gp?noBa?ganBnoBWBMMsacmupjnr.i>u*ii.'i?*g-v Later from Europe. .1 > /* 1 /,/ tJ?o dti?Ht:?H_ Ciiahlkston, March 1! The Canada arrived at Halifax on Fri The demand in the liverpool Cotton Mu had been modi rate, and prices in favor of buyer. Sales of the week 36,000 bales which speculators took 3!)00, and expot 4000 bales; imports in some 87,000 bale For Fair Orleans G 3-S, Middling 5 5-8, Upland 6, Middling 5 1-2. Stock on 1 050,000 bales. Flour has declined sixpence, and the den is moderate. The sales at Havre for the week, to the inclusive, were 5,000 bales; imports, 5 bales; stock on hand, exclusive of that shipboard, 35.500 bales. New-Orleans ordinary 03, Mobile 91, to 92, Upland 91. [Columbia Banue Spikitual Communications.?Rev. Tyng, of New York, has delivered a disco on the modern Spiritual phenomena. He ti cd the subject with seriousness and frank b initted the facts, repudiating the idea of < trie or magnetic forces. lie contends for Spiritual origin of the manifestations, bu sists that the "Anniversary of souls" isemj cd in their production. He supports his a jnent by quotations from the Old Testame "Dr. Tyng spoke with great apparent eern, and warned his people against purs . the investigation for "scientific purposes ""finder the delusive idea that the mystei power is harmless. He announced the fact there were mediums among the cominunic itr'his church, and that for three weeks pa* had personally wrestled with his adversar inbst incessantly. It had disturbed his mc tions by day and his sleep by night, and speaker was understood to remain that il annoyance continued to increase, he sliouh obliged to relinquish his ministry. He des the earnest prayers of his people and be? their forbearance for speaking so plainly. Oi'r Court.?Our Spring term of Court* menced on Monday last, IIis Honor Judge V crs presiding, with that dignity and dec which so eminently characterize him as a found jurist and judge. The Sessions D< was very light, having no cases of important it, while the issue doeko(t was more than us full. We have been kindly promised a ri of the most important cases, with the decis for our next issue, which we will/lay beton readers.?Laurcnsville "Herald \Slh insl. Hail Storm.?Ou Wednesday evening March 10th, a terrible hail storin swept ovei city, and during the space of 10 minutes, die ineuse damage. Almost every house in the was injured. The' Warehouses of Mr. Rai Gunby, Daniel ur city. [Columbus (Ga.) Tinu In Paw-tucket, (R. I.) at a funeral last v it was found extremely difficult to remove coffin from the house (second story) to the h< by reason of the narrow entries and windings way. By passing through a room occupie another family all difficulties would have obviated. Bequest was accordingly made, will it he believed that in Pawtucket, in the of our Lord eighteen hundred and fil'ty-thn was utterly refused! It was thought to b" i omen to have the corpse pass through the i and it would be followed by a death in the ily; and foolish superstitution was allowe banish humanity from the heart. Memphis Commercial Convention.?Ii h Jackson Miss., Flag of the Union, of the inst., we perceive a long list of Delegate the Memphis Commercial Convention, app ed by Gov. Foote, in conformity with tin quest of the Memphis Committee of Cc poudence. This Convention will assemble on the Monday in June next. Delegations, conip of the best men in the South, will be pre > The questions to be discussed are of the interest, and grandest importance, and c to attract the undivided attention of every wisher of Southern improvement, of ever vocate of Southern commercial indepcndi Railroads, direct trade with Europe from S< ern ports; manufacturers, a communic with the Pacific by means of a steam ores locomotive, will be thoroughly and ably cussed.?N. 0. Bulletin. Longevity.?The St. Louis Republica the 2d inst., says: An instance of very remarkable long( came under the notice of Mr. Melvin, di his recent flying