|l MMBUiUaafcLj^r - '^kJSm C n.^. n P^\ a single farmer iu all the Sltrclsibus tlistfc Vd, who could not have raised a sufficiency acorn for his own use, besides a little ov ithout any apparent extra trouble or expen rattfllr sensible, diminution in the much prid HBBM8$eld of the snowy staple, the spun.and wot Bfyhbries of which may be said to clothe a wor gjQH^v profitable, as well as serviceable, sotnetim K^^rc the uses of ad versity." in this install H V> '"} " adversity" has been productive of 9mM tyics't of results; for we wt^e informed SHV ^^rty whose information is as extensive MSrjudgmentls undoubted, that the people BB? \ L^? South bave raised this year more thai of corn wherewith to supply th( H pelves. j^riTeFefore, it cannot be said that ^fcse.s and distresses of last year have not L the cause of a jvholesonie reformation. T J&* it may prove lasting, should'be the aspirai of every true Southerner?of every man 1 wishes to see the. South occupy that pr and enviable position, to which she is righl . Jy entitled ... > This is but one of the?i^^ro%'etnentsln mi iuncouth developed and brought Into being | %Vseyere lessons of experieu.ee. We t jj most s u bs Lamia! L ?sources of profit t<> t'/r stockholders an benefit to the country all round. Railn gf are spreading tbeir ifon arms out in manj rections, and labor, ur turning its attciirfo A^I diifercnt descriplljW of employment, is only reaping a'p ajftpdaiu harvest theref |Pg but is increa?U)|ljPjb strt^igth and promt f the independency i>f tl.e~l$ouih. With ML genial climate aridprplilic soil, and unequi Kg. " advantages of position,"v>otluug is so n W ~ wanted as a diversification of labor, of pre v tion, and a proper cultjVUipii of the difll b branches uf m'amifactujrug and mechanica A * dustry. \V c should |'ww;, manufacture Rt! * sell, as much s/ pos^bitV..hnd buy as litt F possible, and fhus thk?y off the harassing salage which has weigbd upon us almost J K time immemorial, Inheso particular resj H the example of our nej-hern neighbors n IHbu. be profitably imitated^-W. 0. Bulletin. * ? ? A O'Couuc's Estate. Miss Martineau, in i account of a visit A , j recertlv made to Dernane and the torn Daniel O'Connell, ha^ie following: SB Mr "The most implae.ie enemy of O'Coi A^r could not but he toucll and softened by n to Derryuane Abbev this day. There H hardly be a more afiang spectacle than - house where so muchthe politics of our c try has b'cen conceil and discussed. |Bl ^ situation of that old :t of the O'Connel fin I |l'"i jL'grtr'pt:''<*nn give an idea < jj^i^^Seen from abo^Bfc*3 gre?" cove, embc in woods, g un rded^Bcj. mountains, whose > locks are gaudy wTCorse and honther, facing a sea sprinkl# with islets, it looks a paradisical retreatX The first glimpse r-^ from the Cahiricveen road ? the road by w L O'Connell pa, 3 frtJn one mass of his I C" property to nnodier-fSbbws bis yacht ridii | a sound in front of bis grounds; and thai view suggests the remembrance of the old B& wbVn.tlie ()'Ciiii;iells of both families?1 B uncle and father?were understood to d others did who lived in situations so favoi J for those commercial enterprises which are f ducted by night. In the wild times of the I century, when defiance of law was rati: i virtue than otherwise, and communication France was an Irish privilege, gentlemen