f TELEGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE. Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OK THE ATLANTIC. Xkw-Yokk, Nov. 29.?The steamship At- , lam ic has arrived from Liverpool with dates to the IGth instant. The sales of Cotton at.Liverpool for the three davs amounted to 15,000 bales, of which Speculators tf war, but there were rumors of a decisive ! battle having been fought near Bucharest, J though it was not stated who were victorious. J Details have been received of the recent af- . fair at Oltenitza, which prove it to have been a brilliant Turkish victory, in which 1200 Rus- j ?ians were killed and wounded, and eight guns j Vore captured by the Turks. The Turks have nearly otic hundred thou- | sand men across the Danube. The Fourth j Regiment of Poles in the Russian service, are Evidently disaffected, having favored the passage of the Turks over the Danube, and neglected to give the alarm when they saw them grossing the river. Gortschakotf, the Russian Commander, has received orders to act on the offensive. The Turkish fleet are in the Black Sea ; the Anglo French fleet are in the sea of Marmora. Russia has proclaimed an embargo on Turkish shipping from the 23d October, but neutral flags will be respected. Count \easolrode's diplomatic circular has been published, and has excited strong remarks from the French and British pi ess. The Turkish Government will have nothing to do with the proposed amendment to the Vienna note, but insists on a perfectly new treaty, as a definite settlement. Klapka, the hero of Comorn, has received a command on the Danube in the Turkish service. The Circasiaus continue to gain successes in Asia. Louis Napoleon expresses himself strongly in favor of active operations to aid the Turks, but the British Government evidently vacillates. Prussia lias given notification that she reserves to herself perfect liberty of action in Eastern affairs. Austria professes neutrality. Sliaugai was captured by the Chinese insurgents on the 7th of September. Baltimore, Nov. 20.?Private advices from China state it was understood at Canton, that a party of rebels disconnected with the regular force, had tuken possession of Sliaugai. and plundered the treasury. Baltimore, Nov. 29.?The Brazilian Government has sent out special Ministers to Peru. Bolivia, Equador and New Grenada, to effect a treaty to monopolise the trade of the Amazon. The Amazon gold discoveries are exciting great attention. Arrived at New York, 27th, bark Peter De mill, Charleston. C. L. North, wh9 arrested at Mcnden, Connecticut, for attempting to obtain money from Shaumut bank upon depositol worthless oralis. Arrival of the Asia. Baltimore, Nov. 29.?The steamship Asia arrived on Sunday forenoon. Steamer Andes sailed for Boston on the 1 Oth. The, Bank of England has given notice that it will discount amount stocks due in January, at three per cent, instead of four, as previously notified. 'J'he Bank of Amsterdam has raised the rate interest half a cent. IIhuiburg letters quote tight money market; di>couut sales rates 4 3 4 H o. 'J'he Sultan has announced that he would place himself at the head of his army. Latest. Viensa, Monday, 8.?'J'he Russian commander moved forward to Otteiiitza with twen ty-four thousand troops, mostly infantry. On the 11th met the Turks, and a pitch battle ensued. The Russians were compelled to retreat a second time in disorder on Bucharest, having lost three thousand men by four attacks on Oltenltza It is reliably stated, that on the 9lh the Turks were driven from the island opposite Gerirgero ; reinforcements came, when they retook the island, and held it. The Czar sum marily discharged the English operatives from -I II - ?.- V.". V 1. me ivusmuii ?