The officers employed in recruiting for the navy at the northern ports have met with very little success, though seamen are plentiful. The latter require better wages, a fairer distribution' of prize-money, and the abolition of flogging, before they will voluntarily leave the merchant service for the navy. The accounts from India state that a n f 4 1\ ? _ sum ui ucuu; mincci! niuusuiiu rupees has been subscribed for the proposed new College at Kislinaghur, for the most part by natives. The Rights of Women.?There is an evident disposition throughout the Union to abolish those absurd and unjust restrictions which the common law imposes upon the equitable rights of married women in their property. To quote a master spirit of legislation, "it is not right to make a man a tyrant, and to reduce to a passive state of slaverv the sex which by its feebleness and its tenderness, most needs the protection of the laws. The interest of women have been too often sacrificed. The rules of marriage are a code of violence; the man receives the lion's share." For years the attention of the most enlightened American legislators has been directed to this subject, but the age was too far behind the movement proposed, to enable them to accomplish much. Light is, however gradually penetrating the darkest recesses of the public mind ; and during the course of this winter, several of the legislatures of the Union have passed laws to protect the rights of women. In Ohio, the subjcct has been warmly i icfo/l n r?/1 1 * ' U IOUUOOV.UJ UIIU tuu IC^ISliUUld IltlVU I1UU * under consideration a bill enlarging- the powers of married women. < In Kentucky, the privileges of mar- i ried women have been greatly increased. Slave properly is to be placed in the same category with real, and is not to . be liable to the debts of the husband, during coveture. Nor," to use the words of the law, "shall the life estate ' of the husband, his wife living, be levied i on, executed, or sold for his debts or lia- j bilities. Although we have not the data be- | fore us, we believe that the law in Ala- , bama, has been materially amended, in ( this respect. The time cannot, surely, be far dis- ' tarit, when the law of the whole Union will respect woman equally with man. ] It is a r?li(* of Vi:irKj?riism luiiip'n Monioc i .....v..* ( to woman, when married, the light of , disposing of her own property; and, holding these views, we are glad to see ' that a bill has been reported in our legis- 1 Ialure, to allow married females to hold ! and convey real estate. There can be ' no reasonable objection to such a law??it is a simple act of justice, a restoration to women of the rights of which they ' have long been deprived?and, there- 1 fove, our law-makers will do well to ' pass it. ' 1 j A bill to prohibit liorse-racing has passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature. Ilacing lor j money, or where there are twenty or more people assembled, is I declared to be an oftence, and all persons concerned, directly or in- , directly, giving notice ot it, adver- ' tising, &c., to be guilty of a misde- ' meanor, and punishable by 81000 line or imprisonment not excee- j ding a year. The bill waits the , signature of the Governor to become a law. I The Female Eye.?John Smith i says that the female eye has the following variety of expression: The glare, the stare, the leer, the sneer, the invitation, the defiance, the denial, the consent, the look of 1 Jove, the flash of rage, the sparkle f i " ung oi nope, me languisnment 01 softness ="?!? * - r JMsnwioi, I 1 \ ' t-.'v . . .. V,. \ V : U. ; ? :. . Vflfr ' i HM'? > UP. a ! . *l J . . it I A Goon One.?A Petition was presented in the House of Representatives of Mississippi, praying r~.. - - * - ? ui uiu passage wi un Act, legalizing a lottery, for the purpose ol completing a Catholic Cathedral at Natchez. Mr. McCaughan opposed the Petition, saying " he had no objection to the erection of a Church to worship our Saviour in, but he was opposed to calling on the devil to build it." Taking it Easy.?When a stranger treats me with want of respect, said a poor philosopher, " I com-* fort myself with the reflection that it is not myself that he slights, by my old coat and shabby hat, which to say the truth, have no particut i - - lar claims to adoration. !So if my hat and coat choose to fret about it, let them: but it is nothing to me." This philosopher, with all his poverty, was rich in wisdom. They have a gambling establishment at Corpus Christi, called the " Tiger's Cave," and it is a common expression there to say," come let's go down to the cave and tame the tiger.'' We imagine the " tiger" gets the upper hand of his customers, as the games he plays are those ending in the " more you put down the less you take up." Decendant's Wanted.?In the debate in the Massachusetts Legislature. on Fritlav. Mr. Giles, of Kni ' ?