I* MMumta 1 /or tJjr /arnirro. I'v.n the C't'oiclm M rcury. Aricn!i r.i rai Scii?:?vc. In my eomiiiiiifeat'wa of yesterday, ! eonremark* to tin- iu.itletjuate |iro\ isioii, or ratlux-the ahseuee *?l nil jir?vi?inii, in our system of i diii'iitioii, for iiiijrarimr instruct! ?u in agriculture , to our \ out if are <:ia?ltiale 1 at (.'nlleiiO. If the educated men are Eg not i>> I nillit. it is hardly uoi^ssuiy t?? mv jCW thai fi'r less cultivated c lass i? i:i i;>> Utter Bm cotul.t'oii?that the mciTwImsl' peculiar husiS| ue>s it is to >nj?cr\iM! tlu' ;:j;i icultural opera fl lions oftfhc Slate ue\er loam the tir>t princi* 9| pies of agriculture. Sgl These nn.li, the. Overseers of the country, bB constitute a very important part of our people. |B The [?rospcrity of the State, its safety indeed mm .is to a largo extent in their hands. During the summer especially llieruo-t valuable estates M ;we .entrusted exclusively to their judgement 6m and shili. A wide extent of country, cmbniH eing a dense negro population, dejiends for S r mouths on the coliduct and character ol a few gB, overseers. Is it imt of the highest importance to the State to elevate that character? Should it not he made to appear that the countr\ dulv W values their impmtaut s?mvices? Ought not [Bp' the Stale t?? make some cllhrt to increase their ^gh usefulness-by giving them higher views of the K -hnpottance of their calling, and by inslructiag MB ilie:* i:s iir.-t piineiples? Thcv should he j^K educated a> farmers and managers of slaves.? jHE':. It is oftlie last importance to the we.fare ofthe jy?jj State that its overseers should he regulaily and systematically taught even tiling net c.-sary to an up'ight and enlightened pelI'ormaiice of fl UieiiUlwties. There is no doubt indeed, that it-js the part of the liepublic to educate all its citizens, and each one with a view to the pur[Bp suit iii which ho is about to engage. This H ndajitiou of-education to tlie end pioposed, whatever that end may he. is essential to every B. -enlightened system oC,instruction. LJiit above IB'- all is it necessary for those who arc to superB intend tiie farming (d* the country. Ignorance B 'n their ca-e is prejudicial not to the individual B*# only,"but to the hundreds whom lii directs, 16 B* the parties by wliom he is employed, to the icH sources of the State itself. H It,is common enough to hear men speak disfl jR^ragviugly of overseers. Certainly there are B many of them to whom serious object ions may g lie .made; hut, considering them as a ela^s, the B* roa'ly womkr is that they discharge theft duties E i'.s faithfully as they do, in the absence of every ? particle' of instructioti in any one of.the impor. B-' taut offices they' neccssa:ify fill. ? H # llut ifthey aredelicientaud incapable, will the g complaint or derision of tlie employer provide B' .? remedy? Employed they must be. What B ' then remains f-tf the planter "bat to urge the pz .application ?>f the 'proper means for rendering 1 them more: intelligent and useful? These | incatisuire adequaKvinstruetion i. his business. B There, as elsewhere knowledge is power. And g ..Ibis, fike every other branch'or department .of B knowtVdgo, nilT&t be acquired, and does not B come bv nnltrre. 