>avy iarus. Cotton remains quiet, except Middling Orleans, which is scarce, at freely offering prices quoted. Consols, ninety-four and five eights to three quarters. The passengers by the Atlantic report that Aberdeen was about resigning to make way for a more warlike Ministry. The Herald has letters from Consul Saunders at London, stating the Porte had notified Austria she must withdraw her troops from the frontier or have her neutrality guaranteed by France and England, or she will declare war against her, and march an army into Hungary under Kossuth, whose agent has been openly received at Constantinople. The ship Marathon, arrived from Liverpool, lias had 04 deaths. Baltimore, Nov. 29.?The rumor of an alliance between the Czar and Dost Mahomet reached England' by different sources. Letters from Cabal state that a large Russian army was marching to the capital of Khiva, with the avowed purpose of conquering the country. These rumors, added to serious apprehensions of a movement among the Affghans, led to , 0 o ' large reinforcements of British troops at Betaisor (?). The report that Persia was collect, ing an army to operate against Turkey was unfounded. The British are in a bad position in Burmah. The troops are everywhere in a state of siege. Nearly the whole of the new provinces are in the hands of the enemy. A i* r I> 1 iamine was raging in i>urmaii. > ? Charleston Cotton Market.?Sales Sat. urday 273 bales, confined chiefly to the lower qualities?prices ranging from 7-3-4 to 10c. f In the absence of three steamers now due, our market is dull and inactive. All grades above strict good Middling are firmly held. The qualities of Cotton now arriving will not average over strict Middling; consequently the better descriptions are scarce and a disposition on the part of Factors to hold on. We would quote strict good Middling 10 to 10 l-8c, Middling Fair 10 3-8, Fair 10 5 8 to 10 7-8, Liverpool classification.?Standard. I i' \ From the Charleston Mercury. South Carolina Conference. The session of this body closed at Newberry on the 29th ult. Bishop l'ainc was compelled to leave on Monday, and Dr. Wightman presided during the remainder of the session. A large accession to the membership of the Church, white and colored, was reported, me mission- | aiy collections amounted to twenty-four thous- | and dollars, of which sum seventeen thousand ! are appropriated for the ensuing year, to mis- j sions within the bounds of the conference, ruin- 1 cipally to the blacks on the Low-country plantations. Twenty-eight Ministers of the Conference are employed in missionary services among the plantation negroes?a gratifying fact, showing how much attention is paid to the religious instruction of this class of the population, outside j of the regular ministrations among them, where they have access to organised churches in town and country. We have been furnished with the following official List of Appoiiitmets. CtiAiiLESTOX Dist.?II. A. C. Walker, P. E. W. M. Wightman, Editor Southern Christian ' Advocate. Charles Taylor, and B. Jenkins, Missionaries to China. Cumberland?J. T. Wightman, Whitefoord Smith, Supernumerary. Trinity?II. C. Parsons. Bethel?Joseph Cross. St James?A. MeCorquodale. Black Swamp?M. A. Mclvibhen, E. L>. Boyden. Cooper Iiiver Circuit?D. J. Simons. Cypress?W. II. Fleming,"W. Ilutto. \Va!te boro?NV. P. Mouzon; one to be sup- : plied. ()rangeburg?W. II. Lawton, J. S. Irvin. Savannah River Mission?J. D. W. C.'0"k, J. S. Conner. Okatec?To bo supplied. Combahee Mission ? J. R. Coburn, II. A. Bass. Aslicpoo?P. G. Bowman. Pon-Pon Mission?W. C. Kirkland. Beaufort Mission?G. W. Moore, C. O. La- : motte. Hound 0. Mission ?P. A. M. Williams. Edisto and Jchossoe Mission?Clias. Wilson. St. Andrews Mission?To be supplied. CoojK?r River Mission?Abuer Irvin, Georgetown District.?.0 Betts P. E. Georgetown?C. II. Prilcliard. San tee Mission?M. Endy, G. W. Stokes. ( Sampit Mission?Thomas Mitchell. i Black River and Pe Doe Mission?J. L. Shu- 1 ford, D. A. Ogburn. Black River?II. E. Ogburn, W. \V. Jones. Black Mingo Mission?Joseph Parker. Con way bo ro?D. McDonald, It. W. Burgess Waecamaw Mission?M L Banks, W. Cfl'sm. 1 Marion?James Stacy. * Marion Circuit?It. P. Franks, L. M. Ileymar. Bciinettsville?L. M. Little. Society Hill Mission?I. P. Hughes. Cheraw?J. W. Miller. Cheraw Mission?F. Rush. Darlington?S. Jones J. 