* m - - * t " V ' ** L _ g"!^g^**jg n ^^ "' ,\?L ... * ..1*^ _ . m& V OL. 1 C AMDEN, 8. C? WEPHESD Al% DEC. 7,1864 ^Q.13 i H Terms of script ion. frallj paper per month $3.00 41 44 .for Six Months - - - $15.00 "Weekl j, - - - - - - $5.00 !R,a,tes fox* Advertising: For one Squajce ? t*ve\vo lines or less ?TWO DOLLARS and hTFTY ClfiNTS (or tlio lirst inserf lion, and TWO DOLLALtS for each subscqctifit. [ Obitdaht Noticks, exceeding one square, clmrgod BMP' *t Advertising rates. Trnnsinnt AiK-firti?om?iito n'nrl .Tnli Wnpj XTTT5T Til? r PAID FOR IN XDVANCK." No deduction made, except to .our regular ndvertis*g pntrona. Acknowledgments, Tho President of4'The Soldior's Rest" acknowledges tlio followitig subscriptions aud donations for tho month of November: Cash McJnTiilt.?Mrs. MoCfatidloss, $5; Mrs. w. M. gfhannon, Mrs. McCfoight, $2; Mrs. B. M. Lee, $5; Mrs. Heoring, $10; Mr. a. A. H., ?10; Mrs. Feguos, $3; Mitses Pegues, Miss Chesnitt, MissBonney, Miss K. R. Lee, cncli 50 cents. Provisions Monthly.?Mr. Daacsli, thirty loaves of bread; Mrs. R. B. Johnson, one Joad'of xvtibd; Mrs. Lem Boykin, swo busiiols of potatoes; Mr. Sikes, one pound ofbncon; Mr. Ilocott, on?'gallon of syrup; Mrs. McCrcn, half bushel meal, gallon syrup and potatoes; Mrs. Burwell Boykin, potatoes, spareribs and meal; Mfs. Lawrence ~\yhi taker; one ham, hal( bushel meal; Mr. Benj. Perkins; piece of beef, turnips, and load of wood; Mrs T. J- Ancrum, half bushel meal, pieco of pork; Mr. Pegoos, turnips. ? , .donations.?Mrs. btepnen jljjioU, package or Eoup cakes; Mrs. James Dunlap,. ouo bushel of meal, one of hominy; Mrs. Miller, one'pair *of woolen socks, through Mrs Grcigs; Miss Mhry L. Boykin, $10; MYs. Gamewell, $15; Mr. William McKaiu, ono load of woodi Miss Mary L. Young, ono bushel ?f meal;- Mrs. K. M. Kennedy, for many favors; Misa Kate Mathcson, $10i ^ Mrs. H. Conner, jr., $50 for one yonr; Mr. Daacsh, for many favors; Mrs. N. J.B., piece of beef; Mr. , one piece of beef: Mrs. T. J. Aticrum, $5; Mrs. Scbrfngand Mrs". Grcigs, ono bundle of linen and cotton pieceg;^ Mra.-Sobring, two pieces of beef. ' PROVIDING MKALS PER DAT. 3. Mrs I B Alexander, 16. Mrs 11 Young, 2. Mrs llynrus, 17. Mrs Rodgers, 3. Mrs H G Ankor, 18. Mrs James Davis, 4. Mrs J Dunlap, 19. Mrs 0 McDonald,{] ** 6. Mrs A M Kennedy, 20. Mre M C PcSaussure, 6. Mrs C L Chatten, 21. Mrs G S Douglas, I. Mrs J Kershaw,- 22. Mrs J Stake!}', 8. Mrs R M Kennedy, 28. Mrs M Smith, 9. Mrs Hocott, 24. Mrs J M GlayLa, 10. Mrs Jos Oppenhoim, 25. Miss MttDewnll; II. Mrs K W Bonneyr 26. Mrs J Sutherland, 12- Miss-Chesnut. 21. Mrs Sommors, 13*. Miss Salmond, 28. Mrs Anker, 14. Mrs T P Davis, Sr., 29. Mrs Reynolds, 15. Mrs T P Davis, Jr., 30. Mrs Edward lloykin. Wo have to report two hundred and ion soldiors for the month ending. Our kind physician, Dr. DfeSausBuro, is as over ready to olleviato their suffering. Mr. RobinBon and Mr. Witlierspoon are still kind1 in conveying them from the depoti to "Tho Rest." We ore very much in need of bandages, linen or cotton pieces.| Those persons who aro in arrears for their monthly f*An4ir\Yu 1 twMia wiH ramomUar if na tiro orm. nnn_ VVMWIiVUVtVUIJ VI ? 