tour in quest of a runsi slave, through Madison county, III. Whi the negro settlement on Wood river, he cha to call at a house whose door was opene liim by the owner, a lonering negro, wi * head whitened ? as the writers have stcreot it?by the frosts of ninety winters. In course of a series of questions and ansi the old man alluded incidentally to his ni< for endorsement of something he hadadvai Mr. Melvin wondered exceedingly, with dy in the play, "that he had a mother.," a the invitation of the host, entered the ^ cabin, where, true enough, in an arm near the chimney corner, he perceived a s men of withered antiquity that might very have passed for the mother of a dozen thusalehs. Not that she was very decri on the contrary nature had indemnified hi the loss of youth in a partial restoratio sight and in a fair preservation of her gei intelligence. Hut the 18th century had le great seal upon her, and the white wooly the long gray beard on lier upper lip and bones, added to the deep wrinkles and shrunken form, would have made the ??bj fearful one in a dark wood or a chapel The woman was one hundred and nini ^ years old. She gave her name as Chloe says that she is a native of South (Jari having been there the slave of a farmer m Wilson. When yet very young she was s and carried away from home by a pari Cherokee Indians, from whom she subseq ly escaped. She professes to remember j ! ll'ctl v well Lord Cornwallis and the British officers of note who figured in the war of In5. dependence. She is supported at present by j her son, who in turn receives material assis- TI1 rket ita,lce '*rom a promising stripling of forty-five or the I or ^,e ve?erable relic is not at all in lio i her dotage, though somewhat garrulous and C]] 'ters Ijetul;u,t- Th l-'air TiteSwokd vs. tiii: Fen*.?u\Vc notice," say- cc land the Atheiueum, "a curious instance of the invol- tui untary homage which the sword will sometimes land ' pa)*10 the pen, even in countries the most des- (Ie I potically ruled. The Sferza, a Milanese journal, icc 1 st, j has lately published in its leading columns some ,250 ' articles on t he question of capital punishment? , on I articles breathing something of the mild and t'1< tres ' philosophic spirit of the great Milan jurist, Bee! caria. Prince Radetzky, however, though he tin * ' \ ' r. lias a hundred thousand men under arms in an- rej lan and its neighborhood, will not answer for the -vc |3r results if such questions are to be publicly disurse cussc'd, a"d he has sent to inform the editor that re< rent- h'any more arguments be printed in his journal to ad- :,ga'n*t the punishment of death, his journal will tin elcc- ^ at once suppressed. What an expression is re' t|le it of the military power of Austria in Lombard)', t when a hundred thousand bayonets tremble bejlov ^orc a s'ngle philosophical goose-quill!" J Tn ir?u- , . ap nt: New "i omc Legislature.?Mr. Rose, of St. r<>t con- Lawrence, has introduced a prohibitory bill which of uing is considered as stringent its the Maine Law.? jj( or The principal provisions are as follows : all ious The 1st and 2d sections allow every citizen of ,ln that good character for sobriety, who is an elector, ?? ants !,|1d who is not a keeper of, or interested in any it he house ot public entertainment, or the keeper of, ^ v a I- or interested in places of public amusement, to no dita sell intoxicating liquors fur purposes other than tht>. for a beverage, provided he shall file with the ' the flerk of the county an undertaking executed by (j. i i... himsflf two sufficient sureties, to be approv- r)lj u ut* ? - . iired vd ty the judge of the county, that he will not I th rged violate any of the provisions of the act, and pay an all fines, damages and costs which may bo iin- So posed upon, or recorded against him, in any ac- J?' com- l'ou C'V1' or criminal. The sureties are required jj, f'itl- tojust'fyln su,n ?f unc thousand dollars tin ision eacdl* principal is