'J'. DuBose. Liberty Chapel Mission?A. 1'. Martin. Columbia District?W. Crook, P. E. Columbia, Washington Street Church. ?Colin Mnrchinson. Marion Street Church?W. E. Boone. Columbia Circuit?John A. Minnick. Congarec Mission?N. Talley. JIari well?A. M. ClirieLs/.bcrg. (Jraniteville Mission?C. McLeod. Winttsboro' and Chester Station?E. J. Menardie. Sumterville?F. A. Mood. Sumter Circuit?S. II. Brown. Sautee Circuit?J. 1. kilgoe. Upper Sautee?A. 1*. Avaute; one to be supplied. Chester Circuit?J. J. Eleming. Fairfield-?Williamson Smith. Lexington?A. I>. McGilvray, E. A. l'rice. Charlotte District?D. Derrick, P. E. Camden?W. Martin. Lancaster Circuit ?A. J. Cauthen. Charlotte?J. A. Mood. Charlotte Circuit?J. N. l?radlev, D. May. Pleasant Grove?W. C.Clark. Concord?P. F. Kistler. All>einarle?W. X. Easterling. Wadesboro?\V. W. Mood. Wadesboro Circuit?J. W. J. Harris, A. L. Smith. Chesterfield?1). W. Seal. Watcree Mission? S. W. Capers, It. T. Capers. Longtown Mission?J. A. Porter. Landsford Mission?L. A. Johnson. T. It. Walsh, President Carolina Female College. sl'aktanbl'ims district?II. II. Duiailt, P. E SparU-mburg?W. A. Gamewell. Spartanburg Circuit?A. G. Stacy. Rutherford Circuit?J. II. Robinson. Liiieolnton?II. M. Mood. Catawba Circuit?L. Scarborougli. Soutli Mountain Mission?II. G. Jones. Shelby Circuit?D. I>. livers. Morgantowu Circuit?A. W. Walker. McDowal Circuit?G. W. Ivey. Lenoir Circuit? W. S. JIalloiii. Yorkvillc?J. W. North. York Circuit?It. S. Abcmatliy. Dallas?I .1. 1miigor. CoKKsm uv Distiiict?S. Leard, P. K. Cokcsbury Circuit?J. W. Kelly. Abbeville?C. S. Walker. Abbeville Circuit?J. II. Zimmerman. Edgefield?M. Puckett, J. W. M. Creigliton. Pendleton?T. Raysor; one to be supplied. Greenville?0. A. Darby. Greenville Circuit?W. C. Patterson. Mount Tryon Mission?W. 15. Curry. Laurens circuit?It. J. Hovd. Union Circuit?W. A. McSwain, A. II. Lester. Newberry?.1. It. Pickett. Newberry Circuit?S. Townscnd ; one to be sum died. l'ickeus?W. A. Clark. Jocassce Mission?A. II. Harmon. .J. W. Wightman, Cokesbury School. A.M. Shipp, I'rufesxor University of N. C. Jamos T. M?mls left without an appointment on account of ill health. The next conference will he held at Columbia. Delegates to General Conference?\V. M. Wight man, D. 1)., Whitofoord* Smith, I). D., A. M. Shipp, A. M., II. A. C. Waiker, W. A. Gamewell, W. A. McSwain, H. J. Boyd, .fames Stacy. Reserves?T. I{. Walsh, II. II. Durant. Wisconsin.?The Milwaukic Free Democrat of the 15th instant has returns showing a majority for a prohibitory law in the State of 1250, which it says will doubtless be increased to 2,000 or more. No law has been passed by j L'-gislature, and the question only was submitj ted to the people. it. it. it. A young lady" at Stcphcntown, New York, in the month of June, 1853, caught a bad cold. On 21st of " August, she had an attackofhamioragefrom the lungs, p Sho bled three times in one night. Sho took Rad way's ^ ltcuovating Resolvent, and HAS NOT DLED SINCE. et In all cases where persons are afflicted with bleed C< ing at tho Lungs, take the resolvent, in table-spoon j re doses, three times per day. Also, take internally, one | >n tea-spoonful of Radway's Ready Kclief, in some water, j lit It will instantly