1 And "yet, to judge fimin the comse pursued K l y our people, ill reference to agricultural lniI jirovemoats, one might fairly conclude that our I -conviction is.quite tire reverse. We seem to I. think that, a planter-acquires, with his piautn tioir," sufficient knowledge of . the mode by E -which it may be efficiently managed, without g ;an cfTo#t to learn it. The consequence is that y . re is unable, in a proper manner, to conduct the simplest farming operation, lie rs tillable to cut a ditch* intelligently, or with a certainty that lie. is about to accomplish the oml proposed. He knows nothing abont'ascertaiiiing t the level of the* land over which his wbrk is about to be carried. It is'quite possible that , ' after a great deal of labor is thrown awa v, he ascertains tliat'tlie proposed outlet of his ditch ft\v ghti; than the beginning. It is all guessf - work. IJ is' only preparation fir his life's occu - 'pation is lcaniinjjto constrdc Horace to deliver a dccTatiialionj. and- acquire sufficient lamil iirrity with the gods-, goddesses and heroes of ancient times. The preparation of the over seer i^equally left to nature. He has seen or .handled a shovel plough on a sand hill or pinewoo'd farm or patch oTcorn and potatoes. He L* can write an intelligible letter. With this w . ^ amount ofpreparatory training, he takescharge of the health aud'coinfort of a hundred slaves, and conducts the complicated concerns of a large plantation. The proprietor knows nothing practically or theoretically, the overseer is no better prepared for the business. Is it all sur' t * , l 1. . P.I . prising u?u iue agneuunre 01 wiecountiy is in so dt-ploiJtble state? Can wo wonder thai within 10 inili'S of the large city of-Chnrleston, the Queen City of the South, as some areplensed to'call her, laud of excellent quality bears a nominal value, that largo bodies of it. lie uncultivated that plantations of great fertility, alter having been cleared with great labor and cultivated after our imperfect modes stand unoccupied ami abandoned ? And yet this, as lamentable as it is, excites no surprise and commands no attention. lc is the natural results of our ignorance in our business. I have in itio, an imperfect statement of the evil under which we labor. The nn>io it i-. examined, tlie more apparent and intolera hie will it prove to lie. A proper consideration of it must rest in some .attempt on the part ' of tjie State to apply an adequate remedy. J earnestly request, Messrs. Kditors, that yon will j?r-ess tiiis eousideraiion of the evil, ami call for the udeqtftita remedy. Vou cannot give your labors to a subject more vitally important to i lie welfare "of 8'nitli Carolina. 1 will not presume t? suppose that I can point out liie in uioue 01 removing mis monstrous grievance an J deficiency in our State economy. With a view only to invite attention, and the hope of drawing more competent minds to the coii>i (cation of the subject, I will merely suggest what seems to me the proper beginning of a better condition of affairs. Let the Legislature establish a Professorship of Agriculture in-the South Carolina College, and attaeh t>> the institution an experimental farm. In this farm, every farming process may lie carlied on in coiif>rin';ty with the most scientific practice of Europe. J his would juoduec the good effect not only of imparting iustru lion t111itv from the tni-f irtmie that alllicts :is, of v.itrig men crowding into proles-iou*, and living id: v and uselessly in these supposed position s of honor. In addition to the Professorsum, it may lie a 1 visible to estil.lidi indue li ne iliree Agricu iiual Selco's and harms, one ofe ie i in the upper, central, and llie 1 >vv [ii ol t!| S it*. (.hi'il'ti'leiil ieaeiii'is for 1 I i?f l"iij 11i ?:i- ?! !)> I Culifgt' Pro lo tliv-si* s?!i<>i>.'s vosi.j ?11 > ?. !< i.fjiJI e'.i.f's iimi fi l l ! l"'j'i:ifo j'j^rur'i >:i. !'i| t ii-v woaM In- [i.nt rnl.ir'v imp' riant in prepaii:ig l'.>r tin: b liims.s of iLc farm or piaiitalion, those uln? in-v ln? i i postal- lo devote tliini, M-lii-.-r lo-tlio occupation oftlic Overseer. Il i is easy, I think, to we how rapidly ami eflectuai!\ tiiis won!.! improve llje characters ami capabilities of tint a-clul ami indispensable class of men, and how ma -h it \oiihl elevate and advance rhs condition and welfare of the whole Slate, bat o'.