i i ii i.iiL.in I'HIHI' HHMiTjMii? ^ffiffE^?ftH|i^8BP^MSlifftW s|ufl :T^^fir3*ftH" *y ? ' ^ TO- ~~r ar* IM 'T^* " v^Br".- >^~X..'r?yns?aHr^ttEl?Cj^'" 'jL_:' '; MMigctigfllClOT Mml I R K! 'w , H 1 B / B B i jhr m *-- _ - l.->^fl mStoTb^ JaHSSfflKlBMBBallaifflBBnafffiMiffl a 11 af S I / P m r "* $ ?.: - a JpW' MI - ^wrtBPflMHi?!^^j^W|iBM|MHaHMHff%^ - // "ilriH iU 11 ? vk/i *Mf ;*re S?>4x -8:1^yfe?;/Tl- 3 ^>v ^1 j b/b| 9] S S>& u W|? 'il 0' ^t^2^B9^^HKi^ /ro~ 1 ^ ftr . v- 7 sjf Tj ^{nHBHDMrajMM WWmmw ?T PgnWpBjW lW|H||HgiWB|Mri iiT^ntiTiryrimHffTllWWlCTnittlBnaBrW sv - vl niFiia^r^?^ ?i 199HM?m ?^'/zl i M^Hfl We r.II rh999k> of HM^JwaUeiiuateJ ? SHIR? b?3 M*s tt'"(^'r i'e HbJSHHHH^HHMB?"^^^? ^ ?d^ gHHHBxeaks at i'verybHE^BfiKjDnHBH?S9HB^^HS|MQ Hu^ 8.jCharicstcn. jreC^ae.that this UMTibk'^^9fiB^39H?^^RfiMH2S^H3BS(^^5 ^^fccKr;utc8i:i Charleston. BBRk4 e.\t(j[ ,0 which it lias gotM^^^HEflSSjnraKKQHHMHHSfwgflM B^Kfc^lenwttid up to the time oft Bffi3^SBwfiBjBBKHB8^HKsMCT9 SfflKaothiaLvh?'j| This wro gE^HnBilnp to be in city th ^HhBSM9|H^^ShS^^9||^^hB RfgW,tj6S?Mk: "c*'ce another coliuni)^E8^B^BflSfl||^^^^KE8?CM^ rmmSEttrc the JHKirpast m> KVffi iflffihasarrived,bringing Iw^Sk U; '' ^Q ^oUo:i :;: r; R^,x^h. v51 MT-?,M?Willie. % fie-4 ' 9 mm Ko'n10^ a ^ a-u of as a prVpcr perport (V^l ?| J|' \ ^IM&Sisfcji pi;=t;The jttlw illie. V^BB^l- McWillie an oil A|&^) f fl j^^gffl^eiukir.nn. of great pj beet fifr, T^ttffine talent, sound judl Ira ",': Mfauulifiraticns. His lj J^BBaBSBSSwBSSI^S^Bm jft . -fflPHgee that wouli rilsarl ^^MGgMHHBSHBR&HffiSSnB K/' ,t|fto?ition, and it may 1 .^^H9j^En^BMflBflBB^ra9|R H JHvlil prove acceptali and personal ? aBgBP^^HBaili 1 nrolina^yfr^^y*"^^^ 67^709, whit S^gHtjHj^Eom puled at $28i,-^|HHHH99B|^^HRSH|^^^M|^B HSbb. is rceaiih^^HKjHSH^HRfiK^^SfiSBS^^H ^^88to vv' ^ew ^atr,p^>'<'> mmm^mbw|^BWH^b SHM^^Hk Jersey,Delaware 9nHHHHu|, North Carolina ^HSfil&RHIflBSjSRH'uSSBl nESMKfiJj^^Louisiaita, Tex* in|mBHHHHMuUH BMnOBggg^K Indiana, Jllinoj, I^HSMQb^B^8BKEBB^H@^B^S 8BH|iMBHMBi:aiitorrda. N? second, MassKaRM^MBB^??r!:i:> fifth. Ha. <^HEEflBflRHBfl8fl|^Bra|^BHB South Carolij| 9jjgrreiQoeer to a proSkate tyf0jj^tbptK,(| nB&SBm' dPmesr^our Pfysical ind imftiil'tnSl ^?? SfL:t^P*Sm.- J Kf 9>pcrj ^ mutu;,l re-ajltion.!^ y sfi?'nat'Qif?!J ?033 / Jlity f,'*?nse ploasurj ult&e9 I j;?1 Djir ?n$ 1? 1 V Mspscepwgf to intense iorrof j? uPf :'4'8 tgf dp jfreMLll V Muatiorj a"d'on every oc(?sionLre. ^^n?^or,e^SKI V Jfcay to & firm, resigned, knodJ?;j1} j f^^^H|Pcopfo|Z$ J BBC^r/JQe8're8Jf te 'n yoor (enjojSL. f ve^ to iw*m Mr r,T avof#'?e pursuit of de/isivafe,^ 7 f#V ? I)ersP'wt J K tranquility. *w [""fMw efi?dd-jiiqf?0IB WldH?'r*; llflpP->' Ifnf^%l'r 38jBr 1 | sat/d^l'feXeit,ot'00S jridn^ fr?, crjijfj rltH KsSpiue j-jd :3>f rooi'J ,(> :-1 ' j investUhyssu}}? rfl u o n roportions true $?gi r0Ta'(1?:"' v . Iiuntyjg or Remove it by all the | ?*#!*. indulge, u?f, iihfia- |'ie trtuw ( fthout rfftiofing tilt- J?fcj tbwigl ives tl/ affection of I1 kola or IflSB^entloi*. if cal- r'eloftlic If suffering]? w't.01" p;i 11 Hrmncs- vkfiitt iou'i'lod b: nation to Rv ;;/ gt fldrie HKB^^Bdss of his Jf;l'I?> eqnsi Itevure v? ana Hi ^HHEmRum h|^| ^ic> ^v\ HBaBwBWBf7* $ t /)(. rutu?tile tiling either, and'jfctro bftJnHnce od fitting detract r flWfthe Inttcf di- wolJW '?u cn^^jR?r loud talk" ed aftrdii lo cWphng in order. i??n". Sfcurr a^Wjr, industrious. J date, e c f)l^*Hre ?f tidying- law\ rot ftWyftht time, 'iy ?