stop the most severe attacks. Keep I athe system regular, by by taking ono of Rodway's j is Regulators per day. As a styptic, Rad way's Ready tr Relief is superior to all styptics in uso. Wo have seen j it stop violent bleeding of the nose, when all other gi menus that were tried failed. Rad Coughs, Colds, j Consumption in the earlier stages, the R. R. It. Heme- i tli dies will positively cure. j w N. R.?For all acute Pains, use Radway's Ready ' ci Relief. It will relieve the most excruciating pain in a few minutes. It. It. R. is sold by Druggists evorj-where. a ruin Since the Proprietors' recent Laboratory enlarge CI meats have allowed him to supply his numerous or- j wl ders for Lyon's Kathairon, he has also introduced some | n,i new Cliemical affinities which adds still to the high Lc character of this immensely po .ular article for Curl- _ ing, Beautifying, Preserving and Restoring the Hair. Let those now use, Who never used before, And those who always used, ri Now use the more. I The Price is still 2o cents, in large bottles, and may pQ1 be had at any store in the United States. an D. S. Barnes, Proprietor, 161 Broadway, N. Y. pt Sold by every Druggist in Camden, flavilaud, Harrall &Co., wholesale Agents, Charleston. tic Oct. 25, 43 tf so POKOXMG. Thousands of parents who use Vermifuges composed 1<> of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c., are not aware, that while I they appear to benefit the patient, they arc actually j St laying the foundations for a series of diseases, such as ' id< salivation, loss of sight, weakness ofliinbs, &c. | M? In another column will be found the advertisement ric of llobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attcn asi lion of all interested in their own as well as their cliil- ry dren's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders j Hi arising from those of a bilious type, should make use j Br of the only genuine Medicine, Ilohcnsack's Liver Pills, j cy ii'jt deceived," but ask for Flobeusack's Worm i'c Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the Dr signature of the Proprietor, J. N. HOBIiXSACK, as so* none else are genuine. of W CAMDEN PRICES CURRENT. Z BAGGING, per yard, 12J to 13 JUI BALE ROPE, per pound, 9 to .. g:, BUTTER " 18 to 25 q, BEEF, * 4 to 5 cr BACON, " 11 to 12 in COFFEE, " 10 to 12 p'i CHEESE, u 12J to 18 ^ COTTON, " ,..SJ to 10J sli CORN perbusliel, 75 to 87 FLOUR,., .per barrel, 6J to CJ FODDER, percwt 7.5 to $1 LARD,... .per pound 12 J to 14 (_>a MOLASSES,.pergallon 30 to 42 tui OATS perbusliel, 37 to 50 Cll PEAS " 75 to 87 t0| SUG AR... .per pound, C to 12] (jr SALT per sack to ij \[. sin Dress 4?ood?. acl A LARGE assortment of Mouslin DcLninc, Cnslimeres, Prints, Gingbams, &c. ?kc, will be sold nt |. reduced prices during this month. .. MeDOWALL . 11 AX LEY, Agent. r) 17?RRSII Lemons, new llai.sins, fine eating Potatoes, sweet Mountain Huttor, Northern Cheese, new crop N. 0. Molasses, lino lJaeon Sides cms of Alexander Smith eken's Tfonseliold words. Published monthly at $ ;-ear. Subscriptions received by Nov. 22. A. YOUNG. Wanted to Hire )N the first of January next, a woman to coo wash, and do house work. An elderly one witl it children preferred. For one that can come we eoinincndeii liberal wages will be paid. Appl z. .1. dehay. Hermetically Sealed Trait*, &e. cases fresh Peaches 3 cases fresh Salmon do do Peas 2 do do Lobsters do do Tonintocs 50 qr. boxes Sardines do Spiced Oysters 50 half do do Just received by J. A. SCHUOCK. Sliocs, Shoes, I FULL supply of Ladies BOOTS and SIIOKS, < V. all steles enil finalities: Misses' SlIHODL HOOT id SIIOISS, Youth's anil Hoy's Shoes. Just receive AY. ANDKllSON. Fre*li Cracker* ami Cheese. ' BOXKS fresh Soda CliACKK IIS ' ;{ do do Witie do 10 do cupcrior CllKBSli. For sale bv Nov. 15. J A. SCI I HOCK. D. S. SARGEANT'S PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, (MMDKN, S. C. tST'lhiy Hoarders ucooniinodafed. VIiUM Salt for sale at the "Old Corner," by K. AY BONN BY. Nov. '.!!