-nth im n, 1 leave the subject lo yoniscIves ami \oiir ahler cnrrcspnii pmaleiits, content and rejoiced il I should succeed in fixing attention elf.dually on the necessity of in vest israting muter carefully, and j applying some sul'i dent and lasling remedy. Aduicor.'v I - ... R't'W 5"r?<; for I*ot:i{?c Vitaew. A.mekici's Fi:mau: In-sti ilin. Sept 29. '53. 1 T Messuss. Editoius : It tuny not be kriovyn to :ili of your rcad-rs. tliut tlie sweet potato vine may be saved daring the winter and used the Allowing spring in propagating. a new croji. I have tried the experiment during this year, to my entire satisfaction, and tkvrcfufo feel it my duty to communicate the result for the benefit of the public. In the Fall (any time before frost) the vines | may be cut in any convenient length, and placed in layers on the sarfae-j of the earth, to the depth of twelve or eighteen inches, cover the vines, whilst damp, with partially rotted straw, i (either pine or wheat will answer) to the depth of six imflios, and cover the whole with a light i soil about four inches deep, in this way the vines will ke-p daring tin; uinter, and in lieSpring lliey will put out sprouts as abundantly as the potatue itself when b did <1. The draws or sprouts can be planted lir.-t, and the vine- it| self can be subse.|ut-nilv eat and used as we i generally plant "slips. This experiment is worthy the cuusidcrati.-n of fanners, as it will save a i great.many seed potatoes, particularly on large I plantations which can bo used for feeding. Let ' every farmer, howc-ver make the experiment lor : himself, and be governed bv the result. . You la I t-s poet fully, I P. A. ST!?01?EL. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JITST RECEIVED AT i? et ers> e s. 3 ss ; ' Wholesale and Retail Store, 100 pieces KKHSJJYS i ? 100 pair NKGliO BLANKETS I 100 pieces bleached and blown SHII'TINGS I 100 u_ FANCY FB1NTS 10 " Furnitara 1?0. 25 " FANCY MUSLINS . 15 " DLL A INKS and CASIIMFBES 12 " Rock Island J K'ANS, all Colors 5 " B12DT1CKING 12 " Plain and Fancy JEANS I - 6 " A I'HON CHECKS 10 14 GINGHAMS 3 " supcrtlno BROADCLOTH 10 " FANCY YKSTINGS, Cambrics find Shawls, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs | and Ties,'"I'lai I Linseys and Flannels, Hosiery, Thread, Needles, l'ins. Concord (N. C.J Yarn, Ac. AI.SO?A SMA!.!. 1.0 r OK READY-MADE CLOTHING. such as ! Blanket and Drab OVER-COATS, Fancy Cnsaikierc PANTS. Velvet. Silk and Satiu YliSTS. also. ' 20 dozen first quality "U"uol HATS 1 case Albion - DO. 1 do Congress DO. 1 do assorted Cassiaierc 1)0. r- 1 do superline Silk 1 >0. 1 do CAPS, Flush, Cloth and Glazed 1 do UMBRELLAS. . HEAVY GROCERIES. - ? ' - " -. J /i.L.MTri t TIP 7 tiogsneaus .u uscovaio ana vuoa ouvi.\ uo i 10 barrels first quality clarified I)U. '5 " Lovoring's crashed DO. I 20 bags Rio COFFEE i 10 " Java 1)0. . ? ; lo sixth boxes first-quality Sperm CANDLES 23 boxes Adamantine L'0. ! 10 do cheap SOAP 1 do funov DO. 10 do Pearl STAUCJI . 20 gross MATCHES - WISES A AD LKJIOSS. 12 baskets genuine lleidsick CHAMPAGNE G do Demereier DO. G do Imitation Heidstek DO. 10 do first quality CLARET WINE 2 qr. casks Old SHERRY DO. 3 do do MADEIRA DO. 2 do do .PORT DO. 1 do do MALAGA DO. 1 case WINE HITTERS 1-2 pipe '"Old Otard" DRANPY 1 qr. cask " Old fate" DO. 2 do Loudon Dock DO. 1 do Old Holland GIN G cases Schiedam Schnaps DO. 1 cask old Bourbon WHISKEY 3 barrels Eagle' DO. 20 do Old Rye Hammond Do. i 50 do Double Rectified DO. Together with many other articles which will be sold exceedingly low lor cash or short time. W. O. MOORE. I Camden, Sept. I). 37 tf Wine aisy J. A. SCHROCK. Ciu, , | CASK superior Holland (J in. Just'received and I 1 for sale by J. A. SOU HOCK. Sept. 13?37: f SiiiiHi Cuiuiiua-ItersEiiiu Rkieici: BY J"IIV i:. JOY, K??Jl'IUK, liMNARV. \\TTIKKKAS, Tln>. Warren has applied to me j T t for J."ttcrs of Administration on all an -nd?