masonic" ode.~| Composed for. nuny. on till- 3-ltli instant, at this place, by the members of Clinton Ijodgc. Tl'NE?" OLI? IltiNuntD." { \ Cirrrit Architect! supremo, divino, Whose wisdom plann'd the prand design, An?l wave to teeininir nature birth; r? v. Thine impress stamped o'er all the earth : | Whose word with lisrht adorned the skies, (i;ivc matter form, bade order rise. To tlien .Masonic praise ascend "Till earth shall lade and time shall end- " 1) bless our love-cemented band. That by thiuo aid alone can stand : Let ciiakitv our acts employ To till the drooping heart with joy. i Teach us to dry the widow's te;?r. And aid the friendless orphan here: The naked clothe, the poor upraise. And thus miiKc siuooih nu? s ru ltl.*' Translated lor the North American, 15V C. KKITII Kl.MKll, I'.SiJ. The llueeu of 10ti<4l:imi I. as a consort and mother, is such an eniexplary lady, that it would be desirable if she were imitated in respect to the pcrlurmanee ??i her noble duties l>y all other sovereign princesses o|" Kurt ?pe, and particularly by the ladies attached toiler own Court. lint alas! her example has no ellect in her immediate vicinity. During each morning she rises at. 7 o'clock, promenades one hour.aml breakfasts before (J o'clock, while the ladies of the fashable world are just awaking when the sun i? at meridian, and enjoy their breakfast either in bed, ur a morning toilet in their boudoir. Through iho entire day the (lueen is incessantly employed. Besides various government duties, to which she must devote herself, she also guides the whole education and care of her children, and knows at each time or hour during the day in what manner they are engaged. The oldest princess, no'v six years of age ...,,1 it... .....ii...'.. tii n i i nt mim^o ui ii*.. i uiuiiici. 12 uiir.i^iii before her every morning after breakfast, when* she individually ?iives instruction in Knirlish ami religion. The little princess is vehement beyond all description, but the tl'icen is very attentive to her error, an I directed Lady Lyltlcton (the (iowruess) to briiif_r into rccpisitinn any punishment she m iy 1 hinlv beneficial, to prevent her from becoming eapi ieious. The children are therefore very polite and modest towards the persons appointed over them, and as difficult as their position in point of strict dccipline and attention is, none can too much applaud the irenerosity, jjreatfulnes? and skill of the Clueen. About :L o'eloek the three eldest children 1 I - 1 /" a I - ? M \ - - . 1 in: urougni ueiore me nueen. 10 dine under Iht inspection. The Princess I {.oval speaksalready (Jernianand Frenchperfect I v well, aiiil has at present commenced taking Ie.-.* '?>n.s in music under Mrs. Anderson. The Crown Prince, (Prince of Wales.) a most beautiful youth, the very image. of his lather, is a healthy, blooming and well trained child ; and although only live years of age, displays, under the guidance of the royal riding master, William Mayer, such remarkable courage and boldness on his ponies, as to elicit universal astonishment. The children must be daily four hours in the air, either walking or riding. The lineen herself lakes a ?ood portion of corporeal exen-ise, and any leisure time during her morning hours she employs in music pratioe with l'rince Albert. She has indeed a very agreeable ;ind significant sopranii voice. The 1)i:ai> At.ivi:?Tut: Placim: or Ri:itnuxc;.?l?ight or ten weeks a wn gave an account ol'the suicide by a female. in the water above Hiitchesontown lirid^o, and of the recovery of the body a few days afterwards. The wife of a dyer who was separated from her husband some few years a<40, i disappeared about the same time, and the body answered the description oi the dyer's : wife so well that, as a member, he obtained a Freindly Society's allowance (JS 1) to bury his wife, which lie did with due soleinnityOn Monday while silting comfortable at his dinner, who bounced in upon him but the identical spouse, whom ho had buried, as he , supposed, eight weeks ago ! Instead ol throwing herself into the, Clyde, she hud repaired to a neighboring town, 'l'he unfortunate husband sorely l unents that he must now refund the .1)1.?Glasgow Post. Cukiops Discovhry.?In digging yes: terday among the foundation of Grace Church, at the corner of Broadway and ! Rector-street, which has recently been pulled down, a coffin, apparently of silver, was .discovered, about two feet ami a halt*in j length, containing the. body of a female child, with an inscription hearing date l?l>7. Thecofliu had a glass over the face, and a little further dmvn. a Innbiiwr rrl-.oe c?.t i>. - - - mm j ?