>, IS if. I I XA'A'A Jr 9, TS NOW OPEN: and is, and shall be, unsurpassed by CJ" A gards the COMPLHTKNESS of its assortment,' the Ql . d PRICES at which they will be sold. ni AVc invito our friends and the public generally, to ci?] id ?? Wn ..IVr... ,.U.V.,?O.U6 W1 ..VV...V. n- Men's and Boy's Caps from lOo. to $2 ,c to $3 each; Best Moleskins an< Of PLANTATION HATS, wc Imre every variety, nf) Of Gent's, and Roy's SOFT HATS, wc linvc a very li,rJ '*> and ranging in price from $ I to $1.50 each. A bcuuU'h c- Oct. 27. JOSEPH WHILDEN, DEALER ill PA/NTS, OILS, GLASS and S/rr/' 1 CHANDLERY, No. tiOi East Bay, opposite P. >is Agency, that he has very recently returned from New g( . York and Philadelphia, where he purchased a very general and well selected stock of RELIGIOUS, LITE- q , RARY and MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, A SCHOOL BOOKS of every description now in use, either in City or Country. (Teachers and children please call ami examine.) Also, a very great variety of BLANK I BOOKS, in plain, good and extra binding; and last, J though not Bast, by any means, a very tasty selection -* of FANCY ARTICLES, Work Boxes, Ladies and Gen- w ' tlemen's Dressing Cases, Walnut, Mahogany and Rose- P5 ?l wood Desks, fine and cheap. All of which is received ' and now being offered for sole at 258 KING-STRr.ET, 1 on terms equally reasonable with any house in the i Tlie religions portion of the community are invited ^ to examine his stock. The Lovers of Poetical Woi ks * [ will find'a grar d supply on his shelves and counter; and the Ijulies may depend upon it he will furnish tliern with Fancy Goods, fine and pretty. Now allow j! him to say, come and try him, and prove him, and see if lie will not open out and show you such a lot of ^ J Hooks, .Stationery and Fancy Goods as shall prove nil he says true. JAMES MA110NKY, Agent. ' Mew Goods. ?> The subscribers have received their Fall and Winter S !* supply of ' DRY GOODS, >[ IIAliD WARE, d GROCERIES; CASTINGS; J. MILL IRONS Jtc. As their stock is full and well selected, purchasers at 1 will find it to their advantage to give them a call be- p, fore buying elsewhere. Oct 11. _ MeDOWALL A COOPER. i- The Old Corner !! T SUPERFINE and common carpeting, also Green 5 Baize nnd printed floor cloths just o|>eued at44 the ?- old corner" by E. W. BONKEY f8 I- Oct 11. 41 tf. be >t Cainden Bazaar, h \\7E have unpacked a most splendid assortment ol T i, > > READY-MADE CLOTHING, SHOES, IIATS 1 i, and CAPS, which we are able to sell to our friends br d and customers at Northern prices, n Oct. 11. M. DRUCKKR A CO. n MEGRO SIIOES. j )1 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. 1 l> T HAVE In s'ore, a large stock of heavy Plantation ?" A. Brogans, of inv own manufacture, to which Plai.t- ~~ , ers are respectfully invited to examine. Notwitli- j s standing, the grent advance on this kind ol Shoe of -* Northern make, 1 shall soil at lu^t vear's prices. !' GEO. ALDEN. ta ,'J Sept. 27, 39 *"* s' FALL~STOCK. Ct e A M. A R. KKNNKDY are now receiving a large ? supply of Goods, suitable for the season, com(8 prising a handsome assortment of LADIES' DRKSS X 9 GOODS, black and colored Silks, Mouselins, Plaids, r* Embroideries, Shawls, Gloves, Ac., Ac. Gentlemen's Hear?Cloths, Cassim|?^~cstings, Ac. 9 To which the attention of their cl^^Tcrs and the r 1 public is invited. Sept. 27. J FALL. STOCK. V ?, ^TMI R undersigned i? now receiving bv eacli steamer 's X from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, ad* l- ditionsto his already large and select stock of DIt 17OS, 's CHEMICALS., PERFUMERY, SOAPS\ COSMET y ICS, AND FANCY ARTICLES PAINTS, OILS, c, i- Ac., Ac., to which he invites the the attention of his gj il friends and customers and the public genorallv. r;, n Sept; 27. Z. J. DeIIAY. 