14 jk/tVU4)V I VltlVUiWUl IVj II*) l)^U Ul O UU I ? ? stantly in neod of fluids to defrny the expenses of "The Rest." Also tlioso who contributo monthly supplies, will plonso send n list of tlio nvticles and quantity, as mistakes are liable to occur in the acknowledgments. Camden,' December 3,18C4. Would Lose Fifty Thousand Dollars. ?A Main* officer recently applied for a furlough, stating that if it was not granted be hould lose fifty thousand dollars. ' Tbis attracted attention at headquarters, and the ofl(L ceif V&s desired to forward a statement of how he would lose it. He did so to the eficot that ho had been in the army without a leave of absence for two years j that he was engaged to a yonng lady worth fifty thousand dollars j that there was another fellow after her, and that she had written to him that if be did not como ] Lome and marry her right away she would have the other n an. lie got his furlough. A wag on hearing that a man had given up chimney-sweeping, expressed surprise, as ho V' thought the business sooted him. I Mrs. Partington says that a gentleman langhU eel so hard that she feared he would have "bust Hk bis jocular vein," V L UAMDliN DAILY JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY 7IOKIVINO DEC. 7. | r - ?: Mr. Witheispoon informs 113 that Iho Charleston and | "Western telegraph lino is ,do\vn, in consequonoo of which we are without any telegraph for this morning; oxcept that which wo extract from tho Charteaton Mercury of yestoroay, and which wo should properly have had lor Tuesday's issue. Siege Matters.?"Wc loam through 1I10 Charleston il/fiin/rw of ?!...? -t?! ?* .j ?. j wiiiu umuig me progress or tho exchange of prisoners at this time going on iu tho harbor of Charleston, and which will probably last during the next fortnight, tho bombardment of tho city will be suspended. The Mercury understands that the truce was also to apply to the various hostile batteries in the harbor. From Wheeler's Command.?The C7a onitle cfc Sen tinel of yesterday says: Tt is reported "Wheeler was compelled on yesterday to fall back this *idn ?r ari?. Creek, and heavy firing was heard during tho day in that direction. Tho sceno of conflict was m the neighborhood of "talker's Xh fdge, ubofit efght mifca from Brothcrsville and twenty-two from this city. The New^?Tho Courier of yesterday rays: Pnssongera by the Savncnali train Monday afternoon re-' port nfi quiet in the neighborhood of Pocataligo. Another report stated that tho enemy wcro advnncihg their main column on Coosawhntchie. It was also reported that tho. enemy had captured two guns on Hospur Creek Sunday. Nothing definite, however, Was ofrInineik From the Line of *>iie Savannah Railroad.?V# nave nothing additional of interest Irom the coast below. Passengers by the Savannah train which camo in last evening, reporlcd that a fight was"going on so>uowhere near Pocotaligo, as ihey passed that point; but wo were unable to gather any definite details in regard to tho progress or result of tho reported action.?Mercury of Monday. By a general ordor No. 84, Brigadier General John II. Winder, in command of the prison post hi Georgia, (has been constituted Commissary General of prisoners of war, a new office in tho Confederacy, and similar hi duties to the office of tho Federal Commissary General of prisoners, of which Wen. Hitchcock is the incumbent. Gen. Winder, in his new sphere of duty, is' to have control of the disposition and discipline of ah the Yankee prison posts lield*east of the Mississippi. . From Atlanta.?A gentleman who reached thi. oity Inst night from Atlnntn, reports that tlio sceno of devastation.in that city is too awful to contemplate.? All the hotels and the stores from Wesloy Chapei on Peaehtree street to Boark's coiner on Volute hall street has boon destroyed. The city Flail, and tho churchos around it aro not destroyed. - Soon after tho Innikees left it tho country people in its vicinity rushed iti and carried off everything they could got hold of. Houses wero broken open and gutted. 