(. ?w?? IIIq OUt 111 llio. meial. Near the foot of tUe coflin was an aperture closed by a glass stopper, which being opened, it appeared that the coflin w;is fili led with spirits of turpentine, in which the body was preserved, so that the features, though somewhat collapsed, were seen j through the glnss. The whole, was enclos- j eu in a strong ileal outer coltiin.?iV. Y. Evening Post. Rather Cool.?While the Chesapeake was laying to her anchor, gradually sinking, ! and just before she went down, a gentleman sought out his wife, who was standing on the hurricane deck, and thus accosted her : uWell, wife," said he, "that long mooted i 1 question will soon be settled with us."' I MVh it do you mean," s:iid the wife, "what question do you reler to?" "Why," said h1', ''the question whether that old lied Dragon lias seven heads and ten horns, or ten heads and seven horns." 4,0, husband!" said the lady ; "how can you jest at such a time?" In about ten minutes the boat went down, and as ill luck would have it, this this imperturbable jester was saved. Clcavdand P/uimlculer. INTER EST IN G FACTS. Tliu population of the earth is estimated ni one thousand millions. Tliirly millions ?lnr ; 1111111.111 \-, every hour, and 57 every minute. A husliel of wheat weighing <32 pounds CKiiiaiiis Ui'.Ki kernels. In ( Jreeeo it was the custom at meals for I In* two sexes always to eat sepatately. The Romans lay on couches at their diniii lotrt long, 91 broad, and 51 high. The walls of Ninnevali were 100 leet hii!11 and thick enough lor three chariots ahreasl. linhylon was 15 miles square. Its walls were 7 5 I'eet thick and MO high. The largest pyramid is -Id I feet high. A clean skin is as necessary to health as Iiio.l. < hi one of the peaks of ilic AIps there is u block of granite weighing, l?y estimate I 1 l.oGStous so nicely balanced on its centre of gravity, that a single man may give it a lurking motion. Vinegar boiled with myrrh or camphor sprinkled in a room, corrects putridity. I lops entwine to the left, and beans to the right. (iold may he beaten into leaves so thin, that 2HU.0IH) would be. only an inch thick. The earth is miles m diameter,and 24,SHU miles round. Forests of standing trees have been discovered in Y orkshire, Kugland, and in Ireland, imbedded in stone. i.v .. i : .? -i. - i~\i -? * jlmjsmi M'liiain* on nit; unio prove imu 11 was once covered by tin* sea. When the sea is a hluo color, deep water; and when <;rcru. s-hallow. A map of China, made one thousand years before Christ, is s:ill in existence. The 11th day of January, on an average of years, is the coldest day in the year. In water, sound passes at the rate of 1.003 feet per second. In the air 1.1 12 m?r cn?iw?ml i V* In the A relit: region?, when tin* thermnmoter is helow zero, persons can converse ai more than a mile distant. Dr. Jaiuiesson asserts that lie heard every word of a sermon at the distance of two miles. A hand used for horses is lour inches. KzeLiel's real was 10 feet 11 l-'-i inches lonuf. A Sahhath day's journey was about two. thirds of a mile. There are iMO Known specie of fishes. I.*.** ..I I II ...1 /!ll 1 J 111- I>I Ulllit UiU UOIiOW illlU lllll'd with air instead of marrow. A single Imusc'- lly produces in one season 20 0*0,320! The flea jumps 200 times its own length, equal to a quarter ol a utile for a man. The Mack ostrich stands seven fee1, high. In the human body there are 240 hones. There is iron enough in the blood of 42 men to make /illy horse shoes, each weigh' ing half a pound! A man is taller in the morning by half an inch than he is at night. W ater is the only universal medicine; by it all diseases may be alleviated or cured. \ I....... >i r : : .1 - iinwvi; mi; vn 11111 n 15 di.uu iiiu lean