1_ ; ; ^ -. _. T~ 'TV __\. m ' ^ ' ^ ^ / ' ' " ''? r"v*; 7"'~^ v *.~ ~ "V" "^r ? ' . * '*'' > * ' '-' r?- - - . -?? ,; ; . .-. :?r; ' ,''. >: Zli n. .'J?Hio?**r ' VOL. ? CAMDEN^". C., FRIDAY, DEC. Q, 1864 3STO: 1 Si jpy x/. jj. MOUOT'X'. Terms of Subscription. Daily paper per month ' . - $3.00 " " for Six Months . - - - $15.00 ^ .. Weekly)- - - ' - - $5.00 lor Advertising: Fbr ono Square ?: twelve linos or less ?TWO HOLLA HS and I'MJjTY CKNTS lor the first insertion, and TWO DOLLARS for each suhscqeunt. Obituary Notices, oxcceduig one square, charged t advertising rates. Transient-Advertisements and Job Wor* MUST mr. PALI) Jim IN ADVANCK No deduction made, except to our regular ndverlis^ ?g patrons. Anothbk Yankee Mkuciiant Gone.? It is the on dit among the-friends and aequaintanccs of Joseph l\ Jones, . formerly of the firm of Jones & Ilarwood, cabinet inakcrs and furniture dealers, that he has'Vfcry recently run the lines and; go^e over to the Yankees. Jor.os was reputed wealthy, and leaves his family behind to lock after that portion of his wealth which lie coltld not carry away with liiin in hai;d coin or greenback currency.' lie came ffom Andovcr, Massachusetts, some years ago, a poor itinerant adventurer, and obtained employment in a woollen factor}', from whence he rose, tflj-hc eminence of a merchant, which he lias jiTRt disgraced. It is to meet the cases of sncli Ymkccs as Jones, Bowers and others, who tare daily imitating their bad example, tbat dve hope to sec 1'ongrcss enact the 1^. confiscating to the Confederate Slates the pro pcrty of such as dodge behind the military lines of the enemy in order to escape their duty t CMljM DAILY tMiNAL nilBAY HlORIVIiVC* DLt. 2. ** * A Discovf.uV.?Tho Yiinkc^t, in their avidity for an excuse for their late outrage on 13razill, have discovered ainco it occurred that the Florida had captured several prizes within three miles of the Jhazilinn coast, without any notice being take.n of it by the Government ? 1 .How happens jt that Lincoln's Government never made such a complaint? "We"Leg to direct attention to the Confederate War Tax Collector's notice, and would romind the tax payors that four per cent bonds are not recivablo In taxes alter this mouth, and as it requires timo to enter up *uml balance the returns after they liavo been made, it is absolutely necessary that all persons having returns to make should do so at once. The tax ofii'co is now open, and parties neglecting the opportunity must not Maine the Assessors or t.'olloctor.if'tiiey have to pay in new piirronnp ti.Ij a.? :? ? * _ .. ..wj . uiujr will iiuto 10 uo unless they I make their returns at once. A private letter from Augusta, dated the 26th, speaks thus encouragingly : # Wo think now wo aro safe liort?any how woaro ready, and nil under arms. BkaqO and a large force of good troops leave to-night for ?, to join Hakdee and destroy the enemy. WAtfJflE las had to leave tho Oconee, nuu. has fallen bacd to Jo*)oint where ho will find Bragg and IIardee. And JjnEUMAN ininu- n .* C?P " ,T I fight if ho comes our way. " ~~ j Teleqraph Kews.?Wo tlie indulgenoc of our readers .for a short thne~idrihition to telegraph news. Tho lin#s are used almost? exclusively by our MilitfcYy aiWibrftieh at prcsentf what little telegraph riowiNve get, seldom pusaes*y Federal mi: J lets, mid some, still limping on iheir enilclios, toll of the terrible ordeal through which they have passed to perpetuate aud defend tue proud principles of their birth-right Others have tilled'honorable positions at home, and displayed their patriotism in an arena where personal worth and private example have {undo their mark. From such a body, and in such a crisis, we an- ' ticipoto nothing but the most judicious legislation? that which shall manfully encounter the difhculties by which we nro B'>rro??tdod, and re-assert the tiraohonoiud rights which belong essentially to South Caro- j linn. G rave questions nro likely to bo prosented to1 the consideration of the present Legislature, nud tho country will look wtih no littlo interest for tho action, that may be tnkon upon them. ... XT V mi -rr * ujiaw j iiish xukh.? ? ne iicritid of Tries-1 day has the following notice of a visit of Gen. Grant to that city : | Our great military chieftain, the gallant and able commander of all our national armies, Lt. Gen Grant, arrived in this city on Saturday lae equally powerless. , Viscount Bury, in Fr user's Mayo tine. Tax in Kindf CAMDEN, S. C., Nor. 30, 1864. t T)LANTERS AR14 EARNESTLY REQUESTED ' I. to bring in tlieir Tithes of Corn. Peas, Oat^.ltTe, Wheat, Fodder and Hoy, A T ONCE* The Stores ore- inuah needed. j.jones; - Dee. 1?6d. Agent t. i. k. Iron, 'Iron, Iron. A lot of BAR iron on consignment and for sale by MATHESON & co. Dec. 1??d. uifiii Ttv nrriiir : vmii n\ wrriit. 5 T WILL BE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACE8 TO X collect tho War Tnx : B Liberty IliJl?Monday, 12th instant. . Flat Rock?Tuesday, 13th. ' Buffalo?At Mr. ItuRsel Sowell's?Wednesday, 14th. ii Dr. 13. S Lucas's?Tuesday, ,15th. Schrock's Mill?Friday, lGlh. e One of the Assessors will attend to give an opportuni. ity for such persons as hare not made their Returns'to do so Auy appeals from the assessments made must bo presented in writing before tho aboro mentioned ti dales. A. M. KKNN-EDT; Dec. lwld.2w. C. 17th 0. Di S. C.s . I, will attend ihe above named places on the days ' specified,' to rcccjvo. reiitrns.,of T:\f\. in Kind. Produ cers will go prepared to mako full returns of their crops iu 1864. ' W.WALLACE, ' . Dec. 1. Assessor Tax in Kind. 1 : . ? Notice. T WILL HIRE AS TRUSTEE FOR M A RY HOUGH f X Elcrson, Silrey, Lovenia, Amelia, Harriet and hor three children, hirer to give bond and two good securities. fill-mail two Hllils nl' clnllino nno n