had houses among the bays and sounds <> if west coast, were under every inducemei .. make their fortunes by smuggling. The | ruin of the house where Daniel was born st in an admirable situation for smuggling; |V so does the Abbey; and legends run tlia R[ ability was abundantly used. R * "Smuggling is quite over now, n* the c St guard tell with a sigh And agitation is too. So the one house stands a ruin am , ' 'her is rotting away in damp and neglect, HMks . " j'lliabited ; it is over filled with compati s K.|; it is to'be so lo-niorrow. Hut not neatr'?rM 'S 'ts aPI,earal, t* wirulox stRjne(j vvjt|, datup, out of joint, Bf { rt'Pal,e(|?iirtMiowm'(l ?it is a truly in- lanc spectacle. \|t.ianeholv to all eves, it is i J 80 *r> ''he 'bv}* of those who can go lei g^B / Quarter ot a -nturv and hear again the sli Hjb/ which hailed i. ;|dV(i|it of the Liberator, sc e n-?n'n f',,iack ufoi^R < AU that faTeuffiKeu ^ i'\y, lidlie ajuf pn- ifhu |"Vf fc re. the ha v, vt'hofc fu!J \*afor? aiust I 1 mm ic !;; the whole "a I{ etch of impassable ?T>d^hcn^e> 'Iar^Bplor:i j iter. Th? tide u'ns ottfc^it w;?s too '}4>r I stihy of him whom ifc&eigiibored so t^B^6 * i foifclory swelled high, Auj^grand at on^Bf'V^'- I as its dash and roar? but the title is oflf 1)0 nd it can never return?could never J intcd, if'he had lived; for there i? I e trust, a gradual nphGavNif&of the ig some promise of that reclamation \vhi?J^'v' I icver wouldp-rllovv." "e j American Iron. -> Now is the tiine. tSSfcyor/for AmerieanBd* factors to put their ffbace)$ forges and tr<9jrou I mills in'order, and cJ^jions&afe that thetBPin? ! even,without the factitious jvo!ect!urj^PKri'u" j eminent. "Cmpet? ufcih the $*6rld ov* I duets. T?e stores Ml rori i^<&j j ted hi view?f proifivtiv# kfgj/ff!'. v-oA.rfcmffig ,,f :$k?lfiL Britain?-^ve been Wts'al U?* raU'simtil ^ Irc.exbausle^nd \vhile ?>iir^en>andjsrapj%'1 ful sut>i'lvtifrym abroad mBqut short, The 13 consequence is that.Iron, ft ail kind.,, has ntanageir:ent can again flux rt the market. We see it slated in authority Id t'v?S5i!1'fcr?,?v'ia?; ^1C r'se ,n- ^ror'' ,n a 'o weeks, has been such as to give several Hail ijs road Companies promts, between prices pan _ for Stock, and'the price it now bears, of h'un ^ dreds of thous^ds of dollars. Also, thatyna ofc ny Railroad Cwractors are being riiinedTF a. jhc rise. The t^trartcirs of the St. Lorn r K^^^ViJL it is.said, lose over 3300,000 b' ^ the advance ra^fl^^iDCe their contract .jrM We have heard it stoutly anfrrTTfedti^^eni sylvania Iron and Coal operators?onp?T|djst ^ of the most careful and. clear-headod .sort^ that a majority of the futrlv located fu ft aces < that state if advantage is taken of all facilitie and the. supervisory expenses kept within di nt_ m>L a., f??ni , 7 bounds1 turn oui i ig fey $15 per ton, with a living profit at that.flS Now that Pig Iron rises to double that, rat there is nothing to preveot'the successful op n a tion of our Iron Works without regard to tl tariff. ' We sincerely hop^flflHHn Iron facto will seize upon this fSRSS'rmc to orga at ize their operations the irnpet "<,n thev will naturally gJUKe present v usually favorable eircu*M|, they can re ?ru? successfully upon thenfl Knd never rot tfui' look to Washington foHHSo long as ct ^ e T'1 V ?"