mail becomes fatter, and the fat man leaner. The atoms composing a man are believed to be changed every forty days, and the ! bones in a lew months. A Litanv,? To be. read on all convenient occasions.? From frogs and blue devils, from mnsrpiitoes and mad dogs, from bed bu??s and pettifoggers?deliver us. From rats an I rascality, from lady poels and love sonnets, from Yankee pedlars and delinrpicnt subscribers?deliver ns. From hornets and horse jockies, Pom : smoky ehimnies and molding w omen?deliver us. | From steam doctors and sea serpents, from vagrant musicians and militia line col lectors?deliver us. From teasing sweet-hearts and tormenting creditors, from close,fisted customers and courts of judicature?O ! Lords, deliver us. Plowing iok Wiikat.?But few farmers are willing to undertake the purchase and use of the subsoil plow, but all may adopt ; the practice of do'p plowing by the ordinary method, in many parts of the country, the soil may be. much improved in its wheat. ; raising qualities, by throwing up and mix; ing with the surface, a small portion of the 1 i.. USl \ I2SS, under the firm of I GKK JKlt & PARTLOYV. i laving cnixajj'-d an experienced ;uid compeb-nl assistant, in addition to their own perI sonal attention, and poss?-ssinjj moans to make liberal advances oti product' consigned to their care, they hereby lender their servis ! ms in Planters, Merchants and others, in the* 1 >STOUA(?K and SALK of COTTON, 1 FLOUIt, I'.ACON, and other PRODUCK. : in ItKCKl V I !\(1 and FOItW ARD1NC MF.IlCMANmSK. and PURCHASING i GOODS lo Oil 1)12It. W. W. GEIGRIt. J AS. Y. L. PA 11T LOW. June 9 15 (Jin i I(iiid Quarters. mltMsB COLUMBIA, 18th May, 1847. ! GENERAL OR J)E It. ! All rt? # Ml. J* - . <1. . * i .vii omcers 01 rtiiiuirt or him ftiam ordering ! elections of officers of tin? lino of whatever | grrde or rank, or making appointments of of. i lieers of tin.* stuff, will report the names of the i officers so elected or appointed to tlio Secrc* i lary ol State, who is directed thereupon to till up ami lorwnrd their commissions without i deh?y, ami ho is also further directed not to issue iinv blank military commission. All communications addressed to the Secretary of Slate iimler this order to be endorsed " Militia Service." The Drigadier (ieiiorals, arc charged with the extension of this orib-r. i ]?y order ol tlie ('ommand<*r-in>Chief. J. \V\ CANTKV, Atlj't. and Inspt. (Jen. I May 19'Ji 12 Hw Land lor Sale. The subscriber having determined ' r",,,OVf! W-?*. ?H;-m for sale liis j tract of LAND on which lie rc^ j ??sLts^. sides. The said Tract contains Four Hundred and Si.\tv Acres, between throe iJjr'Mj ! " tt.H? t vp?$ty five cleared and in a high state of cultivation. , On the plantation ihere is an excellent new ; Dwelling, also a good (Jin House and Screw, wit h all necessary out Iniilduicjs. The plan-* ! tation is equal to any in the District. It is presumed that no one would purchase without ! exaioiiiat ion ; as such, further description is unnecessary. A bargain can be had and no ! mistake. J. Al. DELCH1SLI. | June 16 1(> tf' ; Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills, And Tonic and llcsloralicc Kit Ins. \ For tiib purification of tub Br.oon, j AND RESTORING OF TIIB SYSTEM FKOM ; ar.r. Moudid Secretions of tub Glands, Skin* and Liver, morimd humors and , vitiatbi) static of tiib system, &c. i I hose 1'ills and liitters have b?;en steadily (ruining in popularity among a 1 classes? art; not now among those of doubtful efficacy or experimental character, but can be relied 1 upon as compositions founded upon correct therapeutic principles, and confided in as safe, ; pleasant, and efficient medicines wherever a ; Tonic or Aperient is needed, and where a l Purgative or simple Cathartic alone is needed, ; the Pills nlone stand unrivalled. They will positively cure, and have in thousands of cases of Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Eruptions of the skin. Sallow Complexion, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Suppressed Perspiration, &.C., -- -- hitch uiiii 1111; iiiKivH named iJctcndauts do appear siikI plead, answer or (lemur, to tin? Hill within ' three months from the