required to make oath to " that he comes within the provision of the act, V1< >ckct H,ld filc tllC S!imC* . fai ,0 on The 3d section prescribes to whom, and for uullv wd,at })l"'Pose liquor may be sold. to] ' * The 4th and 5th sections prescribe the punish- sr^ ions t^'iit of offences, and before what tribunal they m i our s'Kld ProsocutcdThe Ctlfscctiou makes it the duty of certain officers named, to prosecute, and the right of evlast er.v other person to prosecute. Ul i- our ^,e 10^'to 18tli, inclusive, apply to forfeit- B1 1 urcs of liquors sold contrary to the act. b!Cjt The 10th, 20th and 21st apply to the arrest ^ ikiii ?f intoxicated persons, and ascertains who sold c( q0 ' them their liquor, and the prosecution of such c( c:!! persons so selling. F] V ' K( had _ ' # rr pri. Hints to lot'no^Men*.?Be economical.? jjf most No matter if your parents are worth millions, m liade 't is not the less proper that you should under- X hi,ks stand the value of money, and the honest, hon Fac- orable means of acquiring it. What multitudes p( done ?f young men, particularly in our cities, lose and reputation and health, and eventually property R' i.tnu by neglect of this maxim? They are aware St irard that their fathersobtained their wealth by hahteam its of industry, but they are ashamed of the ^ nameT' They forget that wealth in thi- conn- ^ try passes rapidly Ifom one to another, and J <>s. * that he who is rich to-day may he poor to-morrow ; or he that relics on wealth amassed l?v ? reek, h's father, may his clays in a pauper liouse, i , t]lc It is for the young man to -ay whether by in- } earse dustry and economy he will secure competence p, stair- a,|d recpectability, or by idleness beoorne a d bv worthless beggar, and a sponging outcast. Be just. In the course of life a man frequentand ly finds his interest or his opinioii crossed by year those from w hom he had a right to expect betit, ter things, and the young men arc apt to feel cc t bad such matter* very sensibly. Look at their con- A ooin ?f young Franklin would have to depend for the sup- 'e port of his family on the profits of the third,and !V,ty that was rather a doubtful chance. >ri"? , _ j NOMINATION. to i Mr. Editor: Having been informed that our present tli need efficj01lt [?tendunt declines a re election, we nominate h> d to | xiaj JOHN UOSSER ais a candidate for the same. di ith a ? J< yped M?. Editor : You will oblige many rotors i the by announcing the following gentlemen as eanR,crs, didates at our next municipal election: ~ Jther lccd for intkndant, . I Pad! MA J. JOIIN ROSS ICR. f lid at FOR WARDKNS. little 11. W. CHAMBERS !C. II. DAVIS, ^ chair W.C.MOORE, \J. K. WITHERSPOON J peci- __ ~ ? \veU B1 THfc CiiOVEKYOR. yje_ HEAD-QUARTERS, ? ,njf] . CllARLKSTON, Feb. 25, 1853. ^ ,r j*0p Tlie following gentlemen liavo bean appointed and j1 n 0c commissioned Aids-do-Camp to Ilis Excellency the leral Governor and Commander-in-Chief, and will bo obeyed ft its aud respected accordingly. J hair, ordcr: jaw. J. W. CANTEY, Adj't. A Insp. Gen. 1,10 JOSEPH IIAYWARD, CCt j1 ALEXANDER G. RICE, Seen BENJAMIN T. BROCKMAN, and JOSEPH STONEY, Jjjna SUMMERFIELD GRAY, imed WM. It. DOGAN. tolcn March 1*> 11 3fc L-> Irish Potatoes. in lient- r Rbls. first rate Planting l'otatoea. For sale by per- Li t) W. C. MOORE, ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. IMPORTANT TO Dl'SFKITlCS. Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, the true picks ' :e fluid, otoastric juice, prepared from RHNNET | the FOURTH STOMACH OF THE OX, after direc- ; TC ns of BARON LIEBIG, the great Physiologica tor cmist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. M. D., Philadelphia. ( is is truly a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, ; fSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, ? INSTIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Narc's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GAS'JC JUICE. Pamphlets, containing Scientific evi" ^ nee of its value, furnished by agents gratis. See 110- erf s among the medical advertisements. wil I The best evidence that can be adduced in favor of j-J,,' j efficaciousness of Hoofland's German Bitters, pre- ft red by Dr. C. M Jackson is the unprecedented do- co] indfor them from all parts of the Union; and al- hanugh'there may be many compounds prepared and j wj presented as being worthy of a liberal patronage, },a, t we feel constrained to remark, that the vast mun- n,; r of testimonials with which the worthy doctor has y/e en honored, by persons of the highest character and -pj, spectabilitv, who found it necessary to have recourse f0l. his preparation, is testimony sufficiently conclusive, at a more effectual remedy for tlio almost immediate ] icf of those afflicted with that direful malady, dys- ? psia, has never been discovered. Thousands of parents who u e Vermifuge composed o j HT stor Oil, Calomel, &c.. arc not aware, that while they | J. pear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the j mr nidations for a series of diseases, surli as salivation, loss "p,. sight, weakness of limbs, In another c olumn will he found the. advertisement of , ' ibensack's .Medicines, to which wc ask the attention of directly interested in their own as well ns their Chil- 01(1 -n's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders, ari- He ig from those of a billions tyjie. should make use of the Mi Iv genuine medicine, I lohonsack's Liver t'dls. g_ Oir" He not deceived," but ask for Ilobensack's ?nj orm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has J' t signature of the Proprietor, J. N. IIOBl^'SACK, as 0 ne else nrc genuine. ; * do For the effectual rooting out from flic system of al )o senses brought on by indigestion, billiousncsf> 'ind im- js irity of the blood, it is a widely and well known fact at WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS a the great PANACEA. Throughout the entire to'f utb, these Pills have long been held in vhe highest pute, both by private individuals and by the Medical ulty of our country. Southern levers anu Southern eases generally, yield to their inlluenee at c nee; and Sji e unfortunate victim to "earthly ills and woes' is made Xh thank lleaven that a sovereign balm has been pro- , Jed. Th Let each try them for himself and if the medicine , Is to satisfy, the experiment shall cost him nothing. , Tuos. J. Workman', Agent for Camden, S. C., and Fr Id by Druggists and Merchants throughout the coun- Y< 7. June 28? ly. Mi _ ? Us CAMDEN PRICES CURRENT. iGGING. per yard 121 to 13 v \LE ROPE, per pound 9 to .. 1 ' JTTER, ... .per pound 20 to 25 3KF. per pound 5 to 7 ICON per pound 11? to 14 Fo )FFEE per pound 10 to 12 I FUSE, per pound 12 to 15 1TTON,... .per pound 7? to 95 Fr )RN, per bushe 70 to 75 Nf jOUlt, per barrel 51 to C Fo DDDKR, per cwt $1 to IUN per pouiiil a 10 o ru MID per pound 1G to OLASSJSS,.. .per gallon, 31 to -14 AILS, per pound, 4 to 5 ? \TS per bushel, 37 to 45 3AS per bushel 02 to 75 ^ 5TAT0ES, Sweet per bushel 37 to 50 J Irish, .per barrel to .. lie [CM per bushel.... $ 3 to 5 rei JO A It, per pound ...G to 12 Ta tLT per sack. II to 1J alTi ) 3 F.?Kershaw Lodge, !Vo. 9. de; "MIK Rojculor Meeting of this Lodge vill bo hold - ( L at their Hall, on Friday Evening, at 7 o'clock. D. It. KENNEDY, Secretary. Printer Wanted. rf k PRINTER who has a perfect knowledge of his y. jL business to work in the Ledger cilice, Lancaster. . lir wages paid. Apply at once ' March 15 . It Xo CHARLES S. WEST, JJ" ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUSTIN, TEXAS. Will practice in the 2d Judicial District and adjoining esl unties, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts at t,n ustin. . alj' References.?Messrs. Poswell, Hill A Co., Galveston ; e' ugely, Blair A Co.. New-Orleans; Patrick, irwiu A . 