^BlJfeered over." ^ 8r t i^fflBBrtnblv. They asse] nti k?Jorf?wtherphiverii^ trus] I k f ir. You ml t0 ?j fsei Lockings than ' 5bod bedding Cu pc r Chairs are rose* tn< ar sit ting up- ridiaf k>\ uental. Eve- the J >r? ug, comforts- the t >1< ig yourself in a wat? p ? *?' frne employ- wiod^^ ently snatch if II break bis It 1.1 b made it. | you 4| Sen- v , ^ap,a"??. --Tl Yo> k 11 ,T 1 " ^' jou imj, ,lie f,r t>.... e ?' lJ>? tt fif.-JI > i?'o Hay o," o-ji" ! ?"S liiO maij. ^rrMfe , y remcW &J"'= ?**?| ?/,> o ' "tntlon. -Thn ,n '! 1 ^ pnafc Sip-uc,nff t'vjnsnorlted ? HUI l,u,fj . the,, &Hr?* W 0/ water some ne nvec T....I e hi. Ei- -11niI1 t) tins' frotn which race they aire o igiti >ot. Tfie Lapps in general a>e o mi< The/ have large heads, nhjor . ne rown/red eyes, owing to thexon-l tlioK' hiits, high" cherc cultivated, enterprising an ind n *thu,4g of Russia, and jnak'Arbghl st privations and hardsbioL ' he rt latter have not more thanjgOO eindi foriuer poss(?s from 20Q(Jlo 3 H30;; iijii Norway, whoever owiMfroi j 40C a for a man in moderat^oin imsfi 206., a small family with; pre icr'pi live without suffering want, lrtit.lt uhinber plunges a fainilypin^ alft f.poverty. Whoever lias not ni rejh i\herd to that ofsoine rich tn is sonant?almost his slap' atvd (he proper season, to follow ]^ l to t! ' &h???'grounds. ' me', and the flesh of the reMideor ? of the fislieniicMi in barter eukes^minglin# the meal vwttjtil irk of tWw. For (his purples til , Mffckwl in cold water, an/1 tluj dikl | ft hot iron. They are eaten with bill Ii oil, which is esteemed a urejit bil i^ir^jQkery is nil done in K^^H^BTtl i ei r anils stml the milk wtt-li i*cl ^BHfl^Pwornen eonsi& till j ^^einarkable for itRlea4n| ^^RTly sale in Norway a& ratio |le Russian Lapps have, idejo Hose from their reindeer niilkAhoik' V'"V., w.u,lu H-uunui, . 'tJifiTC to them. This milk ji (]is.'f fl'Vor; i? culorL tij.ck cream from thfe* ^remarkably nourishing'' W 7TLES OrtLAHKI).?The f!i,?;n f?.o Q,,?rtep Ses.io.fs '!,s thus '^Porti'd by the !??{,, 9-indi^OJier bosband for aLa?i &fmnutSchnHlep the ffc". c-' Tbe/ wee returning home to ^gon, from market?the huabaiii ' ' pccketpistoJ,' well Jiwded J* tog sundry 'Wig*,' until 1, ?La/ , re"l0,,!>ti*ated earn i lSS Si"( t' W,'fch aro,,st'd th %lord and he commenced abusin. l'|l r"M^ J?"d ft hot. Judge Jones changed wife's act of breaking:ti< "?t kstit'y the husband in stinkiq; ^ '/i|\gh a wife had no right to df S?0(]\ lind chattels of a husband, !i ^as(an exception ; that a wife wu istiiiable in seizing her husoand: wherever she could lay hands onj y it; and that in this instance tl< did no more than what a scnsilli ght to have done.. Thojury reqdr ;t in accordance with this sound bp; i bottles may, therefore, from/ ti ;ai.-idered without the pale of ' ection." 1 i rust a man for the vehemence ofj ons, whose bare word you would tf nave gill make no more of swcari bood, than of adirming it. B'EMPtoYMfiNTiN CriOKcn.?The Mo lard- states, that no sooner does the r ir boom forth from the steeple cloclt V. nan s.h ehurch on a Sunday, tl Filial pa* t congregation who may be possessc< ul! them out and narrowly scan i to the fractional part of a second sites a kind of "crawnjill" conced th^i), up and shifting of index hand* ircfcwas turned into some huge w| a sfcame, if any person poorer'li noricontented than you. s I fi A i I A m x I iw ~ -f I \ ?* . : ' ' Thn Wo/?i:-< *-?____ _ ?