r ffjt (Hfitnkit lilffhii/Jenrnal. . _ * =Tuesday, May 7, 1861. ""* - ' ?- ' Tl-IO. J. WAKREiSr. Editor. Capt. Cantej'* Company < la in camp at Cornwallis Iloiise, drilling: and improv-. - iug rapidly in (ho duties of the soldier. Tlioy expect to start to -Virginia this week, and will present one of the beat-companies in the service. c 31 Tf?)tecknowlc-dge. with rnnci) gratification, t^jp. receipt B^T ' * 'of RicWfBtt papers from orir voting friends, Messrs. JonirJ. and IVilium McK.uk, who are now nobly . enlisted in defence' of their country's rights. That we V; are not altogether forgotten by 'the boys'' is evidenced by this kind attention on-the part of otr esteemed friends. TFe have not forgotten them. Tlie Latest Sew*. VTe have nothing of very _special interest and im- , . portscce by last night's mail The usual military pre- , . paratiops are going on at the Lincoln Capital,-and , , ? Maryland looksms if she was going to bow the knee , Tto tho Blabk Prince, " > , ? . .. ' But the-Southern blood is tip, and just as soon as . - the tools of a degraded and vulgar tyranny attempt to , plant- their-polluted foot upon our soil, they will be j driven back as chaff before the wind. Marie the proplie* { PresidentJDtivis' Message. J . VTe, regret that we are only able to publish a brief E - vantage liea. President Dams is a gentleman, sol- a 7/'* dWiamPStatesman.-. Liscots is.a black guard, cow- ^ aid and-'consumraatb knavo. \This .is the difference | g, /ResidenbL^.- . ^ ; < _ s* Xcw Trial Grawtt d. " -We are' iii^cd{'tl?t'^>ppcal heard^ pursuant to st : .' " -* -,fea 23-J.iprU, n-uow trial vas-gruuted to Wash, slave ll{ . .. tof Mr. TVm. F?*?fo&T, recently convicted of ar^at- pt 'wrapt, to raise an insurrection, and*!io trial ordered cn - to bojbe'al in Caiaden ori.'Mortday, 13tli Ma}', lust, J* but iu consequence olHhe^bsence, in the war, of the. vj 'Clerk,- SlionfTand Magistrate^ as also four of the live 5*} . 'e&n^.engaged. Ris Honr&'dius ordered the trial to N-, be aoferrt-d until: the furthe^ortier ol'-dje Court, either ric jf ' TS^petty-fcaeing tbo righttr; move tapro^d,'upon giving tl|l '9? tiof sll0Ulti another have thehonor "of doing thai -Hoi tho tfot cf ono wdio" is clearly entitled to a dat TVefcope the'Charleston Ifucurt/: will innko a note org 5':' - " of this, and 'bonder unto t\?S*Rti?e things that are Sx1 C.e9ajT&." M Maj Day revivals. ch= . Thev_tine-honpred custom .arapng the young folks T was observed with marked spirit and taste by the 1 young Indies atTdjuveuiles of our town.'- vo' ' On Wednesday, evening a 'large number, representing the > the smaller scholar^ of .Mr.?. McfJASDLEss'-Seminary, ] ^ gave their May party at Town HalL The appoint- ed : tuents wero admirable, and everything conducted with much taste and propriety, Miss Sac.uk DeSausscbk ( . was tlioir chrwOfvrfli^nr.- i?**- | ijm aiiM Uic ct-JUi;uvu WilSA D10SI ^ Admirable one. ' ^ ' \ "We are prevented. from the pressure upon our col uronB-H^dar.Trom giving a detailed account of the in- ^ .terestiug exercises. with the names of all who had a place in the picture, but.will take pleasure in doing bo ^ in our next. On Thursday evening another celebration took place. _ f".: ' ' ?t the Pino Grovo Academy. 'Miss Alice Dobt was c ..crowned, and a fit representative was she of Flora's sweet Queen.- Her attendants were, well selected, and ^ ^ performed their several parte most admirably.. - . The juSOes and addresses will be publisliod next . week. . ! . H? Oar Richmond Correspondence. ? We havo received from a yonug friend attached to xjp] tho DeKalb Rifle Guards, a letter dated at Camp Pick- q ens, Richmond, Va., from which wo lean? that tho 1st f Regiment of 'South Carolina Volunteers, uudor com- bra mand of Cbl. Geecc, were pleasantly quartered at the /, Old Fair Grounds, in the suburbs of that beautiful and Qixi .hospitable city. ? . ' Tlie mon are all well satisfied to bo in Old Virginia. p?t( 'end, the writer adds, "well they may be. for never Q before "havo -troops been better treated. Our whole R0b progress was' liko a triumphal march. We were 0 'greeted at overy.station with the greatest enthusiasm, lutit Tho ladies turned out in large crowds, and pressed ^ eagerly forward to shake the Pahnettoes hand. Thon- den, ' sands of. coquets wore presented to us, and at no placo a lai< would-they receive pay for eatables, 4c. Tho Co'nfederato flag floated over nearly every liousc, and every one who eould get a piece of Pidmotto was much en- for t iod by tho'e wbctwere uusuccessful. A submission- it Hk, is; would not dare show his head now. appc "Our old flag is an object of great interest, and every t|io' day our quarters are crowded with ladies to look at it. gur The Palmetto button here is a passport to any place, o ?nd we are not permitted to pay for any thing. The }{. Commissary department is supplied every day with all publ kinds of luxuries bv