"W1 f.T S . s . *11 * '- - - | M ~ I in ' | g 1 " V 1 ' l ? ii - ^ '''V' ^^ ' "f ^ >;! ; S VOlZl~~ CAMDEN, S. C., S ATIJRDAY, bCT. 8,1864. NO. 85. / * ' - - - - . . . ' - " _ ? ' '. ' . # ? - . ... - ; By p. XX HOCOTT. Terms of Subscription.'; , Daily paper per mouth $3.00 " " j. for Six Months - 4- - $15.90. Weak]/, - ' t- . - . $6.00 Ratds for Advertising: For one Square ? twelve lines or, less ?TWO DOLf^LRS nnd FIFTY CKSTfl| for the first insertion, and TWO DOLLARS for eaclwubseqeutit. ' ATAnm'j n?ooo/W?(rnno cAnarr, ^lirtTVrr.,1 V011UAAJ .V/IIUU^ yj AOVVMlii^ VUV 0,JV?|?IV.| *t advertising rates. \j. ' Transiout Advtffftsoraoxits and Job "Wyrii mltstbe pa(rr> foit in ar>v ancje N4 dednctiyn rpade,- except to-our regular advert is ' -v ' fug patronft A ' ' ' An Important Order. ' ?: . ' i' Gen. Taylor has just issued the annexed ira. portant order in regard to matters in bis de , partmcut: * s r ' . ' Headquarters Department of Alabama, MissmarPPi and East Louisiana,?Selnia, Sept. 24, 1SG4.?I. The system of provost marshals is hereby abolished in this departmcbt? All officers, non-commissioned officers and privates attache i to or in any way employed init, fit for duty and connected with organizations in > the field, will at once rejpin their respective 'comnj ihds. Officers-unfit for activd duty .will renoil to these headquartors, giving their stat as as officers, tfopy of orders placing them on duty, and certificates of a medical examining hoard as to the continuance of their disability. Non-cominissioued officers and privates'detiiiled on certificate of medical examining board with provost" marshals, will report to the commaudant of the pasts at which they may bestationf ed, or if there be no commandant of such posts, n, '* then tlio nearest td them. If. Post commandeis are cbnrged with the 0 duty of arresting and returning to their com, maud all officers and soldiers improperly ab. sent from them, III. All persons employed, as detectives or secret service men, unless by the authority of the War Department, ce*tsc to be employed by the first of next month, and become liable to enrollment by the proper officers unless reemployed by the lieutenant general commanding department. ' ' . * IV. Paragraph III of this order does not apply to those persons employed for temporary purposes by commanders, on the frontier, nor ^ it in+^.n^o/l tn r>ri>vnnt frnm er> prnnlnv XO JL lUivuuvu ?v |/?v? V..W .. V... WW v..i^,wj ing persons from time to time as they may find necessary. ' k ' Blve Times in New Orleans.?A Yankee ' letter from New. Orleans says : The business world of New Orleans is very bine. Long faces predominate. -The worm has destroyed ^hc cotton crop almost^eritirely ; and merchants who' last winter gave irarnenso parties, ditiners, &c,, supposing that by tliis time they should count their w<h by hundreds of thousands, arc uow calculating how tbey can save their picayunes hnd meet their expanses. Thi6 winter promises to DC very aitiercnt irom the last. The same correspondent describes the effect of the news of the fall of Atlanta in New Orleans. Of coarse there was'great rejoicing; but after detailing all the glorification, this correspondent adds; " The Confederates are still in good spirits; indeed they are the most hopeful class of people in the world.# New Military Department.?It is rumored, says the Montgomery Mail, that a new military district-is about to be. established, to> b.e called the Department of the Tennessee. It is ' to embrace all the territory North df the Tennessee River, at id extending through Kentucky by the left to the mouth of that stream, and into JEast Tennessee on the right as for as Cumberland Gap. Gen. forrest, the rumor lias it, j 'will be made Lieutenant General and placed in command ot tius new department, with authority to* raise as farge a force as possible and to . ' operate against the enemy at discretion. ( An English p iper say*a few days since, a I 0f carrier pigeon llew from Exeter railway station j to Camden Grove, IVckbam, a distance of 171 I miles, in a little over five hours, * ? - . " ' V"~; *\\ > ' , . f t * i...', if,' ; y::\j v;::xv ' ' ! - v '"V-.V- - r, .-vy;. CAM PEN DAILY -JOUB N A f.. SATl'RDAI iTfORSI.\C, 0( T. 8. 3"be New York Ilcrald is dr/fting -toward* the fiujiport of NcCttLL\.