'Thoro are about fifty and sixty negroes, and about six hundred whites in what is left of the gate city.? Chronicle & Sentinel. . From Below.?From advices received in this city on Saturday, it is thoneht that Sherrtinn i; , \. Federals made a flank movemct . v thev turned tho line of battle ai what once threatened to be adisa The Federal loss was several hundi a . wouuded. The rebel loss in kille i > cd is estimated at 3000; a hundr rebel officers and one thousand pri ers) had arrived in Nashville. S< ? ; : inanded the Federals and Cheal . commanded the rebel- corps- A io< the robelb, Schofiield's troops iei" r< point three miles south of Nwh* bridges across the Harpeth Sho - ?v< ed to retard the transportation ' . plies. A telegram from Nashville, da Pencil i 1, midnight, says: It is rumored i vim . that llood is moving eastward to ov'. * >\!uri'; boroh A great panic prevails a? << ho . plo in the country around Nash n\\ and um-v arc fleeing to that city in crov .'s T'lnu Sliy ' that llood is gathering.up all til i> . mmIcs , and cattle he can find and 'ui.-- s,'.?;uj South. . *" i Richmond, December 5.?New Yo> i hi-'. Baltimore paper* of the 5d aro received. /,! They contain.additionnl details of the ; ' of Franlilin; Id wbicli tiio repiilse of ilooc '0' <{ hoary loss, is reiterated. Gens. Pat. Cl> uno and Wirt Adams are reported killed. wi' '* stand of colors wero captured by the. u:oh forces. A telegram from Nashville, of t M' says : There was skirmishing with the el , V cavalry all day. A complete line of fchtrenchincnts o the city. A portion of our cavalry foi m.coutiterinl In-i>c?'o ? p ?.no mviuij o nines iron ion the Franklin Pike. Tlic rebels cc plainly seen advancing, when our troops t r .H towards the citv. As night was comi . W * O ' only a few occasional shots were cxchan < It'is rumored that Ilood is endeavoring t v. the Cumberland, witli a largo cavalry fi . . Coilliiiniirti-.f Vif? Jr. ' ? " a ?.?. 10 n*m?, wiui a uceli o" bo.d"? and iron clads. A Louisvillo telegram of the 2d says : ) terday evening the two forces were ngn^c 1 i: heavy skirmishing. . The rattle of the in.e--l.et~ ry was plainly heard in the streets of > ashvillc. A battle of terrible fury is imminen t, as llood is pressing blindly forward. A ? Nashville telegram says : It is bcltevi 1 tiiau Ilood's main army is threatening Mu/frees boro'/. An* JiYpuksski) Ikisiiman.?A son of < rem Erin jzobblcd un bv the ?Miard en lnct c ( i > . . D ' w" v hr became quite indignant and vented Ins ?;?Uen somewhat thus: "Bedad? and liow : the. Owld woman to git f?re and mc not tli !'.? sphlit wood I Ooh! the country is rliu v lirely and bejabers! 1 shall lare on th vissil that laves the port I''?-A* citizens of- Camden and its vicinity, by Major m. uoyKio. in uciuill ol" I he 7th Regimental I . ii near Richmond. Suppl es of Ilouiiny, Rice, to , Po.atocs, Moal, or anything that will ndil to tl t< fort of the convalescent soldier is needed. The nro disposed to contribute in supplies will send t Mr. Kenucd3*'s sloro on Friday. Donations in v..c ' are also requested. December C.?2t. ciiAifGD of schedule: OFFICE S. C. It. Hi Co.; , 1 . ' . D t 'l "it VHK is-. t-ROX' % t i.;i ; . >*f J 1 r le;, Caiy.i >\ t ; J !? \i !\ft, o. AiVC T; ?>', ?fc? 5. T -.,v - ^ . 1 ' *' * l* *' ' i ? ,i ' I