the ladies, and it is rumored thai tbey intend to furnish us with a now unifunn. jouri '.'T^10 Jum.T Volunteers, composed of tlio boys in C. Eichmoud, came up and paraded yesterday. I liave ^ :Bl 3(^cr'~5eeirTf better drilled company. Tliey are au jjjn PBf fait on the Zouave drill. unja / '-Our Colonel is very strict, but a splendid command- yi ) $r. I think ho is tho right man in the right place. jow "J havo met aud received kind attentions from tlio 5 0>, ? venera'olo Edsiu.nd Burns* and Col. Pkyou, whoso acqtjajutanco I made in Charlostou. I met Major Goodwyy hero, with three companies of Col Kensmew's Eegiineut; tho Camden Volunteers wore among tbem. They are now quartered at tho new PoorHouse, a splendid building. I mot sevoral of the boys, uud . ] tboy reportall well. It is reported that wo are to march to tho neighborhood of Washington So mote it be. ^ "you know that I am considered an ugly man at homo, but Mo? and myself act as gallants tor our com- ^ 'pany, and are very tn'uch apprrciat d. Every hour ..- ' . . , . e .. ' natio aomothing comes in marked for him or me. h ^ ^ j.'I wish you would como ou and see what lions we ^ ; are. Stick a Palmottb treo on your hat before stari- , tlio v wind ~ ? , . . , , the n . */ ^Pla,st Provisions. It is particularly re thut .commended and Qanwstly urged that our planners and farmers should put in large crops ol \ provisions. We may be at the commence- j, meet of a long war, and it,is essential to have ^ v/nlf supplies for our people and troops. We . ' > ? , 1 1 ^ llxk .must depend on ourselves, and may hy ,o'i ot'ior source of supply but our own^ arfislt I" s?. ' ; u _ . V* I ' Onr Louisville Correspondence. j V - Louisville. Kr., April 29, 186.1. ' Mr. Editor: I arrived here yesterday morning. On my way through Tennessee I found the whole population isi a perfect blaze. Tennessee is now a unit for the Southern cause, and not only so in opinion, but in acts also. Her Legislature has actually passed an act of secession, and have appointed delegates to the 0. S..A. Government at Montgomery. They will submit their action to the people for confirmation?and lhaj will coiifiim it This was done in secret session, and was not made public when f passed through there on Saturday?.nor is it vet, thai I know of?but there is | no mistake in tlio fact, which no doubt von will lcnrn by telegraph before this 'reaches you. The greatest excitement prevails throughout this State, and especially at thus place- An embargo upon the shipment of all provisions from Ohio and Indiana to this place, and all other places South, 1ms been laid, and is beiug strictly enforced Tho result is, that bacon sides aro quoted in tho Cindinunti market at V to 8. and selling in this place at-12? .to 13 cents. The demand here for 'shipments South has been so great the last few days, thut many persons have become alarmed, and to-day not a pound of provisions can be slurped from this place South?not even to Tennessee. This action by the party in control?which, I regret to say, is tho submission or abolition party?lias created the greatest excitement and qoniusiou. This party alleges that if shipments South are allowed, to goon, that in a few days everything will be shipped oft', and their own population left" to starve. Tho other, or Southern rights party, nrguo that there is enough provisions not? here to feed the city, and three years to come, if not lug more was brought in?and again, if everything in the way of provisions. w? re now shipped of}', that the surplus in the.surrounding couutry could feed tliem without materially advancing prices. Botli of these parties have been ha d at work all day, to mako out their cases to a public meeting called for tonight, where the subject is to be discussed IIow it will be decided, or whether decided ut nil or uot, I ran make no conjecture. The Guthiuk and Prentiss? [he soap-tail party?propose for Kentucky to play neutral:' "an armed neutrality1' is their watch-word I leU'them that ti'e would be content for tliem to occupy ;hat position, but that their President, Lincoln, will iot be so easily satisfied?that he will nut let them do t, but wilt force thCm to take his side, or -force them iut of the Union; anil'that their good friends just across he river would starve them out, in a day, if they'eould. Jut what I intended to write at the outset was, to say o you, to urge through your paper in the most earnest aanner upon the planting interest, to cross all their , otton.fields with corn. If the present embargo is outinued. provisions in the South must go up to most | uiuous pric- a, unless ' they take timely warning and , uard against it, by planting more com and potatoes. | T they would- only plant .urgely of potatoes, it would | nswer, at least, for all'the descendants of old Mahion; v ut even they would be the better of. a little broud j ace iii a while. But the thing is really