/ * * ston, said that he was endeavoring to fiilu some of L?e ueceftdants of Miles Standish, as they had at the present time, locked up in the British Court of Chancery, no less than six manors,yielding an annual income of ?00,000. Signs of Progress.?The Planter's Banner, (La.) says that recent news was formerly headed by a horse in full gallop?afterward by a steamboat?then by a locomotive on a railroad?and now by a streak of lightning, as an emblem of Morse's Electro-Magnetic Telegragh. ^ A great sensation is stated to have been excited at Paris by the extraordinary phenomenon of a young girl, from Normandy, *\vho possesses the electric power of the torpedo. M. Arago has made several proofs of this singular quality. A man who loves his family will always take one or more newspapers, and. a man who desires to train np his children in the way they should go, will pay for his paper. The Reverend Alexander G. F raser, formerly of Charleston, and latterly of New York, has just laid nnon tli ft tn hi p. of thp TTnncA nf Lords, a statement of the grounds upon which he claims the ancient Scotch Peerage of JLevat. His petition to the Queen was referred to the Lords at the commencement [)f the Sessions, and his statement being now before them, the matter will be very speedily decided. By competent persons his claim is regarded as strong, and little doubt is entertained of his success. Charleston Courier. Affray at Nashville, (Tenn.)? The Memphis Eagle gives on account of an affray at Nashville, in which Mr. Robert Porterfield lost his life from a shot fired by a Mr. Judson. J udson, it would appear, hereon ally defamed the family of le deceased in a newspaper which b.edited, and Porterfield attacked In in consequence. Porterfield flkd at but missed Judson, when latter shot him through the %d, killing him instantly. So tjferaged were the community, m, a mob pursued Judson, firing 5ral shots at him without effect; led to the third storv of the fJitv |1, and endeavoring to escape Vtting himself down from the \porch, he fell to the ground, I he was seized, a rope tied this neck and hung tip fo a Vrhe rope broke and he turnip the ground, when the po^ cued him from the enraged J lodged him in jail, fcourse of his examination, WCftmitment, it is stated wrai shots were tired at \ine of them by a brother t.! V i. ' \ \ \ i of the deceased, none of which took effect on liis person. One individ; ual was wounded in the arm by a I. 11 auray uan. A Guano Mummy.?In the recent excavation at Ichaboe, a second mummy was found, which was brought to England. The body is that of a full grown man enclosed in a coffin which is yet perfectly entire, as also the trowsers and shirt of the deceased, the former of duck and the latter of cotton, both of which on being tried, retained all the strength.of the new fabric. The body itself, says an account in a London paper, seems as if it were tanned leather; the flesh has become in a great measure absorbed with all the softer animal tissues; but the muscular (lftVfilfinmPnt romainc 1 4,-~ J..aau?u vtuumo 111 111* 25th March, 1846. $ 4 The Upper Battalion of the 8th Reigiment of Infantry, will assemble for Exercise and Inspection; at McCaw's Old Field,.Saturday the 25th of Ajwcil. next, by 10 o'clock, A. iV^kfrmed and 'equipped asj(Hj^hv directs. The j. Comjftusioifed and non-Commiesl^pd Officers will appear theday previous for Drill, &c. , rwi?_ _ _ - ? ? i ue captains 01 neat companies will order oat the pioneers in their respective commands. Col. N. H. Millie : S. McQpWEN, Mch 25 4 5t Lieut. Col. 8th lleg't. District Temperance Society. The third quarterly Meeting of this Society will be held 011 the 4th Friday in April, which win do me day of the month, at the Presbyterian Church called 'Greenville," of which the Rev .H Dickson is Pastor. It is to be hoped that all of the Local Societies will send up Delegates, and that the good people in that quarter will turnout en masse, as a number of addresses will be delivered, and if circumstances are favorable, the meeting may continue on Saturday. By ordor &c. ISAAC BRANCH, Sec'ry. April 1 5 3w TA ILOlilNG. The subscriber would inform his friends and the public, that he has located himself j in the neighborhood of Sharon Camp! Meeting Ground (at R. Hill's old place) ! where he is prepared to execute all work i committed to his care with despatch, and I pledges himself that his prices shall be ar- j ranged to suit the times. He would fur- j ther etate that if work entrusted to his care ! is not well done, that he will make no! charge for his services. April 1 5 3w HENRY CANNON. \ Refer to Dr Isaac Branch and H H Penny j _ i A1 mi In ll i 1 i\Ul lly Li ! Just received, by S. Anderson, Agent,1 300 gallons fine Ohio and Mountain Wilis-j key, fine Peach Brandy, superior Holland Gin, superior Cog. Brandy, Jamaica Rum, j New England do., superior Ale, Cider m j bottles or on draught; Candies assorted, I Mackerel, Molasses, Oranges, Cheese, smoked Herrings, Oysters, Almonds, But- I ter, Crackers, Tobacco, Sogars, fine Ma? I deria Wine ; and expected in a few days London Porter. The above articles of j Spirits will be sold low for cash, by the ; Three Gallons ; and the other articles as low as can be purchased in this village, Abbeville C II, April 1 5 16w The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Common Picas and General Sessions.?March Term,'1846. Ordered that an EXTRA COURT for this District be held for the purpose of| completing all the unfinished business of this Term, to wit nn tho scrTiivrn I MONDAY IN JULY NEXT,"a nd''to sit for six days, if so long a time be necessary ; that forty-eig!it Petit Jurors be drawn and summoned to attend the said Extra Court; and that the Clerk of this Court, by publication in the Abbeville Banner, do give public notice of this order. D. L. VVARDLAW. Published by order of the Court: J F Livingston, Clerk March 21,1846 5 14t PROSPECTUS Of the Fourth Volume of tiie Southern .* , -y. .