\*. * From tbe following, it woukl aftiearthat t^SrSzens of Now -Orleans have been ejfenaively ulack-mailed l\v all the swarm of Yankee detectives and sob-officials. Canbj'i^moviujj to get the lucrative business exclusively into liis own Lands: . * . "iNSPtoxoTi's Office, " V * liii iiroiid Building, -Laiayette Squ-.ire, i^Julj 20, ltiSL "AH,persons who have pitid sums el iponey to any officer of tbe'Goverjimeht, or to any party purporting to.represent tl^e Government :> ' ' " "For 'Rent,- AsaetfStn&t*. '(^mffiissidners,' 'Passports,1 'Privileges,' 'Black ifail or Helestse iroifi, any re-; qui red'duly,' or any.other, without cqnsideratidn, will please hand to t))o undersigned,' at his office, a. concise statement of: ? " Da u> of Payment,' Property Represented,0 'Time for whicli'jftjyinont was^nade,' 'Atnoun^' 'To whom paid,' and any other information necessary-to establish-the amounts collected in this city and in the Depstfttnent of the Gulf. * ?. . i : "AAMES H. STOKES, InsjBctor. "Approved: Edward it. S. Carry, Major;Geueral Commanding Division West M'ississppi." ' . From tiie abovo samples, taken almost at random from a multitude of Yankee official orders, some idea may be formed of how desirable a thing it is to live under Jrank4t rule, as exercised in so much of the South as has been overrun and held by their armies. Statistics op Car,vagf..?A writer in- the Jefferson County, Neyj York' Union has made some calculations relative to the number of men killed thus far in,this 'wfcr, and gives the following results. . , . Enough have been already slain to encircle our ptate it tueir dead bocftes were Jaiu in one continuous line. Xf they were placed in coffins and corded, they would conntoC^OOO cords. If laid in a wall twenty-five feet thick and thirty feet high, it would be. over oned'our'th mile long. ? ' . If five feet thick and ten feet high, the pile wr^p r.eaob across the State. If piled upon a ten acre lot, they would he nearly twu bjivoQ aaiu tu ' \< / ' < '' . . . ,.' * ? - ' . . \ V - " ' ; 'i, C. f. v, sai -'.V -* ' - I'M LATEST BY TELE^IAPHREPORTS OTP THE PRESS ASSOCIATION. Entered acconfincr to tht&Act of Congress in the roar 18(53. by J. <5. TlinAfitftft. in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Confederate States for th-V ' Northern District of Georgia. " ' ; r - * ' * ' ' " : -'4 . . ? *. ^ . FROM hlonifOND. ' ' . Richmond, Oct. 7.?A fight commchcefT early this'morning on Darl^towa Road, nortli side of James river ahd extended along .the lines to Fort Harrison, and ceased at 2V>'clcclc. Wc.carried. as reboried. 2 lines of breastworks.' - , ' t 1 .? 7 . 7 .took 300 prisoners, 100 horses, and 1 pl$ce of artijjery. (Jen. Gregg." o? Texas was killed. Gen. Bratton, Cot Haskell and Waj. llaslcell of South. Carolina wounded. Our loss slight? that of the enemy heavy. Nothing official yet received. Richmond, Oct. 7.?Gen.'Lee reports to the War Department this eyening that a despatch from Early says, Shcridap is retreating 'from Harrisonburg, ddfyi the Yalicy. ' FROM PETERSBURG. Petersburg, Oct." 7.?Unusual quiet has prevailed here to-day, and for the past week. Grant seems to be blisy with the spade on his new possition near Fort MpCrae. It ib rumored that Lieut. Gen.R. H. Anderson will take command of Beaurcgaids troops. Charlottesville; Oct. 7.? An officer just arrivcdSticrp'from Harrisonburg, wbieff says Sheridan had been driven frpp that place, aiid was moving down the Valley. Our cavalry had entered tlie towu. . ' " NORTHERN NEWS. Mobile, Oct. 7.?A "special despatch'to the yfpfceriiMr, from Senatobia Otfi to the Chicago Times of 1st and Memphis papers of 4th stf ,ilio Confederates roade^t desperate assault on Pilot Knob and ivaaxcpulsed. Loss 1000 including Gon. Cabell. The Federals evacuated the place on the llfctli. spilling "guns, -and firing the railroad depot. The Confederates captured three guns, Kw^pg trains of 40 wagons and escort, burning iron works, all govern nWit buildings, making a complete smash of the refiring apparatus. The Valley and mountain is literally covered with Confederates. Liter reports say Price overtook Ewing,.and badly used hiin up, at Harrisons Station. The Yankees have evacuated Potosi, Mineral Point and. DcsctOj and the entire country below Mcntina bridge evacuated, A. J. Smith was flanked and fell back to Jefferson barracks, fortifying. A raid ing p arty went to Chalmers, four miles from the city. ; ^ > The Chicago Times thinks it very strange that Ewing should evacuate Pilot Kriob, after slaughtering so manj^^bels. Bill Anderson Ambushed and killed 100 of Johnson's six imonths men, and Anderson sqye fie intends to kill every jnnn he finds wearing- Federal>nui^ forms, they having killfcd h'isr father, moth' er and sisters.' Ptice conscripts aLi Union sympathisers. "Many drafted men have escaped from St. Tokis and joined Price. RoseucrWitz has issued orders to shoot every jnan going that way. Nashville papers of the 30tb say fcorrest was at Earnwille 011 tKe night of the 28tb?nearly his w}iole force moving on the Chattanooga road. A small portion of the road has been destroyed. AH the bridges has been destroyed between Athens and Pulaski. 