assuming a t irious character. The North is united, and the Abo c tion press is everywhere loud and clamorous for an I. vusion, and Mr. Lincoln* may be forced into such n t ep before the country, North or South, are really ii vare of it. I-hiv've no doubt us* to the result, even if o s does.' We arc obliged to repel them?we will rcdthom; but. our planters must giw us bread. We c Jinoc eat cottoD. anil it may be wo ctinnbt sell it so a] udily?and if we can sell it, the source lor btn^ng pro- c sionr. tt.aj' be cut off, as it now is. g The present movement makes provisions cheap at tlio w ortli, and renders the poor contented! It affects tlio Ii ih only, while with us it makes provisions dearsmd 11 e poor discontented.?.This is an importaut consider- w "on,-and jogr planters should nqt.be allowed to loose ;ht i.?fit. . We have many advantages in the contest,t none to ihrqwasfny; and wo should not under-csti- tc ivc the- advantages and resources of pur. enemies ? our planters will but take t;uicly|iold,"ttttd put in a v* go crop of provisions, it will be bqual.'to a General ,'1 -h:'? FweeiesS^B tnfr_ ' \ | K iti11o District. "TaTei;!' fur | tli ? purpose or iMMWiifflc provision for the tun.* to i of our volotSIm now in service, was held this tli r at tae Town flail. , w: Dn motion of Capt. Jotix BoTKt.V, the meeting was ;auized by cit ing to the chair Major Joun M. Pe- I" cssurk; Mr. C. II. Pl-CtC was also requested to act Secretary. . !'! Clio object oftho meetat^baving been stated by tlio l'' lirrann, the following MBntion was offered by Col n. F. Warren, and unanimously adopted: . Tor the purpose of furnishing the (amities of our " 1 unteers, now in "service, with such provisions as ir necessities mav require, be it Piiu ?e?oked. That the following committees he eppointfn cacti Beat, to cull upon even- person witliiu their X'eiive limits for subsei iptioiw in aid pi he object "T tcmphited: tli 7widen?E. W. Bonney, A. if. Kennedy, John ft'I rkman, P. F. Villopigue. W E. Johnson, C.J nnon. C. Bell, T. W. Pcgncs.T J. tVarrcn, J. Dun- wt J. B- Curctgn W M Shannon, R. B Johnson, n MacRae, L. W. R. Blair, J. A Young, B. *i. l'" wn. l*'' ,iteiJnjn^r-Dr. B. S. Lucas, s^nr., Daniel GarU- J1,1' Daniel Beth line. Samuel P. Murchison, Wm, Ifnlh '' ey Kelly, J. It Shaw. Esq. kb-ck'* Mill?B. Boykin, \Y. M. Bulloek, B. T. j jj" 7oy, Robert Turner, B. J. Humphries, Ed. Barnes, ' 1 McCoy, Charles*Perkins. Iuretun's Mill?James Team, W. D. Ilogan, E PnrL L. Whitaker, Thomas Lang, J. J. Kelson, ^ J. ckabce, J. 0. Ilipgins, Fred. Bowcn. in motion of Dr. Trantham, it was itij 'esolwd, Tltat comraittoes bo appointed for tho dn >er Battalion, ho fol owing tinmcd gentlemen were appointed: 'tut liufk-J I. Trantliam, Jesse Truesdell. Ricliard P"' keford, Samuel II. Brewer. J. It. Dye. ' tl1" ibcrty lltU?L J. Patterson^ D. D. Perry, IVm. fie. an, "VYm. Brown, A B. IJardlaw. ;uh 'uffaiit?IVin. ilungo, Charles Italey, B..Jones, Levi 3 I Van tits Quarkr?John B. Mickle, James Love, sr. ert Smyrl. ' c,? n motion ol Cnpfc. Joiis boykix-the following rcso- arl in was adopted: ber esolved. That a central committee of five, at Cambo appointed to grant suppl.es, from the fnuds ih may be collected for the relief of the families of voluuteers of the District, upon the certificate from member of the local committee, and that they be votmrized to purchase supplies by the large amount j||ir listribution. * i accordance with the above resolution, the eh ir 1 wited the following named gentlemen to constitute ?'(1 central committeo: Dr L. II. Dens, Be ij. Perkins, sail tvoll Boykin, 12. \V. Bouncy, A. M. Kennedy I ] nmotion ofCnpr. Boyki.v, it was ' I in 'solved. That the proceedings of this meeting bo ; ' ished in the Camden Journal. | l'cr o further business appearing, tbo meeting then ad- j gin nod. J. M. DeSAU&SUKK, Chairman. J II Peck, Secretary. * j];iH me;ting of the committco^ippointeil forCuroton's Beat will be held at Beaver Dam Church on Sat* J y, May 11th at 9 o'clock a. m. ie committee for Camden are requested to meet at n Hall on Wednesday-?to-morrow?afternoon, ot 1""" dock. . I" ! At! 'A iolncidencv. ! wi/l It. Editor: I was reading, the other night, thu C<>? ierfnl war preparations at the North, the monster S||U i meeting at New York, ?e., and when I had tin- i j. I, I opened tl# Bible to road my accustomed les- . and opened at this pass .go in Isaiah: "Woe to the '" itu.de of many people which mako u noise like the i of tho sons, and to 'the rushing of nations that' utte > a rusliing like the ru-hing of many waters Tho slii[ us shall rush like tho rushing of many waters, |u.t| lod shall rtbuke tliem and they shall flee far off sha.l he rhtned a3 tho chall'oftho mountnms boloro J rind, and liko a rol ing thing before the whirl. . And behold at evening tide trouble, and before no^ aorning he is not. This is tho portion of them won spoil it?, aud the lot of them that rub us." L. tain ? tion Secession of Tennessee. hav s-ouMoyn, May 2.?Dispatches received vftn' s-t/itc that the Legislature of Tennessee t? '' passed a Secession Ordinance by a laryo >ritv. Nine cheers for TcDnessce. i, ^ Irifct ^ ?? . (IUPWB . ,v;. - ^ , - ' : . ' * 7jM ? ? ... ? ' r * -i* i v^.r . . > -* Eipfo-ioj; of an, Oil Wei!