? ' i ? 4 * - ". ' , ? . *?? * a dk ? ? ? - i *. ? g m) iWi. * ? - T " c nSSWKWK.irjinrjffMrriMtrrL,TTr.ia~p'. '"J -AH the of China, ani to ?*?? a com tin ?M|?sdJ to be paid Jbi ivateon? .in 1 w\m 1 1 ^1: M to the, |d. T aopWWhufF tl? ill .JIWBIWl grow or lb* ifcbolimo* UnJpot a few of them fabricated, and 8upix>rtcd by fake tea He rtjommeada that peraoua Saving olauns be required to present the? <*-anearly jaeriod, ami g>*t tfcooaonoljU tendance or witnoases be required by the of Government for th? Indian Twitory ; >Ho land, and endorses I ? census in 1875. , He ? ington board of pibKc'l if the great improvement ? || bonaot the hpard, ? ^BBWIBpi amm |M policy on the part M ?F Oongrww hi defraying a portion . of theB ejpens*, tad surest* the establishment We^t'a^national ?u6lTerrity.^ Hs recom suggests ilk* opening a canal lir irrigation ?Mope of the Kookf Mdm nun Xs^wwidun lb* faherai number ' . 1 ? at" i j ??? TBM VOHTXBS 0? K1KTU0K7. A Hketoh of Pioneer life In the DM Cenntry. ' ralntoN that In 1867, ho ftp >0*1 tfio scqnaihtanco of a trapper nod tho California trail, named , ifr* \ he ibany Incidents ; 0 ? life rektod bt tho qaid About the ? ?? ?*.? ; '.v. t* ? ? $ f * ' , ' U ?? fc - a. ? fll Y ? Jt, ,mJ|L in Ins cor |o other* Were in jljfa ambush M*j Busby had been ?t ueen wouna. After carelnl seafoh for a suitable *1ac$ to lay tho unfortunate ?n, ttay discovered a projecting rock ab^o* half way np 4* aide of the mountain on its lower uudor which they laid her body, disposing of hilAfcntly as intkeir power to do,$i?r hands crossed on her breast, holding * crneifetterelri/which they fStodsnpond < J roiHfcl her t)a*, daring the ott" upon the- writes>, coating to /WUham Morgan, now ^ ?ocktr oud.biwl hU history. volumes of 4he world he is U. h? ot him fvrhf to da*hou?#<*?nkWi soul ca if a siapcnee, ?n4 , save Lis vubir *%hM b^fonoJ. ^ Oee?Mwea^ygiL. ???! Literature is the immortality of ifteeoh. Hs who follows truth, carries his star io his brain. 1 f5$ ' A good man is kinfta? ,ia his eaemi* than Ssd n.ea f* to their m?ads. i would hava a faithful servant and tji>u like, serva laugh wh*n 1fthoy will. You have tiaje and ^ j to rqpnes Ths greatest haftefU which one friehdean confer on another is to guard and excitu and ksblaweHi ss of tk" vi*ed renua?bmace of tha Its ia that of ths blsy which ????? HL./A out, H?? ??ma* -pwewMw Do not believe *11 tix*t ' siackinoa. yoo kftVfttMt MfMr Oa n appear riJIcttUtuf." Whereupon htmdfvd* of tPicM exclaimed: "wheru'a My artitle. Give me back my vtidel" And ia the mlchit ofthia "horrid din tbo pooj: wretch Kj*gf j? -.7' : "SSirtNwin* i j? *w*MJ 8drt).-~A WUoo-bnye* who wa? i who had aold his crop fcrNfllW- " The bujer ragytari cfrnt bo had ? no enoogb. and wanted to look a* hi* jjkiofcE* if bo was bowdby moaey paid. FiudiagthM ha *u fegaHjr froe to aeU again, ho offered Him fiVfc eenla?a pound more, add would give him a hundred dol lam to Mad the Urgai^ whieb the farnar *?o?Peo. * On bdi^ne exclaim K '?'Good heaven#, that ia Iny - partner !" ' ?? ? Tu? Voica?'WJat dojotttoaat Mata? - K WvU little (rirl to baratator, aa the; -Nte"w m *e *rtea- * I V'WhatdM you e?fl (6f; tiled. I ahouM liketofcrtow. "IdMuV^Uyw. ?Twm&, ?e,' aaid K"Wbj, Sfrffft SAifth.VaVfVoa jut aa idniol m da if T?*" ??U,' * 'May, iwu dfi w,**s <>N- <** 0W1 -4 , "No, I didn't,,-nnftfear; I mt\%x called [TU loll you whaA Mattie." aaid tike ?*My, "1 gueea it waa coMelettee called, ami w* are play in-: ip the Art* awl j Tf h>. Fhur?New extra, WBlEg Mvl+mn?40c par gallon, sew from 70 to WOc p?r Sktfmr?New Orlo.ni Ho pr ft. Lv oor man ? rich; or at least mako him to. * considerable extent independent of tho caprices of em - ployenr and of the common vfclisltudes of life. Nothing is more important to tho poor man.than the habit ot' saving some thing ; his little hoard will soon begjk to grow art a rate which *i)l surprise and cpatify him Every workingnmn ought to hate an account In some savings bank* and Id to it every week dvrM* JM he Ti jlTull .employment, tvoo if the addi tion i. but a dollar at a time. If he does this he will iOon find the dollar. growing into tons, arid these tone into hundred.,, aud in a littlo time wtti lie tu |iu?smluu of a sum which itr constantly yielding an ad dltioa to his income, which securcs him a reserve fund whenever one fa needed, and which will enable him to "do tamf tfatotfs which, without a little mopey, he would bo powerless to -? ? XJ p A C/UKUVt Ho**.?Of all .tho hleaf M, happy Home, is, therefore, thi first dvty of every e*? to^dyet^ to^promotel ^c^iyjM^&SgMSKSS an entire fa a, ? A Wy K'nuW C bUd ; While a tfc.t they to prevent