3., Mobile; Boykiu Mcltae A Foster, Mobile. March 22-12tf >f iii At Private Sale. ("AXE and her two Sons, 5 and 7 years. Jane is a complete cook, washer, ironer and clear starch- { , a general house Servant, and of good character, J_ Apply to sc March 22?12 tf J. II. F. BOONE. m: Just PmcIiaM'd, V LARGE lotof extra COUNTRY CURED IIAMS, which will be sold low for, by March 22-12U* 13. W. CHAMBERS. A LOT of fine, well cured North Carolina BACON, 1. hog round. Low for cash bv ilarch 22-12tf B. W. CHAMBERS. A CARD. .1 I "HIE undersigned would announce to ^hose who Tj1 . are interested in the cause of education that the ' ibscription list to his course of Lectures on Chctnis- J;u y is nearly complete, and if a few more names can c'' e obtained he will proceed without delay to procure . te necessary appnrulus. He will also, if sufficient icourugcmcnt is given, organize a night class for ic same purpose. It is hoped that such an opportu- n'' ity (so seldom afforded) for obtaining a thorough 0 nowlcdge of the important science will not be negcted. T. CARPENTER. March 22. TAdrJ4t-12 flOTIClL 7" PlIERE will be an Election held at Council Room L on the first Monday in April ensuing, for an Inndunt and four Wardens, to serve one year from _ at time, as the Town Council of Camden. The fol- I ^ wing individuals were appointed Managers to count said election, viz; R. M. Kennedy, F. Root, and |l dm N. Ganiewell. r| By order of Council, w.' L W. BALLARD, T. Recorder. JJ? March lli, 1853. ]2 TMiESII Mountain Butler, Fresh Country Ijird. an . For Bale hy .1. AJ3CHROCK. th< \RIED FiijH, Oranges, Prunes, Rinnans, Citron and J Currants?a iresh lot just received by J. A. SCI [ROCK. )OLOGNA SAUSAGES, Smoked Tongues, Supc- ri y rior Canvas Hams, for sale by 1 J. A. SCIIROCK. ^EED POTATOES?a fresh lot on band ? 3 by .1. A. SCI I ROCK. _ L TEAL and GRITS?a fresh supply kept constant?L ly on hand by J. A. SC1IROCK. A fust Rcccivetl. CASE Assorted Preserves. \\' 2 ??ses Ginger do. j,jl 1 " Rending Sauce. SIV 1 " Harvey do. mv 1 " John Hull do. S|v 1 " Worcestershire Snucc. qu 1 " English Piccalilli. (jel 1 " " Pickles. pu 2 " American Pickles i liy J. A. SCII ROCK. THOMAS STF-YIIOI Si:, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Will attend promptly to the Receiving and Forwardg of Goods. Chargos moderate. A j^TOflieo No. 2 llayno-streot, Charleston, S. C. A March 1.-9 3t CHARLESTON PRICES. HARNESS SADDLERY, TRUNKS, MILITARY WORE, &c. mufactured to order and warrated, at CIIARLKS X PRICES, opposite Mr. Robert Man's Coach Facy, Camden. S. C., by LUKE ARMSTRONG. ST'Ten percent, discount for cash within 30 days. March 22. 12 tr 825 REWARD. ) ANA WAY, on lost Saturday, the 12th inst., my t> bov RICIlAltD, answers to the name of Dick, a lite mulatto about five feet 3 or 4 inches high, tol tbly stout built, and about twenty-five years old, Lb straight light colored short hair, has a very sulky [learanee, nnd answers quick and short when spoi to. When he left lie had on a black overeoat and air of common negro cloth pants, a low crown dove ored furd hat. The bo}- has a very down look?I ... L.J .i .1> i.:? _i,??.i vcuuu uiu worn Ciayc hiiuvii un no jv/ig-uvuu tli India Ink, just above tlie eye-brows, though I re no doubt be will try to hide it by tying some ng round his head, or he may put a plaster over it. will be certain to try and puss for a white man.? e above reward of Twenty-live Dollars will be paid hie delivery in any jail in the State. JAMES LOWRY. Bradlej-villc P. 0., Sumter District. 