--Loss oi Li irinul Frigliiftil. Sccue*. It liasalready been briefly mentioned that an oil well in Warren county, IV, took fire a few^days ago and exploded with frightful effect, causing the loss of 'eighteen' lives. A letter gives the following additional particulars. A well which had been drilled over two hundred feet by Haw Icy &. derrick, had struck oil. but the yield being less tlinn expected, the pumping was abandoned .and drilling- recommenced.' Over one hundred feet further were I drilled, when at half- past .five on Wednesday i evening a sudden rnsii of bilftlifongli the five| indi and n lialf tuliing, threw out the drills and j gushed up into the. air. forty, fact above the : surface of the ground. At.the least eomputn I tion it was throwing from seventy to one hundred barrels ;m hour. Above this mass of oil, the gas of benzine rose in a clondjbr fifty on sixty feet. As soon as the oil commetieedgiishiiig'forth, all the firesof the engines in the ' neighborhood were immediately extinguished. | At about half-past eleven,, as a,, large number of men and boys were nroiind the'well ongaged in saving the oil, the gas from fli'e well which had spread in every direction, took fire from the engine of a well over, four hundred rods distant, when in a Second: the tyholq air was i" a flame, with a crash and a rear like discharges from a park of nrtilerv. ? As soon as the gas took fire, the head of the jet of oil was in a furious Maze, and falling like, water from a fountain over a space otic -hundred feet in diameter, each drop came down a. blazing globe of boiling oil. .Instantly thegiotind was a flame, constantly increased and -augmented by the falling oil. At once a scene ofitiiteScritm? bin horror took place. Scores -were th'rowu flat and for a distance of twenty feet; and mini her-1, horribly burned, rushed, blazingYrpni tire hell ol misfortune si ricking and scream- , iug in their anguish. , . Juft within the circle of the flames could he * seen four bodies boiling in tlieseething oil, and" one man, who had hpon digging ndkcli to convey awav the oil to a lower part nf'fho ground was killed as he dug, and could be-'scttfcas he fell over the handle oi' his sjtiiile, roa?ling in the fierce element. Mr. II.,11. R nse'of the firm 1 of House Mitchell and ilrowu, .of the village < ot Kntei prise, - Warren, comity," a gentleman | largely interested in wells in. this locality.,, and whose income from them amounted td.&l OOjB'a jay, was standing near the pit, and.Svas blown 1 20 feet hy the the explosion. -He got' up, ind Tan about 10 or ,15 feet further, and c ,vas drgged out by two'men, and cofireyed to t shanty some distance from the well." When ic arrived, not a vestiae of cloihing ' was left lint except his stockings and boots. ''His hair () vas burned off, as well as his finger nails, . lis care and his eyelids while the halls ofc his | yes were crisped up t a powder, dose by the lonth of tile well. JSonie thill)' four were tl: oihfded. in At the time of-th'e explosion, everything in m le neighborhood?sixty or seventy rods? j, lok tire, nnd sh'hnties, derricks, engine, houses \ id duelings, w^ere at offee inyolveil in thirties ho boiler of i^'-Ths well,' eighty rods' frbi'ii M; id original firtyblow yfp' \wtli*a treineiiilous 01 rplAsioiip killing Hi|pi!fyv-tl^ engineer, JA'esy Skinner, addmg.anolfler* intensity to the citing'shorrors. -7 Al Ibis.tii'ne'ilie whole- air e o.is'aiiove ii yo the e heavens, and apparently licking fluTefehVL'^^ itli its furious tongues of heat. All this tune, during, this tremendous com 111 tstiou, the sounds ot the explosions and do iriiings were W trcmeUous ami ^ohtiiuiotis t0 at they could he compared to nothing but e r?isliiiiroa>'li within 150 feet tliont scorching their skin or garments. oli was the most frightful am! yet grandest m! rotochriical display ever vouchsafed- to a hit- . hi being. . . On Friday morning the "oil was still-rushing "" , on fire, with the saiuc regularity and speed 'ci rowing, it was calculated at least 100 bar- tin Is an hour, covering an immense space with je., mingoil?a loss to tlie proprietors of tlie II of from $20,';00 to $2n,UUU daily. No man power can extinguish the flames, and Ki * oil must burn on until the well is exhaust- Inii . No pen can describe its fierceness, and no igue describe the magnitude of its horrors, musaiuls of spectators visit the scene evervduy. *('e seems the earth is really on fire and its ele- rc.