< 'U^H\s Vd\V cpal sjo ri 'r,ct ducts 3000 Utiles to bur market, and fore ? heavy barrier.of duty besides. Now is JST.9 time to illustrate not only the practicabil 7 but ibe beauty of Free trade?to teach n t0 baugnty nations of Europe that we cart, in uot staples of our enterprise, strength and weit r0.m' be proudly independent of them without >tn,? bolster of Government protection. That w .?U! stout bands and clear heads we can fight 1 battle of manufacturers, commerce, and n,oe 1 tional progress, on a fr c, open field. ,aac: . Hume Journal trenfc , . m : . The Bfortir and the South. Ie ag The Baltimore American, in reply to vas- sn?ers so,hu Northern journals at mo from meuls to advance Southern commercial ini ,ects ests' 8:l>'s: light " ^at?s l^e *? without that sailed, vituperated, agitated, convulsed Sou Nay?what can it do without it? Whal the basis of its commerce ? What is the hi j?f its industry ? What is the basis of its u *r chftnge ? What is tlm basis of its manu b ?' tures? What feeds the looms of England i France? What builds and fieights its shi| illicit j]ar(j as jt may he for that region to acknr visit e(jg0 t|h, fact) (jie on|y reply Is: The Soi 1 nc mifiiititiou ^ Rice, 215,312,710 pounds. ,sscd Tobacco, 109,752,040 pounds. 3rcJ Cotton *2,270.000 bales. ,l"d Cane Sugar, 247,581,000 pounds. llke Maple "11 3',309,886 pounds. of. J Molasses, 12,700,600 gallons, htcb ^|j j|jjs vnsl production of national staple arSe the substantial basis of Northern manufueti IS In and cyininww?is the result of Southern t,-8ea bor, independently of immense quantities ('a)8 provisions, hemp, flax, cattle, and various ot 8 articles grown in Middle, and Western Sta a as where ' the institution' is maintained. E thoni out by a blow?and where is the Nc con" as well as the South? And shall not t 1 'a8^ South he justified heartily by all its parts, 101 a consistently wither// its own interests, it Wl consolidate the trade of supply and product ?..w witliin that geographical boundary which ah ' t,ie tionisin or its kindred tricks cannot pcnetra ll .I" The South must feel that as long as an ag tor lives at the North, wicked enough to a * tertaiu his unconstitutional heresies, and pi '".l( crful enough to find a press or a politician ' 1 ie herald them?there is no security for its pr erty ! It is admitted that this property! (>,ist its lahor are the foundation of national wea o\ei fjjgy ur^ morever, not only the basis of ' j1' tional wealth, but among the strongest i ' meats of national power. The emblem of IN m,> W 'll'Oil \ ? ^ ? , ti?. It has been beautifully said, that "the \ tin- whioh covers the face of futurity is woven holv lhe hand of Mercy." Seek riot to raise t nost ve"< therefore, for sadness might l?e. seen ?k n shade the Inow that fancy had arrayed outs 8rniles of gladness." itch- He that envies, makes another man's ' lane tue his vice, and another's happiness his t long metit; whereas, he that rejoices at the pi haro perity of another,-is a partaker of the sauj< '^s^jj * I v " M | ?tncrai ItfiDs. Tj Si ate Govcriuiisiit. ] fcfe following is an abstract of an Act making ' ip3p?nfions for the year commencing in Oc~ j "$alary of the Governor,. 0 3,500 ^Trivatc Secretary,.-. 500 . . Messenger : - 250 Contingent J? una or mwuii.c ^r... _ ' - nietit 7,000 Inent^rf-Governor's House . 