5t-12 TAYLOR'S CREEK FEMALE SEMINARY. MIE exercises of this Institution will commence on the first Monday in March next, under the tuagement and control of Miss Eliztflfc. Ifaskell, of oy. New York. Her qualification as a Teacher are of the first or r, anu ner experience nas won me- cwjuui'im <> iny friends. Among thcin slic would refer to the **Cyru9 Johnston, Mnj. J. B. Kerr, Dr. M. M. Orr, ?j.4'erry Morrow, of Charlotte, N. C. and to Dr. K. Brntton, of York District, from eitlierof whom isfactory information may be obtained in rcfeicucc lier qualifications. PoVenUPGuardians and otliers desiring a solid Ensh Education for their children and "Wards, would well to consider the advantages to be obtained at 9 Institution when comjmred with others, both as tuition fees, aud other expenses. The Institution located in as healthy a place as is to be found in ;State. Boarding, Washing and Lodging, can be tained in respectable familcs on very reasonable 'ms: tekjisPf tuition, Per Session o f Ft v c Months. idling. Beading, Writing, Arithmetic $5.00 esame with English Grammar, Geography and History 7.00 e same, witli Astronomy, Natural and Moral Philosophy, and all other English branches 8.00 encli Ijingunge, Extra 5.00 >cal Music gratis. isieon Piano 15.00 e of Piano 2.00 awing and Painting in Water Colors 5.00 awing and Fainting in Oil and Water Col-? ore 15.00 > extra charges except for fuel during Winter Months, which will be 50 BOARDING WASHING ANI) LODGING, r pupils of and under 10 years, per month.. 5.00 ? .. .i j 5 .. .. 6oo ?? " above 15 " " 7.00 ora Monday Morning until Friday evening.. 4.00 > Candles found for studying by. r Boarding, Washing, Lodging, and a full course of studies, per Session 75.00 rsame with English Branches only 38.00 JONATHAN N, McELWEE, Jr.', Trustee March 17 C Cw COLOBIA HOTEL. ^nE subscriber, baviug purchased the above cstab. lishment. hereby notifies his friends and the pubgcnerally, that lie will spare no pains or expense to ulor tliose who may call upon him comfortable. His bles will be supplied with the best the market will ord. The Bar will b'e furnished with the best of liors?and his stables witli good ostlers and provenr. Call aud seo for yourselves. . . " JOHN HARRISON. . &>lu:Kuia, March 9 11 2 m. Soutliern Chair Factory. "MIE subscriber bog? leave to call the attention of . wholesale Purchasers to his Sstoek of Cane Seat, indsor, Office, and Dining Room Chairs. Cane Scat >ols, ic., all of which arc made at his Factory, near lumhia. Having obtained the best machinery now used for i purpose, and competent workmen, he is prepared till Orders for any style of Chairs, lie does not invite the attention of Purchasers to his lablishmcnt solely on the ground of its being aSouthi enterprise, but because ho can supply as good an tide, fully as cheap or cheaper than it can be obtainfrom tlic North. CHAIRS will be packed and delivered free of charge any of the Depots in Columbia. His "Ware Rooms are over the Auction Store of ?ssrs. Alien & Philip's, who arc Agents for the above ictory. W. P. PERCIVAL. March 1. 9 3 m i LL persons having demands against the Estato of M. D. Copeland, deceased, are requested to prent them, duly attested, and those indebted will please ike immediate payment to L. \V. MOAK, Adm'r. Camden, Feb. 22 8 4t la Equity?Kershaw District. umpton Bynum, Cray Bynum, et. al. vs. Robert Matthews and Anne his wife, C. L. Banner and Mary, his wife, et. al.?Bill for Partition. T appearing to my satisfaction that Robert Matthews, . Anne Matthews, C. L Banner, Mary Banner, Bonnin B. Blumc, .John C. Blume, John Fanner, Thomas impton. Elizabeth Hampton. Elizabeth Farmer, Jno. Iinson, Tabitha Johnson, and Abncr C'armichacl, De Hlallts 10 the aoovc UIll. are aUMIll. man uuu iramv yond the limits of this State: It is ordercil. on morn of Shannon, Solicitor for Complainants, that they plead, answer or demur to the said Bill within three mths from the publication thereof; in default whereon order pro coiifesso will he ordered against them. W. II. It. WORKMAN, C. K. K. I). COMMISSIONERS Okkici:, Marclt 7, 1832. ($7) III Equity? Kershaw Dislriel. unpton Bynuin, Gray Bynum, et. al., vs. Bobcrt MsiOhews and Anno his wife, C. L. Banner and his tCifiTUary, et. al.?Bill for Partition. JOTICK is hereby given to the distributees and N heirs-at-law of Martha Blutnc, deceased, who was lister of the late Benjamin Bincham, also to the disbutces and heirs-at-law of Mary Carmiohnel, afterirds Mary Gardiner, deceased, who was likewise a ter of the said Benjamin Bincham, that the above li is filed for Partition of the Real Kstato of the said iijatnin Bincham, and that they are required to plead, swer or demur to the same within three months from 2 date thereof. W. H. R. WORKMEN, C. E. K. D. Commissioners Office, March 7lh, 1832. ($7) PIANO FORTES. "MY0 Second hand PIANO'S, in good style and tunc. . For salo by J. B. F. BOONE. March 1-9 3t CARRIAGES. t tlio Old Stiind of S. & J. Gilbert. 