-i ;iits about to melt with fervent heat. The ines were, at Inst lya oui.ts, still ascending tT> ., { height of eiglilv feet. lt ( ' ^ Fir From UXotUgOiiiory. < MoxTcoMEur, .May .1.? The public proceed- ' js of Congress to day were unimportant. The < y was spent mostly in secret session. ' 1 Passengers w|*o left Pensaeoia yesterday, re- J rt the troops stationed there generally in ] c health and spirits. The Confederate fortittions are rapidly progressing. Troops, arms 1 Hiiununition are daily received. ( Vice President Stephens has arrived here. Ha C-oIonel Ceorgc T. Ward, well known as an quent and fearless Whig leader in Florida, ived here to day as a Congressional Mem, successor to Patten Anderson resigned. , ' n dm Frotn Alexandria. \i.exanduia, May 2. ? 'i'lie steamer Kill- 'lt! kill passed lip with troops for Wasii- lu" to.,.- ' ; - W,,( \ private messenger named Connor reveal- ,m" the contents of some despatches. It is i (Jen. Puller will hang liini. t is now helieved the fir>t movement hy t'": coin will he in the direction of Harper's lL" ry. There are ahont five thousand Vir- "ot in troops tlier^ ilajor Tyler, of the United States marines, c'^ resigned. w'" _ __ lies Soukolk, May 4.?The I?a\ Line has been mitted to resume their trips, for mails and sengers. ,"''1 i'he Jhitish ship Hiuwathrt, from Liverpool, mo1 ler destination, City J'oiof, oil* Mondav, ^,ai I, 5000 saeks of salt for Messrs. DeYoss & , of Kiehiriond. On Saturday af ernoon ,c was hoarded hy a crowd from the U. S. o(, Cumberland, two miles <>fl Old Point, and i Captain vas told ly Coin, ''end rgras'f aM,j > eame in person, that he Lad better not ' n nipt to enter the waters of Virginia, as his ' wj;j , would probably be seized; thai he had Ler put hack to sty'. ?"d enter at I'hiladel- ! a or New York ; that, if -i> proceeded lo 1 (||present destination, the Virginians would if.., j only seize and appropriate liis vessel, hut jj,.^ ihl also keep him and his crew. The Cap- ' t0 > , notwithstanding these false representa- ! |( s, eontiiuied on, and arrived at City Point, ' j nig been shot at twice, on his way by the-' (| did Pendergrast, lie intends to complain lis Govttriiineiit of the outrage. he first caution was cast in Nashville, Tcnn> Net Saturday. j fron j < i _ . - ' , Fron^iiclisHOiKl. RlCHMospASI?3 -?Tli(^ Virginia Convcn-j tion^djourneil until -tl?o 12th. of June. I A' gentleinan lij* "h arrived here who saw i Gen. Scott on :! rsdnv. Gen. ; Scott says : most cmpljaticail^ lint lie would not invade the seceded States nit that lie would re take Harper's Ferry and ie forts ut every i\,st. Lincoln is 11ar djtt! icffToi^prorisio11s for the i large body Sftroop&irin Washington, which ; is- estimated at .Uvnty toiwentv-five tlious-1 and. Norfolk, May |?The Norfolk Argu* of ; :jt'o-day contains Cdiiiodrny Prendergast's no- ' tice of'his ability tdnaiutafli a blockade. All ! the vessels in the'Jnines''Iiivcr are hluekam J~ Fronijontgofflery. Montgomery, Mr ?.?In Congress, to-day. Mr. Wright, of Gejgia, intfodu. cd n hill authoring the Prcsimt to tie'cep' volunteers without tlio ijijHV of a call on the. States, i Tin: lull was rcletjd to. the'.Committee on: Military Affair. e \ Mr. Bartow offetd a seri.es of resolutions, I whieli >verc unaniioiisly passed, expressing: the thanks of the ropltLof .the Confederates | Slates . to General Tan regard and the forces ! of. South -Carolina Tor their gallant and sue ' * ceiwful sonnceVin t^ rccuiction of Fort Suuiter. . * ; 11 . A bill was also p^scd providing for the appointment, of as maty Chaplains in the Army as the President coolers expedient, the sala- j rv to be Tightr fiv^joIiais"a month, without other allowances. " : Toronto, CanaIS Apriy 30.? The. Leader,'t wliiclr is the CJofmiheiitx organ here, fears that Canada wiirAcomeinvolved in the Un- f it ed States diliierSes, and suggests that the j, L'unadiair Governi '>;t represent to the lin- | x-riahiuthoriti.s t y.Xj^yncy of sending six ' tr* eight regiment.1 ?f th^linc for the protcc;ioii of the frontier - - I' New. York, Mj^ ?s^5ishop Onderdotik j lied hero on Tuesdi.. ' ' Boston, May 2.-i'J'he jhiirg Si. Mary :; was ; eized here to-dav.4vit.li oL0 kegs of powJcr j .. i j i --- j ! . 'u uuuru, ikjiiiuj coijiu;v ; <|( . Baltimore; . Jlay jAr-plie Senate of Mary J oi and- li?vo (i{Joptt'd j/re$huion recommending m lie nppointjiieiit o^jCpiyiiiittce to wait on in lie President of thijUiHtcd States, the Presi- j it: cut of the Coiifedofttc States and the Goveror of Virginia, wijli.a view to bring ahont ' is Hue iiiiderptaiidieg'^rapdiv civil war mavbe lis rcvetited. .. auiliiv.roliniil'a^p.'m iSjekinoiad. The Pfti;i?Kn'fw-^TiSs?< ' *. t.( .May 1, S:iv? ifec'; more.- ( p'mpnniV. i*i::>:ii<.?i-.f a part- of i.e*-Stepmt Jh>min?tjfrvf.Snnth Carolina Vol- i o v' j tj , Hrcrs,.rand ikm?i I >o n t. 111 ree Imuk1iv<1 en, arrived in -thefty, over the Southern ' ' iiilroaJ, yesterdaVs^R-Jialf past 1 J oVIoek, i ned at jarriitt's Lwrd'" ninl left again for . ' ielnnoiid 'at threy:;f?'fc>ck! . They were as fol- i H The 'T.,?m-aster'^ Tivfiyihles?Captain -Amos '1 he- ? C:un.iin f ^-V- , faipntib rj:<11 Ipl aj.iii'-I nl ami p:ttn?nZ.