^ ?cuiuunt */Hurca r'ooL We are indebted to the New .Voi^fetynmerj .ve- .' cial Advertiser, for the following repoVt jn-eseut state ofthe Metiiodist Church suit in, i.OUO New York. To many of odr readers it .wuT e are. be very interesting: . A>e>> It will be remembered that this ease was four argued in the United States"Circuit Court ftf*. pfc*.) i the Southern District of New York, at thej Koh*,'j May term, 1851, before Judges Nelson audi &dv , Belts; and that, in November fi.Mowing,T^udg-eg i6vei^j Nelson pronounced a decision in favor *wfithe! no to ; complainants, who; sued, on behalf era- j ; my- . 6elves and of their associate beneficiar^P^ t| pot i. [ nected with the Methodist Episcopate Chm-cn (' lmer South, for n pro rota portion of the pe^pert^ of j ?sb\ :t!io Methodist Book Concern in tliflC|it^ of ill of: New York.:. In pursuance, of tho teru*^^rtv' (he enc?{ decree, a reference was had before the cleik of i that t le court to ascertain and report upon tiqigg^ue ^ ^kc^of-tlie properh-,,and ,upou.jUher magewr^B i - volved in the questions hereafter menfiotfetff 1 Urtit^The comraia'stoners for the South, with their ,} ffty' counset v*ere present at the reference in"'April j i ~r~ri i.tsi, uHRiiit: hook agents also appeared with ; < ( (Miiisel. Considerable testimony was taken jt 'Hit? on ?ite reference, and th& whole matter waj^r-'^ this- jrnod in May before .the re fere nee, "who. "report-. ed thereon As to the questions wherein the ck- icounsel differed, he decided generally fi^ 'the . r?i'e defendants, (the -North.) The complairifints, ? je'V being dissatisfied with tlie rejiort, look excep- ; -p lions to it; in consequence of which theii'afi a roe' tor was brought before the court, andy-iif Oc> \ .tober-.|if8t it was again argued by Daniel-Lord ? > of lor the cotnp&nauls, and by E. L. Frat^olnrr " l'.h- for the defendants. ol *r?i We now learii that the Judges. (Nelsoojaud p, Ih Beits,) having deliberated-upon the ctMl^'hre ot 'tQ. divided in opinion upon (hie principal qii?tionS, in hmwg on the ex'options to the report; PU" they have, consequently,ordered the poin|| op ipjjjfc "*-s which they differ to lie sent up to the Su^jfemeL^ Court of the United Stifles, for decision by thj^T m tribunal. VVe understand that a Dhaf dehpe Iffi 1,(' cannot be entered in the case until the dira#bn an Kfc StimWiiW ( 'niift'iiHrtV-YiiA nn,'v"* | I , |M?|II C? JjfpHIJUU g??] ie, to it shrtll be sent l?:u-k to the CircujHCourt. Fi Nor can the ?lefemlaii ts, should tludfelect to Sti re appeal from the decree of Novemb?l85l, de- w c'r cidi'ng the main question of thqmght of the Se ^ South, take such appeal until ihJRhal decree ; j0t ^ in the the cause is entered. -J/gF' 'nil a.' Tt was contended Tor thafSoiith, on . the nr- j n$ gomentof the exceptions J# the clerk's report, f f that the Southern benefiociries were entitled t(i hhj ^ he paid their portion oftfpiyidt'od*, according to the profits as yearly r&nrted by the book firs % agents co the Annual 5p?mference; that the jjp> '/Vj share of the Sr.vth in th^capital was to be as- -Jfr jgLccrtained accordinf 1845; and that whatever, nin, b the share was, it should not he paid iu cash, but a fu l that the capital imist be portion^ under the him ( decree of the Cdoft, l?v apportionment of the pro< * specific effects tf5All conl p$wer is given unto me," dtc. The speaker that ^ ilftstrnted very forcibly, and at length, the do- this nunion and power of the Saviour, portrayed Just the purposes which his power subserves, and case " educed encouragements to those who labor in poli< Zion. Other able sermons and stirring appeals havi wire given upon missions, the Bible cause, eda- maji 5 cation, dec. Interesting reports, u(ipn various in t t bines, were read, and animating discussions calU were held, which evinoed that, of Alabama N ; Bhptists, a large number, .at Iea$t,v are quite bear ak'ake upon the: great questions tcf-esngage the Unl i Christian world. The report upoithe state of ion, ^ rlligion presented the cheering intefligonce, that up t :C tie churches were never more prosperous, and Hon p tijat some 5,000 have been added by baptism sive if.