publication of this order, or .lodgment run conkksso, will he rendered agains them. 11- A. .ION lis, c. k. a. n. (Commissioner's Ollice, March litli, ltMT. March HI. 2 3nt ;Thc State of South Carolina. A15I5KVI I.LE IJISTUICT. Jesse Kcagin, vs. Cathcrin Kcagin and others.?Partition in Ordinary. | Ft appearing that Nicholas Reagin, one of the Dc. fendants in this ease, resides without the limitc of this State: It is ordered that ho do appear and object to the sale or division of the Real Estate of Young Reagin dee'd, on or before the iitltli day of Mav 1IT. or his consent to tlio same will bo entered "of Record. DAVID LKSl.Y, Ordinary. I'M). Til Mil, IMi. 1 3lll I The St5iU; of South Carolina. AlillKVIU.K lMsiTHICT. Noticc To the Creditors we t-lA ...WW. y I_I. i- ( unu> J.J LI'IIIIOI V? A 1 IIII ?.u I ? U I lilU 11. Harris, I.onis:i I. lleard, awl A J Harris? nil! tip; creditors have petitioned for the pro. coeds of real Estate, to pay debts. It is therefore, ordered, that the said absentees do appearand show cause, why the proceeds of thermal Kstnte of said Richmond Harris det ceased, should not b?? so applied, on or beforo i the 20th ot May Ib47, otherwise, their con* 1 sent as confessed, will be entered of record j Feb. 20, IS 17. 1 3m I). LESLY, Ord'y. j The State of South Carolina. ai:i;i:vu.r.i-; district, In Ihc Cou.rl of Ordinary. Sarah .1. A. \V lion ton, vs. Thomas Sirr.inons ami others.? Aplica l ion of Creditors, for pro'i.v.'ls of llt'ul Lis/tile. Is hp. paid to A'l/iiiiushalor for payment of (M/tSj on iusnjjicinwi/ oj personal JLlslal-. It appearing to niy satisfaction, that Thomas Simmons, Francos Simmons and Anna Simmons a minor, parties Defendants, reside willioiit. thi! limits of this State : It is therefore ordered that they do appear and show cause within the time, viz, y virtue of u writ of" capias ad satisfaciendum, at the suit of Wade S Cothran and James Sproul, havingfiled his petition, with a .schedule, on oath, of his whole estate and effects, lor the purpose of obtainiiirr the benefit oi tlie Acts of i he G nernl Assembly eominonly called "the Insolvent Debtors Act?Public IMotico is hereby given that the petition of (he said Benjamin I<\ Spikes will be heard and considered in the Court of Common Pleas to be hidden for Ah. btsvillu District, at Abbeville Court House, on tin; third Monday of October next, oron such other day thereafter as the said Court may order ; and all the creditors of the said Benjamin F. Spikes are hereby summoned personally or by attorney to he and appear then und there, in the said Court, to show cause, if any I they can, why the bem-fit of the Acts afore' said sliould not be granted to the said Benjamin ! F Spikes, upon his taking the ohth, and executing the assignment required by the Acts i aforesaid. J F LIVINGSTON, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Dec 2G, 1840 44 ttfmO ! . N i The State of South Carolina. AliljnVlI.LK DISTRICT. la the Court of Common Pleas. Jaincs Cochrun v James Fish.?Attachment. ! The Plaintiff in this case having filed his declaration in the Clerk's office this day: And . the defendant having neither wife or utforney known to be in tins State. Ordered that said ' defendant do plead to the said declaration within a year and a day from this date, otherwine judgment by default will he nwarded against him T V SPIEltlN, C. C, P. I Clerk's Office 29th April 1847 ly 14 Notice to absent Heirs &c. All persons having demands, or owing the Estate of Israel Smith deceased, will present them by the first Monday in July next/ at which time the Estate will be settled and closed in the Ordinary's Office, Abbeville District S. C., at which time and place, the Heirs, (if any in this country) will apply/or their shares of the Estate. J. T. DllENNAN, Ad'm'r. April 1st 1847. 7 tf Dr. C. H. KINGSMOUE^ Having made arrangemenis to locate in the Village of Due West, would respectfully offer his services as Physician, to the citizens of the Village and adjacent country.?Office at Mr. A K Pnttons. Due West, Feb. 16. 51 tf Scythe Blades. , j | R. H. &W. A. WARDLAW, havo ? , stock of Scythe Blades, "A | Knives. v 'W*?* v# |5w ?t64j '?' . \ AbbevilU C. H, ft* \ J -