Beaufort Run Away. * A party of encrgetie political aspirants, consisting of Messrs. Morris, Cohen and Richards, somewhat clevaYed by their enthusiasm and bad wldskey, visited the meeting at the Battery Wednesday, in a conveyance belonging to W. II McGill. On their return being somewhat obfuscated by their patriotic feelings and?more Dad whiskey?they run up against the lajmp post in front of Capt. C. 0. Bout^lle's residence and made a wreck of horse, buggy and therarsef'/es. Ccf&n had his eye knocked ottt and received such contusions on the head that may prove serious, The others no doubt thiuk that patriotism ana pol idealism to coin a word, based bo" vfle whiskey o r ! any at all make a bad investment, especi: ally when aghcavy bill for damages is added. T THE MUM)F MJETZ. How lie Gave His Guards the Slip London, August 12.?The following interesting particulars of the escape of Marshal Bazainc from his prison on the Isle of St. Magueritc have been received: The apartments occupied by Marshal Bazaine opened upon a terrace, which was built upon a lofty and precipitous cliff overhanging the sea. A sentry was posted on the terrace, with orders to watch the prisoner's every movement. Sui day evening the Marshal walked upon the terrace with Col. Villcte, hisald-dc-camp. At 10 o'clock he retired, as usual apparently to sleep but before daybreak he had effected his escape. He must have crossed the terrace in the dead of night and eluding the * sentinel, gained the edge of the precipice, theuce by means of a knotted rope, he descended to the sea. He evidently slipped during the descent and tore his hands, as a rope was found stained with blood in several places. Under the cliff was a hired boat* where Bazainc's wife and cousin received hini as lie reached the water, and, Madame la Merechale taking the oars nereelf, rowed directly to x strange steamer which had been lying off the island since the previous evening. They reaehed the vessel in safety, were taken on board, and the steamer then put to sea.. It is thought that they landed at Genoa, as the steamer proceeded in that direction;' The first news of the affair came to Grasse, the nearest place ou the coast,. and the magistrates of the town immediately sent officers in every direction to search for the fugitVc. There was great commotion in Marselles when the facts became known, and an investigation was opened. Col Villctte, wh<5 was walking with the Marshal on the evening ofbis escape, was discovered there and imprisoned. The commandant of the Fort of St Magoeritc was placed under arrest and General Lowell was gone to the island to investigate afairs. , Paris, August 12.?It has beenascer tnined that the plan for Marshal Bazainc's escape from Marguerite was arranged six months ago. It was entirely the work of Madame Bazainc. The Marshal refused ffot to fly, but finally owing to his failure tyj obtain some rriddifications of his sentence, yielded. He sailed from the island in the steam yacht Baton Itecasole, belonging to an Italian company. He rcfiised to employ a French vessel. He was accompanied in his flight by, liis wife and brother. His place of refajafe is not known. Some persons sly he w in Spain. The dofoestics at the fort where the ^hcen All the attciition^f tnow in need of coiifcotioiiarics, that Mrs. Udell has just received from New York a large supply of fine French candies. Call and sec them. HardeeviHc. A large and interesting meeting was held in this place on thd l9th; dne of the most orderly and enthusiastic ever convened. Addresses were made by Hon. J. Douglas Robertson, Hon. Thomas Hamilton, Dr. Paul Pritchard, John E. Walls and the irrepressible Bradley, ?. . A. W. Muckenfuss1 was unanimously elected delegate to the county convention. - It is reported that all are cordially in favor of Hon. Robert Smalls for congress anct D. H. Chamberlain for Governor. Sta?* Upon a careful esthhate, Beaufort has twenty grain elevators; the grain however, is elevated in a liquid form and to the heads of speculators therein. A FISH Story?Found in a Shark. A strange story is going the rounds oi the press, of a hermetically sealed metallic box said to be reoognized as a southern confederate despatch bo*, made to be destroyed or thrown overboard, if iu danger of capture, having been fonnd in a shark captured recently by a native of South Carolina. This bo* is said to have contained secret despatches and money certificates of the defunct confederacy, valued to the amount of $200,000, the amount said to be realized by the fortunate fishenhan. A veritable fish story. Wc devoutly hope that some editorial friend will catch a similar lfah, with just such contents, and present to us. We will uot oflLr^hajdishtesi objections. . I Religious. There will be services next Sunday in the following