300 Legislative Department? Piv Members of Legislature, Attorney /General and Solicitor 21,000 r;(M of Senate and House of Reprej^iitatires, 81,000 dach 2,000 Aswstant Clerks'of do- $250 each... 500 , Two Messengers and Two Doorkeepl ers, each $250 1,000 , ' Keeper of State House and Librarian, 700 # Pending Clerks of Senate and House *>*5of^Kepresentatives, each $250.... 500 ooo fising Clerics. iw rs of Senate and Douse of RepjBtatives 9,000 r of Journal and Documents.. 3,750 3aft, for .Contidgcut Expenses, 1,200 iery, Fuel, Distributing Acts, lion Returns 1,400 Miase of Books for .Library 500 ir'of. State Douse and Grounds.. 500 AissHHt-ofLegisbttm-e. 5,00C jtlfilCJARY DEPARTMENT? j \~&8\sries of ten J udgcs at $3,000.... 30,00C Atl orney General..; $ 1,1 Of Five Solicitors, $900 each 4,50( , Glerk of Appeals, Columbia 00( \ ? Messenger 25< Librarian 201 ; Books for Library...' 50< ' i- firewood and Fuei 5< ' Ciej-k;of Appeals, Charleston CO / Messenger. 25 1.^ ^Librarian 20 - v Firewood and Fuel..... 5 - ' Rnnfes f()r Library 50 ft- "SSiiary of State Reporter. 1,50 s Pay of Jurors and Co'ustables. 40,0C f TlS|asury Department? s SlUary of Comptroller General 2,0C ? Clerk of do 7; i*1 treasurer of L. Division and Clerk liire 2,0( ionor in Equity, ShcriflyDlerk, and Ordinary, of ? Newberry district if f . ?502, can ft ? ion . < . - RECAPITULATION. ^ Executive Department ?11,55' . Legislative ^Department 47,25' 1,1 Judiciary department 80,30' c 11 Treasury Department 7' 15' m. South "Caiolina College 39,001 0 Ordinary Civil Expenses 137,97i Military Expenditures 37,801 . . Local Expenditures 7,42i ,in' Public U^ldings 41,30) 'J'l Miscellaneous:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 81,00) t!^ Extraordinary Expenses::::::::::::::::: 10,5 ich' ? ?502,50 Tlir CoJfon Crop. ;e'' A wriKr in the Mobile Tribune furnishes t paper wB| an estimate of the probable amo hat 0f j]ie efion crop. He estimates the whole ceipts ajb^twecn 0,500.000 and 0,000,000 bfi 1,1 He argis that notwithstanding the immense crease f the present crop of cotton, there is v slight Bason, indeed, for producers to nnlieif rir a grenjdverease in prices. On the contrary, or- is of tfr- opinion that a little firmness on the| os- of hollers would, in a short time, reinstate k mark?at or abput former rates. r * f '* II f f 1 i i i HBSNfo^ o o f b ,~Siion s?cc^ tlunk |uhl^Hto tc--t. Yr \^ pricesv& and.til c.ss^^myCcu\aU?" '' U,fuie oU^eijjf "! ;' I I v uitW naycr. ; . ' I ) Tin Pokk Tiiadk.?At and around ) villc, uih'I) (?> Sunday night, there had ) '21.885 kEled ; still in the fens. 29.400.^BM ) nuiiihi railed exceeded the ent\re receijflPfl ) last ye ?oy 25,000. The roadside still fl I y cd witi droves on the way in. The poH B ) ready arreled and . tint shipped\ enveB B q acres ground,and the bulk to bc^addt^K^n 0 cover 11 much more space.. B I 0 PricB of hogs, and their product c? I 0 high, virh sales Saturday of 1,400 ho^.-fl^H 0 the ho ks .at G 1 2 c. and J,000 at Yi^B^S i0 Sales af 2,300 barrels of mess pork ify ?17, i0 and 400 barrels of rumps at 814. Sales of 23,50( ^pieces of shoulders and hams frolri the 10 block ( 534 a C c. for the former, and 8 1-8 1 -f.inrt >0 n8 1 4 c. for the latter, also a suiooi *w uuivc)0 prime lard at 10 c., and for a larger lot 1C )0 1-4 c. as refused. 