Know it "like a book." The same remarks ap ply to playing interludes between each stanza. They appear to us in about as good taste as a few strains of fiddling wouldl)etween each paragraph of a prayer. If interludes must be played, why this continually playing away on the tail end of a tane-r-wby not serve each strain alike and play first one and then another! If there was not a deathless existence to "Dandee" and "Pleyel's Hymn," the sound of their last strain would make us sick at heart. Manchester Mirror. - Bi rks and Scalds?The following observations on burns and sdtfds, are from the New York Medical Gazette, edited by D. M. Beese, A. M. M.D. Now, it ought to be promulgated to the profession and for humanity's sake be kDown to tie whole people, that in any case of burn or scald, however extensive, all the acute sufferings of the patient may be at once aud permanently relicvr ed, aud that in a moment of time, by sprinkling ov?r the injured surface a thick layer of wheat flour by the hand, or what is better, by a dredgi ng box. Every vestage of pain produced bv such injuries is msiauuy remuvw, anu me suucki uut only escapes the shock to the nervous system accompanying such torture but will generally fall into a quiet sleep the moment the atmospheric temperature is thus excluded from the wounds. In the New York Bellevue hospitals this mode of treating bums has been long in use; till re ~illliUUV{lk me Jimiunam suiyeinn i(^.??r torou. now f^foiving;far greater attention than at any former period, still it does not receive that general attention which it meri.e '('rue. In seUing out nn orchard, select a spot^of proand, say'two acres, (it makes no particular difference on what part of the farm, provided it suits the convenience of the farmer,) that is under good cultivation; nia''e the ground mel1 nn?li*nnr nnrt iinrrnivillfn ivw, uy """ , o ----- - o? thetr furrow it out, each way, with the plow, making tin* furrows thirty or thirty-four feet apart. After the ground is prepared in this way, dig the holes (of.course where the fur rows -cross) large, say six feet in diameter, and eighteen inches deep, so that in setting the trees, the roots can be placed in their natural position. In transplanting, it is necessarry to have many persons, one to hold the tree steadily in in its proper place, while the other places the soil around it; this soil should be from the com post heap, or that taken from the hole mav ho used, if thoroughly mixed with well-rotted manure. The tree shonld he set about as deep as it stood in the nursery. ' In selecting fruit-trees, especially the apple, care should be taken to prornre the varieties that produce best in the section where they are to he transplanted, for while some kinds yield well in one region, they are nearly worthless in another. The trees should lie two or three years old, from the bud or graft, wlien set in the orchard. The usual time for transplanting is in the spring and fall, the former we recommend, yet soins prefer the latter. It is a well-known fact that the apple tree does not arrive at pcrfecton in one or two seasons, hut that it requires years to attain its growth ; therefore, after the orchard has been set out with labor and pains, the farmer must not think his work finished, and that the trees will