^PHJreiliv the ileV. ^ ' ir'iek Pn'or whiiijf.BKsineeded on all .'-ides , hh j j be one* of iiie li'vt beeches of the kind I * . |;|> cr delivered in th* heaiig of a Petersburg j ' dhmce. Col. kcrsBaw. '-spomled on hehaif liis Regiment and (If th Statu of South Cnina, in a speech ol illicit tun' minutes, in a < inner that won aillieai t. Coi. K. is a man y patently ai>o:it v?;rs of age, with true litaiy hearing, a gvmalexpression of conn- p.(| lance, a kind hearty ami in fact possesses aii ; (Vj requisites that stamp tlie genuine military ( ,ler- i I Ion Speeches were also male hv Mr. John D. wa iley ami Lieut. E;J. Miynardie, the Chap- fjgi 11 of the Regiment.- \*ii ( > Two Resimeiifs of Sou;h Carolina Vohin- rig rs are now witliiijthe holders of our State, , am nly for active sefvjifce. We present bc!4w the S^iff of the Second' gimeiit, having already published that of the . Wl' st: ' " . j11"', [ /ol, J. II. Kershajv, Commander. j uapi. u. uoouwyu, . I'ljiitsiiit, J. I. YiliopL'i:.\ < .'ommissaiT. |;u '' Dapr. T. . Sahijoiii), Surgeon. t Mo Lieut. W*. >S. \Yoid, Quartermaster. ; 01 ' Lieut. E. J. Mejijnrdie, Chaplain. ,'t'" Lieut. II. J. Nottj Assist.*! 11T Surgeon. 10 1 , " the VOLUVTEKIt UIS. j (?. Gaillar.1, Col. ..\. K. 1 >oh\\ Col. W. If. jMr' rdv. Col. E. Wjilm-e. I I or i J~ir? .. is,,t fite New i tiitKseVkstii Regiment.- I he R|Ju( owing is from tli; Ballimoie Sun, of Mou- ; I ;\i , hie of the lueiihers of the New \ ork o out of the Itistiv t of iimliia. The {rgntliMiiaii who earn : to this i I he nvo< sections o| our eo.ii.iiy w e lueutio^dii! fiici, that Mr. fJeorjje II. |)a ! cvri""it'' ''"terprisin;. "lerehaiits. re" | I). l"' Hni'V^-"1 y^te'dav, packages dry ,0,JH l() the. amount of ?3.100, the e!1 s rial m\ rn IT fi,U',,,V ?f Wl,i''1' Wm;C"" Ms?r' lyco.nf - | in the Smith. Uc only need in t|, , 1 inmate in tlinf . oiirovvn resources, to devc.1 "L'lpo . . .... isp5 'll jUii I i cxU,"f* I he ex mi(| nient 0i |,e tried, and there is n? )no of f-^jMhissnclinsi.'tt.s soldiers, named nwl idliatn, ''t'.-^Rii Ihiltiinore last Saturday, " it .inj'iri'^.flKvcd in the Snttle of wb. ! I . / I ! / ; I / i Fr^Ulnstim. AsniKGTONf ' ? fhe New York Sev- J cntli Regimentjdnscd to take the oath of allegiance whifU;?'" requires. They refuse to fight ag^'irginia or Mary hind. Lincoln's J'hat ion of Martial Law was promulgated t.: It divides Maryland into four inilitnrv os* 1 lie fifth military district eit.hraee| District of Co'nmhia, ami I includes Alex/* "l-nder this order, sever- J al inofTiiiisivt?t-,,JS were driven from their families and ,'s '""I expelled at the bayonet's point; i l{espeeta!ifl,'lic,i have been grossly insulted bv ihe'deers. t.'oi.. Si'a . ?f Virginia, recently from Washington?"1* 'lie Richmond J)ispa,tch Llmt, in com' '^' tl,e str,,l'ts 5n an ?,n,li" bus. Lo snw?ttv "/ gentlemen 'lusty with travel ami '?ir with haste. Tlmse were the Wall bankers on their way to the ; White Llowhoiii the New York II-raid reports ns;.v'ng to Washiniitoii to offer heir nioiui tl?e Coven,a.cut. They were lurrying tl<'olonel Spalding learned, for i verv di'l P"i'pos?? v'z: to "ivoke Lin oln in 1" s 10 R,?P llis P1'0001'11" lirrsi for t(PsCI,t' ,lt lcRRt 1,11 S0,l,e arl,itr:l" ,ioV conk-'fere, or New York would be ui tied. 1-^k Spalding had from high auhority. 0RDSAj[sD Munitions at the Gospout Vr\vv Y'a.-We learn from a reliable source hat 350^00 pieces of cannon were acually tak the Guspoit navy yard. These in brace t ?f the old patterns of 12-pounlers. ltfi'lers, 24-poniiders and 32-pouners, neja'' ?' wbieb !"'u available lor orinary Tlicre are, however, 1500 ieees ofmost improved patterns, enibmct.Vl.|-:lire Iroin tin* smallest lield piece j ) the Ij'st. Columbia.I. In addition, there j re full'phcr, of mortars, howitzers, etc. [ liese R uru being rapidly distributed j irouglithe South. at points where they will u miK'atVr and more useful, particularly : ;tt.r tljre mounted: It isbved, also, tiiat liie quantity of pow- j js r 1,000,Out) pounds, a large portion j f wh wtts judiciously removed from the ;i?lZ bv some of the citizens and work-j ei, I the neighboring woods to prevent , dedion and that ot the neighborhood. Qf.'ion balls, shells, grape shot and ennt,.r ;, there is every variety and an eitcl-s ?f S^i 'ii'c . wel! soucd ami rcsdy for , iiiu;:.dance; ni.?? -diip chandlery and , |J:.:.ii. ;; i. : naval v?U. C/c.r/' -a'oa Mrrnn v. I - . . *, i 'BOlu Noutii Sr.\r::. e arc dad* rcif the most cheering news from North i Ja. Governor 12His has not only called JotlO arms bearing men, but is getting j jogethor for immediate service. A camp j Un formed at the Fair Ground, near rh, and Major p.. II. Hill, tin; head ofthe J (faro!itia Military las'irate, is in com j -Several corps are already oil the gtouiiil, ; iiceailcis are bu.