1 ,t E. M. GILBERT continue tho CARRIAGE I ......uriACk! ni il.nnlinvn elnnil Vos. S5 nnd 40 ' .i* entworth street, where they will be pleased to ex?it to their old friends and customers a very cxtone stock of YKI1ICI.ES, comprising thoso of their ii manulhcturc, to^ollior with the various other 'les usually found in this market. Their long acaintnneo with this market as innuulheturers and ders will enable thein to oiler great inducements to rchasors. both in stylos and prices. Charleston, Aug. 20. G7 tf gi;o. am)i:\, Manufacturer an'd Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Leather. f HEPS constantly 011 hand a large and well assortk. cd Stock of all kinds of Goods in his line. March 1?9tf Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facing to rue dircetud, I will "sell on tlie first Monday and Tuesday in April next, being ihe 4th und 5th days of paid month, between the usual hours of eale, the following property, to wit: One tract of Land on the waters of Sawney's Creek adjoining lands of A. D. Jones and others, lc Tied upon and to be sold as the property of William Robertson at the suit of Juntos 8. Dens and John Boy kin, Ex'ors. vs Win. Robertson. ($1) also, One likely"Negro Boy named John, three head of Horses one Carriage and Household Furniture, lovi- i ed upon und to be sold us the propeity of Z. Cuntey, at the s uit of P. F. Villopiguc et al vs J. W. Cantey nnd Z. Cantey. The Furniture to be sold nt the decndunl's residence. ( ?! ) also One lot of Rice, -levied on and to be solJ as the property of Joseph A. Bossard, at the suit of ,N. B. Arrants vs. Joseph A. Boss aid. )$1) THOMAS BASK IN, S. Iv. D. Siiekiff's Office, Mareh 0. -?^5KngiticcFs OHicc, S. C. Kail Koad, AIKEN, Feb. 28, 1S53 OK A LED PROPOSALS will be received at tlio ofO lice of the Rail Road Company, in Charleston or ' Aiken, until the 1st day of April next, for grading six- j ty two miles of Rail Road between Charleston and j Kranchville. The same will be divided into sections of seven miles each; the privilege given to contrretorsto take one or more as desired, to be completed before the 1st day of May, 1854. Profile and Specifications can be obtained by application to the undersigned at Aiken, from whom all other desired information can be obtained. GEO. II. LYTHGOK, k Chief.Engineer. March 15 11 3t Notice. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Jdlin Raskin, deceased, are required to hand them in. This notico will be plead in bar of all claims not presented previous to the 1st Monday in January next, when a final settlement of the estate will be made. _ Feb 8?4m SAMUEL BASKIX, Adni'r. V. vv Edition* of medical Books. Carpenter's Principles of Physiology; General and Comparative London edition Carpenter's Elements of Physiology. American edition ' Principles of Human Physiology ^ Condic on Diseases of Children ^ Churchill on Infants and Children " Midwifery and Diseases of Women Cazcneux do. Rigby's do. Meigs' do. Dewees' do. " Diseases of Children Build on Diseases of the Liver: Bnrtlett on Fevers Dewees on Children; Dewees on Females Dunglinson's Therapeutics and Materia Medica " on Human Health " Medical Dictionary Druitt's Modom Surgery: Ferguson's Practical Surgery Miller's Principles of Surgery " Practice of do Williams' Principles of Medicines Wilson's Human Anatomy Horner's Special Anatomy. 