hereafter take enre of themselves, and in due time produce a bountiful harvest; but year after lie must not only stir Fthe ground, and keep it loose, but also feed it well with manure. Resides, there are ihnse vile creatures the caterpillar and horer, who not only inhabit, but are ever endeavoring to destroy the orchard; they must be routed from their pleasant abodes and slain without mercy. When necessary the trees should he carefully and judiciously pruned with the saw, and not with the axe. Fruit intended for market, or winter use, shonld always he gathered without bruising, as this isesseti'ial for its preservation.? Cor. Dollar Newsnavcr. X X Nkw Chub for Fkvkr and Agck.?The H'untsvillo (Texas) Item, says: ' "We had a call this week from Mr. DeBerry, of Grimes county, who we understand is about to publish a paper in Anderson. From among othpr interesting items of information we gleaned from him, perhaps the following remedy for chills is worth printing: Take a raw egg, break in a tnrr.bler, cover with vinegar, and drink altogether an hour or two before the chill's time of calling. Mr. D. savs he hns seen it tried for years, and never yet saw h failure. U may seem a hard dose, hut it is not half so had ns that villainous French invention, quinine." S^? vi Kutledge Stn.1 \J door Kas^^^J^ker A Co., Camden, I CERXADOTTfU. BBOJtSQ] OPPOSITE 111ti IfffiS'l (HKK.E, Caindeu, k. C. CONTINUES the manufacture of TIX-WAL ) attends to Guttering and Roofing Houses, ] up and making Stove Pipe, and J3TRei>airs every article ix ins line. Old Pewter. Lead, Copper and Brass taken change for Tin-Ware. ^"Thankful for past favors, lie solicits a c ance of the same, at the old Statul. opposite tli Office. Match 1G. 22 J. W. P. McHAGEIV, OFFERS his services to the citizens ofCamd vicinity as AUCTIONEER!'Jlis charges moderate, and when required, bfigwill attend s tlio country. gyAU orders left with Mr. J.X3. DePass, promptly attended to. May 8?tf WORK.lfAX A BOONE, manufacturers, wrolesaij^sn retail deai Boots, ShoeqJt^atlier,,. Aud Slioc*Midiiig?, camdeshm. c. THE subscribers have pduy formed a Co-p ship, under the natrifond firm of ROOT ORAM, for the purpbatjMf carrying on tlio X Auctioneering Business.F. ROOT, JOHN INGR Camdex, Jan. 23. 7 Charlesfbn Prices. HARNESS, SadtuB; Trunks, Military Wo manufactured to order, and warranted, afC ton prices. t2?"l'en per cent, discount for cash withiq ill LUKE ARMSTRO Camden, April23. 23 sy2\ P.^OBEXSO!V, MERCHANT TAILOR, V\7OULDrespectfully inform the citizcn/ofC V T and vicinity, that lie lias opened a fcnipl sortmentof Gontlemen's Hoods, consisting f cli eassftfsftes,' vs6tin0s, &c. A If, hl made clothing of all descriptions 11 a t caps. Oct. 15 Jnst Received. J 1 rrv Pa, SHIRTINGS and SHEETKGS At)\J 100 pair Blankets / 5000 j'ds Gunny Bagging / 25 ooils Rope. 100 Jtcga Nails. / Sept. 3. - ^ y c. moo; JOHN C. WEST, Ksq., aihorised to our Attorney during ojpr abse/o .'rom tho Hi8receipts will be goc^far all du/to cither oft -^f H/lkvy, ?S - IV LEVY & sc Camden, Nov. 3,18524J BOOTS AND SHOES- / 7?A PAIRS Gentlepn's My's Youlh'find ( t)v/ dron's BOOT.yKipaal Calfpeggfftiy ed, welt and pimp, four, stitched J>d p< from No. 5, (jiilda, io No. 13 }$n'4$lio$10 ,/ I f | Gentlemen's lino Calfy'td Clotji and Conpf ss ?