-u,, , t'Miv n ?oy n K. it. * ~ \ " ' 1 j JIAKRiSOX'S PATENT ??LF-COOLI.\ i W2SSST -TTJJ.L, /! ' vrMeli thi- i< iiroir.vt cat. The cmIomvo V : f ' ' rf^lit of wliirli, I'or tin-1" nit??ri State* nml 'IVr-; j ritnrk.", now belongs to tin? New Haven Mamu ! fae(uH:i^Cotlip:itiy. Tv'ew Haven. Cow:,. to "\ tmin - ,w ail orihrs must lie iaMr&uxl. Alter having t|irt|Uniiit?nre with tlieal.ovc .Mill, the New j ' llavcn Manufacturing Company 'Lave ntloplcil It . --s-r. \ a< n portion of their Im-iness, knowing tiiU AMI j ' ' 'to be till' lust I'tiiliioie .ill.I i..r uu Kiwi.: li tr"in i J wld-h Inn 1:00*1 ill use l?y over 1' 0 per cent. I Those M ills are celebrated above all other mills first, fur their j superior construction?they are built in the best workmanlike j : manner, from the best French burr-stone, Stl inches in diameter. ami ail sau.-ly orioa od in a lino east-Iron frame, and so ununited that on nsan edii set one of these .Mills nj. in'le =s than two hours ) ready to n-e; and when thus put ll|>, ail the repairs tlo-y would require for live years, wonlil he but a trifle: second, they are j mi enli.-lrnete.d. tlmt w iietl set So lis to make the finest Hour, the I ' Mo'ies with or without feed will not tonic in eoniaet: honeo, | j they !ej-.e no t'rit ia the meal, and no power is ti-cd except f r | j crushing the srain. Third, tiic*-e Mills sire self-eoo'lna. by a I blast of eold air driven through an aperture in tlie casing mu' j ' nroiind the stones; hence, thoy tan be run 21 hours withoin j | etoppinc, u:id without healing. l'ointh. those Mills will urind -HO bushois of corn into fino ! meal in l'l hours, and that too with H horse-power; h:i1 will grind 120 bushels of wheat into fine Hour in ten hours lime, ami ! with one-half the power required by the common mill. J'rice [ $21 Hi. Packing , Circulars, wiilidristrurlions for itMns. wish certificates from the best and most reliable sources In relation to this Mill, can be bad by adda-ssinjasabove, postpaid. ^ ^ of prices, can be bad by addressing as abe *e. W. W. Til YON k CO. gents. C.ttridt'u, 5?. C. ' 27 t>ni CAIiPETINGS! CAP.PETINGS! i rpjl 1> subscribers are now prepared to oD't-r at the i I lowest market prices, a full assortment of superior ! ; YELVET T.\ I'KSTJIY. LRUSSKLS, THREE-PLY, i I N't j HA IX. SCOTCH. YEXETJAX, DU'K'll and LIXEX CARI'KTINGS. a i.so. Tl?c various widths of tiunted R.w/r.s. or >'1.0011 Ci.onjs, lT.oon and Stair.OIL CLOTHS and Crumb Cloths, U;i.t aud Silvered Stair Rons and Stair C u:r;:nxe;. Rrets. Mats. Ac." All of which havtf Leon selected from t lie manufacturers in the American and English markets. by one o( the partners, and we will have tlieni cut, made, tit- I ted and laid in the most workmanlike manner, and on the best terms. We'most confidently invite attention to our stock. CURTAIN MATERIALS. We arc now prepared in our CURT ATX 1>K PA llTMEXT to oiler the various styles of Curtain Stuffs,in Si!.':. 1 Vented. Linen, and Cotton. Itnibroidcred Luce a:.d Mt<*lin- Curtains, Gimps, Loops, Tassels, Cornices, Ac. Church Tiimmiugs. Hangings. Ac. Xew designs for which we have now received, and they will bo made and put up on t he best terms, in the most workmanlike manner, and under our Own supervision. UROWXIXG A- I.EM AX, Successors toC. A E. L. Ken ison A'Co. Cor. lving aud Market-sis. Charleston. .S. C. Pel. 19 81 ft Luuiher. rl"MlK Kershaw Plea in Mill Company have constant* _l. lyon hand pine Lumber of every description at their mill. 7 miles north of Caiiiden. which tliey offer at tin.