2 vols. Horner & Smith's Anatomical Atlas # Watson's Practice of Physic Griffith's Universal Formulary: Ellis' do. United States Dispensatory; Griffith's Medical Botany Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence Dr. Guy's Forensic Medicine Midler's Physiology; Goddard on the Teeth Roget's Outlines of Physiology and Phrenology Jones' Opthalmic Medicine Wilson on diseases of the Skin Berzeliuson the Skin; Eberlc's Practice of Medicine Smith on Parturition; Copeland on Apoplexy and Palsy Pocket Medical Lexicon Gunn's Domestic Medicine; Simons' do Smith's Domestic Medicine, Surgery and Materia Medica; with directions for diet, management oftho sick room, administration of medicines, bathing, treatment of Cholera, Antidotes for Poisons, etc. March 8. A. YOUNG. New Books. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON BUSINESS; or, how to got, save, spend, give, lend and bequeath MONEY; with an inquiry into the chances of success and cases of failure in Business. By K. T. FrccdJcy. Politics lor American Christians: A word upon our example as a Nation, our labor, our trade, elections, Education and Congressional Legislation. Ancient Christianity Exemplified, by Lyman Coleman. Print It nnH Hiirlnvftv or. Wandcrine of an Ameri can in Great Britain in 1 S31?52. By B. Moran. Appleton's 2d Scries Essays from the London Times. Miller's Philosophy of History. 4 vols. 12 mo. New Themes for Protestant Clergy; Charity and the j Clergy; Day Dreams; Basil, a Romanco; Homo Scenes I and Heart Studies; Boys Treasury of Sports; Bohn's ' Iland Book of Games; Childs'own Book of Fairy Tales; Coleridge's Works; Goldsmith's Works; Cobbs' Miniature Lexicon; The Presbyterian Psalmodist, adapted to the Psalms and Hymns. Approved by tho General Assembly; Allen's Rural Architecture. March 8?10 A. YOUNG. ' SP1SI3G DRESS GOODS. A FEW DRESS PATTERNS, of printed Bercgcs J\. and Grenadines. Just received at C. MATIIESONS. March 3. 11 2t DISSOLUTION. 1"MIE Copartnership heretofore cxistsng under the . name andlirm of R. II. FINCH ? Co has this day expired by its own limitation. The business of the firm will bo settled by R. II. Finch, who is authorized to do so. ' R. H. FINCH. 11. HOLLEYMAN. Camden, March 1,1853. 11?3t NOTICE. rpiIE subscriber gives notice that he will continue j L business on his own account, at tho old stand of j R. H. Finch ? Co., and will lie pleased to attend to all' who mav favor him with a call. March 1. * R. II. FINCH. Charleston and Florida Steam Packets. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. SEMI-WEEKLY. CONNECTING WITH TIIE NEW-YORK STEAMERS EACH WAT. rpiIE CAROLINA, I* M. Coxetter, master, will ( JL leave every Saturday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, touching at Jacksonville, Picolata and Pilatka, on the j St. John's River; returning, will arrive in Charles-. ton oil Wednesday. The FLORIDA', Charles Willy, master, will leave ; on Tuesday Aftcrnoon of each week, at same hour,and j in addition to the above ports, will stop ai liiac-K Creek; returning, will arrive on Saturday Morning. Due notice will always be given when the Carolina makes au extra trip to St. Augustine. It is only considered necessary to say tlmt these boats have been built especially tor this trade, and arc commanded by the most experienced navigators. Fare to Jacksonville 88 Fare to Pilatkn *10 For freight or passage, apply on board, at Southern wharf, or to JOHN W. CALDWELL, Feb. 15. 7 20t 89 East Day. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! ff.KOSAitD CIIAPIHf, Manufacturer and Dealer in carriages and HARNESS of every description, Nos. 124 Meeting st and 35 Wentworth-st. next to the old stand of Gilberts & Cluipin, Charleston, S. C. Feb. 1. 5 tf WM. ?I. SBIANiUON, , Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CAMDEN, S C. lias removed his Oillce to that one door above A. Young's Hook Store. Jan. 24. GIlOltGC BiOl'KIA'SO.Ni, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Practises in Charleston and the adjoining District? typmcK No. 'J Hroml Street. Cipi'K aii