<'> " " " Boo teesf'fair and sl#lieotiv nnrf Jiro nronoiri] riclr i jl aDove wr'-ji ...? Buildings an#ercliancl'ze at cuatofliaryfttes. A. M. A R. I?NNKD1 I June 15th,1852. 48 f illfr jh v:- fffr and trea.. .... ^^ e^.,1 mBL''Cologne and Toother of Clovfu fl KhoTj^ day at \flee it Kp ? ? ~X2L J M ^ew Books, Anrk? Napoleon Dynasty, or History of tlf ^ ^ mt^wholc iv, with Zfl*aatiie?ife^drti^M^^B ^^^^^Kccoreary Napoleon and hkt Marshall*. 'TlUxfi Onllery of Byron's Beauties; The ' ; ^ Tlie Homo Cirnle; The Book of the ^ 7 Sliak'eF^are-Taics , '^^^^''.- ' ? "Girlhood otSirakKpearo'eHcrolne ^^^^ fctnuel NV. ^omen 0f Early Cliristianity^-i" v "Women of the Now Tcsfafoeijt^ I ^^^fl^^Bcasea x>vo Romattoe Of IndhwirX.ife:^^^^~5^1 & Memoirs.of tho Great Metropolis t e^Tiiarv ^ gjgp from tho Ne w/riV.olid*o tract con-, g^ajj Books on GrcaJ. Subjects; ^^^mingn'Lan- Cabin & Phrlor, l>y; ,llieJ ?"d Contentment bctwrtfiaii W^t hyJamls ^jL\?vr &SSmfALB T( : ,T1)6Ins,in?m&u& etyW' Glf uty; Gerofcrafiga ;?c?ntif!S'rinc/pl^oa dJ wiil, pilely vefftable subslanr? &etng wii.f , ? XMIUi S, *3KJrt'i w& decidcabenelctal effect, ?herIT ^ ?el j?omp ft, CD ft?j Diarrhoea havi fliade them w ef^ B'.d deM|,,tttJ S. (J . Tiic pnpertMJfen^nrm.^f"P.^ njfa 2 : sJilHxxUbcut yH'^\!iI,^Sc ttitiiifliiiiffcureifvrfiirnieil by t his>$yrap after Ptfsir lifve failed, is |fe best 'evidence of its stiperioj^cfije % d-c. oterall others, j ' j 7 ; jutting , TjIE TAPE WOR7I! This is the difficult Worm to destroy of all ilia in ex-j Ibsl the hitman system, it grows to an almost Inilef length becoming to coiled and fastened in the lnteri f and Slonmr.h effecting the health tonally as to cause ? n'j Y*,us ''anrefFits. Ac., that those afflicted seldom if i e Post inspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an e t gra\e. ,Jn order to destroy this H'orui, a very enerj tf ' treatment most he pursued, it wimf&therefore be pr j to take 6 to Bof iny Liver Pills to a*w remove all nbst 4 vioiis, (hut the Worm 5>yrup may iwt.lirect upon the Wi [en nflll wbieh taken in dose* of 21'ablespooniulls 3 ti '11 ho M tbe^iiiurertinns followed liaye never been knov , P fail in eurifc the most obstinate c4*e of Tape worm. alC8f HOBpNSACK'S IfVER PILJLS will jbo1 No part|f the system is'more labWjto disease than f [ LIVfcilt, jlrervtiig as a filtererto jut-ify the Dlood.orgi I the nrnpe^secretion to the bile; fo that any wrong at i?I of the Liftr effects the other in mrtant part* of the lem, and lent Its variously, in Li cr Complaint, Jautu i 1 Dyspep**Ao. We should, thn sfore, watch every *) jEUS J.n tma tliOt might indicate a tvihr.g action of the Li j Thrsc J'ills being composed of tOOTS & PLANTS i nishetfry nature to Ileal the sidl: Namely, 1st, An 1 ) I'liCjURANT, which augir.ems the secretion Irom Pnlniiary mucus meiiibrHiiejd promotes tlie diseharj _| se c re* d matter, ibid. An AL']|?RATlVE,wh|rhcha in sofie inexplicable and insSiile manner the cei morlju action of the system. Hi, A TOiNIC which g iirtuer-, twe^ud strength to the nerv?system, renewing lie k IN-1 andfigortoall parts of the ixb.t 4th, A CATHaK'I iencnil width act* in perfect linrmotwvith the other ingrvdii and, operating on the BoweljJ and expelling the w .?r ma?oi comi|ii anu vitiated jinater, and purifying A which destroys dimueind restores health. f-~Z" T