* following prices lor cash ox* its equivalent: Good merchantable Lumber in quantities of not less . than 10,000 feet, per 1.000 feet, $3 00 The same in less quantity, 9 00 Refuse lumber in any quantity, per 1,000 ft. G U0 fxiKrf. ** * ?4.' ; H 75 Palings 5 li. louc: liv 3 in. wiile, t>cr 100 "00 do do jj* " '1 75 do do 2 " 1 50 Laths(sawed) 1 feet long, per 1.000 1 50 do ' do do delivered, 2 00 [ Shingles 3 50 J do do do delivered -1 50 ' Framing timber in lengths of -10 feet and under saw- i ed to order aj. slioit notice; also, slats for Winds, sash- ' es, doors, ic and palings of every dcsci ipt ic?n. In all cases lumber will be delivired at Camden or ; S. C. R. 11. l)opot for $3 50 per 1,000 feet in addition to 1 lie above rates. They have on hand in Camden a limited supply of ' :mber which may be hud on application to \V. W. 'Trvoii, with \vbom or with either of the undersigned ordors tuay be left. K. TRY ON. ]). 0. TRYONr. . J. B. KERS1IAAV. Aug. 9 Cm?.12 Charleston Courier and Tri-AVockly So. Carolinian will insert once caeli week fur 3 weeks and forward bill to this office. '281. ~ A. jj. SOLOMON, 2sT " COX. Kixa A XV L JBljli'l'Y-8TS. i ' ylies; Worsted and l/meii Table Covers Clot It 'Table and i'iano Co.vers. All of ilic'above J.ineVt goods arc warranted five from Cotton. IMantiitioM and \csro Goods. Itlk. bin. an hesitation in saving that we can ami will | sdl at as I.OW A l'UK'K as the SAMK. QUALITY of jfoo Is can he bought (upon the .-uino terms) in any ! t town or city in the Stale. Our ESool ami Shoe Store . Will l-o continued at the ?'hl stand, where we are! now constantly receiving large additions of 1 FRESH AND DESIRABLE GOODS, ; \v!iii-li we will be happy to hoJI ct llio lowest possible iiiies to nil of our old friends and customers, and to as innv new on? s as possible. WolJk'ilAN A room:. .Inlv 20. ?ti tf I To Kent. | r|^l(AT ITouso ami Store room on ISrond street at i ' t ]iie.se!!t ij.je-.j I,.- ,T Hariri. I', r particulars | I apple to .MM1-V. McKWMN. j i ;"v J'l IT , .fS.JTT -IT- :-- y~-n*~*r*rTw-r:r:T CARRIAGES. A1 the Old of S. ?.V J. Cilberl ^ .t K. >f. CII.I1KRT continue Hie CATtRTAO O Itdf-IX-MSS nt tlio above stand, Xos. 35 and -1 Went worth s treet, where they will be pleased to c: hiliit to their old frioinls and customers a very extei sivc stock"of VEHICLES, comprising those.of the ?i!U)iinietnre. together with the various olh< styles usually found in tliis market. Their long a quaint am-c with this market as manufacturers nn dealers will enable them to oiler great inducements 1 purchasers, both in styles and prices. Charleston, Aug. 20. 07 tf I-.AXJD FOR SAME. Mil. SAM (JEL X. ATKIXSOX is niithoriml t sell lands of the Estate of Thomas Sumter, h ing in Chcstcrlield. Lancaster and Kershaw District Persons wishing to purchase will please address hit at L'isliopvillc, Sumter District. S. V. SUM TEH, Kx'r.. Ac Rumtervillc, Aug. 2. u?tf. $100 reward] I) A*XAWAY, on last Tuesday, the 17th instan V my hoy UlCll^MtD, a white mulatto, about fiv feet three or four inches high, tolerably stout huii aliout twenty-two years old, with straight light liu: hits a very sulky appearariee, and answers quick an short when spoken to; said boy has a short thick fro his hands short and thick, chubhv fingers, lie liuslli scar of a blister on his forehead just above the eyi brows, be may*try to hide it by wearing bis cap r lint down over bis forehead, lie will be sure to pas himself for n white man, for lie is very white and In been taking^ great care of his skin for some linn \\ lieu he left lie hud a cloth cap and Mack"coat ail a dark colored pair of pants; lie will be sure to cluing bis cap and clothes as soon as he can, lie also we.ii his hair in front straight down to hide the sear of Hi blister. lie is a shoemaker by trade, though he ma not go at the business expecting that he will be s advertised. rgr"riie nbove Reward Uoverumcut Java Cotlee. tino Chewing Tubai co, and Adaumiitine ('undies.' For sale bv ' N. W. flONNEY. Flavoring Fvxlracl* ITVHl lees, Custards, Puddings, and all kinds of Cot lection.irv, I'ikii v, ?l c. .fee. Among ilicm aro \'t nilla, Lemon, Peach. Nutmeg. Hitler Almond, Hunan: Pine Apple. Strawberry, Raspberry, Rose, tlinger, Cir nunion. il e. Ac., all \l.