'Rossau is a; Tallnhoma. Forrest had 20 ammunition wagons and ^ ghns, including 2 ohe hundrfd pound paroLs. Decatur is Yepoftcd captured by Whedlcr. 1 ' % v The Confederate Loan detlfrkd 1-3 percent. The fcuptnrc of Atlanta-is considered in Europe the crowning victory of the Western Army.. Cold in New York on the 1st 193. M. Smith commands at Memphis. Washburn is absent on Ifive. ' ' v- " v * ' . * : . vi ' r 1 ^ * '..f # Jf * i ' ' V . V L , . i. ? . ' . .> \. vii'init.v Tlisc sr>Pori'lntP/l nn tlia nmKa-. v Y - r ? . r? V/ilitv of the prisoners making tPeir way to V ' Kentucky ami Canada, "though the general opinion prevails that they_would attempt th6- ^ latter course. v ' ? By telegrams it will be seen that the Iforth- . v ern' papers give the same report, Tlie lady says th'at at the same time she heard Sherman * read a dispatch stating that Iihoddy "or Basil/ Duke had captnred twenty-five hundred head cattle between Balton and Chattanooga. Mrs. M. is well known to' many of- otrr people, and is a reliable fadyi The Yankees captured her on the Chattahoochee and imp*"?soned her at M^iriettp, where Co). Ross) a con- , temptible fellow with a cerulean abdomen* . ' from tbc wooden nutmeg Slate, insalted her with many indignities. , 1 She was ai.-o imprisoned several .days in ShermanV quarters, in Atlanta, in the next ' ? rponito his, and wasjeept there without.ahy' > convenience** of hedflinr*. elothinof ike.. and ^ o? ? tv # 1 ' v otherwise subjected to many indignities.? W'hjlst in that place she overheard the substance of the nhovc news. She was exiled oiv Wednesday.?Mxiron In'^iUgakfr. Fiiom thf. 'Front.? Our army lias thrown up a splendid line of works betwconThc West Point and Atlanta railroads;' parallel with Qainphcllton niuldMaibniTi dirt read. ' "Wheeler, in his late expedition to Tennessee, when at Leha.OQU, caused to be burned the colioges and academies at that place. TJbcy were k occupied by -negroes ami Yankee' schoolmanns who were "teaching the young idea liow to shoot." v The LaGrango Reporur i earns lit rough a goiitlerhun direct from tin*, vicinity "of Home,, tbat thc* Yankees fov ovacm^iiig ibat city rapidly, removing their soldier* am. supplies down towards Marietta. We learn tin t our s^pnfs raptured one of* Sherman's supply.iraii s, on ?.Monday last, at Marietta. Thirty prisoner* captured yt the same time, reached Newmui o*i Thursday, and ' | J* l , came down the road Jnst' night. Gen. Cheatham is now in command of tbe ?, gallant corns lately finder Gen. Hardee, and; the report reaches u.> he has been made acting Bifeutenint General. So far it is all right, but the full Tank has been won by the lighting Ten- # nesseean. - r; Tns Mirhiaoe <5f Belle Bovd?Otijer ' Wedding^,?The New York TVmesoftbe 19th says: ' ' The secession journals convert the marriageof Miss Belle Boyd inlp a first class romance.But Captain Hard in ge, it seems, was always \ v a secessionist in principle, and\it is -difficult to see where the romanco, lies. Mr. Moore, of the Confederate service, has just married, at "* Baden Baden, the 6ecouddanghter of Mr. Ludlain, of Richmond and New York. The news paper correspondents at JLsanen-itauen s|>eaR 111 * raptures of theberinty and?elcgrtn<,cofthe bride. The papers also speak of the forthcoming mar. ' riage of the eldest daughter of Mr."Slidell tog^e Erlangcr, the negotiator of the Confederate loan. After ten montWs' pleading before thrr Cardinals at Homo, the demand of M. Erlangee for a legalization of bia . divpte-e from M'll Laffite has been granted. Roads- * Tiie commissioners of roads for ker- ; SHAW District will meet jn Camden, oh thefourth Monday in October, at 11 o'clock. COUiN McRAE, Clerk. r Oct 1 * . Itw.tdf A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TIIK estate'" it\ of Richard Hyatt, tvili plewo make payment, crid those .having claims .against paid estate will pre-%\ i flAiit t.hpm iirnnArlv jiHv?atc.4 f/? - i" v w, , E. BABNlrf Oct. 8 Stw i-V Administrator. # '". Notice- . 1"jMTHl3Tit STRAYED OR STOLEN LAST MOXli DAY?A white and black spotfedMTLCH COW, and a pray collered HE 15 MR twp'j^irstiKl. Any information loading to tlic-recorerv of the game will bo liberally rewarded. .'JOHN H. JUNG-BLUTH, Oct, 8 tf DoKaHi House. i Kfti