TO FEMALES. i S Ton will And these Pills aniuvaluuble medicine in irk, &C. iti complaints to which you Ire subject. In cbstruci lia'rles- therloinl or partial, they live been found of inest i fflfc benefit, restoring their fatrtional arrangements 1 i. .c nnilthv action, purifying theplocd nnd other fluids so . ,1 factually lo pill to flight alii imiplaiuta which may i Nfx. |;ont female irregularities, nj headache, giddiness, i vt n-ss of sight, pain in the siN. Halj' Cutters. JUST received a vriotyof 1IAY CUTTERS, vrt ranted a superior article, and for snlo low by i July 13. _ J K.V. BONNEY. jChib Bogardie's Planetary Borse Power sew-1 p,\ TENT TYrIbENDEKS I SA TV MILL IRONS. For sale by fro" j McDOWALL & COOPER. {^""Orders for Cuttings, Ac promptly executed, item Aug 27. J 79 tf from1 Superior Cbtton Gins for Sale. A SUPPLY of (superior "PREMIUM COTTO: GINS," from li. T. Taylor A Co.'s Cotton Gi Manufactory, nt CdambuK, Ga., just received and ft Iran jjy t)l0 subscriber, on a credit until the first day < January next. j J The fikst premium have been awarded to the mam 18 faeturers of these Gins, for the best gin exhibited nttli j great Stato 1'uir at Atlanta, Qa.; also, at the Alabam r? una ueorgia Agricdtural and Mechanic's F?ir< ^eld Columbus, and at the Annual Fair of the Sotjth Carol na Institute, at Chtrleston. Snonvr Those Giusaro warranted. "W. ANTBRoON. II y? Camden, May 1,1, 1852. 38~1y son pARPETI/VG.-Super. super. Ils<*bestthre KJ ply Scotch raid Brussels Carpctings, with Kugs ti r match. Just recti ved at tf Oct. 15. A. IL t KB^DY'S. i ... tl i I #7 |^C03 ^^OREMIUM BOAl'.S^ ?T^ Lament H$? vor'a celebrated A j^^ -lUi,v 11^ flf ^ -"'oTraiited' ^Pmne*A ^pi^. ", ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fp- of !^^HH|^^^^HH8J|^flB^^^^^^n9RH^^B^R r:>t * ' LHnmHHn AiMvooi^nH^HHHH^H t c\isbmorcs,^HiHnn^H^^^^nBBnNHsjHn|M| Printed Tu^^^H^^B^HflH^HBSHB^m^^HHi ? it -p , Rich Do do^Bb do Rhino ' ^BHH^^B^HHBnf^^Hfl One pieco RiaWhitc Silk for Marcelloni Sit all .colors, lor Plain Black 8*s; eome very AH Paclias an Bombazines '^^HHHH|^B^Bjjfifl5E^Hfl| (life Dress Triinmiars, great varioty-^^HSHB^^^^^HH^HB incsj- Black and whle Crape Shawls, Sl eiubroidcjcd Handkerchislj^^H^HJHBHnH^H|HB Love anoftVefling S^^^Hjj^BfflHDH Best French KfrGloves, ladies' H^BQlMfi^HlH^HHB^H^B Merino nnd ffigrddk Vests, do X' Colored GaugfKt^and Buck )rn,') Embroidemjlffifcdersleeves, Patent SkntsMd Skirting 0ct-9- U3 :. /JB J- 'vy BALE rB&z and tlireo ply Hys- sell at tidiest market pric^H^Hfl^BHHHI to call^|^^rcha^. , B.e T HAVE j|Lo] ^cnod ft' magjri&flSB^^^^RBi^H H X FRENCH . BMBROEDGI^B ^?jjv York .'cck,' consist ^ jf ^d fnUl'cd-'^ I. I Cambric Hdm il&o, f'-ck and Cap "It 1BB0NS, settS I rcnch Impoitjlfo Vclit fl colored do;, for Tri omings. I also had tkegc odJortuno/tr ma- bales of DRY^I IDS, fo mS.K'^RBBHH^HBtBH^BI ueeasand Caatojejpes; PlaidrXmsejB lli/n- .eactttd; and JbmKI Homespuns Pieces of fast coB?ULIC6eS, toM 1 ^sortment'pfBv^ A1 D ?!? VI < a Sept 24. .JP*Wr '" ^HHDBI a continuauc^H^HHfl|^H^^^^H^^^^9D^^^H9Ef^^9^M done wi*^J^H^^H^^flN^H|^HE|^HH|^^HR^^^9| the tinieB||M^nmHB^HHflnBH8H i- be made. Jan [2-i.S^M|M3H^JM99^^^B^^DHfl|^H^NH it H0HBnHn|^HHHn| WHAGON b H^HHHHH Trace chaina nHBnn^mnisffl o r^RENCH woH^^B^H^BOH|HHH i denjleevea, 20. I ^ j