-iv.,tl'c I'li.rliuli 1 *i..k !.?KKHl!'S Knshioieitde ll.il->. ANe, Cloth I'aps, c I evorv description. .'c opened I?v 27 " ' DONNKV. Pacts cannot Le Doubted, i. i Let the Afflicted Head and Pender! ,7 More lliiiii 500 person* in the City; of-iUfch. j -j, 0 moml, Ya., alone testify to the remarkable eu reaper- j , ' tbrmfd by .' j v }' CAUTF.R'S SPANISH MIXTURE. |l ir . " $ . * . *a ?r The greiit Spring .Medicine nnd Purifier of the a c. , Cloud is now used by hundreds of grateful patients, v (| ! who testify daily to the rcinafknble cures joi formed j 0 by the greatest ol all medicines. Carter's Spanish Mix- a ture. Neuralgia, l'licunintism, fcerolula, J-huptions on ^ the Skin,Liver Disease, Fevers, L leers', Uld Sores, Af. ' tions of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Tlirout, Female " | Complaints, Fainsaiid Aching of the Cones and Joints, 0 are speedily put to flight by us.ng this great and incstiimible. remedy. " t , -*' ?1 s i For rill diseases of the Wood, nothing has yet been v :n ' found to compute with it. It cleanses the system of v j all impurities, acts gently nnd cfiiciently on the Liver I and Kidneys, strengthens the digestion gives tone to s the fcitomucli, makes the Skin eiear and Jiealthv, nnd g tiio Poi.ktieiilIon i-i.feclilcd bv disease or bio- ' a j ken down by the excesses of youth,*to its pristine vi- a j g?r and strength. For tlie Ladies, it is imeonipaiibly better than nil ? t tlic cosmetics ever used. .A few doses of Carter's v Spanish Mixture will remove ail sallowness of cornel piexinn, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give t elasticity to the step, and improve the general health ^ I in a remarkable degree, beyond all tho medicines ever 1 ' L>. I heard of. . ^ ?. A large number of certificates of remarkable cures s i3 performed on persons residing in the city ofltichuiond g is ^ '')* 'be use of Carter's Spanish Mixture, is the | " ,, i best evidence that there is no humbug about it The I-1' ,} ' press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and pub- ^ e lie men well known to the community, all add their 3 testimony to the effects of this Croat Blood Purifier. f( L, Call nndsec a few liundrcdsof tlie certificates around .. the Bottle. "0 1 Koii'c gcnviiic unless signed BEN'XET * UFl^RS, I Druggist!. * ,] I'rincipal Depots at M. W ARD, CLOSE, ' which daily arrive at the depot and manufactory, 137 (. Broadway, New York, addressed to Profes>or Barry, j b enclosing cash, and requiring immediate attention, " would scarcely be la licved. The wholesale demand " 0 is from 2,uOD to 3.0DO Lotties a day, probald, exceed- ' ing that of all the other hair preparations conjoined. The popularity of the article -everywhere, and the ^ liberal terms to deaicrs, combine to increase its sales V with great rapidity; and improvements ir its com po- J, sition, made at considerable expense, adds to ils reputation as well as its intrinsic value. For sale whole- 3 i sale and retail, by the "principal merchants and druge [ gists throughout the I'nitcdMutes and Canada, Mexis ; c6, West Indies, Croat Britain and France, and by i Durtch, Jones ? Co.,. Camden. Sold in large bottles, si Price 23 cts. , My 21?Cm* C Spices. I) 4 LL Spice, Cinnamon, Cloves,, ilace, Nutmegs, h 2.\~ Ginger, Black and lied Pepper. AIso?Flavoring Extracts of*Orange, Lemon, Peach, I' Rose, Nutmegs, Almond anil Yauilln, Rose Water, j Oraugo Flower Water, kc. Alwavs on-hand at ' Feb 8?Gif Z. J. DclIAY'S. Window Glass. -j 0 | ''piIK subscriber bus just rceeiveda largo invoice o o 3j JL that lino "Patapsco" CLASS, varying in size from f 0 ! 