-y driving tliem. The ! p-rnofS 'o s.-rve, anil thu probability is th; v^rwill ha?e io draft Torllie home guard fake^" our neighbors a lift v while to mak their minds, but once they take a stain V hold on i'> the end ol time. ' h irl don Wtrcn >j. speaking of Marvin " I and 1 irgi'-ia, tin* N Trib'tw says; The worn out race of eimvcula'ed Fir? nilies must g'ive place to a sturdier peoph bso pioneersars now on their way to Wash ton at this moment in regiments. An al neat of land in Virginia will he fitting rc id to the brave ft Hows who have goife t it their country's battles, and Mary hind am gima, free States, inspired with Norther or, may start anew in the race for prosperi I power." i he Petersburg Erp-rs.s replies that. 'Nice little homesteads ot six feet by twi I be rea-lv for ilium to oce.npr wheneve V arc disposed to take possession. I'iik M mls.?Mr. .loliimon, t>f the Chariot I I South Carolina Kailioad, has gone t< etgomerv. in compliance with the ivqucs Post master-General lleag.o , ami tlm 1 r.esi its of the roads connecting Ivst ami W est neet liito in Montgriinery, ami arrange fo continuance df the mail" over tiiese routes Johnson savsth.nl the road over which In control, wiM carry the mail whether pa it not, until a further arrangement is made :]i a <: mise, we are [ ersUit'leil, will be pur i| by all the railroads in this State. t 'hurl s/on Mercury. riiere lias been some intestine trouble at tin lite Mr. Liiirolti desired Alts. Liie ! to return in -spri' ofieid with th* family ca>t :- more Hi the ! * ~* I -tit ot tiie I nit' States t ban ill- rail jpiitter. positively r? ! to ''se.ee.Ir," i!n! lie fe the matter rests. MAI.i 111 KID. n Til'sdsy CVcii.tiir. A |?ril liilh. I)v the I lev. Wit .Toltiisi'ii (si t'ie res deuce of lit r brollier-'ii law 'fj. II Xhsni. :n I iiiiiem c. iiiily. ! '. J-'loi da), Mr I*HI. M. I.''VI. el < in-. i. to Mils Pai l.ik IS mi';. t'aiiui'Mi.: Mi- A' i ei Xt v n an. of s'ine.ii it'ii* i. CBITTJ-A IVST, IK! . :i; ii?r Hfie. , vv s ;iii excellent :in.| worthy citiaeti in nil tin relations of die. alid entitle I foily to the ap]*cilu' of An !:< iio.-t :i n. he noblest work of find." nth. noil T iliv most I. vor i It- chcu."stances. is T'lilo vi.-i . li n. I Sow .fens fully is it i iiyiii -:it<-.i n the loVi'O 0110 i.? suddenly lorn iV'-in our .' ii.i rare hy some linexp etetl needful o calamity tHiKlllt'k W . lliir't son of A. G ntiil KoIk era A. dnvl. died in.lnekson. Tenn . on tin-2.1 o April. 18(31, n; 18tli your of his age. from injuries received hy evident on a Itaiiroiid. lie was a youth of promof genial temper, and a bright and buoyant spirit, il spared would doubtless have made a useful it tlioit hast all season" for thine own. oh Death another young and hopeful heart lies cold in thy race. o died in peace, ami with a bright hope of Heaven Kternal Glory. lis should sootlin every pang of tlio wounded lit? heart, lor although Fretlie catuiot emtio Ixiek r.r;' -n-c. siftj-1 all cv> vi him. / / > itm m ww?wa ?n?mi mm i i? ? RESPECTFULLY INVITE TliEIK FK1K their NEW STOCK of CONSISTING TJJ.-u k iiiu! ('olored Silks, Bareges, Ituiuhaz iifmts, ami Ca'ii-oes. Curtain (Jooils an description. Mantelets, Lace Points, Flats, and Parasols, of the latest st Boots and Shoes \a. Groceries, Hardware, (ri **T ?, TT- r i. _ l?iiur?, to 1LCIW C-Lci The above GOODS have been ."elected wit Figures, for CASH, and to punctual payers. CAMDEN, SO. CA.?April 9.?tf. SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFIClAI. KOTICK. t3?"The Logialntiito having prohibited tlic giving of monthly posses to slaves. Ac.:? IT IS IIEl:KB Y ORDERED. That the same must be strictly observed, and that no permit to pass within the corporate limits of the Town will be recognized, unless the time and place for which permission is given shall be specially mentioned; and no slave or person of color will be passed, with or without a permit from his or her owner or guardian, at an unreumn-ahU hour in the najht unless it be a case of .imperative necessity. ' IT IS FURTHER ORDERED hv Council. That the Ordinance prohibiting the tiring of guns, pistols, Ac., I within the corporate limits of the Town, especially at night, will be RIGIDLY IEFORCED. and no firing j will be allowed except by the special permission of the j constituted authorities. Every citizen is interested in this matter, and it is hoped that all will interest them- j selves in seeing that this regulation is st- ictty obeyed. | TIIO. J. WAR 11 FN, | April P. Intciidant. notice. ! \ VILLI AM M. SHANNON. ( >;., will act as my ! ? ' Attorney during mr absence, may 7 ' JOSEPH B KKltSlUW. ! N otiee. ?s?*The uiiiniiHi.'e :hmil:d? of the Kershaw Voltineers now in service. in need, may call upon tin undersigned for h elp C.-rt:;;.-.!'