^tlje past year. The financial reports exhibited but raised for benevolent objects, 84^30; be- thin " I .1 n?i 'it a __ . sffles the amount ior tne didig cause 01 near on i j, $5,000. The report eliciting by far the great- and ,a! est interest was. on theological education. This relie clrtopic was tbe burden of much deliberation, of Slav urgent appeals, and of many fervent prayers, ed t IAji " educated ministry" is the imperious de- blot lanireind at the present crisis.* \ lie v The two principal literary institution! under the \ I \ t . ' ' I ' - 1 i . i ^^Richard Eell?=, a warm lienrled, benevolent an I ali and. U%% sha ded, under a estate of Illinois, for. bar boring, tba ifciecreting a fugitive slave; waa-conyicted aiid; pur iketiced lopay a fine of four hundred dollar*.- Ce() W gitivc slave bad a right'to.seize him and take out of the State where. ^u?(T, wthput w ess; and, 2d, that the exclusive power of le^ ?ting upon the subject, of fugitives frbmscr- cu]$ is vested in Congress! :n c;t eiiator Chase is well known lo -holil the opinr Qr f^ that no such rights of seizure and deportrb 'elv^ exists in the master; and .th.ut tha power to rhiteou. the subject of fugitives from' &Fvice at in Cougress at iiil, but exclusively in the e Legislatures. That is the "free Democrat- a'uC?; ioetnues, and it vrill l>e seen at once ttia!4 opinion operatesagainst His orn client. In iing his argumentto the Court, he adverted .is own opinions, and to his endeavors to im- _D s them npoti the Court; hut, having failed in c attempts, lie now clnimed the benefit of the ^Jj idiention in tho Prigg case for his client in suit. He argued: " bL Thnt ihe power of Legislation on the sub- . ?3 of fugitives from service having been held to * xelusive in Congrevyall State legislation u jibe same subject must necessarily be void. * ^ d. That if Congress and the State Legisla- jW , possessed concurrent powers of Legislation, ,^.3S I s tlie opposing argnment.) the exercise of the *"at er by Congress, must dccessarilv supercede c-ej' exercise of the same power by a State Legis ai7 ? re; and therefore mane hat Congress having by law prohibited the ^cv<: soring and secreting of fugitive servants oh- ^ , a penalty payable to the claimant, no act of e legislation prohibiting the same acts under -v?' naltj payable to the State, could be valid. at or /?he argued?can tho same man, for the n a a offence ami at the same timo, be arrested jyiue lational officers and State officers; be tried in , a onal courts, and in State courts; and in case ne' ? on-paytaeut ot penalty be imprisoned in na- s, al jails, and State penitentiaries! c'ianl d. That tho right of the State to legislate d not be successfully asserted on the ground s 1 , it was a simple police power. To sustain I10111 .position, he quoted the opinions of Chief t,01b ico Taney and Judge Daniel in the Prigs Ul "ll : and further argued that c\en if it were a am* s je power, still the whole power of legislation ng been vested in Congress, according to the ato(* srity of the Court, no part of it could remain know he States, by whatever name it might be suc'1 >(p of lisl To one can fail to sec tlie important political ^ sl! ing which the decision in this case must have. co,n 1 ess the Supremo