8 x 10 to 13 ^ 21, to which he invites the special ate tcntiuu of his customers. Z. J. DcJI-AY. Pec. 21tf Rati way's Rcmedffer-. CtOXSISTlXG of Pad way's Ready Relief, Ready ' Resolvent. Ready Regulators (Fill?,) Medicated - Soap and Circassian Balm tor the llair. Jnstreceiv- / c ed ut Z. J. DclIAY'S. \ March 29 G Lamps! f.auips!! I^OP. Lard, Oil and Burning Fluid, a large variety, among which are a few of the new rantcnt Safety Lamps, and Cans to match.' Just received at Feb 8 If Z. J. -PellAY'S. " r- iStua^ia:^ l- | pOR burning Spirit Gas, some beautifnl paterns. ' I Just received a: Z. J. DclIAY'S. c- Dec. 21.? _ Pure Whifc Lead. j j 4 LARGE and fresh supply, of Harrison's extra | J V. quality Parlor Lead, Chrome Green, ground and i ' dry; Lin-ecd Oil; Spirits Turpentine, Ac. Ac. Just . i received at Z. J. DeI1AY>\ W ? w\- ft. ? XiUUIC<>' 11' I I FASHION ABLK Styles of Grenadines, Tissue, Da- ] rcge ami Barege DeLuin, Printed Jaconet and [ Organdi Muslins. Drilliautnnd Printed Lilicu, splendid worked Robes, Lawn and Cambric Robes, white and black Lace Mantillas, black and colored Application Mantillas, (a new article.) splendid worked Collars, Sleeves and Handkerchiefs, Ivory and Spanish Pans, ! Ac. Deceived and for sale by ? March PJ. McDOWALL A COQPKR. Fresh Saratoga Water, < JUST received at * WORKMAN'S Drug-Store. .f j Ton, Ton, Toa. \ d ' /'i UNPOWDKR, 113-3011, Imperial, A'oung Hyson i ) \ T and Black, of superior qualitv. Received and : ' for sale by - SIIAW A At ST IN. j t ^ CASKS (quarts and pints) "Longworth's" Spark f) ling Catawba Wine. Received and for sale bv Dec. G, 1 ?>52. SIIAW A AUSTIN. BRICKS FOBS SAXE. 3 r|"MIK subscriber has 011 hand a large quantity 0 j 1- I cnon ItlMi'l. M-liif.li 111-iv lir> 1im<1 nil unnlic/iliiin -- !hn?ian~23." ~ 'j.'VsUTliKRLANl) j Toilot Soaps. (CONSIST I NO of Cleaver's Honey Soap, Ol.l Brown j Windsor, Taylor's Crystalline Wash Balls, Mange- r 0 net and Coudrav's Omnibus and Parisicnne Soaps, Sa-1 e' von's do Families, and many others too numerous to , u | mention, inuv alwavs be found at Au-. or Mim u.ii. Watku, the subscriber is now ready to fur- ' nisli I.kmos Soua and Sausacauiu.a in any quantity j t to tlmse who deal in the article. Country Merchants, Hotels, Restaurants and fanii-1 .. lies, can he supplied at the shortest notice. . Tkrms Cash. FRANCIS I- ZEMP. | Wool, Wool. A VT1I.L I'e purchased either in the Run- or cleftn, i- \\ hv W. ANDERSON. > i- Aug. -}r, tit tf. 1 1.1 Jiml ICtM't'ivcrt. \N" assortment of Fi.sk's MI'.J'ALIC JJURIAL OA-; SRS. .There have I>0011 Into improvements in ' i this article. fan bo seen at the subscriber's Wnroij Ut*o:n. C. I,. CIIATTKX. , Hair Brushes. 1 rl"MIK undersigned has now on hand an elegant as1 sot lmeiil of French, Fnglish and American flair | l brushes. to wliioli lie invites the attention of his nu- . . merous friends and en it 0 avers. \u-.?u*t 0 -32 M 7. .1 Vv:Tl A V 1 ? * , ? ? , . J* / * . $300 ?HALI/ENGE, ~ IT7IIAT,K VFH roncfin.s tlse health and LappinefS of a W people is at ajl times of the most importance. 1 talle * I fo??iuiitednhaievei^pef?0n will do all in their power, u save lite lives of their children, and that every pefton vilf endeavor ippnnnptg their own healtlj at all sacrifices. feel it to .lie riiy.duty^osoleinnly assure you that WORMS, ceordirfg td the opinti;iv6f the most celebr?ted Physicians, re the prhnary jcanse? t>f aJar^e majoflly of diseases to vhieh childrentfrj adults are liable; if you have an apeiite conririually^'cjiangeable from one-"hind of food r not her. Jiad Uu-atltfl'ain in tho Stomach, picking at t, \(we, Hardness, and Fullness ol the Belly, rDjry Cmr*, fr vlow Fever, l'tilsc frregular?remember that ftH thgfe dC; f iote WOR.hS.and you should at once apply the remedy^1-' * * HOBF,.