30 JTht &t.fLouis News estimates tlmt the hoj prpdn t for that section, including points oj 30 the' I pper Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois )0 will I: s equal to that of last year?say fror 00 150,0 0:to 1(50,000 head. - | ? 00 The-?vnnsvi]]c Journal, of last Wednesday 00 says (- p* " . .. 00 So/far.as we can learn, there will probab] be afiout 10,000 hogs cut up here this scasnj 00 which i.v.a considerable advance overiaj 00 yeati. The hugs of this year arc heavier thl i00 tho|e|of last. We quote heavy hugs at and if demand. : ] 100 Thl number of hogs arrived at Madison pj 100 rnihaad up to Saturday night last, th^.l*4l 50 m?t.,[was Of), 118 against 43,201 saunj jdJ >00 latl jlear.? Cincinnati Enquirer, Dec. 22. i m^l^-HES of Mexico.?At a recent meetings DOOleflKw York Geographical and Statisti/alw Col. Ramsey, who wa^-in trod need] t#g >cn 400 500 oo 5 oo Tm^Hm|HBHg^^HH^^H t-vel Stand re. fn B i Lniatai hot, sn;^n f I kern iqjrrcat nbundancc^^H^^^^HHB 000 ]w>hicS>n the valley, sail^J^^HflM|^^H | Ji'?u cqq), which is produced iinKBfl|^B| 500, Oh'wsjax, corhineal en (I've, tobae^?^?H 800) are [ipfiucvd abundantly. In sliort^^^H speakAit is the most beautiful country 000 pri??1 ucili,i? of all kinds of agricultural pfo^B 100 knows Some of the plantations produce al 500 enuejlTO to *80.000 per annum. Eveiy v? 020 ty oflleo that form articles of con|wierce is ? 200 to nSfind in tin; valley. The mineral we? 1 I of '.iS^umtry argues the speaker is very g? (too| (!<>ldlfsilver, tin, iron, quicksHier, omen? ^jooj itc.,pe. to be found in great nbtjndnteggflH n|)0 jtoin^je in the city of Mexico hst year joj 100,80 k of which $2,4000^000 wis [?0 I V|R(;:XI.\ AND IN'EW YOU .?6ovcfc^^^H ?50 .sonhns transmitted a metango U^hejL^HH C )0 (of Virginia on the subject of therecoLj^BH mii the Lorn slave ease. IIe .^ays^ i 30 cisjfcn has not a single precedent to I'hat if other tribunals confirm jthcAv'^BM lrm ! mnat .lnsfroV tllflt eOlllitV wllicil sh('Vl a;; i si?p 1 i igjt in the case had been remoj by Ifcjjhe Supreme Court of the Stb 000 1 >ut I am informed that byiv0 tributions, of a portion of tlngrp Vc^ fu\\y uld subsist between the sister &at?of this liii-Vion. and as I think with the ^\Wk i8ot the. ^ylHAr of the Constitution itself, j f jatc if in this I am mistaken if flic st|uo, of h(Nf * 9 I .U(l or home sa'ivv^Vr**^-"1C*?3 1. f man n fVV^r^MBB Id 1 Imt Geiiertk'\^9r' pnco > but one' Waj^ already Htcd of inHHHH was brought civilians >,rW the African hardly; be sati&fcj^^fl^^HjBBH little^U hnzitrded|^^MHH^^KH ral Seolt live,H General I iq-cogiing ndtuinistP^H|^BSH|KH I ovvn^measnrcs. . $] H Ij Gob, Pierce in B^itrfn ' I t&j)e^^^B W\ op.Mr. Hunter in the finjfftio^^HH I nS' ^'s doubted bj^lr|iliir?^B ; wither, be wSll/vio<.lfc A cyhjRj^H r ,,S ? - A T' W.K ei^HH t Secretary or State mliat tLW. |t is now saidfthatf VVjimot' Proviso njrfJlrJjjl tD|uble, ^L.r * /v'A v "hHKHH ?V A stria, 1 mviAdfr c id will convey 'W& 1 over the teJ? Prow?dT?be||s''W? lhis neg^B011 wjwoh?neii(W>tie yea ago, and br? ?fi' '^eoniotJnJfW the r f'usal of theSr'1 hi^ecninent wrtdnlnip tl proposition Hp ^0,feiny. f % ' Should tH?l>vowon dm Aluded at sent to CotJji j} ^isUthcrfchrg^ tH distinct ora^H^i'st^ it must*fcitifie i the Senate ;Hp*ei1 &- cannot?? lefiei I its terms, ui?S*-' e'l:&je8 \vhiy otninit. He died fn thj>il >y ^R^8*