churches at the usual hours. Episcopal Church?Rev. Dr. Walker. Tabcro&cle Baptist Church?Rev. Mr. Bythewcod, pastor. Baptist Church?Rev. Mr. Jones, officiating. African Baptist Church?Rev. Mr. Waddell. Method bt Church-^ltcv. Mr. Harris. : The Tax Uuions. In Abbeville one subordinate tax union has been organized and steps Have been taken tocoiuplcte the organization of a county Mnion. ^ In Aiken three subordinate tax unions have been formed. Iu Anderson five subordinate tax unioni# have been organized. In Barnwell, unions have been orettnized in fiine townships. The county union was organized on the 3d instant. In Beaufort three subordinate unions have been organized. In Charleston seven 'subordinate unions have been organized. have been formed. The Ooui(ty will be organized or. the first Monday In Darlington seventeen towitohip ba^a organized subordinate unions. The counK ty union was organized on the 3d inst '& In Edgefield three subordinate uniflfM^ and one county union have been orgi^|^ In Fairfield sub trdinate unions Iuwj|j^ been organized,in every township'in tWv* county?fifteen In number. * . * In Kershaw two subordinate unions . have be^n organized. .' ,\ In Lexington a preliminary meeting^g was held on the bth o?'?7 uly^ aQoTpoBtmittees were appointed to organize the ' union. Since then one subordinate union has been formed. In Lancaster one subordinate union has b been organized. In Laurpns four townships have organized subordinate unions. Til \fonnn rtAitnfr/ C.I *u vjuniuu wuuvj. miUWUUMW ULUU11B have been organized in six townships. In Newberry six subordinate unions | have been formed., In Orangeburg nine townships have or organized subordinate unions. jj?| In Richland nine, subordinate unions have been formed aid the ..county union Was organized on the 3d insfc. In Sumter one subordinate uuion has ? been reported. In Union subordinate anions have been formed in every towship in the county, thirteen in numbsr, Cointy union ganized August 3d. i In York two subordinate unions b$j?* been formed. In twenty-one counties in the state W. F. Colcock, Jwfr secretary; jMu. Lamb, trcasure^fM A. U. Youmans, J. M. Hamoy, Jfto. Gunter, executive "?gj committee; J. W. Moore, and W. F.- .4 Colcock, Jr., were elected delegate? to if the Coanty UnioO. 4H to what purpose, h After several years uV reflecktion, I*fc have come to the kouklusion that the |?\ . three mostqiffikpk tliitfgs in 1 lie are?1st!; . Carryiu' an arm-full, uv lite' eels up a V steep hill without spillpi' aa eel. 2d., Aktin as a raferee it a defe-^ght without getting mad; 3d. JSditin' 4 newspaper. * ^ , Thhe store hou8i AND lot OF M Rb. M. A Webb, situated in t he town of Branson. >. 4 ! Ap|4yt0 JEFF warrfn, aug 16-tf Branson S. C. office of the cfcttmissionebs of the freedman'8 savings and tuust company. Notice is hprebt given to all per. SONS other than depositors, whs may hare , elainfc against the FRi.'EDMAN'S SAVINGS and & * TRUST COMPANY or any of it* Brunches, that i they are called upon to present the same and to' f wake legal prf thereof te the'Cup*ds*>mis of ' i said rorrpauy atthtir ifltee No. 15C7 PensylruJa Avenue Waafirgtoa d. C. , PASS BOORS, When properly adjusted, will he t deemed sufficient proof of the balance ahown to be ( due thereon. Depositors will therefore present their pass books to the respective Branches by . * tfhich they were issued as soon as possible thai \ they way be propciw verified arid balanced. M JNO. A. J. CRESS WEI. 14, robert purvjs, * " r.u. jileipold, i aue. fitb, 12t. Commissioners STATE OK SOimTtlAROLINX, COUNTY of BEAU FORT,?T RIAL JUSTICE COURT. r*? ? 'X-V-. jsm If. B. TrevUt, ts. Whl IX. Aklen, Jr. , * # \ To (he De/endanl above named: r You are licrrby sum*oncd and required io answer" the complaint in this action herewith annexed, &*& serve a copy of your an iwuy on the subscriber at his ..ir.ee in wo town ofBc.ufbrt, 8. C., within twenty days after the service oi? this summons on you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to answer '.hat time the plaintiff wiH dollars and fllty cents, tog?uncr wiui 'ucT this action. if. B. TRKVETT. . '%M4 Plaintiff. lieawfon.S. C.,Julh 10, 1874. Take police that the complaint in this action was filed in the office of Rkliey K.Carleton, Trial Jus- k ticeat Beaufort, in and for said County, in aid Stale on the !0th day of July 1S74. M. B. TBEVETT. aujcrG 6-C. EXECUTOKSNOTICE. I . . . - i i t. t'F.nsiiKS Tl ayikt. itvuivna aoiimot /V the Estate of Mrs. frothy It. Jot tea, lata of Beaufort, deceased art hereby notified to present accounts thereof, duly attested and those indebted to said wtate trill ji'ea.-o make payment to the undersigned, at Beaufort. .'AfrOLINE P. CROCKER Executrix Aug.7 1364.3-t _ SCHOOL FOE BOm r MR.ua EULLF.lt, WILL OPEfl A FMvate sCh-rol at the Beaufort''