\SACJi'5 WORM SYItlP. An ariiele founded upon Scientific Principles, comjtoun* . ed with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly ?alf then talo n, and can be_givfen to tile mist tender Infant v it It decided beneficial effect," whSre Bowel Complaints ml Diarrhoea hive itiade them wcakand debiliiaiftFthe 'onic pr<) erties of nij" Worm Sjrup are nicli, that-it iaii(is VMIIIOII! an eipiuriir-yw ' aiumgyu^oi medicines in ? iving tone and strength lothe istoniach. which mah*? it n Infallible remedy Jorthcre.afflitfetlwithl)}*!'^"*, U-e .-umishai" cures performed by this !>yrupafterJ;Miys{pkiria* ave failed, is-tlie best evJd.ejioe of Us-Xiperior tflj&cy verall others. . j ' - THE TAPEWOBJF! ' . r "" < This is the mo>t dinicult Worm to destroy of all that in jstthe hums n.'system,: it grows -to J a n almost Indefinite iiigth becoming so coiled and fastened ' iifihe Jr.tevtiia.-6 rid S'.oijjach ?liccting'tlie health sosndly astp .causi* .8tf?"itus t anr-e. l-'tts, &e.. that those afflicted seldom if^rVVr uspect that it is Tape Wornr huMcningihem t? an. early rave. In order to destroy this Worm, a very, -c-riergeiiu reatnient must be pursued, it would therefore be |noprr , i? take Gto 8 of rny Liver Tills so as to remove all obvtrurioits. thai the Worm Syrup may act direet upon the Worm, . i hu b must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoon fulls 3 times "day tlu-se directions lollowed have-never been known to iil in ruring the most obstinate case oC Tape lYoint. IIOHLSSACIi'S LIVER PILLS. No part of tlie-sysiem is more liable to disease than tl e .lVEll.jtservrtig as a liherefto purify the Dlocd.orgivit 8 lie proper secretion to the bile; so that any wrong actiiti f the Liver effects the other important part* of the sys m, and esnlts variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice. )yspepsia &c. We should, therefore, watch every tv tripsin that might indicate a wrong action'of the Liver. fiese Fills being composed of. FOOTS & PLANTS fur- f isjted by nature toliealihe sick; Namgly, 1st, An ?X* 'ECTORANT, which augments the secretion .Jrc'm the 'ulmouary mucus membra tie. or promotes the dircbarge of arreted matter. 2nd. An ALTERATIVE, wlitdbchanges t some inexplicable and iasmisible .manner the I'irbidaction of the system. -3rd, A TONIC which gives me and strength to the nervous$ys.lem, renew inglealrii nd vigor to all parts of thebody. *4tb, A CATHARTIC, Tiich acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, nd operating on the' Rowels, and expelling the whole tavsot corrupt and vitiated triatier, and purifying the lood, which destroys disease and restores health. TO FEMALES. Vou will find these Pills an invaluable raedicinein ma V complaints to vviiielt yoit irre subject. In cbstruelh.ns ither total or partial,they have been found uf ineslima!e benelir.-restoring their functional .arrangements, to .a ealthv action,purityitig tlie'bWdnnd other fluidsVo efirtuallyid put.Ry'fligbt aU-eumpfaintsrwvlHcli may arise oni female irregularities,.as headache, giddineSr, diqaess of sight, pain jn the side hai k,.A e. None genuine unlcsssigned J. N. HobensarK, all others eing'base Imitation. * _ . ' Agent." wishing new supplies, anit Stprg Keepers (h ums of becoming Agents ropstaddress the Proprietor, Ji. llobensael;. iN'o. 120 North 2nd :t. above" Race St. 'hi adelphia. Pa. ' ' ' ' Sold by every Druggist and My'cJiant in the U. ?'. .gents- Z.J. Dellav.L'anidgn Wholesale and Retail Apt. V. A. Morrison & EMEXT. Calcined Plaster of Paris, for building k J purposes; Gypsum or Lanu Piaster, forjigriculiral purposes, and Stone Lime, all of good quality and i quantities to suit purchasers. A very superior art ioleof White Lime for whitewash ig. " C. Li'CH ATTEN. M.i?chJ?. -20 y?