1^ T)ACON Sides, Suit, Treacle Molasses, Rock and tu X) Alum Salt, always on hand and for sale low at '' the old corner by Id. W. BONNEY tc d Oct. 11, 41 t?_ 1,1 Lime. ; TUST received and for sale, a lot of superior Stone } O I.ime. W. W. TUYON A CO. M '1 Double and Single barrel Guns. TROUBLE and Single barrel guns, Rifles and Pis- ' l" .l-' tols, from $10 to $100. Powder flasks, Shot ]touches and Belts, Rifle and Pistol Flasks. lVrcus- Ni sion Cans, French and Euglish, G un wads, and punches wi of all sizes. Wl Colt's and Allen's Revolvers. Gallery Pistol and ~ Bullet caps, Powder Canisters, Pocket Pistols, Flasks, Game bags, ?fce, A. YOUNG, ri Oct. 11, 41 tf_ ,1 Hedge Shears. ,4 NEW lot of S, 0, 10 and 11 inch blad< s, Hedge 1 1\. Shears, of the best Engli.-h Steel, imported by X 1- Buist, the Philadelphia Seedsman. A. YOUNG. Oct. 11, _ 41 tf._ ^ Baud, Iliirncsfi and Sole Leather. u"0 1 A LAltGU slock now on hand, of superior (juality. ed j\. Also?Laco, Leather, Deer, Calf and Lining 2 Skins, together with all articles usually made use of in the manufacturing of Shoes. G. ALDKN. I Books and Stationary. r|"MIE subscriber has now completed his stock of ^ ' k X Books by late arrivals. All the standard School ti- Uooks m use, in me rsciioois or uie iowii ?uu v>uuu11 try, 011 limit), or can he supplied at a short notice. * y PAPER, note, letter, cap and account INKS, 1 black, japan, rod and hlue. Envelopes, of all sizes. . MEDICAL BOOKS. BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, .l" PRAYERS, and HYMNS. LATIN and GREEK CLASSICS. All the new ami popular literature of the day. New books received soon after their publics tioii. A. YOUNG. Oct. 11, 41 tf. J " CHAMBERS, CHISOLM & MOORE. " FACTORS k. 'S Anil General Coiiimixsiuii iVercliaiit!*. l_ ld SOUTH ATLANTIC W1IARF, CHARLESTON. S. C. I B. W. Chambers, II. L. Ciiisolm, W. C. Moore. * REFERENCES. lion. Jns. Chosnnt, Maj. Jno. M. DeSuiwsure, j W. K. Johnson, Esq. W. M. Shannon, Esq. , Juno 28, 1853. 28?Gm Eilra ved 17r the winter season, which is more complete than wH v J ave ever before offered, consisting of nil kinds of ma-' J irials for LAD IKS' DHK-^SKS, Ladies Bonnets; Kilj*-.:jS rms, Trimmings, Ac., Ladies' Mantillas and Mantles. ^9 i such a variety that we are certain to please pnrdrat ?rs. Ladies'Gloves, Gauntlets, Ac. Ac. Gentlemen's Glotliiug, Hats, Gaps, India Rubber .jj oods, Ac. Also, a complete stock of GROCERIES, I HARDWARE CUTLKRV, CROCKER* ''1M AID CHINA GOODS, | With an extensive assortment of 1 Heavy Goods for Plantation Tf*6. Thanking the pablic for their liberal patronage, >licit is continuance, and promise 'lint our pr.cesslutll M s as moderate as in any place where the respective oods ore bowjht from. Oct. 35. M. DRUCKER A CO. W. ANDERSON r' <, 4 rS NOW recoivmg his. Fall and Winter supply of - Staple and Fancy Dry-Good*, which )mprise a full and general assortment, consisting iu trt of the following; *" ^.. 3 DRESS GOODS. Mouslin DoLaincs, Cashmeres,^Merinoes, Ginghams, Prints, Aa, of every quality and price. WOOLEN GOODS. 