Court reverses its own opin- c'.,ccli (long ago delivered, and ever since looked t'ons ;o as the highest exj>o?ition of the constitual law, and declaris that there is no etfclu- ' He 0 jurisdiction either in Congressw the States, ^all that their power is concurrent,) one of two anc* ' gs must result?either all State enactments . ho subject must fade from the statute books, llon ! the plaintiff in error in the present caso be :ved from his sentence; or, the v?ry Fugitive e act of Congress, which so recently convuls- J101"1 he land, must be declared invalid, ancf he ,ts el ted from the pages of federal law. The pub- Ifvill await, with deep interest, the decision of least, Court. trust *7 ?'}y - ' .* y', - v ' - * ' ^ ' t. 'JEfit 0 Legisj nf# TTi ii7 iTiiiil^fhnK ' * f'"'^MlF ii^SPfrfmt^B^Bi r Pi^fe^r ??^$r bTJ^MpP^B deliver out in navme'nt I Imrfd upg&^or J fej^nk.^ .^F^5' 6r ,P3per' f I XgQltyyylyjprthe duty of the Pre?H/a3 ^Jtirec^SIWSe said Bank,'whenever:?^8 tof the funded debt of the StateJ (ei/?5^B| three per cent.-'stock,) cad be iM under par, to purchase the sarpe tftfaMf 1 tbe sinking fontf,, and tafeftfc / the Bank, as they aro annually nefer%. - Hgj0 stiffs to cni^^WS^aidi.r.pf the sinking $ jflj to'- in'^ucH-nlgMiJMi to show at '' iHB mcs whatpart^ofaT| Dfltfffs,- notes, stocks ;:i the said fund. *" 4gjjjS||fl ' fi""V/4"r 'e t'T t |?J corporation or * jflfl ^ ;^^r*!pia this Slate, diy 1;r jt'dirc^y'^ay. ojit, pass or patin cir- 9 1 cau|Brarjm! out, passed or pu', ' . -lati'.n.1 ; WBBfote, lii 11, certificate "^PlH iflffl^^HM^iebteduess, wliatso" ^ . .-:8 p.irpM/Ur g u^M?bank-note, or of the 'vrj^M HHpnMQB^trflncc of a ban It-note', ^XflH jlesa/amaiWBvr ^nomination than five -4H^B 5^?S^SjD|^&^ting to be issued, by I bank, gffljffiwj^suciation of persons,: jaM v "< iher s1:ii'o,1sn;j-be subject to the payc of t .ventVoof!?|to be recovered by ac- atl if debt-at the siiiyf the State, and ap-, Iriated one-half toie informer, and tlHn to the mainten^e and repair of the Sk. I Ic buildings in thejstrict where the aclis brought. H B^cr. to prevent obstjtious to the passasre * fish up Lyuch's Cfc ^ 'r I Be it enacted by tKcuate and House of sjentptivea, now mehd sitting in Gen?.ft?1 nbiy, and by Jthe ftcr may erect any ledge or hedges, or snt obstruction of to the passu^HHHB^mi^^^H otherwise, near its junction who shall i single seine such direction as to prevcniiB^^^flH^^^^HH^^H^^B id ufapdc-ltfl r\r ,,-Ka rc aivivcutu) v? nv ouctu UfCiJ r channels for the said Creek, and ertct arn^^^^^H obstructions in or across the channel or ncls thus opened, although a passage of tif- 'fl feet may apparently be left unobstructed, all V person or persons shall be subject to indict- Mm in the Court of Sessions,yand upon convieshall be punished by tine or imprisonment, th, not exceeding five hundred dollars fine ' ix months imprisonment. That all owners or occupiers of lands situ- Ml upon the said Creek, who shall wilfully and ingly permit or suffer the, erection of any y obstruction as aforesaid to the free passage / i up said Creek, such owner or owners shall'., bjcct to indictment and punishment upy ction as those who shall bo convicted^ , '"."i^BBB ing maintaining or using the said obsr" ?^^^B '. That one-half of all lines iru posey f this Act shall go to the inforn^* ? J^BH^H be a competent witness to prove t/1 L~V ? H ;he other half to the Commission^ ? ,,.:cr 'WH uildings of the District in whidr,c c ' ill all be bad. j ie word daisy is a thou1 ty ;ymolegy, " the eye of $ " you ever promise ^ that it be so as nobp'y J n