- setting forth the fact that 1 alnHfitiLs arc.mi..tied, w.ll !.e required in evcrv iu- I slip tv. i.fiuonS'ix, April 13?tt* ' Sec. Cn-n. Poor K. 1)., ?>; ; ?c.* Waliitsjf. z3t m.'cx [it.'ava!?'l) (hvfs notice to the laidics of ("am J. a vicinity, that sl-e is prepared to j make do. jses. m idles, and cloaks, in ti t neatest manner and in' .-! fashionable style. r. : ... TP ! Olll? !!1IM ! M .t .>11. J >r.ji.n*.>, nv.wv iu mu ^ Post OlVirc. v. !.; !<. ~-.. ili be happy to . A. T. I.ATTA NOTI "7E. JjtFilSOXS indebted tome for Professional Si rvieos 1 will Paid l iadr notes in! acenunls in the bants Joseph v? . liohv, Ksq.. at the Branch Itaiik. ! Apr:! Id. ' ' T. W. SALMOXD, M. D. - - i x i ? c* -rn a *: a. : -r . r* rr Mi. IVillNi'"? ( wn g i!U I I ^ LVi-'il I'-' ' '. !'.<' :.s v i!:i:iii'>trntor of Join ; Kellv. need. imtv i**'it plr.cril in tiie hauls ot'tt'm. M Shannon for e> : . a Arrangements Fur lite metal i infills past ilu .uue he :ii :.!i early ?i:i\Persons havim. cia ;?s on lie estate. or on me ii: Administrator. v. i.i jnt them to Air. Shannon. April ill?if .1. I!OSS I>VK, Atlmr. .NOTICE. COL THOMAS.I WAltUKN is anlhoi i/.ed tone us mv i fTici .l Agent during :iiv absence. April 16. K K. SILL. S. K. I). , , NOTICE. \I.L 0:i:irili:ms. Trustees. fu\ who are. by laxv. re ipi roil to a.-eoiml nitnu..|iy to the Court olTaptih for Ke.sl tuv liistrief, S will pie tst* file their re . turns willt lite t'onimissionor of said Court, oil or be lore the lirsl tl .y of May next. ('onuiii.-sioiicr's olliee. April I_tIi. A. I). 1S61. | April ? nl \VM. II. TAYL0I5, C. E K D ; Colugne Watei?. i 4 . s'l I- l.lt.lllK'-l. art CL". SUI'KHIOr i\ to j'jr o| t'-cr kitfl in ihi? m.nkct. ant S'*i*t .'eiv elif.i.* Ill pil l or ipmrl hollies. | j For sale If. I". L /.KM P. Musical Instruction. ! - H MI'S. HEWS, rHOFKSS(?l{ OF Tin i ''iano-l'orte nti.i Singing. will lie liappy t< J J V I J receive i'upils during the Summer vnen lion. Silts undertakes the cultivation of the Voice, atji ' give instruction in Vocal Music (l?tth sacred tttnl seen lar) in the Italian. French. Herman and English Lnn i gungefl. Terms per Quarter. I SlSOI.VG $25 I ruNO-l'oVTT 15 I . ' *- *' / _ % ! lU "*? I i KDS; AND CUSTOMERS, TO EXAJJINff. IN PART OF v iiK*. Ahipaoeas, Muslins Gin'^Tiirs: Hi if-' \ ? nl liinhr?.hleries, White Goods of'every \ , ami Duslers, Hoopskiris, Bonnets,, \ vie. Ready maoii;d UH ab-^cv from Inisincs^cmiunls v 7 " I Vtfj * ?/*{ OJ pn,jr/ I> TS2S. stil.seril ec,; ft ^ citizens-of Utiuidcii and viciih iy"nS?5?J5risTf(Kpaf*s.^-/v ' nftfl furnish theiii with fi"? tt- It SSi-t-ad nudCnkett I ~ every ihiy, at his Bukcrj-on Broad-street, 3'doors above -ft the .Market. % Orders lor anything in his line tilled at the shortest notice. G ORGE A. WHITE. \M ^ April 13?if j FIcrr, Fcccn. lard & Eams-.^MW V I "OR SALE BY fl ,r r April 30. McCURRY A IIAMMKKSLOUGH. * H a Corn and Hay. "rM| T.V quantilies to suit purchasers, at 1 McCUKKY A HAMMER SLOUGH'S. Notice. 1j r.ncv.>c navmp proiessionai ousiiiess wun uio- i lirtu of Kerslia w A Davis, will on Wui. M. Shannon. who will t:ike plea-ure in atlclidinp. m their- flfl ^ behnif. in their engagements. April 20. Ilv.l F S,.4 it I> ?A choice article just received J and for sale loiv for cash, by ^ - ' Si iff;?r?. .4 Ii. and Stewart's C.. New Orleans do., in Illids. ^^_B|B A \ and Barrels, lor sale Imv (or nuih, by jB WA1MIKX is my authorized A pent during B| ^ J my absence from the State. ^ j f 1IKRKBT constitute and appoint ' ol. Thntnas J HI " 1 Warren us niv lepal attorney and A pent to trntm-^^^B !"' ! act all my linancial, or other business, and to sign ' | my name when nepgssary, either in Bank or other| wise, (hiring my absence from the State. y'-^^B Mr. .Iiihiisnti, an e.\peri"iieeil Druggist, will super? f ??8 lutein! tire ii!i?ine.?s :it tin* store. rxjgd april 30. JOHN J. McK AIX. M *3?^i3Len TJ]p? ' | l CII .STMT M Jit ItKL IIOilSH. with a blaze . |/V |;ip*j tun! hutli hind iegs white. The owner can V1 ! have liim fiv paying lor this a .'.vertisenient. April 30. ' JOHN* CHESXUT. "Wa.iited to Hire, j 3>Y the year i>r niouili. n nun. as W i'u'Oiier Good wages. to he paid paint indly. stSSsx 'dT'lijOHl j Kiriiwood, April 30, 1801. 1T-JB aim ki'i'i'i. jfl IK whole ar.rt La!:' Bit's; also in Kits, furwlefl I for onh. Iv (JAYI.K & YOUXfl Liverpool Salt?| JX diHibic-twilled seamless Sacks, low- for c' JH april 50 GAYI.H k \ <-gm J^ZSLGS. SAM. II < 01,1.1 NS' Superior Axes, lor snlcB ^ .. a*h. Iiy GAY U'? ?t ^ O 1 , O PAPKS an'l SIIOVKL* for sale low for J *0 april 30 ^ OA ^ LK A YoUXG. Gfgars. f M MOTW"T^> cash, by G , YLK k YOUNG. CORN. 1) I'SII KI.S just received and for sale low for J ca.-h, l>y G.YLK&YOUXG, Molasses. I VKW OULKAXS MOLASSKS, in whole and half fl "! is Barrels, for sale low for cash, bv 1 april 30 GAYLK A YOUNG, ASS will act as my Ag< nt during 1 Notice. j A TS. CI.A iH'KN will act as my Agent d"Wnjc^^^||g I mv :ib?cncc from tie Sutc. ^ ' ' ... ~ ' . i:mm