11-wool English Wains, heavy Kerseys, Plaid Linseya, t Georgia Plains, and other styles, at all prices.. flannels, Of all colors, qualities and prices, GF.NTLEMEa'S clothing. complete assortment of Dress, Frock and Business COATS, of Cloth, Cassimere and Tweeds, all \ made up in the most Jasliionable style. BOY'S CLOTHING, jackSr Frock Coats and Jackets, handsomely got flp.' ALSO. t! Fancy Cassiroeres, Tweeds, Sattinctts, Linen Tabling aud Towelling Diapers Huckaback, Crash, Dowlas 12-4 brown and blenched Sheeting, Canton Flannels. Ac., Ac." All ol which will be sold the lowest prices for cash or to punctual customers, irchascre will please call on Oct. 11. W. ANDERSON. Salem Woolens. ' WILL receive in a few days, s full supply of th? . above desirablo Goods. Planters are invited to 11 and examine them before purchasing. They wi*I : sold at Factory prices, by Oct. 11. W. ANDERSON, A gen*. Domestics. ' ) ED aud white Flannels, Linseys, Ticks, Sheetings, V all widths, Bed and Crib Blankets; Long Cloths, own and bleached Shirtings, Ac. For sale low, by Sept 27. A. M. A R. KENNEDY. Nejjro Cloths and Blankets. i FULL supply of Plains Kerseys, and Blankets, of ditfoieut qualities, for Plantation use. For sale by Sept. 27. A. M. A R. KENNEDY. ) EADY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, X For sale by A. M A R. Kennedt?viz: Dress, Frock, and Business Goats; Vests and Panloons; Dress and UnderShirts; Drawers; half Hose; uicy Cravats; Washington Ties, Ac Boy's Cloth toy?Coots and Vests. Fashionable Hats, tps, Ac. Sept. 27. - S^EGRO Shoes for sale at last year's jtrices at " the old corner" by E. W. BUNNEY. Oct 11, 41 tf. CAEPETINGS fCARPETINGS! HUE subscribers ore now prepared to offer at the L lowest market prices, a full assortment of superior BLYBT TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, THREE-rLY, INGRAIN, SCOTCH, VENETIAN, DUTCH and LINEN CARPETINGS. ALSO. The various widths of Printed Baizes, or Floob .otiis, Floor and Stair OIL CLOTHS and Crumb .OTiis, Gilt and Silvered Stair Rods and Staib iRPETi.vG. Rugs, Mats, Ac. All of which have been selected from the manufacrers in the American and English markets, by one the partners, and we will have them cut, made, fit(1 and laid in the most workmanlike manner, and on c best terms. We most confidently invite attention to our stock. CURTAIN MATERIALS. We arc now prepared in our CURTAIN DEPART- * ENT to offer tho various styles of Curtain Stuffs,in 'Mr, Worsted, Linen, and Cotton. Embroidered Lace id Mu.ilin Curtains, Gimps, Isoops, Tassels, Cornices, Ac. Church Trimmings, Hangings, Ace\v designs for which we have now received, and they ill be made and put up on the best terms, in the most orkmanlike manner, and tinder our own supervision. BROWNING A LKMAN, Successors to C. I E. L. Kerrison & Co. Cor. King and Markct-sts. Charleston, S. C. Oct. 19 84 tf Spcrin and Adamantine Candle*. 0 BOXES Sjierm Caudles, 4's A G's. 10 " Adamantine " For sale by J. A. Sfllf ROCK. , COUNT A IN BUTTER. Northern Cheese. GuntX powder and Hyson Teas of superior quality Al, Yeast powders, Ginger Preserves, Ac. Just open1 at the ' Old Corner," by V?.r o t? U' 11AWI/V "10NGRKSS WATKR, fresh from the Fountain, fine J old Madeira Wine, by tbe three gallons. Also, iperior Lcni?n Syrup, Treacle, best White Wine ntjti der Vinegar. For sale at the " Old Corner." by Nov. 9. K. W. BONXKY. Roots mid Sliocs. EO. ALPEN", is now receiving a Inrge and well \ selected stock of Boots and Shoes, comprising al e late styles, to which, he respectfully invites the at* ution of Uie citizens of Camden and the public merally. Sept. 27 39?tf. Blums IIsi him. AAA LBS. Extra Sugar Cured llams, just roUvU eeived by J. A. SCHROCK. Tea*, Teas. SUPERIOR llyson, Gunpowder, and ltlack. For ' sale by J. A. SCHROCK. rrnlt Fruit. TMtKSH Raisins, Apples, Oranges, Bananas ko., just . rceoived by J. A. SCHROCK. Tlorc Sclinnps. 0 CASKS SC1II EPA M SCI I NAPS, 10 do old HOCII, (Johanne's Bergcr,] 3 do CHAMP.UGXK CIPER 20 dozen London PORTEH 10 do Seoleh ALE. Arrived at MOORE'S. Candles. 'A BOXES Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow f**. )'/ dies. Just arrived at MOORE'S. Kpop Cool. TKAYY Linen Sheeting and Pillow Case Linen* Kor sale low by * K. \\\ linNNKY